Bifu Kare, or Japanese Beef Curry with Rice, is one of my favorites national dishes Japanese cuisine. Although it got into Japanese cuisine from British. Despite the originality, originality, beauty and special asian style, in Japanese cuisine there are many dishes that have become popular and loved, which got into it from other cuisines, including European and American ones.
Curries are most often served with rice or udon noodles, or as curry-filled patties. At japanese curry there are two interesting features. First, the Japanese cook curries almost always without coconut milk. And, secondly, they add salt to it either noodle sauce Tsuyu (Mengtsuyu) , which is prepared on the basis of Dashi's fish broth and soy sauce, or simply Dashi's fish broth . Thanks to these components of Japanese cuisine, curry gets a different taste.
Curry appeared in Japanese cuisine at the end of the 19th century, at the same time potatoes also got into the recipe, the reason for this was the lack of rice in those days. The popularity of this dish peaked in the 1960s. Curry is so popular in Japanese cuisine that it is even on the menu of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, and what's more, most ships have their own. curry recipe.
According to the results of an online survey conducted by the travel information project CNNGo and published on April 26, 2010 on the pages of the online publication, a ranking of the top 40 popular Japanese dishes was compiled. More than 1,100 people took part in the voting, and this rating was compiled based on the preferences of the respondents. Beef curry with rice in Japanese took 14th place in it.

INGREDIENTS (serves 2):
beef (butt or tenderloin) - 250 g,
carrots (medium-sized) - 1 pc.,
potatoes (medium) - 1 pc.,
onion (medium) - 1 pc.,
japanese curry sauce - 50 g (four cubes),
Japanese rice (as for sushi) - 200 g,
water - 1.4 l,
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

The recipe is simple, although quite long in preparation time, most of the time it will take beef stewing.
Curry sauce is best prepared in advance. About,how to make homemade japanese curry sauceand store it, you can read in the recipe "Japanese homemade curry sauce ».
An interesting detail is that curry in Japanese cuisine is almost always prepared without coconut milk.
First you need to make some preparations.
We will assume that you have already prepared the Japanese curry sauce.
Rinse the beef and cut into small cubes.
Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
In a frying pan (or wok), heat 1 tbsp over medium heat. vegetable oil and fry the onion in it until soft. Transfer the onion to a plate and set aside.

In the same pan (or wok), add another 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, return the wok to the fire, put the pieces of beef into it and fry them on all sides, turning occasionally, until a crust forms on the pieces of meat.
Return the fried onion to the wok with the meat.

Add 1 liter of water to the wok, let it boil, reduce the heat to a slow boil, remove the scale and cook for 2 hours (or until the meat is tender). If the water boils away, add hot water as needed.
While the meat is stewing, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients - potatoes, carrots and rice.
As soon as the meat is set to stew, you need to boil the rice (how to do this, you can read in the recipe "Boiled white rice »).
Wash potatoes and carrots, peel and then cut into medium-sized slices.

When the beef, in your opinion, is already quite soft (let's say it suits you), you need to add potatoes and carrots to the wok and simmer for another 30 minutes.
At the very end of cooking, add curry sauce to the wok (in our case, this iscubed pre-made sauce ), mix the contents of the wok until the sauce is completely dissolved in the liquid. Add if necessary hot water(for example, from a kettle) to achieve the desired density of the sauce (some people like it thicker, someone thinner) and add salt to taste. We deliberately did not write at the beginning of the recipe what exactly to salt. This dish is traditionally salted with Mentsuyu sauce (how to cook it at home can be found in the recipe "Tsuyu Noodle Sauce (Mengtsuyu) ") or hondashi fish broth from pellets , while the taste of the finished dish acquires different shades. Alternatively, you can add

It is recognized that chicken curry with rice and vegetables is an exclusively Indian dish or one way or another connected with the East. You will be surprised, but curry as a culinary term originated in the UK, and in India itself, absolutely nothing is known about it!

The British created the world fame for the dish, they also came up with the word "kari" - translated from the Tamil language of southern India as "sauce". Thus, any vegetables, meat or fish in a spicy sauce can already be considered a curry dish. In England, from the 19th century to the present, there are entire “curry houses” - restaurants with exclusively Indian cuisine. The British are also credited with the creation of curry seasoning.

In those days, all subjects of the British Empire, going on an exotic trip to subtropical India, were strongly advised to use curry seasoning to improve digestion and to disinfect local products. It first appeared on sale in London in the 18th century and was a mixture of ground powder of turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, cumin and black pepper.

But such a standardized set of spices is completely alien to the indigenous people of India. The use of certain spices and spices there determines the lifestyle, the well-being of the family, the place of residence and even religion. Depending on the traditions of social and family clans, all food can have a sweet or spicy taste, Muslims refuse pork, Hindus avoid eating beef, and vegetarians, the so-called. Jains do not even eat red vegetable foods that resemble blood, such as paprika or tomatoes.

Street sellers of fragrant spices usually ask where the buyer comes from and they themselves prepare an individual spicy mix according to the culinary habits of this or that region. Such a set can consist of 20-30 spices and spices, so there are countless options for curry sauce in Indian cuisine and it never gets boring. Of course, in a conversation with Europeans, an Indian can talk about "curry", although in his own circle this sauce has authentic names, depending on the other ingredients of the dish - pasanda, korma, saag, dopiaz, tikka. The constant companions of curry sauce are wheat naan cakes or basmati rice.

Today we had a great opportunity to master the chicken curry recipe. We highly recommend cooking a classic curry, a recipe with a photo of which will help you figure out the preparation. Curry Chicken is a simple recipe that gives the most unpretentious products an amazing taste that takes us to a land of wonders and oriental tales!

Ingredients for Chicken and Rice Curry

  • chicken fillet- 0.5 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • curry seasoning - 2 tsp;
  • cumin / zira - 0.5 tsp;
  • turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • chili pepper flakes - 0.5-1 tsp (taste);
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • rice - 1 cup.

Preparation time: 00:10

Cooking time: 00:30

Servings: 2-3 pcs.

World Cuisine: Indian

Cooking method: Extinguishing

The nutritional value 100 grams of cooked meal: calories - 76.2 kcal, 8 g of protein, 2.8 g of fat, 5.0 g of carbohydrates

Cooking curry with chicken and rice. Recipe with step by step photos

    To prepare the curry sauce, first finely chop the onion.

    Then also chop the garlic into small segments.

    Wash the chicken fillet and cut into cubes with sides of about 3 by 3 cm.

    If you like and want to use other meats, such as pork, the pork curry recipe is similar to our chicken curry with rice. Cut the pork a little smaller so it has time to cook and continue cooking as directed. Well, if you exclude animal products from your menu, replace meat with seasonal vegetables. Carrots, zucchini or zucchini, celery, peppers and tomatoes harmonize perfectly with curry seasoning - the recipe is vegetarian and just as delicious! Cut the selected vegetables into medium pieces, fry until al dente and simmer in a spicy sauce.

    In any vegetable oil, fry the onion without frying it too much, only until a light yellow tint appears and softens. In the case of cooking the dish "Chicken curry with rice in a slow cooker", set the mode to Fry, and then switch to Stew.

    Add tomato paste, curry seasoning, turmeric, cumin/jeera, hot chili flakes.

    Transfer the chopped garlic to the spices, mix and fry the spicy mass for about 2 minutes, stirring all the time.

    Lay the chicken on top.

    Mix the chicken fillet with the tomato-spicy mass and, stirring constantly, lightly fry the fillet until white (no more than 5 minutes).

    As soon as the whole chicken acquires a whitish hue under the tomato-spicy sauce, pour it with water, salt and leave to stew under the lid for 30 minutes. The curry sauce should thicken, the meat should become soft, fragrant and very tasty.

    What do you think is the difference between Japanese curry, the recipe of which has been studied by many culinary schools, and Indian chicken curry with rice? Firstly, in a Japanese rice curry, the sauce will only enhance the taste of the rice, while in an Indian curry, the recipe is aimed at savoring the most spicy sauce or chowder. Secondly, for cooking chicken curry, Indian cuisine always advises taking fresh spices, grinding and mixing them immediately before laying them in the dish, but Japanese chefs usually use ready-made sauce or ready-made semi-finished curries prepared in an industrial way. Choose for yourself what you want to see on your dish - more rice or more delicious spicy sauce, try the Japanese or Indian version, in any case, your curry dish will turn out excellent!

    So, we cook rice in the traditional way, washing it in cold water, filling with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of turmeric to the rice, to make it even more useful and more appetizing!

    Serve curry with rice as follows: put rice on a wide dish, in the middle we make a recess for curry sauce and chicken. Now you can try!

We hope you learned a lot useful information about what curry is, where to add it and how to cook wonderful dishes with it. Leave your feedback and comments on whether your chicken curry turned out, classic recipe was used or you contributed something of your own and share the results with us!

Bon appetit!

The most popular dish in India is curry. It is cooked and eaten daily, so it has a huge number of variations. We offer you to get acquainted with the most spicy and nutritious recipes.

Curry with rice: how to cook?

Interesting dish with vegetables. You will need:

  • 500 grams of long rice.
  • Seasoning of the same name - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Turmeric - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt - a couple of pinches.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Oil - 6 tbsp. spoons.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. If the pods are red, the dish will become brighter.
  • Medium bulb.
  • A can of canned corn.
  • A bunch of dill and parsley.
  • For decoration, you can use chopped radish crayons.


  • We wash the grains in running water.
  • Heat the pan, pour in the oil and pour the cereal. Stir until the grains dry out and begin to rustle.
  • We introduce seasonings and salt, pour boiling water.
  • The groats are cooked over high heat, with the lid open, until the water evaporates. After that, cover the container, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • My peppers and onions. Cut vegetables into small cubes. Simmer in a covered pan for about 8 minutes.
  • Mix the main ingredient with vegetables, add corn and fry for 60 seconds.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and finely chopped radishes.

Rice with curry in a slow cooker

If you have little time, but want to enjoy spicy rice with Indian curry, then you should use a slow cooker.

To make the dish you will need:

  • Refined vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Groats - measuring cup.
  • Water - 3 measuring cups.
  • Medium carrot and onion.
  • Salt - ¼ teaspoon.
  • Indian sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon.

We create a delicious side dish:

  • We select the “Frying” mode, add oil, finely chopped onions and carrots are introduced into the heated bowl. We pass with the lid open.
  • Add sauce and salt.
  • The grain is laid out. It is filled with boiling water.
  • "Porridge" mode. During cooking, the lid should not be opened. Did you hear the readiness signal? Now you can mix the resulting mass and leave to reach half an hour in a closed slow cooker.

Shrimp curry with brown rice

If you love seafood, then this recipe with Indian pasta will appeal to you! Components:

  • Brown rice - 100 grams.
  • Shrimp - 0.5 kg.
  • One onion and sweet pepper.
  • A couple of garlic cloves.
  • For a beautiful coloring, flour is required. Enough 1 spoon.
  • Refined oil.
  • Pasta - 1 spoon.
  • Broth or water (boiling water) - 3 cups.
  • A few peas of black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • A couple of pinches of salt.

Main stages:

  • Finely chop pepper and onion. Oil is poured into the pan, and the vegetables are fried for 3-5 minutes.
  • Boil the shrimp for 5 minutes in brackish water with parsley and pepper. Drain the water through a colander and wait for the seafood to cool. Add to fried vegetables.
  • Pour the washed cereal into 2 cups of boiling water.
  • Pour the pasta, flour and pressed garlic into the shrimp. Pour out the rest of the water and simmer over low heat for 7 minutes (open).

To serve, you need a flat dish, put salad on it, pour a hill of rice on one side, and put shrimp next to it.

Cooking curry rice

Most nutritious recipe with Chiken. Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg.
  • Steamed long-grain rice - 100 grams.
  • Carrots and onions 1 pc.
  • Curry - 1 tea. spoon.
  • Sunflower or olive oil for frying.
  • Chicken broth or water - 300 grams.


  • Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots.
  • Add oil to the wok and fry the vegetables.
  • Cut the fillet into small squares and add to the golden onion. Heat treatment - 5 minutes.
  • Wash cereals under running water.
  • We introduce the cereal into the wok and pour the spices.
  • Mix thoroughly and beat out the boiling water. We make a quiet fire, salt and simmer the dish for 25 minutes.

Bon appetit!

The progenitor of curry, as everyone knows, is India, but about 150 years ago this dish appeared in Japan. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun slightly modified the recipe, making it more pleasant, tender and reducing the spiciness.

The site contains several recipes for preparing a Japanese sauce, as well as a second one with rice and meat. Anyone can cook a treat!

Japanese curry recipe

How to make pasta? Pretty easy recipe. You will need:

  • A tablespoon of the seasoning of the same name.
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons.
  • Broth - 500 ml.
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons.
  • A few pinches of salt and pepper.

Preparing the sauce:

  • We heat the oil in a saucepan, add the spice, and fry for a minute.
  • Add flour, stir until lumps are eliminated.
  • We add broth.
  • Constantly stir the mass until it becomes homogeneous. If lumps remain, pass the pasta through a sieve.
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper.
  • The mixture is constantly stirred. Done in 3 minutes.

How to cook Japanese spicy rice?

Interested in a more hearty meal option? Then let's start cooking rice with chicken. Components:

  • Meat 2 chicken thighs (without bone and skin).
  • One peeled carrot.
  • Three tubers of potatoes.
  • Rice (any kind) - 1 cup
  • Buy curry seasoning, it will need 3 tablespoons.
  • Red onion.
  • Put the meat in the wok and fill it with water. When the liquid boils, take out the chicken and wipe it with a napkin.
  • Potatoes and carrots are cut into cubes and also laid out on a napkin so that they dry out from the juice.
  • Bow mode in half rings.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a clean frying pan and heat the container.
  • We carry out the frying of carrots until half cooked, then pour the potatoes there. Fry until done.
  • We spread the meat in the pan, add 0.5 cups of hot water and simmer over low heat until tender. Stir the ingredients periodically.

Boil rice separately.

Japanese curry with pork

Rice with pork is especially popular in Japanese cuisine. Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • 0.5 kg of pork.
  • Rice - 1 cup.
  • Olive oil for frying ingredients.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  • Medium bow.
  • Tabasco - 1 spoon.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Tablespoon curry.
  • Salt and rosemary.

You will spend up to 2 hours cooking amazingly tasting meat:

  • Meat is cut into small cubes and poured into a deep container. Sauce, oil and Tabasco are added. The components mix well. Close and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • On olive oil fry the pre-chopped onion. Salt and simmer for 7 minutes over low heat.
  • Add chopped garlic and rosemary leaves. Turn up the heat and fry until browned.
  • In a second pan, fry the marinated pork until golden brown. Add onion and garlic, stir thoroughly.
  • Rinse rice until clear water. And pour it into the pan with meat.
  • Pour curry and salt, mix all ingredients.
  • In the next step, you will need baking pots. Pour rice and meat into them, pour water on top so that it is 2 fingers above the cereal.

In an oven preheated to 190 ° C, bake the dish for 45 minutes without lids. Turn off the oven, cover the pots and leave to simmer for half an hour.

July 5, 2016

Among the second courses, which are eaten with pleasure both for lunch and at the evening meal, I would especially like to note the curry recipe with rice. Fragrant spices make the most ordinary porridge, considered by many to be insipid and faceless, a magnificent dish. And it will suit even those who do not like an abundance of spices, since curry can be not only hot, but also quite mild. You just need to know how to approach cooking.

Let's understand the terms

In our country, the recipe for curry with rice requires the presence of a meat component. However, at home, in India and nearby countries, curry is just a sauce. And it is suitable for a huge variety of dishes. For vegetarians - only vegetables, for the rest it is not forbidden to put meat. Most often chicken, but you can experiment with any. By the way, there is even curry rice, the recipe of which includes watermelon - and it turns out not only exotic, but also very tasty.

Cooking this Indian gravy is a slow and troublesome process. Real curry doesn't keep very long. Therefore, Indian women prepare a base called daag and do not lose properties for two whole weeks, and put it into action gradually.

homemade curry

Real curry includes more than three dozen different seasonings. Ready-made powder sold in our stores is a pathetic imitation of the original. If you want to embody a natural rice curry recipe and feel the true taste of an Indian dish, try making your own sauce at least once.

We take quite a lot of vegetable oil - about half a glass. Sunflower is also suitable, but it is better to take peanut, corn or mustard. Chop the pieces of four onions as finely as possible and save to a dark brown hue. Five garlic cloves are added next. They should first be crushed, and then chopped, we do not recommend using a press. Together with garlic, processed ginger is placed in the same way, a piece of a centimeter two. A minute later seasonings are poured in: a spoonful of zira, turmeric, red hot pepper and garam masala plus two - ground coriander. After 30 seconds, two glasses of water are poured in, and after another ten minutes, four fumigated and chopped tomatoes are introduced. Five minutes of joint cooking - and the real curry is ready. You can freeze it for the future, or you can continue to master the rice curry recipe.

Sri Lankan curry

This version of the dish has a particularly delicate and spicy taste. A pound of chicken is taken, preferably thighs, with them the curry is the most juicy. The meat is cut into very small pieces, four garlic cloves and a couple of onions are chopped in parallel. Curry prepared according to the above recipe is placed in a saucepan with meat. Its quantity - as you like, for a start you can try pouring half a glass. Chicken meat is poured until completely covered with coke water. To prepare it, milk is drained from the nut into a separate container, and the pulp is broken through with a blender and squeezed out. Juice is diluted with water at the rate of one glass per coconut. After mixing the contents, the pan is placed on fire for half an hour. When preparing Sri Lankan chicken curry with rice, the recipe differs only in the laying of cereals. Some housewives believe that it should be cooked with the bird. Then you need to fall asleep rice based on the time indicated on the package. Others - that the cereal is cooked separately. In this case, the cooked rice is placed five minutes before removing the container from the stove, at the same time as pouring coconut milk. It will require an incomplete glass, about 150 ml.

japanese rice curry recipe

The modification of the Indian dish by the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun has a very piquant taste. Half a kilo of chicken is freed from bones, fat and skin, after which it is cut. Both meat and bones are placed in a saucepan, poured with cool water and boiled for about ten minutes from boiling. The onion is chopped into half rings, the carrot and three potatoes are cut into cubes. Vegetables are fried until tender. If you like, you can fry ginger and garlic together with them, chopped and taken to taste. When everything is ready, chicken pieces are laid, poured with broth from it and seasoned with curry sauce. It will need half a glass.

If you use a store-bought curry paste, then two tablespoons of the paste, a spoonful of curry powder, the same amount of ground ginger, a spoonful of salt and peppers are pre-mixed. All this is diluted with hot broth.

When the future dish boils, the fire is screwed on, and the pan is left on the fire for a third of an hour. Shortly before the end, half an apple, grated on a fine grater, a spoonful of honey, soy sauce and tomato paste. One and a half cups of rice are cooked separately. You can also serve it separately; if you want community, load the rice into the chicken five minutes before serving.



