A sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress - these factors can cause excess weight. Low income levels also contribute to obesity, because a properly composed diet should include large quantities of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fatty fish, seafood and very few carbohydrates all year round. Low-income people eat mainly bread, pasta, canned food, and sausages - naturally, this set of products leads to gaining extra pounds. Many of the fasting people noted that during the fasting period they gained 4-5 kg, although they did not eat meat or dairy - all this happens due to poor nutrition. It happens that having decided to fight extra pounds, our confidence that everything will work out melts day by day, and now we have given up and returned to our previous lifestyle. Orthodox prayer for weight loss can strengthen our faith and help us complete what we started.

The passion of gluttony is a sin for a reason. People who constantly indulge themselves in food gradually become slaves to it. They can no longer stop and eat at every opportunity. The huge quantities of food that a glutton consumes at one time terrify a normal person, but to someone who is subject to the passion of gluttony, it seems that there is not enough food. And time after time, the portions keep getting bigger and bigger. To successfully combat obesity, you need, firstly, to recognize the very existence of the problem of overeating, this will already be a big step towards a normal weight. Secondly, having started the struggle, do not indulge your weaknesses - do not allow yourself even a piece, even half a piece of some tasty food - if you feel that you are about to lose your temper, enlighten your mind with a Christian prayer for weight loss and drive away the sin of gluttony.

Prayers that are performed before and after eating food.

Prayers before eating food:

Our Father, Who is in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for She gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Bless.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayers after eating food:

We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as in the midst of Your disciples you came, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without incorruptibility.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christian prayer for weight loss due to gluttony

Against gluttony: “God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Grant me to curb my belly and acquire the virtue of abstinence.”

Against laziness: “God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Help me curb my laziness! Grant me zeal for saving deeds and for acquiring the virtues I need! Grant me the strength to work and bear my cross!”

By praying, we calm down, gain confidence in our abilities, and our peaceful emotional state helps to normalize metabolic processes. A strong prayer to St. Irinarch of Rostov for quick weight loss helps to quickly lose extra pounds. But when asking a saint for easy weight loss, we must remember that the saint simply intercedes with his requests for us before the Almighty, while we receive the healing itself from our Lord.

Prayers for weight loss to St. Irinarch of Rostov for his power.

Oh, Great servant of God and glorious miracle worker, Reverend Our Father Irinarsha! Look at us sinners, in our sorrows and circumstances, we zealously cry out to you and place all our hope in you for God’s sake. We ask you with much tenderness: by your intercession to the Lord God, ask for us peace, long life, brotherly love, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, timely rains, and a blessing from above on all our good undertakings. Deliver us all with your holy prayers from all troubles: famine, hail, flood, fire, sword, harmful worms, corrupting winds, deadly ulcers and unnecessary (sudden) deaths, and in all our sorrows be our comforter and helper, saving us from sinful falls and making the heirs worthy to be the Kingdom of Heaven, may we glorify together with you all the good Giver, the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

About the passion of gluttony

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)

Adam's sin, passed down from generation to generation, contains the potential of all human sins. The Holy Fathers, who went through many years of experience in asceticism, saw the depths of the human soul - this hiding place where thoughts and desires arise. From a complex mosaic of sins, they identified and described eight main passions - eight ulcers of the soul, eight rivers of dead water flowing from hell, from which other sins originate like rivulets and streams. The beds of these rivers, like meridians, encircle the earth, and their sources and mouths connect in the underworld.

The eight passions are connected to each other like links in a chain with which the devil binds people and drags them along with him as a conqueror of captives. These are the eight heads of the hydra with which every Christian must contend; This is an invisible net in which Satan has been trying to catch the globe like a trapper for the eighth millennium.

The first link in this chain is gluttony. To many people it seems like an innocent weakness that does not inspire much concern, especially since the consequences of this sin, like the scabs of leprosy, do not appear immediately, but after years. But we must remember that after the Fall of Adam, the harmony between the soul and body of man was disrupted. The body - an instrument of the soul and an organic part of the human personality - has become the substrate of passions and lust. The body is a slave of the spirit. This slave, being kindled by her soul, wanted to command her. She, like Adam's Eve, seduces the mind with the imaginary sweetness of passions, and captivates the heart with the dark mystery of sin, the way a rebel rebels against the spirit, trying to overthrow it from the throne and herself become the queen of the human trimerium - spirit, soul and body.

The body is an evil friend and a good enemy. Without a body, a human personality is not formed. Without a body, the spirit and soul cannot express themselves outwardly through words and deeds. The evil flesh is always ready to betray the soul to the devil for copper pennies of base pleasures - just as Judas sold his Teacher to death for thirty pieces of silver. The body is an insidious companion of the soul on the thorny path to the heavenly kingdom, which either obediently follows it, or tries to entice it onto the wide, stone-lined road leading to eternal death. You can compare the soul and body with a rider and a wild horse: if the rider loosens the bit, then the horse will rush wherever its eyes look, and both will fall into the pit.

Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit; it is a wide field in which all passions grow vigorously; this is the first step of a steep, slippery staircase leading to the underworld. In the biblical Book of Genesis it is written that God looked at the earth and saw that all people were flesh, and His Spirit could not dwell in them. Antediluvian humanity did not fulfill its destiny: the carnal principle defeated the spiritual, as if swallowing it up. It was a triumph of the flesh that was the beginning of the end. Humanity has not only plunged into the swamp of materiality, but has forgotten God; Having become earthly dust, it erected idols for itself from the dust - new dead gods. Idolatry, sorcery, sorcery, debauchery and cannibalism began to spread like a plague throughout the land. The cult of the flesh has turned human history into an endless orgy. Already before the Flood, humanity perished spiritually in the flood of its passions. The Flood, just like a gravedigger, dug a common grave for the dead and made the ocean floor a cemetery for all flesh. The bodies of the gluttons were swallowed up by the belly of the sea, and the souls of the demon-pleasers were swallowed up by the insatiable belly of the underworld.

History repeats itself. The Lord compared the times of Noah to the end times. Again, the flesh begins to triumph over the spirit, and the demon - over the flesh, corrupting, corrupting it, and mocking it in every possible way.

Gluttony deforms a person. When you see a glutton, you involuntarily recall a market where bloody carcasses of animals brought from the slaughterhouse hang. It seems that the glutton's body hangs from his bones, like flayed carcasses on iron hooks.

The belly, heavy with food, plunges the mind into a gloomy slumber, making it lazy and dull. A glutton cannot think deeply and reason about spiritual things. His belly, like a lead weight, pulls the earthed soul down. Such a person feels his weakness especially acutely during prayer. The mind cannot enter into the words of prayer, like a dull knife cannot cut bread. In this sense, gluttony is a constant betrayal of one’s prayer.

It should be noted that gluttony also darkens a person’s intellectual and creative powers. Almost none of the outstanding poets and artists were distinguished by gluttony and did not have a body resembling a beer barrel. As an exception, one can point to the poet Apukhtin, who resembles the painting of Gargantua. One day, a child, seeing Apukhtin among the guests in his house, shouted in surprise: “Mom, what kind of humanoid creature is this!”

Often a glutton, tired of the weight of his own body, leading to shortness of breath and exhaustion, and of the need to constantly overcome the size of his own stomach as an obstacle, when it is necessary to bend down to pick up something from the floor or tie shoelaces, decides to declare war on the demon of gluttony and destroy it as an enemy own fat. He copies diets from magazines, and announces to his loved ones that soon his figure will resemble not a Flemish painting, but a statue of Apollo. However, such a glutton who has gone on a diet most often finds himself in the role of a gladiator who, without weapons, entered into a fight with a wild beast: at first he still resists, but then falls, torn to pieces by the claws and fangs of the predator. At first, the glutton adheres to a strict diet and looks at those around him victoriously, like Hercules after another feat, but then, unable to withstand the gnawing pain in his stomach, he pounces on food, as if he wants to make up for lost time.

In gluttony, two passions can be distinguished: gluttony and laryngeal madness. Gluttony is an insatiable desire for food, it is an aggression of the body against the soul, a constant harassment of the belly, which, like a cruel publican, demands an exorbitant tribute from a person, this is the madness of the belly, which indiscriminately absorbs food, like a hungry hyena prey. The stomach of such a person is like a bag into which a stingy owner stuffs things indiscriminately when preparing for a long journey, and then drags with difficulty the unnecessary cargo.

Laryngopharynxia is a constant desire for tasty and refined food, this is the voluptuousness of the larynx. A person must eat to live, but here he lives to eat. He plans the menu in advance with such a preoccupied look, as if he is solving a puzzle or a mathematical problem. He spends all his money on treats, just like a gambler loses his fortune in excitement.

There are also other types of gluttony, these are: secret eating - the desire to hide one’s vice; early eating - when a person, having barely woken up, starts eating without yet experiencing the feeling of hunger; hasty eating - a person tries to quickly fill his belly and swallows food without chewing, like a turkey; non-observance of fasts, consumption of foods harmful to health due to lust of the larynx. Ancient ascetics also considered excessive drinking of water to be gluttony.

How to get rid of gluttony? Here are some tips. Before the meal, one must secretly pray that the Lord will give abstinence and help put a limit to the desires of the belly and larynx; remember that our body, greedy for food, will sooner or later itself become food for worms, taken from the earth - a handful of earthly dust; imagine what food turns into in the belly. You need to mentally determine for yourself the amount of food that you would like to eat, and then take away a quarter of it and put it aside. At first, a person will experience a feeling of hunger, but when the body gets used to it, then one must again take away a quarter of the food - this is what St. Dorotheos advises in his teachings. Here is the principle of gradually reducing food to the amount necessary for life. Often the demon tempts a person, scaring him that from lack of food he will become weak and sick, will not be able to work and will become a burden to others. The family will also worry and look anxiously at his plate, persistently urging him to eat more.

The Holy Fathers advise first limiting the consumption of spicy and irritating foods, then sweet foods that delight the larynx, then fatty foods that fatten the body. You should eat slowly - this way you will feel full more quickly. You need to get up from the meal when your first hunger is satisfied, but you still want to eat. In the old days there was a custom to eat in silence. Extraneous conversations distract attention, and a person, carried away by the conversation, can automatically eat everything that is on the table. The elders also advised reading the Jesus Prayer during meals.

Regarding the measure of water consumption, it should be remembered that thirst can be natural and false. To distinguish between them, you need to hold a little water in your mouth without swallowing it: if the thirst is false, then it goes away, and if it remains, then it is natural.

All passions are related to each other; their combination looks like a colored mosaic or fancy carpet patterns. Thus gluttony can be combined with the passion of anger. Some people, in a state of anger, and in general excitement and anxiety, have a desire to chew something in order to distract their thoughts; and since an angry person is almost always excited, he gets used to constantly putting food in his mouth. Gluttons justify their passion by their mental state - the desire to get out of stress. But as a result, they gain not peace of mind, but extra pounds.

Gluttony is sometimes combined with stinginess. Such a person is ready to eat spoiled, moldy food rather than throw it away. Stingy gluttons store food as heirlooms, glad that they have supplies for a long time. Only when the food begins to deteriorate and rot do they decide to use it for food. Misers, when treating guests, in their hearts hate them as invaders, and experience torment for every piece they eat. But they themselves love to go to their friends’ houses for lunch, and even make a schedule - when and to whom to go.

Gluttony combined with vanity gives rise to secret eating. A vain person is afraid of appearing to be a glutton. He eats abstinently in front of people, but when he is alone, he hurries to satisfy his passion. He has a treasured place where he hides food from prying eyes. Looking around and making sure that no one is there, he approaches the closet, like a stingy knight approaches a treasure chest, takes out food and quickly devours it. It must be said that the Slavic word “devour” means “to make a sacrifice.” The glutton sacrifices to his belly like a pagan to an idol.

There are sins akin to gluttony, such as eating without prayer, grumbling about food, drinking too much alcohol, making obscene jokes, using foul language, swearing, arguing and quarreling during meals. Demons flock to such feasts like flies to honey and desecrate the food with invisible impurities.

We can say that the sin of gluttony represents the gradual consumption of the soul by the body, as a result of which the heavenly, spiritual principle in a person fades, and he becomes blind flesh.

The Optina elders wrote about the passions of gluttony, wine drinking, and smoking, and gave advice on how to combat these passions.

About gluttony.

From the heritage of the Optina elders

Reverend Leo insisted;

“Resist yourself from food and snacks as much as possible, and try to eat moderately light and well-known food.”

The Monk Anthony noted that the things that most hinder heartfelt tenderness are exaltation (magnification) and overeating:

“If you don’t have tenderness in your soul, understand: because the greatness of your soul is in your heart or you are overcome by overeating, these do not leave your soul to be touched.”

The Monk Ambrose wrote about abstinence and the three degrees of satiety:

“You write about food that it is difficult for you to get used to eating little by little, so that after lunch you are still hungry. The Holy Fathers established three degrees regarding food: abstinence - in order to be somewhat hungry after eating, contentment - in order to be neither full nor hungry, and satiety - in order to eat to the full, not without some burden.

Of these three degrees, everyone can choose any one, according to their strengths and according to their structure, healthy and sick.”

Sometimes the elders Amrosiy used to say briefly but aptly:

“Explaining lips are a pork trough.”

The Monk Joseph also warned against excessively pleasing the body:

“If you keep your belly from satiety and pleasure, and also your body from excessive rest, then the Lord will soon help you work more for your soul than for your body.”

A satiated belly demands more and more food, but it does not do any good. Elder Joseph ate very little food. Surprised by this, they once asked him whether it was difficult for him to achieve such abstinence or whether it was already given to him by nature. He answered with these words:

“If a person is not forced, even if he ate all the food of Egypt and drank all the water of the Nile, his belly will still say: I hunger!”

The Monk Barsanuphius emphasized that gluttony leads to excessive sleeping. He advised not to eat to the point of satiety:

“Sleep and the womb are connected. With a full stomach, the monk sleeps a lot and wakes up more than he should. I told you and I say: eat your fill, but not to the point of satiety. If you're full, put down a spoon. And another is already full, but still eats and eats; the eyes are not full - this is a sin.”

For people of different builds and having different physical activity, the amount of food will also be different. Reverend Nikon reminded:

“One pound of bread is enough for one person’s body, four pounds of bread is enough for another person’s body - he will not be satisfied with less bread. Therefore, Saint John Chrysostom says that a faster is not one who consumes a small amount of food, but one who consumes less food than what is required for his body. This is what abstinence is all about.”

Passion for drinking wine: how to deal with it

The Monk Leo wrote about the passion of drinking wine: it brings “great grief and illness.” He also noted that in order to heal a suffering person, in addition to prayers for him, his own will is necessary, without which the prayers of other people may be unsuccessful:

“I express my heartfelt condolences about the illness... of your dear son Z. I know that this great grief and illness brings you and those close to his heart. We, according to our strength, oblige ourselves to pray to the Lord to deliver him from this passion, but it is necessary that there is also his voluntary desire to leave this and compulsion, and without this our sinful prayers are not able to keep up. When “the prayer of the righteous is hastened” only through the efforts of others, how much more cannot our sinful prayer act without good will.”

The elder wrote this about the fate of those subject to the passion of drunkenness:

“What fate do those subject to this weakness have? They are beset by bodily illnesses, a miserable life, premature old age and death; and sinful impulses that alienate the soul from God and deprive Him of His grace are the most dangerous of all!.. The soul is eternal; You need to take care of her most of all!”

The Monk Leo explained that the passion of drunkenness is tolerated for pride and arrogance or “violation of conscience against holy matrimony,” that is, for violation of marital fidelity. The monk advised forcing oneself to humility and resorting to confession:

“And from the fullness of my heart I wish for your brother to be delivered from drunken passion; but only if this passion is tolerated either for pride and arrogance, or for a violation of conscience against holy matrimony, then he is forced, firstly, to humble himself in every possible way or make a confession - to truly repent before a skilled confessor... And then the Lord will help him.”

The Monk Ambrose instructed:

“The spiritual remedy is for your friend to pay attention to the spiritual anguish, from the impatience of which she is plunged into the infirmity of drinking wine.”

In general, the Optina elders paid attention to the obligatory confession of all those suffering from a passion for drinking wine, since the cause of wine drinking is often spiritual anguish, and it comes from unconfessed sins. The Monk Ambrose paid special attention to the fact that in order to combat the passion of drunkenness, full confession is necessary, starting from childhood:

“And for this matter to be firm and lasting, it requires sincere and complete confession and repentance throughout your entire life, starting from the age of 6.”

The elder also advised those suffering from spiritual anguish and passion for drinking wine, when melancholy and despondency appeared, to read prayer and the Gospel with bows:

“One man, who suffered from both melancholy and wine drinking, was delivered in the following way: when he felt melancholy, he retreated to a secret place and made 33 bows with the prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” and the melancholy receded. And when melancholy appeared again, he did the same thing again, and with such prayer, when melancholy appeared, he completely got rid of drinking wine and from melancholy itself. Another person got rid of both melancholy and wine drinking by reading the Gospel.”

Elder Joseph advised:

“May the Lord deliver Constantine from drunkenness. Let him talk and partake of the Holy Mysteries. And then he will serve a prayer service to the Mother of God and earnestly ask Her for help.”

Traditional spiritual healer VICTORIA.

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CONTACT a traditional healer

  • - if modern medicine cannot establish a specific diagnosis for you;
  • - if treatment does not give the desired result;
  • - if you have a bad dream (fears, nightmares, being haunted by a dead man in your dreams, strangling you at night, having erotic dreams, walking in the moonlight, etc.);
  • - fears of any origin;
  • - teeth grinding (karma is expressed);
  • - if you feel bad in the cathedral (church) (heaviness in your arms, legs, head, back pain, crying), an obvious curse is imposed;
  • - if you hear a voice calling you, but there is no one nearby;
  • - if you feel bad, uncomfortable in the apartment, you hear rustling, knocking, you have no strength - it means you have damage to the apartment (earth has been added, water has been added, needles in the door jambs, perhaps you keep the “strings” of the deceased at home, things from the dead, a towel or scarves from the cemetery, especially those where they are lowered into the grave);
  • - if your car constantly has breakdowns or accidents, then the car is under the evil eye or damage;
  • - if things were going well for you, but lately you have been feeling a “wall”, or the issue should be resolved positively by concluding contracts, etc., but at the last moment something interfered, it means that your competitors are “blocking” you on the astral plan, and then there are material losses. And the more nervous and angry you are, the more you will satisfy the needs of dark forces in negative energy, thereby causing yourself even more damage;
  • - if you have “stones” in your kidneys and liver (in the old days they were called “gravestones”, it means you were sealed);
  • - if you yawn, cry, feel chills, trembling in church (spoilage due to illness);
  • - if you or your family often breaks the rope or chain on which the cross hangs, especially if it disappears or gets lost (a spell has been cast);
  • - if you are tired of loneliness and you cannot find your other half (damage to loneliness);
  • - if you can’t sell an apartment or a house for a long time (that means it’s sealed).

Prayer for Gluttony

“Lord, our sweetest food, which never perishes, but remains in eternal life! Cleanse Thy servant (name) from the filth of gluttony, alien to Thy Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Thy Life-giving spiritual food, which is the Flesh and Blood of Thou and Thy Holy, living and active Word.”

Prayer in the passion of love of money and gluttony to St. Theodore of Pechersk

Saint Theodore distributed his property to the poor and retired to a monastery. But the enemy sowed in him grief over the distributed property and for a long time tempted him with the possibilities of life in peace and wealth. But Saint Theodore, through his long and zealous deeds, as well as the prayers of Saint Basil of Pechersk, who lived with Theodore, freed himself from the passion of love of money.

Troparion, tone 1

Having been bound by a union of love, reverend, every union of the machinations of the enemy was in vain, but you endured suffering and death innocently from the money-loving prince, so we pray to you, who together have lived and received the crowns of torment, pray to the Lord for us, for in the abundance of love, faith and hope we have lived well , we always please you, Theodora and Vasily, for your good victory.

Prayer to all saints and ethereal heavenly powers

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself, who act all in all, have accomplished many holiness in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.


O sacred head, reverend father, blessed Abbot Theodora, do not forget your poor to the end, but remember us always in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, father sacred, for your spiritual children, as you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for You have been given the grace to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, but remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the machinations of the devil, to our good shepherd even more than the relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, standing at the throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, and from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Saint, tone 8

In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image of the cross, for you followed Christ, and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it comes: be diligent about the souls, things that are immortal: in the same way, Reverend Theodora, your spirit rejoices with the Angels.

Kontakion to the Saint, tone 2

Having divinely armed yourself with spiritual purity, and having firmly handed over unceasing prayers like a copy, you prosecuted the demonic militia of Theodora, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Greatness to the Reverend

We bless you, Reverend Father Theodore, and honor your holy memory, teacher of monks and interlocutor of Angels.

Prayer of Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov

Lord, You visit and accept sinners! And you raise the dead! And you command the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And the loaves grow miraculously in Your hands, giving a thousand-fold harvest - they are sown, reaped, baked and broken at the same time, in one instant! And You hunger to deliver us from famine! And You long for our thirst to go away! And you travel through the country of our exile, straining Yourself to return to us the calm, heavenly nature filled with sweets that we have lost! You shed Your sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane, so that we stop shedding our sweat in obtaining bread, and learn to shed it in prayers for worthy communion of the Heavenly Bread. The thorns that the cursed earth produced for us, You took upon Your head; Thou hast crowned and bruised Thy most holy head with thorns! We have lost the paradise tree of life and its fruit, which imparted immortality to those who ate. You, having prostrated yourself on the tree of the cross, became for us the fruit that bestows eternal life on your partakers. Both the fruit of life and the tree of life appeared on earth in the camp of our exile. This fruit and this tree are superior to those of paradise: they imparted immortality, and these communicated immortality and Divinity. Through Your sufferings You have poured sweetness into our sufferings. We reject earthly pleasures, we choose suffering as our lot, just to become partakers of Your sweetness! It is like a foretaste of eternal life, sweeter and more precious than temporary life! You fell asleep in the sleep of death, which could not keep You in eternal sleep. You - God! You rose up and gave us excitement from this dream, from the fierce sleep of death, gave us a blessed and glorious resurrection! You raised our renewed nature to heaven, and planted it at the right hand of the eternal, co-eternal with you, your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven to glorify, bless, and praise Your goodness! Grant us with a frank face to behold Your terrible, unapproachable, magnificent Glory, to behold It forever, to worship It and bliss in It. Amen.

One of the deadly sins is gluttony. Today, gluttony is very difficult to resist, because many manufacturers use various chemical stimulants so that people actively buy their products. Therefore, the problem of excess weight is quite acute in the world. Prayer against gluttony and gluttony will help you resist sin.

The Power and Features of Prayer

In the Orthodox faith, the body is identified with the temple of the Lord. Therefore, any action directed against him is considered a sin. One of them is gluttony, which leads to a person becoming overweight. As a result, various health problems develop (diabetes mellitus, impaired functioning of the heart, liver, etc.).

Excess body weight changes a person's figure, making it ugly. Overweight people find it difficult to walk long distances, and climbing stairs seems like real torture.

When excess weight appears, people try to remove it through diets, medications, and exercise. A special prayer will also help. These actions are only effective if performed regularly and correctly.

If diets, medications and exercise are aimed at the body, then prayer requests are addressed to the soul. Obesity does not only lead to external changes in the body. It also touches the soul of a person who could not resist temptations and succumbed to temptation.

Due to changes in the attitudes of others, a person with the problem of excess weight becomes unbalanced, touchy, falls into despair, and also becomes vulnerable to evil spirits and evil. Many people fall into a gloomy slumber, becoming lazy. They gradually lose their intelligence and will to live.

Excess weight serves as a punishment for gluttony. It indicates that the soul is down to earth. The heavier body pulls her even more towards the ground, making a person’s life unbearably difficult. Excess weight shows the sinner how weak and helpless he has become by succumbing to temptation.

Therefore, gluttony must be combated by all available means. Daily prayer requests have the following benefits:

  • allow you to rethink your current state and take the path of correction;
  • give strength to resist the temptations of the modern world;
  • allow you to curb your desires;
  • bring peace and tranquility;
  • have a healing effect on the soul and body.

To cope with the problem and not return to it again, the sinner must pacify his base instincts and discover the spiritual world. All this can be achieved through prayer, which is read from a pure heart and with hope for healing and help from the saints. Words spoken without understanding and faith will not bring deliverance and peace of mind.

In the Orthodox faith, different images can bestow healing from gluttony. It is necessary to make such a request to the following saints:

  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Alexy;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Irinarch of Rostov.

You can pray both at home in front of your home icon and in church. In both cases, you can light a candle in front of the image and recite the prayer text without deviation. After the prayer service, you should donate to the temple. Church paraphernalia must be placed in the house.

In addition to reading prayers before the images, a person must observe fasts and perform feasible physical exercises. Remember that working on yourself and resisting temptations will help you get rid of gluttony.

Video “How to get rid of gluttony?”

In this video, the clergyman will tell you how to get rid of gluttony with the help of the Almighty, and what prayer words should be said in front of holy images.

Prayer texts

Jesus Christ

I pray to You, Lord, deliver me from satiety and lust and grant me in peace of mind to reverently accept Your generous gifts, so that by tasting them, I will receive strengthening of my mental and physical strength to serve You, Lord, in the short remainder of my life on earth.


Oh, Great Saint of God and glorious miracle-worker, Reverend Father Irinarsha! Look at us sinners, in our sorrows and circumstances we zealously cry out to you and place all our hope in you for God’s sake. We ask you with much tenderness: by your intercession to the Lord God, ask us for peace, long life, brotherly love, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, good rains, and a blessing from above on all our good undertakings.

Deliver us all with your holy prayers from all troubles: famine, hail, flood, fire, sword, harmful worms, corrupting winds, deadly plagues and vain deaths. And in all our sorrows, be our comforter and helper, preserving us from the falls of sin and making us worthy to be heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. May we glorify together with you all the good Giver, the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Saint Alexy

O servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexy!

Look mercifully upon us, servant of God (names), and stretch out your honorable hands in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, a peaceful and Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

To her, servant of God, do not disgrace our trust, which we place in you, according to God and the Mother of God; but be our helper and protector for salvation; and through your prayers, having received grace and mercy from the Lord, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Gluttony is considered one of the sins in Orthodoxy. Therefore, prayers for weight loss are in great demand. They are used by people prone to obesity, who understand the dangers of excess weight to health.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for weight loss

Prayer against gluttony and gluttony

Both gluttony and gluttony are sins. But these concepts have different meanings:

  • Gluttony means immoderation in eating;
  • Gluttony refers to the consumption of large amounts of food.

The consequences of gluttony and gluttony threaten a person with the loss of not only health, but also spirituality. It should be understood that base instincts turn a person into an animal. Therefore, it is very important to pacify harmful desires and turn to the Lord for help.

A strong prayer directed to the Savior sounds like this:

Prayer for every day so as not to gain weight

A prayer that will not allow you to get better should be read every day. It is a very effective tool that allows you to keep yourself in shape. It is important not to tell anyone that you are praying not to get better. You must definitely believe that prayer will help you monitor your weight.

The text of the daily prayer-conspiracy aimed at not getting better is as follows:

Prayer against overeating at night on the new moon

The new moon is a special lunar period. At the beginning of a new month, a person’s various feelings begin to intensify and desires awaken. This also applies to appetite. Therefore, on the night of the new moon, it is recommended to read a special prayer for people who suffer from overeating. And this, as we know, subsequently does not have a very good effect on overall health.

The prayer should be read over foods that you cannot resist and are ready to consume in large quantities, regardless of any consequences. To do this, in privacy in a separate room, you should put your favorite foods on the table. Next to them you need to install an icon and a candle.

First, you should light a candle and sit down at the table and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. After this, you need to sit for a while and try to imagine all the products that are on the table tasteless or spoiled.

Then you need to say the following prayer words:

After the prayer is read, you should put out the candle and put away the food. It is important not to eat anything before reading the prayer. After the ceremony, you can drink a glass of water, and after a while have breakfast as usual. If everything is done correctly, your appetite will decrease and you will find something to do besides eating.

Prayer to lose weight quickly in a week

In order to lose weight in a week with the help of prayer, you need to believe that everything will work out. Orthodox prayer will give a person strength and set him up correctly.

In order to quickly lose weight, you need to pray during the waning moon. You need to read the prayer with a glass of clean water, which you subsequently need to wash your face with before going to bed.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer should be repeated every day during the waning moon. As soon as the new moon comes, there is no need to use prayer.

Christian prayer for weight loss on Maundy Thursday

Man lives in a constantly changing world. It has been proven that there are days with very strong energy that allow you to achieve what you want faster. One of these days is Maundy Thursday, which falls during Lent. It is on this day that prayers aimed at losing weight are very effective.

Many rituals and traditions on Maundy Thursday are related to water. And it is precisely this that is a very effective means for losing weight. It is very important to wake up very early on this day to witness the appearance of the first rays of the sun. They are the ones who cleanse the entire earth and give people hope for a bright and happy life. At this moment, we get rid of negativity and harmful passions, which lead to the development of dangerous diseases and violate the purity of the soul.

A strong prayer spell for the beauty of the body was pronounced by girls in ancient times over silver water. To do this, in the evening it was necessary to fill a container with water and throw a silver object into it.

In the morning you had to wash your face with this water and say the following prayer:

Conspiracies against obesity and excess weight

Conspiracies to get rid of excess weight are very effective ways to cope with obesity. They are absolutely harmless and cannot harm. But for such methods to be effective, you also need to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

There are some rules for reading conspiracies that increase the effectiveness of the ritual. Magic words should be spoken in solitude, fully concentrating on your desire to lose weight. It is important to try to visualize the desired result, that is, imagine yourself slim and beautiful. The best days to read conspiracies for obesity are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Conspiracies for weight loss should be read on an empty stomach, and the words should be pronounced in a half-whisper.

In addition, there are other requirements for rituals:

  • You should not tell anyone that you are going to lose weight using magic. The sacrament of actions is the main condition for the effectiveness of the ritual.
  • You cannot use conspiracies that use words with a negative focus, for example, wishes to perish; such rituals will help you lose weight, but can provoke serious health problems.

Conspiracy-prayer for charmed water from Vanga

Many people believe that a very effective way to lose weight is the water spell, given to the world by the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. It is noteworthy that this method allows you to get rid of appetite, so losing weight occurs unnoticeably and is completely painless for the body.

A strong spell from Vanga to lose weight is pronounced in the bathroom. Having collected water at the desired temperature, add a glass of cream and petals of different colors: red, white and pink. After this, you should soak in the water for some time, while wearing a cross on your body.

Then, lying in the bathroom, you should say the following conspiracy:

Such magic words must be repeated two more times at intervals of 5 minutes. After this, you can finish the water procedures, and before leaving the bath you need to thank the water in ordinary words.

Effective spells on the waning or waxing moon

Conspiracies on the waning moon aimed at losing weight are more effective. This is explained by the fact that during this period wastes and toxins are quickly removed from the human body, metabolism also improves and fats are broken down faster.

But at the same time, you can successfully lose weight even during the waxing moon phase. This period is characterized by better absorption of substances. Therefore, if you use an effective diet for weight loss, you can improve your body’s health, which will allow you to achieve good results.

White magic offers a huge number of different rituals aimed at losing weight, which can be performed during the waning moon. All of them influence the human subconscious, and, therefore, contribute to the burning of fat cells.

As soon as the moon begins to wane, you need to begin to carry out the next effective ritual. All steps must be repeated for 9 days without interruption.

You need to take clean water into a glass made of transparent glass and go out into the open sky. It is important that the defective disk of the moon is visible in the sky. You can go outside, but it’s enough to stand on the balcony or by an open window. You need to take the container in your hands and hold it in the solar plexus area. You need to be silent for a while and try to feel the power of moonlight.

After this, peering into the night luminary, you should say the following words nine times:

A powerful ritual can also be performed during the waxing moon. It is very important to strictly follow all the rules of this ritual. You need to start reading the plot on one of the nights of the waxing moon phase and continue to do this for 13 days continuously. The optimal time for the ceremony is midnight. It is not necessary to light candles, but it is better to dim the artificial light. The most suitable option would be light from a sconce or floor lamp. While reading the plot, it is important to fully concentrate on the magic words; you cannot be distracted by anything.

The text of the conspiracy, which is pronounced in absolute solitude, is as follows:

Which Saint should I pray to to lose weight and not gain weight?

You can pray for weight loss not only to the Lord God, but also to various saints. Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is very effective. It must be read in front of the icon of the Saint and with a lit church candle.

Prayer before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow

Prayers to the Holy Elder Matrona of Moscow are very popular. Before you start praying, you must visit the temple and order a prayer service for health.

In the church you need to go up to the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and, pressing your lips to it, whisper the following words:

After this, you need to purchase 9 candles and draw holy water, and then leave the temple. At home, immediately after coming from church, you need to light 3 candles and start reading prayers to Saint Matrona.

The first prayer goes like this:

The second prayer allows you to cope with excess weight if its cause is spoilage.

It sounds like this:

The third prayer will help cope with overeating. Its text is:

Read a prayer to Irinarch of Rostov

The most suitable prayer for losing weight is a prayer appeal to the Monk Irinarch, the recluse of Rostov.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Muslim prayers for excessive thinness or obesity

In Islam it is believed that if a person is damaged, he can lose weight or gain weight. Special prayers help normalize weight. In order to get rid of external negativity, you need to read suras from the Koran.

In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • The optimal time for Muslim prayers is considered to be from late at night until sunrise. It is allowed to repeat prayers against corruption starting at noon.
  • The first half of the day in Islam is considered the time of sorcerers and evil spirits.
  • To achieve maximum effectiveness of prayer, it must be said on Friday.
  • The power of prayers against corruption increases many times over if they are said in a state of meditation.

Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad knew a large number of simple prayers that helped protect against damage and, therefore, prevent changes in normal weight.

A strong Muslim prayer translated from Arabic is as follows:

You can get rid of the negativity sent by ill-wishers with the help of the “Believers” sura. Legend claims that the power of this prayer is so powerful that if a true believer reads it and then looks at the mountain, the earth’s firmament will split into two parts.

I also pray to You, Lord, deliver me from satiety and lust and grant me in peace of mind to reverently accept Your generous gifts, so that by tasting them, I will receive strengthening of my mental and physical strength to serve You, Lord, in the short remainder of my life on earth.

Secret prayer for those who eat immoderately

(read orally after prayer for eating)

I also pray to You, Lord, deliver me from satiety and lust and grant me, in peace of mind, to reverently accept Your generous gifts, so that by tasting them, I will receive strengthening of my mental and physical strength to serve You, Lord, in the short remainder of my life on earth.

Abba Anthony: A satiated belly gives birth to the seed of voluptuousness, and a spirit suppressed by the weight of satiety cannot have prudence. For it is not just the excessive consumption of wine that makes a person insane, but the excessive consumption of food also upsets, darkens him, and deprives him of purity and innocence.

Lord, our sweetest Food, which never perishes, but arrives in the eternal belly.

Cleanse Thy servant from the filth of gluttony, all that is made flesh and alien to Thy Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Thy life-giving spiritual meat, which is Thy Flesh and Blood and Thy holy, living and active Word.

Prayer of Saint John of Kronstadt

Lord, our sweetest Food is not perishable, but endures to eternal life.

Cleanse Your servant from the filth of gluttony, who has made himself entirely carnal and alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your life-giving spiritual food, which is Your Flesh and Blood and Your holy, living and active Word.

Venerable John Cassian the Roman: Gluttony is divided into three types: one type encourages eating before a certain hour; another loves only to be satiated with any kind of food; the third wants tasty food. Against this, a Christian must have threefold caution: wait for a certain time for eating; don't get fed up; be content with all the most modest food.

O servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexy!

Look mercifully upon us, servant of God (names), and stretch out your honorable hands in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, a peaceful and Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

To her, servant of God, do not disgrace our trust, which we place in you, according to God and the Mother of God; but be our helper and protector for salvation; and through your prayers, having received grace and mercy from the Lord, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to Saint Alexis, the man of God

O saint of Christ, holy man of God Alexy!

Look mercifully at us, servant of God (names), and stretch out your honest hands in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, a peaceful and Christian end to life and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

Oh, saint of God, do not let down our hope, which we place in you, after God and the Mother of God; but be our helper and protector for salvation; May we receive grace and mercy from the Lord through your prayers, glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your holy intercession, now and always and forever and ever

Saint Basil the Great: If the water is divided into many channels, all the land lying around them turns green; So, if the passion of gluttony is divided in your heart, it will saturate all your feelings, plant a forest of vices in you and turn your soul into the dwelling of animals. If you control the womb, you will live in paradise, and if you do not control it, you will become the prey of death. Avoiding immoderation in pleasure, the goal of eating food should be not pleasure, but its necessity for life, for to servile pleasure means nothing more than making the stomach your god. Learn to keep a tight rein on your womb: it alone does not give thanks for the benefits shown to it.

O great and wonderful servant of Christ, Holy Hierarch Father Ignatius!

Graciously accept our prayers offered to you with love and gratitude!

Hear us, the orphaned and helpless (names), who fall to you with faith and love and your warm intercession for us before the Throne of the Lord of Glory of those asking.

We know that the prayer of a righteous man can do much, propitiating the Lord.

From the years of infancy you have passionately loved the Lord, and having desired to serve Him alone, you have considered all the red of this world as nothing.

You have denied yourself and, having taken up your cross, you have followed Christ. You chose the narrow and regrettable path of monastic life for yourself, and on this path you acquired great virtues.

With your writings you filled the hearts of people with the deepest reverence and humility before the Almighty Creator, and with your wise words you taught sinners who had fallen in the consciousness of their insignificance and their sinfulness, in repentance and humility to resort to God, encouraging them with trust in His mercy.

You rejected none of those who came to you, but you were a loving father and a good shepherd to all. And now do not leave us, who fervently pray to you and ask for your help and intercession.

Ask us from our Humane-loving Lord for mental and physical health, confirm our faith, strengthen our strength, exhausted in the temptations and sorrows of this age, warm our cold hearts with the fire of prayer and help us, who through repentance have cleansed the Christian death of this life, receive and enter the palace of the Savior adorned with all the elect and there with you we will worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

O great and wonderful saint of Christ, Saint Father Ignatius!

Mercifully accept our prayers offered to you with love and gratitude!

Hear us, the unfortunate and helpless (names), who fall to you with faith and love and your ardent intercession for us before the Throne of the Lord of Glory of those asking.

For we know how much the prayer of the righteous can do to propitiate the Lord.

From the years of infancy You passionately loved the Lord and desired to serve Him alone; You counted all the wealth of the earthly world as nothing. You denied yourself and, taking up your cross, followed Christ.

You voluntarily chose the narrow and regrettable path of monastic life, and along this path you acquired great virtues.

With your writings, you filled the hearts of people with a feeling of deepest reverence and humility before the Almighty Creator, and you instructed fallen sinners with your wise words, so that in the consciousness of their insignificance and their sinfulness, in repentance and humility, they turned to God, encouraging them with hope for His mercy.

You never rejected those who came to you, and you were a loving father and good shepherd to everyone. And now do not leave us, who earnestly pray to you and ask for your help and intercession.

Ask us from our Humane-loving Lord for mental and physical health, confirm our faith, strengthen our strength, those who are exhausted in the temptations and sorrows of earthly life, warm our cold hearts with the fire of prayer and help us, through repentance, cleanse the Christian end of this life in order to enter the embellished palace of the Savior with all the elect and there with you to worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov): Gluttony is nothing more than a bad habit, a reckless, unsatisfied satisfaction of a natural desire damaged by abuse. From pleasing the belly, the heart becomes burdened, coarsened, and hardened; the mind is deprived of lightness and spirituality; man becomes carnal. The whiteness and darkness imparted to the body by abundance and indiscriminateness in food are little by little communicated by the body to the heart and by the heart to the mind. The root of all sins... is the love of money, and after the love of money... gluttony, the strongest and most abundant expression of which is drunkenness. If you please your belly and feed yourself excessively, you will fall into the abyss of prodigal defilement, into the fire of anger and rage, you will make your mind heavy and dark, and you will make your blood heated.
