The biofield is considered 50% a biological structure and 50% a fluid structure, where the resonance of the Magnetic field is developed.

Biofield- this is the development of the “spaces” of all chakras included in the structure of the biological “sound” of the intelligence of Time with a program for the disclosure of all the main chakras as pulses or impulses included in the “breath”, giving health...

The biofield has in its “memory” from 7 to 90 chakras, which are included in the structure of the opening of “Inhalation” and “Exhalation”... The biofield has a pattern of “disappearing” as it leaves and comes... The biofield always goes only into the “hypnosis” version with the exact pattern of his plan... If we talk only about the Biofield, without revealing its capabilities, it will take 100 years... It will take about 10,000 years to reveal the Biofield, since this is the “foundation” for the life of the space of “Inhalation” and “Exhalation” "...

The final result of the Biofield is access to complete energy nutrition with the development of all chakras; then it turns into the life of relaxation breathing “hypnosis” in geometric progression of the “Sound” of thought... This is an opportunity that cannot be embodied in material space, but you can know about the Future as the levitation hypnosis of “Inhalation” and “Exhalation” with concentration of attention for biokinesis...

“Exhalation” is an option for releasing the full energy of Kundalini. The opening of the “Exhalation” of the Biofield is the first and last stage of perfection, as the open speed of all chakras included in the structure of the Biofield with concentration on the brain of the cosmic rhythm of the “sound” of the intellect...








The Magnetic field of all energies of the Astral and Mental world works here, correcting the “Inhalation” and “Exhalation” of all “spaces”...

BIO is a structure that is half material and half immaterial. Everything depends on the task set at the beginning of the Goal of life. At the birth of a phenomenon, the structure of BIO consists of 80% Intangible and 20% material.

Biofield- this is the concentration of attention on the “energy” of sleep or the level of “sleep”... This is a stable scheme for the development of life on Earth for a person and for his main “breathing” as a movement, where there is a fixed “Result” in the field of his thought...

At the biological level, a person preserves the Secret. There is great trance energy in biological structures, and everything depends on the Mental body: it works unconsciously in all structures where thought is present...

Biologically, a person is active for 100 years, and this activity awakens through the work of trance energies... The biological level of the body is determined by hypnosis; the chemical level of the body is determined by trance. There is a balance between them...

Biofield- this is the “sound” of all chakras, but the leading or main one is “Sahasrara” in the geometric progression of knowledge (the Sahasrara chakra can be opened from 0.5 to 80%, which determines the health of the Biofield)...

The “Biofield” consists of the Biofield of all chakra energies...

Biofield is a magnetic source of strong human energy; this is “success” in health and well-being of life... The biofield is the subtle level of success of all Perfections; this is a “sign” of the full disclosure of the Magnetic Field as a structure of “Inhalation” and “Exhalation” of “Time”... The Biofield is a “grid” of knowledge; this is the living “sound” of all energies... The biofield is the “sign” of Kundalini infinity; This is creative contact with your thoughts...

The Biofield “sees” a person from afar, giving him a forecast of secret sciences, dialogues with the subconscious at the level of its energies... By using hypnosis, we open the “Time” of the Biofield, where the person himself stimulates his development, revealing the “breath” of “sleep” as the energy of the Future "Time"...

Biofield- this is the “Sound” of all chakras; this is “knowledge” at the level of “Sound”...

Biofield— this is a trance at the level of the Magnetic field, where the exit beyond the “space” of Kundalini becomes obvious... Everything is created through the Biofield...

From every good deed and good thoughts (and they are material), a person’s biofield increases and smoothes out, while evil deeds and thoughts reduce and damage it

People with a serious violation of the biofield often get sick. Moreover, these diseases are practically not treatable by official medicine. Qualified psychic healers who know the appropriate methods can bring the biofield to a normal state and eliminate its damage. After this, a wise and powerful healer brings the body’s natural protective properties back to normal, often creating the impression of a miraculous healing. But there are very few qualified psychics, and an unqualified healer can further damage a person’s biofield. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do to avoid damage or minimize the risk.

Ways to protect the human biofield

You should avoid evil, envious people, you yourself need to constantly be “on top” in all respects. Despite the apparent simplicity of the advice, it plays an exceptional role in maintaining mental and physical health. From every good deed and good thoughts (and they are material), a person’s biofield increases and smoothes out, while evil deeds and thoughts reduce and damage it. In the heat of anger or in a state of violent joy, a person’s biofield is greatly deformed, weakening its protection. Strongly expressed emotions should be avoided, especially in the presence of strangers. Deformation is possible with intense mental work, so it is important that a person in such a state is not disturbed over trifles. In a stressful environment, you need to try to cope with your feelings without panicking or anger. To prevent damage to the biofield by another person, you can mentally imagine that between you there is a mirror reflecting evil. In a conflict, it is easier to avoid losses if you mentally sincerely (necessarily sincerely) feel sorry for your opponent. Often the conflict then ends on its own. To prevent the integrity of your own biofield from being violated by accumulated negative emotions, it is useful to mentally throw these emotions into the fire or flowing water, sitting in the evening (preferably alone) in front of a burning candle or watching water flowing from a tap. Imaginative people can imagine fire or water in their minds, which allows them to relieve negative emotions in any environment. Water can be used not only visually. All types of dousing “wash” a person’s biofield, enhancing its capabilities. Basically, the etheric structure of the body is cleansed. A preliminary prayer performed on water cleanses the seven energy shells of a person. A contrast shower removes all negative energy formations of the lower plane, so a person who comes home from work must first take a shower and then communicate with loved ones, especially children. If this is not possible, then you should simply wash your hands with cold running water. It has the ability to remove and wash away all extraneous bioenergy “suspensions” and often helps even in serious cases (such as a negative evil eye). Since time immemorial, water has been considered by people to be a pure element that washes away all filth. They believed that bathing could protect against illness. The well-known rite of baptism is purification with water. It was no coincidence that Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, the creator of the now famous “Children,” included in a person’s health program dousing him with one or even two buckets of icy well water from head to toe. For personally, from his own experience, he was convinced that water has the ability to wash away not only sweat and dust - it is also subject to damage, the evil eye, and much more. But you need to do this day after day, then it will be beneficial. Many people view the bath as a purely hygienic event. Meanwhile, the bathhouse is a fundamental and most effective way to cleanse the human biofield and strengthen it. At the same time, any Russian bathhouse is especially good. Not a sauna, but a Russian bathhouse! A person leaving the steam room feels elation, inexplicable joy. These purified bioenergy channels absorb sublime emanations of the Cosmos, bringing joy. For those who do not have the opportunity to visit a Russian bathhouse, but have a shower in the house, we recommend the simplest method for cleaning the biofield. Stand under running water (to do this, unscrew the spray funnel from the shower). Let it flow along the spine, to the left and right of it, bring the stream closer to the body, move it away from it. Imagine how water cleanses your main energy channels - chakras. “Look” how the jet washes them, cleans them, and washes away all the accumulated dirt from their inner walls. Such meditation (concentration) can last from 3 to 5 minutes. You can use it very effectively every day and another method of cleaning your biofield. It is best to perform it in the morning. As soon as you got out of bed and washed your hands, face, eyes after sleep, dried yourself thoroughly with a towel, do the following: lightly touching your hands, starting with your head, with your hair, slowly, introducing into your consciousness what you are doing, move your hands along the body, repeating its configuration, as if removing an invisible web from it. Slowly treat the face, neck, eyes. Completely “go through” all of yourself. Palms should be rubbed against each other several times during the session. At the same time, dark, very small pellets of dirt will appear between them. They will appear regardless of the cleanliness of your hands. This is energy “removed” from the body along with a thin layer of secretions. You have freed yourself from the negative layers that arose after sleep. Wash your hands with soap. Repeat the exercise. Remember to neutralize your hands by rubbing, then wash them with soap. Imagine going through the channels and cleaning them. This method is very effective. Use it and at the same time talk kindly to the cells of your body. It is good to strengthen the spirit using the method used by the famous brain researcher V. Bekhterev at the beginning of the century. To do this, you need to try to fall asleep and wake up with the thought: “I am completely healthy, the disease (such and such) has left me forever.” To achieve results, this procedure will have to be repeated many times until the necessary thought (and not only about recovery, but about any goal that is important to you) gets from consciousness to the subconscious. This can also be done while awake, mentally repeating the healing formula. Here's another important detail. When remembering recently deceased people, you should not call them to you or mentally strive for them. Of course, this does not mean at all that the dead need to be forgotten, you just need to get rid of the desire to be together again. It is also dangerous to imagine illnesses and tragic circumstances, since too often such thoughts materialize. You don't have to look far for examples. I have repeatedly heard from parents that as soon as they think that their child might get sick, the next day he or she develops a high fever or begins to experience severe abdominal pain.

About the child’s biofield

You have probably seen such a picture more than once or twice in public transport. Before the preschooler has time to enter the cabin, he immediately flies to take up an empty seat. On the one hand, when there are many passengers in the cabin, this is commendable, but on the other hand, we need to think about it. The thing is that, for example, a cancer patient could sit in the vacant seat, and after him his biofield phantom remained. So, if a child sits in this place, he will receive unwanted energy pendants. This could be dangerous for the child. This will happen, although to a much lesser extent, even if he only passes by this place. A child may touch the edge of the phantom. True, such “pendants” are easily washed off in the shower. Hence, it would be a good idea for preventive purposes to cleanse the child from head to toe with water after each visit to crowded places.

Strengthening the human biofield

For the normal functioning of his body, a person must draw energy from the surrounding world. Experts believe that the energy consumed by the human body from air, water and food is less than a quarter of the energy it receives from the environment. The main part of a person’s energy balance is cosmic energy (in Orthodoxy - God’s grace, among Indian yogis - prana, among the Japanese - qi, among the Koreans - ki, among the Chinese and Tibetan healers - chi). In turn, this cosmic energy is often called life energy. It is no coincidence that Tibetan healers often like to emphasize: “He who has chi prospers, he who loses it dies.” The normal functioning of the respiratory system, blood circulation, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and other systems and organs depends to a great extent on the consumption of this energy. Cosmic energy is the main source for the processes of thinking and mental activity. You can eat and drink little liquid and still be very healthy physically and mentally. If normal access to the body of cosmic energy is disrupted (for example, during the evil eye), then discord begins in all its work, since it is this that determines the state of a person’s energy level. A healthy person has a constant influx and outflow of bioenergy, but at the same time maintains a certain energy balance. As soon as this balance is disturbed, a child or an adult becomes ill. In this regard, any disease, from a bioenergetic point of view, can be considered as a violation of the energy structure at any level: a group of cells, a specific organ or the entire organism. This applies to both children and adults. Considering the fact that when raising children in the first three years of life, many mothers are forced, for physiological reasons, to spend a considerable amount of their vital energy, it is quite logical to talk about where they can get additional bioenergy from. Currently, many different ways of gaining energy are known, for example, through volitional effort and an appropriate mental attitude. We present here only a few of the most typical techniques.

Gaining energy through willpower

This is the simplest of the existing techniques, especially for a person familiar with the elements of autogenic training. In a sitting position, slightly spread your knees, place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Relax. After 20-30 seconds, concentrate your attention on your palms, visually imagine how a flow of energy comes from the sky (in the form of rain, fog or a thin cloud) and how your body receives this energy through your palms.

Gaining energy in the priest pose

In a standing position, you need to relax, after 20-30 seconds, focus your attention on your hands, and then raise them up. The basic position resembles that of a person who is trying to reach an object that is higher than his height. Your arms should be straight and slightly tense. Open palms face upward and, with effort, move outward as much as possible. The effectiveness of gaining energy increases if you imagine that a flow of energy is coming from above you. You absorb it, experiencing inner satisfaction. Try to experience more deeply the appeal to Heaven for energy. It is not for nothing that this pose is known from images of people praying. For the procedure to be more effective, you also need a sufficient level of physical tension, caused by the desire to become taller and turn your hands outwards as much as possible. Within one minute, your hands will feel tired. Immediately after the hands are lowered, energetic excitement arises in them. At the same time, there is an improvement in well-being and mental calm. This procedure is very effective, easy to perform and does not require much time. Drinking regular hot water is very valuable for restoring the body’s energy, but not so hot that you get burned and discourage yourself from engaging in such practice. Drink it on an empty stomach. At the same time, a believer reads a prayer beforehand; an unbeliever, looking carefully at the water, introduces energy into it and must be sure that it is charged. If you perform the ritual of drinking hot water every day, it will perfectly cleanse the entire body and regularly nourish the solar plexus, providing it with additional energy. A glass of boiling water, especially when it is drunk in slow sips on an empty stomach, relieves headaches, reduces elevated body temperature and improves appetite, while the person himself becomes calmer and more focused. And no wonder. Hot water washes away not only toxins, but also all sins and vices from the body, including at the energy level. We already know that weak human bioenergy is a violation of contacts with living nature, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, reluctance to engage in physical education and sports. That is why, if we are talking about a child, try not to interfere with his physical activity. If possible, let your son or daughter run barefoot on the grass in a T-shirt and shorts. Such activities are especially good for replenishing missing bioenergy. Communication with domestic animals and birds, gardening and gardening also contribute to increasing a person’s bioenergetic potential. Therefore, it’s not bad if children take part in all this as much as possible. However, if you do not have a garden or vegetable garden, you and your child can go out of town specifically to improve their health.

Calm mind and circulation of bioenergy

So, when the meridians and collaterals in a person's body are clogged, he gets sick. If this is the case, then the energy wires must be cleaned. In such situations, ordinary doctors prescribe a person various medications and herbal teas, general or acupressure massage. Su Jok specialists use special magnets and needles. However, if a person is purposeful, then he himself is able to cope with such violations. Let us turn again to the experience of the ancients. The chapter “Friendly Conversation” from the book “Nei Ching” - The Inner Canon of Medicine of the Yellow Emperor says: “When the mind is calm and empty, true Qi (vital energy) obeys your commands. If you keep your mind healthy, the danger of illness will turn into its safety.” From the standpoint of modern official medicine, this would correspond to immersing the cerebral cortex in a special inhibited state, activating the regulatory mechanisms of the central nervous system in order to return functional and organic disorders caused by its disorder to normal. A calm mind is a prerequisite for maintaining normal circulation of bioenergy throughout the body.

Many people who are interested in mysticism and esotericism firmly believe that human energy fields are not fiction, but reality. They claim that the so-called aura really exists. Well, everyone has the right to an opinion, and this point of view has the right to be. Who knows, maybe we all really have our own “biofield”. However, in order to talk about this, it is necessary to delve deeper into the topic. And since it is vital for some and controversial for others, there is a lot of information.


So, human energy fields are primarily a pseudoscientific concept. That is, a set of beliefs presented by their supporters as scientific. However, in fact they are not.

They say that the aura (as it is also called) is a special “subtle” field generated by people and other living organisms. Often various parapsychological phenomena and their occurrence are explained by the influence of biofields. However, everything here is conditional. After all, parapsychology is a complex of pseudoscientific disciplines that are aimed at discovering something supernatural. Usually the mental abilities of people. For example, telepathy or some phenomena of life after death. The interesting thing is that scientific methodology is used when presenting all these concepts, opinions and “evidence”.

Piece of Space

Esotericists claim that human energy fields are not an isolated phenomenon that is unique to humans. It's something more. Namely, the connection with the Cosmos. Maybe even part of the energy field of our planet, Earth. Esotericists enthusiastically explain: we are not born at any specific point. Each of us is born in Space, which is filled with fields that are as yet unexplored. And if so, then all people have the gift of controlling them.

This also includes one entertaining performance from yoga, a well-known spiritual practice. Its supporters claim that each person consists of several bodies. And they are all contained within each other. The “base” is our physical body, as well as the etheric, astral and mental. And everyone has an energy field that occupies the space of the body and is expressed in the form of radiation and lines of force. But part of it goes beyond our borders. This can supposedly be seen and is called an aura.

With its help, a person can influence various objects, be it an animate creature or a simple stone. This process is called extrasensory perception. During its course, energy is transferred, as well as information is read. If you believe esotericists, psychics are able to distinguish the aura of objects and people around them. And sensitive people of the highest level are even capable of more! They are capable of distinguishing all the auras of each of the human bodies at once. They say that we, ordinary people, can consider them too. But only with the help of the so-called EBL photo, the highlight of which is the electrobioluminescent glow.

Shades and colors

Now we can talk in more detail directly about human energy fields.

So, the physical body is perceived by the senses. It's logical. is its likeness, more subtle, but retaining its form. It, together with the physical one, has a common energy field. Psychics claim that its color resembles a mixture of gray and purple.

The next body is the astral one. It is even subtler than the ethereal. And it glows blue-gray. Yogis claim that the astral body is a “mirror of emotions.” And he is subject to changing his radiation. True, this kind of “change” depends on what experiences a person experiences at one time or another. Some personalities can completely separate themselves from the physical, and it calmly travels through time and space.

The last body - the mental - is the most subtle. It is said to study the aura of light tones. But it changes shades depending on the emotional state of a person and what thoughts he is currently thinking. And here everything is simple - good good ideas “shine” brightly and lightly. Bad and harmful ones are characterized by dark tones.

If you believe esotericists, the energy field goes beyond 80-100 centimeters. But this is the case with ordinary people. For psychics, the range of their aura is tens of meters.

How to recognize strength?

Above were general ideas about the topic. They help to understand its specifics. But many people are most interested in knowing how to recognize a strong human energy field. Well, there are several signs. Seven to be exact. And a person has a strong biofield if he corresponds to all of them without exception. Here are the signs we mean:

  • The person is not sick. If he had a meager aura, he would be very and often overworked, suffer from headaches, suffer from chronic diseases and catch colds easily.
  • He's lucky. A powerful biofield provides fortune. People with a strong aura achieve great success, without much effort.
  • These people are optimistic. They are like little “suns” on this Earth - they radiate boundless positivity. Even the gloomiest person will feel better next to such a person.
  • The owner of a powerful biofield easily copes with problems that, as a rule, he practically never has.
  • A person with a strong aura is a leader. Moreover, he does not win this status for himself. Society itself chooses him as a leader. He is remarkably good at leading people.
  • No matter how hackneyed it may sound, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Physical strength and endurance characterize a person with a powerful aura.
  • The last sign is an open mind. A person with a strong biofield is not afraid to destroy stereotypes, break boundaries, look into the future and experiment. He is not afraid of change. It seems that he is always ready for anything.

Knowing these signs, you can completely stop being interested in the question of how to see the human energy field. Because there is no need for this - if a person corresponds to all of the above, then he really has a strong aura.

About weakness

Above we talked about what characteristics a person with a strong aura corresponds to. It would seem that a weak human energy field should “endow” its owner with opposite characteristics. This is true, but still nothing happens without prerequisites.

Usually the anticipation of an important event greatly weakens the aura. Which “pulls” energy from a person. Especially if this event does not happen exactly, but maybe. Then resources are also spent on worries in the spirit of “Will it happen?” Thoughts concentrate only on them. And nothing good comes of it.

And there are also those that surround us everywhere. They could be colleagues, relatives, acquaintances. They “suck” energy out of a person. How? Very simple. They create a conflict situation, provoke an argument or quarrel. They want a response from the “victim.” Their indignation, resentment, anger, attempts to justify themselves, tears, hysterics. After this they feel good and comfortable. But the “victim” feels as if all the juice has been sucked out of her.

There are also energy sticks. These are the kind of people who can lay out all the negativity that has accumulated in them, even to a stranger. However, this is not enough for them. They make attempts to infiltrate the life of their potential “source of nourishment” - they begin to look for contacts and meetings, pursue, ask for advice and conversations, be offended if refused, and impose themselves with all their might. They do not provoke conflicts - they receive theirs in the form of sympathy, moral support and help. And if the presence of “vampires” or “leeches” in your life is clearly noticeable, then you urgently need to consider the question of how to strengthen the energy field. A person should be concerned about this, otherwise chronic “brokenness” cannot be eliminated.

Work on yourself

Each of us risks damage to the aura every day. And here are the signs that indicate that his energy biofield is already in need of restoration:

  • Chronic fatigue that does not go away. Even when waking up, a person feels tired.
  • There is nothing that could inspire action. And there are even no ideas.
  • But lethargy has become a constant companion in life. As well as feeling unwell.
  • A bad mood can overtake a person suddenly.
  • An outburst of anger and aggression is provoked by some minor trifles.
  • A person does not feel joy - only inner emptiness, melancholy and depression.
  • But pain in his back and neck accompanies him constantly.

All of the above are similar to symptoms of depression. In any case, restoration of the energy field is necessary. It is difficult to force a person to start doing this on his own. After all, as mentioned above, it is accompanied by lethargy, apathy, and lack of desire to do anything. But we need to start rebuilding.

The first thing you need to understand is that it is very important to merge with this world and accept the rules that apply in it. And remember about the laws of the Universe. You need to start imagining the end result of any action more often - this way the chances of achieving it increase significantly. You also need to think about good things. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also helps. In any case, alcohol, lack of sleep, periodic fast food snacks and smoking do not lead to good things. This all just destroys a person’s consciousness.

But above all are affirmations. And this point must be noted with special attention.


So, everyone who is interested in the question of how to restore a person’s energy field on their own needs to know about affirmations. Moreover, it is also an effective method to strengthen your life in general. Because the concept of affirmations is associated with psychology, which is a science that studies the psyche, its development and functioning as a whole.

How to restore a person’s energy field on your own? It is necessary to consolidate in his mind such an attitude or image that would improve his psycho-emotional background and contribute to positive changes.

But first, an affirmation (many people equate it with motivation) needs to be drawn up. There are special rules and principles here. And here are their basics:

  • It is important to formulate the attitude in the present tense. If a person wants to become stronger in spirit, then he should say so. No future tense. “I am a person with a strong spirit” - this is how it will sound.
  • Only positive words should be used. After all, the purpose of affirmation is to radiate joy, inspiration, and strength to act.
  • It is important to make the installation as brief as possible, but imaginative and vivid.
  • The phrase should be as specific as possible.
  • You can’t doubt and think about bad things. You need to truly believe in your setup and that it works.

You can write down the finished installation on a piece of paper and carry it with you. It won’t hurt to regularly repeat it to yourself or read it out loud. You can even set it as your browser home page. An effective method, by the way.

How to protect yourself?

Well, it’s clear how to strengthen your aura. Now it’s worth saying a few words about how the human energy field is protected. To protect your aura, it is enough to know about some effective methods and follow them.

The most common one is called the “Magic Mirror”. If a person, while communicating with an opponent, feels a negative impact coming from him, he needs to reflect it. They say that imagining a magic mirror helps. It will reflect all the negative energy of the opponent. You just need to relax, smile internally, wish your interlocutor happiness, take a deep breath, hold your breath and imagine that there is a huge mirror between you, and then exhale. It is generally accepted that this simple procedure needs to be repeated three times. And unnoticed - otherwise the interlocutor may get angry. By the way, the human energy field will not suffer any harm from this method.

How else can you protect yourself? There is a second way. It's called "Energy Capsule". And this method is not one-time, as is the case with the previous one. It reliably protects the human biofield, and he, in turn, only strengthens the action by performing a certain ritual every day.

To implement it, you need to retire to a room, sit comfortably, regulate your breathing, close your eyes and concentrate on the chest area. A person needs to breathe deeply and slowly, imagining how warm energy of a pleasant green color seems to come out of the heart and envelop it entirely. This “meditation” should continue for as long as desired. This usually takes 10-15 minutes. At the moment of the ritual, a person feels calm, peaceful and protected. And at the end of the ritual, he needs to say the affirmation: “Let my magical capsule protect me and protect me. My cocoon is impenetrable - such is my will.”

Calculation by date of birth

Above, a lot of interesting and unusual things were said about the aura and what concerns it. But it is also worth noting how a person’s energy field is calculated by date of birth.

Determining the aura will make it clear how great the potential of a person is, given to her from birth. And how a person’s energy field is determined by date of birth and what dependence can be traced in this aspect is explained by a special teaching known as bioenergy. And of course, you can’t do without numerology.

For example, a person was born on November 10, 1992. First of all, the year is multiplied by the month and date. It looks like this: 1011 x 1992 = 2,013,912. After this, you need to calculate the sum of the numbers obtained: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 18. This result is not considered the best. If you believe esotericists, then a person born on this day has a weak biofield. Since the average level starts from 21. But! This means that a person was just born with energy of the 18th level. However, nothing prevents him from continuing to develop it and strengthen it in the process of life.

Aura treatment

Much has been said about how to restore the human energy field. And one more method can be noted at last. This is the treatment of biofields with aura. Or, as it is also called, non-contact massage.

The aura is known to generate heat. People at a high level (over 30) have so much of it that they can share it. And some do just that, becoming real masters of this specific area of ​​healing. Many people claim that restoring a person’s energy field with a different aura works wonders. Using a non-contact massage, the healer acts on the thin shell of his patient and “cleanses” it. As a result of the procedure, you can feel relief from fatigue, improved well-being, and peace of mind. Some sessions were relieved of chronic diseases, others were rejuvenated. Is it a placebo or an effective method - here everyone will find the appropriate answer.

Well, the topic of biofields is really interesting. It is useful to find out what other people think about this, what theories exist. One thing can be stated with confidence - energy in the traditional sense definitely exists. Maybe not the way esotericists see it. But it exists, and every person with feelings knows it.

As esotericism teaches, the aura is the primary plane as subtle energy, and the physical shell is secondary, although both are closely related.

Thoughts are energy frequencies, and emotions are also wave vibrations, so the overall flow of energy intensifies, reality is transformed, and the reason for this is the human biofield. Any processes of the subtle world are reflected in reality, because the Universe is a network of energy fields emanating from the Creator.

Aura: definition and similarity to the biofield

The term “human bioenergy system” itself is increasingly used today in the fields of extrasensory perception and alternative types of medicine. A synonym for this concept is vitality. We are essentially talking about special subtle fields surrounding a person, which allow him to exist in harmony with his body and mind.

From a scientific point of view, the biofield is often equated to electromagnetic radiation, wave, quantum and even torsion fields.

Most experts on this issue equate the bioenergy field to a repository of human consciousness, which controls many vital processes for matter. In esotericism, this term is used more in the occult sense, not considering bioenergy as a material object. In this case, the person is already faced with an aura.

Aura is a multidimensional concept, initially relating only to the manifestation of the human soul. Eastern practitioners in some cases view the aura as a physical substance that resembles a cloud around a person. Sometimes this haze is also called emanation. From the point of view of some religions and esoteric theories, an aura like a radiance around the body indicates the presence of a special power of a mystical kind. This additional oval appearance can be seen only with supersensible perception, clairvoyance. According to various parapsychologists, the aura consists of a number of connected layers, different in color and structure.

Today it can be argued that bioenergetics of the body is a special science that studies the processes of energy exchange in human cells and tissues. The discipline, which is not tied to individual individuals, also studies changes in energy due to the action of the entire biosphere. Esotericists define this cognitive branch as a collection of data about the integral information field of the planet and its connection with various objects.

Biofield from the point of view of the aura: history of study

The first mentions of the circulation of human energy around and inside the body are found among Indian and Chinese healers. In the first case, the term “Prana” has been used in Ayurveda since ancient times. In India, they believe that the biofield operates only in healthy individuals, and it looks like an oval, uniform cocoon along the contour of the body. An absolutely physically developed person has an energy plume length in the range of 40-60 cm, but if a serious illness sets in, the aura narrows and becomes only 30-15 cm.

There are also cases when the biofield extends to 2-3 meters, which indicates the unique healing abilities of a person and his high level of spiritual development.

Chinese thinkers saw energy as the flow of Qi, affecting well-being. This biofield is based on three types of energy: ancestral (chromosomal) is called Ki and is passed on from generation to generation; protective or Wei helps develop immunity; Rong energy is generated through physical processes such as breathing and digestion.

By the 17th century, a number of physiologists and doctors had a theory about the presence of a special type of energy in living and inanimate objects, which ensures interaction at a distance. Despite such an important discovery, the question of what the human biofield means began to be carefully studied only in the 20th century. Thus, the Belarusian doctor and specialist in the fields of magnetism and electrography, Narkevich-Iodko, managed to create a fixator of glow from objects and creatures on a photographic plate. In parallel with this, in England, the naturalist Kilner found out that every person has an individual aura, and it is precisely a biofield.

In Austria, around the same time, the scientist Weiss recorded the existence of a certain morphogenetic field that allows a cell to form an entire organism. In 1923, Gurvich officially called this glow a biofield, but failed to explain its essence. At the beginning of the 20th century. the statement about the ability of living objects to change their own radiation was also found in the works of the famous academician Vernadsky.

In 1944, engineer Grishchenko put forward a theory about the existence of so-called bioplasma. This is the fourth state of matter, inherent only to living matter, which includes molecules with atoms. This topic was studied in detail by Professor Ilyushin in Kazakhstan, and he came to the conclusion that an energy field similar to bioplasma is that same aura. It is closely represented by a collection of protons, ions and free electrons.

The Kirlian couple, Soviet researchers of the 50s, had a huge influence on the concept of bioenergy. It was in their hands that the first apparatus for photographing the aura belonged. Essentially, this method allows you to track the glow of objects in a field with high frequencies. The method of such diagnostics of the biofield is called the “Kirlian Effect”. The technique was later improved by the German doctor Mandel, and now it is used to study bioenergy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In 1959, Dr. Ravitz was able to find out that the human energy system changes in accordance with psychological and mental processes. In the 70s Scientific work on the study of the Kirlian effect continued. In particular, physicist Adamenko concluded that photographs of the aura in this technique are an electronic image under atmospheric pressure conditions. He also suggested that information about human physiology and psyche is stored in free electrons.

Thus, the middle of the 20th century. and the beginning of its second half turned out to be very rich in research in the field of bioenergy. In 1978, the USSR began a large program for diagnosing aura. It was possible to prove the dependence of the radiation strength on the electrical conductivity of a living object, which is determined precisely by its psycho-emotional state. But due to numerous problems, this large-scale work was completely curtailed in our country.

In 1979, bioenergy also became the subject of Dr. Becker's study. What it is, how it works, what it is needed for - all these questions were put at the forefront. Based on the results of the study, the scientist managed to draw up a comprehensive map of the human electric field. It turned out that the aura exactly repeats the outlines of the body and the central nervous system. In addition, the biofield changed size and density with changes in the individual’s body. Electrons moved freely through the energy field.

Thus, centuries-old research by scientists from various fields has repeatedly proven that a person is surrounded by an energy field. Each individual contains a serious potential of biocurrents, and it constantly passes into the environment.

Human biofield: aura and its layers

According to most works of the scientific community and modern esotericists, we can talk about the bioenergetic halo of the personality as a collection of physical and subtle shells. First come those fields that are diagnosed by equipment and can be changed to improve a person’s well-being.

There are seven such physical levels:

  • Electric field appears due to the electrical activity of the heart muscle, the presence of different frequency waves in the brain (alpha, beta, gamma, the work of the eyeball, and so on. This membrane is activated in many medical studies, for example, during electrocardiography.
  • A magnetic field formed by the flow of blood through the vessels, the activity of cell membranes and nerve impulses. This shell is closely connected with the magnetic waves of the entire planet, which is why many people feel poor health during magnetic storms. For therapeutic purposes, this field can be worked with using special magnets in the form of bracelets or clips, selected through diagnostics with a dowsing frame.
  • Ultra high frequency shell associated with radiation from internal organs. The depth of this field is 10-15 cm, and each organ has separate indicators. Sometimes so-called microwave therapy is used to work with these frequencies.
  • Chemiluminescent field appears during certain chemical reactions. Emission occurs from a depth of 1-1.5 cm in the form of light quanta. This membrane is being studied for the treatment of various skin ailments.
  • Acoustic energy of a person, his biofield in the context of sounds. We are talking about a resonant shell around each organ that arises during its functioning. This layer is examined using techniques of auscultation, percussion, etc.
  • Infrared shell or the thermal field also appears due to the work of organ systems. Each part of the human body has a specific temperature, and this can be examined using a special technique.
  • Chemical field or territory of smells. The smell of a human body in good physical shape and shades of aromas for various ailments play a role here.

As for the subtle shells or bodies, each person also has seven of them.

  • Physical body, i.e. coarse matter. The individual’s body lives from the moment the embryo develops until immediate death. The physical shell is automatically saturated when food is absorbed.
  • Ethereal shell protrudes 5-8 cm from the body and rises above the crown within 15-20 cm. Sometimes it spreads 40 cm from the person. There is already subtle matter here, which is activated by a special non-contact massage. It is believed that the subject's etheric double lives 9 days after the death of the physical shell. You can saturate the etheric shell through thorough chewing of food.
  • Astral body surrounds the body at the distance of an outstretched palm. The human aura in this layer is better expressed in talented individuals. This shell is responsible for emotions; it can be disconnected from physical matter during dreams, trance, and deep meditations. This is the raw energy of the personality, and it lives after the death of the body for another 40 days. When eating, you should concentrate on the taste of the food in order to activate such a shell.
  • Mental subtle energy determined by a person’s intelligence and cognitive abilities. The distribution of this field is large - from 5 to 10 km and further. This body is responsible for willpower and leadership qualities. When the physical part dies, mental vibrations persist for up to 1 year in space. This shell is strengthened by concentrating on the benefits of food.
  • Causal or information shell has a connection with the general field of the planet and stores data about many generations. This type of rough information cannot die, and a person is able to comprehend all the secrets of the Earth with its help. Such a body is nourished through the mention of deceased loved ones during the meal.
  • Intuitive body is responsible for life support and is most active in childhood. The growth of this shell is possible only through competent education without unnecessary frameworks and rules of subordination. Such subtle information is also immortal.
  • Higher field or Divine Spirit provides direct contact with the Creator or Supreme Intelligence. This is a very deep layer of the aura, it is practically not explored.

The biofield around a person was studied in its own way in ancient Eastern philosophy, where three main shells were distinguished among the subtle bodies: etheric, astral, mental. The first retains the shape of a person’s physical contour and shares the same energy field with the ordinary body. Etheric energy is illuminated with gray-purple or gray-blue light. The astral shell is less stable because such a light aura is colored in accordance with the thoughts of the individual. The darker the experience, the darker the energy, and vice versa.

The scientific community believes that the biofield can be divided into two halves at the level of the navel in the human body. Both parts rotate constantly, periodically changing directions. If the rotation is clockwise, then the field is positively charged. Accordingly, reverse rotations indicate a negative charge. The rotation of the halves of the biofield in different directions shows the neutrality of energy.

The direction of bioenergy flows is determined using a dowsing frame, which takes over rotation when located on the side of a person.

To measure the size of the human biofield, you can also resort to the services of a frame or pendulum. The hand with the device must be gradually removed from the body, and where the pendulum does not swing and the frame ceases to be parallel to the body, the boundaries of the individual’s energy are located. Some are even able to measure biofields with their hands, diagnosing energy as vibration, slight tingling in the skin, heat wave, etc.

The human energy biofield should ideally be dense and large, because this limits the body from diseases and external negativity, both physical and magical. But the size of the surrounding shell is not constant, because it is affected by the state of health, stress, mood, and overall potential.

Food also plays a special role, because many spices and drinks reduce the density and size of energy. In general, the size of the field in a non-sick and elderly person is 1-1.5 m. And if an individual suffers, for example, from alcohol addiction, the energy sharply narrows to 40 cm.

Principles of bioenergy

The entire cosmos is permeated with energy flows. Each cell of the human body also contains enormous energy potential. The ability of our energy to circulate freely throughout the body guarantees physical and mental health for the entire society. But where does a person manage to draw energy reserves?

It is customary to call 3 energy sources:

  • Genetic material. Energy can literally be inherited, and on this basis, potential energy can be obtained.
  • Burning oxygen, i.e. breathing process.
  • Food processing, e.g. digestion process.

The basics of bioenergetics say that the last two methods help us obtain functional energy. This is the basic minimum that is necessary for the body to function properly. But potential energy, made from inherited material, represents a person’s holistic life experience, which is formed from external stimuli.

The surrounding impulses for its creation can be: the basics of family education, an ecological environment, social contacts, emotional characteristics, and lifestyle. As the body develops, potential energy is also connected to the sources of functional energy, because through it comes the psychological improvement of the individual, increasing his quality of life.

So, all objects in the world have energy. Physical reality is surrounded by low vibrational energy. Every body and object has such fields. But there are also high vibrations - subtle energies passing through streams of a lower order and enriching them with information and light rays. Literally, subtle matters spiritualize our reality.

Biofield color

Human bioenergy in each type of field is distinguished by a specific vibration frequency, i.e. wavelength. Also, any layer is endowed with a specific color: black, brown, blue, purple, white-gold, silver, red and blue.

The biofield can appear in the form of a luminous cocoon around the body, and in such cases we can talk about an aura.

Under the influence of the way of thinking, the aura is painted in different colors, from which one can draw conclusions about the human psyche and his health.

The finer the energy and the higher the vibration in the fields around the individual’s body, the more evenly it surrounds the torso, forming equal spheres of a concentric type.

There is an opinion that in a physically developed person, energy spills into space through the top of the head. It rises up from all sides, goes down and gathers in the groin area to begin rising again along the body.

Some of the energy, as previously described, is information. During the course of an individual’s life, all data from the individual’s biography is stored in a common field, including not only her thoughts, but also the main milestones of her life and the time of death. The information vibration of the planet in this way creates a literal copy of the subject. Therefore, human bioenergy and the impact on it require careful attention not only from esotericists, but also from scientists in various fields.

It is worth noting that the human biofield tends to transfer to inanimate objects if they were created by someone else’s hands. The bioenergy of an object is induced, it is connected with the thoughts and wishes of its author. The energy of the material itself also plays a role. Of course, there are no things that have destructive potential, but there are items sold or gifted with a negative emotional charge.

Human biofield energy: distribution

So, bioenergy claims that certain flows exist not only outside, but also inside each person. They allow us to be in good shape and control the processes of metabolism and overall development of the body. External stimuli that contribute to the production of energy in the body have already been described above. However, a certain part of the flows is formed during the activity of so-called energy systems.

There are 8 of them in the body:

  1. Immunity or defense system;
  2. Central nervous system;
  3. The cardiovascular system;
  4. Respiratory system;
  5. Digestive system;
  6. Endocrine system;
  7. Excretory system;
  8. Reproductive system.

There is an opinion that the energy flows formed in the body are distributed due to a special transport system. It's called a network. energy meridians. This is a fairly strong structure of thin fibers resembling channels with a diameter of 0.5-1.5 microns.

In an effort to learn everything about the human biofield, scientists introduced radioactive isotopes into energy points and tried to photograph the meridians in infrared light. It turned out that Chinese medicine, even in ancient times, very accurately described the exact location of the nodal contacts of the transport and energy network.

The perception of the energy signal within this system is facilitated by additional amplifiers. Ultimately, the energy goes to the required organ or part of the body. These meridians can carry flows in the same way that blood moves in the arteries.

It should be noted that in some situations this energy network may operate with errors. This occurs when an area is blocked and the flow of biological energy moves unevenly. The origins of such problems lie in the psychological characteristics of a person, and as a result, damage is caused to the entire psychophysical system.

The Big Shur Institute conducted several bioenergy studies and found that stagnant energy clusters most often appear in the following areas:

  • forehead and eyes;
  • mouth, jaw, chin, throat;
  • rib cage;
  • diaphragm;
  • stomach;
  • pelvic area;
  • lower limbs.

The human bioenergy field is rarely blocked in several places at the same time, but the limitation of energy dynamics is individual for each person, since it corresponds to his lifestyle and temperament.


Interestingly, in Eastern traditions, the main energy nodes and potential points of blockages are chakras. It is believed that a person has seven such centers, each of which activates a specific part of the general biofield. In essence, a chakra is a plexus of energy channels in the area of ​​the subtle body.

  • Muladhara, or the first chakra, coordinates the work of the physical shell. The presence of healthy energy in it ensures developed instincts of survival and fight.
  • Svadhisthana, or the second chakra, is associated with the etheric shell. Flows in this area help to realize oneself and accumulate creative energy.
  • Manipura, or third chakra, governs astral matter. Its functioning helps a person cope with concentration and emotions.
  • Anahata, or the fourth chakra, works with mental energy. Its activity guarantees a person’s sensuality and empathy towards the world around him.
  • Vishuddha, or the fifth chakra, is responsible for the casual body. Not only energy, but also psychic power is stored here, through which the individual builds his own reality and controls his space.
  • Ajna, or sixth chakra, fills the buddhic body. A special kind of energy accumulates here, allowing you to read information from the general biofield of the planet. This center improves the perception of reality and unites the will, reason and thinking of a person.
  • Sahasrara, or the seventh chakra, acts as the control center of the atmic body. Divine energy or the energy of unconditional love accumulates here. The well-being of such a chakra guarantees the realization of oneself in one’s life mission with higher goals.

The human biofield is a dual structure considered differently in the scientific and esoteric world. For most clairvoyants and psychics, bioenergy is exuded by an individual into the environment and is determined by his emotional or psychological characteristics.

At the same time, the energy that accumulates in the person himself and constitutes his life potential also matters. Bioenergetics, as a separate branch of scientific knowledge, considers mainly the internal reserves of the individual obtained through physiological processes. However, it makes sense to consider the biofield as a holistic term and, in connection with this, harmoniously develop both the external aura and internal energy centers.

In order not to confuse the concepts of “biofield” and “aura,” let us clarify these two definitions.

"Biofield" is the human energy body, which is part of the Earth’s energy field. It is located both in the physical body and goes beyond it. Information about the existence of the human biofield has its roots in ancient times.

Since time immemorial, it has also been known that there are influences at a distance, that is, through a field. The ability to influence at a distance through any obstacles, regardless of their thickness, has always been kept by humanity for various reasons in strict secrecy, and it was transmitted only to certain people, strictly through initiations and to specially chosen ones.

B and the human field is endless. The human biofield is multidimensional, but since man is not alone in the Universe, everything that exists in the physical Universe, people, animals, plants, inanimate nature, everything has a biofield, which in its totality forms the etheric Universe, astral, mental, casual, body “I” of the Universe and the body of the absolute.

The human biofield consists of six energy bodies. Each energy body has its own specific properties.
With a uniform decrease in the intensity of the human biofield, a periodic abrupt change in the properties of the biofield occurs.


The aura is a part of a person’s biofield that goes beyond the boundaries of his physical body.

In reality, the human aura has an egg-shaped, ellipsoidal shape that envelops the entire body.

A person is like in the shell of an egg, the blunt side of which, if we talk about the aura of the head, is located at the level of the ears, the sharp side is above the head, merging with the upper dome of the ellipse, common to the entire body.

The contours of the aura are slightly different from the contours of the physical body.

The energy field “shell” surrounds not only living bodies, but also various objects.

The human bodily aura is material and represents energy fields grouped around the human body. These fields intersect at right angles. Inside the “auric egg”, lines of force are visible, emitting energy in all directions. In most cases, the aura is visible at a distance of 1-1.5 m around the body. The energy fields of the aura are formed from a person's thoughts and feelings.

A person has 7 bodies:
You are not inside the physical body, it is inside you, because... you are immeasurably more than your physical body!!!

The state of EACH of the seven human bodies is determined by the state of all other bodies, and the further the distance of another body from the physical body, the more important it is for the lower bodies!!! Subtle bodies dominate the physical body!

Only the energy of the spirit revives the physical structure of the human body.

Without subtle bodies there can be no real physical body.

The dense physical body is surrounded by an invisible body, an aura, consisting of several energy layers, subtle bodies.
First, the physical self has a counterpart energy layer called the etheric body. This is an intermediate body between the dense and subtle bodies.
It is where health begins and is reflected, and it is there that disease manifests itself first before the flesh is affected.

Next come 5 layers of the aura of subtle bodies:
The first layer of the aura corresponds to the emotional one, and reflects the level of feeling, the connection between the body and mind.
The layer next to the emotional one is the astral body.
Next there are three levels of the aura: lower, middle and highest, which make up the spiritual body.
The “silver thread” of vital energy connects invisible bodies with each other.

Therefore, the Universe can be divided into two parts:
one is the physical and etheric world,
and the second part is the subtle world, which includes the astral world, mental, causal world, the world of individuals and the world of the absolute.

The universe is multidimensional and so are all the objects in it. Therefore, in addition to the physical body, a person also has subtle bodies. All human bodies are interconnected with each other, mutually influence each other and form a single whole through the main chakras (energy centers).

It follows from this that a person, except physical body, has an etheric body, astral, mental, causal, the body of “I” and the body of the absolute. All human energy bodies are part of his biofield or, in other words, are formed from his own biofield.

Actions physical body a person is reflected in his ethereal body, therefore from quality of human actions depends quality of the etheric body, and then, in turn, etheric body person will be influenced accordingly physical body.

Therefore, in order for a person’s etheric body to have a positive effect on his physical body, it is necessary to form his etheric body with positive actions.

IN astral body all his emotions and desires are reflected, therefore astral body called body of emotions and desires. Quality of the astral body person directly depends on the quality of his emotions and desires.
“Bad” emotions and desires will form, accordingly, an astral body that is “bad” in quality, and vice versa, “good” emotions and desires will form a “good” astral body.

Mental bodyis the body of thoughts, so the quality of the mental body depends on the quality of thoughts. “Good” thoughts will form, accordingly, a “good” mental body, “bad” thoughts will form a “bad” mental body.

Three human energy bodies the state and quality of which depend on the actions, emotions, desires and thoughts of a person.

Human actions- these are his actions in the physical world. All his actions in the physical world do not pass without leaving a trace, but are reflected in his etheric body.

Desires and emotions a person also does not disappear without a trace, but all his desires and emotions are reflected in his astral body. A person’s desires and emotions are his actions in the astral world.

Thoughts a person also do not disappear without a trace, but are reflected in his mental body. A person's thoughts are his actions in the mental world.

Thus, during life, a person acts simultaneously in three worlds - in the physical-etheric, in the astral and mental.
The totality of all these actions will influence his health and fate.

From the above, we see that to improve health and destiny, it is not enough to take any physical actions on the part of a person who would like to improve his health and destiny for the better. It is not enough, for example, to exercise, do sports, follow a routine, eat right, do the right things, various healthy breathing exercises, and so on. All of the above will significantly influence the state of the physical body and even its fate, but not completely, since the above “actions” will only improve the etheric body, and the astral and mental bodies in this case remain unaccounted for.
Therefore, in addition to the above “actions,” it is necessary to prevent negative emotions and desires that would harm the world around us. Understanding that negative emotions and desires worsen health and destiny through the astral body, try not to communicate with “bad” people, speak only “good” words, and do not use words in your speech that evoke negative emotions, desires, thoughts.

Thoughts influence not only the mental body, causing emotions and desires, but also influence the astral body. A person’s thoughts have a 2-3 times stronger influence on his health and destiny than his emotions and desires. And emotions and desires influence fate and health twice as much as his actions.

Knowing all this, you need to strictly monitor your thoughts, avoiding “bad” thoughts. Never think about bad things. It is very dangerous to bring up bad memories. You need to mentally replay all bad memories yourself, and replay them so that not negative emotions arise, but, on the contrary, positive ones. Everything must be approached philosophically, and this is so that in any situation delight, joy, and gratitude arise.

It is necessary to especially emphasize the meaning of the words. It is no coincidence that humanity has always attached great importance to the word. Even the Bible says that in the beginning there was the word, and from it everything came into being. They also say that a word can kill and a word can cure.

If you look at the word from our point of view, then the word has a double effect on a person, since it evokes both emotions and thoughts almost simultaneously. Because of its double action, a word can greatly influence a person’s fate and health.
Through the word, a person performs actions in both the astral and mental worlds. A “bad” word evokes correspondingly “bad”, or, in other words, negative emotions and thoughts, and they, in turn, are reflected in the astral and mental bodies of a person. A “good” word evokes, accordingly, “good” emotions and thoughts; they are also reflected in the astral and mental bodies of a person.

From the above it follows that words are not only a means of communication and a carrier of information, but also influence fate and health accordingly through the astral and mental bodies, and are the actions of a person both in the astral world and in the mental world at the same time.
Given this double influence of words on a person, it is necessary to handle words very carefully. Before you say anything, you need to think about the impact it will have on other people. After all, not only the health and fate of other people, but also the person who uttered these words depends on this. Since in any situation the law works: “What you sow, that is what you reap.”

Therefore, a person’s fate and his health are influenced not only by his actions, emotions, desires, thoughts, but also by the words that he uses in his speech.

The words that a person uses, the actions that he performs, the emotions and desires, the thoughts that arise in him - all of this together are his actions. And his fate and health will depend on what he does.

According to his deeds a person receives both health and destiny. Thus, a person creates his own health and destiny.
This is completely consistent with cosmic law - the law of cause and effect, the law of KARMA.

According to the law of cause and effect, nothing happens without a specific reason. Our present state is the result of our past deeds, i.e. our past actions are the cause and our present actions are the effect. And our future is the result of our present deeds, i.e. the present is the cause and the future is the effect. This is how the law of cause-and-effect relationships works in the past, present and future of a person - this is the law of karma.

According to the law of cause and effect, whatever a creature sows, it will also reap. Therefore, if a creature sows evil, death to the surrounding world, then, naturally, the same will be reaped - evil and death. From here we see that the law of cause and effect is the law of self-preservation of the Universe.

It is necessary for all people on Earth to stop for a second, think, understand the meaning of the law “Like attracts like,” and never attract Evil, Sorrow, Fear and Hatred. And to do this, you need to get all this out of yourself. The ancients said this: “You cannot change Fate, you need to change yourself, and fate will change automatically.” Change yourself, find your healers, pray, meditate, do good deeds, love each other.

From E. Bagirov’s article “HUMAN BIOFIELD”.

7 bodies have their own 7 vibration ranges.

Each of these bodies lives according to its own laws, but damage to at least one of them or the connections between them leads to illness.

Healing only the physical body will not lead to a complete recovery, but only to a temporary relief of disease syndromes and the disease going deeper.

Healing uses the invisible bodies of the aura, energy bodies, to then change the state of the visible - physical body.

Medicine deals with only a small part - the dense matter of which a person consists; for this, it divided a person into organs and created appropriate institutes for their separate study.

Modern medicine tears apart the components of the whole Being, separating the visible from the invisible, and even dividing the whole physical “I” into shreds: one doctor treats the back, another treats the heart.

Traditional medicine does not treat a person as a whole and does not recognize the existence of his energy bodies, the unity of all Being.

Medicine of the 3rd millennium must return to its roots and treat the WHOLE person as a whole: cleanse, harmonize the soul with the Divine Cosmos. This is exactly how cosmoenergetics works - in the mode of synergy of all components of a person.

The etheric double contains the chakras and is the level at which psychic diagnostics and manual manipulation take place: the “aura power” of one person can be transferred to another to increase his vital energy. This is the basic principle of manual manipulation and psychic healing.

In cosmoenergetics, all these actions are performed by channels, through the medium of the cosmoenergetic operator. This is a universal approach that includes and replaces many “manual” healing methods, many times surpassing them in terms of impact.

The etheric double absorbs energy (prana) from space and then distributes the prana among the chakras and meridians, and the chakras form the body’s immune system, protecting it from diseases and providing the energy necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems.


The human energy structure consists of seven subtle bodies, of which the densest is the physical one (frame), on which, like nesting dolls, the other six bodies are strung.

Ethereal - energetic, astral - emotions, mental (thoughts), causal - karmic containing the experience of past incarnations, the body of the individual “I” and the body of the absolute.

The human body is a system in which all its organs have information and energy connections, which in turn make up the energy body (etheric), or the human aura. If the energies in this system circulate correctly and the energy balance is maintained, then the organs never get sick, since they feed on this vital energy, and adequate energy nutrition allows the organs to remain healthy.

Energy centers (chakras) are the energy link of the etheric body. Each subtle body has its own functional purpose, its own shape and structure. There are structural connections between subtle bodies. In addition, each subtle body has a biorhythm of work that is synchronized with the biorhythms of the other subtle bodies.

The etheric body (aura), through its energy centers (chakras), supplies the main building material (vibrations) for the life of all subtle bodies. The etheric body plays a leading role in maintaining human health.

The main energy centers (chakras) are associated with both subtle bodies and organs in the human physical body. An energy imbalance in one or more chakras leads to serious functional diseases, organic and mental disorders.

Subtle bodies constitute a single energy structure, therefore the state of each of them is a key factor determining the state of the human being as a whole.

Energy connection subtle bodies is such that each subsequent one is a control for the previous one. The shape of subtle bodies may be disrupted and there may be a failure in the synchronization of the work of energy centers. Negative emotions to which a person is subject, if they become stable, can attract similar vibrations, and then a whole network of damage is created in the form of the existence of aural entities in the human aura, in the etheric body of etheric entities, which lead to numerous mental (explicit, hidden and borderline) disorders and psychopathic illnesses.

Damage to thin bodies can occur in humans starting from the uterine (prenatal) period. At the cellular level, all negative sensations and the accompanying background and vibrations are recorded, which subsequently creates damage to the subtle bodies. These records are stored in the human subconscious throughout the entire temporary living space. Anger, rage, irritation, chronic anger, habitual negative emotions, negative thoughts, resentment, pride, violence and many other manifestations of human cowardice.

It also stores a database of damage that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. Damage is the formation of vortex structures in the aura, which create peculiar tumors on the subtle bodies and very often cause the appearance of tumors in the physical body.

Damage to subtle bodies over time leads to damage to the physical body, forming similar vortex energy structures in it. Turbulence of energy flows can exist either for a long time or for minutes - it all depends on the action of the cause that gave rise to them. Being in a certain human habitat, they can move, feeding on the energy of the center that passes over their habitat.

Energy structure of a person.

The structure of a person is seven bodies, of which the densest is (the physical body) - a frame on which, like nesting dolls, six other bodies are strung: ethereal (energy), astral (emotions), intuitive (spiritual), causal (karmic), containing experience past incarnations, mental (thoughts), spiritual (self)

The human body is a system. All its organs have information and energy connections, which are the etheric (energy body). If energy circulates correctly and energy balance is maintained, then the organs will not get sick, since they are nourished by that vital energy, and adequate energy nutrition allows the organs to remain healthy.

Energy centers (chakras) are the energy link of the etheric body.

Astral, intuitive, casual, mental, spiritual - subtle bodies. Aura is the totality of all subtle bodies. Each subtle body has its own functional purpose, its own shape and structure. There are structural connections between subtle bodies. In addition, each subtle body has its own biorhythm of work, synchronized with the biorhythms of the other subtle bodies. The etheric body, through its energy centers (chakras), supplies the main building material (vibrations) for the life of all other subtle bodies. The etheric body plays a leading role in maintaining human health.

The connection of the main chakras with subtle bodies and organs in the physical body, as well as the influence of each chakra on the physical and mental state of the human body with the balance and imbalance of energy in the chakras is of fundamental importance. Energy disruption in one or more chakras initially leads to very serious functional diseases, and then to organic and mental disorders.

Every person from birth has an energy double, also called an energy double. In fact, a double is a storehouse of energy that can be automatically used by the body in extreme situations. However, in ordinary life, the energy of the double is not available to us. In order to learn to purposefully take advantage of the benefits that awareness of managing our double gives us, we need to be properly aware of it. And to begin with, at least learn to perceive it and be aware that the double really exists. An unconscious and not purposefully developed double remains in a kind of “rudimentary” form until the end of a person’s life. Conscious “uploading” of a double with energies of a certain kind serves as a guarantee that the aura around the organic body will have a greater opportunity to restore integrity in case of any deformations. At a certain level of spiritual development, a person’s aura becomes one with the aura of a double.


Subtle bodies constitute a single energy structure, therefore the state of each of them is a key factor determining the state of the human being as a whole. The energetic relationship of “subtle” bodies is such that each subsequent body is a manager for the previous one: the body of the Soul controls the mental body, the mental body controls the astral, the astral controls the etheric, and the etheric controls the physical. Subtle bodies can be damaged, just like the etheric and physical bodies. The shape and structure of subtle bodies may be disrupted, and there may be a failure in the synchronization of the work of all bodies. Negative emotions to which a person is subject, if they become stable, can attract similar vibrations from the Cosmos, and then a whole network of damage is created in the form of the existence of aural entities in the human aura, and etheric entities in the etheric body, which lead to numerous mental (explicit) , latent and borderline) disorders and psychosomatic diseases.

Damage to the subtle bodies can occur in humans starting from the perinatal (uterine) period. Already at the cellular level, a recording of all negative sensations and the accompanying background (physical pain, words of surrounding people, sound, etc.) is being recorded, which subsequently creates damage to the subtle bodies. These records on the track of the entire temporary living space are stored in the human subconscious. A data bank is also stored here about damages that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. Damage is the formation of a vortex structure in the aura, which creates peculiar tumors on the subtle bodies and, very often, is the cause of tumors in the physical body.

Damage to subtle bodies can lead to damage to the etheric and physical bodies, forming vortex structures in them, similar to the vortex structures in subtle bodies. The presence of vortex structures (turbulent flows in the ethereal-physical body) causes the creation of ethereal structural formations (usually protein), so-called ethereal entities that have a behavior program and are, as it were, intelligent beings. They live in the body mainly in a liquid environment: blood, lymph, urine, bile, sweat, cerebrospinal fluid, vitreous eye tissue, intercellular fluid, etc. And arising due to the turbulence of energy flows, they can exist either for a long time or for minutes - it all depends on the time of action of the cause that gave rise to them. Being in a certain habitat, they can settle and create a traffic jam.

The reasons for the emergence of ethereal entities and energy jams: negative emotions that create turbulence in the flow of energy; toxins in the body that cause uneven flows of energy; scars, adhesions; artificially created distortions of the biofield caused by wearing metal bracelets, wooden, shell jewelry, sometimes gold and silver rings and other jewelry that is not compatible with a given person. Field distortions can be created by synthetic clothing and shoes, artificial radiation spectra, for example, from fluorescent lamps, pipelines, etc.

The following reasons contribute to the appearance of aural entities: anger, rage, irritation, chronic anger, habitual negative emotions, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material wealth, sexual thoughts, sexual intemperance, poor self-esteem, vanity, spiritual laziness, excessive thinking, thirst for money , spiritualism, contacting with spirits, smoking, passion for films about murders and violence. A particularly dangerous period, increasing the possibility of entities appearing in the aura, is the full moon.
