The ardent faith of the Orthodox people in the miraculous icon dedicated to the Tikhvin Mother of God appeared a long time ago. The image was held in high esteem by the Russian people. The very first location of the icon was the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, which burned during the fire three times, but the icon miraculously remained unharmed.

The main thing

The second half of the 17th century was marked by the laying of the first stone of the temple, but the construction was completed after the death of the sovereign. The new temple in honor of Tikhvinskaya in Alekseevsky was consecrated by the Patriarch and the young ruler. The temple was loved by the royal family, and therefore two small chapels were specially built for the royal couple in the church. During his reign, he did a lot for the holy monastery, allocated a lot financial resources to help. After all, the tsar often visited the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky and knelt before the shrine. He was a very pious and church-going monarch.

A bit of history

The events that took place in the holy monastery throughout its existence are interesting. The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky is located on the ancient Trinity Road, which leads to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, which holds the relics of one of the most revered saints in Rus' - Sergius of Radonezh. Once, during the Streltsy rebellion, Tsar Peter 1 stopped in this temple. Upon learning of this, a large detachment of archers arrived there, who, repenting and asking for mercy, fell on their knees before the king, bowing their heads. Peter 1 forgave and pardoned them all, although the rest of the archers were executed. In 1812, Napoleon's army captured Moscow, which defiled many Russian shrines, and the church in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was no exception. The French army gradually turned the temple into a food warehouse, where they placed their provisions, and used the refectory as a stable. For a long time, everything was in disrepair, and only in 1824, Emperor Alexander 1 allocated about 20 thousand rubles from the treasury for the restoration of the temple. Then the bell tower was built. In 1836, an important event took place for the temple itself and for the entire church flock. For the first time the temple was painted by the talented artist D. Scotty. The entire temple complex in its architectural style is an example of church construction in the form of "Russian pattern".

Description of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky

In the first half of the 19th century, the ceiling of the refectory room was dismantled, since then it has become a single-tiered one. From the second floor, only the choirs remained, which ran along the walls along the western, southern and northern parts of the building. On these choirs, ancient chandeliers, fenced with railings, have been preserved. At the expense of the merchant Konstantinov, in the corners of the refectory, under the choirs, side altars of St. Nicholas and St. Sergius. The architect Bykovsky, well-known at that time in Russia, put his soul and all his skill into the architectural style of the altars, the consecration of which took place in 1848 in May.

It is known that the pilgrimage to the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was made on foot. Even members of the royal family for the duration of the journey refused all comforts in order to prepare for the great sacraments of confession and communion during this time.

Life during the revolution

In 1917, in the month of November, under the northern end of the temple, in symmetry with the Alekseevsky chapel, the chapel of the Great Martyr Tryphon was created. Believers have the opportunity to bow to the saint and honor his memory.

And in 1922, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was placed in the temple, which is located in the basement of the temple. In addition, at the same time, the fence of the temple and the house of the parable were erected.

During the reign of godlessness in Russia and terrible repressions during the years of Soviet power, the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was opened. And everyone who wanted to touch the great shrine could visit it, attend the divine service and bow to the miraculous icon. But this did not prevent the Soviet authorities in 1922 from seizing part of the premises from the temple for the location of a vegetable base there, and then using it for an art workshop. In addition, property belonging to the temple was confiscated. This is 114 kg of silver and 58 diamonds. The bells in the bell tower were not touched, but they did not ring for a very long time and did not please the parishioners. The trees around the church grew so large that it became almost invisible and disappeared from view. And only in 1998 all the premises were completely transferred back to the temple.

Miracles performed by the shrine

There is a legend of our days that in 1941, during the Hitler invasion, on the orders of Stalin, they flew around Moscow by plane, taking the great miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. They did this to maintain the morale of the army and the people. Surprisingly, soon the offensive Soviet army ended successfully, and the city of Tikhvin was liberated from the Germans, in which the original icon was kept. Perhaps this is only a legend, but believers sincerely believe in it, because they know many other miraculous phenomena from the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. From now on, the temple became famous and became a haven of souls for many believers.

Post-war life

The Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevskoye was hard to get up from its knees. After the end of the Great Patriotic War They made internal repairs, and already in the 70-90s of the 19th century, the restoration of the holy monastery took place. Then the beautiful wall paintings by the famous Italian painter D. Scotti were opened to the eyes of numerous parishioners, which were hidden under a large layer of records.

In 1945, Father Vladimir Podobedov accepted the post of rector of the Tikhvin Church. Archpriest Alexander Vitalievich Solertovsky, well-known in Orthodox circles, has been the rector of the monastery since 1953. And in 1982, Archpriest Arkady Tyshchuk was appointed to this responsible position.

The wonderful tradition of the Tikhvin Church

The tradition that began in 1962 in this church is very interesting and important for all Orthodox parishioners. Every year on March 30, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' served the liturgy. It was dedicated to the memory of the patron - the Man of God, in whose honor he was named during the rite of baptism. This solemn event was a great feast for the whole parish and for all the believers who were preparing in advance for this event.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy loved to visit the walls of the temple on the day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, to conduct services. This holiday takes place on July 9th. At this time, many believers come and widely celebrate the wonderful holiday.

Nowadays, the restored temple is reopened for everyone, which everyone can visit, and any believer can honor the memory of the Great Martyr Sergius of Radonezh. On the official website of the holy monastery you can find the address, phone number, schedule of services. The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God has become a place of pilgrimage for more than one thousand believers, and I would like to believe that this is not the limit.

One of the most famous places for Orthodox pilgrims is the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. In the old days, even royal people came here, and now we all have a great opportunity to visit this Holy place. Why is it so significant, and what an invaluable shrine is stored in the Moscow Temple of the Tikhvin Icon.

On the way to the place of worship of the relics of the great Sergius of Radonezh - the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, there is the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin". Along the Trinity road, as the street leading to the church was called from ancient times, Christians made a foot trip.

The journey took several days: this time was enough to think about your life, reflect on your sins, and prepare for the holy sacraments. Even the royal people refused to use the carriage and preferred walking in order to get away from the worldly bustle for a while and be alone with their thoughts.

The emergence of the Tikhvin temple in Alekseevsky dates back to the seventeenth century. Then the village passed into the possession of one noble prince to another. So, after the liberation of the territory from the Poles, it was presented to Dmitry Trubetskoy for special services to the Motherland. Until 1655, the widow of the prince was in charge of the Moscow region property.

Then the family provided it to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich so that he could settle here. By his good will and with God's help, a temple was built here in honor of the man of God Alexy, and the settlement began to be called Alekseevsky. After some time, a new one was built next to the old building - the Church of the Tikhvin Icon, both buildings were connected.

The official website testifies that the Temple in Alekseevsky, during the consecration, received from the patriarch its main shrine - the miraculous image of the Mother of God. It happened on October 31, 1680.

The temple in Moscow survived difficult times, the invasion of the French, who settled in it, desecrated it and turned it into a warehouse for storing provisions and a stable.

Only after 1824, Alexander the First allocated significant funds from the treasury for restoration, the walls were painted, and new chapels were built.

After the forties, the temple of the Tikhvin Icon in Alekseevsky was partially dismantled, but it was not closed either during the persecution of the church, or after the construction of Stalin's buildings began. In the early eighties, restoration work was undertaken: under a layer of records on the walls, beautiful murals were discovered, supposedly belonging to the brilliant painter D. Scotty. The shrine was revered by our predecessors, and it is valued even now. Every year, since the middle of the last century, the Patriarch has visited her to celebrate the Divine Liturgy.

The main value of the monastery

According to legend, the face of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Apostle Luke during the life of the Blessed Virgin on earth. For some time the image stayed in Antioch, and then in Constantinople, where the Blachernae Church was erected to its glory.

By the end of the fourteenth century, on the eve of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire, he strangely disappeared. Showed up in Rus', in the edges of the not yet built city of Tikhvin. The icon was miraculously saved after several fires, it appeared in the thickets of vegetation safe and sound.

The icon of the Mother of God in the Tikhvin Monastery has more than once saved believers in the struggle for freedom and truth. She helped liberate the Novgorod settlements from the invasion of the Swedes, who, having seen the procession with the miraculous icon, fled the battlefield in a panic.

Interesting! On June 26 (July 9) a peace treaty was signed with the Swedes - this is the day of veneration of the shrine, which is still celebrated by all Orthodox Christians.

Since 1924, after the closing of the Tikhvin Monastery, the shrine was kept in one of the local churches in a place of honor, to the right of the Savior. In 1944, one of the parishioners of the temple named Sergei, who later became an archbishop, saving the miraculous face, took him abroad.

Being an elderly man, the priest conveyed great value to his adopted dream and commanded to return her to her homeland after the end of troubled times for Orthodox Church times. The shrine returned to its native land in 2004. Now she helps all the suffering, sick, grieving.

The history of the image is closely intertwined with the history of our country. It is believed that it was this miraculous icon that, at the direction of Stalin, was carried around Moscow by plane during the war, when the capital was threatened by the enemy.

From that moment, the retreat of the Nazis began. Well, the tradition of blessing the first persons of the state by the Patriarch with this image has survived to this day.

What helps

The image is a symbol of statehood, so they pray to him for protection from the invasion of foreigners. The Mother of God is also considered the patroness of children. In case of illness, the restless nature of the child, you can offer your prayers to the Lady.

The holy image protects children from evil thoughts, helps in choosing the environment, protects from troubles. The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky strengthens family ties, helps in childbirth and conception. She is addressed with a prayer for the healing of paralysis, blindness, diseases of the joints.

Need to know! Memorial Day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, which is now in Moscow - July 9th. On this day, it is customary to come to the service to bow to the shrine.

Other shrines

The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevskoye also stores other values ​​revered by true Christians:

  1. Icon of Our Lady of Kazan. It is considered the intercessor of the Russian state. Helps to heal from eye diseases, other bodily infirmities. She is blessed upon entering into a marital union.
  2. The image of the Virgin "Addition of the mind." All students, their parents and teachers pray before him for the gift of reason, spiritual insight and salvation. It is believed that a mentally ill person wrote it after the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream. Having painted this miraculous image, he was healed.
  3. Icon of the Mother of God "Kozelshchanskaya". Before her, prayers are offered for the healing of serious ailments, physical injuries and injuries, for the arrangement of family happiness. Brought from Italy by the courtiers of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna herself.
  4. The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Helper in childbirth". She is prayed for a successful birth and healthy offspring.
  5. A copy of the cave of the Holy Sepulcher, located in Jerusalem.

When can I come to church

The doors of the monastery are always open to parishioners. It is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the schedule of services of the Tikhvin Church in Alekseevsky. The official website of the temple contains detailed information and a schedule of services for the month ahead.

Divine Liturgy begins daily at 8:00 am, Matins and Vespers at 5:00 pm. On Sundays and Great Feasts, according to the schedule, early and late liturgies are organized: the beginning of the first - 7.00, the second - 10.00. On the last Saturday of each month, you can come to a prayer service for pregnant women, performed in front of the icon "Help in Childbirth". According to the schedule of divine services of the Tikhvin Church at VDNKh, it starts at 15.00.

How to get there

The Tikhvin Church is located at the address: Prospekt Mira, 130. The old address: Tserkovnaya Gorka Street, 26a. The nearest metro station in Moscow is VDNKh, the new South Exit. You can get from the center by metro, taking a seat in the third carriage from the end. A pointer will help you navigate the metro, going up to the street, you can see the panorama of the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God at VDNKh, which will appear before your eyes. You can walk on foot in a few minutes.

The temple in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky has been leading its history since the 17th century. Initially, the village of Alekseevskoye was called Kopytovo (on the Kopytovo River). In 1621, it was granted to Prince D.T. Trubetskoy. When Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich built a wooden "travel palace" here, for a short rest during traditional pilgrimages to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the widow of the prince erected a stone church near the palace in the name of the heavenly patron of the Tsar Alexy, the man of God, and the village became known as Alekseevsky. After the death of the widow, the village became the royal property. And by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the construction of a new church began - in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Solemnly, with a procession from the Kremlin, in the presence of the Tsar, the church was consecrated in the early 80s of the 17th century. On the day of consecration, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich presented the temple with the image of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Russian tsars revered the temple and loved to pray here. Until now, special royal rooms-chapels have been preserved - the king (on the right) and the queen (on the left). Since the 17th century, wooden candlesticks and an oven decorated with magnificent colored tiles have stood in the temple of incredible beauty. Time did not spare the royal travel palace, the temple in the name of St. Alexis, the man of God, was also dismantled, and his throne was transferred to the temple, which the people began to call simply and affectionately - Tikhvin, and the place where it stands - Church Hill. After the Patriotic War of 1812, the temple was in decline, then it was renovated by order of Alexander I in 1824. In the same year, the bell tower was built, and the walls inside the temple were first covered with paintings - scenes from the Old and New Testaments, the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the middle of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, three more were added to the throne in the name of St. Alexis, the man of God: in the name of St. Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh, a miracle worker; St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, miracle worker; Martyr Tryphon, miracle worker. The praying shrines of the temple are the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God of Byzantine writing in the salary and located in the Trifonovsky aisle "The true image and measure of the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord, which is in the holy city of Jerusalem." Recently, a large reliquary was made in the temple, in which reliquaries are kept with particles of the Tree of the Cross of the Lord, a particle of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos, a particle of the stone of the Holy Sepulcher, a particle of the staff of the holy prophet Moses, particles of the relics of the saints of God.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' regards the church in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God with warmth of soul. Since 1962 he has been performing here divine liturgies during temple patronal feasts - on the day of memory of St. Alexis, the man of God, and the feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. The restoration of the lower church (consecrated in 1922 in honor of the Resurrection of the Word) began, where the workshops of the church enterprise "Sofrino" used to be.

At the beginning of the century, a church fence and a parable house were built. In 1922, in the basement of the temple, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built (in memory of the Resurrection Church in Rostokin, which existed in the XVI - XVIII centuries). IN Soviet time the temple was not closed. In 1922, valuables were seized from the church and the lower church was taken away. A vegetable base was set up in it, and then, until 1998, there were workshops of the Sofrino Art and Production Enterprise. The bells in the bell tower were left, but did not ring for a long time. In 1945 the temple was renovated. In the years 1970-1980, restoration work was carried out, during which ancient wall paintings were discovered under numerous layers of records.

Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in the Alekseevsky Church (Tserkovnaya Gorka Street, house number 26a).

A large five-domed temple in the style of "Russian pattern" on a high basement was built in 1676-1682. in the village of Alekseevsky, next to the royal travel palace (dismantled at the beginning of the 19th century) on the pilgrimage route to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The two-storey temple was built very large for that time; it can accommodate three thousand worshipers. Five domes framed by kokoshniks rise on the main quadrangular volume. The bypass gallery adjoins the lower tier of the temple. On the western side, a refectory and a two-tiered bell tower were added. Special prayer rooms for the king and queen (winter and summer) were created in the temple. Five-tiered iconostasis, mid-18th century. Notable are the hanging candlesticks in front of the iconostasis with pink glass lamps and pendants in the shape of swords and crosses.

The bell tower was erected in 1824. The wall painting in the interior was made in 1836. When the chapels of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Nicholas were arranged in 1848, iconostases were built for them according to the project of the architect M.D. Bykovsky. In 1884, a chapel of the Monk Alexis, a man of God, appeared, and in 1917, the martyr Tryphon.

The temple was not closed during the Soviet years; a small Alekseevskoe cemetery was preserved in the church fence. In 1922, more than 6 pounds of silver and gold utensils were seized from the church. Among the shrines of the temple: the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God of Byzantine writing, the icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the mind", an exact copy of the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. The church-chapel of St. Basil the Great at the All-Russian Exhibition Center is assigned to this church.

Mikhail Vostryshev "Orthodox Moscow. All churches and chapels".

The previously existing Church of Alexei the Man of God in the village of Alekseevsky.

The village of Alekseevskoye at the beginning of the 17th century. - a village called Kopytovo, Moscow district, Vasiltsov camp. According to the scribe books of 1623: “the estate belongs to the boyar Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy, according to the sovereign’s charter, that it used to be Mikhailov’s Putilov patrimony, the village of Kopytovo, and in the village the courtyard of the boyar Prince Dmitry Timofeevich, the courtyard of the people, business people live in it.”

Under Prince D.T. Trubetskoy, a stone church was built in the village in the name of Alexy the Man of God, which is why Kopytovo began to be called the village after the church of Alekseevsky, which was in the possession of Prince Trubetskoy from his wife after the death. According to the census books of 1646: “the patrimony of the wife of the boyar, Prince D.T. Trubetskoy, the widow of Princess Anna, the village of Alekseevskoye, Kopytovo, too, and in the village the church of Alexei the man of God is stone, without singing, but in the village the boyar yard and 11 peasant yards, in them 22 people.

In the incoming salary book of the Patriarchal State Order it is written: “according to the books of the Radonezh tithe, the collection of the tithe by Mikhail Oblesov, and the elder of the priestly village of Bratoshina, the Annunciation priest Gregory, arrived again in 1648. The church of Alexei the Man of God in the estate of Princess Anna Vasilievna Trubetskoy, in the village of Kopytovo, 5 altyn 2 money, decimal hryvnia.

Under 1677, in the “financing” it is noted: “from the church of Alexei the Man of God in the village of Kopytovo, Alekseevsky, too, in the estate of Princess A.V. Trubetskoy, for 1656-57. tributes of 5 altyn 2 money, hryvnia per year, yes for 1668-77. only for 7 years at 8 altyn 4 money per year, and in 1671 to 1677. were paid to that church by priests Vasily and Eutychius with clerks, and in 1656-58. the extra money, at the request of the patriarch and at the petition of priest Vasily, was ordered to be cleared and not written for the fact that in those years that church was empty after the pestilence. Upon the death of Princess Anna Vasilievna Trubetskoy, the village of Alekseevskoye was included in the palace department.

On October 4, 1674, “in return for the hours of the night”, the sovereign Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich deigned to go from Moscow to the village of Alekseevskoye, and with the sovereign the boyars, devious and thoughtful and close people; and from the campaign the sovereign came to Moscow on the same date at 7 o'clock in the afternoon. According to the sentinel books of the Patriarchal treasury order of 1680: “at the church of Alexei the man of God in the village of Alekseevsky there is no church land and hay mowing, the priest from the clerks is given a rug, the sovereign’s monetary salary from the order of the Grand Palace.”

In the village of Alekseevsky, another stone church was built in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin, which was consecrated in the presence of the great sovereign Fedor Alekseevich. “On October 31, 1680, the great sovereign deigned to go with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin to the consecration of the church in the village of Alekseevskoye, and the great sovereign went from the village of Alekseevsky to meet the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin. The great sovereign was at the consecration in the church, and after the consecration he went from the village of Alekseevsky to Preobrazhenskoye.

Under 1717 in the village of Alekseevsky there were two stone churches: in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin and in the name of Alexei the Man of God.

Kholmogorov V. I., Kholmogorov G. I. "Historical materials about churches and villages of the 16th - 18th centuries" Issue 5, Radonezh tithe of the Moscow district. Publication of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University. Moscow, at the University Printing House (M. Katkov), on Strastnoy Boulevard, 1886

The temple was located on the ancient Trinity Road leading to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - to the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, deeply revered by the Russian people. As a rule, they made this pilgrimage on foot. Even kings refused the comforts of carriage travel. The journey usually takes 3-4 days. During this time, one could talk, think about one's life, and prepare for the sacraments of confession and communion. The first stop after leaving Moscow was exactly at the place where the temple is now located. Previously, it was called the village of Kopytovo, named after the local river Kopytovka, a tributary of the Yauza.

The emergence of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God dates back to the end of the 17th century. The village passed to various noble owners, and in 1621 it was granted to Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy for his merits in saving the Fatherland during the years of "distemper". His Cossacks provided decisive assistance to the militia of Minin and Pozharsky - and Moscow was liberated from the Poles. Until 1655, Trubetskoy's widow, Anna Vasilievna, owned the village. The Trubetskoys kindly granted their property near Moscow to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676), when he wished to settle in these picturesque regions.

The tsar was very fond of hunting in neighboring Sokolniki, and, according to legend, one day he stopped in Kopytovo to rest - in those days a dense forest rustled here. The king liked the place so much that he wanted to have his own travel palace here. The Trubetskoys graciously gave their property near Moscow to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676) when he wished to settle in these picturesque regions. The palace was built before the temple, on its eastern side, facing Sokolniki. And in 1646-1648, the last owner of the village, Anna Vasilievna, built a temple in honor of Alexy, the Man of God, the tsar's heavenly patron. Since 1647, the whole village began to be called Alekseevsky.

After her death Alekseevsky passed into the possession of the sovereign. After visiting the shrines of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Alexei Mikhailovich and his son Theodore in the Alekseevsky Palace were preparing for the solemn entry into Moscow - she met the king with a bell ringing, friendly smart townspeople. Unfortunately, the palace did not last long. In 1803, the famous historian N.M. Karamzin found the palace so dilapidated that it was not safe to enter it. And already in 1817 the palace did not exist: it was probably destroyed and burned by the French. Since 1670, the village officially became a palace.

In 1673, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the construction of a new church in the village in the name of the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, revered in Rus'. The king did not manage to live to see its construction - the work was completed in 1680 after his death. The Tikhvin Church was built next to Alekseevskaya in the same place: both churches were initially connected by a porch.

The Tikhvin Church has been under construction since 1673. On October 31, 1680, the new Tikhvin Church was solemnly consecrated: a procession with the Patriarch and Tsar Feodor Alekseevich set off from the Kremlin to it. On the day of the consecration of the temple, the tsar presented it with the main shrine - the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

More than once the fate of the reigning dynasty intersected with the fate of the temple. So, during the Streltsy rebellion, Peter I, on the way from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to Moscow, stopped at the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Upon learning of this, a large detachment of archers appeared in the churchyard. Peter went out to them and asked what they wanted. The archers put chopping blocks with axes in front of them, knelt before the king, bowed their heads as a sign of repentance and asking for mercy. Peter forgave everyone who came to the churchyard that day. The fate of the rest of the archers was unenviable. The instigators of the rebellion and many ordinary archers were executed.


By the beginning of the 19th century, the temple was no longer as beautiful as before. In the autumn of 1812, the Napoleonic army settled in Moscow. Among other shrines, the French desecrated the Tikhvin Church, turning the main temple into a storehouse of provisions, and the refectory into a stable. In 1824, by order of Emperor Alexander I, the treasury allocated 18 thousand rubles for the restoration of the church. Only in 1836 were the walls of the temple covered with paintings for the first time - according to modern restorers, their author was D. Scotty.

In 1824, the Alekseevskaya Church was dismantled, and its bricks were used to build a bell tower in front of the temple. In memory of the first church in the Tikhvin Church, on the south side of the choir, in the 1890s, a chapel was built in the name of St. Alexis, Man of God.

In the late 40s of the 19th century, it was decided to dismantle the ceiling of the refectory, and it became a single-tiered one. From the upper floor, the choirs have survived, running along the southern, western and northern walls. On the choir stalls, fenced with chiseled columns of railings, ancient chandeliers have been preserved.

In the refectory, at the expense of the merchant Konstantinov, side altars of St. Sergius and St. Nicholas were placed in the corners under the choirs. The famous Russian architect M. D. Bykovsky was the author of the altars; they were consecrated on May 23, 1848.

In November 1917, in symmetry with the Alekseevsky chapel, under the northern end of the choir, the chapel of the martyr Tryphon was created.

And in 1922, in the basement of the temple, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built, the iconostasis of which was taken from one house church, and the name was chosen in memory of the Resurrection Church in Rostokin, which existed in the 16th-18th centuries. In the middle of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century, a clergy house and a church fence were also built.

Despite the godlessness prevailing in the country and the ongoing repressions, in Soviet times the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God in Alekseevsky was not closed. Although on April 23, 1922, 6 poods, 32 pounds, 95 gold pieces of silver (114 kg.) And 58 diamonds were confiscated from the temple. They also took away the lower temple, where they set up a vegetable base (later, until 1998, there were workshops of the Sofrino Art and Production Enterprise, and now the temple has been restored). The bells in the bell tower were preserved, but did not ring for a long time. The trees that had grown all around almost hid the church from view. The temple miraculously survived during the great Stalinist construction of VDNKh in that area - and such events usually did not leave churches behind.

According to modern legend, in 1941, during the winter offensive of the Germans on Moscow, Stalin took the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God from here, with which, on his orders, they flew around the city by plane. And soon the first successful offensive of the Red Army took place, ending with the capture of the city of Tikhvin. It is symbolic that at the same time the headquarters of our army was within the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. So, once again, the Tikhvin Church tied the fate of Moscow and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

In 1945, under the rector of the temple, Father Vladimir Podobedov, an internal repair of the temple was undertaken. From 1953 to 1984, the rector was the famous Archpriest Alexander Vasilievich Solertovsky. During the restoration of the temple, which took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s, beautiful wall paintings were discovered under numerous layers of records. According to the restorers, the well-known painter D. Scotty could have been their author.

Since 1982, the rector of the temple was Archpriest Arkady Tyshchuk. The temple had a wonderful tradition. Beginning on March 30, 1962, if there were no trips or urgent matters on that day, Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Rus' served a liturgy in the church in memory of his heavenly patron, in honor of whom he received his name at baptism - Alexy, the Man of God . It is a great honor for the whole parish and the temple servants: the parishioners and clergy were preparing in advance for such a joyful and solemn event. Often, His Holiness the Patriarch served in the church on the day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos - July 9th.

Temple decoration

The temple makes a strong impression with its size, strength of masonry, consistency of style. One length of it (from the vestibule to the wall of the mountainous place) is almost 37 meters. Two tiers of Byzantine-style windows cut through the walls of the temple almost to the vault. The altar of the main temple in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is unusually high and roomy. Its eastern side is formed by three deep niches, through the windows of which light falls in three parallel streams.

Since from the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, sovereigns certainly stopped in the temple on their way to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, small rooms were arranged in the southwestern and northeastern parts of the temple, which were the chapels of the king (to the right) and the queen (to the left). All these buildings have survived to this day. The premises had an independent entrance from the "ambulance" and windows facing the inside of the temple.

A part of the royal chapel was occupied by a round stove made by Russian masters of the 17th century, decorated with magnificent colored glazed tiles. The stove has been perfectly preserved and is still admired by connoisseurs with its bizarre patterns. In addition, it is a prototype of the modern "Anosov" wind heating. The boiler room was located in the basement, and the stove, with its many internal passages through which hot air circulated, generously provided heat. The wooden candlesticks of the 17th century, located in the royal chapel, have survived to our time and wondrous beauty.

Imagine small room, with beautiful icons of ancient writing, dimly lit by the multi-colored lights of lamps and the tongues of a few candles. In front of the lectern with an open prayer book is a kneeling figure of an 18-year-old youth of Tsar Theodore. On the terrace, front door froze, leaning on halberds, the royal bodyguards.

The dark color of the walls and vaults, combined with the height and volume, gives the temple austerity and depth. The main iconostasis dates back to the middle of the 18th century, the mural painting - to the middle of the 19th century. The old icons in the iconostasis are recorded with new images.

The bell tower of 1824 has an interior decoration of the middle of the 19th century. The six round pillars of the meal, supporting the choirs, are decorated with medallions - images of the prophets and evangelists. The walls of the temple are decorated with paintings from the Old and New Testaments, the lives of St. Sergius and St. Nicholas. In one picture, the Mother of God appears to the great prayer book of the Russian land, in another, the ascetic is cutting down the thick trees that surrounded the monastery.

Of the ancient icons, the image of St. Alexis, the Man of God: in rags and with bare feet, he lifted up his hands in prayer and was able to see the Lord himself in heaven. According to some scientists, the icon was transferred from the ancient church of 1646.

The great Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who became famous for his kindness, strong character, diplomacy, was distinguished by great liveliness of mind and bright charisma, as they would say now, was very fond of stopping in his beloved village of Alekseevskoye during campaigns in the Trinity Lavra. He was a very pious person, so there was a church in his guest palace. Contrary to popular belief, the village of Alekseevo did not get its name from the owner Alexei Mikhailovich. The name comes from the very first church, which was consecrated on the name day of the king in honor of St. Alexy the Man of God.

As the story goes Great king Alexey was very fond of hunting in neighboring Sokolniki, and, as the legend says, one day he decided to stop for a rest in Kopytov. Even in those distant times there was a huge and very dense forest. Tsar Alexei sincerely fell in love with these places. He was so struck by the beauty and charm of nature that, without hesitation, he wanted a traveling palace for himself in these places.
The village was owned by various noble owners, but at the beginning of the 17th century it belonged to the princes Trubetskoy. And soon the widow of Prince Trubetskoy, who at that time was the last owner of the village, built here the Alekseevskaya Church (1646 - 1648) in honor of the name of her greatest guest. Since 1647 the whole village was called Alekseevsky.

A little later, in 1673, the Great Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree on the construction of a new church in the village. He commanded to build it in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, revered in Rus'.
From the Kremlin in 1680 there was a religious procession with the Patriarch and Tsar of All Rus' Feodor Alekseevich. And the new church was festively consecrated, and in honor of such a great event, the king presented the shrine to the church - miraculous icon of Tikhvin. With its immeasurable miracles and help to people, this icon has already been glorified throughout the world. According to history, it was written at the beginning of the centuries of the Christian religion, by the apostle evangelist Luke himself and sent by him along with the Gospel to Antioch. She was called Tikhvinskaya - according to the area in which she appeared.

But this is not the only attraction of this temple. It has one more, but also not unimportant shrine - icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Increase of mind"(this is the name of this icon). For many centuries, people from all over the world have been coming to her for help. In the 19th century, the temple was neglected, the Napoleonic troops used the temple as a stable and warehouses.
Alexander I allocated a lot of funds for the repair and renewal of the temple, for decorating and painting the walls (1836). So the temple began to resurrect. Such a wonderful place, even in the Soviet years (and everyone remembers the policy of communism) did not stop working and accepted people. Even the domes and bells were preserved, although for many years no one heard their majestic ringing.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II already in our century, in 2001, solemnly consecrated a new chapel in honor of Basil the Great. This small chapel was attached to the Tikhvin Church. Even on the territory of the Tikhvin Church there is the Alekseevsky cemetery, where many saints and righteous people are buried.

All parishioners of the Tikhvin Church know about the tradition, which appeared relatively recently, in 1962. Every year, on April 30, on the day of the Angel, in honor and memory of his heavenly patron Alexei, the Man of God, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II himself serves the liturgy here.
So many people have received help, blessings and support here in this holy place. The temple is not big at the same time, but majestic at the same time.

In ancient times, the village was called Kopytovo and belonged to the princes Trubetskoy, until in 1680 it became part of the personal possessions of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. But since 1667, the Sovereign's Stable Yard was being built here, and in 1673-1674 the royal Travel Palace on the road to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, adjacent to the boyar court of Alexei Nikitich Trubetskoy. After the death of Trubetskoy in 1680, Alekseevskoye became "the part of the possessions of the tsar" Fyodor Alekseevich.

In 1673 - 1680, churches were built in the name of Alexy the Man of God, the patron saint of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and next to it a second church in the name of the revered Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Both temples were created large and high, on a single basement floor with a common ambush. There is an assumption that the Tikhvin Church was connected directly to the royal palace by a passage - the preserved portal in the northern wall of the refectory was the entrance to the choirs along the outer staircase from the mound, or through the passage from the second church. The high status of the Tikhvin Church also influenced internal organization: in the southeastern corner of the refectory a chapel was built for the king, and in the southwestern part - for the queen, and both rooms had special entrances from the graveyard, and were connected to the temple only with the help of small windows. All of them have survived to this day; in addition, in the royal chapel there is a unique round stove of the 17th century, decorated with colored glazed tiles.

Not used in the 18th century, the Alekseevsky Palace fell into decay and collapsed: in 1803, the historian N.M. Karamzin noted the decrepitude of the building and warned against going inside, as it could collapse. Part of the palace was soon dismantled. Presumably, he disappeared during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the French entered Alekseevskoye, in particular, the marshal's corps. The surviving remains of the wooden royal palace were destroyed, the Tikhvin Church was plundered, turning the main temple into a food warehouse, and the refectory into a stable. However, many of the old icons and the iconostasis of the middle of the 18th century remained in the church.

In 1824, the Alekseevskaya Church was dismantled, and its material was used to repair the Tikhvin Church. Emperor Alexander I allocated 18,000 rubles for the restoration of this church. In 1836, the temple was painted from the inside, a little later the ceiling of the refectory was dismantled, as a result of which it became a single-tiered one. However, the choirs along the southern, western and northern walls have been preserved from the upper floor.

In the twentieth century, the temple was not closed, continued to operate and retained its interior decoration almost unchanged. Even the bells have survived, although they have not been rung for many years. According to legend, it was from here that in the winter of 1941, on the orders of Stalin, the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God was taken, the plane with which flew around Moscow - shortly after that, the first successful offensive of the Red Army took place, ending with the capture of Tikhvin. The church also has a small cemetery.
