Smelt is a tasty, small-sized predatory fish that belongs to the smelt family, a class of ray-finned fish. It is a close relative of capelin and a distant relative of salmon. Due to its large numbers, it is an important commercial fish. In the Gulf of Finland, the catch volume is second only to herring.

Smelt is a migratory fish. This means that at different stages of their life, fish carry out long migration from the seas to fresh water bodies and vice versa.

General information

The appearance of the fish is very specific, so it is easy to recognize even to an ignorant person. Its body is elongated and the back is covered with transparent scales, so the fish has a brown-green back, while the barrels and belly are covered with silvery scales. The mouth of these fish is large. Males differ from females by having a prominent lower jaw with teeth. Smelt is very voracious. It is unpretentious in food, feeding on plankton, caviar and fry, including its own.

There are several types of smelt. European, Asian (toothed, American) and marine (smallmouth) smelt are of great commercial importance. These species differ mainly in the body size of the fish.

In Russia, European smelt lives in river basins flowing into the Baltic, White, Barents and North Seas. There is also a smaller freshwater subspecies of this fish - smelt, which lives in Lakes Ladoga and Onega, in Valdai. Lives up to 3 years. Its length is 9-10 cm, and its weight does not exceed 8-10 g.

Smelts travel in large schools. They spawn when the water temperature reaches 4°C. To spawn, fish from the seas enter river mouths. When the water temperature exceeds 12°C, spawning stops and the fish return to their main habitat.

Chemical composition

Smelt is a healthy and low-calorie fish. 100 g of raw fish contains 15-16 g of protein and 4-5 g of fat. In terms of fat content, it belongs to fish of medium fat content. The composition of smelt fats includes phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are part of cell walls, participate in the production of steroid hormones and have an anti-cholesterol effect, therefore they are beneficial for humans.

The meat of this northern fish contains many minerals. It contains vitamins B, D, C, A and E in small quantities, but their amount does not reach concentrations that are significant for humans.

The calorie content of this fish meat is 102 kcal/100 g.

Beneficial features

Low calorie content, the presence of proteins and essential fats, a large amount of minerals determine the many beneficial properties that smelt meat has:

  • improves fat metabolism;
  • has an anticholesterol effect;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improves brain activity;
  • promotes restoration of damaged tissues;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • has an anti-edematous effect;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalizes hormonal levels.

The meat of this fish saturates the body with protein, but does not threaten a slim figure. This property of smelt is used during a diet, including a therapeutic one, for example, for diabetes or obesity.

Due to its high potassium content, smelt promotes the excretion of sodium in the urine and, accordingly, the removal of excess fluid from the body. By doing this, the fish reduces the volume of circulating blood, reducing the preload on the heart, which makes its work easier.

  • affects the permeability of cell walls;
  • compacts the vascular wall;
  • takes part in the process of blood clotting;
  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • affects neuromuscular excitability;
  • alkalizes the biological environment of the body, providing an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • activates enzymes;
  • reduces sensitization of the body;
  • improves the functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Calcium in smelt meat is combined with proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which facilitates its absorption in the intestines and distribution in the body. The calcium to magnesium ratio in this fish (1:0.8) is close to ideal - 1:0.6. The iron content in this product is low, but its bioavailability is very high: almost all the iron is absorbed in the intestines.

Application in medicine

Smelt is a fish rich in extractive substances. This means that eating dishes made from this fish stimulates the appetite and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. It is entered into the menu when:

  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • ulcerative processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • intestinal atony;
  • dyskinesia of the bile ducts and bladder;
  • chronic pancreatitis.

The regular presence of dishes from this fish on the menu is recommended for patients with:

  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • arrhythmias;
  • transient cerebrovascular accidents;
  • angiopathy (diabetic, senile);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • chronic kidney diseases;
  • edema syndrome.

It is useful to consume smelt after serious illnesses, during exhaustion, for people with weakened immunity and anemia.

Hazardous properties

Only fish caught in a clean body of water can exhibit beneficial properties. Neva smelt cannot currently be called useful. It has been noticed that the number of this fish in places where sewage is discharged into the water is much higher than in clean areas of the river. This means that smelt feeds on organic decay products. Naturally, fish caught in a polluted reservoir are literally saturated with harmful compounds (salts of heavy metals, nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, urea, arsenic). Eating such fish can cause acute food poisoning, allergic reactions, and intoxication.

Smelt is rich in nitrogenous extractive substances, which contain many purine bases. In this regard, northern fish should not be included in the diet of people suffering from gout and urolithiasis.

Allergy sufferers should consume smelt with great caution and in limited quantities.

How to choose

When buying smelt, you should give preference not to Neva fish, but to lake or Siberian fish. These subspecies are found in clean waters, so the risk of poisoning is minimal. You cannot purchase fish at spontaneous markets. In such places of unauthorized trade, products do not undergo veterinary and sanitary examination and are potentially dangerous.

Before purchasing fish you need to inspect:

  1. The gills of the fish should be red. If the gills turn pale, this indicates that it is rotten.
  2. The surface of the fish should be smooth, elastic, without ulcerations.
  3. Pimples on the body of a smelt indicate that the fish was caught during spawning.
  4. The fish's eyes should be shiny and protruding.
  5. The dark color of the fish's scales indicates that the fish was frozen. You should refuse to buy such fish.

Another 100% sign of the freshness of smelt is its specific smell. Fresh fish smells like cucumbers. If smelt smells like fish, it means it is not fresh.

How to cook

Smelt is prepared in a variety of ways. It is boiled, fried, stewed, salted, dried, smoked. This fish does not have sharp bones, so many of its connoisseurs eat the whole fish with bones, removing only the insides. Traditional dishes made from this northern fish are mochka and fried smelt.

Smelt lobe

To prepare it you need: small smelt, onions, vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste. The washed and gutted fish are placed tightly in a frying pan with vegetable oil, sprinkled with onion, cut into rings, salt and pepper. Fill with water so that the fish is half covered. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes after boiling. You should not simmer any longer, otherwise the fish will fall apart.

Fried smelt

Wash the fish, gut it, salt it, sprinkle with spices to taste and roll in flour. Fry in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil or deep-fry. Can be eaten with bones.

Smelt is a medium-fat fish, so for preparing fish soup it is used only together with fattier fish.

After the founding of St. Petersburg, smelt became the main food for the new population of the city.

During the siege of Leningrad during World War II, this fish saved tens of thousands of people from starvation.

In honor of this small northern fish, the “Smelt Festival” is held in St. Petersburg every year on one of the days from May 11 to 19. At this time, fish are passing from the Gulf of Finland along the Neva.


Smelt is a useful small fish of northern waters. It contains a lot of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and minerals. Dishes made from this fish are useful for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and digestive organs. Regular consumption of it improves blood composition and normalizes the metabolism of fats and calcium in the body.

However, this fish can also cause harm to the body if it is caught from a polluted body of water. To avoid food poisoning from eating fish from such a reservoir, it must be purchased only in places of authorized trade, where all products undergo veterinary and sanitary control. People with purine metabolism disorders and allergy sufferers should use smelt with caution.

The main sign of freshness of smelt is a fresh cucumber smell, so you need to smell it when purchasing.

Winter is a great time to catch smelt. This small fish is a very healthy and tasty product. In this article, we propose to find out how the Far Eastern smelt differs from its other species. We will also see how to make bait yourself, how to fish correctly and how to prepare Far Eastern smelt.


This small fish belongs to the smelt family. It also includes the familiar capelin.

There are several varieties of smelt, which differ in size and lifespan. This:

  • Smelt (European species). Its weight reaches an average of 6-8 grams, size from 9 to 10 centimeters, life expectancy up to three years. This is the smallest representative.
  • Asian (American) catfish. It grows up to 35 centimeters, weighing up to 350 grams per individual, lifespan up to 11 years, the largest representative.
  • Saltwater smallmouth. This is the Far Eastern smelt. It is medium in size, up to 25 centimeters in length, weighing up to 160 grams. Lifespan - up to 8 years.

The Far Eastern smelt differs from the other two species in having a smaller mouth, a forward lower jaw, and a shorter dorsal fin.

Where is the Far Eastern species found?

The Pacific Northwest is the species' primary habitat. Smelt can often be found in Kamchatka and in coastal waters, up to the north of Korea. Favored by Far Eastern smelt and Peter the Great Bay, Sakhalin. You can even meet this fish in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

What does it feed on, how does it spawn?

Smelt feeds mainly on zooplankton, but will not refuse the eggs of its relatives, and can also feast on young animals.

Smelt eats most of all in summer and autumn. This happens near the shores of its habitat.

The fish reaches sexual maturity in the first and second years of life. In all 8 years, she spawns only three times. In the southern regions of its habitat, spawning takes place from April to May, in the northern regions - in June.

St. Petersburg fishermen go fishing for smelt as early as December. At this time, only small specimens can be caught, and the catch will be small. For larger prey you need to go in January and February.

Fishing for smelt is exciting and interesting, especially when the bite is active. Let's get acquainted with the manner of catching smelt.

DIY bait for Far Eastern smelt

For any fishing, you need to use bait that attracts schools of fish to the fishing spot. If you try and lure the fish, it will bite better, and this is a guarantee of a catch.

Smelt is a special animal. Bait for her is a separate topic that needs to be considered in more detail. We want to tell you exactly what bait should be used and how to do it.

In winter, Far Eastern individuals enter bays and river mouths, where the depths are relatively shallow, so the fishing areas are covered with a reliable layer of ice. Smelt is a small, but predatory fish. Therefore, to catch it, it is worth using live or imitation live gear. Live food should also be present in the bait.

In winter, Far Eastern smelt swims under the ice in search of plankton. She is especially interested in krill. You can use cunning to lure the fish to your fishing spot using purchased krill. In stores for fishermen, this product is sold frozen, and the manufacturer is most often China or Japan.

Many fishermen, wanting to increase the volume of complementary food, make it themselves, adding other products to the krill. The most commonly used is maggot. It can be clean or tinted.

You can add minced meat, fish shavings, shrimp shell and crab powders to the krill. Turmeric is a great idea for complementary feeding. For this purpose, regular flour, milk powder or fine sand can be used.

How to properly feed smelt

If fishing takes place in places with weak currents or in standing water, then the bait will be the same as when catching other fish. You need to add bait little by little, wait a little and cast the fishing rod.

If the current is obvious, then ordinary bait will not work; the bait will simply be carried away from the fishing spot. In this case, we need to make balls from bait, clay and sand. There should be more bait than other components. The ball will reach the bottom, will disintegrate, the particles will slowly rise up, and only then will they be blown away. But the time until the bait rises to the surface is enough to attract smelt.

Tackle, bait and bait

For bait you need to use fillet pieces of ruffe, crab sticks, hake, perch, and smelt itself. In terms of productivity, they are the same, and which is better is decided on the spot.

The best bait is the eelpout, as it is durable. It is better to use such an attachment in conjunction with a shelf fishing rod, which is used for active biting.

The fishing rod should be comfortable, because fishing will take a lot of time with a good bite, which you will definitely get if you use the baits and baits we recommend.

How to deliciously cook Far Eastern smelt? We suggest we talk about this further.


Far Eastern smelt soup, the recipe for which we offer, is very aromatic and satisfying.

Cooking will not take much time, and the pleasure of eating this soup will be guaranteed.

  1. The first step is to prepare a broth base from potatoes and onions. Take two large potatoes and a medium-sized onion. Cut into convenient pieces, throw them into boiling water, add parsley and a little celery.
  2. After the base has boiled, you need to add peppercorns (four of them are enough), a couple of bay leaves, nutmeg and salt.
  3. Ten smelts need to be peeled and added to the soup after the potatoes have become soft.
  4. After boiling, cook for no more than three minutes, remove bay leaves and pepper.
  5. You can decorate the soup with herbs.

Fried smelt

This is the most common dish, which, like soup, can be prepared in a matter of minutes. You can fry Far Eastern smelt using the usual method, or you can also fry it in batter. Let's consider both options.

Regular way:

  1. Clean the fish, decapitate it, and roll it in a mixture of flour and salt.
  2. Place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, cover with a lid.
  3. Fry each side for five minutes.
  1. Sprinkle the cleaned fish with salt and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. Mix the egg with milk (one tablespoon of milk per egg).
  3. Dip the fish into the egg and milk mixture, then into the flour.
  4. Fry until the batter is golden brown, covered.


There are several ways to prepare baked smelt; let’s look at two that you’ll definitely like.

Simple recipe:

  1. We clean the fish, rub it with paprika, coriander and chopped garlic, don’t forget about salt.
  2. Place the carcasses on a greased baking dish and sprinkle with a little lemon juice.
  3. The oven temperature should be 220 degrees, bake for twenty minutes.

Baking for sauce lovers:

  1. Place half a kilo of tomatoes canned in their own juice on a baking sheet, mix with a little salt, add a teaspoon of sugar and herbs.
  2. Place cleaned, pre-fried smelt on top.
  3. Place chopped garlic and whole cherry tomatoes (about 300 grams) on the fish.
  4. Sprinkle a little vegetable oil and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Dried Far Eastern smelt

This is a favorite treat for men with beer. Let's consider the simplest recipe so that extra flavors do not interrupt the main one.

  1. Pour water into a container and add salt well. Determine the amount of salt using peeled potatoes. Place it in water, add salt little by little, stirring constantly. The potatoes have floated - there is enough salt.
  2. Next, add soy sauce (for 12 liters of water - 320 milliliters of sauce).
  3. Place the fish in the sauce, cover with a weight (5-6 kilograms).
  4. After five hours, add a tablespoon of vinegar.
  5. After an hour, remove the fish, rinse well under running water, and leave for an hour to drain.
  6. After this, the carcasses need to be rinsed in slightly sweetened water and allowed to drain again.
  7. You should hang the fish only in a well-ventilated area.

So, we have looked at the simplest and most popular recipes for preparing Far Eastern smelt, now let’s see why it should be eaten.

Benefits of smelt

This fish is fatty and filling, but quite low in calories. One hundred grams contains about 100 kcal, so it will not add excess weight.

Smelt is very beneficial for health. It contains:

  • Proteins, fatty acids.
  • Vitamins D and PP.
  • High potassium content, therefore useful for people with heart and vascular diseases.
  • Calcium, iron, phosphorus (also contained in large quantities).
  • Magnesium, sulfur, fluorine, sodium, chromium, nickel, molybdenum and chlorine.

Smelt is good for everyone to eat, including children.

The silver smelt fish, which smells like fresh cucumbers, is not large in size, but only those who don’t like and don’t eat fish can call it tasteless. But even “non-lovers” admit that among other types of fish known in our country and loved by connoisseurs, smelt occupies a special place: it is tastier and more desirable than many large species - it is fried in a few minutes, along with caviar, and when dried it considered one of the best fish to go with beer.

There are two common types of smelt in Russia: European, smaller in size - up to 28 cm and about 180 g in weight, and Asian, larger and fattier - up to 35 cm and more than 300 g; In Far Eastern waters, “catfish” the size of a small herring are often found.

In Central and Central Russia, smelt weighing about 30 g is better known, but the size and other features depend on the habitat. For example, smelts - small fish, which also belong to the smelt family, grow on average up to 10 g - they live in fresh water.

As a rule, smelt lives in the sea, but while the European fish does not go far from the coast, the Far Eastern fish goes much further. The same applies to the characteristics of spawning: Baltic smelts spawn in rivers a few hundred meters from the sea, Far Eastern ones - several tens of kilometers, and Siberian ones, living in the Arctic Ocean, go hundreds of kilometers into rivers. Small smelts, hatching from eggs, feed on algae, and then on plankton and very small fish; they themselves are also actively eaten by other sea inhabitants. Fortunately, smelt is not a rare or scarce fish: several hundred thousand tons of it are caught annually in the world, and in our country it is also one of the commercial species.

Properties, calorie content and benefits of smelt

Smelt is not very high in calories - about 100 kcal per 100 g, so it can be included in the diet menu and eaten with fresh vegetables and herbs. But it is rich in easily digestible protein and healthy fatty acids - this explains its nutritional value; contains vitamins PP and D, and a considerable amount of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus - these are the ones we need in large quantities. Other minerals - magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel and chlorine - are somewhat less in smelt, but also quite sufficient. Such a high mineral content increases the nutritional value of smelt, so it is useful to use it to improve health and prevent many diseases.

The high potassium content makes this fish an excellent food for people with vascular problems and heart disease; Calcium, vitamin D and unsaturated fatty acids are needed by everyone, but especially by children, the elderly and those prone to osteoporosis and other bone and joint diseases. It is noteworthy that many fish lovers eat smelt along with the bones: they are small, quite soft and crunch very tasty on the teeth; In addition, this way you can save more calcium and other minerals for the body.

Regular consumption of smelt is also useful for strengthening teeth, but the information that is found on the Internet that a drug for the treatment of periodontal disease is produced on its basis is incorrect: the drug "Carotinoly M" is made from the fat of the three-spined stickleback - a small (about 4 cm) fish, not of commercial importance.

Smelt meat is tasty and tender, and caviar is considered a delicacy - fortunately, this does not affect its cost, and smelt is available to everyone. Although there is enough fat in smelt, it is quite suitable for low-calorie diets: even fried, it will not add extra weight to you if you eat it with fresh cucumbers, broccoli, dill, parsley - on the contrary, it is easily digested and will help improve metabolism.

Recipes and how to cook smelt

In the western regions of Russia, dried, dried, salted and smoked smelt is often sold; You can rarely buy it fresh or frozen. They say that almost all smelt is edible, and some fans even eat small fish with the head - of course, the insides should still be thrown away.

Many people consider frying to be the best way to prepare smelt: small fish can be fried, stirring, almost like potatoes, lightly rolled in flour mixed with salt and spices.

If you have a deep fryer, you can cook smelt in it: it will be much tastier and healthier than French fries, or you can cook it in batter, bake it in the oven or on a grill - the latter option is very suitable for an outdoor picnic.

Of course, you can cook soup with smelt, or stew it in the oven, but if you are lucky enough to find a larger smelt, try stuffing it. The smelt must be cleaned - its scales are small and easily washed off, thoroughly washed and gutted, the backbone removed, salted and put in the refrigerator. Most recipes suggest using red sauce in fish broth, with fried onions, carrots, flour and tomatoes, but you can get by with regular bechamel sauce - with water, not milk.

It can be prepared with onions and carrots, optionally adding a few olives and pieces of pickled gherkins. Combine the sauce with fried, finely chopped champignons, simmer a little over low heat, place the mixture on a plate and cool. Carefully stuff the smelt with the cooled mixture, fasten the bellies with wooden toothpicks (skewers) or sew them up, roll the fish in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in a deep fryer or in oil in a hot frying pan, 3-4 minutes on each side - the fish should be well browned. Take skewers (threads) out of the finished smelt, place the fish on a dish, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve - it is advisable to do everything quickly so that the smelt does not cool down. For 12-15 fish - 3 eggs, 300-400 g of crackers, 300 g of champignons, juice of one lemon, spices, salt, vegetables and herbs to taste.

In the Far Eastern region (and not only) fish is often prepared according to Japanese, Korean and other similar recipes: in the Pacific Ocean, smelt is large, and local people make excellent use of this. This original Japanese dish is easy to prepare. Peel and wash 0.5 kg of fresh smelt, pour over soy sauce (3 tablespoons), put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. For a side dish, prepare daikon, a sweet Japanese radish - it goes well with fish: wash the root vegetable, grate it and add salt to taste. Take out the smelt, roll in corn starch (corn flour), and quickly fry until golden brown in oil in a hot frying pan. The finished smelt is served with grated daikon and sprinkled with finely chopped green onions.

Contraindications and caution

Only people who are allergic to fish should not eat smelt, but everyone else should also be more careful - not all smelt can be eaten.

They say that smelt loves clean water and therefore cannot be dangerous. Unfortunately, in modern conditions she simply does not have to choose, and she continues to live where it used to be clean, but has now become unbearably dirty. For example, this applies to Neva smelt, which is often caught near sewage drains: Roshydromet, an environmental monitoring service, defines the condition of the Neva as “heavily polluted.” Lake, Siberian and Far Eastern smelt can be eaten without fear.


Smelt is a delicious fish of the salmon family, which is known to all true gourmets. Residents of St. Petersburg are waiting with bated breath for the moment when she goes to spawn along the Neva. Fishermen catch it and sell it to everyone who wants to enjoy the wonderful taste.

Meat is healthy because it contains many important microelements and vitamins. It can be eaten by those who dream of losing at least a little weight.

In our material we will talk about the benefits and harms of smelt, how it is useful for various categories of people, as well as the calorie content of the product per 100 grams (how many calories are in fresh, fried, dried, dried fish).

How to choose

Fresh smelt smells like cucumbers. This aroma is given to it by the mucus covering the skin. It contains aldehydes. The same substances are part of the essential oils of cucumbers.

When choosing dried fish you need to be careful:

  • The color of a good product is transparent amber.
  • The back should be sharp, which indicates proper drying.
  • There should not be a lot of salt visible on the carcass.

The refrigerated product can be stored for a week. Also consider:

  • The fresh product has a silvery color; during spawning the back may be dark.
  • The scales should cover the body completely.
  • The normal color of the gills is pink-red. A white or gray tint indicates that the fish is not fresh.
  • The eyes should be clear, the pupils should be narrow.
  • The presence of greasy plaque or thick mucus is unacceptable.

Composition, calorie content per 100 g, BJU content

Contains phosphorus, chlorine, fluorine, iron, potassium, sodium, vitamins B, A, D.

Nutritional value of fresh product:

  • Proteins - 15.4 g.
  • Fats - 4.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • Glycemic index - 0.
  • Calories - 102 kcal.

Nutritional value of dried smelt:

  • Proteins - 28 g.
  • Fats - 3 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.5 g.
  • Calories - 145 kcal.

Nutritional value of fried fish:

  • Proteins - 13.8 g.
  • Fats - 12.6 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 3.3 g.
  • Calories - 181.4 kcal.

Nutritional value of dried product:

  • Proteins - 24.5 g.
  • Fats - 5.3 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.1 g.
  • Calories - 147.8 kcal.

Beneficial properties for the human body

It is advisable for adults to feast on this tasty fish more often, because it:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevents bleeding gums, has a positive effect on tooth enamel.
  • Improves digestion and intestinal motility.
  • Stimulates collagen production.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Improves the condition of the central nervous system, helps fight stress.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat smelt.

It will be useful for them because:

  • Rich in iron, which helps prevent the development of anemia.
  • Speeds up metabolism and improves digestion.
  • Helps keep bones and teeth strong.

Children over one year old can be given boiled smelt. Fish rich in vitamin D will promote normal bone development.

For schoolchildren who spend a lot of time at the computer, smelt will help preserve their eyesight, as it contains a lot of vitamin A.

For the first time, children should be offered a small amount of a new dish. to make sure it does not cause allergic reactions.

This fish is also very useful for older people.

If you use it regularly, you can:

  • Normalize blood pressure.
  • Strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Improve memory.

Since the glycemic index of this product tends to zero, diabetics can afford to prepare delicious smelt dishes. It is advisable to combine them with fresh vegetables.

Potential dangers and contraindications

Fish contains thiaminase. This enzyme is capable of destroying vitamin B1.

Because of this, it is forbidden to eat smelt raw, otherwise you may get poisoned. It should not be given to dogs and cats either.

Drying, smoking and frying destroy the dangerous enzyme, therefore, you can enjoy cooked fish without any fear.

Before cooking smelt, keep in mind that:

  • The presence of an ulcer or gastritis is a contraindication to eating fried fish.
  • An allergy to seafood is a sign that this fish should not be consumed.
  • Smelt is capable of accumulating toxins, which often lead to poisoning, so it must be purchased only in trusted places.

This fish can be smoked, salted, dried, stewed, boiled, fried. Since it does not have sharp bones, it should only be washed and gutted first. It is permissible to eat it whole, which is what true connoisseurs do.

Fried, boiled and stewed smelt is included in the diet 1-2 times a week. A standard portion is about 200 g.

It is permissible to consume salted and dried ones no more than once a week, and if a person suffers from hypertension, then it is advisable to completely abandon such a delicacy.

Use in cooking

You can make fish soup from fish, but more often it is eaten fried, dried or dried.

To prepare the lobe, you need:

  • Wash and gut the fish.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, place the carcasses tightly, sprinkle with onion rings, salt and pepper.
  • Pour water so that the carcasses are half covered.
  • Simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Fried fish: Gut the smelt, roll in spices mixed with salt, and then in flour. Fry in hot vegetable oil or deep fat. The finished product can be eaten with the seeds.

To prepare fish soup, you need to combine smelt with fattier fish, then the dish will turn out delicious:

  • Place 100 g of peeled and chopped potatoes, 100 g of peeled and chopped carrots in a saucepan and add water. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add 200 g of washed, gutted fish, cut into pieces, to the vegetables, cook for 7 minutes.
  • Add finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste, turn off the heat.
  • Let it brew for 10 minutes.

How to properly cook smelt fish - useful tips in this video:

For various diseases, weight loss

Dishes made from this fish improve appetite and stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are recommended for:

  • Intestinal atony.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Chronic kidney pathologies.
  • Hypoparathyroidism.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Angiopathy.
  • Ischemia.
  • Edema syndrome.

There are no special diets for weight loss based on the consumption of this fish., but it can be used by those who want to lose excess weight. If you eat 150 g of smelt daily, you don’t have to worry about gaining weight.

If you move actively, play sports, and give up fatty and starchy foods, you can really lose weight.

Certainly, It is advisable to boil or steam the fish. Salted and dried smelt can cause thirst and fluid retention in the body, which will lead to even greater weight gain.

Fried foods are high in calories, and when exposed to high temperatures, carcinogens that are dangerous to the body can form in the oil. It is better for people who want to lose weight to avoid them.

In medicine and cosmetology

In the treatment of periodontal disease, antioxidants of animal origin are actively used today. A drug called “Carotinoly M” was created from smelt.

It contains all the necessary substances required to maintain healthy teeth, gums and mouth. The drug has a strengthening effect on the entire body.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of smelt caviar are actively used.

To improve the appearance of oily or combination skin, you can prepare the following mask:

  • Mash 20 g of caviar.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt.
  • Mix well and apply the mixture to your face.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The following mask is suitable for any skin type:

  • Mash 20 g of caviar.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed, peach or olive oil.
  • Stir and let sit for 7 minutes.
  • Add the yolk and mix well again.
  • Apply the composition to the face.
  • Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Fresh smelt is delicious in any form. If you have the opportunity to enjoy it, be sure to eat at least one fish. It is very useful for people of any age, including children.

In contact with

Smelt is of interest for industrial production and recreational fishing. Halo of distribution: basins of the Seas of Okhotsk, Baltic, White, in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Fishing is carried out in lakes Ladoga and Onega. It is found in the Rybinsk, Kuibyshev, and Gorky reservoirs, at the mouth of the Volga.

Beneficial features

Smelt has a balanced composition, a favorable calcium-phosphorus ratio for the body, and a high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular: Omega-3, Omega-6. Nutritional value of fresh fish: proteins – 15.5%, fats – 4.4%, ash impurities – 1.5%, no carbohydrates. Mineral compounds: sulfur (154 mg), phosphorus (242 mg), potassium (395 mg), sodium (134 mg), calcium (82 mg). Chromium, nickel, iron, magnesium, and molybdenum are present in small proportions. Vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, PP, H, D. A serving of smelt (100 g) satisfies 110% of the need for chromium, 30% for phosphorus, 16% for potassium.

How it affects the body

Smelt belongs to the group of active antioxidants of animal origin. Eating this fish is good for blood vessels, vision, and the heart. It helps remove cholesterol and reduce sugar. Increases muscle tone, insulin production, strengthens the nervous and musculoskeletal system. Activates thinking, stabilizes defenses, normalizes hormonal levels. Regular use of fish improves blood composition, the structure of blood vessels, and restores capillary blood supply.

Smelt normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the functioning of the digestive organs, relieves inflammation and swelling. It prevents osteoporosis, chondrosis, atherosclerosis, and heart disease. Inclusion in the diet promotes rejuvenation, weight loss, and beauty. Smelt is recommended in old age, when playing sports, during lactation and pregnancy.

How to choose correctly

Fresh smelt has an elastic structure, clear eyes, a silvery-shiny surface, and a fresh smell. The fish should not be large, maximum 30 cm, weight should not exceed 150 g. A musty smell, damaged skin, mucus on the surface are signs of spoilage and poor quality. It is better to purchase salted, dried, smoked fish in its original packaging, which has the date of manufacture and sale. It is important to know that the healthiest smelt is chilled.

Storage methods

Fresh smelt stores well. Lightly dried, placed in a sealed container, can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Boiled fish remains suitable for eating - 3 days, fried - 4, hot smoked - 10 days, dried - 4-6 months. When frozen, it does not lose quality for 4 months. To do this, the fish is first gutted, washed, and packaged in plastic.

What does it go with in cooking?

Smelt is a favorite delicacy of Russian people. It is prepared in different ways: pickled, salted, fried, baked, canned, boiled, stuffed. Used for making soups and aspic. In recipes it is combined with onions, potatoes, and carrots. Harmonious with dill, thyme, bay leaf, rosemary, garlic, and spicy sauces. Smoked fish is included in salads and served with beer. A classic combination is fried smelt with baked potatoes.

It is important to know that small fish cook quickly. You need to cook for 5 minutes (in a double boiler - 10). 10-15 cm specimens are fried with head and giblets, for 5 minutes without a lid on each side.

Healthy combination of products

There are no special diets for smelt. But this fish is valued in proper nutrition and is included in gentle diets. Promotes quick saturation, while not increasing the calorie content of the menu, allowing you to lose weight.

Use boiled or steamed fish. Stewed or fresh vegetables serve as a side dish. Fish is added to salads with cabbage, garlic, eggs, and usually seasoned with soy sauce. There are options for using dried smelt.


Harm from smelt can occur if you are allergic to fish products. Smoked, salted - with caution in case of renal, liver failure, during exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, with high blood pressure.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Smelt is useful not only to eat. In pharmacology, it is a raw material for the drug “Carotinoly”; in Scandinavia it is used for the production of fish oil. Included in therapeutic and prophylactic products for the oral mucosa, for the care of teeth and gums. Used in the treatment of periodontal disease, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, anemia.

In ancient times, folk healers applied fresh smelt to cuts and wounds for quick healing. It was advised to eat fish with bones for fractures and joint problems. Today, doctors recommend including boiled smelt in the diet to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Prescribed for arthritis, high cholesterol, sprains, sleep disturbances, nervous disorders, chronic fatigue. Smelt is a useful product during pregnancy and lactation. Fish is useful for children for the formation of the musculoskeletal system. Cosmetologists claim that smelt promotes rejuvenation and improves the structure of hair, skin, and nails.
