Even in ancient times, people noticed that the name has a huge impact on the fate and character of a person. In most cases, knowing the name, one can judge the nationality and religion of its owner. The sound of the name also provides a lot of information. Some of the names sound kind and gentle, while others make you wary.

The meaning of the name Roman will certainly interest its owners, because its origin story is quite unusual. Perhaps that is why it is becoming more and more popular every year. So, what does the name Roman mean for a boy, youth and man? What is the impact of a name on health and business?

Name Roman: origin and meaning

Many owners of this name are sure that it originates from the Latin “Romanus”, which means “Roman” or “Roman”. However, the meaning of the name Roman can be interpreted differently. From Greek the same name is translated as “strong”, “strong”.

Many people are interested in what the name Roman means for men of Slavic origin. Among the Slavs, Roman is considered to be a derivative of Romulus. As proof of this, the city of Rome is named after Remus and Romulus. In the Roman Empire, this was the name given to most boys. The name Roman gives its owner several patron saints at once. So, February 11 is the day of the Holy Martyr Roman, who was executed in Syria on suspicion of paganism. October 14 is the day when all men bearing the name Roman celebrate Angel Day in honor of Roman the Sweet Singer, the creator of church canons. December 10 is the day of Roman of Antioch, a hermit famous for his miraculous healings of seriously ill patients. Name days for Roman are also March 9, May 15, August 6 and 11.

Romance in childhood

Parents will probably be interested to know the meaning of the name Roman for a child. Since childhood, this kid has been serious and inquisitive. The older generation should be prepared for the fact that they will not be able to get away with a couple of phrases in response to his “why”. The meaning of the name Roman implies certain character traits of its owner. Therefore, all his questions will have to be answered very thoroughly.

From an early age, the baby shows his character. Little Romans are very proud and stubborn. However, you should not try to break the boy’s character by force; it is better to try to influence him with your convictions. In childhood, boys with this name are so charming that the female half of the family blows dust off them. In this regard, having matured a little, Roman begins to be insolent and rude, so that strangers do not consider him a mama's boy. In this way he tries to prove his independence.

Roma in youth

The meaning of the name Roman for a teenage boy is very interesting. Already at school problems begin with him. The child chooses for himself the image of a “bad guy” and fully corresponds to it. Unlearned lessons, fights, absenteeism, broken glass - all this is an ordinary thing for him. As a rule, Roman gravitates towards hard sports. He is attracted to karate, boxing, and wrestling without rules. Parents should try to nip these interests in the bud, since Roman already has a strong will.

He also has a penchant for risk and cruelty. The novel never forgives insults. Having learned about the troubles and misfortunes of his enemies, he internally rejoices. However, despite the not very good meaning of the name Roman, it is quite suitable for a boy, since it can make his life easier. Novels are very resourceful, have good imagination, which helps them get out of any delicate situation unnoticed. With your studies, thanks to an excellent memory, everything will also improve.

Romance in adulthood

The meaning of the name Roman leaves its mark on an adult man. The owners of this name are quite unique personalities. They are very impulsive and easy-going. For example, the Romans will easily give up a good job and an established life for the sake of traveling to an unknown area. They plunge headlong into any new task, but just as quickly cool down and switch to something else. Novels are revealed most vividly only at the age of 30. They are hardworking, independent, and do not succumb to the influence of others. Roman values ​​his work very much and will only agree to work if it is decently paid. However, he will do it conscientiously, putting his whole soul into the result. Roman is intellectually developed, he gravitates toward art and theater. Despite this, he chooses professions that are far from art: a defender of law and order, a politician, an intelligence officer, etc. Professions related to people can also be a successful field of activity.

The influence of the name Roman on health

In childhood, the bearers of this name have very poor health. It seems that not a single childhood disease has passed them by. Colds, measles, chickenpox are just a small part of what little Roman’s parents may face. With age, health improves, but due to impulsiveness, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, and vegetative-vascular dystonia may occur. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are also likely.

The influence of the name Roman on business

Roman's financial success is unstable. He often gets involved in various scams, as a result of which he suffers losses. However, thanks to his sociability, he quickly gets on his feet. Love of luxury and natural generosity can lead Roman to major financial troubles. But, oddly enough, there will always be people who will help you get out of the situation with minimal losses.

Psychological picture

Roman is considered his guy in any company. He knows how to make others laugh. It is very easy and simple with him, but only as long as it does not bind him with any obligations. Roman will not tolerate encroachments on his freedom. It is easier for him to break all ties with a person who encroaches on his freedom or uses him for his own benefit. The parents of little Roman should develop in the boy perseverance and interest in the work he has started from childhood. It is not recommended to insult and humiliate the owner of this name, as this fosters adaptability and hypocrisy in him.

Romance in love

The owners of this name easily fall in love, are generous with their chosen ones, but do not worry at all when they break up. Novels are passionate lovers. Variety in sex is very important to them. A relationship with one partner does not exclude relationships with others. As a rule, they get married late because they have been searching for a long time. However, once married, they are unlikely to be faithful husbands. The wives will have to wait quite a long time until they settle down. In this regard, the first marriage very often ends in divorce in the first 3-4 years.

The only thing that can tie Roman to his family is children. The owners of this name are wonderful fathers, capable of anything for the sake of their child. Roman is the real head of the family. He is not stingy, he helps around the house and provides for his relatives. If the wife can withstand his inconstancy and the family does not fall apart in the first years of marriage, then over time the relationship will only get stronger.

Name compatibility

Roman's marriage will be successful with Elena, Ada, Anna, Valentina, Claudia, Lyubov, Maria, Sophia, Maya. Unstable, difficult relationships can develop with Margarita, Varvara, Zinaida, Nina, Zoya, Agrippina.

Folk signs

To get rid of infertility, they pray to Saint Roman of Antioch. There is a belief that if there is a clear, warm day on the martyr Roman, then the winter will be warm. By Roman, fish, preparing for winter sleep, hide in wintering pits and pools.

Full name:

Similar names: Romanus, Romano, Raman

Church name:

Meaning: Roman, from Rome, Roman

Patronymic: Romanovich, Romanovna

The meaning of the name Roman - interpretation

The sonorous and beautiful male name Roman is translated from ancient Greek as “strong”, “strong”. In Latin it has a different interpretation and literally means “Roman”. Today, like many years ago, this name belongs to the category of favorite, popular and fashionable. You can often hear endearing forms: Romochka, Romchik, Chamomile, Romushka, etc. Its owners are mysterious men who have the talent to easily convince other people. They are reasonable, patient and organized, and are distinguished by high intelligence.

Name Roman in other languages

Astrology named after Roman

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Romchik is a cheerful and active kid who does not tolerate monotony. He tries to be obedient, but lack of perseverance is often the main reason for bad behavior. Easy-going, generous, good-natured towards the children around him.

Nature gives these children an inquisitive nature and irrepressible energy, which is why they often become participants in interesting adventures. It is difficult for Roma to concentrate on one activity - during the day he is able to do several different things, switching from one to another with lightning speed.

In the future, a child with this name may turn into a disorganized man. To prevent this from happening, parents from childhood should accustom him to a proper daily routine, which includes not only entertainment, but also doing useful things around the house.

A young man named Roman loves adventure, monotony and routine fill him with melancholy. As a teenager, he stands out among his peers for his wit and good sense of humor.

But despite the apparent openness, she rarely talks about her problems and lets other people into her inner world. As a teenager, Roman makes far-reaching plans, is not afraid of obstacles and boldly moves towards his intended goal.

Those around him are attracted to his love of life, a penchant for adventure and optimism. From a young age, Roma displays the traits of an active and enterprising man. By character type, Roman is a pronounced sanguine person. He can be greatly upset by the troubles encountered along the path of life.

As he grows up, noticeable changes occur in Roman's character. The impulsiveness characteristic of a teenager is replaced by calmness and prudence. The owner of this name becomes a balanced man who strives for stability in everything.

The ability to attract increased attention during a conversation remains an invariable quality. This allows Roman to skillfully manipulate other people. He can be called an ambitious, slightly vain and selfish person, hiding his shortcomings behind a mask of cordiality and goodwill. You won’t envy Roman’s enemy – towards the offender he becomes a vindictive and cruel person.

This man strives to achieve success in life, but often his good intentions are ruined due to a lack of willpower to complete what he started. He is able to easily give up fighting for what he wants halfway. But the problems that arise will not be able to plunge him into despondency - Roman treats all adversities with humor.

Roman's character

Roma is a cheerful person, but he doesn’t show his good nature with everyone. The positive features that characterize his nature include limitless patience and the desire for self-organization. Roman is an objective and sociable person; he takes responsibility for the tasks assigned to him.

He knows how to win people over and has good intuition, which makes it easy to recognize deception or avoid unpleasant situations. Roman is a polite, courteous person, loves traveling in the company of friends, tends to empathize with other people and provide all possible help.

A man named Roman is described by many people as a frivolous and talkative person. His negative traits include excessive impulsiveness. Being carried away by a new task, he often does not complete it, switching to another, more interesting activity.

Roman skillfully hides the rage of his nature under a mask of indifference; he can rejoice at the failures of others. In situations where his plans are hampered by unforeseen circumstances, he becomes aggressive. He is vindictive, does not forget the insults inflicted on him earlier. He can take revenge in a sophisticated way, knows how to skillfully lead intrigues, skillfully confusing the enemy.

Roman's fate

Everyone who is lucky enough to bear this name has good intuition, which allows them to avoid many troubles presented by fate. Good intelligence is the key to a man’s ability to find himself in a profession and achieve certain success. He treats everything that interferes with the conduct of business with undisguised negativity. The novel does not accept generally accepted moral standards, which are driven into boundaries. In the fate of the bearer of the name, a special role is played by vulnerability and touchiness, which he tries to hide. If a person dear to him commits betrayal, this act can knock Roman out of his successful life rut for a long time.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Money is an excellent incentive for Roman to develop and improve his business. Work that is highly paid brings him pleasure.

A man with this name achieves success in professions that involve communicating with people. Analytical skills allow Roman to become a good engineer, designer, architect, and bank employee.

Marriage and family

Independent, preferring to enjoy the attention of numerous girls, Roman is in no hurry to get married. But if strong love happens in his life, he is able to forget about his principles and lead his chosen one down the aisle at a fairly young age. Usually such families quickly fall apart.

To save the marriage, Roman's wife needs to make a lot of effort: forget about her ambitions and turn into a patient angel. She also has to come to terms with her husband’s love of love, which leads to frequent intrigues on the side. In marital relationships, Roman is the leader; all household members must obey his instructions unquestioningly.

Sex and love

Roman is a passionate, impulsive, temperamental man. But in intimate matters, he cares more about his own satisfaction, forgetting about his partner. In sex, he strives for variety and loves experiments. For Roman, sexual intercourse is an opportunity to gain moral and physical release. When choosing a life partner, this man pays special attention to her sexuality and visual attractiveness.

If the passion for his wife fades away, he easily finds a replacement for her in the form of another woman. Roman is popular among representatives of the opposite sex. He belongs to the category of amorous men, spoiled by the attention of ladies. He gives preference to women who are ready to completely obey him and give themselves without reserve.


Respiratory diseases are frequent companions of little Roma. If colds are left untreated, they can later trigger asthma. Another problem of young years is diathesis. Parents should be selective about their child's menu.

In contrast to childhood sickness, adult Roman has enviable health. Its only weak point is the organs of the gastrointestinal tract; digestive problems are often observed.

Interests and hobbies

A man with this name loves sports very much and cannot imagine his life without physical activity. As usual, he prefers to practice karate, wrestling or rugby.

Unusual hobbies include his attempts to understand the world around him in all its colors. To do this, he mainly reads useful books and communicates with interesting people.

Roman is a male name that came into the Russian language from Byzantium (East Roman Empire) along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. From Greek Roman (Ρωμαϊκή) is translated as Roman or Roman. Let us remember that not all inhabitants of the Roman Empire had the right to be called citizens of Rome, and therefore Romans. Calling yourself a Roman is one way to emphasize your position in ancient society. Over time, the name Roman (Roman) became a proper name.

The meaning of the name Roman for a child

Little Roma will not make you bored. His curiosity and search for answers to questions will make any adult nervous. He is persistent in his thirst for knowledge and you will not get away with meaningless phrases. Some people perceive his persistence as stubbornness, but this is not so. From a young age, the boy takes assignments very seriously. If he promised to do it, then he will certainly try. But remember - this will all happen until the moment it is important to him. Once he loses motivation, that's where the problems start. This usually happens in high school. If you fail to sufficiently motivate Roman to study, then education may fail. He needs to be a leader in the class and at this age leadership and academics are a bit at odds. In this case, martial arts sections will best help, in which the boy’s character will be further strengthened. Try to explain to him that being versatile is the coolest thing. Studying and sports will make him a real leader in life.

Little Roman's health is usually poor. Greater tendency to respiratory diseases. Know that prevention and proper treatment can help avoid unwanted health consequences.

Short name Roman

Roma, Romka, Romych, Romishche.

Diminutive pet names

Romochka, Romushka, Romchik, Romakh, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romasha.

Children's middle names

Romanovna and Romanovich. Sometimes people shorten Romanovich to Romanych.

Name Roman in English

A novel in English is written as Roman. This name is spelled the same way in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and some other countries.

Name Roman for Russian passport According to the rules of machine transliteration, it is written like this - Roman.

Translation of the name Roman into other languages

in Arabic - رومان‎‎
in Belarusian - Raman
in Bulgarian - Roman
in Hungarian - Roman
in Greek - Ρωμανός
in Hebrew - רומן
in Spanish - Romanos
in Italian - Romano
in Chinese - 罗曼
in Korean - 소설
in Latin - Romanus
in German - Roman
in Polish - Roman
in Romanian - Roman
in Ukrainian - Roman
in French - Romain
in Czech - Roman
in Japanese - ロマン

Church name Roman remains unchanged. Most of the names of those who came into the Russian language along with Orthodoxy do not change.

Characteristics of the name Roman

Roman is energetic and devotes his entire independent life to achieving his life goals. Although Roman’s focus on personal growth is visible from his youth, it does not immediately bear fruit. Only around the age of 30 does perseverance and hard work finally bear fruit. Roman, as a rational person, often chooses in life not what he likes, but what has a good prospect. Roma is a responsible worker and a good leader. If Roman becomes a leader, he demands only feasible and important results. Another strength of Roman is his invisibility of managing people. Many do not even suspect that they are doing everything as he needs. The ability to complete a task is another plus in Roman’s characteristics.

But if you think that Roman is some kind of result-oriented robot, then you are very mistaken. This is a person whose passion and temperament are hidden from prying eyes. Roman shows these character traits only to a select few. Loves art, and especially theater.

An ordinary person can still see Roman’s ardent temperament, but we won’t envy him. Only in anger can you see the entire volcano of passions hidden in this person. It’s better not to bring Roman to this state.

Roman's family life doesn't change much. If Roman’s beloved half in marriage understands the rules of life with him, then she will be just like behind a stone wall. The main thing is to understand his focus on results and the importance of success in Roman’s life. Families with men named Roman either collapse almost immediately or become strong for many years.

The mystery of the name Roman

One of the main secrets of the novel is probably the power of persuasion. As we already wrote, you will do what he needs without even knowing it. Another secret is a good memory for offenders. Roman is not vindictive, as they say, he will take revenge and forget, so it’s better not to cross his path. Taking into account Roman’s character, he senses falsehood very well and it is unlikely that it will be possible to push him into something by deception. Taking into account these characteristics and good intuition, he is often asked to judge a conflict or controversial situation that has arisen.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal named Roman- Doe.

Name color- Red or even red-purple.

Tree- Poplar and cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel of the name Roman and his patron depends primarily on the date of birth. If you know Roman's date of birth, we recommend the article "Patron of the name of Roman." There you will find a list of revered saints and much more.

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Roman mean?

What a beautiful, romantic and independent name - Roman! The meaning of the name Roman implies such character traits of its owner as activity, sociability and curiosity.

The energy of such a person is very unique, and it manifests itself in recklessness and frivolity. Let's give an example: If Roma finds himself in a difficult situation, he will be upset and worried, but he will not do anything, allowing events to develop as usual.

With age, he will develop a whole philosophy that will be associated with humor and optimism.

The patronymics - Romanovich and Romanovna, suggest a certain image: The character is contradictory, impulsive, in communication such a person is difficult and without a developed sense of humor.

Would you name your child this name?

Trying to find out where this name came from, you can find out that it is of Latin origin, and in translation the word “Romanus” is interpreted as “Roman”. But if you remember how independent the inhabitants of Rome were, and how many centuries they ruled other nations, then we can assume that its meaning presupposes the independence, strength and pride of its owner.

The origin of the name Roman also has a Greek interpretation, which reads: a strong and strong man.

The patron saint of the name, whose feast day is celebrated on February 11, is the Holy Martyr Roman. He suffered mortally for the faith of Christ in 297 AD, condemning paganism and pointing out the errors of the infidels. For his Christian preaching, he was tortured and then executed by hanging from a tree and nailing his head.

The history of the name Roman can be reflected in the images of famous people of our time: the oligarch Roman Abramovich, the famous figure skater Roman Kostomarov or the controversial director Roman Viktyuk.

Name forms

Full: Novel Short: Roma Affectionate: RomashaVintage: Roman

Roma is most often a sickly boy in childhood. During the boy’s formative years, parents need to carefully monitor his health so that the child does not develop complications. But in general, the boy Romka is characterized by a developed and lively mind, but unfortunately, he cannot concentrate on one thing.

It is simply impossible to force him to perseverance and monotony. At the same time, regular punishments force Roma to skillfully deceive adults.

The characteristics of the name Roman reveal its owner as a supporter of everything new and original. He does not tolerate monotony and routine, he is capable of leaving the university shortly before graduation and going to work, or, deliberately skipping getting a diploma for the sake of a dubious job as a non-professional actor, going on the run..

In Roman’s characterization, it is striking that he is interested only in work that brings a decent income.

Romka dreams of exploring the unknown, and he has the opportunity to become a scout, missionary, military man, police officer, or politician. He prefers professions that require constant communication with people.

Roman is vain, ambitious and an unbalanced egoist. Being an artistic man, he is often in an internal fantasy world, playing a certain role in a fictional one-man theater.

The character of the name Roman represents its owner as a friendly and open person, but if you show dissatisfaction with him or put pressure on his essence, he will become furious.

Like a man, you need to stroke him “on the fur,” admiring his virtues, and then you will not feel his anger and cruelty on your own skin.

A person with this name is an interesting conversationalist who has the gift of convincing others. He is a sensible plebeian with the tendencies of a mannered old man: a boring, organized, independent and patient man.

He is vindictive and does not forget the insults inflicted on him, but at the same time he is not influenced by others - he is objective and self-confident.

Such a person wants to be free from other people's opinions and does not want to limit himself to moral principles. He has a negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with the progress of his affairs.

According to Roman’s description, he is an enthusiastic person, and when he becomes interested in something, he quickly lights up, dragging those around him with him.

The secret of the name reveals in Roman a reckless person who is not afraid of difficulties. In a difficult and unpleasant situation, he always takes a wait-and-see attitude, and if he decides to do something, then calmly and without strain.

In society, Roma is considered a respected person due to his sense of humor, poise and balanced pride.

He will not strive for leadership, but he will conquer his associates with his commitment and charm.

The mystery of the name characterizes its owner as a person with whom it is easy to communicate without burdening him with obligations. Roman does not tolerate restrictions on his freedom, and will break all ties with an interlocutor who is trying to use him for selfish purposes.

Character traits









The name Roman embodies the characteristics of an amorous and fickle nature.

But, if this young man truly falls in love, then, imbued with all his feelings and soul for his chosen one, he will generously give her gifts, without feeling any remorse due to the change in the object of desire and adoration.

What prevents him from becoming an exemplary spouse is the eternal desire for variety in relationships.

His restless passion and love for novelty in relationships will become a test in anticipation of his new chosen one - an ideal and perfect woman who will be ready to completely devote herself to her spouse, pushing all her personal interests into the background.

According to what the name Roman means, with the birth of children he can calm down, and peace and love will reign in the family, but he will still remain a leader.

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy

The name Roman has Latin roots and means “Roman”, “from Rome”. It became a derivative form on behalf of the legendary founders of Rome - the brothers Romulus and Remus. In Russia it has gained popularity and fame among modern young parents.

The meaning of the name gives this child: mobility, leadership qualities, stubbornness, self-confidence.

As a child, Roma grows up as a closed and suspicious child. He is characterized by sociability. He is able to ignite people with his enthusiasm. This is a wayward boy who acts according to his views. The child is enterprising and remains calm in a critical situation. Roma is restless and impatient. It's difficult to keep him in one place. He quickly loses interest in anything if a feeling of routine arises.

This child has an addicting nature. His head is full of new ideas and plans. When Roma takes on the implementation of such ideas, it is better not to touch the boy at this time. He goes in for sports, most often prefers martial arts.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

There are many women in Roman’s life, but, as a rule, he does not leave them unhappy, with a broken heart. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, autonomy and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and patterns. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to learn, to give pleasure and happiness. For Roman, a lot depends on his mood, and that’s it. in turn, is determined by the state of his affairs. In the whirlpool of business life, in the turmoil of urgent business meetings and contacts, settling financial issues, he is able to completely forget about women. But when things go badly for Roman, he seeks oblivion in sex and becomes uncontrollable in this sense.

In relationships with women he often acts impulsively, the “winter” Roman has a stormy temperament with a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings (in this case, for him, intimacy with her is simply “not a reason for getting to know each other”). He easily subjugates a woman to himself, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires.

Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he does everything as required. Roman is a gifted person, witty, able to belong in any company, women often fall in love with him at first sight. His many hobbies do not pursue the goal of collecting victories; he is looking for true love, not erotic pleasures.

Happens in repeated marriages, is often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic. Physical intimacy is important for him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and ardent lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

The “summer” women should be the closest to him sexually: Natalya, Alisa, Galina, Mirra, Olesya, Valentina, Claudia, Nadezhda, Lyubov.

1. Personality: those who hold the waters of the earth

2.Color: red

3. Main traits: will - hard work - intelligence - sexuality

4. Totem plant: cypress

5. Totem animal: doe

6. Sign: Taurus

7. Type. These mysterious people have a talent for convincing others. They are so reasonable that at times they seem boring; very organized and patient.

8. Psyche. They never forget the insults inflicted on them; not susceptible to influence, objective, completely dedicated to the task, however, if there is such a need. Self-confident.

9. Will. Outwardly they are calm, but underneath this calmness there is a volcano...

10. Excitability. Somewhat sadistic, especially when they learn about the misfortunes or troubles of others!

11. Reaction speed. Worrying! I would not like to demonize these men with their enormous intellectual potential and efficiency, but their reactions are so violent and filled with such subtext that they confuse everyone.

12. Field of activity. They find satisfaction in their work, but for an appropriate fee! Would like to explore unknown areas. They can become unsurpassed intelligence officers, missionaries, police officers, and politicians.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition.

14. Intelligence. They are more intelligent than they might seem. They act secretly, pulling strings from behind the scenes.

15. Receptivity. They have deep, even passionate impulses, which, however, rarely manifest themselves outwardly.

16. Morality. They always strive to be free. In no case do they want to bind themselves to moral standards. They have a sharply negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with their business.

17. Health. Good, although they suffer from diathesis. Must monitor the digestive organs. They like combat sports: wrestling, karate, rugby.

18. Sexuality. More than average. With regard to sex, they have many problems, since these men do not know how and do not want to wait, their desires are more likely based on instinct than caused by love.

19. Activity. These people are able to implement long-term projects and manage to bring them to completion.

20. Sociability. Not very sociable.

21. Conclusion. Such people must be resisted - only under this condition will you enjoy their respect.

According to Mendelev

The name is masculine, big and rough.

They are choleric by temperament, but they know how to hide their feelings behind a mask of equanimity. Their will is strong, and their character approaches authoritarian. Even if life has decreed that Roman does not lead anyone at work, at home he is a king and a god, his word is a law that is not disputed by anyone. Every event, especially an unpleasant one, is remembered for a long time; the insult inflicted on Roman will sooner or later be avenged. His reaction is excellent, his mind is analytical, and he does not allow himself to act rashly. There is little hope for intuition, because it is not sufficiently developed; its place is taken by the analysis of events and an accurate calculation of possible options for their development.

Roman is a born entrepreneur, businessman, politician, leader. He tends to view people as chess pieces and manipulate them, using them for his own purposes. Pragmatism is the main factor determining his behavior. Women and sex interest him secondarily, and his main concern is not to become dependent on the fair sex; family for him is often only a source of convenience, a comfortable life and a place where, in case of failure, he can crawl and lick his wounds.

In youth, these traits are already quite clearly expressed. With age, they do not weaken, but simply smooth out somewhat, without ceasing their impact on Roman’s character and behavior.

The color of the name Roman is brick red.

According to Higir

It originates from the Latin “romanus”: Roman, Roman.

In childhood, he is susceptible to frequent respiratory diseases, which should be treated with great attention, since they can result in unwanted complications, including asthma. However, you have to monitor little Roman’s studies no less carefully: unlearned lessons and even absenteeism are a common thing for him.

A person with this name does not tolerate monotony in life. He may well leave the institute six months before graduation and go to work, or neglect the diploma he received, for example, for the sake of a career as a non-professional actor. When he gets carried away by something, he lights up and is able to captivate other people.

Roman is amorous. Without any particular remorse, he is able to change his chosen ones until he finds one who is ready to completely devote her life to him, to dissolve in him. However, there is no firm guarantee that, having met such a woman, Roman will become an ideal husband. His passion, inventive mind, love of diversity at first can greatly complicate family life.

With the birth of children, Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In general, living with Roman is fun. He is the leader in the family, but without excessive dictatorship and stubbornness, he does not need to be persuaded for a long time to help with the housework, he is not stingy.

Roman will be happily married to Agnia, Ada, Anna, Valentina, Elena, Claudia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Martha, Sophia. The union with Aurora, Venus, Dina, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Lilia, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara cannot be called successful.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Roman", (lat.)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Roman is quite peculiar, which usually manifests itself in some recklessness. For example, when faced with any difficult situation, Roma will be upset, but, most likely, will quickly give up on it, letting events take their course. Moreover, over the years, he may even develop a whole philosophy about this, in which there will be quite a lot of humor and optimism.

In childhood, when the child's main task is to test the patience of parents and teachers, Roma may sincerely want to be a diligent student, but usually everything turns out a little differently. Patience, as a rule, is not one of Roman’s virtues, it’s just that the mobile energy of his name inclines towards the mobility of the mind, and therefore he constantly risks being distracted, switching his attention from one thing to another. No, of course, if he is regularly flogged, due to the hopelessness of the situation, he may, due to the hopelessness of the situation, spend all his time studying textbooks and gradually turn into a kind of learned idiot, but, thank God, this is not often seen, besides, an optimistic character can easily teach Roman the basics lie to avoid punitive parenting methods. In a word, you can achieve a lot with violence, but not what you expect. On the other hand, left to his own devices, Roma is unlikely to remain a complete ignoramus, since his quick mind allows him to learn a lot on the fly. If at the same time he develops any interests, then problems with studying will disappear altogether.

No matter how Roman’s fate turns out, the qualities that will best help him are balanced pride and a penchant for wit, so it’s very good if they develop during his upbringing. It is unlikely that Roma will pretend to be a leader or take on the solution of any complex super-tasks, but he can successfully apply his energy in a wide variety of professions, especially if they are related to communicating with people. In a team, he rarely experiences any difficulties, but in family life, where not only cheerfulness is valued, but also constancy, he may experience some complications in the form of divorces and other troubles. If Roman wants to avoid such a fate, he most likely cannot do without using his willpower, which allows him to resist emerging interests “on the side.”

Secrets of communication: Roma usually loves to talk, which often consumes a good half of his energy. At the same time, Roman, optimistic and little inclined to caution, is capable of accidentally spilling someone else’s secret or simply gossiping without malice. It’s worse when you have a “complexed” Roman in front of you, then only God knows what his agile mind and damaged pride can push him to do. However, much more often Roma is very sociable and easy to talk to, which often allows many people to become his real friends ahead of time.

The name's trace in history:

Roman Viktyuk

Few people have not heard about the scandalous director Roman Viktyuk (born 1936) and his theater of the same name. And indeed, this man managed to get people talking about him in the post-perestroika era of general theatrical decline - from time to time Roman Viktyuk appears on radio or television, giving interviews, explaining the essence of his creative approach.

What is the secret of Roman Viktyuk’s success? How is it that even those who have never been privileged to visit the theater know the name of this director? He himself explains his main idea this way: the time has passed when the viewer willingly went to see the classics, understanding the slightest subtleties of the director’s production. Now, in the era of big money and television, spectators can be attracted to the theater in only one way: scandal. Colorful extravaganza, masks, pantomime, outright eroticism - these are the ways in which the Roman Viktyuk Theater became almost the most fashionable place in Moscow in the 90s of the last century.

However, what prevents the director, changing the form of a theatrical production, from leaving its content unchanged? The most important thing is that the theater is full, and in the meantime, you see, the audience’s subconscious, even against their will, will absorb the eternal values ​​of harmony, goodness and beauty, says Viktyuk. It’s not for nothing that remaking classic stories in a modern way has become fashionable in America: for example, The story of Romeo and Juliet, transferred to the 20th century, provided the film's authors with prizes at many festivals in 1997.

“Evening Light”, “The Wall”, “Phaedra”, “The Maids”, “Madama Butterfly” - these are just a small part of the performances staged by Roman Viktyuk; performances, each of which automatically became an event in the theatrical life of the capital, shocking and exciting even the spoiled public that was accustomed to everything.
