The trip of the daughter of Dmitry Peskov to the shipyard to resolve a business dispute caused a scandal. Elizaveta Peskova stated that “it is necessary to develop strategies for PR of legal proceedings”, not fully understanding the meaning of the last legal term. Peskova arrived in Sevastopol in a dress by the Firdaws fashion house, created by the wife of Ramzan Kadyrov, Medni, in 2009. Now the director of Firdaws is Kadyrov's daughter Aishat.

Peskova's visit was paid for by the Association of Business Patriotism with the Italian name "Avanti" ("Forward"). In the footage from Peskova’s interview at the South Sevastopol shipyard, next to her is the new boss, the president of the Avanti Business Patriotism Association, Rakhman Yansukov. Peskova has been his youth adviser and curator of a project competition for young entrepreneurs since July.

Previously, Yansukov was known as a public figure - for example, it was he who sent a proposal to the State Duma a year ago - to ban the children of officials from studying abroad. Peskova criticized such ideas on her Instagram more than once:

“It seems to me that those who believe that patriots should study only in their own country are either not very familiar with history, or the personality of Peter the Great is not authoritative for them. It was this king who realized the importance of education abroad for the development of the state.”

Now Yansukov and Peskova are development colleagues, and he is ready to put up with the French education of a new adviser.

35-year-old Yansukov is a former assistant to Chechen businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, and now he is the president of the Avanti Business Patriotism Association. Before Peskova appeared there, few people knew about the association.

She was registered two years ago. Umar Dzhabrailov is one of its founders and, as they say in Avanti itself, the leader.

Dzhabrailov is considered close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Dzhabrailov, along with other Chechen businessmen, transferred money to the Kadyrov Fund. The heyday of Dzhabrailov's career came at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s - having met Yuri Luzhkov and his deputy Vladimir Resin, Dzhabrailov took up real estate.

In the middle of the 2000s, Dzhabrailov was a senator from Chechnya, and then went into the shadows for several years: he wrote books, collected art. This could be due to the fact that in December 2002, the senator's brother died during an assassination attempt on Vice Mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze - Salavat Dzhabrailov was a killer. Umar Dzhabrailov's cousin was detained in Poland in 2008 in connection with this criminal case.

IN last years Dzhabrailov seems to have decided to return to big development. In rare interviews cited by Dozhd, Elizaveta Peskova's employer says of her new construction business: “I want to be a big player. If until now I have not advertised my construction companies, now we are thinking about an advertising campaign.”

Dzhabrailov has two main construction assets. This is the MS Region company, which broke away from a large Yugoslav holding. She works, for example, as a contractor for the construction of the Zilart quarter. And the second - "Avanti StroyGroup".

Avanti is a whole family of companies engaged in construction, engineering and the supply of building materials, most of which are owned by Yansukov.

The Association even provides support to a brotherly construction company.

Whether Peskova herself knows about the construction business associated with the Avanti Association, and it was not possible to find out about its ideological inspirer. Her assistant said: “Elizaveta does not answer any questions related to Avanti.”

The 19-year-old daughter of not the highest Russian official inspects a shipbuilding plant in Crimea (she calls it “shipyard”) and, confusing the terms “shipbuilding” (she says “shipbuilding”) and “judicial proceedings”, tells the workers of the plant that their task is to “strategize, roughly speaking, for PR”, that factory work “is not considered something to be ashamed of”, that it is necessary to “tell young people that such a thing [shipyards] exists” and that they are finishing writing “an article on the topic recruitment”, in which it will be sure to note that “the practice should be from the first year”.

The plant authorities, with imperturbable faces, stand to the left and right of Lisa and listen without interrupting. Elizaveta is wearing a dress designed by Aishat Kadyrova, the daughter of the most famous regional leader, and this detail completes the whole absurd picture of what is happening at the plant.

The dynastic reproduction of the Russian elite has long ceased to be something unusual - for Putin's Russia this is a routine, a common thing, and few people can read the list of these ships to the middle; the names of the sons of Patrushev, Fradkov, Matvienko, Rogozin, Chaika and many others, led by the first lady of this kindergarten, bearing the exquisite newspaper nickname "Putin's alleged daughter." The standard of state offspring has long been established, and if suddenly somewhere in the business chronicle a new name appears with a surname familiar to everyone, there is no doubt that we have another top manager of a state or near-state company, a man of few words and very influential, who is unlikely to will give someone an interview, but soon he will win some fabulous tender, and at best we will learn details about this person from the next post of Alexei Navalny. This has already happened many times, it will happen again and again - it is actually a common thing.

Elizaveta Peskova, like no other, breaks this standard, breaks it. The country learned about the girl not from Navalny and not from the investigations of Vedomosti, she herself declared herself and told everything - some bloggers noticed her Instagram 2 years ago, and she was such an ordinary girl from a very successful Russian family who studied at France, lived a moderately major life in a foreign land and was ready to share her opinions about it with the whole world; her judgments were very teenage, but definitely not cannibalistic - she did not want to graze peoples and manage state corporations, and the status of a star of social networks, to which, perhaps, she could be attracted, opened up the prospects for a new Paris Hilton or Ksenia Sobchak, that is, glamor , some scandal and some socially acclaimed fashion. It was possible to find fault with her, but the nit-picking looked far-fetched - her Kremlin dad was never famous for his spiritual and patriotic reputation, he himself was not against glamour - he married a figure skater and showed expensive watches, and in this sense, Lisa could not even be reproached for being like something has moved away from her father's principles - but who knew that the day would come when she, in a dress from Kadyrov's daughter, would go to a showdown with a shipyard!

They usually talk about the children of officials and think that their parents are dragging them somewhere, but how to apply this formula to Elizabeth Peskova, where is her father dragging her - to this hell? The shipyard is not the first step in her transformation from a Parisian to a Russian newsmaker. First there was the State Duma, which, after the March rallies, suddenly became interested in all sorts of youth topics, invited Sasha Spielberg, and simpler bloggers, in particular Lisa, to a specialized council. How could it be? What, Dmitry Peskov contacted Vyacheslav Volodin and said that my daughter is a blogger, would it be nice to attach her somewhere? Most likely not. It is more likely that the Duma PR people, sorting through new faces from social networks, remembered Elizabeth and thought - why not. All her interviews, all her activities in social networks, her tantrums (who does not remember her sensational “I am the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country”) indicate that such a girl does not need to be attached anywhere, she herself will come and do something.

Then Lisa went to Grozny, and the same thing - it's hard to imagine that Peskov called Kadyrov and asked him to dress his daughter in a headscarf and dance a lezginka for her; it is much easier to assume that Peskov, looking at the Grozny videos and photos, took hold of his head and groaned - well, why is it for her, and even more so why is it for him. A trip to the "ship factory", upon detailed analysis, also turns out to be not at all such a flat plot as one might imagine - this is not an inspection of a high-ranking daughter, but a spectacular turn in the urban conflict over land. The Sevastopol authorities want to take away the land from the plant, and in this situation, even amusing federal support for the plant will come in very handy. And this also does not look at all like the situation when a father drags his daughter somewhere - well, really, where does he drag her, into a regional business conflict to play the role of a lobbyist? What is it for him?

No, it is not the official father who drags Elizaveta Peskov into her new strange social image, but the logic of the structure of Russian society, which is much stronger than both Peskov and his daughter, and, in principle, stronger than anyone else. It does not happen that the feudal dynastic logic concerns only those who themselves are ready to recognize it and submit to it. The laws of gravity operate the same for everyone.

You can dream of living a Parisian carefree life in Paris, like in the movie "Amelie", and mocking the stupidities that reign in your homeland, but you are a daughter, and if your parents did not provide you with a place in the hierarchy of the state, they did not want, you did not want, no matter why, the hierarchy itself will come to you and draw you in.

You can be as old as you want, you can be as educated as you like and as smart or stupid as you like - this also does not matter, since you are a daughter. You are a daughter - for Volodin, for Kadyrov, for the Avanti business association, as well as for the shipbuilder Oleg Gasanov from Sevastopol; and, whether you like it or not, they will treat you in exactly the same way as they treat the sons of Chaika or Patrushev. You can’t just get out of this system of relations, you will always be perceived by default as a representative of the federal power elite, whether you like it or not, and the rest is details - you can win tenders or hold a post, or you can do nothing, you will still be daughter, even if you decide to resist it.

You can't be ordinary a normal person, someday you will still be one of them, and your friends assigned to you by fate are not fellow students from Paris, but Patrushev Jr., Chaika Jr. and Fradkov Jr. You have nowhere to run, resistance in this case will not lead to anything.

The white-skinned daughter of the presidential press secretary in a perfect dress and perfect make-up stood up for ordinary workers on the outskirts of Sevastopol. There are real problems behind this plot for a movie about beauty and the beasts: land is taken away from a shipyard. "Notes" tried to figure out whether Liza Peskova would help him survive in court with officials. And at the same time understand why a 19-year-old girl is dealing with such issues in our country.

From the heights of fashionable Instagram to the pier in Kamyshi, where port cranes and workshops of the Yuzhny Sevastopol shipyard are waiting for their fate. From shocking the network public with sarcastic fasting about his "wrapping in gold" - to a restrained and supportive listening to the complaints of workers who are about to lose their source of income. From cosmopolitan criticism of Russian realities and parties with the hereditary aristocrats of Europe - to meetings of the AVANTI business patriots community, founded by Umar Dzhabrailov, ex-senator from Chechnya, president of the Plaza group, who was rumored to have affairs with Ksenia Sobchak and Naomi Campbell.

19-year-old Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova arrived in the city of Russian glory as an adviser to AVANTI President Rakhman Yansukov. He is known in Moscow as a GR specialist and assistant to Mr. Dzhabrailov. They were accompanied by Alexander Mundt, another professional lobbyist, owner of the Mundt & Gault Partners Consulting Bureau. All three arrived at the invitation of the owners of the South Sevastopol Shipyard Amin Abdullaev and Rakhmutdin Dadaev. Elimdar Akhtemov, director of the Department of Economics of Sevastopol, and an employee of the DIZO were also at the meeting.

Representatives of the DIZO and the department of the city's economy, according to the factory workers, visited them for the first time during the entire conflict. Perhaps Liza Peskova has already helped SRH in this

The factory is in bad shape. Private enterprise "Southern Sevastopol" leases land from the city. The recent lawsuit between their superiors and officials over the amount of rent ended in the termination of the contract and the arrest of accounts. The director is sure that the authorities deliberately bankrupt the enterprise. Such schemes are successfully implemented throughout the country. Apparently, someone urgently needed the plant's land.

Whether Elizaveta Peskova understands these matters is not yet clear. The fact that she knows where to do makeup, manicures, pedicures and order dresses is obvious. Against the background of ordinary mortal residents of Sevastopol, and even more so workers, the girl looked rather strange and even a little ambiguous. Glamorous socialite made a splash. It can be assumed that for the first few minutes the workers even forgot what was bothering them.

And together with a retinue of Sevastopol officials, Liza Peskova seemed like Michael Jackson, who came with a concert to the village of Zabugornoye in Siberia.

Apparently, in order to maintain the effect, Evgeny Gritsanov, general director of the SRZ, told the audience the good news: the plant will continue to work, the government has entered into a dialogue, and the cassation court in Kaluga has suspended the verdict and is reviewing the case.

How Peskov's daughter influenced this is a mystery. But she explained to the audience why, in principle, she decided to visit far from the most fashionable and stylish Sevastopol, and even its usual factory. “A month ago, I came up with a project competition,” Peskova said. “I published a post on Instagram about the competition, out of 80 projects, 25 were eventually selected. We decided to start with the Sevastopol plant first,” Peskova said.

She explained that after the letter from "Southern Sevastopol" she delved into the existing problem between the enterprise and the authorities of Sevastopol. However, she added that she does not believe that her activities influenced the outcome of negotiations on signing a settlement agreement.

“I got acquainted with the problem of the plant a week ago, and I think that there are a lot of coincidences here,” Peskova added. — It can be very difficult to get through to the authorities, and I am glad that thanks to the close attention of the media and social networks, I can help. For me, all this is new, insanely interesting.

Oleg Gasanov, a businessman and social activist, is happy to sit next to the young daughter of the presidential press secretary - Gasanov needs publicity for future elections to the Legislative Assembly

One way or another, but the solution to the problem appeared. At least, representatives of the plant and the administration of Sevastopol say they are ready to negotiate. Although the workers themselves believe that this is another PR move before the elections. They, of course, were immediately assured that they were just imagining it.

The workers also complained that they lacked young hands. Elizaveta Peskova unexpectedly proposed great solution problems - to popularize working professions. And do it in the same way as she popularizes herself - through social networks.

After a lively dialogue, everyone dispersed. It seemed that, finally, the workers, the owners of the plant and the officials of Sevastopol managed to agree. It can be assumed that the beauty of Elizabeth Peskova had such a magical effect. But it's hard to believe.

And yet - what was this strange visit? continuation crusade children of the Russian elite into power? An act of legitimation of the unwritten right to inherit, if not power proper, then family influence? Or a desperate attempt by the owners of the plant to fight off the administrative attack, playing on the ambitions of the Infanta?

After a series of administrative and genealogical

21:02 — REGNUM Shipyard "Southern Sevastopol" and the city government will sign a settlement agreement after long litigation. By a court decision, the enterprise had to pay the city 32 million rubles for the lease of state property. The daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation took part in the fate of the plant Elizabeth Peskova, who visited Sevastopol as part of the AVANTI Entrepreneurship Assistance Group. This was discussed on August 1 at a meeting of the labor collective and representatives of the government, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

It is expected that in the next week the parties will exchange proposals on the essence of the settlement agreement, after which an inventory will be held, and the amount of the debt will be clarified. An additional agreement on the lease of property will also be revised.

Problems at "Southern Sevastopol" arose after two courts lost to the city government. The government actually terminated the lease agreement for the floating dock, pier and cranes for non-payment of rent in the amount of 32 million rubles.

Enterprise Director Evgeny Gritsanov explained that the plant insists that the cost of the lease requested by the court should be less - about 20 million rubles for the entire lease period.

According to the director of the Department of Economics of Sevastopol Elimdar Akhtemov, the government offered to sign a settlement agreement, since the plant is loaded with orders, it employs 160 people and it is not in the interests of the city to “close the operating plant”.

The Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia AVANTI became interested in the situation around the shipbuilding enterprise, in which Elizabeth Peskova works as an adviser to the president on youth entrepreneurship.

“A month ago I came up with a project competition. I published a post on Instagram about the competition, and out of 80 projects, 25 were eventually selected. We decided to start with the Sevastopol plant first.” - said Peskova.

He explained that after the letter from South Sevastopol, she delved into the existing problem between the enterprise and the authorities of Sevastopol, but does not believe that her activities influenced the outcome of negotiations on signing a settlement agreement.

“I got acquainted with the problem of the plant a week ago, and I think that there are a lot of coincidences here. she added. — It can be very difficult to reach the authorities, and I am glad that thanks to the close attention of the media and social networks, I can help. For me, all this is new, insanely interesting.

We add that one of the owners of the plant is a businessman and former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexander Annenkov. His enterprise Sevastopol Transport Systems owned two passenger-and-freight ferries and stopped ferry service inside the Sevastopol Bay in September last year.

The owner company actually blackmailed the city authorities by stopping transportation if the government did not buy the ferries for 60 million rubles. As a result, the government was forced to buy out the Admiral Lazarev and Admiral Istomin ferries at the set price in order to keep transportation in the summer.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the government of Sevastopol and the shipyard unanimously denied the assumption about the influence of the daughter of the presidential press secretary on the decision on the settlement agreement. They say that there is no connection between the two events, they call it a coincidence and a simple coincidence.

I missed the moment when the opposition-minded daughter of the president's press secretary ended up at Ramzan Kadyrov's party and started wearing a dress made by his fashion designer daughter. But I watched a video of yesterday's visit of a young girl to a shipyard in Sevastopol.

It doesn't happen like that... Lisa, blink twice!

In general, I do not follow the life of the press secretary's daughter, Elizabeth is not at all interesting to me. That the daughter of an official lives abroad is not at all surprising. She became famous only because she criticizes Russian reality, while other “star children” are at least silent.

Now Mrs. Peskova, permanently residing in Paris, is on a visit to Russia. For a long time or for good - it is not clear, she herself (seems) does not report this. Imagine that a girl who has lived in Europe for most of her life decides to finally get to know her Motherland better. And spend your summer holidays here. Grozny and Sevastopol are not the most popular cities among tourists. Moreover, shipyards and residences of the heads of the republics are not tourist sites at all.

I, too, once visited a shipyard in the Astrakhan region. But for some reason he did not teach people how to do their job.

“Liza said that she discussed personnel issues, attracting young people to the enterprise, and modernizing the industry as a whole.”

According to the girl the main problem plant - lack of PR.

“We need to show young people that there is confidence in the future, that this is a prestigious job, that this is not considered something to be ashamed of. We need to work on innovation, on the modernization of shipyards. And I believe that the main task now is PR and Information support""

Do you also think that she does not understand what she is talking about? And to be honest, one gets the feeling that this trip for Lisa is a punishment. Criticized? Go - get smart, see how people live. But then you need to watch, not give interviews.

But something tells me that Liza will no longer have critical posts...

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