The name given to a person at birth is not just a set of letters, it endows its owner with unique qualities and unique energy. The name Maxim will lead its owner to victory and allow him to achieve great heights both in the professional sphere and in his personal life.

History of the name Maxim

The name Maxim has Latin roots. Its origin is associated with the name of the ancient Roman family - Maximus, which translated from Latin means “greatest”. In ancient Rome, the name Maxim was used to call the sons of the nobility, wishing them glorious victories and success in life. It was believed that this name would help its owner achieve great heights in the professional field, and also protect him from adversity and the treachery of friends.

In Russia, the name Maxim began to spread in the 60s of the twentieth century, and its growth was carried out at a rapid pace. It was one of the 5 most popular.

Forms of the name Maxim

Full name - Maxim.

Short form - Max, Masya.

Diminutive: Maksik, Maksimka, Maksyusha, Maksimchik, Maksimochka, Maksyuta, Masenka.

Related names: Maximilian, Maximus, Maximian.

The church name is Maxim.

Photo gallery: name forms

Loving parents can call little Maxim Maximka
Friends and acquaintances in conversations with Maxim use the short form of the name - Max MAXIM - such a nickname can be used by Maxim on social networks Full name - Maxim The name Maximilian is considered related to the name Maxim

Table: name Maxim in other languages

If dad is Maxim, then his child will have a middle name: Maksimovna, Maksimovich (colloquial Maksimych).

Transliteration of the name: MAKSIM.

The most harmoniously combined patronymics with the name Maxim are: Alexandrovich, Nikolaevich, Sergeevich, Evgenievich, Viktorovich.

Name day and patron saints of Maxim

People named Maxim have many heavenly patrons. One of the most revered is Maximus of Asia (a holy martyr who suffered under Emperor Decius). In the world he was engaged in trade. Maxim was a pious Christian, a holy believer in God and led many pagans to faith in Christ.

One day he had to watch an unpleasant sight - idolaters gathered to offer a human sacrifice to their gods. Maxim could not calmly observe this action, he was indignant and rushed to the infidels, loudly denouncing them of ignorance, and calling their idols soulless creatures. In response, the enraged pagans stoned the martyr to death.

Martyr Maximus of Asia - one of the most revered heavenly patrons of Maximus

Those with the name Maxim can celebrate their name day on one of the following dates:

  • January - 26, 29;
  • February - 3, 5, 11, 19;
  • March - 4, 19;
  • April - 2, 23;
  • May - 4, 11, 13, 27;
  • June - 1, 4, 30;
  • July - 1, 4, 11, 18, 20;
  • August - 12, 24, 26;
  • September - 2, 18, 28;
  • October - 3, 8, 22;
  • November - 5, 10, 12, 24;
  • December - 5, 29.

Characteristics and influence of the name

According to the theory of Boris Khigir, Maxim has a strong will and a stable psyche. The young man is attractive in appearance, thanks to which, earlier than his peers, he manages to taste the forbidden fruit and join the intimate side of life. Despite this, promiscuity is alien to him.

Professionally, Maxim can achieve a lot, but all this will be thanks to hard work. In principle, Max is not a careerist. He works harder to attract the attention of others and convince them of his remarkable abilities.

Nice, faithful and reliable,
The "greatest" of men
Proud, loyal and firm,
With a cool name - Maxim.
You find a companion early,
Excluding left fornication,
With her, with the children, you spend your destiny,
And don’t be drawn to flood.
Honest, brave and unchangeable,
Before the power of the wife,
Not cowardly, not fickle,
Will stand up for the honor of the country.


Table: pros and cons in Maxim's character

Maksimka in childhood and youth

As a child, Maxim is an independent and obedient child who does not cause his parents any special problems. Moreover, the boy always strives to help adults in everything, and often takes on completely unchildish matters. Assiduous, inquisitive, moderately active. The only negative is that the boy often doubts his abilities, which makes him indecisive. Moreover, this quality is characteristic of him throughout his life, although in adulthood he will carefully hide it.

Little Maksimka is characterized by a pronounced feminine principle in his character. He is affectionate, friendly, and knows how to listen. However, to the positive qualities there are also negative characteristics: weak character, dependence on other people’s opinions. To eradicate shortcomings or at least correct them, Max’s father needs to try to instill in his son truly masculine character traits from early childhood. Perhaps the boy will need to be sent to a martial arts school, where he will be taught to stand up for himself. You can also pay attention to the technical modeling or auto-design club.

Maxim grows up as an inquisitive boy who learns about the world from books

Maxim has no particular problems with his studies, but he also lacks stars from the sky. The boy takes his education seriously, realizing that his future depends on it. And if the humanities come easily to him by nature, he does not have much friendship with mathematics. Therefore, in order to reach a decent level, he has to literally memorize all the formulas and rules.

A young man named Maxim is a balanced, focused and disciplined guy who never demonstrates his true feelings. He begins to be interested in girls early and often wins the favor of the first beauty at school.

Max is loved and appreciated by his friends. He has a good sense of humor and is always ready to help. However, at the same time, those around him know that Maxim always defends his point of view. It’s quite difficult to convince a guy, so friends try to never get into arguments with him.

Maxim doesn't have to
Swear in your own name.
Maxima is with him without interference
Maximum success awaits.
Will quickly become famous -
Be it an artist or a bandit.
If he takes up music -
Mozart will also be jealous.
God forbid, war comes -
He will immediately become a marshal.
Complete scientific work -
They'll give you the Nobel right away.
With such a wonderful name
You, Maxim, are invincible.
So go through life -
Don't let your name down.


Maxim's adult life

Adult Maxim is often completely different from himself as a child. Now he is a purposeful and self-confident (at least outwardly) man who knows what exactly he wants from life. However, even for the sake of his own well-being, he will never compromise his principles. Max is friendly, straightforward, and will never go overboard to achieve success. To achieve stability in life, Maxim will work hard and constantly develop, which will allow him to constantly be aware of new trends in the professional field.


Maxim does not have any special talents, but he has some inclinations towards music and creativity. If parents can develop them from childhood, then in the future Max may grow up to be a good musician, artist, theater figure or painter.

If parents develop Maxim’s abilities from childhood, then in the future he will be able to achieve great popularity

Professions, business and career

Maxim can achieve good results in the professional field, but only if the work brings him pleasure. He can become a photographer, journalist, actor. Max's inherent objectivity and diligence will help him in his work as an architect, engineer, and researcher. Due to some lack of self-confidence, Maxim rarely holds leadership positions. He does not want to take responsibility, so it is easier for him to carry out the task assigned to him by someone than to command people himself.


Maxim needs to take care of his nervous system. The main danger for him is a depressive state, since at such moments he can get carried away with alcohol, to which Max has a predisposition.

The genitourinary system is another weak point of Maxim. A young man should take care of his kidneys, prostate, and urinary tract. Starting from childhood, he should avoid hypothermia, and as he grows older, he should be regularly examined by a urologist.

Maxim should not neglect preventive examinations with a urologist

Love, sexuality, marriage

Maxim is a romantic person. For the sake of his chosen one, he is ready for the most unpredictable actions, which conquers the girls around him. Such attention slightly corrupts the young man; he begins to treat the opposite sex as a toy that he can play with for a short time and throw away if he gets tired of it.

Sex for Maxim is not a fundamental point in a relationship, although he approaches it, like everything else in his life, thoroughly and seriously. It is more important for him that his partner demonstrates her admiration and emphasizes his advantages. He can only show his true feelings to the woman whom he trusts infinitely.

Maxim, as a rule, connects his fate with a powerful and experienced lady. His companion must not only support Max in everything, but also share his interests. Otherwise, quarrels and scandals will become commonplace in their family.

Maxim treats his wife with respect, and does not shy away from helping her with household chores, without dividing them into “female” and “male.” Having started a family, he breaks off all past relationships, believing that an affair on the side humiliates him as a person. Max loves his children, pays a lot of attention to them, and is ready to give his last for their smile.

Maxim does not share household responsibilities; he tries to help his wife in everything

Compatibility of Maxim with other names - table

NameCompatibilityNature of the relationship
Tatiana98% Maxim and Tatyana are ideal partners. The girl's authority and energy are exactly the qualities that Max is looking for in his companion. However, Tatyana herself must remember that Maxim should always feel like the head of the family, so he should be led very gently and carefully.
Anastasia100% The union of Nastya and Maxim is built on mutual respect and trust. Peace and prosperity will always reign in their family. Common interests only bring lovers closer together, making them one.
Julia34% This relationship resembles a volcano of passions. Emotional and bright Julia craves extraordinary actions from her chosen one, which he is incapable of. A young man prefers a stable relationship without any special surprises, so quarrels with mutual reproaches and claims often arise between lovers. If the romance of Yulia and Maxim in some strange way leads to marriage, then their life together is unlikely to last longer than a year.
Valeria95% Maxim and Yulia can create an ideal love union. Valeria, who has her head in the clouds, needs a brave and reliable defender, which is exactly Maxim. The young man fully fits the criteria of a real man, as Lera imagines him. She does not hesitate to talk about his advantages, which flatters Max and makes him become even more responsible.
Elena53% These two are not well suited for a long-term marriage. The love affair between Elena and Maxim can either flare up brightly or instantly burn out. The rapidly developing romance does not allow them to get to know each other well. Initially, each of them looks at their partner through rose-colored glasses, not noticing all his shortcomings. However, after a while, insight and disappointment sets in, after which the union breaks up.
Karina88% This union has everything: emotions, passion, love, romanticism, a loud showdown and no less stormy reconciliation. The main thing is that all these components are evenly distributed, otherwise Maxim, who is calm by nature, may not be able to withstand such intensity and simply run away.
Irina42% It is difficult for Maxim and Irina to create a happy union. It is quite difficult for a girl, with her high demands on her partner, to decide on the choice of her soul mate. She is unlikely to pay attention to the calm and balanced Max. Relationships between young people can only flare up by chance, if Ira doesn’t have a more advantageous candidate “at hand.” The family life of Max and Irina is devoid of passion and harmony. Each spouse reacts too sharply to the shortcomings of the other, and if a compromise is not found, the marriage will break up before it even lasts three years.
Pauline79% In order for the family life of this couple to be filled with harmony and prosperity, each of the partners will have to make a lot of effort. Polina, like Maxim, feels insecure in her abilities, so in this family there is no leader who would be responsible for important decisions.
Olga89% Regarding Olga, Maxim is overwhelmed with ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, the young man is impressed by the girl’s confidence and determination, on the other hand, he is annoyed by her desire to constantly be in the center of attention. Olga loves social life and parties, while Max prefers quiet family evenings. And if they do not come up with a “golden mean”, then their union is doomed to failure.

Significant years:

Video: name Maxim - characteristics and meaning

Table: astrology named after Maxim

Capricorn is the most successful zodiac sign for Maxim

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name Maxim

The character of a person is determined by the letters that make up his name:

  1. The letter M is a good-natured, slightly shy person who is always ready to help a loved one.
  2. The letter A symbolizes the desire to create and indicates a love of comfort.
  3. The letter K is a strong-willed person who will never betray or give away the secrets of a friend. Insightful, his life motto is “all or nothing.”
  4. The letter C is capriciousness, the desire for material well-being and stability in life.
  5. The letter I is kindness, peacefulness, subtle mental organization. Such a person often hides his true emotions, perceiving them as weakness.
  6. Letter M - repeat.

Maxim is persistent and smart,
Fortune visits him.
He is respected in the service, -
He admires everyone with his work.
Moves forward persistently.
I work tirelessly.
Lives in love for parents,
Understanding them like a son.
Let all the obstacles get in your way
Maxim is easily defeated;
Maintain optimism in life
Let him never forget!


Characteristics of a name according to the time of year

“Winter” Maxim is endowed with an analytical mind. He decides on a profession early and systematically moves towards his goal. The man is straightforward, sociable, incredibly honest. True, in childhood he can sometimes cheat. However, this act most often only makes everyone smile, since Max does it so ineptly that anyone can declassify it.

“Spring” Maxim is incredibly energetic. Emotions are pouring out of him. He is kind, lucky, and has leadership qualities. The only negative is his restlessness. Max cannot do one thing for a long time, he simply gets bored with it. Parents should instill perseverance and perseverance in the boy, otherwise in adulthood he will never be able to find his purpose.

“Summer” Maxim is generous, selfless, a good husband and father. There are always many friends around him who love, respect him and often ask for advice. Maxim is stress-resistant, steadfastly endures life’s failures, believing that a “black” streak is always followed by a “white” streak.

“Autumn” Max is a romantic person. He knows how to lightly improvise to lift the spirits of a whole crowd of people at once. Therefore, he is often the leader in the team. The only drawback of the young man is his reluctance to achieve more. He likes to live one day at a time, just going with the flow.

Table: horoscope named Maxim

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesThe young man is energetic, emotional, and not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. In his youth, he can come up with a lot of complexes, but as he gets older, he quickly gets rid of them. In family life there is hope and support. Relatives can turn to him with any problem, Max will always help and support.
TaurusSensitive and romantic nature. Does not tolerate lies and betrayal. He will be able to connect his life with a woman who will actually prove her devotion to him.
TwinsMaxim-Gemini is a person with a fine mental organization and a contradictory character. Today he can be eager to fight, and tomorrow he will forget about it and take the position of a homebody. A man's family life is not easy. The best match for him would be a woman who is ready to endure any hardship for the sake of her family.
CancerAn incorrigible romantic, looking at life through rose-colored glasses. In any, even the most unpleasant situations, he tries to find something good. The main disadvantage of such a person is excessive naivety and gullibility, because of which he often suffers.
a lionDecisive, balanced, makes decisions quickly. To achieve the goal, he is ready to overcome any obstacles. She never complains about life, but strives to independently change it for the better. He will give his heart to a kind and determined woman who can support him in everything.
VirgoThe isolation and detachment of this person often repels those around him. However, this does not frighten him, since he feels great alone. Moreover, large companies have a depressing effect on him. Maxim-Virgo is a monogamous man and a romantic, ready to shower his lady with flowers every day.
ScalesA kind and sincere person who is sensitive to other people's problems. He often becomes a volunteer or organizer of a shelter for people in difficult situations. Marries once and for all. Maxim will not be able to leave his wife even if his feelings for her cool down.
ScorpionUnpredictable, proud, never opens his soul to other people. He will take as his wife a powerful and decisive person who will be able to control him and guide him on the right path.
SagittariusIrritable, impulsive, often gets involved in fights and scandals. It is very difficult for him to create a family, because the guy does not know how to control himself. However, if his chosen one turns out to be a lady with stronger energy, then over time Max will calm down and begin to listen to the opinion of his wife.
CapricornA kind, but too vulnerable person who is acutely worried even about practically strangers. However, Max tries to hide these manifestations of his feelings behind a mask of indifference. Sometimes even his wife cannot see his true soul.
AquariusThe main characteristics of this person are stubbornness and integrity. Because of these qualities, he has practically no friends. However, Max-Aquarius has a completely different attitude towards his other half. With her he is kind, gentle, compliant.
FishA reserved and self-confident person who knows his worth and will never miss his benefits. Moreover, he skillfully manipulates other people for selfish purposes. He marries late, as he prefers easy, non-binding relationships.

Photo gallery: Maxim's famous namesakes

Maxim Fadeev - Russian producer and composer Maxim Vitorgan - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, production director Maxim Matveev - successful theater and film actor Maxim Rybin - hockey player Maxim Shostakovich - Russian conductor

Maxim is a purposeful person who knows how to gently and unobtrusively achieve what is necessary. He can reach great heights, but to do this he needs to work on his character - get rid of indecisiveness and excessive gullibility. In family life he behaves impeccably, thanks to which he often marries once and for life.

The meaning of the name Maxim: The boy's name means "greatest." This affects the character and fate of Maxim.

Origin of the name Maxim: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Max, Maksimka, Maxya, Maksyuta, Maksyusha, Maka, Sima.

What does the name Maxim mean? The name Maximus comes from a Roman family nickname, which was derived from the word “maximus”. The name Maxim translates as “greatest.” Another meaning of the name Maxim is “great.” Max has well-developed oratorical abilities and diplomatic qualities. However, he lacks a bit of self-confidence. Although Maxim is an extrovert, he also needs solitude, during which books become his best friends.

Patronymic name Maxim: Maksimovich, Maksimovna; decomposition Maksimych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Maxim celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • January 26 (13) - Venerable M. Kavsokalivit asceticised on Mount Athos in the 13th century. Having taken upon himself the feat of foolishness, he moved from place to place and, where he stopped, there he built himself a kaliva - a kind of hut. Leaving this place, he burned it, for which he received the name Kavsokalivit, that is, the burner of pots.
  • May 27 (14) - St. Martyr Maxim of the merchants; His preaching converted many to Christ. Stoned for denouncing the pagans (3rd century).

Signs: On Maximov Day, the collection of birch sap begins. On this day they give it to the sick.


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color - raspberry
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - fuchsia
  • Patron name - mink
  • Talisman stone - male amethyst

Characteristics of the name Maxim

Positive features: The name Maxim gives eccentricity, originality of thinking, intellectuality, energy, goodwill, and willingness to help. In childhood, the name Maxim does not cause problems for parents, but with age his character can become unbalanced.

Negative features: Max lacks strong-willed qualities and perseverance. In a difficult situation, he can give up and become dependent on the “powers of this world.” He Max has a habit of doubting everything, has a poor understanding of people, but at the same time is not devoid of ambition and pride. A man with this name strives for an easy and beautiful life. May remain frivolous even in adulthood.

Character of the name Maxim: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Maxim? This is an extrovert with innate diplomacy and the gift of understanding people. A guy with this name is a determined person who knows how to convince anyone of anything, and when it comes to feelings and love, he simply has no equal. He has a talent for manipulating people. He is incredibly arrogant and just obsessed with his pride. He has excellent intuition, a vivid imagination, an amazing memory and a sense of humor. He feels like the master of life - and not without reason!

A man with this name is a flexible, selfish nature. He learns everything in life before others: the pains of creativity, the art of seducing women. In principle, he is not a careerist; he works solely to convince others of his remarkable abilities and to force them to pay attention to him. A man with this name is slow-witted, but achieves success thanks to perseverance and tremendous hard work. Closed, taciturn, even secretive. A man named Maxim is phlegmatic by temperament. He has a strong will and a very stable psyche. He lacks assertiveness and “breakthrough” abilities.

Maxim is distinguished by limitless patience, but does not allow anyone to neglect his opinion. Often reaches great heights both in career and in creativity. A guy with this name lives with an open soul, is friendly to people, cannot always distinguish a good person from a bad one, and often suffers from this. Required.

The meaning of the name Maxim in childhood. The main feature is independence. The little one shouts at any action: “I do it myself!”, the older one clearly knows what he wants and will achieve it. If parents do not want to undermine his faith in his own strength, nothing should be done without his consent. He is a good comrade, but everyone knows that if he has planned something and decided, it is unlikely that anyone will stop him. He is not afraid to be alone: ​​he collects stamps, reads a variety of books - from detective stories to classics, and goes to children's plays. The name has a rich imagination, varied knowledge and high self-esteem.

In his younger years, this helps him to assert himself. Maxim is very proud and even arrogant.

Max reacts to insult and harshness no weaker than others, but does not demonstrate his emotions, is outwardly carefree, and attaches great importance to humor.

Maxim has the ability to convince people, especially women, that he will definitely attract them to his side. He is very sensual, even voluptuous. Sex is important to him, but not the main thing in life. The most important thing is success! Of course, everything doesn’t always work out, but concentration and perseverance help him realize his talents.

Maxim and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The name's marriage with Violetta, Lydia, Margarita, Nina, Raisa, Svetlana is successful. Difficult relationships can be with Alexandra, Valentina, Victoria, Clara, Ionna, Stefania.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Maxim promise happiness in love? Love has a special meaning for him. He pays attention to girls early, before marriage he has experience communicating with women, knows how to understand and forgive their weaknesses, is patient, faithful in marriage, loves children.

In love, Max is sexually preoccupied. Before marriage, he has extensive experience in intimate relationships with women, but promiscuity is alien to him. He chooses a powerful woman as his wife and is faithful to her until the end of his life. Max loves to communicate with children. Gets along well with his wife's parents. He needs to be protected from alcohol and drugs.

Family life with the name Maxim is difficult, he demands that his wife fulfill all his desires, but he himself does not want the feeling of love to be a burden for him. He is amorous, but usually does not cheat on his wife, he loves and spoils his children.

There are a lot of different people around Max, and he is always open to communication. This is where the danger of addiction to alcohol and drugs arises. Fortunately, Maxim more often chooses a woman with character, and this saves him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: It is difficult for him to find his place in life, he usually tries many things, but doing one thing for a long time is boring for him. A guy named Maxim does not set himself the goal of making a career, but, being carried away by something, achieves success. A profession related to communication with large audiences can be especially successful: speaker, show organizer, director, producer. Max knows how to win over senior people, find patrons, and get involved with high-ranking people.

Business and career: Due to its haste, the name Maxim sometimes gets involved in matters that exceed its capabilities; there will be many ups and downs in his business.

He Maxim has the gift of understanding people, even manipulating them. He has excellent intuition and good knowledge of psychology. Max quickly finds a way out of the most difficult situations. He strives for entrepreneurial activity, maybe a banker, a politician. He works only for himself, he believes that his main teacher is life.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Maxim: The meaning of the name Maxim from a medical point of view. Health is changeable: sometimes amazing vitality, sometimes sudden illness. Possible predisposition to depression. You should not carry weapons, you must beware of car accidents.

The fate of Maxim in history

What does the name Maxim mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Maxim Zheleznyak (or Zaliznyak) - the main leader of the Haidamaks during the Koliivshchyna era. A Zaporozhye Cossack, he left the army and, preparing to accept the monastic rank, was a novice in the Motroninsky monastery, when the violence of the lordly confederates against the Orthodox in Right Bank Little Russia caused great unrest among its Russian population. Zheleznyak became the head of a Haidamak detachment of several hundred people, calling himself a Zaporozhye colonel, calling people to him and spreading rumors about the charter of Catherine II in his possession, commanding the extermination of Poles and Jews in Little Russia. After the capture of Uman (according to some Polish memoirists, up to 20,000 people died here), Zheleznyak proclaimed the restoration of the hetmanate and himself called himself hetman. In popular memory, Zheleznyak lives as a hero of the struggle against the Poles for nationality and faith; in songs and legends his image appears in an idealized form.
  2. Maxim N. Vorobyov (1787-1855), artist, master of urban landscape. In Russia, the architectural landscape first appears in the turbulent era of Peter I. These were engravings that captured the rapid successes of Russian urban planning. Superbly educated, fluent in several languages, a connoisseur and fine connoisseur of music and literature, intelligent, friendly to people, Maxim N. Vorobyov managed to say his wise, talented, sincere word in art.
  3. Maxim Gorky, also known as Alexey Gorky - (1868 - 1936) at birth - Alexey Peshkov; Russian writer, prose writer, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, famous for his portrayal of a romanticized déclassé character (“tramp”), the author of works with a revolutionary tendency, personally close to the Social Democrats, who was in opposition to the tsarist regime, Gorky quickly gained worldwide fame.
  4. Maxim the Greek - (c.1475 – 1555) publicist, theologian, philosopher, translator.
  5. Maximus the Confessor - (c.580 – 662) Byzantine theologian.
  6. Maxim Konchalovsky - (1875 – 1942) therapist, founder of a scientific school.
  7. Max Planck - (1858 – 1947) German physicist, one of the founders of quantum theory.
  8. Maxim Dunaevsky - (born 1945) Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia (2006).
  9. Maxim Moshkov is a Runet figure, known as the founder of the “Maxim Moshkov Library” Lib.Ru - an electronic library.
  10. Maxim Vorobyov - (1787 - 1855) artist, master of urban landscape.
  11. Maxim Konchalovsky - (1875 - 1942) an outstanding clinician, founder of the school of internal medicine clinic, Honored Scientist of the USSR.
  12. Maxim Konchalovsky - pianist, Honored Artist of Russia, opened in 1993 a fundamentally new educational institution for Russia - the Academy of Fine Arts (Institute of Artistic Creativity). Maxim Kim is a Russian historian, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Maxim in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English it is translated as Maxim, in Italian: Massimo (Massimo), in German: Maximilian (Maximilian).

A name is not just letters and words, but also the unique energy that it gives to its owner. The name Maxim will lead a man to significant success and endow him with all the qualities necessary for a winner.

Meaning and origin of the name

In Latin, Maxim sounds like Maximus and means “great.” Catholicism knows the name Maximilian, which is often identified with Maxim, although this is not entirely correct, since these names are completely independent and have different origins and even different name day dates.

The name Maxim, therefore, has Latin roots. But the name “Maxim” itself is completely Christian. This is the Orthodox version of the Catholic Maximus or Maximian. The name Maxim is mentioned in the scriptures, and many saints bear this name, which speaks of its truly spiritual origin.

Fate and character

Maxim's fate is not always simple, but it cannot be called ordinary or nondescript. Thanks to their character, Maxims are able to achieve a lot in life. These men have good self-esteem, so they need to place the main emphasis on personal development and awareness of their place in this world. Their potential needs the right direction so that disappointment does not ultimately befall the owner of the name Maxim.

If a Maxim man faces problems that he cannot overcome, he risks falling into depression or going from one extreme to another. After this there are usually periods of failure. To avoid this, Maxim needs to learn to get along with the opinions of the people around him. Diplomatic Maxims are capable of much - such people have a successful destiny.

By their nature, Maxims are usually the so-called people of youth. Their brightest exploits and most disappointing failures occur between the ages of 15 and 35. One can only envy the energy of these men, but sometimes they are nervous, impulsive or even imprudent.

Maxim knows how to create and maintain a characteristic, interesting image that remains in force throughout his life. When Maxim subsequently changes his mask, it looks very strange from the outside. These people need to curb themselves, learn to control their emotions and develop in the right direction. Having determined his destiny, Maxim is capable of incredible success.

In business and at work, Maxim is often helped by his intuition and intelligence, which is his characteristic feature. Persistence is the best assistant of any Maxim. The main thing is that he likes the work and is connected with his favorite hobby. Men with this name love to attract attention, so they often work in show business. For them, the main thing is that someone observes his work process or sees the results of his work.

Men named Maxim cannot afford to be weak when their significant other is suffering. They are excellent family men, have a good sense of humor and are always ready to become friends for their children, because they themselves remain children at heart.

Max is the only shortened form of the name that is perceived favorably by the majority of Maxims. As for the influence of the form “great” on character, it should be noted that the name is quite dynamic. Usually, these men are addressed in this form if they are very young. Their close friends and acquaintances also call them Max.

If Maxim can be respectable and impressive, then Max never strives for this, since he prefers a free style and relaxed communication. Maxes are easier to contact, easier to communicate with and they are a little more open.

The meaning of the name Maxim for a child: choosing a name for children

When choosing the name Maxim for a child, it is important for parents to take into account that at a young age Maxims can be disobedient and absent-minded. They either have many friends, or one but devoted friend. In the world of children, the laws are different, so communication skills sometimes work against them, helping to make enemies. But by the beginning of his adult life, Maxim is already well-versed in matters of communicating with people. He knows how to “read” by face, voice and mood.

The boy Maxim usually has no problems with his studies, but even if he has them, he will often grow up successful. Seeing this man at the age of 18, many do not expect that he will grab stars from the sky, but Maxim will quickly dissuade those who are skeptical about his own person, and thus the name Maxim for a child can become a guiding star.

Energy name

Remember the advertisements about batteries and hares that tirelessly ran from side to side? Most likely, their names were Maxims. Energetically, the name Maxim is very strong, because it gives its owner incredible good spirits. Thanks to the energy of the Name, Maxim has practically no insurmountable obstacles in his life.

Maxim's birthday

February 3 is the day of memory of the Monk Maxim the Greek, May 13 is the day of memory of the Great Martyr Maxim, August 26 is the day of memory of Maxim the Confessor. These dates are the most important Orthodox name days.

Which middle name is suitable for the name Maxim?

Olegovich, Alekseevich, Vadimovich, Yuryevich, Andreevich, Ivanovich, Anatolyevich.

Characteristics of the name Maxim

Maxims usually don't mind having some sort of mascot with them. They like to hold in their hands or see things in front of their eyes that remind them of past victories and good luck. The characteristics of this name say that Maxim will need talismans of strength in his life to harmonize energy and bring success.

Patron animal: any rodent that is smart and makes decisions quickly.

Lucky number: 7, since it patronizes all leaders, as well as people who live by emotions, move from one extreme to another and cannot be content with moderation, demanding excesses.

All names in alphabetical order:

Lunar energy greatly influences the mental and physical state of a person. Find out how...

Origin of the name Maxim: comes from Lat. the word “maximus” is translated as “great”, “greatest”. This name is Russian, Orthodox, and is widely used by parishioners of Christian churches.

  • Zodiac named after Maxim: Capricorn.
  • Patron planet: Pluto.
  • Favorable color for the name Maxim: hot pink.
  • Plants favorable to Maxim: fuchsia, ash.
  • Animal: nimble mink.
  • Talisman: dark amethyst.
  • Metal: mercury. The meaning of the name Maxim is similar to the variability and coldness of this fickle metal.
  • Day of the week: Saturday.
  • The best time of year for Max: winter.

Before giving a name to the baby, any mother thinks about what it means, looking for an interpretation and decoding of the names she likes. What does the name Maxim mean? What will be the fate of a child named like that? The characteristics of the name Maxim are given below.

The secret of the name Maxim lies in the following: all people so named are extroverts. Diplomatic and understanding, Maxims have an innate gift of persuasion. As children, Maxes are excellent at manipulating parents, teachers, and grandparents.

The name Maxim is described in the books as follows: proud, arrogant, a man with a good memory and an excellent sense of humor. She has a colorful imagination and truly feminine intuition.

A boy named Maxim never has any problems with his studies, the boy is friendly with his classmates, and is often the unspoken leader of a class or group of teenagers.

The characteristics of the name Maxim are such that the main features of his personality are laid down by his parents from childhood. Such men are very ambitious and proud; it is difficult for them to take a step towards another person if they are convinced that they are right.

Little Max does not cause any trouble for his mother: he always eats well, plays without the participation of adults and develops “just like in a book.” From early childhood, his love for cinema and theater was evident. Maksimka loves theatrical performances of children's fairy tales and takes part in matinees in kindergarten and school. Collects the most unusual things: stones, twigs, dry beetles. He studies diligently at school: “C” grades rarely appear on the pages of the diary of a boy named Maxim.

What else does the name Maxim mean? One of the little-known decodings is “energetic.” This means that this person is akin to a firefly: he gives light and warmth to those who are next to him.

Pride sometimes forces him to do things that the people around him do not approve of. If Max cannot defend his own opinion, there is a high risk of falling into a long depression, from which it will not be easy to get out. This condition is fraught with a series of failures and life troubles.

Stories from the lives of many men named Maxim speak of the need to be moderate in everything. Moderation for them is the key to well-being and prosperity.

On his life's journey, Max may have a powerful patron. On the one hand, this is good for him due to the stability that has appeared, on the other hand, the emergence of a leader means the loss of a leading role.

Such a man will not have to wait long for success - financial and psychological well-being will become an integral part of the life of a person named Maxim in the period up to 35 years. His inflated self-esteem contributes in every possible way to occupying a leading, highly paid position at work.

He is attracted to intellectual areas of activity and smart, educated people. All his life he strives to follow fashion trends and trends. This is also a designation of his pride and pride. He “gets young” until his old age; Maxim’s grandchildren often quietly laugh at their grandfather.

Maxim Marinin (Olympic figure skating champion at the Turin Olympics)

Men named Maxim are very proud. If they manage to curb their pride, fate will reward them with happiness and prosperity.

Max is very smart. A truly extraordinary personality, standing out from the general background of the human mass with his liveliness and energetic drive. He likes to express himself, but many people do not like him with his bragging. Maxim is an extrovert by nature, he is diplomatic and strives to listen and understand his interlocutor.

Finding employment for a young guy named Maxim is a huge problem, because his self-confidence has not yet strengthened. Doubts in his own abilities often prevent him from finding a good job. Choosing a profession is not easy. More often the Maxes become creative people: photography, journalism, painting.

He treats people kindly, he is loved precisely for this quality. Always ready to help and help a friend out of any trouble.

He considers himself the only master of life, believes in his own strength, and thereby disarms the opposite sex from the first meeting. He has the gift of persuasion; women believe anything Max says, without noticing his obvious manipulations. In general, he begins to stare at girls from elementary school, and in high school he has many girlfriends. Attracts the attention of women with its resistance to stress. Does not give in to provocations, rarely gets jealous and generally shows romantic feelings. In relationships, he is conservative to the core. He loves to be listened to and his opinion taken into account. He falls in love easily, but he will not cheat on his wife - his decency will not allow this. He loves children very much and wants to have as many of them as possible. He tries to earn money for them and pay more attention to his family.

"Spring" Maxim

A boy named Maxim, born in the spring months, is very emotional. Energy bursts out of little Max: he jumps, sings, screams. He is often fascinated by a wide variety of activities, but he does not do anything for a long time: having achieved the first successes, the child grows cold. The “spring” teenager is lucky and loves to learn new things. Slightly arrogant, feels superior to his peers. Kind towards friends, will always come to the rescue, and share his success with his comrades. He is a leader among his peers. He is careful in his studies.

"Summer" Maxim

A man born in the summer is famous for his friendliness and masculine qualities. Friends value his opinion and often ask for advice. Max’s internal state of peace is not so easy to disturb; this requires a compelling reason. He is resilient to life's troubles and believes in a better life. Generous, selfless, a good husband and an exemplary family man.

"Autumn" Max

A person named Maxim, born in autumn, loves to dream and is very romantic. This will always attract people of the opposite sex to him. He is a clear leader both in his academic years and in the workplace. Sociable and friendly, Max gets along with people easily. It costs him nothing to start a conversation with a stranger and gain his trust in a matter of minutes. She loves her (and other people's) children and spends a lot of time with them. Likes to give gifts.

"Winter" Maxim

A person with the name Maxim, who was born in winter, can be called balanced with a very big stretch. His excessive emotionality and impulsiveness prevent him from building normal relationships with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Can get into a fight over small things. Doesn't like it when people put pressure on him or try to manipulate him. Independent, fair and noble. He values ​​his family and children very much, loves close friends. Loves traveling.

Name days: January 8, January 15, January 20, January 25, January 26, January 28, January 29, January 31, February 3, February 12, February 18, February 19, March 4, March 19, April 2, April 13, April 23, April 30, May 4, May 5, May 11, May 13, May 15, May 25, May 27, June 1, June 10, June 25, July 4, July 15, August 2, August 12, August 13 , August 20, August 24, August 26, September 2, September 6, September 12, September 15, September 18, September 28, October 8, October 20, October 22, October 30, November 4, November 5, November 9, 10 November, November 12, November 18, November 19, November 24, November 27, December 5, December 19, December 27

Maxim is a male name of Latin origin, originating from the word “maximus”, which means “greatest”. In Russia, the name became popular in the 19th century and was given mainly to commoners, then the peak of popularity began to decline, and in the 70s of the last century the name came into fashion again.

Currently, boys are not often called the name Maxim, although its owners can be proud of its beautiful and euphonious sound. Many outstanding personalities have glorified this name over the centuries, including composer Maxim Dunaevsky, conductor Maxim Shostakovich, Russian artist Maxim Vorobyov, Russian doctor Maxim Konchalovsky, writer Maxim Gorky, historian Maxim Kovalevsky, philosopher and theologian Maxim Grek and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Maxim has many patrons, among them one of the most revered is the Monk Maxim the Greek. He was born in Greece in 1470 and became a monk at the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos.

In 1515, at the invitation of Grand Duke Vasily III, Maxim the Greek arrived in Moscow to translate spiritual books. The educated monk translated many books, among which the very first was the translation of the Psalter. Later, Maxim the Greek created the princely library.

The monk sharply opposed the social injustice that he observed in Moscow life, criticized the lifestyle of part of the Moscow clergy (money-grubbers), and openly opposed the ruthless exploitation of the peasants. For public speaking in 1525, the scientist was excommunicated from the church and imprisoned in a monastery with very harsh conditions of detention.

Maxim the Greek died in the Trinity Monastery; at the moment, his relics are kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

All holders of the name Maxim can celebrate Angel Day on one of the following dates: January 26 and 29; February 3, 5, 12 and 19; March 4 and 19; April 2 and 23; May 4, 11, 13 and 27; June 1, 4 and 30; July 1, 4, 11, 18 and 20; August 12, 24 and 26; September 2, 18 and 28; October 3, 8 and 22; November 5, 10, 12 and 24; December 5 and 29.

Characteristics of the name

By nature, most Maxims are extroverts - diplomatic and understanding people. They have an innate gift of persuasion, and therefore are excellent manipulators. At the same time, such people are very ambitious and proud; they hardly manage to take a step towards another person if they are convinced that they are right.

Maxim draws his energy from the outside world, so he loves to be among the people, but at the same time he considers himself the chosen one, head and shoulders above everyone else. Pride and ambition are inherent in him by nature, so it is useless to fight them. Maxim is able to achieve attention to his person by any means, unobtrusively impose his opinion on others, and quietly shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

The secret of well-being for Maxim is moderation in everything. Stories from the lives of many people bearing this energetic name indicate that moderation for them is the key to success and prosperity. Most likely, material and family well-being will come to Maxim after 35 years; before this milestone, he will have to learn to overcome a series of troubles and failures in life with dignity, and also reconsider his high self-esteem. If Maxim manages to curb his pride, fate will reward him with happiness and prosperity.

Maxim strives all his life to follow fashion trends and trends; he is attracted only to smart and educated people. He can “rejuvenate” into old age without feeling his real age, which can become the subject of ridicule from others.

In general, Maxim can be called a person with an open soul, friendly to people and always ready to help. When starting any business, it is better to consult with him so that he feels his importance; this is extremely important for his self-affirmation. You shouldn’t neglect Maxim’s opinion, it hurts his pride and forces him to do everything the other way around.


Little Maxim is a very independent and obedient child who does not cause much trouble to his parents. From an early age, the baby becomes an excellent manipulator, always able to get what he wants from adults.

He also has no problems with his studies; Maxim often becomes the leader of the class. The boy's love for theater and cinema awakens early; he enjoys participating in school plays and visiting cinemas.

Maxim grows up early, and he also begins to be interested in girls early. But no matter how independent a teenager grows up, he is in dire need of psychological support from his parents, especially from his father. The arrogance and vanity inherent in the name Maxim can prevent a boy from growing up as a benevolent person. Unfortunately, not all Maxims manage to overcome their pride and pride.


The main danger to Maxim’s health is depression. Such moments are dangerous; it is from them that various diseases arise. Drugs and alcohol pose no less danger - Maxim, who is prone to depression, has a predisposition to them.

It is very difficult for him to get used to his age; he always wants to remain young and lead an appropriate lifestyle, which is not always justified. Prostate problems can also cause a lot of trouble for a man.


Maxim gets acquainted with the intimate side of life quite early, but his sexual needs are average. It is not common for him to change partners often, since sex and love are inseparable concepts for him.

Maxim has the gift of persuasion and easily manipulates people, which is why he is successful with women. He is not jealous, romantic, decent, and treats sex thoroughly and seriously.

Mutual pleasure is what a man strives for; for him it is a way of self-affirmation. It is important for Maxim that his partner emphasizes and praises his virtues in every possible way, speaks kind words and admires him.

Maxim is always committed to a serious and long-term relationship, and if his chosen one is able to find an approach to him, he will try with all his might to maintain this relationship. A man gives preference to strong and powerful women, of whom he is slightly afraid. He is not interested in simpletons.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Maxim usually chooses a woman with a strong character as his wife, who will be his support and support in everything. However, the overly domineering nature of the wife can lead to divorce, since Maxim’s opinion cannot be neglected - this greatly hurts his pride and pride.

Quarrels and conflicts in the family will be quite rare, since Maxim’s patience can only be envied. Having married, a man does not lose his youthful frivolity, but this does not prevent him from being a faithful spouse and a caring father.

It is very important for Maxim to feel like the head of the family, even if this is not actually the case. At the same time, he may stubbornly ignore family problems, preferring that his wife solve them. If the views on life of Maxim and his wife do not agree from the very beginning, then the marriage is doomed, since this man does not know how to change and adapt.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Margarita, Nina, Lydia, Angelina, Olesya, Tatyana, Yana and Lyudmila. You should avoid relationships with Antonina, Lyubov, Olga, Yulia, Oksana and Elena.

Profession and business

Maxim rarely reaches the top of the career ladder; he simply does not have enough breakthrough qualities for this, as well as a lack of dedication and perseverance. He prefers to go with the flow and live one day at a time. Very often, men named Maxim occupy a position that they do not care about, but they do not strive to change anything.

And although Maxim is not a careerist by nature, he can reach certain heights if he is truly passionate about his profession. Possessing excellent organizational skills and the gift of persuasion, he can become an excellent diplomat, teacher, showman, producer, politician or journalist.

Even if a man has an entrepreneurial spirit, a lack of strong-willed qualities may not allow him to become a successful businessman. It is better for him to conduct business with a more decisive partner who is not afraid to take responsibility.

Talismans for Maxim

  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Capricorn.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky colors are crimson, red, orange and blue.
  • Totem plant - ash and fuchsia. Ash symbolizes renewal and fertility, helps to open the gift of clairvoyance. An ash talisman protects against the evil eye and witchcraft. Fuchsia is a symbol of supreme power, bringing happiness and good luck.
  • The totem animal is mink. This small animal symbolizes agility, insight and intelligence, as well as wealth and victory over temptations.
  • The talisman stone is amethyst. This stone evokes love for the one who gives it, helps to establish peace and tranquility, and brings good luck to hunters and travelers. If you place an amethyst under your pillow, you can have amazing dreams.


Aries- energetic and ambitious nature. He is ambitious, perky, irritable and stubborn. This person does everything to avoid boredom and depression; he is full of original ideas and gravitates toward everything new. His curiosity can turn into immodesty and incontinence; it is almost impossible to argue with Maxim-Aries. He does a lot spontaneously and often does not finish what he starts. The need for bravado and showing off is in his blood; he strives for leadership always and in everything. Many of this man’s actions and judgments can be assessed as childish; he will always be characterized by youthful maximalism. Maxim-Aries usually makes an excellent worker, especially if his profession involves risk. He treats money coolly; for him it is only a means to achieve something more. Can live in spartan conditions without thinking about comfort. As a wife, he needs a very patient woman who will be able to delicately direct her husband’s irrepressible energy in the right direction.

Taurus- an impressionable and loyal man who knows how to show patience and perseverance. Inner calm and the need for harmony forces him to put up with many things, but if Maxim-Taurus’ patience has come to an end, his anger will be terrible. He cannot stand disputes and conflicts, especially in raised voices; objectivity and fairness are very important to him. A conservative at heart, he treats everything new and unknown with extreme caution. Very secretive, even if he is talkative. A distinctive feature of a man’s character is slowness, thoroughness, reliability and loyalty to his word. The main life goal for Maxim-Taurus is money and everything connected with it. He is prone to hoarding and never spends money on trifles. Marriage with this person almost eliminates the possibility of divorce; a more reliable husband is difficult to find. However, the man is jealous and will never forgive deception. Maxim-Taurus becomes strongly attached to his wife physically and emotionally; life outside the family is unthinkable for him.

Twins- an unpredictable adventurer, looking for ease in everything. He never takes difficult paths and often fails in business due to inconstancy and irresponsibility. Maxim-Gemini tries to organize his life in accordance only with his own interests, without regard for anyone else. By nature, he is easy-going and pleasant to talk to, has a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. With effort and perseverance, he can achieve success in business if he gives up the habit of letting everything take its course. In addition, Maxim-Gemini has enormous adaptability, knows how to make the necessary contacts, accumulate and correctly use information. But his tendency to deceive and disorganization often cancel out all his positive traits. He treats money lightly - as much as he earns, he spends as much. He prefers to engage in mental rather than physical labor and has a penchant for creative professions. This man’s feelings are often superficial; he does not know how to love deeply and for a long time. In the life of Maxim-Gemini, more than one marriage will most likely happen, and the later it is concluded, the greater the likelihood of its preservation.

Cancer- a dreamy and vulnerable person, often living with “rose-colored glasses” in front of her eyes. Maxim-Cancer has a good memory and excellent intelligence, but he often uses them for self-examination, regret and revenge. He is very attached to home and family and desperately needs the support and approval of his family. Maxim-Cancer needs to learn to live for tomorrow, and not regret about yesterday. The man carefully hides his insecurity, which can result in long-term depression and nervousness. He can only open up to someone whom he trusts to a high degree, but there are not many such people in his life. Maxim-Cancer has a tremendous capacity for work and often becomes a high-level professional. He treats money with care and values ​​comfort and order. Maxim-Cancer will make a devoted husband, caring and living only for his family, completely subordinating himself to his partner. Often such men marry an older woman, looking for additional support in her. In any case, at least a small calculation will always be present in his marriage.

a lion- a thorough and balanced person, but with very high self-esteem. He is a little slow, always pre-analyzes his words and actions, but often his ambitions outstrip his capabilities. He wants to lead, inspire respect and awe, protect, entertain and always be the center of attention. Maxim-Lev is fearless to the point of recklessness, and his generosity knows no bounds. He will never hunker down to earn a penny, but he can go on an adventure for the sake of quick money. Maxim-Lev may be an incorrigible gambling addict or gambler, but he is lucky. Living his life, he looks for activities in which he has the opportunity to get what he wants with the least possible cost, while he does not know how to plan or calculate anything. The whole life of Maxim-Leo is a series of ups and downs; ordinary laziness prevents him from making a dizzying career. This man can be a wonderful husband, provided that his wife’s life revolves exclusively around his person; he can even be jealous of his own children. With all this, Maxim-Lev is susceptible to flattery and is easily controlled, so a wise woman will always be able to get what she wants from him.

Virgo- a closed and distant person who feels great alone. He is able to think logically, values ​​erudition and accuracy, hates vulgarity and vulgarity in all its manifestations. His life credo is that if you do something, do it either perfectly or not at all. Maxim-Virgo has the opportunity to achieve high results in everything he undertakes. By nature he is a skeptic who does not believe in intuition and foresight; he strives to understand everything through logic and deduction. Never participates in gambling and rarely relies on luck. The love for detail and the pursuit of perfection sometimes risks turning into petty pedantry. A man treats money very carefully - he will think a thousand times before making a purchase. Maxim-Virgo often puts his profession at the forefront, sacrificing family and recreation. Whatever a man does, he will be a real workhorse; he simply cannot live without work. In marriage, a man often occupies a subordinate position; he often has a certain degree of dependence. In any case, the emphasis in the Maxim-Virgo family will be on honesty, decency, devotion and deep affection - if he does not receive all this, he will prefer to be left alone.

Scales- a sincere, tactful and friendly person. He strives to understand those around him, is sensitive to other people's problems and is always ready to help. His life is governed by a sense of justice, beauty and harmony, he is responsible and has good business qualities. Maxim-Libra knows how to influence those around him, but he has almost no enemies. Often a man lacks self-confidence, so he tries to avoid responsibility and prefers to shift the solution to key problems onto the shoulders of others. He is not a heroic person at all; on the contrary, a series of failures can throw him into the abyss of depression. Maxim-Libra is always full of good intentions, but he lacks the willpower to implement them. What he does best is please and make a good impression. Maxim-Libra is a team player, he has a well-developed sense of collectivism, but he has almost no chance in leadership positions. A man treats money lightly and spends it mostly on his own pleasures and whims. In marriage, he should feel the reliable shoulder of his wife and feel her strength - in this case he will feel more confident. Often a successful marriage becomes a launching pad for social growth for Maxim-Libra.

Scorpion- a restrained personality, but only until he becomes truly furious, but at the same time prone to harsh introspection. Maxim-Scorpio often has low self-esteem, which is why he behaves insecurely and a little aloof. However, he has a very strong desire for success, and on the way to it there are almost no obstacles that a man cannot overcome. He has a deep understanding of life, while hidden aggression and eroticism always emanate from him. At heart, Maxim-Scorpio is an idealist who despises generally accepted moral standards; he always lives only by his own rules. He is characterized by internal conflicts, and to some extent he is a sadist-masochist. No matter what, he knows how to be reborn, like a Phoenix bird, to rise again and again from the deepest social hole. Maxim-Scorpio’s ability to work is incredible, he is extremely smart and almost never tires. A man treats money with great love, strives with all his might to earn good money, but is not greedy. Maxim-Scorpio was created for love, he is an unusually passionate nature. He is very suspicious and jealous, but loyal and caring.

Sagittarius- a changeable person, sometimes uncontrollable, but sincere and charming. He is very independent, despises all sorts of restrictions, and loves traveling very much, at least in his thoughts. Maxim-Sagittarius is very worried about his position in society, wants to make an impression, longs to leave his mark on earth. He is straightforward, but behind his tactlessness lies a rather deep intelligence and high moral qualities. Thanks to his wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, he quickly becomes the center of attention in any society. This man simply does not know how to lie, since lying is contrary to his nature. Something childish will always remain in him - he does not want to see seriousness in life, as he is an incorrigible optimist. Maxim-Sagittarius does not like hard physical work, but once chosen, he is usually devoted to his profession. And although he doesn’t know how to earn money very well, he knows how to count money and treats it with care. He loves luxury, giving and receiving expensive gifts. A woman marrying Maxim-Sagittarius must remember that whether he is married or not, in his soul he will always feel like a free bachelor. If you hold him, he will definitely escape.

Capricorn- oddly enough, the patronizing sign of the zodiac awarded Maxim with such traits as gloominess and unsociability. He is a loner in life, but his soul is vulnerable, which is why the man hides it so carefully - all his feelings are carefully disguised, and it is almost impossible to provoke him to frankness. But, in spite of everything, the man is practical, punctual, obligatory and ambitious. He is faithful, reliable, honest and in some ways very simple, like the earth itself. He rarely talks about himself and considers it above his dignity to use charm and charm, and never demonstrates his merits. At heart he is a conservative, he tries to adhere to the traditions of generally accepted moral standards, and over the years he can become too mercantile. Maxim-Capricorn rarely changes jobs, does not strive for fame, but strives to gain true power and a solid social position. He usually achieves his goal slowly but steadily. He knows how to take a blow, never forgets either good or evil. Money for him is an indicator of success, so he will always strive for good earnings. Maxim-Capricorn is monogamous and usually marries once and for all.

Aquarius- a stubborn person, with an iron will and strong life principles. He is reluctant to make contact, treats life with a degree of irony, and is not at all characterized by rabid optimism and blind faith. He idolizes justice, never annoys anyone, and has broad interests in life. Maxim-Aquarius hates theatricality, does not want to produce an effect, is alien to conventions in relation to himself, but is old-fashioned in family matters. In life, he is an absolute realist, a humanist and a philanthropist; by nature he is kind, diplomatic and compassionate. However, he does not like to obey the rules and may well challenge public opinion. He likes to stun conservative people with his strange manners, he is a rebel by nature, but he is well versed in psychology and never crosses the lines of what is permitted. In life, this man may well achieve great success, but his periods of activity alternate with periods of prolonged loneliness, and at these moments it is better not to touch him. He prefers liberal professions and can go through many of them throughout his life. Maxim-Aquarius treats money with care and does not like to borrow or lend. Life in a marriage with this person is quite difficult, since he is used to taking more than giving.

Fish- an intelligent and reserved man, endowed with an intuitive view of things. He knows his own worth well, will never miss his benefits, easily calculates other people's weaknesses and takes advantage of them with pleasure. His nature is dual: on the one hand, he is methodical, honest and hardworking, and on the other hand, he is dreamy and impressionable. It will take Maxim-Pisces many years to understand that life is far from perfect. He is very loyal and affectionate, and therefore vulnerable and weak. Very often this man looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. He is characterized by carelessness about tomorrow, and his money usually does not last long. Often Maxim-Pisces simply does not have enough strength and energy to overcome obstacles, for daily efforts to overcome petty worries. By nature, he is rather lazy and indifferent, does not strive for leadership and power, and does not build a dizzying career. One of this person's most powerful weapons is humor, loyalty and generosity. Moreover, most often he is a creative person, endowed with many talents, but he needs help to realize them. He has every chance of becoming a successful and even great person. A man is in love, in marriage he can easily cheat, and will not even hide this from his wife. For a happy family life, he needs full support from a woman, her patience and love.
