16.12.2015 16.08.2016 - admin

The boy looked slyly somewhere to the side and asked:
-Where are you, aunt?
“But I’m not there,” said Margarita, “you’re dreaming about me.”
“I thought so,” said the boy.
M. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”

Today we want to outline the contours of a problem, the scale of which became visible only with the massive development of the Internet. If anomalists wrote about it in the early and mid-90s, it was sporadically, without communication or systematic analysis. Suddenly it became clear that dozens, no, even hundreds of families have almost the same type of problem - their young children claim that there is an invisible “aunt” or “uncle” in the apartment, or even many invisible entities. Does this phenomenon relate to anomalous phenomena or is it generated by the peculiarities of children's perception of the world? Let's try to figure it out.

Pavel Kravtsov, a native of Gomel, who now lives in the Moscow region, contacted Ufokom and told his story from deep childhood. Pavel's very first memories of infancy turned out to be associated with a terrible old woman, who regularly began to appear to him and quite frighten him. Then one of his relatives advised him to take a pistol (a toy one, of course), point it at the annoying woman and pull the trigger. After all, a good otherworldly grandmother is a dead grandmother! So the boy did so, and indeed the visitor did not bother her anymore. It would seem that one can assume that all this is a figment of the boy’s imagination, who in his own head “killed” the image he created, but soon Pavel came across a photo in a family album, which depicted his late grandmother from Gomel (who he had not seen before). Imagine his surprise when he recognized in this photo the same grandmother whom he had recently “sent to the next world” again. I began to ask more about her and it turned out that the old woman was a hereditary witch...

Our group has encountered similar messages several times. At the first stages, the attitude towards such stories is usually quite skeptical. However, sometimes, with proper study, they turn out to be even more interesting than the sluggish outbreaks of a poltergeist. One of these trips is described in the material “Smalltown Narnia”. The girl Yulia (2.3 years old) began to complain about the presence in the apartment of a certain strange man (in the form of a black shadow), whom none of the residents had seen. During the investigation, we encountered a strange, rather high level of microwave radiation (0.3–0.8 mW/m²) and magnetic flux power (50–1000 µW/m²) from ordinary items of clothing, and also found in the book, on which the child pointed out, a photograph of the recently deceased husband of a friend of the hostess. It is characteristic that in the text of the book, which was embedded in the photograph, references were found to the murder of the husband of another woman (the heroine of the work).

Pants are turning...

In November 2015, Ufocom, together with the NOZP group, studied another similar case, which can be called typical, because all the classic characters were present in it. Moreover, our visit came at a time when the phenomenon had become so intensified that the residents of the apartment were no longer seriously alarmed. All this allowed us not only to use the most modern instrument complex in the CIS at the peak of the phenomenon’s activity, but also to concentrate our efforts on systematizing similar features characteristic of such unusual, at first glance, manifestations. Perhaps our recommendations can somehow help families who find themselves in a similar situation.

So, Inga from Minsk, who lives in the Vesnyanka microdistrict in a ten-story panel building, contacted Ufokom. The family moved into the new building in the early 90s, and lived in this apartment all this time, so it clearly indicates that no out-of-the-ordinary incidents happened here - no murders, no deaths, or anything else extraordinary. Except that ten years ago a large-scale family conflict arose here, which led to a split in relationships. Five adults live in a three-room apartment (the owner of the apartment Irina and her husband Leonid, her son Sergei and daughter Inga and her husband Vyacheslav), as well as three children: Yesenia (6 years old), Arseny (3 years old) and Vistinia (1.5 months).
Suddenly it became clear that there was something in the apartment, and this “something” periodically (or cyclically) intensified. Everyone who lives in an apartment sometimes notices certain shadows (similar to rats or cats) in different rooms; they are seen at different times, but in approximately the same places: mainly in the corridor, in the hallway, running out of the bathtub and in the kitchen . You can even trip over “this.” When the next round of the unknown cycle comes, they are replaced by images of adults. At first there were only shadows running somewhere behind or passing along the corridor, but then they began to be felt physically. For example, you felt that the cat was rubbing against your legs (or lunging at them), but the cat was actually sleeping on the sofa. Almost everyone in the family saw this, but no one said anything to each other, so that they wouldn’t think it was time to see a psychiatrist, but one day, sitting at the table, someone started talking about shadows, and when everyone said the same thing, it wasn’t funny anymore .

After some time, Inga gave birth to a daughter (Yesenia), and when she was about 2.6–3 years old, everything worsened. The child simply became afraid to enter the hall. When they talked to the child using different approaches to find out what she was afraid of, she said that sometimes a certain woman appears in the corner "big aunt" and she “he wants to cut off his grandmother’s head so that she bleeds because she[grandmother] doesn't listen." One might, of course, think that the child made it all up, but at the same time the girl cried a lot. This went on for some time until it died down.

It was then that other stories that happened here began to come to mind. The owner of the apartment (Irina) said that several years ago, in the evening, at just after five, she was in the kitchen when she suddenly heard the door open, her son came in and, as usual, threw the keys on the table (other family members did not do this). The woman saw out of the corner of her eye that the shadow of an adult man walked into her son’s room and then the doors slammed. Irina shouted: “Are you going to eat Seryozha?”. No one answered. Then Irina went out into the corridor and saw her son’s slippers, which he had to wear if he came in, and the room was empty. Half an hour later, the son came, who claimed that he had not come before.

Around the same time, Irina’s second husband, Leonid, woke up his wife in the middle of the night and said: “Ira, Ira, look, the man is standing!”. A thorough survey of Leonid, which we conducted in the apartment, allowed us to establish that this “man” was not standing on the floor, but seemed to be hanging in the air ( that is, his legs were not visible). He was dressed in some kind of suit, one could even make out his face. At the same time, the woman was so scared that she immediately climbed under the blanket with her head and did not remember the silhouette.

A new round of this bacchanalia occurred at the end of October - November 2015. On October 22, three-year-old Arseny, who was never afraid of the dark, left the room as usual and went to the kitchen to get something tasty, but immediately ran back with a wild cry. The mother had never heard such a cry from a child. Arseny jumped into his dad's arms, shaking and, on top of that, sobbing avidly. After calming him down, the parents asked if he might have hit himself, fallen or something else, but the child said that he was scared aunt! She stood in the middle of the kitchen and pinched his shoulder (he showed how).

One of the corners in the hall can also be called “bad”: rustlings and some sounds are constantly heard there, it was there that Arseny met the “big aunt”. According to the owners, the water in the apartment turned on by itself several times.

Carrying out measurements of the electromagnetic field in an apartment using EMR-20.

However, quite interesting events took place in the apartment earlier. Once in the early nineties (they moved into the apartment in December 1987), Irina got ready for a disco and went to the bathroom to wash, but she couldn’t open the door, and the “dog” in the gap between the door and the wall was not visible, that is, to hold it, in fact, there was nothing. When the girl returned from the disco, she was able to open the door without difficulty. And when Irina was 19 years old, waves of causeless fear rolled over her, which could last up to 15 minutes (this was in the room where she and her sister lived). And the most interesting thing is that when she fell asleep, “I still heard everything, but I clearly felt that some kind of man was coming into the room […], he walked around the bed and sat down at my feet, well, like the sofa was sagging, but I could neither scream nor move, this happened for a long time several days or weeks, but I didn’t tell my parents.”

The last event makes us think about the involvement in such visions in children not so much of the features of the place itself, but rather of hereditary connections and the experience of such states by their parents. This might seem like an unfounded statement, if not for one “but”: Irina’s sister, Alena, also saw a “ghost” in her apartment, not in childhood, but after marriage. We found out from Alena the circumstances of this incident: about 10 years ago, she and her husband were sitting in the room with her husband and watching TV, when in the doorway they saw that in the next room they were passing... large trousers (or legs in trousers), the height of the entire doorway ( that is, the person himself would be higher than the ceiling). We started talking with my husband, as she put it, “over a glass of tea,” and it turned out that both she and her husband had also seen these trousers, only at different times: “suit trousers, so strict, that is, wide.” After Alena’s mother sprinkled all the corners with holy water, everything calmed down a little, but when Irina stayed overnight in her sister’s apartment, she saw a certain “monk” in a hood who was “floating above the floor.” Let us pay attention to the fact that Irina’s husband Leonid saw a man by the bed in a suit without legs, and in my sister’s apartment the same ones were walking legs in suit trousers! Surely Freud or one of the psychoanalysts would have offered their own explanation for such a “split personality,” but we will simply limit ourselves to stating this unusual coincidence.


To inspect the apartment, we have traditionally used a multifunctional set of equipment: an EMR-20 electromagnetic radiation meter with an “8C” antenna (frequency range 100 kHz–3 GHz), an ME 3951A electrosmog analyzer (5 Hz–400 kHz, error ±2%), a detector microwave radiation DVMEMF (300 MHz–3 GHz), BE-meter-AT-002 (5 Hz–2000 Hz, error ±20%), broadband digital detector-meter of high-frequency field and microwave radiation ITNS-D201 (frequency range 50 Hz– 10 GHz, error ±30%), infrasonic detector MAK-14i (operating frequencies 5–20 Hz, measurement range 40–100 dB), gas analyzer, dosimeter (based on the SBM-20 counter, error ±30%), pyrometer (ADA TemPro 300, error ±1.5 °C), several digital cameras and cameras, SONY ICD-PX312 voice recorder, etc. We also pinned certain hopes on our new Octava-101AM sound level meter (frequency range in infrasound detection mode 1.6 Hz – 315 Hz), which, unlike the MAK-14i, allows you to identify infrasound levels with much greater accuracy. During the period of research, the apartment was de-energized.

Carrying out measurements of infrasound background using an Octava-101AM sound level meter.

The measurements of the electrical, magnetic, temperature, infrasonic and radiation background did not reveal any increased values. The instrument readings were standard for such an apartment, small in area and densely packed with household appliances (including old ones, such as a computer monitor with a CRT and the same TV with a CRT). Measurements in places where paranormal activity was observed also did not reveal any significant deviations from the background EMF readings there. In general, such instrument readings can be called normal, not exceeding the threshold values ​​​​established by SanPiN of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, it is necessary to prolong our measurements in order to create a holistic picture of the variation in physical field readings over time; for this purpose, a series of additional measurements in the same apartment seems promising.

Floor plan of the apartment with some values ​​of electromagnetic (white) and background radiation (yellow) marked on it.

At first we found it difficult to attribute this case to a classic poltergeist or a poltergeist-like episode, but we tried to apply to it the methods we had worked with previously. First of all, we made an attempt to identify the “focal face”: the temperature of Arseny (36.6 °) and Yesenia (36.4 °) was measured. For Vistinia, measurements were not taken due to her too young age. Thus, the children did not have low-grade fever at the time of our visit.

A Zener test was also conducted with Irina, her husband Leonid and daughter Inga. His results are as follows: Irina - 11/56 cards (20% guesses), Leonid - 8/56 cards (14% guesses) and Inga - 8/56 cards (14% guesses). It is believed that any number of guesses significantly exceeding 20% ​​indicates the inclusion of some additional factors that demonstrate the extrasensory abilities of the test taker. As you can see, none of the test subjects were able to demonstrate even average card guessing abilities; only Irina’s results were at the level of average values. However, the results obtained can be considered preliminary; a series of more than 100 experiments is required for full verification.

Conducting a Zener test with Inga.

Analyzing the distribution of amplification peaks of strange events, we noticed the following pattern: the phenomenon becomes significantly more active at the time of the birth of the next child. The previous avalanche-like increase in visions dates back to the birth of Arseny, and now about 1.5 months before our visit - with the birth of Vistinia, everything happened according to a familiar scenario. With what it can be connected? Perhaps this is due to the stress that not only Inga, but also all the other residents of the apartment have to go through, and, as you know, stress factors most often serve as the background against which the poltergeist phenomenon develops. Of course, this is not a typical poltergeist case, but we cannot write off the most well-described details of the poltergeist process.

However, the most stressful event in the family can be considered the departure of Inga's mother's ex-husband from the family. This happened about 10 years ago and primarily affected Irina’s condition - she lost weight and slept poorly. Now this event has become overgrown with various semi-mystical facts (from the transformation of a man into a “zombie” to the presence of a witch relative in his new wife), the authenticity of which is not possible to establish. “Ghostly aunts” and “astral rats” sensed a weakness here and actively invaded the life of the family. Alas, instrumental measurements carried out in the most acute phase of their activation did not confirm that this phenomenon is of the same nature as classic poltergeist manifestations - and here we can only assume one of two things: either this “something” knows how to bypass our means of objective control, or has a completely different nature, more characteristic of hallucinations or other artifacts of our perception of reality.

Sleep of the mind

According to the famous Minsk poltergeist researcher, candidate of psychological sciences, E.K. Ageenkova, the images that children talk about may be archetypes of our subconscious, which in children are in the process of formation (the female and male symbols are one of them). Among the archetypes there are not only those representing Anima and Animus, although all of them can have a feminine or masculine principle, there are also archetypes of the Shadow and the Self. They often have complex content. If poltergeist images are frightening, then most likely they represent the shadow part of the individual unconscious. However, the manifestation of archetypes in a child should have been facilitated by some event, for example, the departure of one of the parents from the family. Ekaterina Kuzminichna herself, in the mountains of Abkhazia, with a lack of oxygen and severe fatigue, once observed the so-called “black climber.”

In order to search for similar characteristics, we analyzed a number of similar incidents that occurred on the territory of the Republic of Belarus ( table 1). The selection on a territorial basis was due to the huge array of primary data at our disposal, as well as the fact that, if we start from the theory of archetypes, then the commonality of manifestations is characteristic precisely for the places of residence of nations or peoples with a certain worldview, religion, folklore, etc. . For example, in one of the previous cases we investigated, it was suggested that the symbols that appeared in Karelia on the upholstery of a sofa correlate quite strongly with the local mythological ideas of the Vepsians (a small Finno-Ugric people who lived on the territory of Karelia) and are similar to stylized images of birds or goddess Makosh.

Table 1. Observations by children in the apartments of certain strangers (using the example of Belarus).

Gender of the child

Child's age, years (months)

What I observed


Points into the darkness and says “badya”


Pointed fingers in the corner shouting "aunt"


Sees someone


"Uncle is there"


Sees someone


9 months

Shouts "badya"


“Points as if he sees someone and is talking [to him]”


Pointed fingers in the corner shouting "aunt"


10 months

Constantly points at the same place


“Mom, [see] aunt” or “mother, [see] uncle”


“He sees some uncle”


Clearly he sees someone


“Smiles, points a finger in the corner and says “Auntie””


I started to be afraid of some guy


My daughter sees someone in the apartment (in the dark or behind a curtain) and calls him “kulak”


Sees “uncle with wings”


Pointed to the dark corner and said "uncle"


Says “Badyu, badyu”


I also saw some guy and pointed my finger at the dark angles


The child was afraid of some “Badu”


Pointed her finger at the ceiling and cried


The “head” and “transparent people” are scary


“There’s a little ugly guy on the curtain above.”


He says and shows that there is an “uncle” in our apartment


He says he sees people in the house walking through the wall.


She pointed to the white wall near the crib and asked: “Who is this?”


Sees some guy


Every night the “guy with an ax” comes


After the death of a friend, someone knocked on the window, and then I saw “the silhouette of a man on the windowsill”


In the corner sometimes a certain “big aunt” appears


The aunt stood in the middle of the kitchen and pinched the boy’s shoulder

It is noteworthy that in such cases there are no connections to the gender of the child (the ratio of male and female sexes is 11/13), but the most common age of such visions is from 1.5 to 2.5 years, less often, stories last up to 5 -6 years. A certain aunt was seen in 6 cases, and an uncle or badya in 15 cases, although “badya” may not be a copy of the word “uncle” (for example, one girl said that her son calls his sister “badya”). Often, for some reason, the image of the “aunt” is seen in a corner or in the dark, perhaps due to the fact that dark areas are also more likely to form in corners, and carbon dioxide and radon accumulate there more often. Less often, children describe a certain “kulak”, “transparent people”, “people who are even through the wall”, “silhouette of a person”, etc. It is worth noting separately that we have not identified any connection between the observations and the age or history of the apartments; this It can be either a new building or an old rented apartment, just as moving to a new place most often does not change anything.

Most often there are no negative consequences for children in such contacts, although in one case a series of six otitis media in a row that began after this was mentioned. In some rarer cases, after such observations, the child’s temperature may rise (it remains debatable whether this is associated with a low-grade fever related to “focal persons” or hallucinations - a consequence of the first symptoms of a progressive disease). Children themselves can show miracles of intuition, sometimes differing from their peers in academic performance and perseverance. It would be interesting to track the presence (or development in the future) of diseases of the central nervous system or epilepsy in children, but such data are most often not indicated.

The original of this photograph was given to us by the Latvian researcher E. Sidorov. According to Valentina S. from Baloži (Latvia), who provided it to UFOlats, there was only her daughter (14 years old) and a dog at home. The girl decided to take a photo of her dog. When the film was developed, in one photograph they discovered a dwarf man in jeans and a raincoat. This is one of the few reliable photographs of this kind at our disposal. Of course, a hoax on the girl’s part cannot be completely ruled out.

In addition to direct observations, “symptoms” for other residents of the apartment may include sleep disturbance and the feeling that a “cat is walking on you” or that someone invisible is coming to the bed and strangling you, “loud shergot” (an eyewitness expression), creaking floor or sounds moving furniture in the apartment, in isolated cases poltergeist-like episodes are observed - for example, musical children's toys are moved or go off on their own, an old chandelier falls from the cabinet, equipment breaks down, or light bulbs often burn out. Pets in such apartments may show signs of causeless aggression, rushing at pieces of furniture, and dogs barking into empty space, but most often the animals do not react in any way to any visions in children.

The following advice is usually given: look for “uncle” or “aunt” and don’t find them, draw someone the child sees and come up with some funny story about him (in some cases, on the contrary, you need to burn the drawing), take a toy gun and shoot at an uninvited tenant or say that a certain object is magical and it easily drives away the “monster from under the bed,” and some advise getting a cat (although in the case we studied, the presence of a cat did not play any role at all). Sometimes sprinkling an apartment with holy water, a visit from a priest, a “fortune teller”, a psychologist, etc. can help as well as not help, that is, it depends on how strong the effect of instilling in the apartment’s residents that the specialist has done his job flawlessly will be ( typical placebo effect). For example, after our visit, the “visions” of all family members also stopped for a while; whether they will arise in the future is still unknown.

Among the rational explanations, one can note the statement of psychologists that at 1.5–2 years old, children begin to pay attention to their shadow and mistake it for another person; also, some objects can give rise to strange images in the subconscious, for example, a socket resembles someone’s face, a shadow from a lamp - an imp, a robe thrown over a chair - a person, “eyes on the ceiling” may turn out to be a reflection from a chandelier. In this case, tactile contact with an object or its shadow can help. The information environment around him also plays a significant role in the child’s picture of the world.

The plot of a child observing “ghosts” was played out in the film “ParaNorman” (2012).

We have already mentioned that in the case we studied, we were able to identify a connection between the observations of the mother and child. The fact that in addition to the child, parents also experience or have previously experienced visions is also mentioned in other stories, for example, one girl from Minsk described the following case: “One night my child woke up and asked for a drink. I went to the kitchen, went back into the room and saw the silhouette of my child in the middle of the room (well, that’s what I thought, the room was dark and the light was falling from the window into the center of the room), and I said - baby, why are you crawling?? (supposedly addressing my son, because I thought that he got out of the crib and decided to walk around the room) and then I realized that my son was lying as he was in the crib (he began to make sounds)... My heart began to pound... and this the shadow did not disappear, but ran away to a dark corner of the room... where nothing was visible anymore...". At the same time, this woman’s daughter pointed her finger at the ceiling and cried, often looking at one point. Other episodes also mention certain ancestors who were endowed with the ability to “whisper” or were popularly called “grandmothers” or “witches.” So, Tatyana from Minsk, talking about her daughter, who became “ to see someone[in the apartment]", mentions that her paternal grandmother “to put it mildly, has some abilities” and she (Tatyana) also shows something similar.


Based on the above, there is reason to assume that visions in children in some cases may be hereditary, lie in the sphere of the human psyche or archetypes and cannot be measured by instruments, and, therefore, relate to the scope of work of specialists in anomalous phenomena only indirectly. However, the researcher’s task should be to update the event that could lead to the “release” of the archetype into the external environment and, if possible, leveling out the negative consequences that arose. At the same time, it is worth distinguishing between real cases of micro poltergeists in apartments and errors of perception, for example, shadows or objects that a child may be afraid of. Although, against such a background, residents immediately register almost any knock or household loss as an anomalous phenomenon.

E.K. Ageenkova, who also took part in processing the materials we received, expressed the idea that the nature of individual cases can only be explained from the position of the systemic organization of the environment. The fact is that only in systems can extraordinary manifestations of a number of physical properties of various substances be observed. Moreover, most likely, this system includes both physical environmental factors and a person or group of people. This system can be activated by certain but completely ordinary human conditions, the correlate of which is his physiological and mental activity. The latter are brought out of balance mainly under the influence of stress factors.

At the same time, from our point of view, additional research is needed here, since the presented material is so far only the first attempt to generalize such similar manifestations in children. Therefore, we appeal to all our readers with a request to report such cases to Ufocom, since the accumulation of statistics should in the future lead to the development of more universal methods for studying and countering this phenomenon.

Share on your social network 👇 Gee. Schizophrenics mistake probes for aliens. Well, okay, the person didn’t put it well.
It is not interesting.
It is interesting that despite the huge number of observations of UFOs (and not aliens), there are individuals with a shifted threshold of perception who are ready to believe the official position and not the facts.
This example shows that you should not take seriously criticism of messages on the topic under discussion, on the principle of “this cannot be, because I have not seen it.” In the case of ghosts this is not so obvious.
I haven’t seen ghosts, but why should I a priori reject reports that someone sees them? It is necessary to study the phenomenon, without hysteria. Of course, cases are interesting when there is reason to believe that the child is not making things up.
If the phenomenon objectively exists, then in my opinion there are two physically real options:
1. The object (maybe an alien) is camouflaged in such a way that an ordinary person cannot see it.
2. Someone projects an image (such as a high-quality hologram) visible only to a small number of people with unusual abilities.
So, everything can be explained from the point of view of physics and no mysticism.
To finish the topic, I’ll return to aliens. I haven’t seen the aliens themselves, but I have seen UFOs, and quite a lot, if you’re interested I’ll list the cases:
1. In the sky above the missile military unit, an object in the shape of a tetrahedron with a translucent upper part and a white, milky bottom hung motionless for half an hour. Then the following happened, I lowered my head, then raised it, and nothing happened. The departure was almost instantaneous.
2. I saw the same object flying over Moscow twice, with an interval of a month. A fiery orange ball flew in the clouds leaving fiery trails, flew quite quickly, flew across the sky in a few seconds.
3. If the first two cases are more or less clear, well, ordinary alien aircraft, then the next one does not really fit into the usual scheme; in the sky near Moscow for half an hour there hung, well, what looked like a hockey stick. It hung and disappeared, also too quickly to suggest that it was a club-shaped probe.
4. I didn’t see it myself, I was too lazy to get out of the tent, I didn’t immediately understand that it was worth looking, that it was glowing there. But they told me. Over the clearing at the rally in Yakhroma, in front of about a thousand rally participants, something emitting bright multi-colored rays hung over the clearing. The effect was so strong that it had a somewhat inadequate effect on the most unstable participants in the rally. Quite a lot of people decided that this something divine knelt down and began to pray. And most likely, the crew of the flying saucer simply greeted the people at the rally; it was shortly after the ceremonial closing of the rally. It was very beautiful and interesting. Probably everyone liked it there on the plate too.
If there are participants in the “LIFE-GRAD” -XXI rally on the forum, they can tell you in more detail.

Is it true that children see ghosts?

    Until the age of 7, children see their past and their future, a folk healer said. Grandmothers can write down their children’s statements: they can talk about their future profession.

    They watch too much TV, horror films and cartoons about the corpse of the bride and ghosts. If children see ghosts, then why didn't they see them twenty years ago? And they began to be seen only with the arrival and dominance of them everywhere on television, in cartoons, books, computer games? And adults need to watch less films and take care of their children so that they know how they live. Then the visions of ghosts will disappear.+

    Children often see ghosts, but sometimes they don't tell their parents about it. There is a film about this, The Sixth Sense, which talks about a similar phenomenon. Not long ago I watched a program in which children were asked questions on this topic. Most children reported visions, ghosts that they see. I don't think the child is lying.

    I read all the answers, and I agree more with what everyone sees. And in fact, if you remember it like that, think about it - and in childhood, many times it was not clear what I saw, but due, most likely, to fear, I inspired myself to imagine what it was. I notice the same thing about my children: sometimes my son sees someone, sometimes my daughter walks past the room and suddenly stops and looks as if at someone.

    I remembered this incident - my husband, three-year-old son and I were sitting on the sofa, a children’s bicycle stood next to us... and suddenly the son looks at him and repeats, sprint, sprint... I tell him, who are you driving away? and he, the grandfather, is sitting there.....it seems to me that he saw a brownie...

    Hello. My daughter is two and a half years old. A week ago my common-law husband died. He died with his sister in a chair near the bathhouse. My daughter and I arrived there for 9 days, she ran so joyfully, then suddenly stood in the middle of the fence opposite the place where he died and began to roar, while pointing there with her finger. We all got goosebumps from fear. I then asked her who was there, she said Dad

    Children do not see ghosts, but angels. And they talk to them.

    I remember once giving my four-year-old son a bath. And suddenly he says to me: Dad, a dove just flew here. Well, why is there a dove in the bathroom? The doors are closed, we are alone. I began to convince him that it was his imagination. And he tells me: Well, I saw it. White dove. Flew from there to there! He didn’t know how to lie at all then, he was a pure soul.

    I called my mother and told him that my son had a hallucination. And my mother says to me: So today is Trinity. So he saw a dove. I was an atheist then, I had no idea that the Holy Spirit is depicted in the form of a dove, especially when the holiday of the Trinity occurs.

    And then, many years later, I remembered it. So a lot of things are revealed to children that adults don’t see.

    my daughter is 2 years old and when I take her to her grandmother in the village, she goes into one of the rooms of the house, lies down on the floor next to the sofa (the sofa is unfolded) and starts talking to someone, you ask her who is there, the old man says, brings him a drink, throws bread under the sofa, sprinkles holy water in that place and again asks if anyone is there, says no, grandma goes around the whole house with her and asks if the baba is there, answers no, but ten minutes later she runs back into that room and He says that he has appeared again. When we arrived at our home with her, she asked if we had a woman, she said no, he was only at the woman’s

    Very rarely do children see ghosts. But I think they do. My mother also told me that she saw a bird. Although now he thinks maybe it was an impressionable fantasy.

    It is often said that angels play with babies when they laugh in their sleep or in reality for no reason.

    Impressionable children may think of ghosts if they watch enough horror films, so it's best to limit viewing.

    Is it true that children see ghosts? How true this is, of course, I cannot say. Everyone has their own truth! But today I went to a friend’s house to check on him. And his father recently died, 40 days had not yet passed... So he decided to take a shower - the hot water was suddenly turned off. Then there are sudden power outages. The uninterruptible power supply on the computer worked. His computer turned off. Then the fork fell from the table out of nowhere. (It’s a pity the phone was discharged, otherwise I would have been able to film it) He has intercostal neuralgia, I wanted to give him an injection, I began to open the ampoule with medicine, it burst into fragments in my hands, I hurt myself... And the worst thing is that when we We were sitting and talking, when suddenly a voice came from behind the wall: Help. Moreover, we both heard this, and this is what scares us the most! It’s like I’m not a child, but it’s all kind of creepy to me. Although I don't believe in ghosts, there aren't many bad coincidences in one day!

The first time I was spanked was when I was three years old. This might not have been anything unusual if not for the circumstances. I was punished not for ordinary childhood antics, but for talking with the so-called “dead” and predicting death. We were expecting a visit from my maternal grandparents, and I was hosting a whole crowd of ghosts in the house. My family did not see these ghosts and therefore did not pay any attention to my constant communication with, as they called it, “imaginary friends.” They thought I was an extremely creative child with a strong imagination and didn't understand what was really going on. Or did they understand? I irritated my parents with incessant chatter, and that day their patience ran out.

Literally a few minutes before the arrival of my mother’s parents, grandfather Vova and grandmother Tasya, a ghost appeared - an old woman who declared that she was my great-grandmother, Taisiya’s mother. She said that soon the angels would come for Grandma Tasya, who, as I remembered later, had been often ill lately, but no one expected that she would leave us. The spirit said that I should say goodbye and prepare my mother by letting her know what was coming. As soon as my grandmother entered, I immediately shared the news with her and my mother, not allowing my grandmother to even sit down, because the angels were already close. Looking back, I understand how I scared them both with that prediction of death. I was not a bad child, on the contrary, I was quiet and shy, but at that moment I felt that I had to do exactly what was asked of me. Mom got so angry that she spanked my bottom.

For as long as I can remember, I knew that I was not like everyone else. The spirits of the dead swarmed around me all night long. Some of them talked to me, others were glad that I saw them, and others liked to tease and scare me. I had no idea that no one else saw them until I learned to speak and started talking about them.

"Oh look, Alice has invisible friends!" - My family made fun of me. But for me these creatures were quite visible - they were as real as my relatives standing in front of me. I couldn’t understand why I could see them and the others couldn’t.

Six months later, Grandma Tasya died unexpectedly, and my first prediction came true.

- How did you know that grandma would die? – my mother asked me on the morning of the funeral.

“Every time I met her, I saw more and more angel feathers,” I answered. “And a woman with wrinkled hands told me about this.

Mom looked at me strangely.

“I see death too, Alice, but I see crows.”

I was still too young to understand what she meant. I should have felt like I had gained an ally, but instead I was confused. Just recently my mother was punishing me, and then she suddenly showed curiosity.

The evening before my grandmother's funeral, I sat on the green, thick-pile carpet, my pale legs intertwined in the Indian style, which made me look even smaller than I really was. I watched my mother doing needlework - she was sewing something from scraps. When Mom grieved, she would either withdraw, sleep all day, or frantically do whatever work she could to avoid thinking about anything other than what her hands were doing.

- Why Alice? - I asked, thinking out loud, out of curiosity, but not only - I really needed answers.

– What “why Alice?” – Mom asked, puzzled and rather sharply.

“I don’t understand why you called me Alice when my name is Ira.”

- Don't you like your name? “Mom looked at me strangely again. She took a cigarette with her long, thin fingers, lit it, and took a long drag. – We named you after the heroine of my favorite book, “Alice in Wonderland.” Irina was never on our list of names.

I burst into tears, not knowing how to explain where I got it from.

- But I know that my name is Ira, not Alice!

The dispute over the name Irina lasted for years. I never asked anyone to call me Irina, but I knew that I was not Alice. Both Mom and Dad told me that if I felt the same way when I turned sixteen, they would let me change my name, but by then I knew that if I did, my friends would think I was crazy.

Tell me honestly, would you, after living for sixteen years with one name, suddenly change it to another? I think no. So I didn’t. Many people ask me why I don’t use the name Irina as a pseudonym or stage name. The reason is that it is so much more than just a made up name - it was and will always be the name of my soul.

I was not allowed to go to the funeral, but I still remember how, sitting in my bedroom, playing and quietly muttering something under my breath, I suddenly saw a glowing white silhouette of a ghost in the doorway. I raised my hand to my eyes to protect myself from the stream of bright light emanating from him. I had nowhere to run except towards the light, so I just sat and watched. A few seconds later I heard a familiar voice:

“Take care of your mommy, Alice, and tell her that I love her, but I’m happy here.”

Then I realized that this was my late grandmother. But I already received a beating for predicting her death, will I get another beating for delivering this message? I thought that this would probably happen, so I decided to remain silent.

Grandma Tasya died, left her husband and daughter recently, and a few years before that my uncle died, and everyone was still grieving for him. I could only imagine the reunion between my grandmother and her sons when they met in the next world.

So Mom was grieving the loss of her mother. After listening to me talk about how my name was not mine, and about communicating with so-called invisible friends, she decided that I was bored or lonely, and took me, five years old, to the entrance exams for a private preparatory school. At school, my parents were informed that I was developed enough to start studying, and I was accepted into the group.

I studied well, but I didn’t particularly like this institution. I didn’t get along with children very easily; it was easier for me to communicate with adults. And although I had my own opinions, I was painfully shy. This golden time, as is commonly believed, the time of games and creativity, in fact turned out to be simply terrible.

My teacher was a large woman with a thunderous voice, nothing like the sweet, kind grandmother you might imagine when you think of a teacher of very young children. In fact, she reminded me a lot of my paternal grandmother. I soon got used to being constantly sent to a corner for no reason, at least it seemed to me that there was no reason. One morning I was called to answer, but I was busy talking with the teacher’s father in the form of a spirit who did not want to leave me alone. “You have to tell her she has diabetes,” he repeated, nudging me by the elbow. This message was too big for a five-year-old, too difficult to convey to anyone, so I just shook my head. The teacher decided that I had the audacity to refuse to answer the question. To tell the truth, I didn’t even know the answer; besides, I was too busy trying to get rid of her haunting ghost of a dad. The ruler slammed on the table, and I was sent to the corner until I answered the question. As a result, I sang all morning in that corner in the company of a spider (I still remember that I called him Bonya), very angry with the teacher’s father. Mom picked me up from school, and on the way home, I poured out to her what had accumulated in my soul, omitting, of course, the part that concerned the conversation with the deceased. I resented being put in a corner.

– If I didn’t know the answer from the very beginning, when the teacher asked me, where could I get it later? – I asked her. My reasoning often made my mother smile with satisfaction.

The spirit of the teacher's father haunted me for a whole year with various messages, and I knew that I could not convey them for fear that I would be punished. Out of fear that they won't believe me. Just out of fear.

“Tell her I'm sorry,” he said. - Please, you can see me. Tell her". I just shook my head and tried to avoid him as much as I could.

That year dragged on endlessly. But even if I thought it was bad for the preparatory group, it turned out even worse in the first grade.

To be continued…
