Sberbank offers the opening of corporate cards for the quick execution of business procedures by authorized employees. To this end, management must apply for a Sberbank corporate card. The corporate card provides an opportunity not only to optimize operating costs, but also to significantly speed up processes. For example, if an employee is sent on a business trip, then he is required to carefully record all financial costs, save receipts and checks that will confirm the expenses in the report.

Using this card greatly simplifies the situation, since all expenses will be automatically reflected on it. The manager can set a spending limit and control the debiting of funds from the card account using Business Online.

This method has long been practiced abroad, where they prefer to use not paper checks and reports, but plastic cards.

Sberbank corporate card for entrepreneurs

A corporate card for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank allows you to make transfers, pay for services, and also carry out commercial and economic work without visiting a branch.
When using this card abroad, the conversion is carried out automatically.
Corporate cards give the director, accountant, authorized person the following opportunities:
  • changing the size of limits;
  • control over the movement of funds in the Business Online service;
  • card blocking in case of its loss;
  • spending limits for each employee.

Corporate cards allow you to reduce the collection of documents that control spending.

How to write an application for a Sberbank corporate card?

To issue this card, the director or authorized person must submit an application for a Sberbank corporate card (form 11) to a bank branch. You can do this online using the Business Online service.

Data to fill:

  • Name of the organization;
  • The currency used on the account;
  • Card type: Visa or Master Card Business or Business Budget;
  • Surname, date of birth, place of registration and residence, passport and contact details, e-mail, information from additional document(foreign passport);
  • Signature of the representative of the enterprise in whose name the registration is carried out;
  • Control data (any numbers and letters to identify the client when contacting remotely);
  • Signature of the director and accountant of the enterprise.
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How to fill out an application for a corporate card

The employee must fill out the second sheet of the application for a Sberbank corporate card.
Data to fill:
  • The name of the department and its code;
  • Numbers of business and settlement accounts;
  • Position held and information about the employee who accepted the application;
  • Confirmation: yes or no, position, surname, date, signature;
  • Permission to provide a card: yes or no, last name, position, date, signature;
  • Card and registration number, validity period.
A corporate card is most often used to pay business and travel expenses.

Available card fees

It takes several days to process your application.
Tariffs for servicing corporate cards of Sberbank:
  • To the current account - 2500 rubles;
  • To a business account - 1200 rubles;
  • Budget - 0 rub.

Possible card restrictions

Using the card provides for certain restrictions and commissions:
  • Fee for withdrawing money: 1%, according to the budget option - 0%, through branches and services of other organizations - 1-3%;
  • Restriction on receiving cash: per day - 170 thousand rubles, and per month - about 5 million rubles. (according to the budget - about 300 thousand rubles a day);
  • Request for an expense report - 150 rubles;
  • Cash acceptance using self-service devices: 0.15%, for budget option- 0% (restrictions - 100 thousand rubles);
  • Information about the card balance - 15 rubles.
A special offer from Sberbank - a corporate card with free annual service.

Opportunities and benefits of the Personal Account Business Online

You can connect to the online bank at the time of applying for a Sberbank corporate card. As a result of obtaining an identifier, numerous possibilities become available:
  • Import and export of documents using the 1C system;
  • Quick creation of templates of the required documents;
  • Creation of reports on completed transactions for a specific period of time;
  • Receipt of electronic payment orders and the possibility of their simple processing;
  • Acceptance of documents for different functions, based on differences in contracts (cooperation with private or legal entities);
  • Adding free format attachments at the time of sending electronic documents;
  • The presence of a bank stamp on electronic payments, which avoids visiting the office;
  • User-friendly interface, as well as the presence of a sorting and filtering system that speeds up the search and processing of documents;
  • Access to the database of details of the main banking organizations of the country.

Additional services available

You can connect a corporate card to Sberbank Business Online and Mobile bank to activate SMS alerts for completed transactions. At the time of work in the service, any actions are confirmed using a password sent in messages. Any enterprise can also integrate its own accounting system (1C or ERP) to the convenient Business Online services.
As a result of applying for the issuance of a corporate card from Sberbank, enterprises have access to reduce operating costs, as well as to interactively manage the movement of funds.

Regardless of the nature of the company's activities, at a certain stage there is such a need as spending finances on various needs of the organization. These can be business trips, expenses for corporate events, the current needs of the company, etc. And if earlier there was a kind of piggy bank for such purposes, which was managed by an accountant, today it is more convenient and more profitable to use such a tool as a Sberbank corporate card for legal entities. What it is?

Money is transferred to the account in a certain amount, within strict accountability and then spent at the discretion of the company's management. Any transactions, of course, have documentary evidence.

Design rules

Today, Sberbank offers corporate bank cards of Visa and MasterCard systems.

Despite the fact that the card is considered "public", it is issued strictly in the name of a specific person, an employee of the company. To receive it at the bank, first of all, you need to open a current account. Also, the employee must write an application for a corporate card on the Internet or at a branch of Sberbank. It is necessary to attach constituent documents, as well as deposit a certain amount of service fee for 1 year into the account.

Sometimes a legitimate question arises: is there a risk that an employee in whose name a Sberbank corporate card is issued for use by legal entities can withdraw an amount that significantly exceeds the necessary expenses, or use it for other purposes? When registering, the limit of debit transactions for specific people is always initially determined. To do this, a register with a list of employees and their passport data is submitted to the bank, if necessary, a power of attorney is issued to receive funds.

The card is issued within 1-2 weeks and is issued at the bank branch.

After registration, a person receives the right:

  • withdraw cash in Russia and abroad;
  • pay in stores and other commercial establishments;
  • transfer funds to other employees of the company.

Benefits of a plastic piggy bank

  1. Even when storing large amounts on the account, the risk of their loss in case of loss of the card is eliminated legal entity, just call hotline bank and block.
  2. It is possible to receive money abroad in the country's currency without opening an additional account - the conversion takes place automatically, at the current bank rate.
  3. A corporate card issued by Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs allows you to use a reduced commission for most transactions.
  4. It is possible to use the funds in the account as an advance.
  5. The control over the movement of finances is noticeably simplified, since the management can track all operations online at any time, receive an SMS message when money is withdrawn.
  6. While abroad, an employee can independently make payments for a hotel, buy tickets online, receive a transfer, withdraw money from a Sberbank corporate card.
  7. There is an opportunity to use a large set of discounts on goods and services of partner companies.

In order to make a payment online, no special skills are required. Any purchase operation is carried out after entering a special password, which can be obtained using the Sberbank terminal and printing a check.

Regardless of the purposes for which the funds from the corporate card will be spent and to whom it is issued, it goes without saying that all finances belong to a legal entity - a company or a group of entrepreneurs. Replenishment of the account is carried out by the accountant of the enterprise, indicating the purpose of the transfer.

How to use the card? An employee who has made payments by bank transfer or through cash withdrawal receives receipts or checks and then reports them to the accounting department, which draws up an expense report on the funds spent.

Thus, the settlement processes are significantly accelerated, the cost of various travel expenses and other current costs for making payments, transfers, etc. are reduced, which is convenient for everyone who is engaged in business, runs an LLC or any other organization.

The current individual account to which the card is attached is opened free of charge. If a Visa or MasterCard Business class is issued, an amount of 2,500 rubles must be paid. as an annual maintenance fee, as well as make a down payment. All rates are available at checkout.

In the activities of any company, there is a need to spend Money for current needs, hospitality and travel expenses. Especially for this, a Sberbank corporate card is used for legal entities and entrepreneurs. The money is transferred to plastic under the report and spent in the interests of the company. All transactions on the card must be confirmed by accounting documents.

Benefits of using

A legal entity card is always issued in the name of an employee of the organization. Why is it filled out to receive a Sberbank corporate card online or at a branch. On it, he can perform the following operations:

  • cash withdrawals from ATMs in different countries;
  • settlement in retail outlets;
  • transfer of funds to employees of the organization.

The use of plastic provides a number of advantages:

  • No financial losses in case of loss of the card. An employee can have access to large amounts without risk to their safety. It is enough to make a call to the support line and block the plastic.
  • Getting cash abroad without using a foreign currency account on business trips. The conversion takes place automatically.
  • Reducing commissions for banking and foreign exchange transactions.
  • The employee does not spend personal money, but receives advances on expenses from the card.
  • Simplification of the process of financial management and operational control. The director or accountant independently sees all transactions on the account.
  • The possibility of receiving a transfer in another country, paying for a hotel, air and railway tickets on the Internet.
  • Using the system of discounts for different kinds goods and services.

For online shopping, there is an optimal transaction mode. The operation is performed after entering the password. A list of 10 passwords is issued at Sberbank terminals. You need to insert the card into the self-service device and print the receipt.

How to open

Currently, organizations can apply for a Sberbank corporate card of Visa and MasterCard payment systems. List of available cards:

  1. Business to business account;
  2. Business "Budget".

To order a card, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Contacting a bank branch for work with legal entities and open a current account in accordance with the conditions and tariffs. The application is accepted from legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries. Constituent documents are required.
  2. The account is charged for the annual maintenance of each plastic. Can be linked to one organization account required amount kart.
  3. Then the client receives an application form for a Sberbank corporate card form 11. If the company already has an account, then the application can be submitted through the branch where it is maintained or in the Sberbank Business Online system.
  4. For each plastic, a limit on debit transactions for an employee is determined. Its size depends on the scope of the employee's powers. The bank is provided with a special register of employees and their passport data. Limits are set according to it. If it is necessary to change them, a new register is submitted to the bank.
  5. After 7-10 days, get it at the bank.

The card reflects its number, validity period (3 years), last name and first name of the employee, and the name of the enterprise.

Use at work

When studying the question of how to use a Sberbank corporate card for legal entities, it is important to remember that all its funds belong exclusively to the company. If it is necessary to make an expense on the card, the accountant replenishes it from the company's account. Be sure to indicate the number of the plastic and the purpose of the transfer of funds. After the money is placed on the card of the company's employee. The management of finances takes place in accordance with the requirements and needs of the enterprise.

The expense can be made non-cash or withdraw the required amount from an ATM. After completing the task, the employee provides checks, receipts for the purchase of goods, services, checks for withdrawing funds to the accounting department of the organization. Based on these documents, a report on the expenditure of accountable funds is filled out.

Using the card allows you to avoid problems with reporting in case of loss of documents, they can always be restored, knowing the data on transactions. When spending company funds, there will be no problems with increasing or decreasing the amount, the employee will not have to spend his own money or return the advance to the cashier.

As a result, the speed of payments for the purchase of goods or services increases. The company reduces organizational costs, transactions are carried out at a convenient time without visiting the bank's office and depending on the operating day. In addition, modern services apply to this banking product: free SMS notifications about transactions and PayPass contactless technology. When using a corporate card, there are features of reflecting transactions and accounting entries:

  1. The issuance of plastic to the enterprise is not reflected in accounting, since it belongs to the bank. Issued in the name of the employee, which eliminates the need to keep a corresponding journal.
  2. Cash received through an ATM does not go through the company's cash desk. When compiling the cash balance at the end of the day, cash withdrawn from plastic is not taken into account.
  3. The card expense reporting system avoids confusion and also protects the organization from inattention or theft on the part of employees - cardholders.
  4. If it is impossible to provide a report or provide supporting documents for the expediency of spending, the funds are withheld from the employee's salary.
  5. The accountant writes off the money spent by employees from cards on account 71 - settlements with accountable persons. Be sure to take into account the type of plastic.

Considering what a Sberbank corporate card for an individual entrepreneur is, it is important to transfer money from an account to it and cash it out. It is used not only in Russia, but throughout the world. All financial transactions at work can be carried out using a card.

Tariffs and services

When a Sberbank corporate card is used, tariffs are applied in accordance with the type of service issued. The account is opened free of charge. Annual service in the amount of 2500 rubles. or USD/EUR 50 and the initial fee is paid only for Visa/MasterCard Business products. The bank provides free services such as:

  1. Transfer of funds to the account of the company.
  2. Suspension of plastic in case of loss.
  3. Planned reissue or early.
  4. Maintenance of the card in the field of trade or provision of services. For Business "Budget" the limit is set at 100 thousand rubles.

Also on the Business card "Budget" cash is issued free of charge at Sberbank branches and ATMs, money is accepted through the cash desk. You can withdraw no more than 300 thousand rubles per day with a card.

Product "Business to Business Account" provides more options, but on a paid basis. Additionally, you can get cash from other banks and their ATMs, request more detailed information on transactions. The withdrawal limit is set at 170 thousand rubles per day. You can withdraw no more than 5 million rubles per month. Cash withdrawal fee is 1% of the amount. Urgent cash receipt costs 6 thousand rubles.

So, a corporate card is a rather profitable payment instrument suitable for international payments. Its application in business will reduce the time spent in the bank, increase the effective spending of the company's money and simplify the analysis and control of spending on household needs. Today, Sberbank provides ample opportunities for the use of plastic. Having determined the needs of the company, you can easily choose the appropriate tariff on the card.

The Sberbank corporate card is a payment card of international importance, which is issued purposefully for employees of various enterprises. Both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can open this kind of card.

This card allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Make cashless payments, paying for goods and services
  • Accept money from senders not only in Russia, but also while abroad
  • Make cashless payments for travel and hospitality expenses
  • Make cashless payments for business expenses
  • Make cash withdrawals for business expenses

A corporate card is beneficial not only for a particular company as a whole, but also for each of its employees individually. For employees, the card has the following advantages:

  • You can receive money in any currency and at any time
  • No need to carry large cash savings with you
  • It is very convenient to analyze the spent funds
  • When traveling to other countries, it is not required to open a foreign currency account
  • Using the card, you can book a hotel or tickets for travel
  • If bank card for some reason lost, its blocking will not cause difficulties

The card indicates the user's personal data (name and surname) and the name of the organization in which he works. The card is valid for three years from the date of issue.

Procedures required for issuing a corporate card

To get a Sberbank corporate card, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Make a discovery special account, which allows you to keep records of actions performed with corporate cards
  2. Transfer the starting amount to an open account
  3. Submit an application to the bank that you want to receive a corporate card
  4. Get a ready card


Corporate cards for legal entities from Sberbank can be issued free of charge. A corporate bank card of a legal entity is serviced at a cost of 1200 rubles per copy. Servicing the cost of foreign currency accounts is 50 US dollars or 50 euros.

Tariffs also provide for an initial payment to the company's account, which is at least 2400 Russian rubles or 100 US dollars or 100 euros. A plastic card of Visa and Mastercard Business payment systems with a special “Budget” tariff has the advantage of free registration and the ability not to make an initial payment.

Information about the card account of an individual entrepreneur

After an individual entrepreneur opens a current account with Sberbank, he can synchronize it with a plastic card.

The Sberbank business card for individual entrepreneurs allows you to transfer funds to it, which, if necessary, can be easily cashed out. The offer to individual entrepreneurs to open a current account with Sberbank is more profitable than in most other organizations involved in banking. Sberbank business card for individual entrepreneurs allows you to pay convenient way both on the territory of our country and on the territory of other states.

The presence of a plastic card synchronized with the current account of an individual entrepreneur will allow you not to waste time on constant visits to Sberbank branches in order to conduct and control financial transactions. Since almost all necessary matters can be resolved through a card, the stay of an individual entrepreneur in queues at a bank branch will be minimized.

Difficulties arising without the use of a corporate plastic card

If the organization decides to send its employee on a business trip, the accounting department makes a request regarding the cost of air tickets, hotel rooms, daily allowance for the employee and other expenses. After analyzing this information, a decision is made to issue a certain amount of money to the employee under the report. When an employee returns from a business trip, he is forced to provide many different receipts, invoices and checks as a report.

The reporting procedure may be delayed for a longer period if the seconded employee of the company did not spend all the allocated funds or, on the contrary, spent more than he was allocated and he needs compensation. And if the inattention of an employee on a business trip led to the fact that any accounting documentation was forgotten somewhere, the accountant will have problems. The use of Sberbank corporate cards allows you to avoid this kind of problems.

Why Sberbank?

Sberbank of Russia is recognized as one of the best organizations issuing corporate plastic cards. Over the years of its existence, it has gained a reputation as a reliable financial partner among the population of the country. In addition, the convenient geographical location of bank branches and ATMs in most settlements Russian Federation allows you to be firmly confident that the use of corporate plastic cards will be quick and comfortable.

The service of issuing corporate plastic cards has existed in Sberbank of Russia for quite a long period of time, therefore, the reliability and convenience of their operation have already been proven by many companies. Employees of firms with a corporate plastic card Sberbank of Russia, become confident that there will always be money to pay for corporate needs.

The company's expenses become systematized and clearly visible to the accountant, and the accounting workflow is optimized. All these factors allow us to conclude that Sberbank corporate cards should definitely be issued!
