The color schemes of high-tech interiors are usually restrained, while they can be built on both nuances and contrasts. For contrast schemes, a combination of black and white (with white dominance) is used, and similar color combinations - light gray and dark blue, light blue and dark gray.

For nuanced schemes based on soft transitions, mostly close colors and shades are used - beige and cream, gray and gray-blue and others. In the design, it is desirable to adhere to a neutral range, which should not feel natural, but cold “technical”, suitable more for decorating a spaceship than for a cozy hut.

Helps to create the desired effect correct selection materials. For high-tech style, various plastics are best suited, fake diamond, glass and white metal, which can be matte or shiny. An abundance of wood materials is undesirable.

It is best to paint the walls, in extreme cases, paste over with wallpaper. for bathroom decoration and kitchen fit ceramic tile, and countertops are best made of artificial stone. The floor can also be tile, artificial stone or self-leveling coating. In living rooms it is permissible to put a laminate, a board with an unexpressed wood pattern or carpet.

It is advisable to choose monophonic materials, if there are inclusions of other colors, then they should not imitate natural patterns (for example, veins of marble or other natural stone). To add variety to the interior, you can fragmentarily use drawings and patterns, but only strict geometric ones. Lovely flowers in a rustic spirit or elaborate floral motifs and swirls typical of classic styles, in a high-tech space are not appropriate.

Fabrics should also not be abused - wherever they can be dispensed with, this should be done. For windows, you can use blinds or shutters, the so-called japanese curtains- strict stretched fabric fabrics that do not form folds. Thick draperies and frills are contraindicated in a technological style.

Light and technology

High-tech style involves equipping the interior with the most modern equipment. For lighting, I often use LED systems, which allow implementing various color scenarios. Such solutions look especially impressive in interiors dominated by White color, and all objects are painted in certain shades depending on the programs of the script.

Spotlights or track lights can be used as the main lighting. Lighting hidden in the design of the ceiling, walls or floor is also popular. When using sources built into the floor, it should be remembered that the human figure, illuminated from the bottom up, does not look very attractive. In addition, if such lighting is made bright, it will blind the eyes, since people instinctively look at their feet when walking.

This method of arranging light sources will be effective for accentuating individual interior items or fragments of decoration. Large lamps in high-tech spaces are used to accentuate certain functional areas, as well as as a decor. For example, the original "space" lamp in the living room can become the main focal point of the day zone.

Household appliances are usually made built-in, but a few designer models can stand separately - for example, a laconic double-leaf refrigerator with backlight. Since it is desirable that the focus be on an impressive item that is not massively presented on the market (you can find a lot of information about such developments on designer sites).

Science and nature

Features of high-tech interior design largely depend on new discoveries and popular areas of science. One of the trendiest last years trends - bio-tech design, the emergence of which is due to the active development of biotechnology.

Bio-tech is an attempt to combine high technology created by man with the creations of nature, which have been improved over millions of years. The more scientists learn about how nature works, the clearer the perfection of its solutions becomes for them.

Bio-tech interiors are characterized by the inheritance of natural forms - and not so much for the sake of decoration, but in order to increase the practicality and functionality of objects. Some of the most popular configurations that make this direction easy to recognize are the twisted snail shell, the rounded sea pebble, and the perfectly structured honeycomb.

Scientists have calculated that honeycomb is one of the most advanced designs in the world - it is stable, reliable and requires a minimum of material for production. The web is also designed by caring nature in such a way as to be as strong as possible with a minimum of threads. These and many other studies inspire modern designers and are actively used in the design of innovative interior items.

Ultra-modernity, clarity and coldness of the situation - perhaps this is how you can characterize the stylistic direction of the high-tech interior. Why is it admired by some and not accepted by others? Probably, the whole thing is in the rhythm of life, because the high-tech style does not like idleness, preferring the measured idleness of life “on the move”.

History of occurrence

The style itself appeared relatively recently - in the second half of the last century. Initially, the direction was associated with the response of designers to the high pace of modern life, and was indicated by the abbreviated English word hi-tech, which literally means "high technology". Modern designers offer this style direction to true urbanists.

However, hi-tech is similar to minimalism - and all thanks to a common concept. This means that neither there nor there the style does not accept anything superfluous, preferring luxury to functionality.

This style is very popular with young people who prefer the "stone jungle" to everything else. They are attracted, first of all, by the individuality of the design, the original interior, its conciseness and, at the same time, futurism instead of homely warmth and comfort.

Distinctive features

These include:

  • Simplicity and clarity. This does not mean that all the furniture in the interior will be ordinary, with right angles and a boring design - on the contrary, strict forms, lack of blurring indicate that the established order will be maintained once and for all. In addition, high-tech implies rationality and practicality, which means that not a single "ownerless" place in the interior will remain.
  • Material. The style favors metal, plastic, glass and concrete. In other words, hi-tech is the style of the industrial era, a time where there is no and never will be a place for the natural. What is remarkable: even if the interior contains natural materials - for example, wood or stone - they must also be disguised as artificial (plastic or metal).
  • Partitions and sliding doors. Unlike other styles, hi-tech welcomes partitions or sliding doors in the interior - however, for the most part made of glass. This is important, since the style itself implies freedom and space, and only sometimes wooden interior doors- but always from a solid canvas, glass inserts are possible. The main thing is that the partition or door should not have drawings and patterns.

Note: it is allowed to use brick in the decoration - but only without painting, whitewashing and any other masking. In rare cases on brick walls you can apply a thin layer of plaster.

  • Colors in the interior. It is clear that if the materials are artificial, then the color scheme should contain exclusively “artificial” shades: gray, white, black, light brown or cold blue.
  • Decor and interior items. Hi-tech is one of the few styles that do not welcome accessories in the interior in general, because each item in the room must carry some kind of load, perform a certain function.
  • Light sources. Hi-tech is one of the few styles that require as many fixtures as possible in the interior. Light sources - artificial, should be everywhere: in ceilings, walls, at the level of curbs and even on furniture: lights in cabinets, armchairs.
  • Modern technology. Usually it's expensive Appliances latest model displayed as if on display. Chrome-plated details with their brilliance can compete with the glossy surface of the ceiling and floor.

Note: hi-tech is not combined with all colors and types of finishes, so when choosing this style of interior, you need to carefully select both furniture and finishing materials.

Table: acceptable and unacceptable combinations in decoration and interior design

The table shows the main points that reflect what is prohibited and what is allowed in high-tech style.

Style featuresAllowedNot allowed
Color designWhite, gray, silver, steel, metallic, black, dark brown, all shades of "cool" colors: blue, matte red, cool greenPastel colors: warm beige, milky, pale turquoise
TextileCotton, fleece, hides (or pile carpets with their imitation)Silk, cambric, satin
FurnitureStraight lines, well-defined shapes, absolutely even and precise dimensionsSmooth lines, rounded shapes, blurry curves of furniture legs (armchairs and sofas)
FinishingConcrete, board, paint"Warm" shades: wood, brick
Lightingultramodern chandeliers, simple lamps solid color, minimalist shadesForged elements, carvings, ceiling decoration
Interior itemsEverything that reminds of the technologies of the futureProvence figurines (indeed, it is better to save them for the Provence interior, since high-tech does not tolerate a single reminder of idle pastime), napkins, tablecloths, too bright pictures on a certain theme, very colorful carpets

Principles of finishing and choice of materials

Since high-tech belongs to the present, the decoration of the room should be selected in the appropriate way. The interior welcomes metal surfaces, glass and plenty of white.


There are two common flooring options: concrete and wood. Moreover, a filler floor is used as concrete, and the tree is painted white or varnished - for the closest possible color to natural.

Note: screed floors can only be installed on a completely flat surface and preferably plain - black or gray.

If the flooring is wood, then the wood will have to be repainted to fully comply with the style concept.

In addition to wood and concrete, ceramic tiles can be laid on the floor; it is important that it is combined with wall decoration - so, if the walls are decorated in light, soothing colors, then the floor should be of the appropriate shade. However, in some cases, the walls may have a darker shade than the flooring.

Other finishing material parquet board or laminate with a glossy surface - of course, gray, off-white, black and all shades of brown, from cold beige to dark chocolate.


Wall decoration is only monophonic, however, in some cases, wallpaper with an abstract (“cosmic”) pattern is possible: straight and broken lines, geometric shapes.

The main material for decoration is wallpaper or painting. If the wallpaper is selected in the same direction as the floors, then it can be non-woven or simple paper wallpaper with high density. And, which is typical for this material, it does not have embossed patterns and ornaments.

Design technique - dark walls contrasting with white furniture and light flooring; for greater contrast adjacent to dark wall decorate in white

Note: the only exception for relief patterns are geometric patterns or abstraction, the convex forms of which will also partly relate to the stylistic direction.

If the walls are painted, then any one of the shades should prevail in the colors for decoration, which at the same time will be in harmony with the color palette of the entire interior. As a rule, acrylic paints are used to paint the walls - white, black, ash, steel gray, olive. And also with various inserts-stains, contrasting with a solid cold white finish. It may be a bright spot in the form of a single geometric figure or a picture.

White walls and white shelves, a white floor with a ceiling - and all this sets off a calm olive color carpet and border trim along with a geometric clock pattern above the head of the bed


Of course, the ceiling must have an absolutely even structure - in contrast to the same loft-style interior design, where rudeness and some negligence are only welcome.

An ideal option for decorating the ceiling would be a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface. A light or dark canvas that reflects glare from spotlights recessed into the surface adds airiness to the room, visually increasing the height of the ceiling.

Note: all types of finishes must be plain - without any drawings, patterns and ornaments. It is allowed to use geometric patterns in the decoration, since they emphasize the abstractness, the idea of ​​​​high-tech design.

In general, materials for decoration and interior design are glass, stone, concrete and plastic with metal inserts. Stone and concrete characterize the coldness of the style, metal and plastic complement the design, giving the room a complete idea of ​​modern urbanization, and glass is a kind of room divider into functional zones. After all, there is nothing more rational than the use of glass partitions to designate different areas - dining, living room, bedroom, work ("cabinet") - and the division of the area is obvious, and at the same time the room is a single whole.


As for other style directions, for the hi-tech style, the characters have their own features, namely:

  • simplicity and certainty of dimensions;
  • clear dimensions, thin lines;
  • restrained "cold" tones.

The furniture has simple straight lines, standard solid colors, typical for this style; Along with the same flooring, different furniture colors define different functional areas

In other words, the furniture is designed in strict clear lines. Therefore, the interior of any room in this direction will be somewhat restrained. Perhaps the only style requirement is clarity and rigor, bordering on order.

In addition, the furniture should be quite functional - chests and chests of drawers, wardrobes and rocking chairs are a thing of the past and are incompatible with high-tech style. Armchairs in the form of halves of an egg on a leg or hanging, a car seat or a tabletop made of frosted glass in a metal frame.

Interior items and decor

Of course, they include all objects that are similar to the urbanization of the situation. So, to decorate the room, you can use a photo depicting megacities in black and white, graphics and avant-garde. At the same time, the framing of paintings, as well as mirrors (if any are provided in the interior) should be the same.

But various souvenirs and textiles will have to be abandoned, since these interior details are inappropriate in high-tech.

Decor items include figurines made of metal and glass, foil vases, simple geometric lamps, modest blinds or curtains, medium pile carpets or carpet - however, it is advisable to lay the latter not on the entire floor of the room, but cover only part under the table or bed.

Glass, lamps and paintings are the only thing that relates to the style direction, while the color of the decor elements can either echo the main finish or stand out from the general background

As for furniture upholstery, either leather (white, brown, black, blue) or dense fabric (linen, cambric) is welcome here. But the curtains can be used light, or replaced with roller blinds in tone color scheme.


Since the style reflects the use of high technology, then appearance fixtures should match the theme. So, in the interior it is unacceptable to use classic chandeliers, carved elements and decorative shades - and all because the light in this direction of the interior is used to create even more airiness of space, emphasizing the texture of materials.

A huge chandelier lamp on the ceiling gives enough light without being annoying at the same time with excessive brightness, and additional lights give some softness to the whole room.

If you need a chandelier on the ceiling, then the design should be selected based, first of all, on the material of manufacture. As you know, the main components of the interior are metal, glass, plastic. This means that chandeliers should be metallic, mirrored, have cold shades (steel, white, black matte) and in no case be decorated with any carved element.

Pendant and small spotlights do not irritate the eyes, and the level of illumination can be controlled independently, including the required number of lamps

If you need to increase the level of illumination additional source light, then sconces with curlicues, floor lamps with a pattern, nightlights and lamps of rounded shapes are unacceptable in the interior. Hi-tech prefers only straight, clear lines without blurring, order in the interior and the decoration itself.

If you want to create lighting individual areas(zones) of the premises, then you can use point or pendant lamps- the first have a neat shape, not big sizes and can be installed directly into suspended ceiling, while the latter are concise, also neat in execution and descend from the ceiling on thin steel threads or wires with decorated pendants.

General (main) lighting - ceiling, illuminated in the form of a geometric figure, local lighting - a floor lamp in a futuristic design, adjustable and giving directional light

Important: the style involves the use of fluorescent lamps, which for the most part have cold lighting. Therefore, as a balance, you can choose lamps of various “warm” shades - so that the color of the ceiling somewhat softens the coldness of the light.

In some cases, when designing interior design, sources of artificial light can be laid directly in the floor of the room - in strobes.


And, of course, you can’t do without modern gadgets, which include almost all modern technology. This is a computer with a laptop, and tablets with smartphones - as their substitutes, and good systems air conditioning and heating, and in general a huge amount of modern high-quality equipment - sound and conventional.

The futuristic design of the table draws all the attention: LED lights, assembly diagrams and black plastic on a red background - all these components are reminiscent of high-tech style

Separately, I would like to light the fireplaces. This interior detail is currently more welcome in country houses, where there are all conditions for their maintenance. And, although there is no place for fireplaces in apartments - they used to think so - however, recently technologies have reached the level at which not only a house, but also an apartment can be stuffed with modern technology. For such cases, an electric fireplace can be installed in the apartment - odorless, coal and ash.

Of course, the operation of the fireplace will not be accompanied by crackling firewood and the smell of smoke, but you will not have to constantly clean the chimney and remove the ashes.

Another option for installing an electric fireplace is in country house. This is a solution for arranging a living room, which is a walk-through room. The restraint of the finishes - light gray floors, beige walls and black glossy stretch ceiling - as well as the futuristic design of lamps and panoramic windows bring together a huge fireplace on the entire wall.

The color of the fireplace trim echoes the upholstery of the sofa, as well as the texture and color. floor covering, a coffee table of a simple rectangular shape is in harmony with the color of the wall decoration

High-tech style in the interior of the apartment (photo)

It is worth noting that, despite the practicality of the style, ultra-modern furnishings do not always suit homes - more often high-tech is chosen by apartment owners.

corridor, hallway

Here the style will be more than appropriate - the hallways in the apartments are often not very large, so the high-tech style will come in handy. The abundance of metal and glass is able to imitate the airiness of space, a large area and the very “strict simplicity”, thanks to which order is maintained in the house.

This option is one of the best: the seemingly solid black wall is actually a closet in which you can put all outerwear, shoes and other items (umbrellas, gloves, hats and scarves). A competent arrangement of light not only adds a sense of free space in the corridor, but also favorably highlights the hallway areas, as a result of which the narrow corridor does not seem cramped.

Another design option for a narrow corridor is a light finish and mirrored surfaces. Lots of lamps and lighting on the ceiling above the closet is a smart solution to raise the ceiling, while straight lines and abstraction on the wall wallpaper create a unity of style, combined with the shape of a futuristic design sconce.

Not all hallways have a large area or convenient layout. If the hallway is small or elongated, as in the photo above, then you can try to beat the design with the help of the design corner cabinet. Finishing - white and gray, glossy surfaces, not many lamps at the entrance to the apartment - however, the gray-white reality is enlivened by a red border strip, which gives the interior completeness.

Photo gallery: design of the hallway and corridor

Bathroom and toilet

This is the second largest area after the corridor room in the apartment. And here, too, as, indeed, in the corridor, I want to put everything that is possible - however, there is not always enough space for this. That's why urbanized people like the high-tech interior so much - you can fit the unfitted into the room!

In addition, chrome-plated fittings sparkle provocatively luxuriously in the bathroom, harmonizing well with shiny glass and chrome surfaces.

The finishing touch for the interior will be a bath - of course, only the correct straight shape. Put a rectangular bath - and the bathroom can rightfully be called decorated in high-tech style! Another addition to the style will be a plain finish (most often tiles), glass partitions for a shower stall (if it costs to save space and space instead of a bath bowl) and metal fittings.

The direction of hi-tech as a design style appeared on the slope of late modernism against the backdrop of high technology. It is imbued with an era of rapid technological progress, space flights and visions of the future. This design direction has become the definition of high functionality, technological trends, flawless configurations and prestige. Hi-tech is rich in the use of glass, plastic and metal materials.

High-tech style walls are made in one color.

They are decorated with glass or plastic inserts made to look like silver. Cold-colored stone or “metal-like” tiles are often used.

The ceiling is stretched or suspended.

It can be done with metal panels. The ceiling is installed in one or more levels. In the latter case, lighting will successfully highlight different levels.

High-tech flooring.

The role of flooring in high-tech is perfectly performed by parquet with a shiny surface or ceramic tiles. The parquet floor will sparkle if it has a mother-of-pearl shine, a cool shade or a gray, slightly bleached color. In this style, decoration in the form of rugs of the same color and / or with a pattern of geometric shapes is welcome. When choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to ceramics with gloss or porcelain stoneware. The selected coating must be one-color. In the presence of drawn inserts, excessive pretentiousness of the lines should not be allowed.

High-tech furniture should be present in a minimum amount.

All furniture items are useful and practical. It is necessary to carefully consider the proportions so that the structures look easy, and the forms are regular, geometric outlines. Materials for the manufacture of high-tech furniture - metal after grinding, plastic and leather substitute. The fittings used are shiny and preferably metallic in color.

When choosing a coffee table, high-tech trends must be taken into account.

The table, for example, can be movable, the shelves and tables have glass surfaces, and the chairs have steel legs or a back.

High-tech decorative additions are required in a minimal amount and must be in the spirit of the design.

You can use pots, vases, figurines, lamps made of ceramic, plastic, metal materials or glass. Mirrors must be chosen without frames and additional decor. Picturesque paintings are not suitable for this style, the exception is abstraction. Images of graphics or black and white photographs will fit well into the general environment. High-tech cookware has a simple, discreet configuration and is made with chrome and shiny inserts. Ruffles, images of flowers, clay pots or all kinds of wooden accessories are not allowed for this direction. In this style, emphasis is placed on modern technology, which is also a decor.

Hi-tech is a relatively young style and almost never happens in a clean design in a residential area. It is more common in the design of modern offices, pavilions and commercial buildings. At home, the style is diluted with other directions. It is popular among young people and modern people who follow fashion trends.
When styling a high-tech room, it is necessary to use metallic, white, gray and / or black colors. Sometimes it can be diluted with a coffee or beige shade, but strictly straightforward, in the style of cubism. It is allowed to mix a catchy color with a pastel shade of the same color scheme.
The main criteria for high-tech style are the use of non-natural materials, the transformation of forms and a strictly defined color palette. As part of the style, you can use plastic with different characteristics. In this direction, it is required not to deviate from the main motive - steel shine, aluminum and chrome, technical subjects and geometric shapes.

High-tech lighting is different from classic. The main thing here is not to center the light. It is necessary to recreate the effect of a large and bright room. Light should be reflected from metal objects, emphasizing the dignity of the style. The use of cable lamps will allow you to divide the room into areas of different functionality. Very practical spotlights various shapes. They will help to successfully focus on the elements of the interior.
In the high-tech direction, what is not customary to demonstrate is put on display. These items include pipes, ventilation shafts, beams, engineering equipment and any metal structures. All these interior details should look saturated. The more decorative metal ornaments, the better, although they do not perform any load. It's just an addition to the general style.

The emergence of high-tech style

The high-tech direction "hi-tech" originated in the 70s of the last century, and began to gain popularity 10 years later. This is the heir to modernism, so its individual criteria are noticeable: simplicity, manufacturability, constructive pattern and pragmatics. Hi-tech is considered the herald of an era of change.
The Arkigram group of architects made the most important contribution to the development of the style. She embodied sci-fi motifs in architecture. Great importance Frey (with kinetic structures) and B. Fuller (with geodesic domes) played in the formation.
Distinctive features of high-tech are metal compositions made of pipes, stairs located outside the building, the widespread use of steel color, the constant use of elements of cubism and constructivism, and pragmatic planning.

The Pompidou Center in Paris, which was built by Richards Rogers and Renzo Piano in 1977, is rightfully considered the first serious high-tech building. Initially, the project did not receive a positive assessment. Only by the 90s of the past century, disputes around the center subsided. Today, the Pompidou Center is one of the universally recognized Parisian monuments. contemporary art, along with the Eiffel Tower.

A significant contribution to the promotion of hi-tech was made by Nicholas Grimshaw, Norman Foster and James Stirling.
The initial skepticism, and sometimes complete rejection (as, for example, in the UK), shown to hi-tech, was transformed into the opposite perception.

With the onset of the 80s of the last century, this design direction is considered one of the most privileged and expensive. It creates the authority of the largest trading institutions. The peak of fashion in the 70s and 80s were buildings with a mirrored facade and partitions made of light-repellent glass. In the 90s, the high-tech direction tried to reunite with the environment, illustrating its images. As a result, there was a transformation into ecological and biological high-tech. This is most noticeable in the famous works of the British and the Italian architect R. Piano.

One of those styles that does not become obsolete over time, due to the constant introduction of new things. High-tech style in the interior of an apartment or house is the most advanced, modern, high-tech style that exists (while not overloaded with details and more suitable for Everyday life, compared with, for example, futurism). Architects and designers use it when they want to emphasize the progressiveness, prestige of a building (or room), while providing visitors with the highest level of comfort.

History of appearance

The name high-tech is short for high-technology, literally "high technology". The roots of this style grow from the distant 20s of the 20th century, modernism, constructivism, the appearance of which we owe to the resettlement of people in cities, the development of factories, plants, and mass production.

Such long-known Construction Materials, like concrete, glass, metal, began to be found everywhere when people learned how to make them faster, cheaper, in large volumes. As time went on, more and more amazing inventions appeared that made everyday life easier. human labor, it became easier for people to dream about the distant future, space exploration, which was reflected in the art of the people.

Who suits

As mentioned above, high-tech in interior fit wealthy people who love comfort, who know the value of their time. Such people love order, straight lines, strict forms, do not favor bright, pastel colors, on the contrary, their eyes rest on black, white, gray.


To better understand the style features, read the following paragraphs with examples:

  1. Manufacturability: voice, remote control of equipment, lighting. A kettle or wall vent that can be turned on with an app on your smartphone when you first arrive at your house.

Blinds, curtains, screens, partitions controlled by a remote control. Alarms, smoke and conventional. Here are just a few examples of the engineering marvels and amenities of a modern high-tech home.

  1. Materials, texture: metal, glass and concrete, sometimes plastic. They are used always and everywhere: these are aluminum lampshades descending with long wires, panels for walls, furniture, ceilings made of stainless steel sheets, chrome-plated handles, glass tabletops.

The walls are made of colored or ordinary concrete, leveled, painted in soothing colors. Successfully fit bulk heated floors, stretch ceiling. If the metal turned out to be not enough, you can even arrange fake outdoor communications, paying tribute to the early high-tech, or metal columns, struts.

  1. Chromatic colors, i.e. black, white, gray and its shades, as well as steel, silver, metallic. Certainly, harmonious interior does not imply hospital monotony, required color accent, For example bright sofa or carpet, pop art or photorealism painting. Color accents will be pure, straight-lined hues, clearly on a simple color wheel.
  1. Lighting. There are a lot of high-tech backlights. Light bulbs are necessarily energy-saving, halogen, neon, often hidden. All zones, work surfaces can be illuminated separately from the rest, and they are triggered automatically when moving (when the cabinet door is opened, when the owner enters the corridor, when the main “upper” light goes out) or by cotton, voice.

Here you can have fun, for example, arrange color music when the big lights are turned off.

  1. Seeming simplicity and conciseness. In high-tech style, the lines are straight, the surfaces are plain, even, smooth, visible furniture is at a minimum. All this, together with colors gives a feeling of coolness, purity, tranquility, transparency. After the bustle of the city with its visual advertising noise, dirt, in such an oasis of silence you will have a great rest. Simple forms of accessories (for example, vases, coasters) are as eternal as the geometry itself: a ball, a cone, a parallelepiped, a cube.

In various rooms of the house

A little about the interesting design "chips" that are used for various rooms of the house when creating a high-tech interior:
