β†’ β†’ β†’ which fly has bitten? in the Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary of Michelson

which fly has bitten? - this is

which fly has bitten?

(ask someone who is out of sorts.)

Wed And what happened to him is impossible to understand. What fly bit him?

Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Two hussars. 4.

Wed Why and on what basis are you telling me this nonsense? what fly bit you today?

B.M. Markevich. Abyss. 1, 7.

Wed So we got into the cross, that neither breath nor swallow ... On the one hand, you really wanted to live too long, and on the other, the authorities, exactly a fly bit him.

Melnikov. In forests. 3, 11.

Wed Quelle mouche vous a pique?

Wed Je ne scay quelle mouche vous pique.

Farce de Patelin. 113. XV s.

Wed La mosca vi sali al naso.

See crossfire.

Russian thought and speech. Own and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., Type. Ak. sciences ..


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What fly has bitten whom... Spread. Express. It is not clear what caused this strange behavior, what happened to anyone. - Once in the teacher's room, I don't know which fly bit her, but she suddenly turns to me with a request to be allowed to attend my lesson (G. Matveev. New director).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what "What fly bit" is in other dictionaries:

    Which fly has bitten? - (What) fly bit? (they ask someone who is not in the spirit.) Cf. And it’s impossible to understand what happened to him. What fly bit him? Gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Two hussars. 4. Wed Why and on what basis are you talking to me this nonsense? what a fly you are ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    what fly bit - adj., number of synonyms: 4 out of spirit (11) nervous (28) angry (61) ... Synonym dictionary

    which fly has bitten? - (ask someone who is out of sorts.) Wed. And what happened to him is impossible to understand. What fly bit him? Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Two hussars. 4. Wed Why and on what basis are you telling me this nonsense? what fly bit you today? B.M. Markevich. ... ...

    What fly has bitten - whom? Spread. Disapproved. About an angry, gloomy person; about incomprehensible strange behavior. FSRYa, 256; BTS, 565, 1382; BMS 1998, 391 ...

    what fly has bitten someone - about someone who is out of sorts, angry, angry; about the strange behavior of someone. Expression - tracing paper from French quelle mouche vous pique? It goes back to superstitious ideas (common among the Slavs) that flies, horseflies, beetles and others ... ... Phraseology reference

    fly bit - which fly bit? (ask someone who is out of sorts.) Cf. And what happened to him is impossible to understand. What fly bit him? Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Two hussars. 4. Wed Why and on what basis are you telling me this nonsense? what fly bit you today? ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    fly bit - (What) mu / ha bit someone About someone who is not in spirit, angry, nervous; about the incomprehensible, strange behavior of someone ... Dictionary of many expressions

    FLY - Boil flies. Arch. Iron. Starve. AOC 3, 49. Get the flies out of your head. Psk. Shuttle. Get sober (after drunkenness). SPP 2001, 54. Chasing flies. Odessa. In the wedding ceremony, go to visit those invited on the fourth wedding day (about actions ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    fly - noun, f., uptr. often Morphology: (no) who? flies to whom? fly, (see) whom? fly by whom? fly, about whom? about a fly; pl. Who? flies, (no) who? flies to whom? flies, (see) whom? flies by whom? flies, about whom? about flies 1. A fly is an insect with two wings, ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    FLY - FLY, and, wives. The general name for widespread diptera insects. A family of flies. Indoor flies. M. tsetse. How sleepy m. Who n. (lethargic and drowsy; colloquial neod.). Make an elephant out of a fly (trans.: Greatly exaggerate what N; ne.). What kind of m ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


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I present to you a selection phraseological units with the word fly .

It included 24 phraseological unit.

Phraseologisms reduced in groups: lethargy, death, strange behavior, stickiness, snow, abusive expressions, booze, flight of a fly, a poet about a fly.

Phraseologisms about lethargy

  • Counting flies (fumbling, messing around)
  • how sleepy fly (sluggish, slow)
  • Catching flies (with your mouth) (being scattered, inactive) - by the way, phraseological units with catching

Phraseologisms about death

  • Die / die like flies (die in large numbers)
  • Crushed a fly (easily straightened)
  • Flies die (unbearably boring) - by the way, phraseological units about death and life

Phraseologisms about strange behavior

  • What fly bit (him)? (about someone's unusual behavior)

Phraseologisms about stickiness

  • Like flies to honey (universal desire for something attractive)
  • Stick like a fly (annoyingly pester)

Phraseologisms about snow

  • White flies (falling snow)
  • To white flies (before the beginning of winter) - by the way, phraseological units with the word white

Abusive expressions

  • Badge-fly (non-malignant abuse) - by the way, phraseological units without meaning
  • They eat you / him, etc. flies (expression of annoyance, admiration, surprise, etc.)
  • Eat cha flies with mosquitoes (kind of joke)

Phraseologisms about drinking

  • Under the fly (drunk)
  • Crush a fly (drink alcohol)

Phraseologisms about the flight of a fly

  • And the fly won't fly (everything is under control)
  • A fly will fly by - you will hear (complete silence)

Other phraseological units with the word fly

  • Separate flies from cutlets (stick to the subject of discussion) - by the way, phraseological units with food
  • Warmth, light, and flies don't bite (comfortable existence)
  • Flies will not offend (meek, harmless person)
  • Like a fly swallowed (about having a displeased, sour look)
  • Spanny fly (plaster made from crushed bugs)

Poet's winged expression with the word fly

  • He looked out the window and crushed the flies (A. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin", see phraseological units from "Eugene Onegin")

In this case, we are faced with a "bush" extremely rare varied by their meanings of phraseological units. As a rule, in other cases there are 1-3 leading values \u200b\u200band several additional ones. There are practically no such basic values \u200b\u200bhere, but there are quite a few of them.
