Who celebrates his birthday on the twenty-fourth of September? Celebrities, famous people, stars who were born on September 24th.

Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. Born on September 11 (24), 1911 in the village of Bolshaya Tes (Minusinsk district, Yenisei province) - died on March 10, 1985 in Moscow. Soviet party and statesman. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (February 13, 1984 - March 10, 1985). Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (April 11, 1984 - March 10, 1985). Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1971), member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1978).

Alexander Alexandrovich Solovyov (junior). Born September 24, 1972 in Moscow. Russian athlete, actor, stuntman, director, cameraman, composer. Son of actor Alexander Solovyov.

Sergei Fyodorovich Letov. Born on September 24, 1956 in Semipalatinsk (Kazakh SSR). Soviet and Russian musician, saxophonist, improviser, founder of the Pentagram music publication, teacher. Yegor Letov's older brother.

Nina Antonovna Bocharova. She was born on September 24, 1924 in the village of Suprunovka, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR. Soviet artistic gymnast. Two-time Olympic champion (1952). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in artistic gymnastics (1952).

John Watts Young (September 24, 1930, San Francisco, California - January 5, 2018, Houston, Texas). US astronaut. Retired Captain 1st Rank US Navy. Been to the moon twice. John Young is the ninth astronaut to walk on the surface of the moon and one of only three people to drive a lunar car across its surface. He is the first commander of the Space Shuttle STS-1.

Natalya Utevlevna Arinbasarova (kaz. Natalya Өteuliқyzy Arynbasarova). She was born on September 24, 1946 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress of Kazakh-Polish origin. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1979).

Igor Nikolaevich Yasulovich. Born September 24, 1941 in the village. Reinsfeld, Kuibyshev region. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1988). People's Artist of Russia (2001). Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2000).

His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky (September 13 (24), 1739, the village of Chizhovo, Smolensk province - October 5 (16), 1791, on the way from Yass near the village of Redenii Veki, Moldavian principality). Russian statesman, creator of the Black Sea Navy and its first commander-in-chief, Field Marshal General.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (born Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald; 1896-1940) was an American writer, the largest representative of the so-called "lost generation" in literature. Fitzgerald is best known for The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, and for a number of novels and short stories about the American Jazz Age of the 1920s. The term "Jazz Age" or "Jazz Age" was coined by Fitzgerald himself and referred to the period of American history from the end of World War I to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Stepan Mikhalkov(09/24/1966 [Moscow]) - director, producer, restaurateur;
Linda Louise McCartney(09/24/1941 [New York] - 04/17/1998 [Tucson]) - American singer, author of books, animal rights activist and photographer; wife of Paul McCartney;
Albrecht Wenceslas Eusebius Wallenstein(09/24/1583 [North Bohemia] - 02/25/1634) - Commander-in-Chief of the Catholic army in the Thirty Years' War, Generalissimo of the "Oceanic and Baltic Seas", Duke of Friedland and Mecklenburg;
Gerolamo Cardano(09/24/1501 [Pavia] - 09/20/1576 [Rome]) - Italian mathematician, engineer, philosopher, physician and astrologer, inventor of the cardan shaft;
Horace Walpole(09/24/1717 [London] - 03/02/1797 [London]) - English writer, founder of the Gothic novel genre;
Hugo Schmeisser(09/24/1884 [Jena] - 09/12/1953 [Erfurt]) - German gunsmith, creator of the legendary German automatic carbine;
Marco Tardelli(09/24/1954 [Capanne di Caregine]) - Italian football player, coach

The zodiac sign of those born on September 24 is Libra. Such people are consistent and decisive in making decisions. Their choice is always balanced and analyzed.

These are creative, purposeful and active individuals. They are endowed with good taste and a desire for beauty. They perceive beauty as a holistic harmony of the spiritual and the external.

The calmness of such people is often only demonstrative. In fact, their soul constantly yearns for adventure and adventure. It is difficult for them to sit in one place. They tend to change their place of residence, work or partners more than once in their lives. What they lack in thrills, they make up for by reading adventure books and watching movies.

Birthday people of this day have a good heart. They are responsive, gentle and compassionate. Always ready to help with advice and deed. People are drawn to them and are rarely disappointed in them.

People around do not always understand these personalities due to unstable manifestations of character. Many consider them eccentrics and are in no hurry to impose serious obligations on them. However, for relatives and close friends, they will always remain the first instance, ready to listen and understand at any time of the day or night.

Characteristics of women born on September 24

Such women have natural beauty and sincere character. They easily get along in teams and adapt to circumstances. However, they do not always go against their will.

These are romantic, passionate and changeable ladies. Their heart is constantly in active search. They do not stay long near one person. They find new partners for themselves and rarely worry about their moral character.

Characteristics of men born on September 24

They are cheerful and carefree people. They easily go through life and successfully choose their path. They do not need the help of loved ones and outside advice. They achieve everything themselves and reach great material heights.

Women admire these men. Such gentlemen promise each of their chosen ones family comfort and a white veil. However, at the first opportunity, they run to a new inspirer. As a result, hundreds of broken hearts are on their account.

love horoscope

Love with those born on this day often brings disappointment and tears. They do not know how to care for and be faithful to their soul mates. For them, love is like a game, the colorfulness and realism of which require a constant change of players. Numerous love affairs begin with them with early youth and end in old age.

Such women and men start families late or live life alone. For the sake of a strong marriage, they need to work hard on themselves, otherwise their children risk growing up in an incomplete family.


Those born on September 24, Libra, are well suited to representatives of their zodiac sign, Gemini, Aquarius. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding with Pisces, Taurus, Scorpions.

The most suitable partner for those born on September 24

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 2, 5, 15, 20, 23, 25
February: 1, 2, 10, 15, 20, 26
March: 6, 15, 16, 31
April: 1, 6, 9, 11, 17
May: 4, 14, 25
June: 3, 8, 25, 29
July: 1, 10, 13, 17, 28
August: 9, 11, 28
September: 8, 10, 15, 22, 27
October: 1, 7, 27
November: 3, 5, 12, 15, 27, 29
December: 5, 17, 19, 26

business horoscope

Those born on this day are responsible and disciplined workers. They are pedantic as a subordinate and loyal as a leader.

Such individuals are not created for monotonous work. Routine and shifting papers from place to place are not able to satisfy their ambitions. They are attracted by business trips, constant communication with new people and a dynamic work schedule. Their activity should develop and open new horizons. They feel comfortable in group work. Mutual cooperation develops their professional and communication skills.

When choosing a profession, the horoscope advises to pay attention to those areas of activity that require frequent business trips and relocations: sales agent, diplomat, tourism manager.

Health Horoscope

Those born on September 24, Libra have strong physical and vulnerable mental health. They vividly splash out emotions, worry about trifles and rarely find time to relax. This behavior makes them nervous and distracted. As the problem worsens, neuroses begin to overcome them.

The horoscope advises these people not to succumb to emotional outbursts and remain optimistic no matter what happens. It is useful to visit practicing psychologists and learn self-control.

Be more disciplined

Don't let a trifle ruin your reputation.

Curb your loveliness

Pay attention to one partner and reveal with him all the delights of a love feeling.

Compensate for stress with a pleasant hobby

Find an interesting activity for yourself and go into it if there is a threat of nervous tension.

Day of wanderers.

September 24 celebrity birthday- actor Alexander Bashirov, actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva, actor Pierre Cosso, director Pedro Almodovar, actress Nia Vardalos

The nature of Libra born on September 24- Those born on September 24 are wanderers by nature and therefore either like to travel or are somehow connected with it. The theme of wandering or travel often takes on a real form in their lives, but can also serve as a metaphor for imaginary adventures. In this case, literal and figurative are not mutually exclusive. Reading adventurous novels, thinking about heroic destinies, traveling to unfamiliar cities - such activities are of particular interest to those who were born on this day.

Some of those born on September 24 travel in their youth, and later devote themselves to what is called a settled existence. Others may be struck in the head already in middle age that they have spent the best part of their lives incompetently, and then these people will give up everything for the call of the road. Most of those born on September 24 will never sit at home for days on end, although it may sometimes seem to them that this is what they want more than anything else. Having settled in a new place or changed jobs, People whose birthday is September 24 each time think that they will stay here for a long time. However, more aware individuals realize that true permanence is not for them and that their wanderings will sooner or later resume.

The happiest of those born on September 24 manage to achieve a kind of compromise with themselves, in which they lead a relatively calm lifestyle, using every opportunity to make small trips. Even when bound by various kinds of obligations, those born on September 24 find an outlet for their restlessness in reading, watching movies and TV, as well as in rich fantasies.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is September 24th? Those born on this day are very difficult to please in family matters. It is not at all easy to find a common language with them, as they require increased attention to themselves. Their spouses should be sympathetic to the needs of their faithful in frequent changes and diversity, which, by the way, can well explain the craving for overt flirting and a variety of sexual entertainment. As for the latter, September 24th births can tend towards highly unusual forms of sexual expression, if not in practice, then in reading and imagination. In fact, people whose birthday is September 24 are accustomed to treat generally accepted norms of behavior without due reverence, in the end they may not be needed in those parts where their fate will someday take them.

Those born on September 24 should be wary of being overly emotional. The problem is that their tastes are so unusual that personal difficulties cannot be avoided. Some consider them eccentrics, however, they are true friends with a worthy heart. They allow others to feel the sharpness of life, which in itself is good, and oddities happen, Probably, for everyone.

Advice for Libra born on September 24th- Your nomadic life can be pleasant only for a while, but then you get bored. Look around - if there are those in your environment who would like to depend on you. Don't be afraid to use your talents.

On this page you will learn about significant and memorable dates autumn day September 24, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk omens and Orthodox holidays of this day, state holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events took place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, September 24 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The twenty-fourth day of September left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-fourth day of September September 24, what events and significant dates he was marked by and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 24 (twenty-fourth)

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (born Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald; 1896-1940) was an American writer, the largest representative of the so-called "lost generation" in literature. Fitzgerald is best known for The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, and for a number of novels and short stories about the American Jazz Age of the 1920s. The term "Jazz Age" or "Jazz Age" was coined by Fitzgerald himself and referred to the period of American history from the end of World War I to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky (September 13 (24), 1739, the village of Chizhovo, Smolensk province - October 5 (16), 1791, on the way from Yass near the village of Redenii Veki, Moldavian principality). Russian statesman, creator of the Black Sea Navy and its first commander-in-chief, Field Marshal General.

Igor Nikolaevich Yasulovich. Born September 24, 1941 in the village. Reinsfeld, Kuibyshev region. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1988). People's Artist of Russia (2001). Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2000).

Linda Louise McCartney (09/24/1941 [New York] - 04/17/1998 [Tucson]) was an American singer, author, animal rights activist and photographer, wife of Paul McCartney;

Larisa Rubalskaya (09/24/1945 [Moscow]) - writer, poetess, songwriter, translator .;

Albrecht Wenceslas Eusebius Wallenstein (09/24/1583 [northern Bohemia] - 02/25/1634) - commander-in-chief of the Catholic army in the Thirty Years' War, Generalissimo of the "Oceanic and Baltic Seas", Duke of Friedland and Mecklenburg;

Gerolamo Cardano (09/24/1501 [Pavia] - 09/20/1576 [Rome]) - Italian mathematician, engineer, philosopher, physician and astrologer, inventor of the cardan shaft;

Horace Walpole (09/24/1717 [London] - 03/02/1797 [London]) - English writer, founder of the Gothic novel genre;

Hugo Schmeisser (09/24/1884 [Jena] - 09/12/1953 [Erfurt]) - German gunsmith, creator of the legendary German automatic carbine;

John Watts Young (09/24/1930 [San Francisco]) - US astronaut; Marco Tardelli (09/24/1954 [Capanne di Caregine]) is an Italian football player and coach.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and cover Holy Mother of God until 2035...

Dates September 24

Celebrating Army Day in Peru

In Thailand - Prince Mahidol Day

In Trinidad and Tobago - Republic Day

In Cambodia - Constitution Day

South Africa celebrates - Heritage Day

Dominican Republic - Our Lady of Las Mercedes Day

According to the folk calendar, these are Fedorina's evenings

On this day:

Paracelsus, an alchemist who studied nymphs, sylphs and various spirits, died in 1541

in 1739, Grigory Potemkin-Tauride was born, the most serene prince, who was engaged not only in the capture of fortresses, but also in their foundation

in 1812, Peter Bagration died, having gained fame and death on the fields of Borodino

in 1896, Francis Fitzgerald was born who not only wrote The Great Gatsby, but also knew everything about the Beautiful and the Damned

Konstantin Chernenko was born in 1911, the intermediate leader of the CPSU between the reformers Andropov and Gorbachev

in 1920, Carl Faberge, a jeweler known mainly for his eggs, died

in 1920, Inessa Armand died, about whom there were rumors that she was more than a friend to the leader of the world proletariat

Jim Henson was born in 1936 and introduced us to Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy

Igor Yasulovich was born in 1941, often playing both clowns and magicians

Linda McCartney, Paul's late wife, singer and photographer, born in 1941

Hans Geiger died in 1945 after he figured out how to see radiation

in 1945 Larisa Rubalskaya was born, a strange woman who wrote poetry to the most famous Russian pop stars

Brad Bird was born in 1957, a director after Ratatouille became interested in Phantom Protocols

Matvey Blanter, the composer who created the female image of Katyusha, died in 1990

in 1998, Genrikh Altov, who told ballads about star captains, died

Françoise Sagan died in 2004 after adding a little sun to the cold water.

Events September 24

September 24, 1801 - Russian Emperor Alexander I signed a manifesto, according to which the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti ceased to exist, thus, Eastern Georgia turned into a Russian province

September 24, 1893 - the first football match ("foot ball") took place in Russia, in which representatives of the St. Petersburg circle of athletes and the Sport team took part

So significant for domestic football the event took place at the St. Petersburg hippodrome, today this place is known to residents of the northern capital and guests of the city on the Neva as Pioneer Square.

September 24, 1938 - the ANT-37 "Rodina" aircraft, led by a female crew, made the first direct flight Moscow - Far East setting a distance record

Until that date, only men had conquered such distances (in June 1938, Kokkinaki and Bryandinskiy flew from Moscow to the Far East). The female crew was driven by Valentina Grizodubova, the crew included Osipenko and Raskova.

The length of the path was 5910 kilometers, which was overcome in 26 hours 29 minutes. In November 1938, the pilots were awarded the title of Heroes Soviet Union, their images were printed on postage stamps.

September 24, 1990 - the countries of the Soviet Union entered the path of free enterprise, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev was given broad powers to move to a market economy

This decision was a real breakthrough for the state structure and even ideology that existed in those years.

September 24 is the autumnal equinox. The peasants at this time went to the fields to see how well the winter crops sprout and rejoiced if that was the case, because it promised a harvest. In general, Fyodor was popularly considered the patroness of winter crops. On September 24, they finally said goodbye to summer, celebrating the arrival of truly cold days.

Frosts were sometimes observed in the mornings. On September 24, they organized the so-called cabbage parties, at which they gathered on a visit, chopped cabbage together and prepared a variety of dishes.

IN Orthodox Church On September 24, the memory of St. Theodora of Alexandria is venerated, who, according to historical data, lived in the 5th century. The legend says that Fedora lived with her husband in peace and harmony, but one day a rich man, seeing Fedora, decided to conquer her and seduce her.

As a result, he bribed Fedora's relatives, who deceived her and told her that the sin committed at night was not really a sin. The woman obeyed and cheated on her husband, and only then realized what act she had committed. Then Fedor hated her body and subjected herself to various torments.

The abbess, seeing her suffering, reminded Fedora of the story of Mary Magdalene, a harlot who repented and deserved forgiveness. Then Fyodor decided to go to the monastery in secret from everyone. So, she changed into a man's dress and entered monastery, calling himself Fedor. Already after the death of Fyodor, her husband learned about the feat of his wife and himself took the tonsure in this monastery.

On September 24, heavy rains began. Therefore, the peasants tried to finish all the work. They harvested the last bow, took the beehives with bees to the omshanik for the winter. It was customary to collect gifts for the priest who served in the village.

The laity helped matushka clean up and prepare supplies for the winter. They called this custom autumn. Cabbage dishes were served on the table: cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, pies. The men brewed beer, keeping it in korchagi - earthenware jugs.

Folk omens for September 24

You can not start any business on Fedor - a bad omen

If a person was born on the day of September 24, then stones such as olivine and aquamarine are suitable for him as talismans.

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the twenty-fourth September day of autumn September 24, what mark did this person leave with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on September 24, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 24, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 24?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 24? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 24? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day on September 24 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of September 24? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 24?

What significant historical events on September 2 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on September 24?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on September 24?

September 24, Memorial Day of some famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of three Orthodox holidays close to each other, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the second is the feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos), and further and already in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


Cross of the Lord

Faith Day

Hope and Love

Protection of the Holy

Mother of God

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Events of the day 24 September 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 24, 2031, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-fourth of September of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 24 September 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 24, 2032, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-fourth of September of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 24 September 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 24, 2033, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-fourth of September of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 24 September 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 24, 2034, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-fourth of September of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 24 September 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 24, 2035, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-fourth of September of the month of the thirtieth year.
