Religious reading: when you read a brief evening prayer to help our readers.

BriefoE evening prayer Rule

Prayers for the dream coming

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

(Three times read, with a congestion and waist bow.) Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are constantly and forever. Amen. Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake. Lord have mercy ( Three times) Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. ( 12 times)

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

Prayer for Holy Angel Keeper

Prayer of St. Joannikova

Prayer Rule

Prayer Rule - Daily Morning and Evening Prayers that are committing Christians. Their texts can be found in prayer.

The rule is common - mandatory for all or individual, selected for a confessor who believes, taking into account his spiritual state, forces and employment.

Consists of Morning and evening prayerwhich are performed daily. This life rhythm is necessary, since otherwise the soul easily falls out of prayer life, as if waking up only from the case towards the case. In prayer, as in every big and hard matter, one "inspiration", "moods" and improvisation is not enough.

Reading a prayer links a person with their creators: Psalm operators and devotees. It helps to find a spiritual attitude, related to their heart burning. In order to pray to other people's words, the example of us - the Lord Jesus Christ himself. His prayer exclamations during the crusst suffering - lines from Psalms (Ps. 21: 2; 30: 6).

There are three main prayer rules:

1) a complete prayer rule, which is printed in the "Orthodox Prayer";

2) a brief prayer rule. The laity sometimes there are situations when there are few times and forces for prayer, and in this case, it is better to read a brief rule with attention and awe, which is hurried and superficially, without a prayer setting - everything is the right rule. Holy Fathers teach with reasoning to refer to his prayer rule, on the one hand, not giving their passions to his passions, laziness, self-inflammation, which can destroy the right spiritual dispensation, and on the other hand, to study without temptation and embarrassment to reduce or even change the rule Then when there is a valid need.

in the morning : "The king of heaven", tris and "Father Our", "Virgin Delo", "From Sleep Rezy", "Miscellaneous My God", "Symbol of Faith", "God, Clean," "Holy", "Holy Angela "," Most Mellace ", the appeal of saints, prayer for living and deceased;

in the evening : "The king of heaven", tris and "Our Father", "Hermit us, Lord", "God's eternal", "Blesha Tsar", "Angela of Christ", from the "sweened governor" to "worthy";

3) a brief prayer rule of the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky: three times "Our Father", three times the "Virgin Delo" and once the "symbol of faith" - for those exceptional days and circumstances, when a person is in the extreme fatigue or very limited in time.

To completely lower the prayer rule is undesirable. Even if the prayer rule is read without due attention, the words of prayers, penetrating into the soul, have their cleansing effect.

Basic prayers should be known by heart (with regular reading, they are gradually remembered by a person even with very bad memory) so that they penetrate the heart deeper and that they can be repeated in any circumstances. It is desirable to explore the text of the transfer of prayers from the Church Slavonic language into Russian (see "Explicit Prayers") to understand the meaning of each word and not a single word to pronounce pointlessly or without accurate understanding. It is very important that the pretending to the prayer will be expelled from the heart of the offense, irritation, bitterness. Without efforts to serve people, to combat sin, to establish control over the body and the spiritual sphere, prayer cannot become an internal rod of life.

In the conditions of modern life, taking into account the workload and accelerated pace, the laity is not easy for prayer for a certain time. The enemy of prayer is a rush, and the prayers of the evening - fatigue.

Morning prayers are best read before the start of all things (and before breakfast). In extreme cases, they are pronounced on the road from home. Late in the evening it is often difficult to focus due to fatigue, so you can recommend reading the evening prayer rule in free minutes to dinner or even earlier.

During prayer, it is recommended to retire, burn a lamp or a candle and get up before the icon. Depending on the nature of the intramearial relationship, you can recommend reading the prayer rule together, the whole family, or each family member separately. Total prayer It is recommended before contesting food, in solemn days, before the festive meal and in other similar cases. Family prayer is a kind of church, public (family - a kind of "home church") and therefore does not replace the prayer individually, but only complements it.

Before starting the prayer, it is necessary to stand up with a procession and make several bowls, waist or earthly, and try to tune in to the inner conversation with God. The difficulty of prayer is often a sign of its genuine effectiveness.

Prayer for other people (see a breakfast) - an integral part of the prayer. The upcoming God does not give a person from neighboring, but connects him with them even closer bonds. It should not be limited only to a prayer for loved ones and expensive people. Prayer for those who caused us a disappearance makes an impact on these people and makes our prayer sacrificial.

To finish the prayer with Thanksgiving to God for the gift of communication and a crushing about its inattention. Getting Started, it must first have to think about what to say, to do, to see during the day and ask God for the blessing and forces to follow His will. In the thick of the labor day you need to create a brief prayer (see Jesus Prayer), which will help and in everyday affairs find the Lord.

Is it possible to reduce the prayer rule?

This question is worried about many modern people. However, it seems to give it an unequivocal answer on it, "yes" or "no", regardless of circumstances it is impossible.

On the one hand, the rule for that exists to comply with it. The importance of the prayer rule is that it focuses the Christian in the right track.

The prayer rules contribute to the formation of appropriate relations of the Bogomolets with God, Saints and in general with the neighbors, to protect him from the actions of the evil forces and internal passions.

Many, we do not have this saving rule, maybe they would not even know exactly how it is precisely and with what regularity should be praying to God and its ascensions.

On the other hand, there are various life situations when the believer, or in view of the physical or spiritual sensitivity, or in view of other reasons (for example, in the case of particularly responsible watch and duty, guard, active hostilities) regularly read the prayer rule or extremely difficult, or almost impossible.

In this case, it should be remembered that the prayer rule is although the rule implies the relevance of its execution, but does not imply an absolute, unconditional need to comply with it.

Sometimes it happens better to read less prayers, but sincerely and with zeal (from the heart) than everything (component full rule), but "formally" (casually, patter, jumping through lines, etc.).

There are, by the way, and abbreviated options for the prayer rule.

But still, in the event of a doubt about this, it makes sense to apply for a specific recommendation for experienced, spiritually wise to the Shepherd, the confessor.

Morning and evening rule is only necessary spiritual hygiene. Praying to us incessant to us incessantly (see the prayer of Jesus). The holy fathers said: if you shoot down the milk, oil, and in prayer - from the quantity goes into quality.

"To make the rule, it is not an obstacle, but a real man's engine to God, it is necessary that it is proportionate to his spiritual forces, corresponded to his spiritual age and the condition of the soul. Many people, not wanting to burde out, deliberately choose too light prayer rules, which because of this become formal and do not bring fruits. But sometimes a great rule, chosen from unreasonable jealousy, also becomes shackles, plunging into the despondency and interfere with spiritually growing.

The rule is not frozen, during life it must change both qualitatively, and externally. "

Saint Feofan The Navdlika so briefly systematizes tips on reading the prayer rule:

"A) NEVER NEVER READ, and read as if there is an antiquity ... in antiquity readable prayers They were taken from Psalms ... But nowhere meet the words "read", but everywhere "sing" ...

b) In any word, delve and not the thought of only readable reproduce in consciousness, but the feeling appropriately excite ...

c) To keep the calling for a ride reading, put - not that, and it is a quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour ... how much we usually stand ... and then do not care ... how much do you read prayers, and how time it is for Hunting stand further, stop reading ...

d) putting it, however, do not look at the clock, and so get to stand without end: thought and will not run forward ...

e) To facilitate the movement of prayer feelings in your free time, re-read and change your mind all the prayers that are included in your rule - and list them to be able to read them on the rule, to know, in advance, what a feeling should be excited in the heart ...

e) Never read without a break of prayer, and always interrup them with a sideline prayer, with bows, in the middle of Lee Prayers will have to do it or at the end. As soon as it plows that on the heart, immediately stop reading and put bows. This is the last rule - the most necessary and most necessary to educate the spirit of prayer ... If what other feeling it takes very, you and be with him and put bows, and leave reading ... so until the very end of the last time. "

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Is it possible to cut the morning and evening prayer rule?


Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) in the "teaching of the prayer rule" wrote: "Rule! What is the exact name borrowed from the very action of prayers produced on a person called the rule! The prayer rule is guided correctly and sacred soul, teaches her to worship God with the Spirit and Truth (John 4:23), meanwhile, as a soul, being granted itself, could not go correctly by prayer. Due to their damage and overshades, it would be seduced in general to the sides, often in the abyss, then in distraction, then in dreaminess, then in various empty and deceptive ghosts of high prayer states written by its vanity and so-loving.

Prayer rules hold praying in the savory arrangement, humility and repentance, teaching him to be incessant self-seen, having fellow in his aspiration, strengthening him with the hope of a wicked and glorious God, having enjoyed the world of Christ, love for God and to the neighbor. "

Of these words, saint appears that it is very saving to read the morning and evening prayer rule. It is in spiritual relationships mans out of the soundness of night dreams or daily worries and supplies it before God. And the human soul is among his creator to communicate. The grace of the Holy Spirit descends on a person, leads it to the right confused attitude, gives him the inner world and harmony, distinguishes his demons ("Only the same genus is expelled and the prayer and post" (MF. 17:21), God's blessing and strength To live. Especially since prayers wrote holy people: St. Vasily Great and John Zlatoust, Rev. Makariya Great and others. That is, the rule itself is very useful for the human soul.

Therefore, of course, read the morning and evening prayer rule daily, if you can put it, - required minimum For an Orthodox Christian. And it does not take much time. The one who entered the skill of reading is about twenty minutes in the morning and the same evening.

If you do not have time to read the morning rule, then break it into several parts. "Cap" from the beginning and to the "Lord Pom" (12 times) inclusive can be, for example, read at home; The following prayers are during the pause in the work or their daily classes. In this, of course, it is necessary to confess, but it is better so that not to read. We are all people, and it is clear that very sinful and busy. The end of the morning prayers also you yourself regulate yourself. This applies to the dyfulness. You can read the expanded break or abbreviated. At your discretion, depending on the existing time.

A rather common mistake of the newly-frequency Orthodox Christian is reading the evening prayer rule immediately before bedtime. You are swinging, rude, mumble words of prayer, and you yourself think, how to lie down in a bed under a warm blanket and sleep. So it turns out - not a prayer, but torment. Mandatory catagon before bedtime.

In fact, the evening prayer rule is read somewhat differently. Igumen Nikon (Sparrow) wrote that after evening prayers, you can leave the time to talk and drink a seagull.

That is, in fact, you can read the evening prayer to read from the beginning and to the prayer of St. John Damaskina "Vladyko Humanituda ..." If you, dear brothers and sisters, noticed, before this prayer there is a release prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son God ... Have mercy with us. Amen". It really goes. Evening prayers before him inclusive you can read long before sleep: at six, seven, eight o'clock in the evening. Then take up your everyday evening business. You can still eat and drink a seagull, as the father of Nikon said, chat with loved ones.

And already starting with the prayer of "Vladyko humoring ..." and until the end, the rule is read immediately before bedtime. During the prayer, "God will resurrect" you need to cross and you can cross your bed and a house on four sides of the world (starting by orthodox tradition From the east), fencing himself, loved ones and their dwelling with a congestion from any evil.

After reading the second half of the evening prayers, nothing is nothing and not drinking. In the prayer "In your Ruta, Lord ..." You ask for a blessing of God on good dream and betray your soul to him. After that, go to bed.

I also want to draw your attention, dear brothers and sisters, on the rule of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. Many people understand how a three-year reading per day (in the morning, at lunch, in the evening) of certain prayers "Father our" (three times), "the Virgin Delo, rejoice ..." (three times) and the Symbol of Faith (once). But it is not so. In addition to the three-time reading of the rule, the Rev. Seraphim spoke that the person in the morning should read Jesus prayer in the morning or if people surrounded, in the mind of the "Lord, Homes", and after dinner instead of Jesus Prayer - "Most Holy Mother of Jesus, save Me, sinning.

That is, Saint Seraphim offers a spiritual exercise in continuous prayer, and not just facilitating the evening and morning prayer rule. You can, of course, read the prayer according to the rule of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, but only you need to carry out all the prescriptions of the Great Older.

Therefore, I repeat once again, the morning and evening prayer rule is the necessary minimum for the Orthodox Christian.

I also want to draw your attention, dear brothers and sisters, on a fairly common mistake that we often do.

We warn us about it in the aforementioned work, the saint of Ignatius: "When commissioning the rules and bows it is impossible to rush; It is necessary to commit the rules, and bows with possible slowness and attention. It is better to read the prayers less and less putting bowls, but with attention than a lot of attention.

Avoid yourself the rule corresponding to the forces. Said by the Lord on Saturday, that it is for a person, not a person for her (MK. 2:27), it is possible and should be attributed to all pious empires, as well as to the prayer rule. The prayer rule is for a person, not a person - for the rule: it should contribute to the achievement of spiritual prosperity man, and not to serve the burden of uncomfortable (with a painful duty), crushing the bodily forces and embarrassing soul. Moreover, it should not serve as a reason for gorden and harmful modests, to a detrimental condemnation of close and humiliation of neighboring. "

Reverend Nicodemus Svyatogorets in the Book "Invisible Brand" wrote: "... There are many spiritual persons who deprive themselves the saving fetus of the world from spiritual doings by the fact that their for them, believing that they will suffer damage if they do not bring them to the end, in the confidence of false Of course, that in this is the perfect spiritual. Following the will of his will, they work a lot and suffer themselves, but they do not get peace of the true and inner world, in which God is truly gained. "

That is, we need to count on your strength in prayer. You should sit down and think about the time you have. If you, for example, the freight forwarder in the company and in the morning to night are in the road or you are married, work and you still need to pay the time to my husband, children, to organize a family life, then maybe you have enough morning and evening prayer rules And reading two heads of the Apostle, the head of the Gospel per day. Because if you also labeled the reading of various akathists, several talis, then you will not have time to live. And if you are a pensioner or work somewhere a security guard or on another work, having free time, then why not read Akathists and cafes.

It is necessary to pray not only in a mountain or life difficulties, but every day, thanks to God for all the benefits that he sends us. Prayers read when they wake up and go to bed, and thus urge the grace of God for life. A constant prayer rule brings peace and tranquility.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

For the day, unpleasant emotions are accumulated, fatigue, perfect deeds aggravate conscience. All this adversely reflects on a dream. Not always heavy thoughts about the upcoming give to sleep. Brief and understandable prayers to God, the Blessed Virgin and Saints before bedtime will help calm thoughts and tell me how to do it better.

    Why do you need to pray daily?

    Modern life is very saturated, requires full return and constant acceleration, alignment of many cases. The Orthodox Christian is important not to lose from the sight of the main, namely the need for permanent communication with the Creator. It is important to distinguish a certain time to read the prayer for sleep coming and steadily to stick it. This will help develop a habit and life will certainly begin to change for the better.

      Prayer before bedtime will help:

      • to draw thoughts to God;
      • bring repentance in unworthy actions committed during the day;
      • thank you for life and health, urgent bread, pleasant moments;
      • deny bad thoughts;
      • ask Support and Aid for the Future.

      You can read only one prayer or subtract the full evening prayer rule, contact God and the Holy in finished texts or in your own words. The choice depends on the desire of the prayer and presence of free time. If a person is loaded by work and household responsibilities, you can learn a few prayers and read on the way, or performing monotonous work.

      If there are problems with sleep from experiences and stress, it is recommended to read the evening prayer rule from the prayer. Appeal to the Almighty, the mother of God will help to realize that not all in the power of man, but everything is possible God, the nerves calm down and peaceful sleep will come.

      Prayer is spiritual work that brings good fruits. Praying notices that she acquires love, patience, peace in the soul. This does not come immediately, but to this you need to strive. The man gradually defeats passion, takes the top over bad habits.

      Who pray before bedtime?

      Evening prayer includes an appeal to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Guardian angel. Also, individual prayers appeal to the Most Holy Spirit, a life-giving cross. Included in the rules and prayers for every hour and night, written by Saint John Zlatoust, a snan, confession of sins.

      God in front of bed is asked for the forgiveness of sins. The bad acts deprive people of grace and drive the guardian angel, since holiness with evil is not compatible. But if the saints still failed, it is not necessary to despair, because in the Bible it says: "There is no man who would not sin." Daily prayers will help in working on the correction of life, because the Most High always goes to meet, at least one good intention.

      God forgives sincere coming, their soul is freed from the burden of sins, and the state of peace and hope for the best. They ask God and the guardian guardian angel for evil, as the Devil confuses a person and is the cause of sign in sin. The main note of the night prayers is to become worthy of God's grace, fighting eternal life with God and Holy Holy.

      Requests for the Virgin County are in the instruction of good deeds and sinless life. In the rule there is one unusual prayer - Kondak Virgin Mary, a briefly referred to as the "sweeping governor". This prayer was written after the wonderful removal of the siege of Constantinople, when the Patriarch with the icon of the Virgin by the Wall of the city, and the danger passed.

      Evening prayer rule

      In the Orthodox tradition, there are ready-made prayer rules for reading in the morning and in the evening. They are mandatory for all Christians. They can be found in each prayer. These ancient prayers are written by the saints that had a great spiritual experience.

      For beginners, the meaning of a large number of prayers is caught only in general terms and can be interpreted by each in its own way, sometimes becoming. Such expressions as the "troyulous bodice" (severe bodily suffering) are not always understood by the reading. The misunderstanding of the words of prayer turns the prayer into a simple meaningless subtraction.

      The need for the soul to talk with God's understandable language is better than beautiful high-eethic works on Church Slavonic, but the incomprehensible mind praying. Collectors of prayers and church chants translated into Russian Published a lot. There is so-called sensible prayers, which includes the most common prayers, morning and night, the most important liturgical texts, the paths and Kondaki large holidays.

      Prayer "Our Father": the text of the Orthodox prayer

      Strong prayers for the coming dream

      Prayer rules are assistants designed to teach Christian a right prayer. They do not cancel their own prayer, but only send it. In addition to the rules submitted, there are other forms of night prayers.

      Optina elders wrote that prayer should be in force. It is better to reduce the amount of prayer, but read them daily than reading a lot, but not always. An old man of Amvrosi said: "It is better when the source continually flows at least a little, rather than a lot with interruptions ... it is better not a great rule to have, but constantly perform it, rather than a lot with the interruption of perfect leaving."

      Three strong prayers for the night

      Great Relief of God Seraphim Sarovsky advised 3 strong prayers For everyday reading:

      • "Our Father" 3 times;
      • "The Virgin Delo, rejoice" 3 times;
      • Symbol of faith 1 time.

      The text of the prayer "Father Our":

      Mooring the Virgin:

      The text of the faith symbol.

Before you fall asleep, we think about how the day went. And everything would be fine if they just thought. But, unfortunately, people often do not fall asleep until the morning, literally going crazy from the attacks that arrange their thoughts. Christians are practically free from many such things, and in this it helps the right lifestyle and evening prayer for the coming dream. That is why it is so important to contact the All-Russia Trinity. To sleep easily, it should be necessary to talk to the Creator, defending itself from all sorts of internal and external storms. Moreover, both real and spiritual.

Why do you need evening prayers

Every Christian is, in fact, a warrior who got on the struggle for the light, love and the truth in his soul, as well as for his fate in eternal life, which will come together with the second coming of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the dead tel.

The enemy of the human race is the devil, which, according to the sacred legend (the history of mankind, which is partially transmitted from the mouth to the mouth), was immediately opposed to God to create someone else, except the angels, because these spiritual creatures and so possessed all the advantages and huge opportunities . And were already created by the Creator Animalswhich were carnal creatures. Proud Dennica wondered why add another carnation creature, an animal is a person?

But the Lord wished to create such a creature that would unite all the rest of him to create - and spiritual, and material. Therefore, one more creatures appeared, angels in essence, but having their material expression - people.

The first person, Adam, was the first fruitful angel, the crown of creation, in which God united the practically incompatible - spirit and matter, "made friends" the sky and the earth. The devil was covered by jealousy and offended that God did not take into account his opinion, but at the same time I realized how the man of dear to God was. And I decided to take revenge. Since the creator himself He could not harm any harm, the former Angel decided to strike on the beloved creation of God.

According to legend (and partly by Scripture), God at noon visited Adam to Paradise and taught him the secrets of the Universe. The first person is alone, and then together with his woman Eva quickly fastened science. Adam penetrated the essence of many things and therefore was able to give names to animals according to the idea of \u200b\u200bGod about each of them. The devil understood that soon people would develop in such a way that they would become serious rivals in the championship arena, which existed only in the consciousness of the fallen angel delegated to the sadist. Those angels who stayed with God and His truth only rejoiced their new brother and sister, with joy taking new members of a huge family.

The devil decided to "catch the moment"As long as the fallen and crippled spirits still remain smarter and more experienced in good and clean people, so tied to the Father, that holy observe the ban on taste from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then Satan, as you know, entering the body of Zmia, the subflores to Eva, as the youngest and inexperienced and, having rolled out the Creator, that he does not allow to eat from the tree, because it is afraid that people will become like him, who has taken the fruit to taste the fruit.

At that moment, when the youngest succumbed to the decking lies, Satan, people, practically spiritually killed: the fetus from the tree gave such consequences that the first density angels were unable to live in God and lost heavenly bliss. He killed us and physically - through sin and came to us death, that is, the inability of the body to live forever. Therefore, we call the devil, who was once one of the most beautiful and luminous angels, whom the fellow called the Lucifer - Morning Star:

  • father of all lies,
  • the enemy of the human race
  • man fucking
  • mansman and so on.

But the loving father of Heavenly did not allow to die her beloved creation, which, as well as Angels, was created by eternal. People continued to grow, multiply and develop, but in other conditions, passing the harsh school of life on Earth, where the choice is provided: with God we live further or without it.

On the way of each of us, regardless of the faith and lifestyle, stood, standing and will stand in the fierce angry hated enemies of spiritual, who will go to any lie, just to seduce us, subordinate to themselves, distract from the Heavenly Father. It is known that Satan "boasts" that he will be submitted to all to one and will rule over us in hell.

The Lord created hellSpecially designated the place he deprived of his active participation and grace so that those who do not want to be with him have had such an opportunity. Mikhail Arkhangel dropped the devil there, and together with him there they went to those who switched to the side of the liar and the pride.

And now demons wish only one thing: to drain as much people as much as possible to mock them all the eternity and revenge for that God still loves manYes, and for the sake of salvation and living together with him in the heavenly kingdom, in paradise, crucified for us, and death won!

So really, we can not get rid of this spiritual abomination? Can. Jesus said: "Then this", that is, the demons and demons, be expelled with "prayer and post." That is why everyone who decided to resist and return to eternal life and love with God, should more often pay attention to his parent - the Father of Heaven - and communicate with him, pray. Prayer for the night before bed rests from demonic tests (temptations) and will help in various needs.

Brief evening prayer rule

For the strong protection of the Holy Fathers, who were able to defeat the devil and to push the constant stay of God in their soul, based on their experience amounted to several prayer rules. One of them is a midnight. But for a modern man who lives in a crazy century and loads, it is too heavy and long.

Therefore, now this is a semidial rule, consisting of prayers and reading Psalms of David, remained only in monastery life, occasionally in the worldly. And for the laity, it was replaced by the abbreviated rule - prayers for the coming dream. Full vintage prayers are now subtracted by monks or annexers who have not recognized innovations and sending.

Relatively new evening rule consists of 10 prayersthat are addressed to each trinity hatch:

  • the first prayer is devoted to the Father - the Creator of all living things
  • the second is his son and our Savior, thanks to which a person has the opportunity to return to his "first grace",
  • the Third - Holy Spirit, the Third Ipostasis of God.

Also, the rule includes prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian angel, and ends with the mandatory confession of sins to his Creator. The last phrase is sending his Spirit God and request to save and save it until the prayer will be in a dream.

All this rule is directed to annoying preparation. man to possible death - transition to spiritual world And expectations in an individually prepared spiritual space of the second coming of Jesus and the terrible (last) court, which will solve the fate of a person in eternity. This is evidenced by the meek, crushed prayer of St. John Damascus, read by attentively praying with a special trepid.

She begins with the words "Vladyko a humanity, really, will this coffin really be?" She sets up for a decree from earthly values \u200b\u200band encourages his heavenly homeland of every person, delicately reminding that life is finite and God will definitely ask man, what he decided to: return to the "first grace" and prefer life with God in Paradise, Or choose a sinful life, and then closer as a state will he hell and his statements.

Also asks a Christian in his conversation With God "hated and offending" to forgive him. God will judge a Christian not only on prayers and on sincere repentance in sins, but by him, if he prayed for his enemies.

Even more abbreviated prayer rule

Unfortunately, the modern realities of life are such that for an ordinary Christian and this abbreviated, compared with the seal, the rule is not able to. The officially recognized reduction to the Church does not exist. However, there are some options for abbreviations and even complete replacements. How evils it is this replacement, the question remains open. But in a situation where the spiritual potential of a Christian can be expressed by the words "either so, or in no way", as a huge assumption can be consolidated. But under one condition - this should be the blessing of the priest.

Blessing will allow you to not hit in amateurness and in pride, but to act on obedience, and it is one of the virtues who pleased God.

There are at least two options:

  • Serafimovo rule
  • Abbreviated to several prayers evening rule.

Serafimovo Rule (Prayer for Sleep Coming Short 3 Strong)

This is a brief rule that has blessed the Rev. Seraphim Sarov, who are not on the tape, but in terms of the severity of the work did not have the opportunity to read the full version daily.

It includes three prayers:

  • Our father (read three times),
  • The Virgin Delo, rejoice (read three times),
  • The symbol of faith ("faith") - reads once.

Abbreviated everyday legal rule

Schematically it looks like this:

It is also worth noting that the prayers are written albeit Russian letters, but in church-Slavic language, so some words may be incomprehensible. In this case, it is necessary to turn to the interpretation of these words so that the conversation with God did not turn into reading a kind of spells. This is a chance. Beloved by God David, Praded Blessed Virgin Mary, Writes in his psalms to instruct the believers "Surge God, please understand," that is, we mean what you say, understand.

Wonderful cases with praying at night

In strengthening faith and for encouraging a prayer feat, we give a few examples of what happens when a person includes in his life a black-eyed conversation with the father of heaven.

Getting rid of bad thoughts and images

A kind of woman often tormented bad thoughts: they continuously climbed into her head when she had already slept. The imagination has drawn her various unpleasant paintings, indecent scenes. Soon it turned into a large problem. I realized that I could not cope with my own, she went to the temple for confession. The priest, having heard, said that this demons make her look and listen to all these things so that she would take them as her own and topics, putting her will, freedom. The servant of God recommended her every evening to read prayers for the coming dream. Unnoticed temptations stopped as if never.

Relief from demonic dreams

Demons to embarrass and subordinate to himself, often try to intimidate him. To do this, they look for weaknesses, passions or fears and begin to "inflate". So what happened to one man who experienced mystical fears - he was afraid that bright dreams, who had dreamed of him hardly every night, in fact, the tricks. There was a fear of the fact that some episodes from dreams were really come true, and things began to occur, which could be taken for signs, instructions on possible events.

All this finally drove the impressionable person in the corner. Conversations with a psychologist did not bring a long effect, and the man went to the temple to confession, realizing that this is the last remedy. The priest blessed him to read the evening rule. The man soon noted that ambiguous dreams and events that could be adopted for signs or signs, began to retreat, and he himself stopped a lot of this to perceive seriously, focusing on more important things in his life, including spiritual.

Help of God praying widow

A kind of young woman early widowed and left alone with a young child in her arms. In horror, she went to one spiritual person, older, in holy place, ask how she live on. He ordered her not to be discouraged, to live on, explained that her husband was alive, well, that only "clothes" of his soul was lost, and his personality was saved. He punished to belong to his spouse as just left "in a long business trip" and blessed to pray every morning and the evening by the rules installed by the church, as well as start communion every 2 weeks.

A frightened woman who tried to fulfill the blessing of the priest, noted that she had supported over every day. She managed absolutely all the affairs (and they fell after the care of a spouse very much), the Lord arranged cash payments and part-time jobs, the baby quickly accepted the kindergarten. As a result, she thanks the Lord for help, support and love every day, for the fact that she doesn't need anything with the baby, and prays for his beloved spouse, as well as in his earthly life.

One believing woman from a neighboring temple called her together to go to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. In the way, they together read the morning and night prayers of Orthodox, stopping for this in comfortable places. In the monastery, they prayed together for the past spouse And they filed fortyst. The next night, a loved husband, who stood in line for some spiritual awards in a certain place, was dreamed of a widow, like a small temple. The sleep began from the moment her spouse starts to his sacred face and gets some reward from his hands.

In this article, you will find prayers for sleep coming with interpretation. We picked up church texts for you and their translation to understandable Russian.

Prayers for sleep coming with interpretation


Mighty us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebagging the bay is not sinking, this Timolitva Yako Vladyza is sin, we bring to me.

Merit of us, Lord, have mercy. Without finding a nickname of a acrooked excuse, we, sinners, bring you as Lord, this prayer, nice us.


Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You boat our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is a hand of your hand, and we use the name.

Lord, nice us, for we hope for you. Do not proceed to us strongly and do not remember our lawlessness; But the proud and now, like a merciful, and save us from our enemies, for you are our God and we are people of yours; We are all the work of your hands and your name is called.

And now: the doors of the door of the door to us, blessed by the Mother of God, hoping on the hell, will not die, but yes, you will get rid of you from the troubles: You bless you are the salvation of the genus Christianskago.

And now: the Mercy of the door is open to us, the blessed of the Virgin Mary, so that we, hoping for you, do not died, would get rid of you from the troubles, for you are the salvation of the genus of Christian.

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great, to God Father

Goodness the eternal and king in any companion of creating, forgiven me even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, you are shitting this day, a word, a word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit. And Lady Mr., Lord, in Narchi, have this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Lodge, the warking of the Holy Name of Your name, all the days of my belly, and I apart the bunning enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

God is the eternal and king of all creatures, who honored me to live to this hour! Forgive me sins that I did in this day, the Lord, the poor soul from any uncleanness of bodily and soulful. And help me, the Lord, the upcoming night spend calmly, so that, insert with my bed, I could do the pleasing of your life with the Holy Names in all the days of my life and defeat the enemies of bodily and disembodied. And get rid of me, Lord, from empty thoughts, check me, and evil passions. For yours is the kingdom and strength and glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever.

In this prayer, we thank God for safely spent, we ask him for the forgiveness of sins, preserving us from any evil and good night. This prayer ends with the sovereign of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 2nd, Holy Antioch, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Almighty, the word report, perfectly, Jesus Christ, Mägago, for the mercy of your age, we will leave me, a slave, but always in me
Wire. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, will not betray me Kramole Zemiin, and the desire of Satanina will not leave me, I have a seed in me in me. You are a worm, Lord God who is crumbling, the king of Holy, Jesus Christ, Sleepy, Save the Nemeless Light, the Spirit of your saints, I am so consecrated by your students. Lady, Lord, and I, unworthy slave, save your salvation on my lodge: Enlighten your mind of my mind of the saint gospel of your gospel, my soul's love of your cross, the heart of your word, my body, my own passion, the mind, my thoughts, and erect My sorry is like yours. IKO is declared with the original one and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Almighty, the word report, Jesus Christ, being perfectly performed by the great mercy of yours, never leave me, the servant of yours, but always stay in me. Jesus, a kind shepherd of your sheep, do not betray me a rebellious snake and do not leave me on the sky of Satan, for in me there is a seed of death. You, Lord God, who worship, the king of Saint, Jesus Christ, will save me while sleeping with a non-smoking light, the holy spirit that you have consecrated your disciples. Dai, Lord, and I, unworthy slave, your salvation on my bed: enlighten your mind my light of the holy gospel of your gospel, my soul is loved by your cross, your heart is the purity of your word, my body is my suffering, alien passion, my thoughts will save your humility . And raise me at the appropriate time to glorify you. For you are decorated with the unnecessant start by your father and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer 3rd, to the Holy Spirit

Lord, the king of the Heaven, the comforter, the soul of the truth, soaring and humbly, the sinner of your slave, and let go of the unworthy, and forgive the whole, Elika, the sinners of the Yako, the person, and not the same man, but also in the cattle, free my sins And invalid, led by and unknown: Like from youth and from the science of evil, and the essence of the incidence and despondency. Those who are named your swirls, or pour my throat; or whom Wocherch; or silence of whom anger mine, or sweeping, or what did they do; or lilts, or imaginary spa, or a prison of me, and his condoms; or my brother of my seals, or wadi, or someone condemned; or divorced, or inherited, or accepted; Or standing on prayer, my mind is about the sore of the world of this movement, or corruption of thoughts; or somehow, or asked, or crazy; or shuffle thoughts, or kindness alien to Vidovev, and thieved by heart; or the surrender of verbs, or sin of brother of my instantly, my essence is a critical sinner; Or a prayer is not the Radia, or it is so that Soda is soda, I do not remember that Bo All and Bolshaya Soda. Miscellaneous me, the work of yours, Ullago and the unworthy of your slave, and leave Mi, and let go, and I'm sorry, I am a good and a humans, yes with the world, wept and so much, the flared, sinful and the opeyny Az, and worship, and I! And I will glorify your first name, with my father, and his son's only beef, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Lord, the king of Heaven, comforter, the spirit of truth, soaring and hunt me, the sinful slave of yours, let go and forgive me, unworthy, everything that I sinned before you today is like a person, and moreover, not only as a person, but also worse cattle; And let me go, unworthy, all my sins of free and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, perfect from youth from evil cunning, quick-temperedness and carelessness, and if your name swore or hesitated him in my thoughts, or who wocked, or slandered my wrath, or saddled, or he got sick, or licked, or slept untimely, or a beggar contempt for me, or wicked my brother, or was excited quarrel, or who condemned, or was divided, or was heated, or was angry, or during prayer My mind was striving for the flawed worldly thoughts, or had tricky thoughts, or broke, or was released, or was crazy, or evil thought, or good someone elsesed, I wondered my heart, or obscene said, or the sin of my brother was laughing, whereas My sins are countless, or the prayer was negligent, or all that I had done the evil, forgot, because my lawlessness is superior to the above. Merry me, the creator of my and the Lord, a sad and unworthy servant of yours, and allow, and free, and forgive me, like good and human-humid, so that I, prodigal, sinful and unhappy, with the world lay down, fell asleep and soiling, bowing, sink and Having glorified the precessive name of yours with his father and his only begotten son, now and always and forever. Amen.

Prayer 4th, Saint Makaria Great

What will bring, or that we will take away, the great-free king, generous and humans, the Lord, who is sick of me on your fellowship, and nothing blessings, led to the end of Mimoshsago, the appeal and the salvation of the soul of my system? The gracious mi will be sinful and naked all the affairs of the good, to lay the fallen my soul, flavoring in immense sins, and from me the whole thoughts of the crazy visa of life. Forgive my sinnership, one is sinless, you are very sinful to the day, leading and ignorance, in a word, and a matter, and a thinking, and all of my feelings. You yourself, covering, maintaining me from all the resistance, the circumstances are divorious, and inevitable humans and strength.
Clean, God, cleanse many sins of my. Blagovoli, Lord, save me from the Lukavago network, and save a passionate my soul, and the autumn of your face of your face ,, EEN PRIVES IN GLANT, AND FAVORY WEATING SMENSIVE SOBROR, AND WITHOUT DREAMING, AND NEEDS MUST Annion from mea, and enlighten the wise eyepiece, and not asleep. And he was lit by the Angel of Mirna, the keeper and the mentor of the soul and the body of my body, but will save me from my enemy; Yes, I ware with Odra of mine, I will bring a thank you thanks. She, Lord, hear, Sinvenigo and Razgago's slave, Decisulation, and Soviet; Darui in the word of the word, you will read, and the desoch's disintegienable distance from me, the life of the life of your angels; Yes, I will bless your sacred, and I will glorify, and I will give it a preching Mary Mary Mary, the southeries gave us a sinning intercession, and I will take this one; We are very much to imitate your philanthropy, and praying does not break. Thi interpreted, and honestly cross the sign, and all the saints of yours for the sake of my soul, my soul observance, Jesus Christ, God, Jaco holy, and is declared.

What will bring you or what you will be represented, the greatness of the immortal king, the generous and human-loving Lord, for the fact that I was lazy to your ministry and did not make anything good, you brought to the end of this last day, directing to obedience and saving my soul. Be merciful to me, a sinful, having no good deed. Restore my fallen and desecrated countless soul and rejected the earthly sinful thinking from me. You are alone sinless, forgive my sins, perfect before you, in this day consciously and unconsciously, in a word, business and thinking and all of my feelings. You yourself will save me from any enemy attack, protecting your divine power, inevitable humans and power; God, separate and forgive many of my sins, we need to be soaked by me, Lord, freeing me from the networks of the devil, save my suffering soul and mowing me with the light of your face when you come in your glory. And now let me fall asleep with something farewell and abandoned the crumb of your slave from dreams and embarrassment. Called from me Satanic action, enlighten the mental eyes of my heart, so as not to fall asleep to me mortal sleep. I went to the angel of the world, the keeper and mentor the soul and the body of my body, delivering me from my enemies, so that, getting up from my bed, I brought you thank prayers. Oh, Lord, hear me, the sinful and wretched slave of yours. Give me on awakening with a pure conscience to go to your law, I deleted my undersky carelessness from me through your angels to bless your holy name and glorify and praise the Mary Mary Mary, given to us, sinning, in defense; We accept her, praying for us, for I know that she, imitating your personally, incessantly prays for us. By her petition, the sign of a polynomial cross and on the prayers of all your saints, I will save my wretched soul, Jesus Christ, for our God, for you are one holy and declared forever. Amen.

Prayer 5th

My God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the word, business and a thinking, Jacoblab and a humus person, forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. The angel of your keeper Ambassador, covers and observing me from all slander, Yako, you are the keeper of souls and a body of our own, and you get the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

My God God, what I sinned on this day in a word, work and thoughts, forgive me, as good I washer; give me a peaceful dream, alien excitement of passions; The angel of your keeper, protecting and retaining me from any evil, for you are a shower of our shower and bodies, and we will send you fame, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever. Amen.

In this evening prayer we ask God for the forgiveness of sins, a quiet sleep and the guardian angel, who would save us from all bad. This prayer ends with the sault of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 6th

God God, in no one likely we call the name in a challenge and the Eagle name, give us, to sleep, the Oslab of the Soul and the Body, and follow us from
all dreams, and dark sloy except; We are settling the desire of passions, the fuss of the loss of chopping telenago. Give us shawlishly excuses and dives; Yes, a virtuous residence perception, promised not to disappear by good yours, IKO blessed. Amen.

God's God, in which we believe and whose name is more than any name, give us, leaving to sleep, relieve the soul and body, save us from all dreams and from badly solvents; stop passionate desires; Ugashi is a debris of carnal excitations; Give us to keep chastity in words and in the case, to, perceiving perfect life, not to lose our promised benefits, because you are blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer 7th, St. John of Zlatoust

(24 prayers, by the number of hours and nights)

1 Lord, do not lose your heavenly benefits. 2 Lord, save me eternal flour. 3 Lord, the mind of Lee or the thinking, the word or the work of the sinners, forgive me. 4 Lords, relieve me all sland of ignorance and oblivion, and a fairymental, and petsenger in humility. 5 Lord, save me from all south of temptation. 6 Lord, enlighten my heart, Lucky lustfulness. 7 Lord, Az Yako, the man of sinners, you, Yako, God is generous, a lot of me, seeing the disreflection of the soul of Moyya. 8 Lord, Ambassadors grace your help me, yes I will glorify your sacred name. 9 Lord Jesus Christ, write your servant of yours in the book of animals and give the end of the close. 10 Lord God, Osch, and nothing good of the coordinates, before you, but guess the grace of yours to put the principle. 11 Lord, Sokropy in the heart of my dew grace is yours. 12 Lord Heaven and Earth, acknowledged by the sinners of your slave, Studago and Uncleano, in your kingdom. Amen.

1 Lord, in repentance by accepting me. 2 Lord, do not leave me. 3 Lord, do not enter me in attack. 4 Lord, giving a good idea. 5 Lord, Lady Tears, and Memory mortal, and lunizing. 6 Lord, giving the minds of the confession of my sins. 7 Lord, gazing, smile, chastity and obedience. 8 Lord, Lady patience, generosity and meekness. 9 Lord, all the root of good, your fear in my heart. 10 Lord, it is easy to love the Maja and Muya's souls and thinking and creating yours in all. 11 Lord, the face of some of some, and demons, and passions, and from everyone inna, there are still things. 12 Lord, Weighs, Yako Creaters, Yokely You Will, will be the will of yours and in me the sinner, I can be blessed in eyelids. Amen.

Lord, do not lose me the celestial benefits. Lord, get rid of me from eternal torment. Lord, mind or thoughts, in a word or affair, forgive me. Lord, get rid of me from any unfortunate, oblivion, faulty and petrified inadversion. Lord, get rid of me from all sophistication. Lord, enlighten my heart, overshadowed by loopholes. Lord, I like a man sinned, you're like a generous God, hunt me, seeing my soul tolerance. Lord, let me grace your help me, yes we will glorify your holy name. Lord, Jesus Christ, write me, the slave of yours, in the book of life and give me the good ending. My God God, if I didn't do anything good, I am before, but let me put a good start by your grace. Lord, Skropy's heart is my delicious than your grace. Lord Sky and Earth, remember me, sinful, vile and unclean slave of yours in your kingdom.

Lord, accept me, who has a swinging. Lord, do not leave me. Lord, do not enter me in attack. Lord, give me the good idea. Lord, give me tears, remembering about death and lunizing. Lord, give me a location to the confession of my sins. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, wonder the good of your fear in my heart. Lord, it is easy for me to love you from all my soul and thinking and to fulfill your will. Lord, protect me from evil people, demons and passions and from everything harmful to me. Lord, do it in your permissions, everything you want, let the will of your will need me, sinful, for you are blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer 8th, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sake of a honest mother, and the lack of suitable Angel, the Prophet and the Forerunners and the Baptist of Your Goggold, the Apostle, Light and Dokropinous Martyr, Reverend and the Godproof Father, and all the Holy Prayers, relieve me
Bescago. To her, Lord My and Cottage, not at least the death of the sinner, but I rose and I live to visit him, and I appeal to the appeal and unworthy; Among the mouth of the Chubnago Zmia, Zrayyukovo, and I will bring alive in hell. To her, my God, the consolation of my, and me, for the sake of Okayannago in a melted flesh, the felling, decedural from the eye, and consolation of the soul of my appearance. Naughty in my heart Create your commandments, and leave the deceitful acts, and get your blesses: on you Bo, Lord, Version, save me.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of the honest of your mother, the infertility of your angels, as well as the Prophet of the Forerunner and the Baptist of Your Breathable Apostles, Light and Victorious Martyrs, Reverend and God's Fathers and all saints, to save me from the real attack of Beshovsky. Oh, the Lord is my and the Creator, who does not want the death of a sinner, but waiting for his appeal and life, give an appeal, and I, Okyanny and unworthy; Removing me from the mouth of a detrimental snake, thirsting to absorb me and bring alive alive in hell. Oh, my God, the consolation of my, for me, fallen, enjoyed in a damn flesh, get rid of me from misfortune and serve the consolation of my soul, decent regret. In the heart of my heart to fulfill your commandments and leave your dear things and get your bliss, for you, Lord, I hope, save me.

Prayer to the Virgin, St. Peter Studiosky

To you, the Mother of God's Mother's Mother Okayyany, pokingaya Praying: Weighs, Queen, Yako Sleepy sin and nourge my son and God's God, and Kyutsya Kyusya, I've got to God, and Kyusya trembled: I didn't have the Lord to strike me, and on the hour of Pakuje work; Leading of this, Mother Madames Motherodok, I pray, dame, yes, it's strengthening, and the benefit of creating yes. Weighing Bo, Mother Mother Mother of God, Yako, from the imam in hatred of evil, and all the thoughts love the law of my God; But not veam, Ms. Ms. Mr., Schuada I don't hate, that I love, and the blessing to press. Do not thorough, the prechile, the will of my will commit, not pleased, but will be the will of your son and my God: yes, I will save, and I will send, and will give the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the oss oscillation of the second Your son, Jedse, with any glory, honor and power, with his original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are constant, and forever and ever, Amen.

To you, the Mother Mother's Mother, Fresh, I, Unfortunate, I pray: You know, the queen, as I am indifferent to sin and the nape of your son and my God. And although I repeatedly repent, but I find yourself before God, and I repeat with fear again, and immediately do the same thing: did the Lord amazing me? Knowing about it, my master Mrs. The Virgin, I pray, so that I pardon and strengthened and taught me to do good. For you know, my lord, the Virgin, that I absolutely bent the evil my affairs and I love the law of God's law, but I do not know, Mrs. Mrs., why do not do good, and evil, which I do not want to do it. Do not allow, the preching, to be fulfilled by my evil will, but let the will of your son and my God, which will save me, will arouse and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I stopped doing a bad thing, and the rest of the time would live on the commandments of your son to whom it belongs Every glory, honor and power with his original father and the Most Holy, good and giving life to His Spirit, now and always and forever. Amen.

Like soda to all the days of my belly - That I created throughout my life.
Secret - Customs from food in the post, secret from other poisoning.
Negligence - carelessness (in salvation).
Incredigating - Lit.
Square-grayscale - criminal profit (profit).
Mustomming - bribery, korestolobim (mšel - king).
Jealous - jealousy, suspicion (infractiveness).
Monymozyme - Shallowness.
Lohykhism - greed, sober. In our tradition, enshrined in Catchism, the name of the wrong foulness of neighboring is informed by this word: bribes, extortion, etc.
Feelings - Feelings.
Sins - sins.
Spiritual couple and bodily - as spiritual and bodily.
Imget to you - which you.
Progeysh - Harrow.
Onephanovdov - I slandered; caused any evil, in defense.
Winn yourself to my God I imagine "I, in all this aware, betrayed before you, my God."
I have the will of Kayatiya - I have a desire to bring repentance.
Ticker - Only.
Preceded sewing- Previously former (past) my sins.
From all, yazhny - From all this, that I expressed.

The need for daily repentance in sins who have been deemed for life, explain the words of Reverend Anthony of the Great: "Speak that you are sinners, and mourn all, in a state of non-irregularities you are vested. For this, the glee of the Lord will be with you and will act in you: for he is good And he lets the sins of all who appeal to him, whoever they would be, so it will not remember them more. However, he wants the pardoned to remember their sins themselves, they have led to, forget about whether to prevent anything in The behavior of her such, because of which they will be forced to give a report and in those sins that were already forgiven them ... ".
Keeping and constantly renewing the repentance in our sins of our life, not forgetting about them - we should not at the same time, "turn them in the mind," re-worry, to glorify them with memory. This is one of the manifestations of the art of the "invisible brahi", the median "royal" path, which a Christian should go.
This prayer helps the consideration of daylights and supports the memory of those performed earlier - in all days of life. Recall that sincerely professed in the sacrament of repentance of sins completely say goodbye to the Lord, but this does not mean that we must forget about them. Sins remain in memory for humility and crushing about the deed.
As the confession in the sacrament of repentance, and on the daily confession to God sins should be confidentially, consciously. Therefore, we will dwell on the sins mentioned in prayer and indicate which things can imply cases, actions, words and thoughts. At the same time, we are guided by the Orthodox Catchism and the instructions of the devotees of the Orthodox Church.
Cheating, Pyjing, Secret - Sins associated with the passion of the gluttony in the eight of the main passions. Second - Eating with secret (from greed, shame or unwillingness to share, with a violation of the post, with the use of unlawful eating, etc.). To sins of gluttony also apply multiple and gARTANTABESY - Passion for the delight of taste, that is, the gourmet, as planned these days. Drug use and smoking also belong to the field of drunkenness; If you suffered or suffer from these sinful preferences, turn them on the list of sins.
Fellowship. Recall the Terrible Word of the Lord itself: I say to you that for any idle word, what people will say, they will give an answer on the day of the Court: because they will be justified from the words, and they are condemned from words (Matt. 12, 36-37).
But the patristic recipe, how to behave if the situation and conversations in the company have to be celebrated: "If you don't have a special need to stay, then go away; and when there is a need to stay, then turn to mind to prayer, without condemning the holidays, but knowing your wearing ". ( Rev. John the Prophet)
Expands the concept of celebrations Rev. Efrem Sirin: "And what is the idle word? The promise of faith, not fulfilled in practice. A person believes and confesses Christ, but remains idle, does not make what Christ commanded. And in another case, it happens the word idle - precisely, When a person confesses and is not correct when he says, he is sinful and sin again. There is a celebrating word about a friend, because he retells that it was not done and what he sees. "
Sadness. This sin is often really linked to the celebrations:
"The despondency often happens to one of the industries, one of the first extinction of the Multilia ... The despondency is the relaxation of the soul, the exhaustion of the mind ... The Evoligator of God, as if he is a slightly compassion and inhumoching; in the psalm, it is weak, in prayer weakly ... in obedience to hypocritically" . ( Rev. John Districhnik)
LazinessAs we see, it is closely connected with the passion of despondency. Orthodox Catchism calls "tension in relation to the teachings of piety, prayer and public utilities" among sins against the 1st commandment of the Law of God.
Precast. "Talk your tongue, frantically striving for precastness, and seventy-brought Sedmerian a day to fight with sim tormented by Sedmeritz," holy fathers teach the words of John the District. "Who in the conversation stubbornly wishes to insist in his opinion, at least it was and fairly, he knows that he is obsessed with a diabolian ailment; and if he does it in a conversation with equal, then maybe the glory of the elders and heal it; if He addresses so with great and wise, then this ailment from people insecite. "
Disobedience. "Unfortunately in a word without a doubt will not obey and the case, for who are wrong in the Word, he is adamant and in the case," this is binding disobedience with the precline St. John the Distrownger. In the church, everything is built on obedience; We must obey everyone and everyone who put the Lord over us. Complete obedience in matters of spiritual life is necessary in relation to the spiritual father, in general to shepherds and spiritual teachers. But the complete and unquestionable obedience (in everything that does not contradict faith and the law of God) should have a wife to her husband who have not yet created their families children - parents. Obey the boss.
Slandering - Direct violation of the 9th commandment of the Law of God ( Do not pronounce false testimony to your neighbor - Ex. 20,16). Every slander, any peres and gossip, any unfair censure is slandering. Almost certainly leads to slandering the condemnation of the near, directly prohibited by the Lord: Judge not lest ye be judged (MF. 7, 1).
Neglect - negligent execution of responsibilities assigned to us or even disregard them. Negligence at work, neglect by their home and family duties, careless prayer ...
Self-loveabva Dorofey calls the root of all passions, and Reverend Efrem Sirin is the mother of all thin.
"Self-love is a passionate and reckless lubaning of the body. Opplict to him love and abstinence. It is obvious that having a pride has all the passions." ( Saint Maxim confessor)
Multi-cycle. Empty ... there is an idolatry- says the apostle Paul (count 3, 5). Dysfrequate is a passion of chroprolube, which is part of the eight of the main passions, in action: any accumulation, addiction to various subjects, miserness and, on the contrary, wastefulness.
Theft. This concept includes not only any theft, but also any use that "badly lies": for example, "read" a book in the library or friends. Especially the difficult type of embezzlement - the sacredness - "Assignment of what is dedicated to God and what belongs to the Church" (see "Orthodox Catchism"), that is, not only the direct theft of sacred items, but also: take, without having requested the blessing of the priest, donated to the eve or brought to the temple benefactors for distribution, etc.
Inconigible - Any lie word. The abomination of the Lord is false, and the talking truth is well-known to him (Proverb. 12.22).
It should be remembered that there is no "innocent" lying, every lie is not from God. "A lie, in which there is no intention to harm the neighbor, is unability, because it disagrees with love and respect for the neighbor and is not worthy of a person, and especially the Christian created for truth and love," says Saint Filaret in his "Orthodox Catchism".
SquareBig - Return profit, arrogant, foul, unjust. The concept may include all sorts of body kit, measurement, deception, but also any earnings, bringing evil people, for example, based on satisfaction or inciting sinful passions. Fake any documents and the use of fake documents (for example, travel tickets), buying the cheap stolen - also sober-mindedness. This also applies to the Tuneshi, "when they receive a salary for the post or fee for the case, but the posts and cases do not fulfill and, thus, steal and fertrine or fee, and the benefit that could work to bring society or for whom should work "(See" Orthodox Catchism ").
Medelomyism - Korestolyvia, charging mshela - Care. This includes all types of extortion and bribery. And, since this sin was introduced into the prayer-repentance for all Orthodox Christians, it should be carefully considering his life and discover his manifestations in it.
Jealous - Jealousy of all kinds.
Envy. "Whoever envies the neighbor, he rebels against God - Drazers of Gifts." ( St. John Zlatoust)
"... Envy and rivalry - a terrible reflection: slandering, hatred and murder is born from them." ( Rev. Efrem Sirin)
Anger - One of the eight major passions.
"Whatever the reason for the movement of anger, it blinds the eyes of the heart and, imposing the cover on the sharpness of mental vision, does not give to see the sun of the truth. Anyway, the golden leaf, or lead, or from the other of which metal will be imposed on the eyes - value Metals do not make a difference in blinding. " ( Rev. John Cassian Roman)
Memozlobia "There is the last limit of anger, storage in the memory of sins against us near, the disgust of the image of an excuse (the god of a certain one:" Sorry and farewell will be "- Wed: Lk. 6, 37), thumping all former virtues, poison shredding, ricking heart worm, Shame to pray (how to say: "Leave, Jacques and we ..."?), stunned in the soul of a nail, incessant sin, a chanceless lawlessness, hourly evil. " ( Rev. John Districhnik)
"If you are angry to whom, pray for him; and, the prayer separating the sadness from the memoil of evil, what he caused you, stop the movement of passion; becoming friendly and human-loving, completely exaggerate the passion from the soul." ( Saint Maxim confessor)
Hatred. Who hates his brother, he is in darkness, and in darkness goes, and does not know where it goes, because darkness blinded his eyes (1 in. 2, 11). Anyone who hates his brother, there is a man bike; And you know that no human bike has eternal life, there is (1 in. 3, 15). Who says: "I love God," he hates his brother, that liar: for not a loving brother of his who sees, how can God love, whom he does not see? (1 in. 4, 20).
Likehit - "When under the guise of some right, and in fact, with a violation of justice and philanthy, there are someone else's property or someone else's work, or even the most disasters of neighboring, for example, when the lenders burden debtors in growth (interest percentages), when the owners exude From them are excessive taxes or work, if during hunger they sell bread at a very high price "(see" Orthodox Catchism "). In a broad sense, the word likehit means generally love, greed (passion of chroproluby); In this meaning, the word is used in the New Testament (Rome. 1, 29; 2 Cor. 9, 5; Eph. 4, 19 and 5, 3; count 3, 5).
Grave sins, pretended during the life, from among those that are not directly named in this prayer should be included in it, rather than "to sum up" under one of the points (for example, blasphemy, Ropot on God, or an attempt of suicide, or the murder of unborn children - abortion, etc.). In particular, there are no sins in this list relating to the passion of the Blud (and among them such as adultery and any extramarital cohabitation, and all violations of purity and chastity), and the passion of pride, which is considered to be terrible of passion.
