Allows to solve many problems. Among them is the conduct of gas in vacation home... This event requires a fairly serious financial investment and is burdensome for the family budget. In this regard, a number of banking institutions offer their clients to issue a loan for gasification. This program is being implemented with state support and is one of the measures for the overall gasification of the country.

What is a gasification loan?

The high cost of gas supply services to a house located far from the city and the centralized system is a serious obstacle when ordering such work for both summer residents and people who live in such places all the time. Not every family can find funds for a one-time payment of the cost of services, which is indicated in the estimate. A gas loan, which can be obtained from such banks as, and some others, will help to resolve this issue.

What are the conditions for obtaining a loan for gasification?

Among the documents required for filing when applying for such a loan, there is an expense estimate. It should be prepared in advance and checked to include the following costs:

  • to develop a gasification project;
  • to carry out construction and installation work for the installation of gas pipes and the installation of additional equipment;
  • on the materials used;
  • to organize the commissioning of the facility.

Only after all preliminary calculations and their display on paper are there grounds for applying to in order to get a loan for gasification of a residential building. Comparative analysis offers in various banks will help determine the best option... Gazprombank can be called a specialized organization that has a proven scheme of work with gasification companies. Also noteworthy is the proposal of the Russian Agricultural Bank, with the help of which it is possible to obtain gas on credit on favorable terms. It is possible to use the so-called preferential holidays during the first year of the loan. This means the need to pay only the interest on the loan, while the main debt begins to be paid later.

The procedure for obtaining a loan for gasification

As with any other lending, the bank sets out to the borrower who wants to hold gas on credit, certain requirements regarding age, seniority, income level, citizenship and registration. Also, special attention is paid to. When applying for a large amount, the bank may need collateral in the form of a surety or liquid collateral (in some cases, both options may be needed).

If gas is being installed on credit, then it is necessary to attach to the application not only the usual passport and, but also documents confirming the work on gasification (agreement with the contractor, estimate, conclusion and technical conditions for connecting gas to the house). It is important to remember that after the allotted time for the work has passed, the bank asks for supporting documents. These include, first of all, an act of work performed and payment documents for payment. They are regarded by the bank as proof that the allocated funds were spent in accordance with the intended purpose.

Thus, it is possible to install gas on credit, but it requires additional preparations. As an alternative to such targeted lending, conventional consumer credit cash. In this case, no additional documents, you will also not have to report to the bank about the purposes for which the money received was used. However, this option also has disadvantages: high interest rates and a limited available loan amount. Nevertheless, the attraction of guarantors or the provision of a pledge to the bank will help solve these problems and get the missing amount for gas transportation on relatively favorable terms.

The process of conducting gas is very laborious, but it is unnecessary to talk about its benefits, since the high cost of a set of works will ultimately pay off by the cheap operation of the coolant (gas) itself. The process can be called laborious for both parties involved. For installers, it consists in laying pipes underground (it is especially difficult to do it again, that is, where gas pipelines are not developed), and for consumers, the difficulties lie in the preparation of a large package of documentation. But our material will describe in detail the optimal action plan for an ordinary citizen. In addition, it should be noted that after the adoption of new rules for connecting private houses to the gas system, only state gas services are dealing with this issue. Also, do not forget about Federal law "On Gas Supply", which divides all gas consumers into categories. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, the owners of private houses, the area of \u200b\u200bhouses which does not exceed 250 m², fall under the 1st category, which consumes no more than 5 m³ / hour of gas (which is actually enough for optimal heating of a house of this area).

Step-by-step procedure

Initially, you need to decide on the free time that the owner of a private house has, since the process of collecting and processing documentation is very long and includes bypassing many instances. Now there are a sufficient number of companies on the service market that are engaged in the preparation of documentation, but the prices for the cost of work entirely depend on the nature and complexity of the upcoming work. So, the average cost of services for the design of a full package starts from 100,000 rubles.

Stage 1: Receiving technical conditions gasification project.

TU is obtained in the state gas service, it can be regional gas or gorgaz. They are responsible for laying gas pipelines, as well as putting them into operation. In addition, they have the exclusive right to sell gas to the population. When applying, you must have a number of documents with you:

  1. Application in the prescribed form with a request for the issuance of technical specifications for the project;
  2. A photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. Documents confirming the ownership of the house or land for it. Here it is necessary to clarify that if the house has already been put into operation, then any document confirming the ownership will be sufficient: a sales contract, a technical passport, and so on. If the house has not yet been built, then it is necessary to submit an agreement on the purchase of a land plot and its registration in ownership;
  4. A detailed plan of the location of the house on the ground.

An important point is the fact that connecting a private house to gas is possible only if the area (where the house is located) falls into the general plan for gasification of the area. Moreover, gas services pay attention to the fact that the connection of a new consumer is technically possible. That is, the consumption of 5 m³ / hour of gas by the new consumption point should not reduce the pressure in the network (other consumers should not suffer). The factor of remoteness of a plot of land (or a house) from the existing gas main is also taken into account, which should not exceed 200 meters. The term for drawing up a project lasts about a month, and its cost will be from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

Stage 2: Technical connection.

After drawing up and approving the package of documents described above, gas is directly supplied to the site. The technical connection is carried out from the existing gas main to a plot of land (or a plot with a house). The approximate cost of such work depends on its complexity and terrain features and can range from 23,000 to 50,000 rubles. But this is not the final stage in connection, it is still impossible to carry gas to the house.

Stage 3: Drawing up a project for gasification of the house.

The money spent in the first two stages is, so to speak, "flowers". The most difficult and costly stage is the preparation and approval of a project for gasification of a private house. Here, too, two options are possible: a personal appeal to Gorgaz or Regional Gas, but most often the state gas service delays the registration process for more than six months, or contacting a special company that has permits for the implementation of this type of activity. Option two is more expensive, but faster and more reliable. In any case, the final version of the documents must contain:

  1. Detailed specifications connected devices and their complete list;
  2. Scheme for the location of appliances in the house with strict adherence to all compliance rules - chimney organization and compliance with safety rules.

After receiving these documents "in hand", it remains to choose a contractor to carry out the work on the final installation of the gas main in the house.

Stage 4: Project implementation.

After completing all the documentation, it is time for the final installation of pipelines and devices. It is best to entrust the execution of the work to one organization specializing in universal work (establishing a gas pipeline in the house and installing devices). As soon as all the work is completed, it is necessary to contact the Gorgaz or Regional Gas Company again with a request to check the newly installed equipment.

Stage 5: Equipment check and gas start-up.

Representatives of Gorgaz, after a personal appeal from the owner of a private house, must check. This can take up to 3-4 weeks. If the check is successful, a certificate of the performed technical supervision is issued. Next, you need to collect absolutely all documents (from stages 1 to 5) and submit them to the gas department again. During the 21st day in private house Gorgaz workers must come to seal the gas meter and draw up a contract for the supply of gas to the house. Gas is injected by opening the valve located in front of the gas distribution valve, and it is prohibited to open the valve without a gas service worker. Further, in order to avoid possible unpleasant situations, it is better to order and pay for the service of checking the gas fittings, after which a document will be issued confirming the serviceability of the equipment.

As a result, we have total costs for paperwork from 300,000 to 700,000 rubles (excluding funds spent on the purchase of gas equipment: boiler, water heater, etc.), 6-9 months of time spent and a fully gasified house. It sounds a little scary, but the gas method of heating a house does not pay off in such a long time. The operation and costs of the heat carrier are much cheaper than solid heat carriers or heating by electricity.

Gasification benefits for a private house

In our country, a large number of categories of the population are actively supported by the state through the provision of various benefits. These include low-income families or individuals, veterans of the Second World War or other military operations, large families or single parents with many children, and people with disabilities. But the current federal legislation, unfortunately, does not provide any benefits and indulgences in the gasification of private houses. There are various benefits for paying for the same gas and for utility services, but there are no benefits for pipelines.

Regional incentives for connecting gas

The absence of federal benefits does not mean that they cannot exist at all. The territories and regions of Russia at the regional level nevertheless distinguish certain categories of citizens who are granted privileges for gas transportation. This benefit is expressed in compensation for connection costs. As a rule, such categories are labor veterans, large families, heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, disabled people of all 1-2 groups, participants in the Great Patriotic War, Chernobyl victims. To receive compensation, it is necessary to collect all documents confirming the work performed and payment for them.

Let us consider in more detail the benefits for connecting gas on the example of the Rostov region.

Thus, by the regional law of the Rostov region, gasification benefits in the form of compensation are:

  • Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Disabled persons of groups I and II.
  • Former underage prisoners of fascism.
  • Persons awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad".
  • Home front workers.
  • Widows of the dead (deceased) invalids of the Great Patriotic War and participants in the Great Patriotic War.
  • Large families

The amount of compensation is no more than 50% of the paid connection fee. But the maximum amount that can be paid is limited to 20,000 rubles (as of 2015). That is, if the actual costs of connecting the gas, for example, amounted to 100,000 rubles, the amount of compensation will be 20,000 rubles.

Compensation can only be granted once in a lifetime. To receive compensation, you must apply to the local department of the Department of Social Protection of the Population with an application, as well as attach documents confirming the preferential status and work performed on the gasification of the property.

In the Leningrad Region, for example, there is a regional gasification benefit. It has adopted a special procedure for granting subsidies when connecting gas equipment to the gas distribution network. The regional authorities have established the amounts that will be paid from the budget, this is 110,000 rubles for the beneficiaries, which were listed above, and 70,000 for everyone else. As planned by the authorities, taking into account the subsidy, the final amount for gasification that a citizen will spend will be from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. But an important condition is that the owner of the house must be registered in it and live in it for at least 1 year.

The right of the regional authorities at the local level to make a decision on granting certain categories of citizens with benefits in paying for connecting to gas means that when carrying gas to a private house, you need to ask the local administration about the availability of subsidies for beneficiaries in a particular region.

Providing gas to a country house is an expensive undertaking, which not every summer resident decides to take. After drawing up an expense estimate, it becomes clear that not everyone can pay such expenses from their own funds. The problem can be solved with borrowed funds - many banks offer special loans for such a case.

But before contacting the bank to obtain a loan for gasification, it is worth preparing all the documents confirming the upcoming expenses. The expense estimate should include the cost of:

  • services for the development of a gasification project;
  • construction and installation works (laying gas pipes, tapping into the mains, installing and dismantling equipment, distributing gas in the house);
  • materials and equipment (pipes, boiler, water heating equipment, etc.);
  • commissioning of the object.

And only after the calculations are made and the estimate is ready, you can start choosing a bank and credit programs. The most obvious and in a simple way there will be an appeal to a specialized credit institution - Gazprombank, which has a list of gasification companies with which it works. Therefore, the process of obtaining borrowed funds is simplified and unified as much as possible. There are also special programs for summer residents at Rosselkhozbank - on preferential terms and with large lending limits. And on a loan in Chuvashkreditprombank, even compensation by the state of a part of the rate is possible.

Table "Loans for gasification in Russian banks"

Bank, loan

Min. rate

Max. sum

Max. term

600 thousand rubles

Dalta-Bank, "My construction (up to 500 thousand rubles)"

500 thousand rubles

700 thousand rubles

1.5 million rubles

500 thousand rubles

Sibsotsbank, "Housing (guaranteed)"

From 300 thousand rubles

700 thousand rubles

700 thousand rubles

700 thousand rubles

700 thousand rubles

Data: as of June 2015

Gasification loans, bank offers

The most favorable conditions

Rate from 16.5% per annum in rubles - according to Art. This is the minimum value (if the borrower provides residential premises as collateral), the maximum - can reach 23.42% per annum. The rate will also differ depending on the loan term and the borrower's status:

  • for GPB payroll clients - up to 1 year (16.5% per annum secured, 17.5% unsecured), 1-3 years (17.5% per annum secured, 18.5% unsecured), 3-5 years (18.5% per annum with collateral, 19.5% without collateral);
  • for state employees - up to 1 year (17.5% per annum with security, 18.5% without security), 1-3 years (18.5% per annum with security, 19.5% without security), 3-5 years (19 , 5% per annum with collateral, 20.5% without collateral). If personal insurance is canceled, the rate increases by 1%.

Among other things (consumer purposes, refinancing of an old loan), this loan can be spent to pay for gas equipment and services (project development, construction and installation works and commissioning, execution of executive documentation, etc.). The maximum loan amount for these purposes will then be 600 thousand rubles. The list of gasification companies, for whose services you can take this loan, is on the bank's website.

Among the advantages of this loan is the ability to choose a repayment method (annuity or differentiated payments), as well as receive a grace period for payments (if the borrower has financial difficulties). However, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this offer, but only payroll clients of GPB or employees of companies that are included by the bank in the consumer lending program or are classified as budgetary institutions. The absence of negative credit history is another important condition.

The largest credit limit

Up to 1.5 million rubles - on a loan to. This loan can be taken for repairs, development of private household plots and even gasification.

  • The loan term will depend on whether the borrower confirms intended use borrowed funds: up to 3 years (without confirmation) and up to 5 years (with confirmation).
  • The lending rate will differ depending on the terms: 22.5% per annum in rubles (for a period of 1-12 months), 23% (12-36 months), 23.5% (36-60 months).
  • Real estate or sureties can be used as security. The subject of the pledge must be insured, but personal insurance - at the request of the client (without it - plus 2.5% to the basic rate on the loan).

Rosselkhozbank has other credit programs, within the framework of which it is possible to obtain borrowed funds for gasification, for example, “ Engineering Communication"Or" On the development of personal subsidiary plots. " But the credit limits for them will be lower, and the rates will be higher.

No commissions

You can get a loan at. You can take it for the development of private household plots, repairs, gasification.

  • The rate on it will be the same regardless of the timing and amount - 22% per annum in rubles. And part of it (in the amount of the refinancing rate, now 8.25%) will be compensated to the borrower from public funds.
  • Lending limits - up to 700 thousand rubles, terms - up to 5 years.
  • Collateral will be required - a pledge (real estate, vehicles, machinery, equipment) or sureties (with a loan amount of up to 500 thousand rubles inclusive - one individual; with a loan amount over 500 thousand rubles - two individuals).
  • Property insurance - at the discretion of the bank.

But not everyone will be able to use such attractive conditions, but only residents of Moscow, Cheboksary, Yoshkar-Ola, Novocheboksarsk, Kanashi, Alatyri, Batyrevo. And in addition to the standard requirements (age 21 - 60 years, experience in the last job for at least 6 months) there is one more condition - the borrower must maintain a personal subsidiary farm and be recorded in the household accounting book of personal subsidiary plots.

Gas / Gasification in the Moscow Region

GUP MO "Mosoblgaz" offers its customers a new service - gasification of housing on credit. Together with Bank Vozrozhdenie, a special program “Gasification of Housing” has been developed, designed for individuals to receive a loan to pay for gasification services rendered by GUP MO Mosoblgaz (payment for the project, gas equipment, construction and installation and commissioning works).

Gasification on credit: loan conditions

The loan is issued without collateral and guarantors. Loan amount - from 30,000 to 550,000 rubles issued for a period of up to 5 years. The interest rate depends on the loan term and ranges from 15.75 to 19.25% per annum.

The offered rates can hardly be called moderate. With a loan amount of 550,000 rubles, a rate of 15.75% and a loan repayment period of 5 years, the total overpayment for using the loan will be about 248,000 rubles, and the monthly payment amount will be about 13,000 rubles. You can make an approximate calculation of payments under other loan conditions using the on-line service Loan calculator.

At present, GUP MO Mosoblgaz is negotiating loans to the population to pay for gasification services for housing with several more banks. Soon, according to Mosoblgaz, its clients will be able to choose a bank with the most suitable lending conditions.

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Residents countryside and the urban private sector can finally breathe a sigh of relief - there is no need to prepare firewood for the winter and prescribe coal. In many regions of the country, they also decided to “put them on the pipe”. Joy is usually replaced by disappointment - although the gas pipeline runs along the street very close to houses, the cost of connecting to it is prohibitively high. It is worth taking a loan to get "blue" fuel at home. How and where to borrow money for this purpose?

Gazprom - dreams come true, but at the expense of the dreamers themselves

The following Russian banks provide loans for gasification:

  • Under the Engineering Communications program, the Russian Agricultural Bank issues up to 500,000 rubles for a period of up to 5 years at a rate of 21-27.5% per annum. There is a chance to get a "credit vacation" for a year and pay only interest. A surety or pledge of property is required, but the bank has the right to simultaneously demand both forms of security.
  • Gazprombank offers a "Consumer loan" for 5 years in the amount of up to 600 thousand rubles with a payment of 16.5-23.5% per annum. The pledge is the living quarters. But the bank strictly limited the list of partner companies, whose services can be paid for using these credit funds.
  • "A loan for private household plots" from AkBars is an opportunity to receive up to 700 thousand rubles for 5 years at 23% per annum, and with proper paperwork and participation in the state program - to compensate part of the interest rate through subsidies from the budget.

In addition to the standard package of documents (passport, certificates from work), you need to attach documentation confirming the intended purpose (conclusion and technical conditions for connecting the house to gas, an agreement with a contractor, an estimate of future costs). After that time is given to carry out the relevant work and the bank requests a package of papers to clarify the spending of funds for the declared purpose (payment documents for payment, an act of work performed).

There is no bank nearby with a targeted lending program; it is worth taking a regular consumer cash loan. It will not require proof of targeted spending and collection of documents for gasification.
