Previously, the word "cotton wool" jarred me in relation to a huge part of my people, although it sounded only in relation to those who did not want to hear, understand, or think at all, the impenetrable slaves of the TV, of which there are plenty. I felt sorry for them, the unfortunate ones. And now I understand how accurate this name is - this is real WATA, where any thought, even the sharpest and most direct, simply and clearly expressed, launched into the forehead and looking straight into the eyes, gets stuck, stalls and is doomed either to ignore or to clots of a black crawling out mass of stupidity in response, but on a completely different topic ...

"Vata" is such a global substance of the population that will always answer about Yeryoma to a question about Thomas, who will hold a grudge against you when you do something good to her, who with all her might rests her horns on the ground so as not to see that before her eyes... Vata never admits her mistakes and blames not those of her own who deceive her, but those who see it and talk about it. Vata is overflowing with ignorance and pride, which is based only on the strength and fear of others in front of drunken animal lawlessness. Vata hates those who know the truth about her.

There is cotton wool in any nation and any country, but cotton wool has been brought up stubbornly and consistently, for a whole century, in my Russia, like nowhere else. That's why it's such a horrendous amount. Talking to cotton wool is useless. She just needs to be told what to do and what not to do. It is necessary to speak from the TV or through the mouths of people in uniform, no matter what form - the main thing is that it should have emblems of Russia and formidable symbols. Vata obeys only a strict law, therefore a steadfast law is necessary in the first place, otherwise cotton wool in a second turns into a seething cauldron of hatred and is ready to destroy everyone whom the TV or people in uniform declare enemies of it.

Vata is dangerous not only for herself and those around her, but also extremely dangerous for the whole world, because she is completely controlled, stupid, vicious, armed and numerous.

Vata is dangerous until there is law and truth.

And it is clear to every reasonable person that there will be neither law nor truth as long as Putin's pack is in power.

There will be only war, famine and madness - more and more terrible. But wool will never understand this, even dying for this pack of bastards, even sending children to war, even dying of hunger. The devilish power of pride will never allow them to admit, even on their deathbed, that they were wrong.

Therefore, wool must be saved from itself and the whole world, therefore it is urgent to get rid of cotton puppeteers, at any cost, because the price for releasing the situation can be the life of the entire planet, all of humanity.

roll cotton wool 1.

Delay in making a decision, act indecisively.

A quick response is required from him, and he has been rolling wool for three days.

Youth slang


Has a prison background. The process of rolling small pieces of cotton wool into thin sticks for lighting tobacco products from an incandescent lamp in a chamber. Usually criminals of the lower caste do this, hence the phrase: “Damn, roll up cotton wool!”

prison slang


Do something useless.

What are you doing? I ride cotton.

Youth slang

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what "rolling cotton wool" is in other dictionaries:

    roll cotton wool- Do something useless. Syn.: soar brains. What are you doing? I ride cotton... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

    roll cotton wool- Zharg. they say Shuttle. iron. or Unapproved. 1. Do monotonous, tedious work. Vakhitov 2003, 74. 2. To talk nonsense, to deceive someone. h 98. 3. Be lazy. Maksimov, 55. 4. Behave aggressively, provoke a fight. Maximov, 55 ...

    cotton wool- rolled. Jarg. they say Unapproved What l. bad, fake, falsified. Maksimov, 55. Roll cotton wool. Jarg. they say Sit back. Maksimov, 54. Roll up cotton wool. 1. Jarg. they say Get away, get away from. h 98. 2. Jarg. corner, please. Light up... ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings


    Vatilin- Cotton wool. Vata (Japanese 綿, wata raw cotton, Japanese 木綿, momen, kiwata processed cotton) is a fluffy mass of fibers loosely intertwined in various directions. Vata (slang) Nothing special. For example: there is nothing to roll cotton wool ... ... Wikipedia

The meaning of the word "cotton wool" is fibers made up of various materials that have undergone special processing. Cotton wool can be both a finished product and a material for further processing. There are several types of cotton, which are used depending on the purpose of the application.

Types of cotton wool

Cotton wool differs depending on the raw materials that were used in the creation. Distinguish natural materials undergoing processing, and artificial.

Natural resources include:

TO artificial raw materials relate:

  • glass;
  • cellulose;
  • metal;
  • basalt;
  • slag.

What is cotton used for?

Cotton wool is also divided according to the type of use:

  • medical;
  • clothing;
  • technical;
  • furniture;
  • gasket;
  • sheet glued.

What is cotton?

How is cotton wool familiar to all of us from childhood made? First, the raw material is crushed and cleaned of impurities. Then the material is pressed into canvases of the required thickness.

Cotton wool is treated with special chemical solutions, thanks to which it acquires the well-known property of absorbency, and also acquires a characteristic whiteness.

Medical Appearance

There are two types of medical cotton wool:

  • hygroscopic;
  • compress.

What is cotton wool a substance of purified cotton raw materials, intended for effective cleansing of soft tissues with abundant purulent discharges and hemorrhages, is most often used when applying dressings to open wounds over the main property - good absorption.

What is compression cotton? It is a material that is used as a warming of the bandaged part of the body with warm compresses, as well as to soften the surface when splinting on damaged areas.

Sterile variety

This is medical cotton wool that has undergone steam or chemical sterilization, which allows it to be used on open wounds and burns with a minimal risk of infection.

Thus, you learned what cotton wool is, and what types it is divided into. Use only the material that suits you for its intended purpose.

A quilted jacket is a short quilted jacket made of dense cotton fabric, insulated with cotton wool. For some reason, it is believed that this piece of clothing appeared in Russia, however, the true homeland of the quilted jacket is Byzantium. Back in the 10th century, the quilted jacket was the military uniform of the Byzantine infantry. Previously, the padded jacket was called "cavadion" and served as light armor. This lightweight jacket protected against slashing blows in close combat.

The quilted jacket came to Russia only at the time Russo-Japanese War. The officers of the Russian army, stationed in Manchuria, drew attention to light, warm and inexpensive jackets and ordered a batch of these clothes from local merchants.

Since then, quilted jackets began to spread throughout Russian Empire. This versatile clothing was quite common in those days, but the quilted jacket gained particular popularity in the 30s of the last century. The quilted jacket was the official uniform of the prisoners.

The quilted jacket turned into a real cult clothing during the Great Patriotic War. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a quilted jacket during the years of this terrible war, how many people a padded jacket literally saved their lives, saving them from the cold.

Now, on the Internet, people who express a pro-Russian point of view, support the official government and believe that the United States is an enemy of Russia have begun to be called quilted jackets on the Internet. It used to be a "scoop", now it's a "quilted jacket".

Vatnik - with a "slave mentality", who blindly worships "sovereign Putin", hates everything Western. The quilted jacket drinks glass washer fluid, and on holidays - Putinka vodka.

The jacket has an Internet meme. The picture shows such a square man (something like Sponge Bob). This is an unshaven, drunk comrade gray color, with a bruise under his eye and a red, from unrestrained drunkenness, nose. The quilted jacket often stands against the background of the Russian flag. It is believed that the quilted jacket has cotton wool instead of brains in its head, it constantly watches the news on TV. Vatnik believes in God, so he often has an Orthodox cross hanging on his chest. He is an adherent of traditional values ​​and does not like representatives of sexual minorities.

In other words, to love the Motherland today has become a “cotton business”. If you think about it, the word "quilted jacket", used in relation to all people who do not like the West or are simply ethnic Russians and do not plan to move abroad, is an analogue of the word "kid". Who coined this word? Propaganda of the Third Reich.

They are trying to introduce into the mass consciousness that the quilted jacket is not a person. It is an emphatically derogatory term that seeks to depersonalize Russians.

However, do not forget that a padded jacket or quilted jacket is a symbol great victory our ancestors who gave their lives and defended their Motherland and, in fact, there is nothing shameful or humiliating in it.

The language of Internet memes, like any living colloquial speech, is very biting, to the point, developing. One word is able to express a lot of information, carries an emotional coloring, creates a visual image. But before we begin to analyze the concept of "quilted jacket", let's deal with the meaning of the memes themselves. This is cultural information, usually ironic and witty, a kind of code that quickly spreads in society - first among Internet users, and then among people who rarely surf the Web. Memes aptly and briefly characterize the terms that need to be talked about for a long time, going into historical digressions. Interstate conflicts favor the creation of memes. They create a kind of collective without diverting attention to the subtleties and differences of a particular individual. This is how the “dill”, “banderlog”, “potsriots”, “colorados” arose. Well, "quilted jacket". We will try to explain the meaning of this Internet meme in this article.

Metamorphoses of outerwear

Ten years ago, to the question: “Vatnik - who is this?” you would be politely corrected. Not "who", but "what". This is the view outerwear, warm, but unpresentable. Prisoners were dressed in quilted jackets. They were also worn by the urban poor. The synonyms of this word were: "sweatshirt", "quilted". Does it mean that in the 2000s there were no those who are now called "quilted jackets"? Why were there. But they were called differently: “limit”, “gopniks”. This was carried out throughout the post-Soviet space. It meant a person who was poorly educated, stupid, unwilling to improve. Often implied connection with criminals. But what distinguishes the gopnik from the current quilted jacket is the extreme degree of apoliticality. He was not a member of any party and did not even often go to the polls. And an indispensable feature of a modern quilted jacket is a political bathert.

When did the Internet meme “quilted jacket” appear

It is impossible to say for sure, but somewhere in the late 2000s. Moreover, the meme was used throughout the Russian-speaking Internet space. And at first the word "cotton wool" appeared. They denoted a sluggish person. The meme did not have a bright negative connotation. You could ask a friend: “Why are you so wadded today?” (inactive, sleepy). Gradually, the epithet turned into And the word "quilted jacket" began to acquire an offensive meaning. In 2008-10, they began to call him an empty person, a loser who promises a lot, but no records appeared: “You don’t give him a loan, he is a quilted jacket.” This guy doesn't know how to behave. He, like the former gopnik, clicks seeds at the entrance (and not in the trash, but around him), loves vodka and prison chanson and is still apolitical. “Chewing cotton wool” is not having a clear civic position.

Politicized gopota

For the first time on the Internet, this term was used in the current meaning of the word by a blogger from Novorossiysk Anton Chadsky in September 2011. The drawing he created, inspired by the image of "Bob's Sponge", depicts a stylized tipsy man in a quilted jacket. But unlike the “gopniks”, those who are now called vatniks already had a clear civic position. Although often these were people involved in politics out of vested interests, they soon sincerely believed in ideas that sang the struggle for stability, order and " strong hand". In this they coincided with another meme - "scoops".

"Golden age"

There was a whole class of people who were nostalgic for the USSR and the times when "prices were low and there was order." Basically, these were pensioners who traditionally voted for the communists, because they believed that this particular party personified their "golden dream" - to turn history back. Sweatshirt, quilted jacket, gray faceless clothes, in which the prisoners of the Gulag were dressed, served as the basis for creating an Internet meme. But in those years, grandparents who were nostalgic for the Union and Stalin were simply called “scoops”. They were far from being politicized gopniks, but in the old days they belonged to the "middle class", did not survive the transition to market economy and gradually slipped to the social "bottom".

"Vatnik": the meaning of the word

Since the beginning of 2007, the income level of the population has fallen sharply. This influenced the fact that the average age of the "scoop" began to decline rapidly. Even those who happened to live in this country only early childhood. The Communist Party speculated on this myth in every possible way in order to raise its rating. And gradually in the minds of many people Russian Federation as the legal successor of the USSR, it became associated with a great power, a “sixth of the land”, threatening world imperialism with nuclear weapons. The level of political engagement of yesterday's "scoop" has risen sharply. The Internet meme “liberast” (a liberal-minded person) was launched. In response to arguments about problems in the economy, the "scoops" blamed the liberals for everything. Are the prices high? But under the Union ... Then there was order ... And who is to blame? Liberals, oppies (oppositionists), all sorts of demagogues who want to bring us, the Soviet people, to our knees before American imperialism. This is how the modern meme "quilted jacket" crystallized. The meaning of the word in modern jargon varies from a passive scoop, sighing for the departed state, to a jingoistic Russian nationalist. The most aggressive of them were even ready to kill for their "golden dream" of restoring the Great Power.

What does "quilted jacket" mean in Russia?

The term fully “ripe” by the end of 2013. What does this meme represent? What image is he portraying? This is no longer a lumpen gopnik. His income may be average. And he graduated not from a vocational school, but, for example, from a technical institute. This is not an elderly "scoop" who loves to speculate at his leisure about the charms of life "under Brezhnev" and goes to a demonstration by November 7 with a portrait of Stalin. And this is not even a paid "demonstrator", ready to stand for a bribe under any flag. He has a clear civic position. What kind of collective image is this - a quilted jacket? Who is this? Let's try to briefly describe it. Basically, he is male, aged thirty to fifty. Although there are also "quilted jackets" or "quilts". His patriotism is pathological. He loves everything that he considers Russian, and vehemently hates everything that, in his opinion, is not. However, he often prefers German cars to Zhiguli and enjoys watching American blockbusters. foreign languages does not own and is proud of it. He likes to drink vodka, sincerely considering hard drinking as a national tradition.

Vatnik and power

He loves totalitarianism with all his heart and is ready to endure all its manifestations. To remarks about any problems in the social situation in Russia comes into an affectation, explodes with a stream of abuse. Usually he has never been outside his country and is sure that "the West is rotting" and that American well-being will soon come to an end - if not from a military strike, then from internal degeneration. Why are people called quilted jackets who so actively bend under a strong arm? They are weak-willed, do not want to talk about complex things and love to be controlled. It is much worse that they want to make everyone the same. Turn into a herd of sheep, dress in dark gray quilted sweatshirts. Therefore, it is believed that the authorities only need to give the command "face" so that the quilted jackets - mind you, free of charge - rush to beat up political opponents.

Hooray-patriotism must be constantly fed by something. As a rule, the victories of the past and the armed forces of the country are a matter of pride. Very often, in combination with the description of such leavened patriots, “grandfathers fought” are mentioned. This meme, just like "colorado", has recently become synonymous with the term "quilted jacket". Who is this and why did he get the name from the potato pest? Vatnik thinks of history only in terms of political conspiracies. He is sure that Americans, fascists, "junta", "Caucasians" and, of course, Jews are weaving intrigues around Russia. Anti-Semitism is in the blood. He hates Hitler, but in terms of the Holocaust he understands him very much, and considers the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact a great achievement, since it allowed the USSR to expand its territory at the expense of its neighbors. Vatnik loves the St. George ribbon very much and considers this symbol sacred. He is indignant at statements that fascism in the forty-fifth year was defeated by the joint efforts of the allies.

Vatnik and minorities

This social type, as a rule, treats other nationalities with contempt, but speaks out loud about the fraternal union of all peoples. Under the guidance of Big Brother, of course. Until 2013, Ukrainians were also brothers for him. Vatnik is sincerely surprised why the population of neighboring countries that used to be part of Russia is offended. After all, it also carries the torch of culture, Orthodox spiritual bonds! For quilted jackets, there is often an equal sign between Russia and the USSR. This is probably why the jingoistic patriot is little inspired. We can say that imperial chauvinism is the religion professed by a quilted jacket. Who is this in terms of geopolitics? He believes that soon the Great Power will rise from the ashes and gather again under its wing the once stolen (by the Americans and other enemies) lands. Approximately so it is possible to describe the universe of "quilted jacket".


Narrow-minded fanatics are everywhere - and in the opposite camp too. What does quilted jacket mean in Ukraine? On the one hand, these are yesterday's gopniks and scoops who want to live under a firm hand. On the other hand, they are supporters of a forceful solution to the conflict. Their dream is to win back territories at any cost, to silence dissenters and plant their values. They also hate the "decaying soulless Europe" and believe that they have their own spiritual bonds. Such people are called "embroiderers" (from the Ukrainian national shirt).

The last metamorphosis

A year after the start of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Internet memes have acquired a different emotional color. The word "dill" has ceased to be abusive. They became proud of them. Chevrons and other playful insignia with this seasoning appeared. There were memes “My favorite junta”, “Jewish Bandera” and “punishers”. Russian jingoistic patriots also made a retaliatory strike. “Why are only stupid scoops called quilted jackets?” - asks the website "Patriot Handbook". And he convinces: this meme has lost its negative meaning among the citizens of Russia. Now a real patriot sees nothing shameful in being called a quilted jacket.

Unfortunately, many of these memes, especially in situations of cold and "hot" conflicts, serve to "dehumanize" opponents and see them not as people, but as some kind of inanimate mass.
