They were born under a lucky star. Was it so fate, or did they long and stubbornly go to their world fame, but the fact remains: they are rich and famous, and also ... ugly, as hell knows what! Photos of the scariest, ugliest celebrities.

1. Michael Jackson

And who did you expect to see in our list under the first number? Michael Jackson could have become a successful performer and earned worldwide fame by remaining a black singer, but he himself decided to destroy both his face and his reputation. He began to look like an albino, acquiring facial features that were completely unusual for him, for example, the shape of a nose, which is absolutely not characteristic of representatives of the black race. He showed us all what can happen when a person is too critical of his appearance, bestowed upon him by mother nature ... As a result, Michael Jackson turned out to be something between an alien and an albino.

2. Marilyn Manson

Gee... What the hell did this guy do? Unnaturally whitened face different color eyes (one his own, the other covered by a lens of pale blue) and blood-red lips make him look like a ghost ...

Marilyn Manson is simply ugly, you can't say otherwise, and, the strangest thing, he chose this appearance himself. Moreover, he not only disfigures himself, but also awakens disgust in everyone who looks at him.

3. Jocelyn Wildenstein

It's just a nightmare! This is what happens when you are obsessed with plastic surgery. A wealthy socialite from Switzerland, Jocelyn became famous precisely because of her ugliness. For extreme appearance journalists nicknamed her "the bride of Wildenstein" (by analogy with the bride of Frankenstein), and this nickname stuck to her like a burdock.

According to rumors, Wildenstein allegedly already spent on plastic surgery in the US about $4,000,000, with all expenses paid by her husband, world-famous art billionaire Alec Wildenstein.

4. Michael Berryman

No, do not think, this is not makeup for a new role. This Los Angeles-born actor suffers from a hereditary condition called hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. This rare disease that affects the sweat glands, hair, nails and teeth determined his creative role - Michael is removed mainly in horror films and science fiction projects. He has a rich filmography, which includes such tapes as “Oh, this science”, “Alf”, “Invitation to Hell”. He also starred in such legendary films as The Devil's Rejects, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Berryman usually gets the role of mutants, monsters, monstrous villains and other horror-inducing characters. The actor starred in one of the episodes of the series Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files.

5. DJ Qualls

And again before us is a man who, against his will, acquired a really strange appearance. Qualls suffered from the oncological disease Hodgkin's disease or Hodgkin's disease, which he fell ill at the age of 14. He was able to defeat a fatal illness: after two years of numerous surgeries (including the removal of the spleen), chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Qualls entered a remission stage, during which he acquired such a peculiar appearance: the young man is distinguished by excessive thinness. In 1997, he entered the University of Nashville. And then (oh, happy fate!), At one of the performances of the city theater, he was noticed by the famous photographer David LaChapelle and began to invite him to his photo shoots. Qualls began modeling for Prada and Calvin Klein. After he was able to become famous as an actor, starring in the film "Road Adventure".

6. Marty Feldman

And here is another tragic case. Marty Feldman (1934-1982) was an English writer, comedian and BAFTA winner, known worldwide for his bulging eyes, the result of an overactive thyroid gland. He wrote scripts for 25 films and TV series, and acting fame came to him after starring in the TV series Marty. He starred in the films The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, and also took part as a guest in one of the episodes of the legendary Muppet Show - One Thousand and One Nights.

7. Clint Howard

This time we are not talking about any illness - just this artist himself does not have a very pleasant appearance. But it is she who is the reason for his incredible popularity. The 1959-born actor has starred in films such as Backdraft, Apollo 13, Knockdown, and TV series Star Trek and Arrested Development. In 1998, Howard was awarded the MTV Award. He was married twice, and he took this step only in order to prove to everyone that in personal life appearance doesn't matter.

8. Shane McGowan

This Irish musician, a member of The Pogues, became famous throughout the world as a talented author and performer of his own songs. He is recognized as one of the most significant and poetic Irish composers and musicians of the last 30 years. Great find for our top! He actually looks awful, just awful...

9. Lyle Lovett

Surely Lyle Lovett has incriminating materials on half of humanity. Otherwise, how was he allowed to leave hell and get to our sinful earth? And the fact that Julia Roberts married this monster, makes us think that she, too, was a victim of his blackmail ... or fell under some kind of charm we do not understand.

Find at least something attractive in this person, and if you find it, share it with us - let's laugh together.

10. Kelis

Holy God... Yes, Kelis is not one of those girls who all the boys in the yard run after. When you look at her, a doubt creeps in, is she a woman or an alien from outer space? It sounds a little strange, but if you look at her photo, you can see that her mouth is constantly open, as if she is preparing to swallow you.

Brr, it's unpleasant, of course ... And every time, looking at her next picture, you involuntarily start looking for the Adam's apple.

11. Iggy Pop

A rock singer, composer and actor, he is also called the godfather (sometimes the “grandfather”) of punk rock. Iggy Pop was the vocalist for The Stooges, a leading grunge and rock band in the late 60s and early 70s that influenced the emerging heavy metal and punk rock genres. Live concerts of The Stooges were notorious, because during his performances Iggy jumped off the stage into the crowd, mutilated himself with a broken bottle, smeared peanut butter on his naked torso and insulted the audience. So, not being naturally handsome, he managed to disfigure himself even more at his own whim.

12. Steven Tyler

This guy looks like a real zombie. He is a famous and very talented singer, a tough guy, the father of one of the coolest girls in Hollywood, he had so many women and money that anyone would envy ... and he is also scary as a nightmare ...

13. Courtney Love

Drugs have never made anyone attractive. And this woman became an example of what an ugly and sexless creature a rather nice girl can turn into as a result of drug use.

14. Donatella Versace

Oh, how quickly the years fly by... Yes, she is talented, famous and rich, but, my God, how ugly she is!

15. Amy Winehouse

Another drug victim is an English singer-songwriter, soul, jazz and R&B performer. On her body there were many tattoos depicting naked women. When asked about this, she admitted that in this regard she likes girls more.

"Basically, I'm more of a man than a woman, even though I'm not a lesbian." Amy always said that when she leaves the stage, she will open a beauty salon and live out her life making people beautiful and happy ... Unfortunately, she did not succeed in doing this, she passed away at the age of 27 years.

16. Ronaldinho

One of the best football players of our time, Ronaldinho, can easily be called the funniest, most honest, most likeable, but at the same time ... and the ugliest world-class athlete. This famous Brazilian is not really trying to embellish his image, for him this is done by his fees of truly cosmic proportions.

17. Kelly Osbourne

Who doesn't know Kelly, the daughter of the legendary Ozzy Osbourne? Americans are very touched by her British accent, besides, everyone recognizes that she has a pronounced personality, but, frankly, Kelly Osbourne's appearance leaves much to be desired. And the point is not at all that the girl is a bit fat, no, lately she has managed to lose a lot of weight, then gain a little again, then lose it again ... Come on, let's be honest, weight fluctuations have nothing to do with it! It cannot radically change a person if he is not naturally very attractive, which is why Kelly made our list!

18. Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling owes her career entirely to her father, media mogul Aaron Spelling, otherwise, with her appearance, the girl would never have been able to break into the screen. For some reason, you always want to hope that yes, daddy pushed through, but then she will prove with her talent that it was not in vain that she was given such strong patronage. But... all hopes are in vain, and (thanks to dad Aaron!) every time you see Tori on TV, for some reason you want to change the channel.

Terrible, but it does not give the opportunity to see, what if she actually became a real star? Alas, it doesn't get better with age...

19. Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell is a real hooligan, and it's not a bad thing that we got her on our list. It is ugly, but simple and understandable to everyone.

20. Rachel Dratch

Don't get us wrong, we love Rachel. Her sketches are very witty and she is a truly great actress. But, unfortunately, her ugly appearance gives her every right to take the last place on our list.

The article is based on the translation of the publication in foreign publications
The opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

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Most of the world's celebrities follow their image, figure, make-up, smile in order to look 100%. But there are some stars who don't care what others think of them. They are far from modern standards of beauty, due to their appearance, or strange image.

Today's list includes the ugliest female celebrities, according to most men!

It seems that only the lazy one has not yet joked about the appearance of the American actress Sarah Jessica Parker and her incredible (according to men) resemblance to a horse. While girls around the world go out of their way to look like the glamorous New Yorker Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, men find her ugly because of her long face and large lower jaw. Needless to say, men and women have very different views on beauty!

2: Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter, being in a relationship with American film director Tim Burton, played key female roles in his both eerie and fabulous films. The love of fans came to Helena thanks to the role of the death eater Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter film series. There is no doubt about the talent of the actress, but as for Helena's appearance, then men shake their heads. Carter's quirky roles and their matching make-up, costumes and hairstyles left a definite mark on the perception of her by men as a woman. In many films, she looks just scary. In life, Helena continues to look quite "extravagant", which repels men who are attracted to standard beauty.

3: Sandra Oh

Canadian actress Sandra Oh became known to the world thanks to the popular television series Grey's Anatomy, the role in which brought her the Golden Globe Award and the US Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series. Sandra boasts a chiseled and fragile figure, which does not quite correspond to the long face with rather rounded cheeks. Men find this disharmony unattractive, as well as the minimum amount of makeup that the actress usually puts on, unwittingly imitating Uma Thurman in this. A slightly brighter make-up, of course, would have raised Sandra's ratings in the eyes of the representatives of the stronger half.

4: Gwyneth Paltrow

The star of the film "Shakespeare in Love" looks like an average celebrity: there is nothing remarkable in Gwyneth's appearance. However, many men find her ugly due to, to put it mildly, Paltrow's strange views on healthy lifestyle life.

5: Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling, the star of the popular 90s TV series Beverly Hills, 90210, is also not wildly popular with men, and all thanks to her peculiar appearance: a large strong-willed chin and wide-set eyes give the actress a somewhat masculine look. Representatives of the stronger half are not shy about making sarcastic jokes about this, but this, fortunately, does not interfere with Tori's success in the professional field: she continues to act in films and write books in her free time from filming.

6: René Zellweger

Renee made herself a brilliant career as an actress, skillfully playing on her peculiar appearance. Take at least "The Diary of Bridget Jones" and clumsy, but so charming Bridget. Since then, the actress has radically changed her image, apparently resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. Renee became much slimmer, grew long curls and got rid of rounded cheeks, which, it would be fair to say, were the hallmark of the actress. While journalists praise Rene for an amazing transformation, men note that plastic surgery made Zellweger's face too unnatural and unfavorably emphasized the age of the actress.

7: Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton is one of those who adequately showed her talent in the films The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Chronicles of Narnia. Swinton has a non-standard appearance. Men note blond hair that is too merging in tone with the skin, giving Tilda an unhealthy look, daring short haircuts with shaved areas, the almost complete absence of eyebrows, strict dresses. All this contradicts the traditional male understanding of female beauty.

8: Courtney Love

The life of Courtney Love is full of events worthy of an action movie. The singer was married to Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of the Nirvana group, and she herself was part of many musical groups. The singer openly declared her addiction to illegal substances, was arrested countless times. A stormy and not too healthy lifestyle has negatively affected Courtney's appearance, giving her a neglected look, which repels the male audience spoiled by Hollywood beauties. But, I think, the opinion of those around the rock star is of little concern.

9: Kristen Stewart

Actress Kristen Stewart rose to fame after playing Bella in the Twilight saga, an awkward, shy girl who falls in love with a vampire. At the beginning of her stellar career, Kristen was pretty and very sweet, did not like the close attention of fans and journalists and was very shy about giving interviews. Since then, Kristen has changed a lot: she got an ultra-short haircut and dyed her hair blonde, which did not appeal to the male audience. Despite the fact that Kristen boasts an excellent slim figure, men find her unattractive in the traditional sense of the word, tough, cold and too serious.

10: Miley Cyrus

By the age of 24, Miley has reached considerable heights, becoming a fairly famous singer, actress and star of television shows. Her stellar career began with success on the Disney Channel, and such a start played a cruel joke on Miley: many people, including men, still perceive Cyrus as Hannah Montana, which makes it impossible to perceive her as an adult woman. Fighting this stereotype, Miley radically changed her image: she cut off her hair, dyed it in a cold ashy shade and reduced the number of clothes to a minimum. But men still considered such an image, coupled with her attitude, too aggressive. A couple of years ago, Miley began to dress more feminine and tastefully, she grew her hair again. long hair. However, in the minds of members of the opposite sex, she is still a teenager from the Disney Channel, which prevents them from seeing what she looks like today.

11: Donatella Versace

Donatella took over the Versace brand after her brother's murder. According to many men, her appearance does not quite match the image of the Italian fashion house. The fashion designer's addictions, such as smoking and drugs, have apparently hastened the appearance of the signs of aging that Donatella is trying to cover up with plastic surgery. The result is on the face: a too wide mouth, narrow slit eyes and a strangely shaped nose do not add to Versace's attractiveness. No matter how impeccable taste in clothes and a kind heart Donatella possesses, men cannot get used to her artificial face.

12: Avril Lavigne

Canadian singer Avril Lavigne won the hearts of fans in the image of a rebel (oh, how long ago that was!). For her music videos, the singer chose men's clothes and invariably wore dark eye makeup, which made her look like an avid skater. After many years, Avril has not adjusted her image to the standards of Hollywood, although her taste began to gravitate towards a more feminine style. Men's clothes were replaced by skinny jeans and skirts, smokey ice makeup was replaced by more moderate tones, although the singer's skin remained pale and her hair with nuclear-colored strands. It seems that the image of a rock star so attached to the singer repels most men who prefer gentle femininity to boyish recklessness.

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For many celebrities, the “little black dress” is clearly not enough. Bright and original clothes are, of course, always a trend. But, as they say, not all that glitters is gold. Together with the image maker of the stars, Olga Pale, we studied the most extravagant ensembles in which the stars had to show off. In fact, it turned out that actresses and singers surprised people with a flight of fancy more than once.

Sati Casanova, singer, 30 years old

Stylist: Eclecticism at its peak! This outfit is even a la Christmas tree cannot be named. Translucent bodice with strange embroidery - no comment. If the singer thinks that THIS gives her sexuality, then she is greatly mistaken - everything is exactly the opposite. Leggings, peeping through the skirt, are also, as they say, beyond good and evil. In such an outfit, even on Halloween it’s scary to go - they won’t understand

Tatiana and Nadezhda Mikhalkov

Tatyana MIKHALKOVA, businesswoman, 65 years old

Stylist: The combination of black and red is a classic, but the dress obviously let us down with the style and texture of the fabric. Yes, and it is not enough for Tatyana Evgenievna, as it seems. Nadia has too much with red - it ripples in her eyes. And again, something is wrong with the size: either the trousers are short, or the jacket was bought for growth, but by the age of 26, Nadia had not grown up to him. In a word, the eye on these relatives does not rejoice. What a pity... From such a respected family...

Nadezhda MIKHALKOVA, actress, 26 years old

Angelica VARUM, singer, 43 years old

Stylist: The hairstyle is clearly chosen incorrectly.Something minimalistic and smooth would look better here. Bust with wavy elements - with a small stature and such a magnificent chest, they give rise to the effect of heaviness and sphericity. Experiments, of course, are always welcome, but you need to know the measure in everything. The pin on the side is just a disgrace to the designers. She makes the outfit cheap.

Anastasia PRIKHODKO, singer, 25 years old

Stylist: Trying to be on trend with translucent fabric didn't work at all. The outfit greatly ages the young girl, extremely unprofitable emphasizes the flaws of the figure. And in general, skulls are yesterday. Especially in such a boring performance.

Olga DROZDOVA, actress, 47 years old

Stylist: The view is absolutely crazy! It is not clear what the woman is wearing, but there is a clear feeling that they are just pieces of fabric. Braided sandals are generally from a different opera. Hairstyle and gothic makeup, of course, are combined with a shapeless outfit, but, sorry, Olga, you didn’t come to the masquerade ball.

Olga SUTULOVA, actress, 32 years old

Stylist: It seems that the actress was taken by surprise by the paparazzi who entered the screening. But something tells me that this is a regular film event and Olga considers her outfit irresistible. Rubber boots are not the most suitable shoes for a social event, even if they are designer ones, and the dressing gown absolutely does not add charm to Sutulova. Lycra tights do not fit well with men's chronograph watches. Conclusion: the young lady does not care at all what others will say about her. This is undoubtedly a sign of self-confidence. For this Olya can be respected.

Renata LITVINOVA, actress and director, 45 years old

Stylist: In vain, the dress was made fitted - the effect, say, of Sophia Loren or Audrey Hepburn did not work, but it created unwanted folds. Hair is a problem! With shoes and accessories too. But for the rats - respect. Quite a successful creative, which, I'm sure, will have its followers

Natalia IONOVA (Gluk'oZa), singer, 26 years old

Stylist: The outfit in the style of "naked graduate" is the main feature of the year, but here everything is so clumsy that comments are superfluous. Too much openwork, bust with accessories. But, well done, lipstick to match the skirt. Original, but generally looks extremely tasteless. If you wanted a banter, then a hairstyle, like Drozdova's, would have corrected the situation a little here.

Tatyana KOTOVA, singer, 27 years old

Stylist: Trousers, like those of Nadia Mikhalkova, look amazing here. Combined with a romantic blouse, a playful jacket and a stylish hairdo, you create a multifaceted look. Personally, Tanya reminded me of Mylene Farmer in her golden era of scandalous clips - mini-movies. But! The green shoe destroys the harmonious image. Now, if she was black, then one could claim the title of the most stylish, and so - the last place in the trash parade.

Anastasia VOLOCHKOVA, ballerina and socialite, 36 years old

Stylist: An elegant dress is clearly narrow for Nastya - just look all the pomp will break out. Although, yes, it’s beautiful, rich, but why are these rustic suede shoes here, and even gray color. Classic golden-hued Louboutins would obviously look more advantageous. Well, it was worth going to the hairdresser for styling: as a maximum - curls, at least - a bunch. Nastya clearly does not share the opinion of the great Sophia Loren that "hairstyle affects how the day goes, and ultimately life." But in vain! In general, the dress is wonderful, but without everything else, including Volochkova.

We present to your attention a selection of famous Hollywood stars with a non-standard appearance. The flaws that nature has bestowed on these people only played into their hands. Now-famous actors were able to use the shortcomings of their appearance as a highlight, thereby making their way into the world of cinema.

Matthew McGrory

Matthew McGrory was six feet tall when he graduated kindergarten, and in adulthood grew to 2.29 m. A low chest voice and innate artistry did not allow him to continue his career as a medical examiner. At first he was invited to appear on popular TV shows and in the videos of Marilyn Manson and Iron Maiden, and then in horror films like Rob Zombie's House of a Thousand Corpses. In the final scene of Tim Burton's "Big Fish" McGrory touchingly waves his hand to the main character, as if saying a touching goodbye to the viewer - and although we know that he later played in several more horror films, it seems that this charming giant is saying goodbye to us. Matthew McGrory died of natural causes at the age of 32.

Johnny Eck

Johnny Eck was born in 1911 with a body that ended where the hips should be. Being surprisingly cheerful and pragmatic in American style, he made the most of this circumstance. At the age of 14, he was already running his own circus show, in which he juggled, dived and danced with his own hands better than many owners of a full set of limbs. Soon film producers also noticed him; the peak of his career was the 1932 cult gothic horror film Freaks. Johnny Eck died in wealth and honor in 1991, and Leonardo Di Caprio has been promising to perpetuate his image for 10 years.

Kurt Schneider

Kurt Schneider, aka Harry Earles, was born in Germany in 1902. It soon became clear that he would forever remain with a dwarfish growth and a childish, doll-like face, and the same fate befell his two sisters and one brother. Together they presented a phantasmagoric spectacle. After moving to the USA, the Schneider family turned into an artistic troupe "Dolly". Harry was the first to act in films, his debut role was the dwarf Tweedledee in the silent film The Unholy Trinity. All four played representatives of the Munchkin people in the legendary "Wizard of Oz" with Judy Garland, circus midgets in "Freaks" and entered the history of cinema as the main "cinematic dwarfs".

Richard Keel

You remember Richard Keel as James Bond's steel-toothed enemy Jaws in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker. Height of 217 cm and a frightening face forever provided him with the role of a pathological villain, even in 1999's "Inspector Gadget" he played a parody of himself. This provided Keel financially, but his creative ambitions stretched much further. So, Keel became a screenwriter and producer of the film drama The Giant from Thunder Mountain, which failed at the box office, but was beloved by critics, and co-authored a biography of Muhammad Ali. Keel recently recovered from alcoholism and now lives and is well in sunny California.

Michael Berryman

Michael Berryman was born with a diagnosis of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in which a person loses hair, nails and teeth and generally has the appearance of a mutant from a science fiction movie. Actually, Berryman specializes in the roles of mutants. The 1977 cult horror film And the Hills Have Eyes made him the main movie monster in Hollywood, Star Trek and Tales from the Crypt engaged him for several seasons at once. But Berryman excels in both serious dramas (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and slick comedies (Oh, the Science), and hard rock fans will remember him as the nasty headmaster in Motley Crue's "Smokin' in" video. the Boys' Room".

Robert Z'Dar

An actor with a huge lower jaw. Known for the films Tango and Cash, Maniac Cop. Robert Z'Dar (born June 3, 1950) is an American actor and producer, perhaps best known for playing Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its two sequels. Due to the unique structure of his face, he is often referred to as "Jaw".

Vincent Andrew Schiavelli

Vincent Andrew Schiavelli is an American actor of Sicilian origin, best known for his cameo roles in films and television series. The unusual texture of Schiavelli (high height 1.98 m, elongated head with specific facial features, long arms with long thin fingers, etc.) was due to Marfan's syndrome. Therefore, the artist was mainly offered the roles of mentally ill people, with deformities, or roles in which the details of such appearance were comically played up.

Peter Hayden Dinklage

Peter Hayden Dinklage (born June 11, 1969) is an American stage and film actor. He began his career in 1995, became widely known after his role in the 2003 film The Station Agent. Dinklage was born with a hereditary disease - achondroplasia, leading to dwarfism. He is 135 cm tall. Both of his parents are of average height, as is his brother Jonathan.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi looks like life hasn't been kind to him. But it's his unusual looks and well-spoken tongue that set him apart from other characters in movies like Reservoir Dogs and Armageddon.

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken has a unique gift for making viewers feel out of place, and his face plays a key role in this. His eyes always seem to be wide open, as if he's always trying to make you feel uncomfortable under his gaze. Almost all of Walken's characters are distinguished by this tense facial expression.

Ron Perlman

The creators of the television series Beauty and the Beast have allowed the sewer-dwelling monster, played by Ron Perlman, to maintain his unusual appearance and at the same time remain romantic. Pearlman is another good one Hollywood actor stuck in gangster roles, but top directors made him the charming and charismatic missing link that Hollywood needed. For example, no one could play Hellboy the way Pearlman did, let alone make the audience love him.

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton's icy androgynous features were once popular with art-house cinema audiences, but now mainstream Hollywood has embraced her idiosyncratic beauty. Swinton has translucent skin and a regal nose that makes her look like a marble statue, but on screen she can be an attractive woman ("I Am Love"), a creature from another world ("Constantine"), or both (in the movie "Orlando" Swinton plays both a man and a woman).

All of them life path shrouded in mysteries, many of which have not been solved to this day. But no less mysterious is their death... wuzzup presents to your attention 15 stars who died under mysterious circumstances.

15. Michael Jackson

The death of Michael Jackson was discussed very widely, and the amazing details of what happened did not escape the attention of the public. Jackson was found dead on June 25, 2009 by his attending physician, Conrad Murray, who stated that the singer was not breathing and not responding to attempts at resuscitation. An ambulance was called, Jackson was taken to the nearest hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead. There are many strange circumstances in the case: a lethal dose of propofol and a sedative benzodiazepine were found in the singer's blood. This caused widespread outrage, as Jackson's medication was provided by Murray, the same doctor in charge. It is still unclear why the singer took these drugs in such high doses; conspiracy theories speak of both murder and third-party suicide. Be that as it may, although this death was most likely accidental, Murray spent two years in prison for manslaughter.

14. Jim Morrison

Doors frontman Jim Morrison was found dead in a bathtub in his Paris apartment on the morning of July 3, 1971; he was 27 years old. The mysterious rumors surrounding Morrison's death are fueled by the fact that, oddly enough, no one has performed an autopsy. Morrison's girlfriend Pamela Courson claimed that Morrison died from a fatal heroin overdose; she believed it was a fatal accident and that Jim had confused heroin with cocaine. However, although the official cause of death was a heart attack, we do not know the exact cause, because. there was no autopsy and the body was in the apartment with Courson until he was buried three days later in the Père Lachaise cemetery. There's also something oddly unsettling about Courson lying to the US embassy claiming that Morrison had no close relatives in order to hasten the burial. They say there was not even a priest at the funeral. Well, the last fact is like a cherry on the cake: no one knows the name of the doctor who witnessed Morrison's death, because Courson claims he cannot remember his name.

13. Bruce Lee

For the first time, Brice Lee felt seriously ill on May 10, 1973, on the set of Enter the Dragon. He was rushed to the hospital as he suffered from severe headaches and seizures. Doctors diagnosed him with cerebral edema, treatment was successful and Bruce was able to return to work. Unfortunately, a little over a month later, on July 20, Li had another headache. He complained about this to his co-star, Betty Ting Pei, who gave him a headache pill called Equajestic; the tablet contained aspirin and the tranquilizer meprobamate. Later, Lee lay down to rest, but no matter how much they woke him up, he did not wake up. When Bruce Lee died, all the media discussed this tragic event, there was no end to rumors and speculation. According to one theory, it was the revenge of a secret criminal organization called the Triad. Allegedly they cursed Bruce Lee. Officially, it was a "death by negligence": the drug, which is part of the pill, was not compatible with Lee's disease, and caused a fatal reaction.

12. Brittany Murphy

The investigation into the tragic death of Brittany Murphy has certainly left more questions than answers. Murphy passed out in a bathroom at her home in Los Angeles on the morning of December 20, 2009. She was immediately taken to the nearest hospital, but the doctors could only state death after suffering a heart attack. Murphy was only 32 years old. At first, her death was explained only by an unfortunate combination of circumstances - pneumonia and medication against the background of anemia, which in this combination led to a fatal outcome. However, conspiracy theories later surfaced, mostly based on the fact that her husband, Simon Monjack, died just five months after Brittany, and with very similar symptoms. In 2013, Brittany Murphy's father initiated independent testing on Murphy's hair, blood samples, and tissue, and the study found a high level of 10 heavy metals. Perhaps the case is unclean and it was poisoning.

11. Jimi Hendrix

Rock icon Jimi Hendrix passed away on September 18, 1970; he was only 27 years old. He is said to have died in his sleep in the apartment of his girlfriend Monica Dannemann, choking on his vomit after taking 18 times the recommended dose of barbiturates and washing it down with red wine. And although there is evidence that in his last days Hendrix did not look well and did not feel well, many still believe that something in this whole story does not add up. For example, there is a discrepancy: Danneman claimed that when she found Jimi out of breath, she called an ambulance and accompanied her boyfriend to the hospital, but he died on the way there. However, the ambulance workers told a different version of what happened: when they arrived at the apartment, there was no one there except for a dead body on the bed. They say that Danneman, giving official testimony, was constantly confused and changed her version.

10 Bob Marley

Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 from malignant melanoma. The strange circumstances of Marley's death are sometimes linked to how the reggae legend's illness was discovered. And it happened like this: Marley injured his big toe while playing football and a doctor was called to him, who, according to rumors, gave the artist an injection of an unknown drug. Many people, even today, still hold the view that this may have been an attempt on the life of the singer and caused his illness. Doctors recommended amputation of the finger, but Marley refused the operation due to his religious beliefs; melanoma progressed, gave metastases to the lungs and brain, which led to the death of Bob Marley at 36 years old.

9. Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was found dead on January 22, 2008; he was only 28 years old. A mystery shrouded in darkness: was it a suicide or not? The actor was lying on the floor of his Manhattan apartment, surrounded by a pile of pills, some prescribed and some not. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Heath Ledger became so immersed in the role of the Joker (in The Dark Knight) that he was no longer able to separate himself from his character, which drove him crazy. However, this is only speculation, because. there was no farewell note, and he had bought medicines for everything in large quantities before. And yet, his death remains mysterious and frightening, and no one knows what he had in mind in last days before a tragic death.

8. Natalie Wood

Actress Natalie Wood died on November 29, 1981, the death was ruled accidental as a result of hypothermia and drowning. Wood is believed to have fallen into the water while traveling on a yacht with her husband Robert Wagner, Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken and the ship's captain. Moreover, all three men claim that they did not see how Natalie Wood fell overboard. It was determined that Wood's blood alcohol content at the time of death was 0.14 percent; painkillers were also found in the blood. And although these reasons are quite enough to explain the fall overboard, there are still details that do not fit into a coherent picture. For example, the death of the actress occurred around 12 noon, and emergency signals were not filed for another hour and a half. In addition, they say that Wood untied the boat - where did she intend to go on it? Or rather, why? Well, and another suspicious touch: the body of the actress was found a mile from the yacht and she was wearing only a nightgown.

7. Marilyn Monroe

The death of Marilyn Monroe on August 5, 1962 is one of the most talked about, if not the most talked about, deaths of stars. Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose; she was only 36 years old. While the Hollywood icon has suffered abuse in recent years drugs along with mental health issues, many still believe there is something odd about her death. Monroe was found dead in the bedroom of her house at 3 am, she was discovered by a housekeeper and a psychiatrist, the death was ruled a suicide, because. she took a huge amount of barbiturates. However, in the following years, numerous theories appeared - and that it was not a suicide, but an accidental overdose, and that the Kennedy brothers were to blame for everything, and that it was due to mafia boss Sam Giancana .

6. John Lennon

John Lennon was assassinated on December 8, 1980 by born-again Christian Mark David Chapman at the entrance to apartment house"Dakota" in New York, where Lennon lived. Lennon's murder remains a mystery to many now, as people cannot understand what exactly made Chapman point the gun at the legendary musician and shoot five times. Many believe that the facts don't explain everything and that Lennon's death must be part of something bigger; there is even a theory about a CIA conspiracy to "remove" Lennon; according to this theory, Chapman was recruited by the Secret Service. A strange circumstance is the fact that when Chapman was arrested, he had the book "The Catcher in the Rye" with him, and he declared that he acted in the image and likeness of the protagonist of this novel.

5. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1964 by James Earl Ray at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. The civil rights activist has received many threats throughout his career, but he took the risk and did not believe that because of this he should stop fighting for equal rights. King was shot dead by a sniper while standing on the balcony of his room. Over the past 50 years, King's death has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories; Was Ray just a racist or was there someone behind him? There are theories that the government is involved, as well as a theory that revolves around scraps of paper with the words "Raul" found in Ray's car.

4. Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion on August 16, 1977 at the age of 42. It was stated that the king of rock and roll died of a heart attack, but it later turned out that a series of medicines and among them - codeine, the level of which exceeded the recommended 10 times. This information plunged the world media into shock, and they vied with each other that Presley had been killed. At the time of Elvis' death, his health was in a terrible state: he weighed almost 160 kg and was practically bedridden. And still, there are still people who wonder what it was: suicide, murder, or a tragic accident.

3. Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain's body was discovered by electrician Gary Smith on April 8, 1994; Smith arrived to install the security system, climbed the stairs to the greenhouse above the garage and saw through the glass door a mannequin lying on the floor (as he first thought). It is believed that Cobain barricaded himself in the greenhouse on April 5, wrote a suicide note to an imaginary friend named Boddah, injected himself with a combination of Valium and heroin, then lay down on the floor, put the muzzle of a gun in his mouth, resting his feet on the other end of the gun, and pressed trigger. The main reason for the existence of many conspiracy theories about this death is the mass of inconsistencies and contradictions revealed during the consideration of the case: for example, the examination of the gun was carried out by the Seattle police only a month later, and the prints on the weapon were smeared, which allowed the experts to claim that someone wiped. Also, many claim that the note written by Cobain is not actually a suicide letter, but rather a statement that he is leaving the music business. Private detective Tom Grant, who was hired by Courtney Love to track down her husband days before his death, is a leading proponent of the theory that Cobain's death was not a suicide but a murder. Grant has several strong arguments in favor of his theory and he continues to defend it stubbornly.

2. Black Dahlia

The brutal death of aspiring actress Elizabeth Short is one of the most famous and notorious murders in history. While Short wasn't quite as famous as the other people on this list, her death is perhaps the most mysterious of all. On January 15, 1947, the mutilated body of Elizabeth Short was found on a vacant lot along South Norton Avenue in Leimert Park, near the city limits of Los Angeles. The body was cut into two parts at the waist and dismembered. The killer was never found. There is a theory that this murder is connected to the Cleveland Butcher - an unidentified serial killer, but it does not go beyond the theory.

1. Princess Diana

There are endless conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana's death in a car accident on August 31, 1997. Mohammed Al-Fayed, the father of a friend of Diana Dodi, who also died in that accident, believes that his son and Diana were killed; Fayed conducted a police investigation in 2004, which resulted in as many as 175 different versions. One of them is based, of course, on the fact that Diana was pregnant by Dodi and, according to rumors, they were engaged, so their death could not be an accident: the future king of England hardly needs a half-brother with such an unsuitable pedigree. Another version claims that the paparazzi chasing the car should be blamed for Diana's death. There is also information that two unidentified black cars were driving behind Diana's car, which then fell through the ground.
