All people experience the unpleasant feeling of nausea from time to time. It appears for various reasons and indicates some changes in the body. Since nausea is not a disease, but a symptom of a specific problem, there is no point in treating it. You just need to find out why it appears.

Some women complain that they regularly experience nausea. This happens in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Is it normal? What to do if you feel sick before your period?

Nausea before menstruation can make itself felt due to various circumstances. Each woman is individual and everyone has a different level of health. But there are three main reasons why you feel sick before menstruation:

  • pregnancy;
  • non-gynecological reasons.

When it's all about PMS

What is PMS, many representatives of the weaker sex know firsthand. Very often, women experience this condition on a regular basis. For someone, premenstrual syndrome occurs almost a week before the appearance of blood, and someone feels it directly on the day of the expected menstruation.

If nausea before menstruation is part of premenstrual syndrome, then other symptoms may also accompany it:

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • rash;
  • increase / decrease in appetite;
  • emotional depression, etc.

Such disorders occur due to hormonal changes. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the processes of favorable bearing of a child in a woman's body. Their attitude towards each other plays a very important role and is reflected in the well-being of the "hostess".

Before the onset of menstruation, the level of these hormones rises significantly, as the uterus is ready for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If the process of fertilization does not occur, the level of progesterone drops dramatically, and estrogen remains in the same amount as before. Such a sharp drop in hormones can provoke a deterioration in the condition of a woman.

How to distinguish pregnancy from PMS?

If a woman has not previously encountered such phenomena as dizziness and nausea before menstruation, and then they suddenly appeared, the reason may not be PMS at all.

The above symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are very similar to the manifestations of pregnancy. Indeed, pregnancy is easily confused with PMS, especially before a missed period. If there is reason to believe that a woman is pregnant (for example, there was unprotected sex in the middle of the cycle), you can check this.

At such a short time, gynecological examination and ultrasound diagnostics are not yet informative. In this case, a woman can determine pregnancy in two ways:

  1. do a pregnancy test;
  2. take a blood test for the level of hCG.

If you do a pregnancy test, it is better to buy the one that is more expensive. It has better sensitivity and can detect pregnancy a few days before menstruation.

A more accurate result will show a blood test for the level of the hCG hormone. 10 days after conception, this study is very likely to give a reliable result.

It is important to remember that if pregnancy is suspected, a woman needs to be as careful as possible. After all, it is at such an early stage that the born live embryo is most vulnerable. And there are a lot of factors that can adversely affect its development and even life:

  • medicines;
  • sports training;
  • alcohol;
  • poor quality food, etc.

Other causes of nausea

Nausea, weakness, dizziness and similar disorders are not always associated with gynecology. This condition can occur, for example, in the following cases:

  • food or alcohol poisoning;
  • manifestations of other diseases.

But, since the body is weakened before menstruation, the symptoms of nausea that occur for these reasons are felt especially acutely.

When poisoned by poor-quality food or drinks, the body may react with nausea and vomiting. Thus, it gets rid of harmful toxins, clearing itself and preventing them from penetrating deeper.

Active sports or heavy housework on the eve of menstruation can also cause nausea, dizziness, and rapid overwork. This is due to the fact that with an intense load, the woman's uterus presses on the spinal cord, which causes discomfort.

Gastrointestinal diseases are manifested by just such signs as vomiting, stool disorder, dizziness, nausea, etc. If the menstruation has passed and the condition does not improve, it would be good to consult a gastroenterologist for advice. Perhaps a woman develops gastritis, pancreatitis, or another disease.

What to do so as not to suffer?

In order to alleviate her condition a little, a woman can use some recommendations.

  1. rule out pregnancy. The first step in the event of nausea (especially if this problem did not bother before) is to make sure that the woman is not pregnant. If pregnancy does occur, urgently see a gynecologist for further guidance.

  2. Establish a diet and drink regimen. Fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods can only aggravate the situation. The same goes for drinks. It is necessary to exclude soda, sour juices, "colored" drinks containing many harmful substances. Drinking pure water, weak tea and properly prepared food can relieve the body a little.
  3. Reduce load. Before critical days don't plan general cleaning or sweat in the gym. It is better a couple of days before menstruation to unload yourself as much as possible, both physically and emotionally. Experience can also cause ailments, so unloading nervous system will definitely come in handy.
  4. Visit a specialist. There are many medications available to relieve nausea. So why endure discomfort when you can get rid of it? If a woman is constantly sick before her period, why not ask a doctor for help? Since all drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects only a doctor should prescribe them. After assessing the patient's condition, he can prescribe a drug that helps to forget about nausea on the eve of menstruation.

Menstruation is a physiological feature of the female body, but it can bring inconvenience in terms of increased sensitivity, pain. Why is it sick before menstruation and how to deal with unpleasant symptoms? What should every woman know about PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome

Any representative of the fair sex at least once in her life faced such a problem as PMS. Premenstrual syndrome on an ongoing basis is typical for 70% of women. At the same time, discomfort can occur both directly on the day of menstruation, and a week before the start, it all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular organism. In addition to nausea, a woman may experience other symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • rash;
  • increase or decrease in appetite;
  • swelling of the nipples and pain in the chest.

At the same time, a woman may also begin to overreact emotionally to everything that happens around, and even the most minor problems may seem like a global catastrophe.

Hormonal issue

Why do you feel sick before menstruation? Partly to blame for this are female hormones - progesterone and estrogen, the level of which rises before menstruation. They are responsible for the process of bearing a child and childbirth. Reproductive function, as well as well-being, depends on the amount and balance of these hormones in the body.

Premenstrual changes in the hormonal background of a woman occur as follows: abdominal cavity an egg is released and is ready to be fertilized. If this does not happen, then the level of progesterone drops rapidly, but the amount of estrogen remains the same. The sudden onset of imbalance significantly affects well-being. This is one of the answers to the question of why you feel sick before your period, but there are also other reasons for feeling unwell.


Despite the fact that we are talking about menstruation, pregnancy is also possible, the first signs of which can be confused with premenstrual syndrome. It is possible to have complete confidence in the absence of pregnancy only if there were no sexual intercourse during the last monthly cycle.

Why do you feel sick like before menstruation, but they are all gone? There are women who have never experienced premenstrual syndrome, and then they begin to feel unwell. Before a delay in menstruation, it is very difficult to suspect pregnancy, but soon any woman has some doubts. Indeed, the list of signs of premenstrual syndrome is similar to the symptoms of early pregnancy.

How to find out about the onset of pregnancy in the early stages? Ultrasound and gynecological examination are uninformative in the early stages of pregnancy, so it can be identified in only two ways:

  • do a pregnancy test;
  • donate blood to determine the level of hCG.

At the same time, the second study gives more truthful information.

Food poisoning

Surprisingly, the reason why the stomach is sick and sore before menstruation may be ordinary food or drink poisoning, which simply coincided with the expectation of menstrual days. With food poisoning, toxins enter the body and provoke an active fight. immune system with them. In this case, a person feels such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • intense thirst.

Define food poisoning maybe a doctor in a clinic who should be contacted when the first symptoms appear. To give out that this is poisoning, and not PMS, can be a state of health, which at the same time is many times worse than with premenstrual syndrome.

Active sports

Why do I feel sick and dizzy before menstruation? Maybe it's because you're exercising too hard. To date, lead healthy lifestyle life and actively engage in sports have the opportunity for every woman. However, despite all the usefulness of physical culture, it can play a cruel joke if heavy loads were performed before menstruation.

With high-intensity loads, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the spine, which causes discomfort. In addition, overwork from physical exertion in the second half of the menstrual cycle provokes premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, the load should be moderate.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Why does my stomach feel sick and sore before menstruation? Many women refer to premenstrual syndrome and are right. However, there is a percentage of women who have unpleasant symptoms that do not go away even at the end of menstruation. In this case, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain, its intensity and location.

The fact is that, despite the external similarity, abdominal pain during menstruation and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has some differences. In diseases of the internal organs responsible for digestion, pain can appear in any part of the abdomen, but most often in the stomach. However, it can be aching or sharp. Unpleasant sensations before menstruation are aching and pulling in nature and appear mainly in the lower abdomen, where the organs of the reproductive system are located.

Particular attention should be paid to pain sensations if they are located in the lower right corner of the abdomen and are characterized as sharp and pulsating. It is possible that this is an inflammation of the appendix, which requires immediate medical attention.

Oral contraceptives

Action birth control pills It comes down to saturating the female body with certain hormones that inhibit ovulation and prevent the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus for the development of the embryo. Many women who have a permanent sexual partner resort to the use of oral contraceptives.

Why does my head hurt and feel sick before menstruation when taking hormonal drugs? The fact is that in order to assign one or another medicinal product it is required to conduct a study to determine the level of sex hormones, since different drugs are based on different substances. IN modern world women rarely start looking for ideal contraceptives with tests, but are guided by the cost of the drug. In the case of an incorrect prescription, the level of hormones rises, as a result of which discomfort appears before menstruation.

Nausea in teenagers

Why do teenage girls feel sick before their period? For young girls whose monthly cycle has not yet settled down, nausea is typical before menstruation, which is caused by uterine contractions. Often it can be accompanied by white vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, increased oily skin, acne, swelling of the mammary glands. At the same time, the hormonal background of the reproductive system also develops, as a result of which an unstable amount of these substances provokes poor health before menstruation.

Taking a hot bath

For many hot tub- this is a way to relax after a hard day, but experts recommend giving it up while waiting for menstruation. The fact is that heating the body provokes uterine contractions, which can cause discomfort, and a woman can feel sick before menstruation.

In addition, a hot bath can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. ahead of time. When heated, the vessels expand, as a result of which there is much more blood secretions, and the menstruation itself is very painful.

How to ease the pain?

If you are very sick before menstruation, and your stomach and head hurt, you should take measures to alleviate the condition:

There are a huge number of reasons for premenstrual ill health, it is important to identify and eliminate them in order not to suffer the consequences.

Nausea before menstruation is a fairly common phenomenon. In most cases, such discomfort is associated with PMS, but under some circumstances, nausea may indicate pregnancy or serious illness. Can I feel sick before menstruation and how to correctly recognize the symptoms, as well as the causes of such unpleasant sensations?

Usually the arrival of menstruation is felt in a few days. Most women have similar symptoms: weight gain of about one or two kilograms, pulling pains in the abdomen, mood swings. Situations when the arrival of menstruation is not indicated by any symptoms are extremely rare.

If nausea was caused by premenstrual syndrome, then with the onset of menstruation, the above manifestations disappear.

However, what to do when menstruation has come, but you feel sick further? Often such symptoms indicate diseases that have nothing to do with gynecological diseases. Causes of nausea can be hidden in food infections that affect the body or in diseases such as pancreatitis or gastritis. Besides, unpleasant symptom can cause anemia. Under such circumstances, the body has a high need for iron. This disease leads to a significant decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

If nausea before menstruation is associated with similar diseases, then it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heartburn, diarrhea and belching. Many patients are unaware of the presence of pathologies and associate these symptoms with the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle until the condition worsens even more. With the onset of menstruation and after its end, the symptoms do not disappear anywhere.

In some cases, the feeling of nausea before menstruation can be caused by stressful situations. Their appearance is often facilitated by experiences caused by external factors: work, family, study, or the aforementioned hormonal imbalance can be the cause.

The main signs of PMS:

  • pain in the lumbar region, abdomen;
  • sudden mood swings (increased irritability, feeling of dissatisfaction);
  • diarrhea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • skin rashes.

Often these symptoms can be confused with pregnancy. Since the level of the hormone progesterone rises sharply after conception, hormonal changes also occur in the woman's body.

How to recognize pregnancy and PMS

For each woman, the signs of PMS, as well as the onset of pregnancy, can be similar or differ dramatically. For example, in some patients, doctors at first observe mild abdominal pain, which is characteristic of menstruation. In others, the syndrome is more severe. So, in addition to the above symptoms, a woman may be disturbed by panic attacks, which give rise to a depressive state and often thoughts of suicide. As a rule, such destructive factors can be caused by severe psychological or physical trauma.

In such cases, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist in order to prevent extremely undesirable consequences.

Some manifestations of the syndrome are very similar to the symptoms of pregnancy, so many women find it difficult to understand what exactly is happening to their body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, which may be indicated by such signs:

  • frequent urination, often severe diarrhea;
  • fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, inability to concentrate on certain things;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • in the first weeks after conception, nausea and vomiting in the morning.

If menstrual cycle failed, you should take a pregnancy test on the third or fifth day after the delay. To make sure the result is correct, it is also necessary to donate blood for hCG. This analysis will allow you to know the exact result.

What to do with nausea before menstruation

Before menstruation, nausea can be especially strong, which gives a woman a lot of trouble. In addition, when it is accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, dizziness, severe, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if pregnancy is still excluded.

As an aid, it is recommended to establish a diet. The “wrong” food can play a trick on the body, increasing the level of stress and the load on its functionality. We are talking about spicy, fatty and junk food, which only aggravates the situation. If it forms the basis of the diet, it should be changed immediately. In addition, it is necessary to give up soda, strong tea and coffee. Instead, you should consume more pure water without gas, natural juices, herbal teas. All this will significantly ease the load on the body, and also help to avoid many diseases in the future.

Refusal of excessively intense sports will help improve the situation. For example, when there is a week left before menstruation, you should not overload yourself with exercises in the gym or at home. A few days before the start of menstruation, a woman should relieve herself as much as possible, not take on extra work and stay away from situations that can cause anxiety and stress. Good help in such cases means traditional medicine. These are, first of all, teas from mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage tinctures.

You should also visit a specialist. You don't need to do this every month, but if you feel very sick or may even vomit before your period, you should contact your doctor. If the discomfort is caused by premenstrual syndrome, the doctor will prescribe a drug that will relieve the symptoms. Self-medication is not worth it, because each of the drugs has its own contraindications. Initially, it is important to exclude not only pregnancy, but also diseases that cause symptoms similar to PMS.


Why do you feel sick before menstruation? There are several reasons for this symptom: PMS, pregnancy, anemia, experienced stress or excessive exercise. To determine the cause of nausea, you should seek the advice of a doctor. The doctor will examine and then make a diagnosis. In the case of PMS, the attending physician will prescribe special medications that will help alleviate the discomfort.

Urgently need to find out why you feel sick before menstruation? Are you really that worried about your own health? So, it's time to delve into the processes of the female body and find out all the secrets. If all people are different, then problems that are similar at first glance will be somewhat different from each other.

A little about PMS

The vast majority of women before menstruation have PMS - premenstrual syndrome. Usually it is manifested by increased irritability and some irascibility. This is due to the physiological processes that occur in the body. Menstruation is preceded by a period of accumulation of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. The release of an egg that has not been fertilized leads to an excess of estrogen over progesterone.

PMS can be expressed in various ways:

  • restless state;
  • the appearance of irascibility;
  • increased irritability with or without;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • slight physical discomfort;
  • pulling and strong sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of acne on the body.

Can it hurt during this period?

IN adolescence the reason lies in puberty, which does not always proceed smoothly. The period of active work of the reproductive organs is accompanied by increased secretions white color, acceleration of development (rounding of forms, growth of mammary glands), constant rashes.

Everyone's sensitivity is different, so some people react to pain in the uterus with nausea. As a rule, within a year, a maximum of two, the body fully adapts to its position and ceases to cause nausea immediately before the onset of menstruation.

Very rarely, when a girl grows up, she retains a similar reaction to changes in her body. Mild nausea can turn into vomiting if you do not reduce your physical activity before the onset of menstruation. It is better to consult a gynecologist about this. Perhaps the specialist will prescribe special pills to reduce pain. This will result in the disappearance of nausea.

It is also advisable to turn to medications in the case when the stomach hurts a lot before “business”. Why endure painful pain every month when modern medicine offers many relatively safe solutions?

We should also mention those cases when the woman was not bothered by nausea before, but this time it suddenly appeared. The possibility of conception cannot be ruled out. For many, it was nausea that was the clue to the onset of pregnancy.. Especially if she worries for the most part in the morning. Even using contraception before this can fail. Only one who has not had intimacy with men for several months can completely exclude pregnancy from the list of reasons.

Sometimes the period before menstruation and nausea have nothing to do with each other. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages the day before or snacking on products of questionable quality can manifest themselves in this way. Against the background of the fact that the body is preparing for the onset of menstruation, problems with the gastrointestinal tract seem more serious than they really are.

Particularly impressionable persons, at the slightest pretext, easily demonstrate their malaise. The psychological background of health problems is not immediately visible, but an experienced psychotherapist could establish the true cause.

For such women, it is enough just to think about how uncomfortable it is during the period of menstruation, so that nausea and dizziness begin. Their subconscious goal is clear: to attract attention and increase their significance. A weak person wants to patronize, bestowing benefits and removing some of the duties ...

How to alleviate your condition?

rule out pregnancy. What is the point of swallowing pills for poisoning, if the reason is the development of the baby inside the woman? A pregnancy test from a pharmacy is inexpensive, carried out quickly, which is why gynecologists so often recommend it to their patients.

Calm down. Whatever the cause of the problem, internal tension will only aggravate the situation. A calm attitude with what is happening will reduce the manifestation of nausea.

Adjust nutrition. There are many dietary recommendations that help get rid of the feeling of nausea.

Take medicine if needed. When menstruation has not yet begun, and the stomach is already very sore, you can take painkillers.

Contact a gynecologist. It is in the power of a specialist to find the source of problems and “block” it with minimal losses.

Often. It can be strong and not go away for a long time, or, on the contrary, short-term and causing minor discomfort. There may be several reasons for this.

Causes of nausea before PMS

Most often, nausea before PMS occurs due to an increase in the level of serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid and the accumulation of large amounts of water in the body. All this leads to a change in intracranial pressure. As a result, nausea occurs, and a woman may also notice short-term dizziness, severe anxiety, and pale skin.

Increased physical activity is a common cause of nausea before PMS. It arises due to the fact that during sports, pressure increases on some internal organs while leaning back. Having taken a position, it begins to compress the spinal cord, resulting in nausea. Therefore, doctors recommend reducing physical activity before the onset of menstruation and abandoning them during its onset.

Oral can affect how you feel before PMS. They contribute to a change in hormonal levels, increasing the content of estrogens in the body. This results in nausea and vomiting. Hormonal imbalance can often also be accompanied by dizziness, excessive sweating and irritability.

Emotional stress and stressful situations worsen a woman's condition before PMS. They lead to migraines, dizziness and nausea. In such situations, it is recommended to rest more and try to meditate.

How to deal with nausea before PMS?

Form the right diet before. Refuse to eat fatty, salty and spicy foods. Opt for white meats and light salads. Steam food and eat more boiled vegetables. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water. Spend more time outdoors, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Adequate sleep will also help improve the condition before PMS.

See your doctor if nausea is a problem for you. After the examination, he will write out the optimal medications, which will help minimize the occurrence of gag reflexes before menstruation. In no case do not take pills without first consulting a doctor, they can harm the body and lead to a worsening of the condition.
