Historical and Literary Hour for the 100th Anniversary (1916) of the Hero's Birth Soviet Union, ace pilot A.P. Mareseva

The Soviet writer Boris Polevoy once said: “So that the exploits are not lost, so that the Soviet people learn in full how their fellow citizens fought against fascism, everything must be written down.” In the harsh, difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, B. Polevoy was a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. He constantly traveled to the troops, got acquainted with different people, wrote essays and articles for the newspaper, talking about the courage and exploits of Soviet soldiers. Polevoy believed that it was his duty as a journalist to tell the world about people who did not spare themselves in the battle with the enemy, gave all their strength to defend the Motherland.

In 1943, the writer came to the Guards Fighter Regiment, whose pilots shot down 47 enemy aircraft in 9 days. There he met fighter pilot Alexei Maresyev, about whom he was told that he was the best pilot of the regiment. Maresyev invited the writer to spend the night in his dugout. Polevoy did not know that the pilot had no legs, he walked on prostheses, and when Alexei undressed and took off his prostheses in the dugout, the writer was amazed. A pilot without legs shot down 2 planes today in an air battle! In response to the astonishment of the writer, Maresyev said: “... do you want me to tell you the whole story with my legs?”. Polevoy recorded the story in detail. He was shocked by the confession of the pilot. He wanted to write about Maresiev in a newspaper, but that year the essay did not appear in Pravda. But the writer everywhere carried with him notebooks with a recorded history of the pilot.

In 1946, B. Polevoy was a correspondent at the military tribunal in Nuremberg. There he heard the confession of the Nazi criminal Hermann Goering that the Nazis lost the war because they did not know the Russian people - they were and remain a mystery to the West. Then the writer remembered Alexei Maresyev and set about to write a book about a legless pilot - one of the millions of Soviet people who defeated Hitler's seemingly invincible army.

The story was written in 19 days, and all this time Polevoy had the image of this courageous and strong-willed man in front of his eyes. Polevoy called the book "The Tale of a Real Man" because Alexei Maresyev is the real Soviet man." What does it mean to be a real person? What are the qualities of a real person?(Courage, will, striving for a goal, perseverance, patriotism, honor, diligence, loyalty to ideals ...).

The story was first published in the October magazine in 1946, then it was published as a separate book. This book has an amazing history. "The Tale of a Real Man" is known in many countries of the world, in our country it has been published more than a hundred times in different languages. In 1948 she was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. But popular recognition is much more important. The book has become a favorite for many people, it helped them in difficult times, taught courage.

When the story first appeared in the magazine, letters went to Boris Polevoy from everywhere. Hundreds, thousands of letters from strangers and loved ones, from front-line soldiers, from women, from young people. The first readers' letters, artless and grateful, often with streaks from tears, were the most expensive for the writer and were preserved in his rich archive.

After the release of the story, the name of A. Maresyev was recognized by the whole country.

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich was born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region. After leaving school, Alexei entered the FZU (factory school), where he received the specialty of a locksmith. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a pilot. He applied to the Moscow aviation institute, but instead of an institute on a Komsomol ticket, he went to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There he sawed wood in the taiga, built barracks, the first residential quarters. At the same time he studied at the flying club.

From 1937 he served in the aviation border detachment, then studied at the Bataysk military aviation school for pilots, from which he graduated in 1940.

He made his first sortie in August 1941. Combat account pilot of the 580th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the North-Western Front, Lieutenant Maresyev A.P. opened in early 1942 - shot down a Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he had 4 downed fascist aircraft on his account.

On April 4, 1942, in an air battle over the Demyansk bridgehead in the Novgorod region, A.P. Maresyev was hit. The plane began to quickly lose altitude and crashed in the forest. About what happened next, we know from the "Tale ..." by B. Polevoy.

Maresyev crawled through the forest to his own. The inhabitants of the village of Plavni saved him from imminent death - they picked him up and began to nurse him. At the place where the pilot was found, there is a memorial sign.

But the wounded and frostbitten legs became inflamed, an urgent operation was needed. He was taken to a Moscow hospital. He had frostbite on his feet and had to be amputated. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When he got the prostheses, he trained long and hard through tears and pain and got permission to return to duty. This could only be achieved by a man of iron will and great courage.

In June 1943, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev returned to service. He fought on the Kursk Bulge as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, was a deputy squadron commander. He reflected his memories of one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War in the book "On the Kursk Bulge" (M., 1960). In August 1943, during one battle, Alexei Maresyev shot down three enemy FW-190 fighters at once, thereby saving the lives of two Soviet pilots.

For this feat, on August 24, 1943, Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star medal (No. 1102) and the Order of Lenin.

Later, the brave pilot fought in the Baltic states, became the navigator of the regiment. In total, he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: 4 before being wounded and 7 with amputated legs. In June 1944, Maresyev became an inspector pilot of the Office of Higher Educational Institutions of the Air Force.

In 1946, Maresyev was honorably discharged from the Air Force. For many years he did a lot of public work in the committee of war veterans.

The military and labor merits of the Guards, retired colonel, candidate of historical sciences Alexei Petrovich Maresyev, were awarded many state awards. He has been awarded many foreign orders and medals. Alexey Petrovich - Honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, Orel and others; a public fund, youth patriotic clubs are named after him. A planet in the solar system is named after him.

On May 18, 2001, a gala evening was planned at the Theater of the Russian Army on the occasion of Maresyev's 85th birthday, but an hour before the start, Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack. He was taken to the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic, where he died without regaining consciousness. The gala evening nevertheless took place, but it began with a moment of silence ...

Alexei Petrovich was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. On February 23, 2005, in a solemn atmosphere, a monument was opened on the grave of the Hero. The bronze monument depicts Maresyev in full growth, leaning on a pedestal. His left hand rests on a bronze column, his right hand is in his trouser pocket. Maresyev looks up, as if looking at a plane flying into the sky. Maresyev was very fond of the sky. He said: “I have the happiest moments of my life associated with airplanes. When after the hospital they wrote on my card “Good for all types of aviation”, I felt at the pinnacle of happiness.”

May 20, 2006, on the day of the 90th anniversary of the birth of A.P. Maresyev, a bronze monument to the brave pilot was opened in his hometown of Kamyshin (the author is the Honored Artist of Russia, sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov), and the Maresyev Hall with unique exhibits was opened in the Museum of Local History. The central street of Kamyshin, where the monument to the Hero was erected, was renamed Maresyev Boulevard.

Alexei Petrovich Maresyev was called and is being called a legendary man, a legendary ace pilot. At the same time, Maresyev himself said: “I am a man, not a legend! There is nothing unusual about what I did." Nevertheless, it was he who became the hero of one of the best books about the Great Patriotic War. And not only the hero of the book.

In 1948, director Alexander Stolper made a film of the same name based on Polevoy's story at Mosfilm. Maresyev was even offered to play the main role himself, but he refused and this role was played by a professional actor Pavel Kadochnikov. In order to get deeper into the image, Kadochnikov flatly refused the services of understudies, for four months he walked on real prostheses and crawled in the snow in severe frost. For the film, the director A. Stolper, the cameraman M. Magidson, the actors P. Kadochnikov, N. Okhlopkov, V. Merkuriev (1949) were awarded the Stalin Prize of the II degree.

Also, based on the story, the composer Sergei Prokofiev created an opera, which was staged at the Bolshoi Theater (the premiere took place in 1960).

Alexey Petrovich said: “In vain do some think that courage can be shown only in war. In the simplest life, there can sometimes be more courage and fortitude than in any military biography ... ".

In 2005, an international award was established "For the will to live" named after A.P. Maresyev. It is awarded to people who have demonstrated an extraordinary will to live in the conditions of the most difficult trials that have fallen to their lot, and who have managed to adequately overcome them.

  • "Combatant"
  • "Fight against terrorism"
  • "Survival in man-made disasters"
  • "Return to life after severe injuries and diseases"
  • Sports Legends.

The laureates are presented with a badge of the prize and a monetary reward. The ceremony is held in May, on the birthday of A.P. Maresyev.

But there are really many such people: courageous, with a strong spirit and an iron will, who cannot be broken by the most difficult trials.

For example, in 2012, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported on a blind officer who now commands a battalion. Major Alexei Klimov in 1994 participated in the fighting in Chechnya. During the battle, he was badly wounded. The doctors said there was no hope. But three days later, in Rostov, the orderlies unloaded a wagon with corpses, they removed his body in foil, and he stirred. They even dropped him with fright, and then urgently dragged him to the operating table. Doctors collected Alexei literally in parts. His head was pierced, there were many fragments in his body. Vision was not restored. But Klimov did not give up, he studied at the Military Academy and returned to the service.

Classic said: “Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe. Bogatyrs are not you ". But even in our time there are people about whom you can write a sequel to The Tale of a Real Man. Like Aleksey Maresyev, by their actions, by their fate, they prove that a person can accomplish the impossible. The main thing is to believe in yourself and go to the intended goal no matter what.


Polevoy, B.N. The Tale of a Real Man / B. Field. - M. : DOSAAF, 1978. - 238 p.

Moreleva, V.A. Real person: material for conducting a cheat. conf. based on the book by B. Polevoy / V.A. Moraleva // Read, study, play. - 2006. - Issue. 11. - S. 15 - 17.

Urakova, O.I. “The hour of courage has struck on our clocks…”: literature. game based on the book by B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man" for grades 7-9 / O.I. Urakova // Read, study, play. - 2007. - Issue. 12. - S. 12 - 17.

Rogoza, A. An officer who lost his sight in battle returned to serve in the army / Alexander Rogoza // Koms. Truth. - 2012. - 26 Jan. – P. 9.

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Alexey Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Saratov province. At the age of three, he lost his father. Mother, Ekaterina Nikitichna, worked as a cleaner at a woodworking plant and raised three sons - Peter, Nikolai, Alexei. From childhood I taught them to work, honesty, justice. After graduating from school in the city of Kamyshin, Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev received the specialty of a metal turner at a school at a sawmill and began his career there. In 1934, the Kamyshinsky district committee of the Komsomol sent him to the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here, on the job, Alexey is engaged in an flying club. In 1937 he was drafted into the army. Initially, he served in the 12th Air Guard Detachment on Sakhalin Island, then was sent to Batayskoye aviation school them. A. Serov, which he graduated in 1940 with the rank of junior lieutenant. After graduating from college, he was left there as an instructor. There, in Bataysk, he met the war.

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In August 1941 he was sent to the Southwestern Front. Maresyev's first sortie took place on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog region. In March 1942 he was transferred to the North-Western Front. By this time, the pilot had 4 downed German aircraft on his account. On April 4, 1942, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe so-called "Demyansky Cauldron" (Novgorod Region), during an operation to cover bombers in a battle with the Germans, his plane was shot down, and Alexei himself was seriously wounded.

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For eighteen days, the pilot, wounded in the legs, first on his crippled legs, and then crawled his way to the front line. He was first noticed by a father and son from the village of Plavni. Due to the fact that the pilot did not respond to questions (“Are you German?”), Father and son returned to the village out of fear.

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Then the already barely alive pilot was discovered by boys from the village of Plavni, Kislovsky village council of the Valdai region, Seryozha (Sergey) Mikhailovich Malin and Sasha (Alexander) Petrovich Vikhrov. Sasha's father took Alexei on a cart to his house. A monument at the place where the pilot was found A monument at the place where the pilot was found.

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For more than a week, the collective farmers looked after Maresyev. Medical assistance was needed, but there was no doctor in the village. In early May, a plane piloted by A.N. Dekhtyarenko landed near the village, and Maresyev was sent to Moscow, to the hospital. The doctors had to amputate both of his legs.

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While still in the hospital, Alexey Maresyev began to train, preparing to fly with prostheses. Training continued at the sanatorium, where he was sent in September 1942. At the beginning of 1943, he passed a medical examination and was sent to a flight school, which was located in the village of Ibresi, Chuvash ASSR. Alexei Maresyev at the end of the war In February 1943 he made the first test flight after being wounded. Got sent to the front. In June 1943 he arrived in the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. The regiment commander did not let Alexei go on combat missions, since the situation in the sky on the eve of the Battle of Kursk was extremely tense. Alexey was worried. The squadron commander A. M. Chislov sympathized with him and took him with him on a sortie. After several successful sorties paired with Numerical, Maresyev’s confidence increased

Slide 9

On July 20, 1943, during an air battle with superior enemy forces, Alexei Maresyev saved the lives of 2 Soviet pilots and shot down two enemy Fw.190 fighters at once, covering Ju.87 bombers. The military glory of Maresyev spread throughout the 15th Air Army and along the entire front. Correspondents frequented the regiment, among them was the future author of the book "The Tale of a Real Man" Boris Polevoy. On August 24, 1943, Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for saving the lives of two pilots. In this battle, he shot down two German fighters.

Slide 10

In 1944, Maresyev agreed to the proposal to become a pilot inspector and move from a combat regiment to the management of the Air Force Universities. In total, during the war he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded.

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Retired since 1946. Alexey Petrovich made his last flights on an airplane (training U-2) in the early 50s as an instructor at the Air Force special school in Moscow. In the post-war period, partly thanks to Boris Polevoy's The Tale of a Real Man (in which Maresyev is named Meresyev), he was very famous, invited to many celebrations. Meetings with schoolchildren were often organized.

Fear is inherent in everyone.

If someone tells you

that he is not afraid of anything - do not believe it.

You just need to be able to overcome this feeling in yourself.

From an interview with A. Maresyev

Target: fostering a respectful attitude towards people whose service to the Fatherland is an example of courage and valor.


- to instill in students pride in the feats of arms of our grandfathers;

May 20, 2016 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the legendary pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, a man who during the years of the Great patriotic war, despite a severe disability, managed to continue flying and shoot down planes of fascist invaders in our sky, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev.

Alexey Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916 in the town of Kamyshin, Saratov province. At the age of three he was left without a father, his mother raised three sons alone. After graduating from school, Alexei received the specialty of a metal turner at the school at the sawmill and began his career there.

In 1934, the Kamyshinsky district committee of the Komsomol sent him to the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here, on the job, Maresyev is engaged in an flying club. In 1937 he was drafted into the army.

At first he served in the air border detachment on Sakhalin, then he was sent to the Bataysk Aviation School. A. K. Serov, who graduated in 1940 and was left at the school as an instructor. There, in Bataysk, he met the war.

In August 1941, Maresyev was sent to the Southwestern Front and on August 23, 1941 made his first sortie in the Krivoy Rog region. In March 1942 he was transferred to the North-Western Front. By this time, Maresyev had 4 downed German aircraft on his account.

On April 4, 1942, Maresyev's plane was shot down, and the pilot himself was seriously wounded in the legs. He made an emergency landing in the territory occupied by the Germans and for eighteen days, first on crippled legs, and then crawled his way to the front line.

Barely alive, Alexei was found by the boys from the village of Plav, Seryozha Malin and Sasha Vikhrov. Sasha's father took Maresyev in a cart to his house. For more than a week, the collective farmers looked after the pilot, there was no doctor in the village, and Maresyev needed qualified medical assistance. In early May, a plane landed on the outskirts of the village and Maresyev was sent to Moscow. Doctors had to amputate both of his legs.

Even in the hospital, Maresyev began to train, preparing to fly with prostheses. An example was the pilot of the First World War Prokofiev - Seversky, who lost his right leg, but despite this, he returned to the sky. He convinced himself and the doctors that he could fly and fight. Then he continued to train in a sanatorium, where he was sent in September 1942. In early 1943, he passed a medical examination and practiced at the Ibresinsky flight school in Chuvashia. He liked to joke, he could dance to the harmonica. He walked with creaking leather boots. Even in severe frosts, he did not put on boots. Then not everyone knew that this optimistic guy moves on prostheses and learns to fly again.

The command of the regiment did not let Alexei go on combat missions: the situation in the sky on the eve of the Battle of Kursk was very tense. But Maresyev was eager to fight and was very worried after each refusal. Fellow soldiers flew to the front line, and he continued to train, honing his skills on the airfield. The largest battle on the Kursk Bulge flared up, and the squadron commander finally gave Alexei the go-ahead to fly.

In February 1943, he made the first sortie after being wounded.

Alexei Maresyev opened his new combat account on July 6, 1943. In two days, flying on the La-5, he shot down five enemy aircraft. The fame of the legless pilot spread throughout the 15th Air Army and throughout the Bryansk Front.

Squadron commander A. M. Chislov took Maresyev with him in a pair, and after several successful sorties, complete confidence in Maresyev was established.

On July 20, 1943, during an air battle, Alexei Maresyev saved the lives of two Soviet pilots and shot down two enemy fighters at once.

Presenting the hero for the award, the commander of the regiment H.P. Ivanov wrote: "A true Russian patriot, he, not sparing life and blood, fights against enemies and, despite a serious physical handicap, achieves excellent success in air battles."

On August 24, 1943, for this feat, Alexei Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

However, the workload increased all the time, and therefore already in 1944, when Maresyev was offered to become an inspector - pilot and move from a combat regiment to the management of the Air Force Universities, he agreed. But he himself didn’t ask anyone about this ... By that time, the deputy squadron commander of the 63rd GvIAP of the Guard, Senior Lieutenant Alexei Maresyev, made 87 sorties and shot down 11 enemy aircraft, including 7 after returning to the front after being wounded and amputated legs.

In 1944, Maresyev left the combat regiment and became an inspector - pilot in the management of the Air Force Universities. Alexey Petrovich made his last flights on an airplane (training U-2) in the early 50s as an instructor at the Air Force special school in Moscow. On this, his heavenly epic ended.

With his characteristic indomitable will, he took up his studies. In 1952 he successfully graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU, and in 1956 - postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. In the same year, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexei Petrovich Maresyev joined the Soviet Committee of War Veterans.

About the fate of this heroic man, Boris Polev wrote the book "The Tale of a Real Man", which was subsequently made into a film.

Alexey Petrovich never complained about his fate, he lived modestly, did not succumb to ailments and surprised those around him with cheerfulness, charm and optimism.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Red Star and medals.

On May 18, 2001, a gala evening was planned at the Theater of the Russian Army on the occasion of Maresyev's 85th birthday, but an hour before the start, Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack. He was taken to the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic, where he died without regaining consciousness. The gala evening nevertheless took place, but it began with a moment of silence ... Maresyev was buried in the hero city of Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery, where on February 23, 2005, a monument on the grave of the Hero was opened in a solemn atmosphere.

A memorial plaque hangs on the house on Tverskaya Street, 19 in Moscow, where Alexei Maresyev lived.

A bust was erected in his honor in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The minor planet 2173 Maresiev is named in honor of Maresiev, in many cities the streets are named after the hero. In the city of Kamyshin, there is a monument not far from the house where the ace pilot lived.

He was an honorary soldier of a military unit, an honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, Orel, Stara Zagora. Patriotic youth clubs, a public foundation, and a minor planet in the solar system are named after him.

He will forever remain in the memory of mankind.

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Alexey Maresyev (1916-2001) Alexey Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Saratov province. At the age of three, he lost his father. Mother, Ekaterina Nikitichna, worked as a cleaner at a woodworking plant and raised three sons - Peter, Nikolai, Alexei. From childhood, she taught them to work, honesty, justice. After graduating from school in the city of Kamyshin, Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev received the specialty of a metal turner at a school at a sawmill and began his career there. In 1934, the Kamyshinsky district committee of the Komsomol sent him to the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here, on the job, Alexei is engaged in the flying club. In 1937 he was drafted into the army. Initially, he served in the 12th air border detachment on Sakhalin Island, then was sent to the Bataysk Aviation School. A. Serov, which he graduated in 1940 with the rank of junior lieutenant. After graduating from college, he was left there as an instructor. There, in Bataysk, he met the war. In March 1942 he was transferred to the North-Western Front. By this time, the pilot had 4 downed German aircraft on his account. April 4, 1942 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe so-called "Demyansky Cauldron" (Novgorod Region), during an operation to cover bombers in a battle with the Germans, his plane was shot down, and Alexei himself was seriously wounded. He made an emergency landing in the territory occupied by the Germans. For eighteen days, the pilot, wounded in the legs, first on his crippled legs, and then crawled his way to the front line. He was first noticed by a father and son from the village of Plavni. Due to the fact that the pilot did not respond to questions (“Are you German?”), Father and son returned to the village out of fear. Then the already barely alive pilot was found by boys from the village of Plav, Kislovsky village council of the Valdai region, Seryozha Malin and Sasha Vikhrov. Sasha's father took Alexei on a cart to his house. For more than a week, the collective farmers looked after Maresyev. Medical assistance was needed, but there was no doctor in the village. In early May, a plane landed near the village, and Maresyev was sent to Moscow, to the hospital. Doctors were forced to amputate both of his legs in the shin area due to gangrene. Even in the hospital, Alexei Maresyev began to train, preparing to fly with prostheses. At the beginning of 1943, he passed a medical examination and was sent to a flight school, which was located in the village of Ibresi, Chuvash ASSR. In February 1943 he made the first test flight after being wounded. Got sent to the front. In June 1943 he arrived in the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. The regiment commander did not let Alexei go on combat missions, since the situation in the sky on the eve of the Battle of Kursk was extremely tense. Alexey was worried. The squadron commander A. M. Chislov sympathized with him and took him with him on a sortie. After several successful sorties paired with Numerical, Maresyev’s confidence in him increased. On July 20, 1943, Alexei Maresyev, during an air battle with superior enemy forces, saved the lives of 2 Soviet pilots and shot down two enemy fighters at once. The military glory of Maresyev spread throughout the 15th Air Army and along the entire front. Correspondents frequented the regiment, among them was the future author of the book "The Tale of a Real Man" Boris Polevoy. On August 24, 1943, Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for saving the lives of two pilots and shooting down two German fighters. In 1944, Maresyev agreed with the proposal to become inspector-pilot and move from the combat regiment to the management of the Air Force Universities. In total, during the war he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded. In the post-war years, he often organized meetings with schoolchildren, the example of Maresyev's feat was widely used to educate the younger generation. In 1952 he graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1956, A.P. Committee of War Veterans. In 1960, A. P. Maresyev’s book “On the Kursk Bulge” was published. On May 8, 1967, Maresyev participated in the ceremony of lighting the eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On September 3, 1968, he was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region. July 11 1973 - Honorary citizen of the city of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. June 7, 1977 - Honorary citizen of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In 1989 he was elected a people's deputy of the USSR. On May 18, 2001, a gala evening was scheduled at the Theater of the Russian Army on the occasion of Maresyev's 85th birthday, but just an hour before the start of the concert, Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack, after which he died. The gala evening took place, but it began with a moment of silence. Alexei Petrovich Maresyev was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. A Monument was erected to Maresyev in Kamyshin. A minor planet 2173 Maresjev was named in honor of Maresyev. The central street in the village of Ibresi Chuvash Republic named after Alexei Maresyev. , in 2005 a memorial plaque was opened there. Also, the name of the hero is the streets in the cities of Aktyubinsk, Tashkent, Gorno-Altaisk and other cities. Monument to Maresyev in Kamyshin On May 20, 2006, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous pilot, a monument was inaugurated in Kamyshin, located at the intersection of two central streets of the city, not far from the house where Alexei Maresyev lived. A memorial plaque on the house in Moscow, where Maresyev lived after the war. On the medal "For loyalty to aviation", established in 2006, A.P. Maresyev is depicted. The inscription on the memorial plaque "Heroes of the Soviet Union" in Bataysk School-Laboratory No. 760 in Moscow bears the name of the Hero.

Attached files

legendary pilot, Hero
Soviet Union,
Meresyev's prototype of the hero of the story Boris
about the present

Colonel (1978)
Soviet committee in
war veterans
Vice President
International Feder
rations of fighters "Soprot
Foundation President
"Invalids of the Great
Patriotic War"

Alexey Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916 in the city of
Kamyshin, Saratov province. At the age of three he was left without
father. Mother, Ekaterina Nikitichna, worked
cleaner at a woodworking factory and brought up
three sons - Peter, Nikolai, Alexei. Since childhood
taught them to work, honesty, justice. After
graduation from school in the city of Kamyshin Alexey Maresyev
Petrovich received the specialty of a metal turner in
school at the sawmill and there he began his labor
activity. In 1934, the Kamyshinsky District Committee
Komsomol sends him to the construction
Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here without interruption
Aleksey is engaged in production at the flying club.
In 1937 he was drafted into the army. Initially served in the 12th
air border detachment on Sakhalin Island, then was
sent to the Bataysk Aviation School.
A. Serov, which he graduated in 1940, having received the title
junior lieutenant. After graduation, he was
left there by the instructor. There, in Bataysk,
met the war.

In August 1941 he was sent to
Southwestern front. First combat
Maresyev's departure took place
August 23, 1941 in the area
Krivoy Rog. In March 1942 he was
transferred to the Northwestern
front. At this point in the account
there were 4 pilots shot down
German aircraft.
April 4, 1942 in the area so
called "Demyansk boiler"
(Novgorod region) during
cover operations
bombers in combat with the Germans
his plane was shot down, and he himself
Alexei is seriously wounded.

Eighteen days wounded in
feet flier first on
crippled legs, and then
crawled to the line
front. He was noticed first
father and son from the village of Plavni. Because of
the fact that the pilot did not respond
to questions ("Are you German?"), father and
son out of fear returned to the village.

Then a barely alive pilot
discovered by the boys from the village
Plavni of the Kislovsky Village Council
Valdai district, Seryozha (Sergey)
Mikhailovich Malin and Sasha
(Alexander) Petrovich Vikhrov. Father
Sasha drove Alexei on a cart to
my house.
Monument on the spot
where did you find the pilot

More than a week collective farmers
looked after Maresyev. Need
had medical attention, but
There was no doctor in the village. First
May dates near the village
plane landed,
manned by A. N. Dekhtyarenko, and
Maresyev was sent to Moscow,
to the hospital. Doctors are forced
both of his legs were amputated
in the lower leg due to gangrene.

Back in the hospital, Alexei Maresyev began
train, preparing to fly with
prostheses. Training continued in the sanatorium,
where he was sent in September 1942. IN
At the beginning of 1943, he passed a medical examination and was
sent to the flight school, which was located in
village of Ibresi, Chuvash ASSR. Alexey Maresyev in
end of the war
In February 1943 he made the first after being wounded
test flight. Got sent to the front. IN
June 1943 arrived in
63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Field
. The regiment commander did not let Alexei go to combat
tasks, since the situation in the sky the day before
The Battle of Kursk was extremely tense. Alexei
worried. Commander sympathized with him
squadron A. M. Chislov and took with him a couple of
combat sortie. After several successful flights to
paired with Numerical, trust in Maresyev has increased

July 20, 1943 Alexei Maresyev during
air combat with superior enemy forces
saved the lives of 2 Soviet pilots and shot down two at once
enemy Fw.190 fighters covering
Ju.87 bombers. Military glory about Maresyev
spread throughout the 15th Air Army and throughout
front. Correspondents frequented the regiment, among them
was the future author of the book "The Tale of the Present
man" Boris Polevoy. August 24, 1943
Maresyev was awarded the title
Hero of the Soviet Union for saving two lives
pilots. In this battle, he shot down two German

In 1944 Maresyev
agreed with the proposal
become a flight inspector
move from combat regiment to
administration of the Air Force Universities. Only
during the war made 86 combat
sorties, shot down 11 aircraft
enemy: four to wound and
seven - after the injury.

Retired since 1946. Their
recent flight departures
(training U-2) Alexey Petrovich
made in the early 50s as
Air Force Special School Instructor in Moscow.
In the post-war period, partly
thanks to "
Talk about a real person"
Boris Polevoy (in it Maresyev is named
Meresyev), was very famous,
invited to many celebrations.
Frequent meetings were held with

"Hello dear
Alexey Petrovich! Or maybe
be the old way, Alyosha?
With these words began
letter to a legendary pilot
Alexei Maresyev modest
Gomel pensioner
Tatyana Penyazkova.
She has been a nurse
war, treated Maresyeva,
Pokryshkin and other Heroes
Great Patriotic.

May 18, 2001 at the Theater
Russian army planned
gala evening for
occasion of the 85th anniversary of Maresyev, but
literally an hour before the start
concert with Alexei Petrovich
had a heart attack after
whom he died.
gala evening
took place, but it began with
minutes of silence.
Condolences to the family for
the death of the hero expressed
President of Russia
Vladimir Putin.

Alexey Petrovich
buried in
Moscow on
Novodevichy cla

memory of a hero
Minor planet named after Maresyev
Central street in the village of Ibresi, Chuvashskaya
The republic is named after Alexei Maresyev.
Memorial plaque on
house in Moscow, where Maresyev lived after the war.
On the medal "For loyalty to aviation", established in
2006, depicted by A.P. Maresyev.
The inscription on the memorial plaque "Heroes
Soviet Union" in Bataysk
School-Laboratory No. 760 in Moscow bears the name

May 20, 2006 in honor of the 90th anniversary
famous birthday
pilot, was in Kamyshin
monument located on
intersection of two central
streets of the city, near the house,
Where did Alexei Maresyev live?

Awarded with Orders of Lenin
(twice), October
revolution, the Red Banner,
Patriotic War 1st
degree, Labor Red
(twice), Friendship of peoples,
Red Star, "Badge of Honor",
"For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, medals. Honorable
military unit soldier. Author
compositions: "On the Kursk Bulge" and
in Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky,
He was severely shell-shocked, burned. He crawled without
help, without bread, He is all in himself
overcame. He got up, dentures
creaked, he took off again
beat the fascists...
