The use of profile pipes is common not only in construction. Many home craftsmen adapt them to decorate the facade and gates, when building greenhouses, in others household needs Oh. In many cases, the product needs to be given a curved contour. Ordering a service or purchasing a factory machine will be expensive. The way out will be the independent manufacture of a machine for bending profile pipes.

Types of roll forming machines

The manufacturing size largely depends on the thickness and material of the pipes to be bent. Do-it-yourself pipe benders can bend products made of aluminum, steel, copper. The dimensions of the profile section depend on the location of the shafts and the possibility of their adjustment.

According to the type of installation, the bending device can be:

  • stationary installation. Basically, these are massive mechanisms for large bending volumes. For installation, you need to make a concrete base or a welded box of a workbench;
  • portable profile pipe benders have an average weight and performance. A welded base or a frame assembled on bolts with your own hands is arranged under them;
  • wearable. Such pipe benders are created mainly for bending a thin profile, using it for decorative purposes. Bending installation is carried out on any flat, stable surface: concrete, steel, wood. Bending is carried out manually.

According to the type of drive device, the machines are:

  • manual - bending is carried out by transferring the force of the muscles. The disadvantage is the inconvenience of creating multiple bends and an uncontrolled radius of curvature;
  • electric - bending is carried out by the operation of an electric motor;
  • hydraulic - the force on the element is transmitted by means of a hydraulic jack. This is the most common option for self-manufacturing.

An electronic bending accuracy controller can be connected to electric homemade pipe benders.

The profile bender can be roller and slab. In the first case, the pipe acquires a radius due to rolling between two rows of rollers. In the second case, it bends on pins embedded in concrete. The second type is the easiest to make, but requires effort when working with your own hands.

The difference between machines by the method of bending

The bending of the pipe along the radius and the angle are very different. This is especially true for structures designed to transport liquids. Plastic bending of the pipe can be achieved in several ways:

  • template bending;
  • extrusion;
  • pressing;
  • rolling.

A bending or bow pipe bender is represented by a wooden cylinder and sticks with knobs. The pipe is fixed to the structure. The ends are pulled by hand. The method does not make it possible to control the diameter of the bend. For precise work, it is better to make a do-it-yourself machine according to engineering calculations.

For the safety of the pipe and uniform distribution of efforts, it is filled with sand. Filling occurs with tapping with a hammer, which contributes to the shrinkage of the material.

Extrusion is a dieless pressing with a single punch. Thanks to the rollers or swivel shoes replacing the matrix, the force vector is perpendicular to the product. This gives bending accuracy.

The process is characterized by the need to slowly and smoothly apply the load. Handy in this method manual hydraulic jacks. This option is especially common for do-it-yourself installation.

Press bending can be done using a conventional vise, brake drum and pulley. The machine is mounted by hand by attaching a punch and matrix vice to the jaws.

Drawings of a profile bender with the possibility of rolling can be found on forums and websites. The principle of operation is to pass pipes between two rows of rollers. The position of fixed parts can be adjusted by adjusting the radius of curvature.

Shafts are metal cylinders with an axis of rotation. Two are mounted approximately 10 cm from the mounting surface, the third above them needs to be made with the possibility of manual vertical adjustment.

Making a machine with your own hands

To make even the most ordinary home-made profile bender with your own hands, you will need a calculation. In this case, there is little chance of making a mistake with the dimensions, the need for material and the sustained forces.

After that:

  • using a grinder, metal or wooden elements of the base are cut;
  • the manufacture of shafts and other critical parts is entrusted to the turner. In the presence of lathe and the skills to work with it, you can do everything yourself. Shaft dimensions must be consistent with the bearings and sprocket used;
  • grooves and holes are drilled in the rings;
  • the base for the pressure roller is being prepared. It is attached to the shelf through a dowel;
  • base frame is mounted;
  • support shafts are mounted and a portal structure for the upper shaft is arranged;
  • all movable elements of the machine are connected by a chain;
  • a rotation handle is attached for manual operation or reinforced to the engine. The jack is being installed.

Choose the type of machine, focusing on the wall thickness of the bent pipes.

By assembling the machine with your own hands, you can avoid unnecessary costs for factory equipment. The advantage of a personal machine will be its complete adaptation to specific needs and requirements. If necessary, a self-made unit can be improved and re-equipped.

To consolidate the skills of making a manual bending machine, you can watch the video:

Profile pipes have firmly entered human life, thanks to their inherent properties: increased strength, the presence of stiffeners and convenient geometry. Due to the wide use of products, it often becomes necessary to bend such pipes in one or more places and at different angles, for which purpose profile pipe bending equipment is used. This article will tell about the varieties of pipe benders, working with them and self-manufacturing of the device.

Types of pipe benders

As mentioned above, often - and in household, and on an industrial scale - it becomes necessary to change a round or shaped pipe, bending it at the required angle in one or more places or giving it a smooth bend radius. This is required both for the technological conditions of operation of pipes, and for aesthetic ones (for example, when creating patterned structures and elements - for peaks, canopies, etc.).

In most cases, it is either physically impossible to bend the pipe manually, or it is possible with significant violations of the profile geometry, which complicates further use products.

Therefore, they use professional or do-it-yourself machines for bending a profile pipe - pipe benders.

According to the principle of interaction with the corresponding products, pipe benders are divided into:

  1. Hydraulic lever devices, bending products at a given angle. In this case, all the effort is concentrated by means of a lever at one point - the place of the bend.
  2. Roller attachments(profile benders), which provide the ability to give the profile pipe smooth bending radii. When using this tool, the product is flared (rolled out) by means of rollers.

It should be further noted that, whether purchased or made by oneself, machines for rolling profile pipes can only work with ductile non-brittle material, that is, with metals and alloys (read: ""). For bending hard plastics, asbestos cement, etc. they are not suitable. And soft plastic bends by hand and effortlessly.

By appointment, pipe benders are:

  • for profile products - pipes with a section geometry other than round (oval, rectangular, square);
  • For copper pipes and products from other metals and alloys (read also: "");
  • for metal-plastic pipes, etc.

Working with the device

The use of high-quality tools ensures the bending of the pipe in compliance with the requirements for the quality of the products obtained.

The correct use of the machine for bending the profile pipe ensures uniform bending of the product, eliminates the occurrence of creases and flattening during the processing of the pipe.

Giving the pipes a curved shape, in turn, provides the most favorable arrangement of pipelines and other structures, without using extra space. In addition, in some cases, by correctly bending some elements, you can avoid the use of welding and various pipe fittings (couplings, flanges, angles, tees, etc.).

Equipment selection

Now there are a sufficient number of pipe benders of various manufacturers, destinations and price categories on the market, which allows each master to choose essential tool, guided by the intended area of ​​​​use and the availability Money.

Depending on the planned purpose of the device, you should purchase:

  • manual pipe benders for metal and metal-plastic- they are suitable for bending pipes made of different grades of steel, cast iron and, of course, composite products;
  • profile benders- as the name implies, they are used to give the necessary shapes to profile pipes, which are usually made of steel;
  • manual pipe benders for copper pipes- have the least bending power, since copper is the most ductile.

If we list the most popular pipe bending devices in Russia, we should note such popular brands of manual roll forming machines as PG-1, PG-2 and PG-4. All of them are domestically produced and, according to the statements of the people who used them, are not inferior to imported counterparts.

Making a device for bending pipes with your own hands

In addition to purchasing the product, there are other options: borrow a professional pipe bender from friends or rent it. In addition, guided by the relevant drawings for the machine for bending the profile pipe, you can try to assemble the tool yourself.

Among the advantages of a do-it-yourself machine for bending a profile pipe are:

  • the ability to control the entire manufacturing process, from the stage of selection of materials to the final coloring, which means that the owner homemade machine can be sure of its reliability and safety;
  • saving money - many parts for assembling the device or already in the arsenal home master, or you can profitably purchase, for example, at scrap metal collection points. See also: "".

To assemble the machine, you will need the following parts and elements:

  • corners and channels to create a frame on which the main mechanism will be fixed;
  • supports for the machine - any options are possible: legs made of round and shaped pipes, corners, etc.;
  • bending rollers (shafts), which can be made to order by a turner;
  • transmission chains and gears to create torque on the rollers (you can, for example, use the components of an old domestic-made car - a “six” or another);
  • chain tensioner (can also be removed from the machine);
  • guides for rollers - in order to get them, a couple of corners are welded;
  • the driving component for the guide rollers - can be made of a profile pipe with parameters of 40 by 20 mm;
  • adjusting screw;
  • lever for actuating the device - it can be made from any metal part;
  • bolts for fixing the bending rollers - under them it is necessary to make slots in the channels, allowing you to adjust the pipe bending parameter by changing the rollers.

Thus, having all the necessary items and the desire to work with your hands, you can assemble your own pipe bender without any problems.

The need for a device that can bend profile pipes arises in many cases. A similar tool is necessary when arranging a gazebo, a canopy, creating greenhouses. Selling on the market today bent pipes, however, the high cost makes their purchase unprofitable. It is much cheaper to build and create bent profile pipes on your own.

Types and design features of profile benders

Machine tools capable of bending profile pipes differ in design from conventional tools. Profile materials have increased strength. Accordingly, in order to bend them, you need to make more effort.

In addition, usually the bend of the profile pipe has a large radius. In this regard, the design of the profile bender includes three rollers. Of these, depending on the preferences of the master, the mobile can be:

  • left roller;
  • middle roller;
  • right roller.

Roller for pipe bender

If the middle roller is movable, the outer elements are fixed to the body. They rise slightly above the base plane. If one of the extreme rollers is movable, then it moves along with the base. Others remain motionless during this time.

The principle of operation of such a tool is quite simple and is based on cold rolling. The profile pipe is placed between three shafts. The pressure that bends the metal is generated by the central, middle roller. If the pipe only needs to be bent in one particular section, a special spot machine must be used. The rolling machine allows you to get an arched profile.

Depending on the application of what force the machine works, the following types of profile benders are distinguished:

  • mechanical. The bend is created by manual pressure;
  • hydraulic. Additionally applied hydraulic jack, with the help of which pressure is created;
  • electric. The machine is equipped with an electric motor that creates a bending force;
  • electrohydraulic. The electric motor drives the hydraulic cylinder.

If the machine is designed for small pipes, suitable tool with manual pull. Otherwise, it will be impossible to stretch the profile without special devices(for example, an electric motor).

What materials and tools are needed to make a pipe bender

On modern market a wide variety of tools designed for profile bending. They differ both in features and functionality, and in price. However, any master can independently make such a machine, paying only for individual components. Some of them may already be in stock, others will have to be purchased.

So, to create a machine, you need to acquire:

  • corners;
  • chain;
  • chain tensioner;
  • blanks for the manufacture of rollers and shafts;
  • channels;
  • bearings;
  • bearing housings;
  • drive sprockets;
  • hydraulic jack;
  • drive shaft handle;
  • springs (if a jack will be used);
  • bolts and nuts.

There are many options for the manufacture of machines for bending profile pipes. Some of the parts listed above may not be needed. It all depends on the chosen method of creating a tool. In addition to materials, you will also need tools. In order to create a machine, the master will need:

  • drill (electric);
  • apparatus for welding;
  • hammer;
  • grinder (angle);
  • drills (for metal);
  • wrenches and end wrenches.

The most difficult task is the manufacture of the pressure roller and drive shafts. You will need to create them. Not every master has such equipment. However, you can find a turner who, for a moderate fee, will do all the necessary work.

Assembly process

Before starting the assembly, it is strongly recommended to create a drawing of the future device. This will make the task much easier. Although today there are a large number of ready-made drawings, it would be better if the master creates it himself, taking into account his own needs.

The whole process of creating a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating a roller and shafts (in the absence of proper qualifications, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional turner).
  2. Installation of bearings in cages.
  3. Determination of the location of the keyways on the shafts.
  4. Drilling holes in restrictive nozzles, cutting threads intended for clamping bolts.
  5. Creates a platform on which the pressure roller will be installed. In (if there is none, a thick metal plate will do), four holes (paired) are drilled, for which clips with bearings will be attached.
  6. Screwing the pressure roller.
  7. Welding to the platform of the eye (nuts M8 are used).
  8. Manufacture of the frame and supporting legs using welding machine.
  9. Suspension of the platform on which the roller is installed to the frame with the help of springs (use the upper cross member of the frame).
  10. Drilling holes in the base frame. With their help, a variable distance between different shafts will be provided. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the distance between the holes, because in the event of an error, the pipe will not only bend, but also shrink.
  11. Installation of support shafts. Installation of the driven and driving sprockets, drive chain.
  12. Tensioner installation, elimination of chain slack.
  13. Creating a drive handle. As source material You can use a steel bar with a diameter of twenty millimeters.
  14. Installation and fixation of the jack on the upper platform. Nuts and bolts can be used for fixing.

After assembly, it is recommended to conduct a test during which assembly errors (if any) will be detected. To do this, you need to put a piece of the profile pipe on the lower shafts, and press it against them with a jack. Next, you need to put the device into action by turning the handle.

Another version of the device

You can create a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands in another way. This will require fewer materials. It will be possible to do without an expensive jack. The process of creating a simpler machine consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating a frame that looks like a longitudinal table. Welding can be used to connect elements. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the voltage that will be exerted on individual elements devices. It is important that the frame is stable. This can be achieved by fixing to the floor.
  2. Attachment of two rotating shafts just above the table. The third shaft is placed even higher, between the first two. The distance between the outer shafts and the central element can be changed. This will affect the bend radius. However, it is important that both extreme elements are at the same distance from the central shaft. In the future, this parameter can be changed depending on the bending radius, which must be obtained in a particular case.
  3. Chain drive mount.

This machine has a simpler design. However, working with it is somewhat harder than with the previous device. In any case, after the manufacture of the tool, it is recommended to clean it of rust and paint it. This will save the pipe bending machine from damage.

The first machine is more thorough. Pipes curved on such a unit will have a cleaner look. In addition, less force will have to be applied to process the profile. The second machine is cheaper and easier to manufacture. However, the quality of the bend may be worse. What tool to make should be decided by the master himself, focusing on his needs.

Thus, bending machines for a profile pipe can be manufactured independently. The final cost of such tools will be lower than industrial products on the market. To create a machine, you will need certain materials and tools.

There are a large number of drawings of such devices, but it would be better if the master himself creates a drawing, taking into account all the features. You can make a tool, focusing on the instructions above.

The profile pipe bending machine is a very popular type of metalworking equipment. This is explained by the fact that tubular products of this type are actively used today in many areas, including for solving domestic needs. If cutting a profile pipe is easy even with hand tool, then to bend such a product, it is necessary to use a special pipe bending machine.

There can be only two options for obtaining such a machine at your disposal: the purchase of serial equipment, for which it will be necessary to allocate significant financial resources, or making a device for bending profile pipes with your own hands. To date, there are many design schemes according to which home-made machines for bending profile pipes can be made. It is worth dwelling on the simplest of them and, accordingly, the most popular among home craftsmen.

The device of the pipe bending machine and instructions for its assembly

Regardless of what Consumables and mechanisms are in your home workshop or garage, a do-it-yourself profile pipe bending machine can be made according to various design schemes. Having made even the simplest home-made pipe bender, in the future, if the need arises, you can improve its design by endowing such equipment with a number of additional functions.

The main structural elements of any machine on which it is performed are:

  • supporting frame, which is made of a powerful metal profile;
  • three shafts rotating on separate axes (it is through such elements that must be of high strength that bending machines act on the profile pipe, deforming it to the required bending angle);
  • a mechanism by which the working shafts are rotated;
  • a chain connecting the elements of the drive mechanism.

Before making home-made bending equipment, it is advisable to prepare its drawing or find it ready on the Internet. Moreover, there you can find videos with detailed instructions explaining the manufacturing process of a device for bending profile pipes.

If bending equipment equipped with working shafts is used to roll a profile pipe, during which it is bent, then profile benders the simplest design, which are discussed, work on a different principle. On devices of this type, it is carried out, which must first be formed from rigidly fixed elements. As such elements, durable metal pins are most often used, fixed in concrete base. An arc is formed from such pins, along which the pipe is bent.

In order to make a device on which it will be possible to effectively bend the pipe along the radius, it is best to pour the concrete pad yourself and fix the metal pins on it as securely as possible.

Bending of steel pipes, for which such a simple device is used, is carried out in the following sequence.
  1. One end of the pipe is securely fixed.
  2. Physically acting on the second, loose end of the pipe, the product begins to smoothly and accurately bend, bending around its surface with pins located in an arc.
  3. After the pipe has acquired the required configuration, its second end is also fixed and the product is left in this position for a while so that the metal gets used to the new state.

Since working on such a device requires significant physical effort, to facilitate the task (especially when bending pipes of large diameter), the place of the future bend is preheated with a gas burner or on a fire. You can learn more about the rules for working on such a device in the corresponding video.

Of course, such a device, which can be built in the yard of your house, has minimal efficiency and functionality. For example, with its help it is quite difficult to bend stainless pipes or to carry out complex bending. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to use it for the simplest bending work. Such work, for example, may be associated with the laying of a pipeline or the manufacture of a frame for a home greenhouse.

Making a lever pipe bender

A selection of photographs and drawings for self-manufacturing lever type pipe bender, as well as a video with comments and explanations from the author.

This lever tube bender is not too difficult to manufacture and allows you to work with fairly thick pipes.

A video from the author will allow you to understand the key points and small nuances of manufacturing this pipe bender.

serial equipment

If working with metal pipes different profile is related to your professional activity, then the best choice for you will be serial machines for bending profile pipes, which are distinguished not only by high efficiency, but also by extended functionality. Today there are many different models profile benders, which differ from each other both in their performance and functionality. Such a variety allows you to choose a machine for bending a profile metal pipe, focusing on your needs and financial capabilities.

Consider the most important advantages that a serial machine for bending profile pipes has over manual devices.
  1. Some models can be equipped with an electronic control system, which allows you to automate the bending process.
  2. The use of interchangeable working nozzles significantly expands the functionality of profile benders.
  3. In addition to the electronic control system, some models of such machines can be equipped with a remote control.
  4. Serial profile bending machines are characterized by compact dimensions, which makes them very mobile.
  5. You can install such equipment on any flat and solid surface.
  6. The technical capabilities of such machines make it possible to perform even very complex bends on pipes (P-shaped, N-shaped, etc.).

When choosing a serial machine for bending profile pipes, it should be borne in mind that the cost of such equipment, depending on its specifications and functionality starts from a few hundred US dollars and can reach several thousand.

To perform bending operations on serial equipment, you must have a certain training. If it is not there, then you can study the features of this process using videos that are easy to find on the Internet.

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If the master seriously works with metal, sooner or later the need for a productive device for, which would be distinguished by simple control, comes.

The bending machine is simply indispensable in the manufacture of do-it-yourself garden benches, frameworks of arbors, workbenches, canopies for a car from a profile pipe. Thanks to the presence of such a tool, metal structures are attractive and durable.

But in order to create it with your own hands, it is important to understand the device and the assembly features of the profile bender.

In the production process of various kinds of metal structures, a special machine is used for bending a profile pipe, which is a compact and easily transportable equipment with different types drives.

The unit is light in weight and easily copes with the task of bending metal with cold rolling. And to achieve optimal curvature, together with a pipe bender, special nozzles are used for processing various kinds of metal products.

To learn how to manage such a unit, it is important to study the features of its design and the basic principles of operation.

For pipes it consists of the following elements:

  • supporting frame made of high-strength metal profile;
  • three shafts of rotation, located on separate axes and responsible for the process of bending the profile pipe to the current bending angle;
  • the mechanism of rotation of the working shafts;
  • chain for connecting the elements of the drive mechanism.

The machine manual for are flexible fittings.

All factory and bending are divided into four types, depending on the system for the location and functioning of the rollers:

  1. Units with an upper moving roller are the simplest option in terms of the mechanical component.
    In the design of such a profile bender, only the upper roller can move, and the roller can be hydraulic or manual upper. Such a structure provides the master with the opportunity to perform an accurate calculation of the possible radius for bending metal parts with a minimum error for metal additive or a slight gradient during profile deformation.
  2. Equipment with a left roller is capable of performing the same functions as machines with a top moving roller.
    But, in addition to this, it is excellent for curling spirals, which the first type of profile benders cannot do. You can choose a model to control the bending gradient.
  3. Bottom roller units are suitable for bending large profiles due to the even distribution of bending forces on the two bottom rolls and the fully hydraulic drive mechanism.
    Each roller has its own location controller.
  4. Profile benders with all movable rollers are distinguished by the most complex mechanism, which allows them to accumulate the advantages of all types of such equipment.

On a note! Such equipment differs in size, marking, cost and weight. But for domestic use, a home-made profile bender is also suitable, the manufacture of which will cost the master a little money.


The initial task in the manufacture of a bending machine for a profile pipe on your own is to create a drawing of a bending machine. It is compiled independently or found ready-made on the Internet.

On numerous forums of craftsmen and craftsmen working with metal structures, you can find videos with detailed description pipe bending machine and instructions for its assembly.


After preparing a drawing for a homemade pipe bender, you can begin to assemble the supporting frame. If you plan to use the equipment for a profile pipe with your own hands, then you should refuse to use welding when assembling the frame.

Pipe bender design.

This method of connecting parts is not the maximum level of reliability. It is better to give preference to bolts, which will give the unit strength and mobility: if necessary, the structure can be disassembled.

After installing the working shafts on the frame, they assemble a mechanism for their rotation from three sprockets and a chain: two of them are mounted on both lower shafts, and the third is lower.

Important! Be sure to provide for the possibility of changing the position of the lower sprocket, which will allow you to easily tension the chain on the roll forming unit. For easy control of the equipment, fix a strong handle on one of the sprockets.

Be sure to test the profile bending machine after assembly in order to eliminate the risk of marriage.

How to make a profile bending machine with your own hands?

Not every novice master is able to purchase factory-type metal pipes for bending, since this is quite expensive equipment.

Drawing of a bending machine.

Alternatively, you can try to do manual machine on your own, following the instructions below:

  1. Place gears, bearings, rings connected with a key on the pressure shaft.
    Turn the cages for bearings and rollers according to a previously prepared drawing of such a shaft. Also, for the unit, it is necessary to make three shafts, one of which is suspended on springs, and the other two are installed on the sides.
  2. Drill holes in the rings for grooving and threading, and then make a shelf using a channel with pre-drilled holes and pre-cut threads required when installing the pressure roller.
  3. After completing the preparation, the machine structure is assembled using a welding machine and bolted joints.
    First, mount the frame, which simultaneously acts as the legs of the pipe bender.
  4. Next, the shelf is suspended on springs with a pressure shaft fixed on it, after which the side support shafts should be installed on a home-made pipe bender.
    Don't forget to attach a handle to one shaft.
  5. Finally, you need to install a jack on the machine, and it is ready to work.

Making a lever pipe bender

At home, you can make a lever-type pipe bender for rolling a professional pipe, which can easily cope with a variety of bending radii of the product.

  • the structure is mainly constructed of metal, but wood can also be used for this purpose;
  • pressure and central rollers must be made of metal, as they form the basis of the future machine;
  • give the holder a U-shape;
  • when choosing the size of the machine, consider the cross section of the pipes with which you plan to work: the larger it is, the more significant the load on the products should be, which means that the machine itself must be large;
  • the axis for the central roller must be fixed on the base as reliably as possible, but without pinching, which prevents the rotation of this holder;
  • on the other side of the roller on the holder, install a lever of a certain length: the shorter the lever, the more difficult it will be to perform the operation;


With the help of a high-quality profile bending, you can work with metal pipes of different sections. Such equipment can be purchased ready-made or assembled at home, following the instructions described above.
