Menstruation after 2 weeks is possible both for physiological reasons and to be the result of diseases. When diagnosing, concomitant symptoms, factors that could provoke menstruation are taken into account ahead of time.

Menstrual flow in women normally goes through 21-35 days. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. The first 2-3 days of discharge are abundant, then they become scarce, spotting.

Physiological factors

These are the reasons why one period began early, for example, two weeks after the previous ones. Why does it happen? Affect the menstrual cycle and the timing of spotting can:

  • The formation of the cycle. This applies to teenage girls who have just started menstruating. The formation of the cycle takes up to 2 years. During this period, menstruation is irregular, maybe twice a month.
  • Pregnancy. During conception and attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, implantation bleeding is possible, which women take for the next menstruation. It occurs due to damage to small blood vessels. And if your period came about 2 weeks after the last, you should take a test or see a doctor.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth. These events are a powerful impetus for changing hormonal levels. After childbirth, miscarriage or curettage, the body takes time to restore the cycle, and before that, blood discharge is unpredictable.
  • Beginning of the climax. After 45 years, the natural decline of reproductive function begins. During premenopause, a change in the hormonal background occurs, the level of estrogen and progesterone changes, which affects the regularity and frequency of menstruation.

If there is a disease

Menstruation in two weeks can go in the presence of inflammatory or infectious diseases, formations in the uterus, on the ovaries, as well as ectopic pregnancy.

Possible reasons:

  • . Pathological proliferation of cells of the mucous tissue of the uterus in places that are unusual for them. The endometrium grows through the walls of the organ, affects the ovaries, the abdominal cavity. A large amount of tissue causes discharge after menstruation. They are dark, with mucus content.
  • Endometritis. Inflammatory process inside the uterine cavity. It provokes hypothermia, sexual infections. If left untreated, the endometrium grows, polyps form, discharge does not occur on time.

  • . Benign tumor of the uterus. It looks like knots of connective and muscle tissues. The reason for the formation is a hormonal imbalance. Excessive amounts of estrogen provoke an increase in myomatous nodes, which causes bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  • Risk of miscarriage. A daub after or before menstruation can be the beginning of an abortion, which a woman often does not know about. When threatened, bleeding is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  • . It is characterized by the location of the embryo outside the uterine cavity, for example, inside the tube. Over time, the fetal egg increases, stretches the tissues and breaks them. There is bleeding, which a woman can take for menstruation. Their difference in ectopic pregnancy is acute pain in the lower abdomen, deterioration of well-being.

On the video about uterine bleeding

Other factors

There are a number of other reasons that affect the cycle and lead to its violation. Possible factors for frequent periods:

  • Taking hormonal contraceptives. This type of contraception leads to a restructuring of the entire body, as a result of which menstruation does not go according to the calendar in the first 2-3 months after the start of use.
  • Intrauterine device. When it is installed, menstruation in some cases becomes plentiful and long. If they go every 2 weeks, the woman feels unwell, you should consult a doctor and remove the IUD.

  • Overwork and sleep disturbance. For the body, this is a stressful situation, so the reproductive system begins to malfunction.
  • stressful situations. The emotional state of a woman directly affects the menstrual cycle. Stress, shocks, nerves - all this leads to the onset of bleeding out of time.
  • Lifting weights, playing sports can provoke menstruation a couple of weeks earlier than expected.
  • Changing of the climate. Flights, change of terrain, holidays in the south are not always good for the body. The result is irregular discharge.
  • Getting rid of excess weight. Diets, starvation lead to a deficiency in the body of useful nutrients. Against the background of a lack, the level of produced sex hormones changes. First, menstruation is more frequent than usual, then the cycle becomes longer. If you do not normalize the diet, menstruation may stop altogether.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. Lead to a change in the concentration of sex hormones in the body. The work of the reproductive system is disrupted, menstruation goes every 14 days.
  • Infectious, colds, food poisoning. All this significantly reduces immunity, as a result, the reproductive organs do not work properly.

If the menstruation went again once, it may be due to fatigue, stress, diet, lack of sleep. You should balance your diet, observe the regime of sleep and rest.

If the failure has become permanent, you need to contact the clinic. The doctor should be told about the nature of the discharge, their abundance, intensity. The absence or presence of abdominal pain these days is important. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an examination and treatment based on its results.

Regular painless menstruation for a woman is an indicator of health. But the body of the fair sex is so sensitive that it reacts to almost everything: a change in climate and even mood, the slightest illness and medicines, which can cause the loop to fail. The line between the norm and pathology is thin, most often you cannot do without a specialist. Should I be worried if my period is every week? Does this happen normally?

Read in this article

Causes of failures

Every woman should lead at least the simplest one, which will clearly show all cycle failures immediately when they occur. Then it is easy to calculate and determine whether complaints fit into the norm or already indicate pathology.

Normal duration menstrual cycle should be within 21 - 35 days. Moreover, it is correct to count from the first day of any spotting to the beginning of the next. This is very important, because sometimes women mark incorrectly and begin to worry that the duration of the cycle does not meet the necessary parameters.

ovulatory secretions

In the middle of the cycle (approximately 14-16 days with an ideal schedule), the hormonal background of the girl changes - the restructuring of the first phase to the second. Sometimes, even in normal conditions, this may be accompanied by a small spotting discharge, which is called ovulatory bleeding. It should last no more than 1 - 3 days, while the use of daily hygiene products is enough for the girl.

When ovulatory bleeding occurs, it turns out that menstruation has barely ended and discharge has begun again. All this can lead to confusion and anxiety for a woman. But if this continues from month to month, you really should “sound the alarm” and undergo an examination, since the cavities and cervix can have a similar clinical picture.

During the formation of menstrual function

For the first two years after menarche, a girl may experience irregular periods, sometimes occurring less than 21 days later. This is considered an absolute norm, if the discharge is not abundant, does not disrupt the girl's normal life. But if this is observed after two years, you should consult a gynecologist.

During the perimenopausal period

When a woman's ovarian function fades, there may also be various. But at this time, you should already be more wary of your health, since only in 10% of cases the violations will be functional. Everything else is a serious disease, including cancer.

Against the background of hormonal pills

Women very often use for the purpose of prevention and treatment oral contraceptives. In case of violation of the regimen, as well as in the first months of use, various menstrual irregularities can be observed. As a rule, if all the recommendations are followed, menstruation is getting better.

Dysfunctional disorders

The diagnosis of "dysfunction" is quite common. Usually, he is preferred when no visible reasons are found, and a woman has a “bouquet of problems” of a gynecological and general somatic profile. In fact, dysfunctional disorders are not always harmless.

Often, with such cycle failures, menstruation occurs every 2 weeks. It is important to understand that if this continues for a long time, in the end it will lead to an anemization of the woman. This entails a decrease in working capacity, poor health, age-related changes will appear faster, etc.

Dysfunctional bleeding develops against the background of the following pathologies:

Cause Why is this happening
Thyroid diseases All conditions that lead to a change in the concentration of its hormones in the blood, one way or another affect the functioning of the genital organs. Pathology of the thyroid gland can "start", which further leads to or, conversely, frequent menstruation.
Overweight Many people know that adipose tissue is hormonally active, in which androgens are converted into estrogens. It is from the weight of a woman that her menstrual function largely depends. At sharp decline body weight in the body there is a deficiency of estrogen, as a result, menstruation may disappear altogether.

And with an excess, a woman is exposed to excessive exposure to sex hormones, which entails a number of pathological processes in the uterine cavity (for example, polyposis), which lead to the fact that sometimes menstruation occurs every week. Such conditions require mandatory additional treatment and timely diagnosis.

Stress and constant psycho-emotional overstrain As a result, they lead to various cycle failures in a woman. Periods can disappear for a long time, become irregular and occur in the form of bleeding, even after less than 21 days.
Dramatic change in climate, living conditions It also affects the functioning of the female reproductive system. On average, it takes from 3 to 6 months to adapt, during which various failures can be observed.
Excessive exercise First, intense training affects a woman's body weight. Secondly, overwork, as well as the use of anabolic drugs, which is often practiced to quickly achieve results, lead to an imbalance of sex hormones and various dysfunctional disorders.
Inflammation With inflammation, menstrual irregularities also often occur. This may be the only symptom of an infectious process, sometimes it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge, etc.

- a consequence of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman and the growth of pathological foci. Against this background, various bleeding may appear. But also with myoma, the likelihood of endometrial hyperplasia, polyps increases - all this at any time can provoke the appearance of which can be mistaken for menstruation. Bleeding occurs with submucosal fibroids more often than with or subserous nodes.

Tumors of the ovaries

Not all, but some of the formations of the ovaries can affect their work, as well as the overall hormonal status of a woman. As a result, various failures occur.

Pathology of the cavity and cervix

Frequent menstruation of a different nature occurs against the background of hyperplasia, polyps of the cervix and cervical canal. There are many reasons for their formation. Treatment is not always effective, the percentage of relapses is high.

During pregnancy

Sometimes menstrual-like discharge occurs during pregnancy just on the supposed critical days, and then without any regularity. Such threats of interruption can last even several months until a woman suspects pregnancy. Pain in the abdomen, as well as other signs may not be. The intensity of the discharge varies from a slight daub to heavy bleeding.

With oncological pathology

With acyclic discharge, various oncological pathologies should first be excluded, since the nature of the treatment is fundamentally different from all other diseases.
Frequent menstrual-like bleeding can manifest as a malignant pathology of the uterine cavity, ovaries, and cervical canal.

Watch the video about the causes of menstruation twice a month:

When is it time to see a doctor

If a woman notes such violations for more than one month and for no apparent reason (stress, change in body weight), it is necessary to seek medical help immediately. The earlier the pathology is detected, the better it can be treated.

In the case when a provoking factor is detected, for example, a woman used emergency contraception or violated her birth control, after moving, you can wait a while for the body to come into balance on its own. But if in doubt, you should consult a doctor.


Why menstruation goes every week, you can say for sure by performing a certain set of examinations. The main ones include:

  • examination of the cervix and vagina in gynecological mirrors;
  • cytological examination, if necessary - a biopsy of the cervix;
  • hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;
  • diagnostic curettage - the most common procedure for pathological discharge from the uterine cavity;
  • examination for hormones, sexual infections.


Treatment depends on the identified pathology. So, if the cause is organic in nature (tumor, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.), then menstruation every 2 weeks will pass only if the pathological focus is removed. Most often, this is curettage of the uterine cavity with the removal of its inner lining. Hysteroscopy is also widely used, during which polyps and hyperplastic areas of the endometrium can be removed under visual control, as well as small submucosal fibroids, etc.

Sometimes there is a need for serious surgical interventions, such as removal of the ovaries and even the uterus.

If there are violations of a functional nature, the entire arsenal of conservative gynecology is used here. Most often, preference is given to the following:

  • vitamin therapy,
  • hormonal drugs (gestagen-estrogenic or monocomponent),
  • antibacterial agents,
  • physiotherapy and some others.

Also, in most cases, symptomatic treatment is necessary (to combat anemia, pain, etc.). The most correct and effective therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist after a comprehensive examination.

Irregular periods are no longer the norm. And if bleeding is repeated more often than after 21 days, in 80% of cases this hides serious diseases that require competent and timely treatment.

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  • Menstruation in a woman is an absolutely normal process. It manifests itself in the form of a small bleeding from the vagina. These discharges last from three to seven days. After this, there comes a period in which the body of the fairer sex undergoes hormonal changes. This is how the follicle grows and develops. Later, an egg comes out of it, which is fertilized by a sperm or simply dies. Sometimes women note that they began menstruation a week after menstruation. Is it normal? You will get the answer to this question from this article. It is also worth mentioning how the violation of menstruation is corrected in one case or another. Expert opinions and effective drugs will be described below.

    Period one week after period

    Normal menstruation in a woman lasts on average up to one week. However, it can be plentiful or scarce. Approximately 30 percent of the fairer sex note that immediately after the end of bleeding, the discharge may resume. This happens about seven days later. In this case, the patient comes to the gynecologist and complains that she has another period a week after menstruation.

    Doctors say that in some cases this situation is a normal reaction to hormonal changes in a woman's body. However, more often this symptom indicates a pathological process. In this case, the woman is shown treatment. Consider the main reasons why menstruation appears a week after menstruation.

    Rupture of blood vessels during ovulation

    If the periods have passed, and after about seven days new bleeding has appeared, then this may be a sign of ovulation. Under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the follicle grows and increases in volume. About a week after the end of menstruation, the release of luteinizing hormone begins. At the moment when the substance reaches the maximum mark in its quantity, the sac ruptures and the female gamete is released.

    During this process, the smallest vessels on the woman's ovary often burst. They may exude a small amount of blood. It is she who is observed by the representative of the weaker sex in the middle of the cycle. This phenomenon does not require medical intervention and rarely recurs in the following cycles.

    Hormonal diseases

    Violation of the cycle of menstruation most often has hormonal causes. Often spotting in the middle of the cycle appears due to the development of endometriosis. In this case, the tissue, which is normally located in the cavity of the reproductive organ, grows into abdominal cavity and cervical canal. These formations not only bleed, but also give the woman quite painful sensations. Treatment in this case is most often prescribed surgical. During the operation, the doctor removes the pathological endometrium. After that, long-term hormonal treatment is prescribed. Often it requires the introduction of the patient into an artificial menopause with drugs such as Zoladex, Buserelin, Deferelin, and so on.

    Menstrual bleeding that occurs after the end of the next discharge a week later may indicate a low level of thyroid hormones. At the same time, the woman notes increased fatigue, weakness, headaches and other accompanying symptoms. Treatment in such cases is prescribed only after a preliminary examination and blood tests.

    Inflammatory diseases

    Violation of the cycle of menstruation may have infectious causes. Most often this is a consequence of diseases that are sexually transmitted. The inflammatory process affects not only the functionality of the reproductive organ, but also leads to malfunction of the ovaries. Treatment in this case is the use of antimicrobial and immunomodulatory drugs. It should be noted that antibiotic therapy is prescribed only after a preliminary study and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to various drugs.


    Menstruation in women can be disturbed due to a long absence of treatment for inflammatory and infectious diseases. In this case, the pathology becomes chronic and leads to breakthrough bleeding after the next menstruation.

    In most cases, medical treatment is chosen. It consists in the use of antibiotic therapy and immunomodulating agents. Also, doctors often recommend performing diagnostic curettage before correction. This manipulation will allow for a more detailed analysis and find out the main causes of chronic inflammation.


    If after the next menstruation a woman notes spotting, then in this case pregnancy cannot be ruled out. In this case, the fetal egg can develop as in reproductive organ, and outside its cavity.

    When the embryo is attached in the uterus and spotting occurs, we are talking about the threat of termination of pregnancy. Most often, doctors in this case prescribe preserving drugs "Duphaston" or "Utrozhestan". Medicines that stop the blood are also prescribed - Dicinon, Traneksam and others. Sedatives and complete rest are definitely recommended.

    If the fetal egg is fixed outside the uterine cavity, then we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy. Breakthrough bleeding is often the first symptom. Treatment in this case can only be surgical. It requires hospitalization of the woman.

    Ovulation disorders

    Quite often, failures in the menstrual cycle occur due to a violation of the ovulatory function. At the same time, a woman can notice long cycles that constantly change their duration. Also, many representatives of the weaker sex complain of infertility.

    The drug in violation of menstruation in this case is selected individually. Most often, these are conventional hormonal contraceptives. They are appointed within a period of three months to six months. These funds include "Logest", "Zhanin", "Diana" and many others. It is worth recalling that doctors categorically do not advise prescribing such medications on their own.

    Mucosal damage

    Bloody discharge after menstruation is often perceived by a woman as the onset of a new cycle. However, this is not always the case. Often, such a sign indicates a pathology of the vagina and cervix. Erosion, polyp, endocervix cyst, and so on can be attributed to such an ailment.

    The treatment of such pathologies in most cases is surgical. So, erosion is corrected by cauterization. Cysts and polyps are removed using minimally invasive modern methods.

    Reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle, not related to the health of women

    In some cases, breakthrough spotting at the beginning or middle of the cycle may be due to the influence external factors. So, in stressful situations, a woman can detect menstruation a week after the next menstruation. A change in the climatic zone can in the same way affect the work of the body of the fairer sex.

    Most often, doctors do not prescribe treatment in these cases. Usually the work of the body is restored on its own after a few cycles. Otherwise, a representative of the weaker sex is assigned a detailed examination and the issue of the need for correction is decided.

    If you regularly experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Only an experienced specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. Otherwise, this symptom can lead to complications of a different nature. Health to you!

    The menstrual cycle is one of the main indicators of a woman's health. Any deviation from the established cycle is an alarming bell and it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor in this case.

    What is a normal menstrual cycle

    The menstrual cycle is usually called the time from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next. Normally, the duration of the cycle in a healthy woman is 27-35 days, the minimum duration can last 21 days. Normal menstruation lasts 4-7 days.

    During the menstrual cycle, a woman's body undergoes a series of physiological changes that are controlled by a finely balanced endocrine mechanism. The menstrual cycle depends on the state of the thyroid gland, which regulates hormonal processes throughout the body, as well as on the state of the central nervous systems s, ovaries and uterus.

    Any inflammatory processes in the female genital organs or malfunctions of the endocrine or nervous systems disrupt the well-established mechanism responsible for the regular menstrual cycle. Every woman faces menstruation "out of schedule" in her life. Are periods after periods a sign of serious health problems?

    Menstruation after menstruation: self-diagnosis

    In order to figure out whether there is a reason for serious concern about your health, you need to know that there are indeed periods that did not start on time due to a failure of the menstrual cycle, but there are intermenstrual bleeding that are not menstrual - they have a different nature and reasons.

    For self-diagnosis, a woman, in the event of the onset of menstruation after menstruation in two or three weeks, needs to remember whether she took emergency hormonal contraceptives (Postinor, Mercilon) after the last menstruation, whether physical activity increased sharply, whether there were stresses or alcohol abuse. All of the above, as well as a sharp change in climate, strict diets and taking certain medications, can “knock down” the menstrual cycle and cause menstruation after menstruation. In these cases, it is enough to establish a normal mode of work and rest, restore emotional calm, establish good nutrition - and the cycle will be restored.

    Bleeding other than menstruation

    Often, women mistake for monthly bleeding, which in fact is not menstruation. If a woman observes herself, if there are repeated discharges in the middle of the cycle or menstruation a week or two after menstruation, accompanied by pain, fever, weakness, then most likely this is vaginal bleeding that is not associated with the menstrual cycle. This condition necessarily requires a doctor's consultation, since vaginal bleeding can be a symptom of very dangerous conditions, as well as a number of diseases.

    When menstruation occurs after menstruation, it is important to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In such a pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity. In this case, the embryo cannot develop normally and dies over time, and for a woman, an ectopic pregnancy is dangerous because it can most likely lead to tissue rupture and internal bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy requires surgery, and the sooner the better.

    One of the most common causes of uterine bleeding are hormonal disruptions caused by disorders in the thyroid gland or ovaries. If a woman has intermenstrual bleeding and cycle failures, she needs to conduct an examination of the condition of these organs. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe hormone therapy.

    Intermenstrual bleeding can cause endocervicitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of the cervix. With endocervicitis, the discharge can be mixed with pus and mucus, the disease is accompanied by dull aching pains in the lower abdomen, sometimes itching in the genital area.

    Often, vaginal bleeding causes various kinds of neoplasms, such as endometrial polyps (the layer lining the walls of the uterus), cysts, and uterine fibroids. These growths are not malignant, however, due to the risk of cancer and internal bleeding, these growths should be observed by a doctor and determine the tactics of treatment.

    Vaginal bleeding can be one of the symptoms of adenomyosis. Adenomyosis is a pathological growth of the endometrium. The growth of the endometrium into other organs is called endometriosis and in some cases can also cause intermenstrual bleeding. With adenomyosis, vaginal bleeding is accompanied by pain, period immediately after period characterized by appearing 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. The disease is also accompanied by weakness, decreased performance, dizziness. Adenomyosis is dangerous with the risk of developing anemia and infertility, as well as the risk of developing cancer. With the endometrium, the normal functioning of the affected organs is disrupted.

    Vaginal bleeding in combination with "dull" pains in the lower abdomen may accompany chronic adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages caused by various microorganisms. If this disease is not treated, then obstruction of the fallopian tubes and, as a result, infertility may develop. The disease is treated with antibiotic therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

    Miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy is very easy to confuse with menstruation. If three weeks later, and immediately with large blood clots, and the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen, then it is likely that this is an early miscarriage. If in the secretions a woman managed to discern a transparent body about two centimeters in size with a dot inside, then there is practically no doubt that this is an early miscarriage. In the event of a miscarriage, a woman definitely needs the help of a doctor who will remove the remnants of the fetal egg from the uterus in order to avoid inflammation and bleeding.

    Small vaginal bleeding can manifest itself as a deep erosion of the cervix. In this case, the woman does not experience pain during bleeding, and the discharge itself can be provoked by sexual intercourse. Erosion needs to be treated, its presence is an open gate for various pathogens (Candida, Trichomonas, Chlamydia and others), moreover, erosion can develop into cancer.

    The most terrible cause of uterine bleeding is cancer of the body and cervix, as well as uterine sarcoma. Symptoms of cancer, along with spotting between periods, are pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, loss of appetite. More "speaking" and formidable symptoms appear later, when the disease is already actively progressing and the process is in the late stages. In order to identify malignant tumors in the early stages, with the appearance of bleeding between menstruation and failures in the cycle, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After all, the earlier a malignant tumor is detected, the more chances a woman has for a full recovery and a long life.

    The health of the female reproductive system can be judged by the duration and nature of menstrual flow. Normally, menstruation cannot come several times a month, because nature is arranged in such a way that in the body of a healthy woman, almost a whole month is needed for the full maturation of the egg. If she was fertilized, then the woman becomes pregnant, if not, she will begin her period. What does it mean? But only the fact that conception did not occur and the unused egg cell leaves the organ cavity together with the inner layer of the uterus.

    And what can it mean when, 2 weeks after the previous menstruation, new ones began, what to do in such a situation, and whether this can be a variant of the norm, let's try to understand this article. We will also consider the main reasons why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, what factors contribute to this, and in what situations it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

    Normal menstrual cycle

    The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases: follicular and luteal. During the first half of the cycle, the maturation of the egg occurs, this phase ends with ovulation and the release of the germ cell from the follicle. The onset of menstruation is the beginning of the follicular phase.

    When the follicle ruptures and the egg is released, the luteal phase begins, at which time the corpus luteum is formed under the influence of hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy. Along with this, the following processes take place:

    • the remaining follicles cease to develop intensively;
    • the inner uterine layer of the endometrium begins to grow, to which, in the event of fertilization, the egg should attach, the circulatory network in this layer develops intensively;
    • the ducts of the mammary glands increase;
    • to prevent rejection of a fertilized egg, the protective properties of the body are reduced.

    If fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum dies off, and critical days come. New regulations should begin no earlier than in 28-32 days, in rare cases this range may vary within 21-35 days. If during the month the second menstruation appears, you should know exactly the causes of these processes in order to understand whether this is a pathology that requires the attention of a specialist, or a norm that should not cause concern. A reservation should be made immediately, if the menstrual cycle is 21 days, then it is quite natural that menstruation can go at the beginning and at the end of the same month. In such a situation, menstruation twice a month is a physiological feature of the body.

    When is the regulation 2 times a month the norm?

    If menstruation went for the second time in a month, this is not always a sign of reproductive disorders or the presence of a pathological condition. Consider situations where repeated periods during one calendar month are normal:

    • frequent periods can begin in women due to age-related changes in their body. Frequently recurring periods in girls may appear during puberty. At this time, the teenager's menstrual cycle is just beginning to normalize. Also, the failure of the cycle before the onset of menopause in women after 45 years of age can lead to the fact that critical days appear every two weeks. During these periods, a restructuring of the hormonal balance occurs, which can provoke the onset of menstruation for the second and third time in a month;
    • if menstruation is frequent, the cause may be a disruption in the endocrine system, in which case it is not enough to consult one gynecologist, an additional visit to the endocrinologist may be required. If there are no visual changes, for example, there are no nodes on the thyroid gland, then in most cases the cycle can be normalized with the help of hormone therapy and herbal decoctions. Age-related changes in the menstrual cycle go away on their own, when the body adapts to a new hormonal background, and problems with the endocrine system require additional treatment;
    • menstruation twice a month can go after the birth of a child or after an abortion. In this case, stress can cause frequent periods due to a sharp change in the concentration of hormones and a decrease in the protective functions of the body. It is not uncommon for women to experience menstruation not only 2, but also 3 times a month after childbirth and abortion;
    • repeated periods and even bleeding between periods can cause an intrauterine device. Using this method of contraception, you should carefully monitor your health and well-being, and if menstruation begins to appear twice and thrice once a month for several cycles in a row, the intrauterine device must be removed, as it can cause the development of various pathologies in the gynecological field;
    • Periods that occur 14 days after the start of a new menstrual cycle may be bleeding that is caused by ovulation. During this period, the follicle breaks and the egg leaves it, while small blood vessels are damaged, which is why a certain amount of blood flows out. Such selections will have a slightly darker color than regulars;
    • if a woman takes oral contraceptives, which are based on hormones, then there is a possibility that over 2-3 cycles she will get used to the new hormonal background, which will cause frequent menstrual flow. If the situation has not returned to normal by the fourth cycle, you should definitely consult a doctor and stop taking hormonal contraceptives or replace them with more acceptable ones.


    If menstruation appeared twice per cycle, and none of the above reasons takes place, this means that there are pathological processes or inflammatory diseases in the body. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment. Consider the most common women's health problems that cause bleeding and frequent periods.


    If there is inflammation in a woman's body, then it may seem to her that menstruation has come for the second time in a month, although most often these pathological processes are accompanied by internal bleeding. You should pay attention to additional symptoms. If the discharge smells unpleasantly of rotten or rotten meat, there is severe pain in the lower abdomen and elevated body temperature, in most cases, inflammation in the pelvic organs is diagnosed.


    Inside the cavity and cervix there is a layer of epithelial cells. In the uterus, these cells are more rounded, and the cervix is ​​lined with a dense layer of cylindrical epithelium. Erosion is called small sores on the mucous membrane of the cervix, the appearance of which can be caused by gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal disorders, as well as mechanical damage to the mucosa.

    Most often, erosion is asymptomatic, it is not characterized by a violation of the menstrual cycle, so if menstruation went a week or two after the usual regulation and the doctor diagnosed the presence of cervical erosion, then, most likely, bloody discharge came out of the damaged mucosa. To relieve inflammation, ointments, suppositories and douching are used, and surgical methods are used to get rid of the affected layer of the epithelium.


    With endometriosis, there is a pathological growth of the inner epithelial layer of the uterus. With this disease, menstruation can go several times a month, complemented by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. Hormonal therapy and surgical interventions are used as treatment.

    uterine fibroids

    The cause of menstruation, which go 2 times a month, may well be fibroids. Although this is a benign formation, it tends to increase to an incredible size. One of the stages of its development can be a hormonal imbalance, resulting in uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Myoma is quite dangerous, with a small size of the formation, observational tactics are chosen, and large specimens are treated with medication and surgery.

    endometrial hyperplasia

    This disease is also called adenomyosis. It is characterized by the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus, usually epithelial cells grow into the fallopian tubes, ovaries, digestive, respiratory or urinary systems. The spread of cells occurs through lymph, blood or direct contact. This is one of the common causes of frequent periods, in addition, too much discharge is a symptom of the disease, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Women suffering from persistent miscarriages and infertility are often diagnosed with this disease.


    Frequent periods can be triggered by focal growth of the endometrium or the so-called polyps. Also, this disease is characterized by prolonged menstruation with pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.


    If menstruation goes every 2 weeks, this may indicate a spontaneous abortion that has begun. In this situation, the egg was fertilized, but could not properly attach to the inner wall of the uterus, so the body gave the command to get rid of the zygote. Such discharge can go on any day of the cycle, while the woman may not even be aware that she is pregnant.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    If the fetus began to develop outside the uterus, in the fallopian tube, they talk about the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a very dangerous situation not only for health, but also for the life of a woman. One of the main symptoms of ectopic fetal development is bleeding that is not associated with the menstrual cycle, but visually resembles regulation. Treatment is carried out exclusively by surgery.

    Malignant tumors

    If, 2 weeks after the previous menstruation, new spotting has begun, and in the intervals between them a clear liquid with ichor is released, a malignant neoplasm can be diagnosed. A complete examination is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

    Blood clotting disorder

    If you have frequent periods, this may be a sign of a bleeding problem. They are caused by liver disease, hereditary hemophilia, or lack of iron in the blood. Only laboratory tests can detect problems with blood clotting.

    Provoking factors

    Not always frequent periods are a sign of pathology, there are situations when their arrival is provoked by additional factors:

    • stressful situations. Stress can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle, but usually after the normalization of the psycho-emotional state, critical days continue to go on as usual. Not only emotional overstrain, but also chronic fatigue, sleep problems, and overwork can provoke hormonal “swings”. Even an infection in the acute stage can cause stress in a woman. If the cause of menstrual bleeding is psycho-emotional problems, it is possible that, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, a psychotherapeutic session will be required;
    • improper nutrition. An unbalanced diet filled with harmful products and drinks can provoke a change in the hormonal background and, as a result, the onset of frequent regulation. strict diets, irregular nutrition, a large amount of alcohol, fatty, spicy and synthetic (lemonade, chips, snacks) leads to the fact that the female body begins to strongly reject the endometrium, causing additional blood loss. For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, you should enrich the diet useful products and also drink vitamins;
    • exercise stress. When a woman goes in for sports with weighting agents, intra-abdominal pressure rises, which causes tension in the muscles of the perineum and the release of blood in the likeness of the second menstruation. In order to prevent the development of serious diseases of the reproductive system, in training with a barbell, during exercises for the press or during squats, the load should be increased gradually and exercised under the supervision of a trainer. And during menstruation for 2-3 days, it is generally better to give up intensive sports;
    • pregnancy. After fertilization, the egg is fixed on the inner layer of the uterus, this process may be accompanied by damage to small blood vessels. Although the amount of blood from these capillaries is very small, in some cases, women can confuse them with menstruation, which began again in the same cycle.

    Signs of pathology

    Bloody discharge during normal periods should have a dark red light, by the end of menstruation, they may be Brown due to the interaction of blood with oxygen. If menstruation began a second time within one month and at the same time the discharge is not dark in color, but bright red, and their shade does not change for 4-5 days, this may be a symptom of uterine bleeding. This condition is dangerous not only for the woman's health, but also for her life, so immediate medical attention is required.

    If menstruation comes again two weeks after the previous ones and is accompanied by severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately call ambulance. With such symptoms, the appearance of bleeding may indicate the onset of an ectopic pregnancy.

    How is the diagnosis carried out

    If a woman has repeated critical days during one menstrual cycle, a pregnancy test should first be done to exclude or confirm conception. If there are pathological symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Pathology is diagnosed by a gynecologist, in some cases it may be necessary to consult other specialists (endocrinologist, psychotherapist). To begin with, a gynecological examination is performed, and swabs are taken. Further, the doctor may refer the patient to an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and prescribe additional tests for the level of hormones in the blood.

    Medical tactics

    Only correct and timely diagnosis will make it possible to determine the methods of treating diseases or processes that caused a recurrence. critical days. If the cause is a hormonal imbalance, then a course of hormone therapy should be taken. For some pathologies, drug treatment will not be enough and surgery may be required. In any case, if the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed, only a doctor will help to identify the cause of these changes and prescribe adequate treatment.
