Due to the fact that in the composition of the crumb there is a binding element of bitumen, its properties increase significantly. The road, covered with asphalt crumbs, purchased from our company, is strong and durable. It is also worth ordering asphalt crumb from our company for the reason that it will not need to be poured every season, and even precipitation such as rain, snow, ice, as well as sudden temperature changes, will not be able to destroy it.

Lay down asphalt crumb with a minimum thickness of 10 cm and thicker, only in this way you can get a durable and reliable road surface... The road, made of asphalt crumbs, looks neat, without any flaws.

Buy asphalt crumb with delivery at a low price per m3 - in Moscow and Moscow region

We offer our customers only high quality materials with delivery and pickup at low prices.

SNT (Horticultural non-profit cooperatives)

DNP (Dacha non-profit partnership)

IZHS (Individual Housing Partnership)

LPH (Private subsidiary farm)

garage cooperatives

all types of construction machinery sites

car parks

temporary roads

Public roads

access roads

as well as for playgrounds and sports grounds.

When buying asphalt chips, we will deliver the material directly to the site, if there is a desire, the client can use self-pickup.

In order to place an order, it is enough to leave a request on our website or call the phone numbers listed below.

In the field of repair and reconstruction roadway the effectiveness of the application has been proven in practice recycled asphalt concrete... Due to the content of bitumen, stone, plasticizers in such material, the reclamation of asphalt is expedient not only from an economic, but also from a technical point of view. Additionally, such an event saves energy and resources. Recycled materials attracted the attention of builders because the cost of bitumen and mineral components used in them is quite high.

Stages of application of asphalt concrete:

  • specialized equipment removes the worn-out layer from the base;
  • transportation of the received material to the asphalt concrete plant;
  • heating the secondary product, in some cases it is mixed with a fresh portion of bitumen or other raw materials.

This process can take place not only in a stationary technical base of the plant, but also when using mobile equipment. The described process of hot processing of secondary materials is not the only one, it is also widely used cold way... To do this, at the plant, individual pieces or other material obtained after milling the roadway is thoroughly crushed and mixed with fresh emulsion. The resulting material is used to create low-traffic roads, such as villages.

In our country, it is hot processing that is widely used, which is carried out using equipment from different foreign manufacturers. These batch plants are often mobile, which saves resources and time by eliminating plant involvement.

ABZ "Bernardi" with the system

recycling asphalt

The Italian company BERNARDI deserves special attention, creating state-of-the-art recycling plants. With the help of its advanced dryer, it is possible to regenerate up to half of the worn-out mixture. At the same time, the level of costs remains very low. The technology used in this unit is called "RED" and over the years of application has established itself as one of the best.

Another technology is used by the Chinese brand "D&G Machinery". This company uses for the recovery of waste materials road construction time-tested classic technologies. All installations produced by the brand can be divided into two main categories. The first is equipment with a parallel drying element, which guarantees the processing of a large percentage of recyclable materials (50% or more). This technique requires a significant investment. The second option is a recycling ring, which is an order of magnitude cheaper, but with its help no more than 35% (usually even less) of asphalt concrete can be recycled.

Before loading into such units, the raw material is crushed in percussion rotor, jaw or cone units (more details). To simplify the task of grinding high-strength material and to speed up this operation, it is saturated with water. It is preferable to carry out crushing in a cold or moderately warm environment, the temperature of which does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. If we are not talking about lumpy material, but obtained by milling, it is not necessary to grind it - it is enough to add it to fresh mineral raw materials carefully dried in a special drum.

Technologically, the asphalt recovery process proceeds as follows:

  • fresh mineral base is dispensed and placed in a drum-type heater;
  • old materials are loaded into the same container: asphalt dust, bitumen fragments, crushed lump raw materials;
  • all this is heated to strictly defined temperatures (to avoid rapid aging of the mixture) and mixed with a fresh portion of bitumen or plasticizer;
  • after preparing the mixture, it is unloaded into lifting device skip type, transported to the bunker of finished materials.

The unit is operated by a trained operator at all stages of mortar recovery. In addition to the heater, this process involves the same equipment as for other types of asphalt concrete complexes. This makes it easy to set up the process of reclaiming asphalt concrete.

price from
800 RUB
for 1 m3

Asphalt crumb with delivery from under the cutter in Moscow and the Moscow region. We will bring any amount of fresh and high-quality asphalt crumb (SMA) today or at any time convenient for you. We guarantee the compliance of the ordered and delivered volume. Let's calculate required amount and we will advise on all matters related to asphalt crumb and its laying. Call us, we have the best price for 1 m3 with delivery!

  • Delivery of any volume, no minimum order
  • We will bring you today from the closest facility to you at a bargain price
  • We will carry out a complex of works on laying asphalt crumb "turnkey"
  • Our experience in working with asphalt crumb is over 10 years
  • The result is a long-term relationship with each Customer

Delivery of asphalt chips is carried out directly from the milling site. We work around the clock, so we can make delivery at any time by prior arrangement. If necessary, it is possible to unload the dump truck into several parts in different places of your facility.

Asphalt crumb prices - February 2020

Calculate quantity Calculate cost Make an order

The final price of asphalt crumb depends on the location of your facility and the ordered volume. In Moscow, there is a single price for 1 m3, since asphalt milling is carried out simultaneously in different parts of the city. The price of asphalt crumb with delivery to the Moscow region depends on the distance of the object from the Moscow Ring Road and is formed according to the following principle - the more cubes a dump truck carries and the closer the delivery object, the lower the price per cubic meter and vice versa.

We are engaged in the production and sale of asphalt chips without intermediaries and fully control the process from loading a dump truck to unloading it at the site. Therefore, we can offer quality material at the lowest price in Moscow. With the help of our own dump truck fleet, we will inexpensively deliver asphalt chips to any area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region. Keep in mind that the cost varies throughout the year, the lowest it is in the summer, in the midst of road repairs.

Buy asphalt crumb on favorable terms

As you already understood, you can buy cheap asphalt chips in any quantity with delivery to any place in Moscow and the Moscow region. At the same time, the material will be of excellent quality, it will be delivered on time, and the delivered quantity will pleasantly surprise you. You can buy asphalt chips for cash and non-cash payments. In case of cash payment, payment is made upon delivery; in case of non-cash payment, we work only on a prepayment basis.

Before buying asphalt crumb, we advise you to understand all the nuances - from production methods to competent acceptance of the delivered material. With the knowledge gained, it will be easier for you to do right choice, save your budget and get the desired result. For this, we have prepared several articles on this topic. And if you still have questions, call us, we will be happy to answer them.

Frequently asked questions about asphalt chips

  • What is the price for 1 m3 of asphalt crumb with delivery to Odintsovo?
    Decide on the required volume and specify the distance from the Moscow Ring Road to the place of unloading, call us, we will tell you the exact price per cubic meter.

  • Is it true that a road made of asphalt chips quickly breaks up?
    If you use high-quality crumbs and follow the basic rules of laying technology, then a road made of asphalt crumbs will last a long time. If required, we are ready to organize all the work on the laying of asphalt chips with high quality and at reasonable prices. Call us, we will tell you what and how.

  • How much asphalt crumb is in Kamaz?
    In our fleet there are various modifications of Kamaz: 10m3, 16m3 and 20m3

One of the most common recycled materialsfrom recycling is asphalt crumb, also known as asphalt granulate, and is used in a wide variety of construction and renovation jobs.

This material is obtained by cold milling of the old asphalt pavement removed during the replacement or repair of the roadway. Thus, asphalt crumb consists of bits of bitumen and small crushed stone from three to five millimeters in diameter, in addition, it may contain traces of sand or other elements.

Use of asphalt crumb

Due to the inexpensive price, ease of use, as well as the fact that the crumb, as a product obtained by processing, causes relatively less harm to the environment, the range of its application is extremely wide and includes almost all spheres of human economic activity:

Due to the widespread use of this material, as well as the availability of many other options on the market, consumers, trying to find the most acceptable option for themselves, often ask the question of how much a cube of asphalt chips costs. Below in the abstract form are the main reference characteristics of this material, including answers to such questions as how much 1 cubic meter of asphalt crumb weighs and how many cubes fit in a KAMAZ or dump truck.

  • The average price of asphalt chips in Moscow is $ 12-14, in the regions it starts from $ 10;
  • 1 cube of asphalt crumb can weigh from 1500 to 1900 kilograms, depending on its composition;
  • Accordingly, about 12 cubic meters will fit into the body of an average KAMAZ;

The consumption of crumbs per m 2 with a layer thickness of 20 centimeters is approximately 400-600 kilograms.

Laying technology

  1. First of all, the base for the asphalt crumb is prepared. The terrain is leveled, large debris is removed: cobblestones and scrap metal. It is quite possible to skip this point if the terrain condition is acceptable for this purpose.
  2. Optionally, the surface is primed using bitumen emulsion of asphalt crumb for better adhesion in the future. Its consumption is about one liter per square meter;
  3. Laying crumb on the surface, compaction of the laid layer. This can be done both with specialized equipment and independently. It is worth remembering that the compaction coefficient of asphalt crumb, depending on the composition, reaches a value of 2 units, which means that during rolling, the thickness can be reduced by up to two times and be sure to include this factor in the calculations!
  4. Impregnation of bitumen emulsion of asphalt crumb. This will further strengthen it and increase its service life. Consumption of about 0.5 liters per m2.

Asphalt crumb laying with my own hands not too different from the technology described above. The only difference is that you will have to lay it out yourself with the help of shovels, and roll it in cars. Difficulties may arise with how to melt asphalt crumb: without the use of technology, this is not only laborious, but also flammable. You can melt the crumb over an open fire in a metal container of sufficient size. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher with you to extinguish a possible fire!

Pros and cons of using asphalt chips

To begin with, let's mention the environmental aspect of using asphalt crumb. Many people, from among those who will ennoble country cottage areahaving children and animals in the family, I wonder if asphalt crumb is harmful. Despite the fact that it contains bitumen, a product of oil refining, which, accordingly, causes more harm to the environment than good, the use of crumbs in the household is more environmentally friendly than in the case of asphalt of the same volume.

According to the documentation, asphalt crumb has a hazard class 4, on a par with household waste such as old clothes and shoes.

  1. A wide range of applications, covering most of the spheres of human economic activity;
  2. Affordable price, which favorably distinguishes asphalt crumb against the background of crushed stone or gravel and, due to similar properties, has recommended crumb as a suitable replacement for them;
  3. Long service life when used in suitable conditions: secondary roads and short-distance tracks and sports complexes;
  4. Ease of styling. For this, it is not necessary to prepare the surface in advance, and the rolling of asphalt crumbs does not imply the obligatory participation of special equipment; in order to save money, it can be done with the help of passing cars;
  5. High resistance to adverse weather conditions.

The disadvantages of asphalt crumb, like any other material, exist:

  1. More harmful impact on the environment in comparison with gravel or sand;
  2. The need for periodic updating of the canvas.

However, all the shortcomings are fully covered by its numerous positive qualities.

Alternative options

In addition, consumers often ask the question: which is better, asphalt crumb or crushed stone? There is no definite answer to it, since these materials, including sand and broken bricks and concrete, as a rule, perform the same functions. But the price of the crumb is lower, and the crushed stone has a less harmful effect due to the absence of bitumen in the composition. So the choice must be made based on circumstances and personal preference.

Summing up

Thus, the asphalt crumb will become for you ideal optionif you value simplicity and ease of styling and prefer to spend extra money on yourself and your loved ones, and not on construction Materials... For a parking lot or driveway, playground or garage floor, this material will meet your every need!
