1. Think and write down which of your needs are met by minerals.

Our car runs on gasoline, which is made from oil, we cook food on a stove that runs on gas to make barbecue in the country, we need coal, dishes are made of clay

2. Practical work"Exploring Minerals".

Goal of the work: identify minerals and establish their properties.

Equipment: samples of minerals issued by the teacher; atlas-determinant "From the earth to the sky".

Progress of work (according to the tasks of the textbook).

  1. Consider a sample of a mineral. Guess the name of the textbook based on the illustrations.
  2. Install and write to workbook mineral properties: solid or liquid, color, transparent or opaque, dense or loose. Ask the teacher if the fuel is a mineral or not.
  3. Think about where this mineral is used. On what properties is its application based?

Fill the table.

Evaluation of the work performed (whether the goal was achieved): goal achieved

Presentation: inform the class about the results of the work, listen to other messages. Discuss as a group how you can identify the minerals you have studied.

3. Question Ant wants to know how minerals are used. Mark with a "+" sign in the corresponding column. Do this first with a simple pencil.

4. The teacher asked Seryozha to talk about minerals. But he could only say one sentence about each. Guess what minerals he had in mind. Write their names in the boxes.

5. Show with arrows which photographs show a quarry, a mine, a drilling rig.

6. Our Parrot, a lover of secrets and riddles, has come up with a task for you. A treasure is hidden in an old mine. Find the path to the treasure and mark it with an arrow. Start your journey from the elevator.

The path is indicated in the figure by a thin blue line.

7. On the instructions of the textbook, find out in the local history museum what minerals are mined in your area. Write down their names

limestone, oil, sand

8. Here you can write down the plan of your report about the mineral or the main information about it.

1. Name of the mineral
2. Where is mined
3 Mineral properties
4. Using it in business activities

Aluminum ore - bauxite

The well-known metal aluminum in its pure form does not occur in nature. It is mined from aluminum ores - minerals containing various compounds of this substance. The most famous and widely mined aluminum ore is called bauxite.

In our country, bauxites are mined in the Urals, Siberia, the Baikal region and the Kola Peninsula. There are also bauxite deposits in Hungary, Central and South Africa, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France and India.

After special treatment, pure aluminum is released from bauxite. It is a very light weight silver-white metal. It is easy to forge, conducts heat and electricity well, and, unlike most metals, is virtually non-corrosive.

Due to its properties, aluminum is widely used in industry. It is used to make dishes (pots, pans, trays, spoons and forks), aluminum foil for baking and packaging, wires, pipes, it is used in the production of microcircuits, paint is made from aluminum, as well as frames for scooters and bicycles, aircraft fuselages and much more. other .

Use the recording when speaking in class. Listen and rate other guys' posts.

The purpose of the lesson: To reveal the role of minerals in human activities and show the need for their careful use.

Lesson objectives:


  • To acquaint with a variety of minerals and some of their properties, methods of their extraction;
  • To organize a study by schoolchildren of the main properties of minerals;
  • Show their important role in the country's economy.

Development task:

  • Development of the ability to analyze and build hypotheses, conclusions, evidence based on the analysis.
  • Develop the ability to draw diagrams, tables.


  • Show the need to protect minerals;
  • Maintain awareness of the involvement of each student in the result of joint learning activities.
  • Cultivate tolerance.

Lesson type: subject

Lesson form: lesson-research.

Form of organization learning activities: individually - group , frontal.

Methods: partial search, research.

Terms and concepts: minerals, geologists, deposits, quarry, mine.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, hammer, collection of fossils, glass, nail, glass of water, white paper, magnifiers.

Didactic materials: teacher's presentation, rocks, instruction card for studying the properties of minerals.

During the classes

Stage 1. Organizing time. Psychological mood.

Look at each other, with your eyes, wish your friend a good working mood for the whole lesson. Now look at me. I also wish you all an interesting lesson.

Stage 2. Motivation and goal setting.

Look at our Earth. The nature of our Earth is rich and diverse. Some riches are on the surface of the Earth, others are hidden deep in the Earth. (slides 1, 2, 3).

What tricky secrets
Thaw common items:
Minerals sparkle in the salt shaker!
Snowflakes are crystals!
The foil that hid the candy -
The metal is the same as in rockets.
It hides its simple clay,
Sister of sapphire and ruby!
And if you stumble on a stone,
Don't think it's the cobblestone's fault
And then the omnipotent nature
You slipped the breed!

What do you think, what riches and secrets will be discussed today?

Read the topic of the lesson. "Minerals" (slide 4).

What problems do we need to solve on this topic? What questions do we ask ourselves?

(What minerals do we know? Where are they located? How do people use them in their lives? How should minerals be protected? How are they mined?)

What is the problem in the lesson? ( Why do minerals play an important role in human life?) (slide 5).

Why do we need to know this?

How will we learn the unknown about minerals? How will we work? ( working in groups).

Stage 3. Planning the search for a solution.

You are placed in groups of 5 people.

What is the first step, for well-coordinated work in groups, to be taken in order to find answers to all the questions posed? ( distribute roles in the group: organizer, secretary, informants).

Stage 4. Implementation of the plan.

Front work.

Study. What are "useful" and "fossils" (slide 6).

Now work in a group and try to define "Minerals".

(“Mineral resources” are natural resources that people extract from the depths of the earth and its surface and use). (slide 7).

If we know what minerals are, then in order to know how to use them, where to apply them, what else do you think we should know about them? (properties). (slide 8).

Every mineral has some property. Now we will identify these properties - explore and enter in the table. Envelope No. 1.

Properties of minerals.

Oil (slide 9). Study. Show the teacher experiments and fill in the table. Conclusion (slide 10).


Explore according to plan (slide 11).

Properties study plan hard coal.

1. Consider a sample of hard coal. Determine its color. Does it have shine?

2. Dip the piece into the water. Does it float on its surface or sink?

3. Run your fingernail over the rock.

  • If a trace remains, then the rock is soft;
  • If it can be scratched with a nail, then it is hard;
  • If there is no trace of a nail, then it is very hard.

4. Coal is hard, but let's say brittle. Prove it! Find a way to prove it.

5. Where is it used and on the basis of what property?

Compare these two minerals using the table.

Plan for studying the properties of granite (slide 12).

1. Look at a piece of granite through a magnifying glass. Determine what color and what it consists of? Think about what kind of fruit it looks like and why it is called granite?

2. Determine lighter or heavier than water?

3. Compare the hardness of granite and the hardness of coal, leaving scratches on it with a fingernail, nail.

4. Verify the special strength of granite. Swipe across the glass with granite and charcoal. What will leave a mark or scratch on the glass (charcoal or granite)?

Conclusion according to the table about granite.

Let's compare coal and granite according to the table.

Fizminutka (slide 13).

Walking along the path, walking
Many stones were found.
Sat down, collected and moved on.
On the track, on the track
Jumping on the left foot
And along the same path
We jump on the right leg.
We'll run along the path, we'll run to the lawn.
On the lawn, on the lawn
We jump like bunnies.
Stop! Let's get some rest!
And we will go to work again!”

We continue to work. We still have a lot to learn.

So, knowing the properties of minerals, what can we now learn? ( Where is it used and how is it obtained?

Stage 5 Textbook work. From 49-50. Appendix: Envelope No. 2. (see at the end of the article)

Who do you think geologists are?

Now each group will be exploration geologists. You are going to explore and in a few minutes tell us about the ways of mining. This tutorial will help you envelope number 2.

Each geological group has its own task. You will begin your story with the words: “We geologists have just returned from an expedition….” There is more information to help you with your text. Use her.

Before the stories, let's work with the concepts: (slide 14).

Geologists are people who study and search for minerals.

Deposits are places where minerals occur in the depths of the earth and on its surface.

Mines are deep wells.

(Children read prepared messages) (slide 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22).

Now, according to your stories, we will draw up a small diagram - “spider” (slide 23).

Why does a person need minerals and where does he use them?

Guys, two ovals have not been studied. To study them, listen to the messages. (Children talk about salt and natural gas) (slide 24,25,26,27).

Stage 6 Careful use.

Can our economy do without natural resources?

Minerals are the source of our life.

Tell me, what will happen if minerals disappear from our Earth?

What should a person do in order to make good use of the wealth of underground storerooms?

Stage 7. Conclusion (slide 28,29).

Minerals are the treasure of our Earth. Therefore, like any other treasure, they need to be protected and protected. The reserves of minerals on Earth are not endless. It is necessary to properly and carefully treat underground riches that cannot be restored. And how will we carefully use these resources?

Stage 8. Reflection (slide 30).

What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

How do you think, did we cope with the task at the lesson?

What helped us in our work?

What discoveries did you make?

9th stage. Evaluation of work.

Group rating.

1 0 stage. Homework(slide 31)

Raise your hand if you would like to learn more about minerals after the lesson and prepare a message.

There are many more minerals on earth. So I suggest you prepare a message about the mineral of the Novosibirsk region.

If someone finds it difficult, then I suggest that those children prepare a message about any mineral.

Lesson application. Envelopes.

Task for group 1. Coal.

Coal is called hard coal because it is hard and was considered a stone for a long time. But in fact, coal was formed from ancient plants. But then people came and saw these deposits. Coal is mined in two ways: open - mining in a quarry, and closed - mining in mines.

A quarry is an open pit.

The mine is a deep well.

Coal is one of the most essential minerals. He heats the house, gives his human friend medicine. Without coal, it is impossible to smelt metal, to cook food. And from it they prepare perfumes and various odorous syrups. .

Task group 2. Oil.

Our country is very rich in oil. Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on how I was formed. Many argue that over hundreds of millions of years, the substances that once made up algae, fish and crustaceans have turned into oil. It is now impossible to do without oil in the modern world. More than a thousand substances are made from this oily brownish liquid. For example, the purest gasoline for aviation and lubricating oils for cars. From oil, perfumes, medicines, photographic films, plastics are obtained, from which you can build houses and make cars.

In order to extract oil, drilling rigs are built and deep wells are drilled.

Task group 3. Iron ore.

For a long time, people have been looking for deposits of ores containing various metals. Ferrous metal ores are used to smelt iron, cast iron, and steel. And from ores of non-ferrous metals - aluminum, copper, zinc, lead. As a rule, products are made not from pure metals, but from alloys. There are so many metal objects around us: scissors, spoons, pots, buckets .. and machine tools at the factory, airplanes and cars, trains on rails, and the rails themselves. All of this from metals! And the metals are obtained from ores mined in nature.

Task group 4. Building materials. Sand, clay, limestone.

Sand is a loose rock, consisting of the smallest particles. This is a product of the destruction of hard rocks. Indispensable in glass production, road construction.

Clay is a widely used building material. Brick is made from clay. They also make beautiful porcelain and faience dishes. Clay is formed as a result of the weathering of various rocks. In water, it gets wet, becomes viscous, plastic.

Limestone - lies in the ground in huge layers. Ordinary stone of white or gray color. Whole mountains sometimes consist of it. Used in construction. Chalk write on the board. White walls. Used in the construction of houses.

How minerals are mined

check yourself

1. Question: tell us about the diversity of minerals.

Answer: minerals can be in different types: solid, liquid, gaseous. They are mined underground, from underground, on the surface of the earth. For example: iron ore, coal - mined both underground and on the surface, like clay, sand, limestone, granite - mined in quarries, oil, natural gas - mined from underground.

2. Question: why do people extract minerals? What is their application based on?

Answer: to obtain the necessary items for a person, to satisfy their needs. Application depends on the properties of minerals. Sand, clay, limestone, granite, marble - used in construction; oil for fuel, plastics, road building materials; coal for heating, generating electricity; various ores for obtaining metals.

3. Question: what mining methods do you know?

Answer: mine, drilling rig and platform, quarry, well.

Homework assignments

Task 2.

Q: What minerals are mined in your area?

Answer: copper ore, gold ore, coal, sand, clay, precious stones, iron ore, titanomagnetite ore, etc.

Task 3. Prepare a message about some mineral.

Answer: Coal.

Coal is a solid, exhaustible, non-renewable mineral that man uses to generate heat by burning it. According to the classification, it belongs to sedimentary rocks.

Coal as a source of energy, people began to use in antiquity along with firewood. The “flammable stone” was found on the surface of the earth, later it was purposefully mined from under it.

Coal appeared on Earth about 300-350 million years ago, when tree-like ferns flourished in ancient swamps and the first gymnosperms began to appear. Huge trunks fell into the water, gradually forming thick layers of undecomposed organic matter. Wood with limited access to oxygen did not rot, but gradually sank deeper and deeper under its weight. Over time, due to the displacement of the layers of the earth's crust, these layers sank to a considerable depth, and there, under the influence of great pressure and elevated temperature, a qualitative change took place in wood into coal.

mined today different kinds coal.

Anthracites are the hardest grades with great depth and maximum combustion temperature.

Coal - many varieties mined in mines and open pit. It is widely used in many areas of human activity.

Brown coal - formed from the remains of peat, the youngest type of coal. It has the lowest combustion temperature.

All types of coal lie in layers and their locations are called coal basins.

At first, coal was simply collected at the places where the seam came to the surface. This could have happened as a result of the displacement of the layers of the earth's crust. Often, after landslides in mountainous areas, such outcrops of the deposit were exposed, and people got the opportunity to get to pieces of “combustible stone”.

Later, when primitive technology appeared, coal began to be developed in an open way. Some coal mines plunged to a depth of more than 300 meters.

Today, thanks to the availability of sophisticated modern technology, people descend underground into mines more than a kilometer deep. From these horizons, the highest quality and valuable coal is mined.

All types of coal can be used to generate heat. When burned, it releases much more than can be obtained from wood or other solid fuels. The hottest grades of coal are used in metallurgy, where high temperatures. In addition, coal is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. Paints, plastics and other valuable materials are extracted from it.

Coal is mined in mines and quarries. And they are transported in wagons by rail.

On the next lesson.

Question: remember what plants are called cultivated. Give examples of such plants. What kind of work on growing plants is carried out at different times of the year? What agricultural professions do you know?

Answer: cultivated plants (agriculture) - plants grown by humans to obtain food products, feed in agriculture, drugs, industrial and other raw materials and other purposes. Examples cultivated plants: various cereals, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cotton, rice, etc.

In the spring, plowing of the land and sowing of plants are carried out, in the summer - weeding, top dressing, loosening; in autumn - harvesting, soil preparation - ploughing, closing of autumn moisture, sowing of winter crops is possible; in winter - they produce "snow retention", work to keep snow on the fields.

Agricultural professions related to growing plants: combine operator, agronomist, field grower, vegetable grower, tractor driver.

1 slide

Properties of minerals minerals Lesson of the surrounding world Grade 3 presentation for the teacher's lesson primary school Golovanova Tatyana Gennadievna

2 slide

Granite Granite (Italian granito, - grain) - Consists of quartz, potassium feldspar and micas. Granites are very widespread in the continental crust.

3 slide

Natural gas Natural gas is a mixture of several gases formed in the depths of the earth due to the decomposition of sedimentary organic rocks. Pure natural gas is colorless and odorless.

4 slide

Oil Oil (Greek ναφθα - flare, ignite) is a flammable oily liquid, red-brown, sometimes almost black, although sometimes it is also slightly colored yellow-green and even colorless oil, has a specific smell, is common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth ; one of the most important minerals for mankind

5 slide

Iron ore 1. Solid, dense, opaque mineral. 2. Color dark gray, bright yellow, purple, rusty red. 3. Iron ore is used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials for steel making.

6 slide

peat Peat (it. Torf) combustible minerals; formed by the accumulation of plant remains that have undergone incomplete decomposition in swamp conditions.

7 slide

Coal Coal was the first type of fossil fuel used by man. Coal is a sedimentary rock, which is a product of deep decomposition of plant remains (ferns, horsetails and club mosses). Most coal deposits were formed approximately 300-350 million years ago.

8 slide

Minerals are rocks and minerals that a person uses in the economy. Solid: (granite, sand, ore) Liquid: (oil, mineral water) Gaseous: natural gas

9 slide

Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock of organic origin. It dissolves in water in small amounts. Decaying contributes to the formation of karst caves, as well as at great depths under the influence of the deep heat of the earth, provides a source of gas for mineral waters.

10 slide

Properties of limestone Stone Consists of particles bonded together white or light gray in color Heavier than water Dense Dissolves under the action of acetic acid

11 slide

12 slide

Properties of marble Stone Hard and dense Various colors Consists of individual shiny grains Well polished

13 slide

Clay Clay is a secondary product of the earth's crust, a sedimentary rock formed as a result of the destruction of rocks in the process of weathering.
