14 Signs It's Time for You to Get a Cancer Test! Scary, but it's better to know! The American Cancer Society recorded 1.5 million cases of cancer in the US alone in 2015. All medical experts say that early detection of a tumor is critical to fighting the disease.

There are some signs of cancer development that absolutely cannot be ignored. Pay attention to all changes in the body, as they can be a sign not only of this disease, but also of a number of others. Get your body clear of cancer cells if you feel any of these symptoms. Remember: these signs only mean that you need to seek medical attention. 14 Signs that it is time for you to get tested for cancer:

Bloating in women.

Unexplained and chronic flatulence may indicate ovarian cancer. Dr. Beth Yu Karlan explains: “Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Usually no one pays attention to the fact that his stomach quickly and regularly swells after dinner. If you feel like your stomach is full too quickly, and you still experience low back pain on a regular basis, see your doctor. Especially if you feel these symptoms for several weeks in a row.

Irregular bleeding in women.

Any abnormal bleeding that occurs after menopause or is not associated with a cycle at all could be a sign of something serious. For example, endometrial, or cervical cancer.

Dr Karolyn Runovich says:

Any bleeding, even small drops of blood on underwear, is not normal. Not to mention clots. If this happens to you, you must immediately investigate what is wrong.

So get ready to see a doctor if you notice something like this. Let's hope that we are talking about some banal infection of the cervix.

Pain in the abdomen and pelvic organs in women.

Pain in the pelvic organs or abdomen can be a sign of serious problems with the ovaries. If this pain is also accompanied by bloating, if you have problems with appetite or urination, this requires a trip to the doctor.

“These symptoms are also seen when it is not about cancer, but about other problems. When they are caused by cancer, they are stable and regular.

Persistent back pain in men.

This problem can have many causes. And most of them, fortunately, are not associated with cancer. However, colon and prostate cancer is almost always accompanied by severe back pain. So if you are faced with them, it would not hurt to make an appointment with a doctor.

Healthline writes on the subject:

Back pain is the most common cause of disability. People don't realize it, but it can also indicate prostate cancer. He also has another symptom: pain in the bones of the thighs.

Of course, muscle pain in and of itself should not cause you to panic. But if this condition is repeated in you regularly, we are probably talking about something serious.

Changes in the testicles in men.

One of better ways to protect against testicular cancer - constantly monitor the condition and size of these organs. It is important that their size and shape do not change.

Dr. Herbert Lepore explains:

If you notice something superfluous on them, some kind of heavy new formation, never postpone an examination by a doctor. Unlike prostate cancer, which grows slowly, testicular cancer can develop overnight!

In general, take a look at yourself!

Pain in the groin, thighs or pelvis in men.

Prostate cancer can give not only pain in the back, but also pain in the groin, thighs and buttocks. The same symptoms are characteristic of testicular cancer.And remember: any chronic pain or swelling is definitely a sign of something serious.

Persistent cough in men and women.

As a rule, a cough is a consequence of a cold. However, if he refuses to leave and torments you for months/years, then this may indicate cancer - thyroid, throat or lung.

We know that coughs and colds are usually related. But if the cough does not go away for months, do not be afraid to go for a consultation with a doctor.

Smoking can also be a cause of chronic cough. "This is the number one cancer killer among women," emphasizes Karlan.

Problems with urination in men and women.

If you have recurring problems with bowel movements and urination, this may be a sign of something very serious.

Healthline writes:

Everyone has bowel problems in one way or another, but serious changes, chronic pain, feeling like the stomach is “swollen” can all be symptoms of rectal cancer.”

If blood comes out of you along with the feces, then it's time to immediately contact the professionals.

Sudden weight loss in men and women.

Sudden and unexplained weight loss can have several causes, but they are all very serious. So, in particular, some types of cancer manifest themselves.

The American Cancer Society writes:

Unexplained loss of even 5 kg may indicate cancer. This is usually the case with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lungs.

Stress, however, can also cause this. But it's better to take a blood test to make sure everything is fine.

Breast changes in men and women.

Many people think that breast cancer only affects women, but it actually occurs in men too. Its first sign: the appearance of lumps of an incomprehensible nature in the chest area.

Dr Myers says:

Men tend to ignore the risk of getting this type of cancer. But in 1% of all cases, it develops in men, not women. And almost all the sick turn to the doctors for help too late.

Breast cancer is treated without any problems: the main thing is to detect it at an early stage.

Enlarged lymph nodes in men and women.

These are small glands located in several places throughout the body. The main ones are on the neck and armpits. Swollen lymph nodes are most often a sign of hypothermia or a consequence of a sore throat.

However, Dr. Marlene Myers notes that if the swelling does not go away within two to four weeks, you should definitely see a doctor.

Changes in the skin of men and women.

You should be on the lookout for any new growths on your skin. After all, this type of cancer is extremely important and most importantly - easy - to recognize at an early stage.

Pay attention to any new moles that appear on your body. If you do not like their color, shape or size, contact your doctor immediately.

Moreover, this is the best case when “it’s better to overdo than underdo”: timely detected skin cancer cells help to stop it instantly.

Any changes in the mouth of men and women.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of incomprehensible white or red spots in oral cavity. Especially if you smoke or chew tobacco!

The American Cancer Society writes:

White spots in the mouth and white spots on the tongue may indicate a precancerous condition. Any changes that do not resolve quickly should be checked by a doctor."

Severe chronic fatigue in men and women.

We mean fatigue for no reason. Those. if every day you feel even worse in the morning than in the evenings, then most likely you are ill with something really serious.

The American Cancer Society writes:

Fatigue is an important symptom if it becomes more and more acute over time. This is how leukemia or other types of cancer usually manifest themselves.

As you understand, this is also the case when it is better to go to the doctor once again to understand that you are safe than to regret it later in the hospital room.

Dr. Beth Karlan emphasizes:

We didn't mean to alarm you. We just want to explain to you: we can cure cancer, if you find it in the early stages, then nothing bad will happen to you. Use the latest achievements of medical science to the maximum - and you will be able to live as you lived before the diagnosis. The main thing is to appear at the oncologists on time.

In short, you understand. We just couldn't help but warn you. Show this article to all the friends you know! This could save someone's life!!! These were 14 Signs that you should get tested for cancer.

Cancer is a dangerous disease, but in Russia more than 2.8 million people live with this diagnosis. According to statistics, more than 7-8 million people die from cancer every year around the world. Oncological diseases are on the 2nd place in the list of deaths, on the first place are cores. Although our country has become one of the "developed" countries, a complete cure for cancer has not yet been discovered.

Treatment becomes effective when cancer is detected at an early stage. In order not to miss this moment, you need to pay attention to any change in the body, because the causes of cancer can be very different, up to minor pain anywhere in the body.

Factors affecting the development of cancer

The development of cancer is influenced by external and internal (exogenous and endogenous), predisposing and contributing factors. It is important to recognize the causes of cancer in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate the consequences.

Cancer Symptoms

You need to pay attention to the signs of cancer, especially if you have a predisposition to this disease.

Uterine cancer

High estrogen levels. The woman's body recognizes the development of a malignant tumor in the uterus and ovaries in time, sending a signal with the help of estrogen. However, this is an inaccurate indicator, sometimes negative indicator a malignant tumor may develop.

Symptoms of uterine cancer may appear as early as final stages and in running form. Uterine cancer in the initial stages rarely manifests itself, unfortunately, but you can still pay attention to some symptoms. As the disease progresses, there are:

1. Allocations.

Unpleasant mucous or purulent discharge can occur with vulvovaginitis, but cancer is no exception. Special care must be taken with bloody discharges.

2. Blood discharge.

If bleeding is observed regularly between menstruation, then a visit to the doctor is necessary to exclude the endometrium.

Rectal cancer

In women, colon cancer often presents with premenstrual discharge. And not very regularly, perhaps such discharge can be observed only between 2-3 cycles, and then stop altogether.

Basically, symptoms such as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and impaired stool are observed.

  • Frequent urge to urinate.

The cause may be diseases of the genitourinary system, a thorough examination by a doctor is needed.

  • Chair disorder.

There may be diarrhea, a change in the amount of feces, constipation, etc. Frequent symptoms: bloody discharge with feces and pain in the anus.

Lungs' cancer

Coughing up blood is the first indicator of lung cancer. A painful and dry cough may indicate bronchial asthma, but if the cough is accompanied by sputum and blood, it is recommended to be tested for cancer cells.

There are cases when lung cancer is accompanied for no apparent reason and its detection is possible in the initial stages with the help of x-rays.

Skin cancer

Neoplasms in the form of a dark color may indicate cancer. Skin cancer progresses quite quickly, sometimes there are situations of slow effects on the body.

Moles can also be harbingers of cancer: enlargement, change in color and appearance.

breast cancer

Breast cancer in the early stages can be detected if you regularly monitor the condition of the breast. An increase in size, thickening and discharge from the nipples may indicate a disease. Pain in the early stages may not be observed, so patients do not pay attention to external changes.

A progressive type of cancer is characterized by a change in color in the breast area.

Stomach cancer

You can write endlessly about the symptoms of stomach cancer, there are too many of them. It is these symptoms that contribute to misdiagnosis. Often doctors associate the symptoms of cancer with the symptoms of gastritis, without even suspecting that the most important and precious time for the patient is leaving “from under the nose”.

Other signs of cancer include:

  • Sudden weight loss.

A sharp weight loss can be observed in any disease. But if there is no apparent reason, then you need to consult a doctor. Cancer first of all "beats" the immune system, which leads to external changes in the body.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

If the lymph nodes are enlarged and do not change in size within a month, then you need to go to the doctor for a biopsy to rule out cancer.

  • Temperature.

A high temperature in cancer indicates an inflammatory process in the body. If the temperature is constantly high, this may also indicate that the cancer affects the entire organ system.

The temperature is not a prime example for determining cancer in the initial stage, more often it rises only in the last stages.

Consciously ignoring the signs of cancer, mistakenly assuming that it is incurable, is not worth it. Even the last stage of cancer is not a sentence! At proper treatment life can be extended by several decades.

Remember! Early detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery.

3 myths about cancer

Myth 1. Cancer - infection and it is recommended to stay away from cancer patients.

This myth is easily refuted even by the fact that physicians treat patients without taking special precautions to protect themselves from illness. Even with very long contact, the disease cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

In part, this myth has the right to be. Cancer is inherited.

Myth 2. People with multiple moles have cancer.

Any neoplasm on the skin can cause cancer. The key word is maybe, therefore, all people with moles should not be classified as cancer patients.

Congenital moles are not dangerous, they just need to be monitored regularly. An increase, discoloration, itching, and other signs are a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

Myth 3. Cancer cannot be cured.

After a terrible diagnosis, almost 98% of patients panic and 92% of them are not able to pull themselves together.

The expectation of death affects health not from the best side. Numerous stresses only provoke the emergence of complex symptoms and bring the “end” closer. Timely detection of the disease at an early stage gives a positive result. There are cases in medicine when people at the last stage of cancer, who are no longer able to walk without someone else's help, miraculously get to their feet. There is only one reason - faith in healing and modern medicine.

The Israeli Cancer Center treats all types of oncological diseases by experienced doctors, using modern highly qualified technology. So don't despair. Quality cancer treatment is possible.

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of the development of any type of cancer. If cancer is recognized at an early stage of development, it can be cured. It is important to monitor your body, understand what condition is considered normal for it, and consult a doctor if abnormalities appear.

Doctors explain what signals our body must not ignore in order not to miss the development of cancer.

1. Painful sensations.

In the initial stage, these are not pains, but a feeling of discomfort in a certain organ: burning, squeezing, etc. In oncological practice, the term “pain” is more acceptable, but “pain sensations”, since tumors in the initial stages develop painlessly, and then sensations appear that are far from always perceived by patients as pain.

For example, the feeling of a "foreign body behind the sternum" in esophageal cancer or discomfort in stomach cancer. Overflow of the organ with contents - with cancer of the stomach, the left half of the colon - leads to a feeling of fullness, bloating, and release from it - to complete relief. Pain can be an early sign of several tumors, such as those of the bones or testis. Most often, however, pain is a symptom of a common process.

2. Rapid weight loss.

The tumor forces the body to produce substances that disrupt metabolic processes, causing a person to lose weight in a few months. A cancerous tumor releases its waste products into the blood, which causes signs of intoxication (poisoning) of the body, such as nausea, loss of appetite, etc. In addition, the tumor consumes a relatively large amount of nutrients, which, along with loss of appetite, leads to weakness and weight loss.

Most people with cancer experience weight loss at some point in their illness. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​can be the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lung.

3. Constant weakness.

Intoxication of the body with cancer causes weakness, anemia. Fatigue can be an important symptom as the disease progresses.

However, fatigue and weakness can occur early, especially if the cancer causes chronic blood loss, as occurs with colon or stomach cancer.

4. Elevated temperature.

The immune system suppressed by the tumor reacts with an increase in temperature. Almost all cancer patients develop a fever at some stage of the disease.

Rarely, fever can be an early sign of cancer, such as Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis).

5. Shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness

The so-called chest cancer symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath and hoarseness. Of course, they can be caused by infections, inflammation, and other diseases and ailments, but in some cases, such signs indicate lung cancer. If for more than two weeks you have not been short of breath and cough, then immediately consult a doctor. You should also see a specialist if you see blood in your sputum.

The cause of hoarseness is often laryngitis. This disease means inflammation of the larynx. Rarely, however, hoarseness is an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. If this ailment has been tormenting you for more than two weeks, go to an appointment with a specialist.

6. Change in the condition of hair and skin.

Due to the violation of metabolic processes, external changes also occur.

In addition to skin tumors, some types of cancer internal organs may cause visible skin signs such as darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), redness (erythema), itching, or excessive hair growth.

7. The presence of a neoplasm.

In the vast majority of cases, cancer manifests itself as the formation of a tumor. It can be something resembling a lump, a lump, a sore, a wart, a mole, etc.

How does skin cancer manifest itself? Many people think about this, on whose body there are numerous moles. Let's try to answer this question.

A variation of this disease is melanoma. As a rule, it manifests itself with a change appearance skin cover. Sometimes it seems that you have formed a new large mole. However, melanoma can also form in an existing mole. That is why it is extremely difficult to distinguish a benign formation from a malignant one.

You should contact your doctor immediately if your moles show any of the following symptoms:

  • asymmetry (moles are usually even and symmetrical, but melanomas are not);
  • uneven edges;
  • an atypical color for a mole (if moles, as a rule, have a brown tint, then melanomas are brown with black, pink, red, white and even bluish);
  • large size (moles usually do not exceed 6 mm in diameter, melanomas - more than 7 mm);
  • presence of crusting, itching, bleeding: melanomas can bleed, crust, itch (these symptoms of skin cancer are not common, but should not be forgotten).

If any marks appear on the skin that do not go away for several weeks, if you notice the above signs of melanoma in yourself, then immediately consult a doctor.

If you notice a tumor somewhere on your body, then immediately consult a doctor. It is very good if you can tell exactly how long ago you had it, whether it interferes with you, whether it is increasing in size. Very often, cancerous growths are completely painless.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a tumor of oncological origin by touch. However, if the doctor suspects that you have a malignant neoplasm, he will refer you to the right specialist for further examination and testing.

It should be taken into account that if swelling and bumps occur quite often in your body, then most likely they are not malignant.

However, not all tumors are malignant or cancerous. One of the main signs of a cancerous tumor is its gradual and steady increase. Almost all tissues and organs can be affected by tumors.
(There are cancers without tumor formation, such as blood cancer.)

8. Pathological discharge.

Many cancerous neoplasms are characterized by pathological discharge: purulent, bloody, etc.
The first earliest symptom of uterine cancer is uterine bleeding.
The appearance of blood from the genital tract in menopausal age, when a woman has stopped menstruating for 1-1.5 years, is the moment that makes all the necessary research to decide on the presence or absence of a cancerous neoplasm.
Bleeding after sexual intercourse is highly suspicious for cervical cancer.

The second symptom of uterine cancer is discharge. Initially, the discharge may be watery liquid, not very abundant even when there are still no violations in menstrual cycle and there is no bleeding in menopausal age. But in the future, an admixture of blood joins them, the discharge becomes sanious, the color of meat slops, with a sharp bad smell. This nature of the discharge indicates the onset of the decay of the tumor.

The presence of blood in sputum and feces can be both with small and large, decaying tumors. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, bronchus by a tumor can lead to increased secretion of mucus. Accession of an infection changes character of allocations.

9. Disturbances in the work of the digestive tract

A sign of a change in the functioning of the digestive tract is the presence of blood in the stool. Usually it is bright red or dark. The presence of fresh, scarlet blood is a sign of hemorrhoids.

A symptom of cancer may be a change in the frequency of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea) for no apparent reason. Also, sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient bowel cleansing after a stool. Some patients experience pain in the rectum or abdomen.

Being interested in the types of tumors and the question of how to recognize them, it is important to remember that a change in stool does not always indicate the development of oncology. The reasons may lie in a change in diet, excitement, taking medicines. If the stool does not return to normal within a few weeks, then in order to exclude a dangerous disease, you need to consult a doctor.

10. Bleeding

Any bleeding for no apparent reason is a sign of a malfunction in the internal organs. This is a good reason to go to a specialist.

Bleeding from the rectum can be a sign of hemorrhoids, but also one of the symptoms of cancer of the internal organs.

If a woman has a malignant tumor in the uterus or cervix, then bleeding may occur between periods or after sexual contact. If bleeding occurs in women after menopause, then she urgently needs to see a doctor.

Blood in urine could be a symptom of cancer Bladder or kidney cancer. However, infection can also be the cause of this phenomenon. Contact your doctor if you find that there is blood in your urine. By the way, it should be taken into account that sometimes urine is stained in pink color due to the presence of dyes in food. This can happen if you ate, for example, beets the day before.

If, when coughing, sputum comes out with blood, then the reason for this is a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this is a sign of lung cancer. Blood in vomit can signal stomach cancer, however, an ulcer can also be the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, the exact answer to the question, how to identify cancer- you need to contact a specialist.

Nosebleeds and bruising are rare symptoms of cancer. Sometimes these signs are a consequence of leukemia. However, people suffering from this disease have other, more obvious signs of oncology.

What to do if you have anxiety symptoms?

If you suspect that you have even a few symptoms, you should first contact at least a therapist. Sometimes the symptoms are ignored because the person is scared possible consequences and refuses to see a doctor, or considers the symptom that has appeared to be insignificant. General symptoms such as increased fatigue are more often unrelated to cancer and therefore often go unnoticed, especially when there is an obvious cause or when they are temporary.

However, such symptoms cannot be ignored, especially if they exist for a long period of time, for example, a week, or there is a negative trend.
Only a specialist will be able to assess your condition and prescribe adequate treatment. Only a doctor will be able to direct you to undergo x-rays, take tests, etc.

If the doctor suspects cancer, he will direct you to do a biopsy, tomography, and also advise a specialist. If the doctor decides that the cause of your illness is of a different nature, then in any case he will be able to help you cope with ailments, and faster than if you were treated on your own.

According to RBC-Ukraine, www.pror.ru, www.cancer.bessmertie.ru, www.ravnoepravo.ru

Please note that the presence of any of these signs does not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer.
And vice versa, the absence of these signs, or the inability to detect them, does not mean that there is no cancer...

PS. Cancer is a disease that can affect any organs and tissues of the human body, the clinical symptoms of which are characterized by great diversity and depend on many factors: the localization (location) of the tumor, its histological form (structure), the nature of growth, the prevalence of the process, the age and gender of the patient presence of comorbidities.

"There are no absolute diagnostic symptoms (feelings of the patient himself) or signs (changes that may also be noticeable to others), therefore, diagnostic studies should ultimately involve taking tissue samples and examining them under a microscope (biopsy), as this is the only way to prove the presence of cancer."
M. Whitehouse

Update: December 2018

In modern oncology, early diagnosis of the tumor process plays a huge role. The further survival and quality of life of patients depends on this. Cancer alertness is very important, since cancer can manifest itself in the last stages or mask its symptoms under other diseases.

Groups at risk of developing malignant neoplasms

There are many theories of the development of cancer, but none of them gives a detailed answer, why does it still occur. Doctors can only assume that one or another factor accelerates carcinogenesis (growth of tumor cells).

Cancer risk factors:

  • Racial and ethnic predisposition- German scientists have established a trend: melanoma occurs in white people 5 times more often than in blacks.
  • Diet Violation- the human diet must be balanced, any shift in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can lead to metabolic disorders, and as a result, to the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. For example, scientists have shown that excessive consumption of foods that increase cholesterol leads to the development of lung cancer, and excessive intake of easily digestible carbohydrates increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Also, the abundance of chemical additives in food (flavor enhancers, preservatives, nitrate, etc.), genetically modified foods increase the risk.
  • Obesity - according to American studies, excess body weight increases the risk of cancer by 55% in women and 45% in men.
  • Smoking - WHO doctors have proven that there is a direct causal relationship between smoking and cancer (lips, tongue, oropharynx, bronchi, lungs). In the UK, a study was conducted that showed that people who smoke 1.5-2 packs of cigarettes a day are 25 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.
  • Heredity- There are certain types of cancer that are inherited in an autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant manner, such as ovarian cancer or familial intestinal polyposis.
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation and ultraviolet rays- ionizing radiation of natural and industrial origin causes the activation of thyroid cancer pro-oncogenes, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays during insolation (sunburn) contributes to the development of malignant melanoma of the skin.
  • immune disorders- decrease in activity immune system(primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, iatrogenic immunosuppression) leads to the development of tumor cells.
  • Professional activity- this category includes people who come into contact in the course of their work with chemical carcinogens (resins, dyes, soot, heavy metals, aromatic carbohydrates, asbestos, sand) and electromagnetic radiation.
  • Features of reproductive age in women- early first menstruation (under 14 years of age) and late menopause (over 55 years of age) increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer by 5 times. At the same time, pregnancy and childbirth reduce the tendency for the appearance of neoplasms of the reproductive organs.

Symptoms that may be signs of cancer

  • Long-term non-healing wounds, fistulas
  • Discharge, ribbon-like feces. Violation of the functions of the bladder and intestines.
  • Deformation of the mammary glands, the appearance of swelling of other parts of the body.
  • Sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing.
  • Changes in the color and shape of moles or birthmarks
  • Frequent or unusual discharge in women.
  • , not amenable to therapy, .

General principles for diagnosing malignant neoplasms

After contacting a doctor, the patient should receive full information about which tests indicate cancer. It is impossible to determine oncology by a blood test, it is nonspecific in relation to neoplasms. Clinical and biochemical studies are aimed primarily at determining the patient's condition with tumor intoxication and studying the functioning of organs and systems.
A general blood test for oncology reveals:

  • leukopenia or (increased or decreased white blood cells)
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left
  • anemia ()
  • (low platelets)
  • (constantly high ESR more than 30 in the absence of serious complaints - a reason to sound the alarm)

A general urinalysis in oncology can be quite informative, for example, in multiple myeloma, a specific Bens-Jones protein is detected in the urine. A biochemical blood test allows you to judge the state of the urinary system, liver and protein metabolism.

Changes in biochemical analysis indicators for various neoplasms:

Index Result Note
  • Norm - 75-85 g / l

it is possible to both increase and decrease

Neoplasms usually enhance catabolic processes and protein breakdown, non-specifically inhibit protein synthesis.
hyperproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, detection of paraprotein (M-gradient) in serum Such indicators make it possible to suspect multiple myeloma (malignant plasmacytoma).
Urea, creatinine
  • urea norm - 3-8 mmol / l
  • creatinine norm - 40-90 µmol / l

Increase in urea and creatinine levels

This indicates an increased protein breakdown, an indirect sign of cancerous intoxication, or a nonspecific decrease in kidney function.
Increase in urea with normal creatinine Indicates the decay of tumor tissue.
Alkaline phosphatase
  • norm - 0-270 IU / l

An increase in alkaline phosphatase over 270 U / l

Speaks of the presence of metastases in the liver, bone tissue, osteogenic sarcoma.
An increase in the enzyme against the background of normal indicators of AST and ALT Also, embryonic tumors of the ovaries, uterus, testicles can ectopic placental ALP isoenzyme.
  • ALT norm - 10-40 IU / l
  • AST norm - 10-30 IU / l

An increase in enzymes above the upper limit of normal

It indicates a non-specific breakdown of liver cells (hepatocytes), which can be caused by both an inflammatory and a cancerous process.
  • the norm of total cholesterol is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l

The decrease in the indicator is less than the lower limit of the norm

Talks about malignant neoplasms of the liver (since cholesterol is formed in the liver)
  • potassium norm - 3.6-5.4 mmol / l

An increase in the electrolyte level at a normal level of Na

Evidence of cancer cachexia

A blood test for oncology also provides for the study of the hemostasis system. Due to the release of tumor cells and their fragments into the blood, it is possible to increase blood clotting (hypercoagulation) and microthrombosis, which impede the movement of blood through the vascular bed.

In addition to tests to determine cancer, there are a number of instrumental studies that contribute to the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms:

  • Plain radiography in direct and lateral projection
  • Contrast radiography (irrigography, hysterosalpingography)
  • Computed tomography (with and without contrast)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (with and without contrast)
  • Radionuclide method
  • Doppler ultrasound
  • Endoscopic examination (fibrogastroscopy, bronchoscopy).

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is the second most common tumor in the population (after lung cancer).

  • Fibroesophagastroduodenoscopy is the golden method for diagnosing gastric cancer, it is necessarily accompanied by a large number of biopsies in different areas of the neoplasm and unchanged gastric mucosa.
  • Radiography of the stomach using oral contrast (barium mixture) - the method was quite popular before the introduction of endoscopes into practice, it allows you to see a filling defect in the stomach on the radiograph.
  • Ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity, CT, MRI - are used to search for metastases in the lymph nodes and other organs of the digestive system (liver, spleen).
  • Immunological blood test - shows stomach cancer in the early stages, when the tumor itself is not yet visible to the human eye (CA 72-4, CEA and others)

Diagnosis of colon cancer

  • Finger examination of the rectum - detects cancer at a distance of 9-11 cm from the anus, allows you to assess the mobility of the tumor, its elasticity, the state of neighboring tissues;
  • Colonoscopy - the introduction of a video endoscope into the rectum - visualizes the cancerous infiltrate up to the Bauhinian damper, allows biopsy of suspicious areas of the intestine;
  • Irrigoscopy - X-ray of the large intestine using double contrast (contrast-air);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT, MRI, virtual colonoscopy - visualize the germination of colon cancer and the state of adjacent organs;
  • Determination of tumor markers - CEA, C 19-9, Sialosyl - TN

Mammary cancer

This malignant tumor occupies a leading place among female neoplasms. Such disappointing statistics are to some extent due to the low qualification of doctors who conduct an unprofessional examination of the mammary glands.

  • Palpation of the gland - allows you to determine the tuberosity and swelling in the thickness of the organ and suspect the tumor process.
  • Breast X-ray (mammography) is one of the most important methods for detecting non-palpable tumors. For greater information content, artificial contrasting is used:
    • pneumocystography (withdrawal of fluid from the tumor and the introduction of air into it) - allows you to identify parietal formations;
    • ductography - the method is based on the introduction of a contrast agent into the milk ducts; visualizes the structure and contours of the ducts, and abnormal formations in them.
  • Sonography and dopplerography of the mammary glands - the results of clinical studies have proven the high efficiency of this method in detecting microscopic intraductal cancer and abundantly supplied neoplasms.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging - allow you to assess the germination of breast cancer in nearby organs, the presence of metastases and damage to regional lymph nodes.
  • Immunological tests for breast cancer (tumor markers) - CA-15-3, cancer embryonic antigen (CEA), CA-72-4, prolactin, estradiol, TPS.

thyroid cancer

Due to the increase in radiation and exposure of people over the past 30 years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased by 1.5 times. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound + dopplerography of the thyroid gland is a rather informative method, non-invasive and does not carry radiation exposure.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are used to diagnose the spread of the tumor process beyond the thyroid gland and to detect metastases to neighboring organs.
  • Positron emission tomography is a three-dimensional technique, the use of which is based on the property of a radioisotope to accumulate in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
  • Radioisotope scintigraphy is a method also based on the ability of radionuclides (more precisely, iodine) to accumulate in the tissues of the gland, but unlike tomography, it indicates the difference in the accumulation of radioactive iodine in healthy and tumor tissue. Cancer infiltrate may look like a "cold" (not absorbing iodine) and "hot" (absorbing iodine in excess) focus.
  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy - allows for biopsy and subsequent cytological examination cancer cells, reveals special genetic markers hTERT, EMC1, TMPRSS4 of thyroid cancer.
  • Determination of the protein galectin-3, belonging to the class of lectins. This peptide is involved in the growth and development of tumor vessels, its metastasis, and suppression of the immune system (including apoptosis). The diagnostic accuracy of this marker in malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland is 92-95%.
  • Thyroid cancer recurrence is characterized by a decrease in thyroglobulin levels and an increase in the concentration of oncomarkers EGFR, HBME-1

Esophageal carcinoma

The cancer mainly affects the lower third of the esophagus and is usually preceded by intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia. The average incidence is 3.0% per 10,000 population.

  • X-ray contrast examination of the esophagus and stomach using barium sulfate is recommended to clarify the degree of esophageal patency.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - allows you to see cancer with your own eyes, and an improved videoscopic technique displays the image of esophageal cancer on a large screen. During the study, a biopsy of the neoplasm is mandatory, followed by cytological diagnosis.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging - visualize the degree of tumor germination in neighboring organs, determine the state of regional groups of lymph nodes.
  • Fibrobronchoscopy - is necessarily performed when cancer of the esophagus compresses the tracheobronchial tree and allows you to assess the degree of diameter of the airways.

Oncomarkers - immunological diagnosis of neoplasms

The essence of immunological diagnostics is the detection of specific tumor antigens or tumor markers. They are quite specific for specific types of cancer. A blood test for tumor markers for primary diagnosis does not have practical application, but allows you to determine the early occurrence of recurrence and prevent the spread of cancer. There are more than 200 types of cancer markers in the world, but only about 30 have diagnostic value.

Doctors have the following requirements for oncomarkers:

  • Must be highly sensitive and specific
  • The tumor marker must be secreted only by malignant tumor cells, and not by the body's own cells.
  • Tumor marker must point to one specific tumor
  • Blood test values ​​for tumor markers should increase as cancer progresses

Classification of tumor markers

All tumor markers: click to enlarge

According to the biochemical structure:

  • Oncofetal and oncoplacental (REA, HCG, alpha-fetoprotein)
  • Tumor-associated glycoproteins (CA 125, CA 19-9. CA 15-3)
  • Keratoproteins (UBC, SCC, TPA, TPS)
  • Enzymatic proteins (PSA, neuron-specific enolase)
  • Hormones (calcitonin)
  • Other structure (ferritin, IL-10)

By value for the diagnostic process:

  • The main one is characterized by maximum sensitivity and specificity for a particular tumor.
  • Secondary - has little specificity and sensitivity, is used in combination with the main oncomarker.
  • Additional - detected with a variety of neoplasms.
cancer marker The rate of the indicator The neoplasm in which it is detected
Bence Jones protein norm - absent Myeloma (malignant plasmacytoma), B-cell leukemia
Alpha fetoprotein norm - less than 22 ng / ml Hepatocellular carcinoma, germinal cancers (ovarian, testicular, and others)
Cancer embryonic antigen (CEA) less than 5 U/ml Colorectal tumors (colon cancer), breast cancer, lung cancer
SA-125 less than 30 U/ml ovarian cancer
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) less than 5 ng/ml
Chorionic gonadotropin (CG)
NSE - neuron-specific enolase 12 ng/ml Small cell lung cancer, neuroendocrine tumors
CYFRA 21-1 less than 2 ng/ml
Calcitonin 0-30 pg/ml
