Snake Man and Rooster Woman (Chicken)

According to Chinese horoscope compatibility, a pair of Snake men and Rooster women is an excellent combination for a romantic relationship that easily develops into a strong marriage.

The Snake Man is very popular with women. His charm attracts, he is charismatic and witty, and his ability to subjugate others to his power is irresistible. The Snake Man is a lucky man who is lucky in everything - in love, in business, and in any life situations. He treats his many novels rather lightly, not thinking too much about fidelity. Unfortunately, this man's passion for love adventures can remain until the end of his life, if there is not a smart woman who can bind him to her completely.

This Don Juan may well be carried away by the Rooster woman, who in any society invariably attracts the views of men. Attractive in appearance, always stylishly dressed, she looks great, and her inner charm conquers hearts. Passion and positive energy are felt in this woman, so she has no shortage of admirers. The Rooster woman is very energetic and knows how to take care of herself. It is rarely boring with her, she is full of vitality and optimism - this makes many men happy next to her.

Despite the external outrageousness of the male Snake, he is endowed with internal uncertainty and is prone to lonely thoughts and doubts. The Rooster Woman, attentive and sympathetic, able to listen and give reasonable advice, will bring confidence and calmness to inner world your companion. Her presence will become necessary for him, because it is next to her that the Snake man will feel spiritual comfort. In turn, the Snake man will be able to give the Rooster woman the sense of security she needs.


The compatibility of the Snake man and the Rooster woman is conducive to long-term friendly and love relationship. Due to the similar value system, despite the difference in characters, they almost do not conflict. The feeling of material wealth drives both signs, and therefore they are both ready to work hard for a financial result.

However, no matter how good the compatibility of the couple is, there is still room for disagreement. In particular, conflicts between the male Snake and the female Rooster may flare up on the basis of their relationship to money. The Snake man is prone to hoarding, stinginess develops in him over the years, so the love of the Rooster woman for outfits and shops will not delight him. It is as a result of these contradictions that frequent quarrels are possible in their union.

Another reason for conflict will be the desire of the Snake to gain complete power over his companion. The rooster is a rather independent sign; for any of its representatives, submission is simply impossible. If in such an alliance quarrels on this basis become frequent, a woman may decide to break off the relationship.

For a successful union, partners should not cling to trifles (they both know that they have no equal in this). The main advice that can be given to them is to relax and stop seeing the shortcomings of a loved one, do not strive to remake him. good compatibility this couple says that they found in each other ideal life partners. And this great miracle, called true love, must be properly nourished with positive emotions. This applies most of all to the male Snake, it is difficult for representatives of this sign to rush forward towards new adventures. Therefore, only through the efforts of the Rooster woman, the life of a partner can play with bizarre colors. In turn, the Snake man, with his inherent tact and thoroughness, will be able to smooth out most of the sharp corners in their conflicts.


This couple has every opportunity to create a reliable and stable marriage. Everyone in a pair is ready to work hard to achieve material wealth. At the same time, they do not have problems in the distribution of responsibilities around the house. Everything is decided on an intuitive level, acceptable to both ways. They will not be bored together, because the Rooster woman is able to bring liveliness and fun into relationships. Their union is considered ideal by astrologers. Both are aimed at creating a family, they love order and will be happy to improve their home.

The Snake man and the Rooster woman can be truly a royal couple, in an ongoing relationship that becomes more and more love over time. With a sincere, open Rooster, the closed Snake becomes a more cheerful and less suspicious person. And, she knows that she can always count on her other half, for her a sense of security in a relationship is of great value. Together, they will be able to create an ideal marriage that will give them many years of serene happiness.

The compatibility of the Rooster woman and the Snake man is to a large extent based on the fact that both signs love a beautiful life, fashion, good food and fine wines. Together they spend time in stores with great pleasure and follow the latest trends. fashion trends. Fortunately, the Snake, firmly standing on its feet in this bright tandem, is responsible for the money and will never allow their reserves to be spent on all sorts of pleasures for a rainy day.


The similarity in the pursuit of adventure will bring the Snake man and the Rooster woman much closer. The compatibility of these signs in bed is amazing. Intimate intimacy brings real pleasure to both partners.

The sex life of this couple promises to be unusual and exciting. A man has a penchant for capturing his beloved in erotic photographs or videos.

The Rooster woman is very ambiguous in this regard: she can happily connect to the games that her husband conceives, or completely reject them, preferring traditional methods of communication without any frills.

In sex, such a woman is more likely to be a conservative. She does not need new sensations, since the old, studied methods completely satisfy her. This can be somewhat disappointing for a man who will always want more. However, the shortcomings of the conservatism of the Rooster woman are more than compensated by her burning and passionate temperament.

Her fantasies are full of the most unpredictable and unusual mysteries, so a man only needs to be able to find the right approach to implement them. Then both will be satisfied: they will receive unforgettable sensations and understand that they can trust each other. If an intimate action does not bring joy to a woman, she can simply stop it or reduce its duration to a minimum.

It is very important not to force your lover to do anything, otherwise no one will get pleasure. And if the views on what the sexual world should be like differ between the couple, compromises must be sought. The bed for them is another opportunity for a deeper unity, in which they can once again be convinced of the correctness of their choice.

The excellent compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster in a love relationship is due not so much to the similarity in the views on the life of partners as to their ability to get around sharp corners and the desire for success, so quite often the union of the signs of the Rooster and the Snake is based not on love and passion, but on the calculation. This, oddly enough, is only good for them.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are distinguished by natural wisdom and good intellectual ability. They are extremely perceptive, able to even predict the future. Innate prudence and prudence make excellent strategists and successful businessmen from representatives of the sign. Patience, coupled with determination and perseverance, allows them to always achieve what they want.

People with the year of the Snake in the horoscope are extremely demanding both to themselves and to others. A wide variety of qualities are mixed in their character: selfishness, stinginess and even a certain amount of vanity, however, in spite of everything, in friendship they are compassionate and always ready to help. Innate caution and foresight do not allow people with the year of the Snake in the horoscope to go on reckless adventures either in life or in work. Representatives of the sign usually move towards their goal slowly but surely.

Men of the year always look elegant and smart. As a rule, they are well educated and well-mannered, there is something mysterious in their behavior. Women with the year of the Snake in the horoscope are mysterious and attractive. They are friendly, sociable, intelligent and well educated.

Elemental Influence

The classic character traits of the representatives of the sign can change under the influence of the sign of the Zodiac and one of the five governing elements, as follows:

  1. People who were born in the year of the Metal Snake (1941, 2001) are restrained and prudent both in everyday life and in work and love.
  2. The Year of the Water Snake (1953, 2013) endows its representatives with numerous talents in various areas of life.
  3. lovely mental capacity, charming charm and the ability to find an approach to people are the main character traits inherent in people with the year of the Wood Snake (1905, 1965) in the horoscope.
  4. Red Fire Snakes(1917, 1977) - conceited and energetic natures.
  5. Earthly representatives of the sign (1929, 1989) are quite sociable, educated and balanced.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Rooster

People born in the year of the Rooster have a straightforward and even somewhat aggressive character. With others, they are often harsh and rude, expressing everything that they think about each of them. In expressions, at the same time, representatives of the sign are never shy. They can be moody and sarcastic, criticizing everything and everyone beyond measure.

Sign people are always determined to win. They really do not like to lose, so they go to their goal without looking at the road, sometimes crushing even their loved ones under them. Lacking tact and diplomacy, representatives of the sign often set others against themselves, and this happens both at home and at work. Along with obvious militancy, there is gullibility and even naivety in the character, which is why representatives of the sign often fall for the bait of dishonest people.

The man of the year is characterized by extraordinary behavior and external attractiveness. He is always gallant, knows how to present himself, although he can be unrestrained in his statements. The woman of the sign has a bright, memorable appearance and is always emphatically elegantly dressed. She is adventurous, capricious, straightforward and mysterious.

Elemental Influence

In addition to the signs of the Zodiac, the character of the people of the year has big influence governing element. Thus:

  1. Those born in the year of the Metal Rooster (1921, 1981) are stubborn, ambitious, and compassionate.
  2. The Year of the Watermark (1933, 1993) enhances such character traits of the representatives of the sign as sociability and the ability to manipulate people.
  3. Diligence, a heightened sense of justice and excellent organizational skills are revealed in people under the influence of the Year of the Wood Rooster (1945, 2005).
  4. Red Fiery representatives of the sign (1957, 1917) are smart, resourceful and prudent.
  5. Perseverance, ambition and purposefulness characterize individuals born in the year Earth Rooster (1909, 1969).

Snake Man and Rooster Woman

The compatibility of the Snake man and the Rooster woman according to the horoscope is one of the best. The success of the union of such difficult signs lies in the practical approach of its representatives to love in general and love relationships in particular. Without harboring romantic illusions, the Snake and the Rooster will converge on the basis of common interests and goals in life.


Compatibility in love of a girl born in the year of the Rooster and a man of the Snake is just great. A loving Snake guy will surely like a bright and attractive girl, because her appearance and innate sexuality are extremely attractive to members of the opposite sex. The awakened hunting instinct will force a man by hook or by crook to seek the favor of such a gorgeous woman. The strong, gallant, erudite and somewhat extravagant Snake guy will also make the girl's heart beat faster.

Having a lot of similar character traits and looking at the world with the same eyes, partners will find common interests. Maybe their relationship will not be very passionate and romantic, but stability is definitely guaranteed to them. A wise and prudent man will slightly cool the ardor of a capricious and eccentric girlfriend. Together they will make a quite successful couple both emotionally and financially.


IN intimate sphere partners will also be fine. Sex will bring them not only pleasure, but also complete spiritual unity. Just like love, sex, a representative of the strong half of humanity is taken seriously. It cannot be said that he has any special requests in this regard, but, nevertheless, the guy approaches the choice of a partner with all responsibility. He absolutely does not like vulgar women, which cannot be said about his beloved girlfriend.

The representative of the beautiful half of humanity prefers serious and sensitive men, from whom she expects attention and understanding. That is exactly what her lover is. In general, in the bed of a woman born in the year of the Rooster, and a man of the Snake, peace and complete mutual understanding will reign.


The marriage of representatives of signs is an example of stability and mutual understanding between spouses. Despite the fact that husband and wife are quite difficult people, they will be very comfortable together. At the heart of their marital relationship is not love, although it, of course, is present, but practical calculation. This is especially true for a woman born in the year of the Fire Rooster and a male Snake. In this case, the spouses are united not only by love and respect, but also by a common life goal, towards which they are moving together.

Ideally, the family of representatives of signs should look traditional, where the husband is her head, and the woman is a faithful assistant and adviser. As a rule, Snake men are quite practical and enterprising, which allows them not to have any special problems in the financial sector. It is very important for guys to support and understand their soulmate, which the representative of the sign, being married to a woman, may not worry about. To the very young lady family life will bring stability and peace.

Disagreements in the family of representatives of signs can begin on the basis of clarifying the question of who is in charge. In this regard, the woman must definitely give in, but the man also needs to understand that it will not be possible to achieve complete obedience from his wife. Disagreements may also affect the financial sector. A man, as a stingy person, will not understand the expenses of his wife.

All problems are solved by reaching a compromise between the spouses.

Rooster Man and Snake Woman

The excellent compatibility of the Snake woman and the Rooster man allows the representatives of the signs to create a wonderful couple. Having the same views on life and identical aspirations, partners will find in each other not only lovers, but also friends and like-minded people. In this union, solid and somewhat conservative girls with the year of the Snake in the horoscope will begin to look at the world easier, and the reckless Roosters will gain a little seriousness.


Love between representatives of signs flares up almost after their first meeting. An irresistible, self-aware girl at first sight attracts the attention of the opposite sex to her own person. In this regard, the male Rooster is no exception. If he realizes that such a chic woman prefers him, then, filled with a sense of pride, he will immediately fall for the young lady on the hook.

Although the Snake girl prefers stronger and more solid men, in the Rooster guy she will see exactly the person who can make her happy. At the first stage of the relationship, lovers will have everything as it should be: romantic meetings, exciting trips and confessions under the moon. In the future, when they get tired of all this, partners will begin to stay at home more often to spend the evening in peace and solitude.


In sex, not everything will go smoothly for lovers, especially at the first stage of a relationship. A woman, as a conservative nature, will not understand her partner's craving for experiments. A man with a rich imagination and an excellent temperament will be disappointed by the complete rejection by his mistress of all his proposals to somehow diversify intimate relationships. Only after some time the girl will begin to realize that she herself likes experiments in bed.


The success of a marriage between representatives of signs lies in their ability to work in a team. The wife, possessing intuition and foresight, will guide her husband and warn him against rash decisions and actions. A husband, as a decisive and energetic person, will make his chosen one more romantic and teach you to look at things easier. A common cause will bring the spouses together and make their union stronger. It will also be a stimulating factor financial stability, provided by a hardworking spouse, which is very important for a lady who loves comfort.

Since both a man and a woman approach marriage issues quite seriously and deliberately, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a partner, there will be no particular disagreements in their union. Small misunderstandings between spouses can arise on the basis of the desire of the wife to take a leading position in the family, which she should never do. The rash spending of a man and his too frivolous attitude towards money can cause a woman’s wrath.

There are couples with good compatibility in love, friendship, sex and marriage. A pair of Snake and Rooster is harmonious. They are able to understand each other, which other signs cannot always. After all, both the Rooster and the Snake are not the easiest partners. They cannot build a full-fledged relationship with most of the signs of the horoscope. In such a combination, incredible opportunities open up for the couple - they feel good together in any situation. This beautiful quality is given to them by the Stars. Unfortunately, there are not many such couples, but if you recognize yourself in it, then thank the hosting. Your love will be the example for all.

Eastern horoscope about a pair of Rooster and Snake

Harmony in relationships is what each of us strives for. This is an absolutely normal desire to get compatibility in spirit, soul, love and ideas with your soulmate partner. Not everyone succeeds, because the world - tricky thing. What matters is the combination of your zodiac signs, eastern horoscope. It's hard to predict who exactly you will meet on your way, who you will fall in love with.

Often the Stars send us not the most successful partners, but do not be upset - this is an invaluable experience that will help you understand later, when you meet the right person, what should not be done in a relationship. Compatibility and love are important, because without this, people will soon become very uncomfortable together. Passion, sex, money will not keep a person who feels bad about you.

A couple of Rooster and Snake is very interesting. It seems that the Snake lures the Rooster into its trap, from which there is no way out. But, in fact, everything is not so. They are drawn to each other, this attraction does not go away over the years. The horoscope advises such a couple to definitely try to be together, even if they doubt. They have excellent chances of getting happiness in marriage, living together, having wonderful children.

Rooster man, Snake woman

The Rooster man loves to be admired. This Attractive man which can please both women and men. He is open, sociable, always ready to help. On the other hand, he is always ready for open conflict. It is not for nothing that cockfights are one of the most cruel.

These beautiful bright birds are prone to fighting. Rarely comes into confrontation with his beloved. The Rooster man already knows how to win the heart of a woman. His compatibility with other signs is not always great, because few people take this handsome man seriously, he is not always set for a long relationship.

The Snake woman knows how to enjoy life. She is self-confident, although she does not shout about it, she is wise. It is generally difficult to build a relationship with her, because she already knows exactly what she wants, and most partners are still preparing for a serious step. The snake loves successful, handsome men. They can only be a pleasant romance, but more often things go further.

Love, marriage, relationship

In a marriage based on mutual admiration, the Rooster feels very happy. He knows that he can tell his beloved about everything. Their family life is going well, because the couple has an initial compatibility of characters. A man and a woman experience all the most turbulent moments together. The beginning of a life together is full of travels, wanderings, trips to interesting places.

Both need sensations, emotions that can only be obtained in a new place. After 3-5 years, they appreciate their home and the peace in it more. Yes, they are still interested in conquering new countries and cities together, but less often than before. The Rooster and the Snake find support and support in each other. They always have topics for conversation, even after many years of living together.

In this marriage, everything is initially good. Both are ready to take responsibility for joint happiness. A man usually thinks, maybe he should go left. Most often this does not happen, because he does not want to lose a woman like the Snake.

But, this does not prevent him from flirting cutely. As long as that's the case, don't worry. Treason will destroy that couple, that's what the Rooster needs to know about. The snake is in a more vulnerable position here, so don't mess things up.

Snake man, Rooster woman

The Snake man is a wise interlocutor beyond his years. A certain sadness, longing for the past days is already reflected in his eyes. Although he may still be very young, you can feel the life experience in him. He knows how to pour - a woman for one night or for life got in his way. In any case, he will not miss his. The snake knows how to win a beautiful stranger or achieve love.

“The snake man is a rather secretive person who seems confident, ambitious and strong in appearance. Inside, such a person is vulnerable and emotional. In their youth, snake men often have short-term romances, they are in no hurry to be faithful to their chosen one, and all the time they expect something more from life. However, with age, this passes, and the snake begins to need comfort and constancy.

The Rooster woman can look very fussy. This repels someone, because she is constantly busy with something, in a hurry. It can be very difficult to calm her down and involve her in joint activities. She likes to plan the week ahead, to fulfill her plans and mark the done things with crosses. She does the same with love.

The Rooster woman is not deprived of the attention of the strong half, because she definitely will not be bored with her. She is chosen by strong signs that are able to cope with her irrepressible energy.

The couple's horoscope invites them not to waste time, but to have children

Love, marriage, relationship

Compatibility in marriage becomes even stronger. The Snake man will soon understand his partner, study her tastes and desires. It is much easier to live this way if you know who is in front of you. The rooster also loves her husband's soul.

Their marriage is initiated by women more often than men. A woman here values ​​her status very much, she is proud of it. A divorce would be a real shock for her, a terrible loss, so a woman would be an ideal wife in such a pair.

In marriage, the Snake does everything possible to ensure that the family is provided with everything necessary. He plans trips, expenses for a long time, does not skimp on money. This is a quality union that combines love, respect, the desire to be together. They are harmonious in relation to each other.

If your partner is a Snake, then you should always be on your guard. He is quiet, smiling, but behind your back he can turn his own affairs. This man will never talk about personal life before marriage - it is better to forget about it, otherwise cause his irritation.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster is high, but the Rooster knows how to spoil everything with his excessive fussiness. Yes, she is very proud of her marriage, position, especially if her husband occupies a prominent position, is a famous person.

Here misunderstanding may arise - the Snake takes this pride for the mercantile inclinations of the partner. This upsets him, embarrasses him, now she is no longer so good for him. Avoid such situations understanding for each other's feelings.

Rooster and Snake compatibility is great. The signs have a lot in common, both are practical, purposeful, strive to earn money, equip the family nest. They have similar temperaments and the same outlook on life.

The calm Snake balances the impulsive nature of the Rooster, helps him sometimes take breaks and stops in work. There are problems in the family, but they are quickly resolved through mutual compromises.

Characters of signs

Compatibility in love depends on the nature of the partners. cock by eastern horoscope has the following features:

The rooster loves to shine in society, to be the center of attention. He boasts of his successes, expects admiration from his friends. Noble, rushes to the defense of the weak, even if he is not asked. He works from morning to night, bringing himself to a nervous breakdown. Life builds according to rules and a well-thought-out plan. Going beyond the instructions cuts the ground from under his feet. Prefers team work, practical, but often distracted by trifles.

Here are the traits attributed by the Chinese horoscope to a person born in the year of the Snake:

  • purposefulness
  • Developed intuition
  • Wisdom
  • Restraint
  • Hard work and perseverance
  • Reticence
  • Calm.

The snake is called the socialite. She loves to shine in society, but is always restrained with people, shows maximum tact. Trusts intuition more than logic. Perspicacious, her abilities border on psychic. He sets himself one goal and stubbornly goes to it, sometimes all his life. Restraint and secrecy do not allow others (even the closest) to guess the feelings, emotions and thoughts of the Snake. With her wisdom and tact, she wins hearts, but all her life remains a mystery to others.

General Compatibility

The Rooster and the Snake quickly find a common language, they intuitively feel each other. In public, the couple does not demonstrate their feelings, but at home serious love passions flare up between them. The partners have a lot in common, both put wealth and material values ​​in the first place. They are hardworking, know how to make money, set clear and practical goals. The Snake sometimes likes to soak up the sun, helps the Rooster to stop and rest from the constant race. Calm and reasonable, she is able to withstand the cockiness and temper of her partner. Moreover, the Snake is used to doing the job flawlessly, it is difficult to find fault with her.

There are also problems in the family, despite the almost perfect compatibility in marriage. Both spouses love to shine in society and compete with each other. The rooster boasts of his successes, surprises people with non-standard behavior, original clothes. The snake conquers with its subtle mind, intuition, sense of humor. If the spouses start to compete, it will not lead to good. Each time after visiting, they will return offended and dissatisfied. Most often, the Snake concedes, not because of weakness, but because it is wiser. She knows about her abilities without anyone else's confirmation, and the Rooster constantly needs to feel admiring glances on herself in order to increase self-esteem.

The signs of the Zodiac affect the compatibility of the Rooster and the Snake. According to the western horoscope, the Rooster is Virgo, and the Snake is Taurus. The signs of the earth perfectly converge with each other. Capricorn will be a good partner for them, they feel good next to the element of fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius). Bright fire signs bring more dynamics and activity to the union. It is better if the Snake is the owner of such a sign, she will be able to properly dispose of hot energy. Water makes a family more productive. Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces will reward the Rooster with greater insight, smooth out his irascibility, allow you to look wider at the world to understand it deeper. The air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is not very suitable for the Snake and the Rooster, unless both partners were born under these signs.

The relationship between the Rooster woman and the Snake man

The Snake man and the Rooster woman quickly fall in love with each other, they feel kindred spirits. Partners enter into marriage after a period of courtship, when they clearly decide that they can live together. Men and women set themselves the same goals. Family, financial well-being, an impressive bank account are important for them. The husband in the family becomes a think tank, a generator of ideas, he is responsible for finances and very successfully. The wife equips the house, brings a living light to the family. True, she is too demanding, comes up with plans that cannot be implemented. A man looks at such behavior philosophically. He patiently explains the woman's mistakes, steadfastly endures her fussiness and nit-picking.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Virgo man - his characteristics and compatibility in relationships

Next to the Snake, the Rooster woman feels confident, she sees in him a person who understands her. The house for the couple becomes that fortress that no one will conquer or destroy. The rooster, at the slightest danger, rushes into battle, protecting the family from strangers. The snake knows how to correctly prioritize, restrain the reckless impulses of the Rooster. Sometimes female fussiness leads a man into nervous tension, he gets tired of constant fantasies, unrealistic ideas, petty nit-picking. But Snakes are good psychologists, they help not only others, but also themselves. Real quarrels and scandals in the family are rare, mainly due to the wise Snake.

The family of the Rooster and the Snake causes envy among others. This is a prosperous, materially secure union in which peace and mutual understanding reign. Both spouses are engaged in the upbringing of children, each gives something of his own, special. Often spouses run a family business together, quite successful. The compatibility of the Rooster woman and the Snake man is not able to destroy the years of marriage. Their mutual love over time only becomes stronger, and feelings brighter. They trust each other, never hide their true intentions and thoughts. Although in public the couple seems reserved and cold.

Relationship between the Snake woman and the Rooster man

The Rooster man and the Snake woman quickly find a common language. The guy is fascinated by a smart and mysterious girl with natural magnetism. She is fond of a lively and energetic man who can bring her out of a sleepy state. The couple has common goals - family, home, material well-being. Both love order in everything, they do not have everyday problems. The snake in the family acts as a generator of ideas, and the Rooster thinks out a plan on how to implement them. A woman in the union becomes an informal leader, but thanks to wisdom she does not demonstrate this. She gently and unobtrusively manages everything that happens in the house. The snake knows how to relax, therefore it organizes leisure for itself and for its spouse. This protects the workaholic Rooster from unnecessary stress, overwork and a nervous breakdown.

The male Rooster and the Snake woman rarely lose their compatibility. But there are problems in the family too.

First, the couple needs to develop a system in putting things in order in the house, everyone has their own approach to this issue and their own methodology. But a compromise is found quickly, and scandals domestic issues do not call. If the Snake starts to put too much pressure on the Rooster, to show his leadership, he rebels. His reactions are uncontrollable, therefore the Snake should be very wise and careful in achieving his goals. The rooster is quick-tempered, loves to find fault with trifles. A calm woman looks at his behavior with a philosophical look, but even her nerves sometimes fail. The danger is the loving nature of a man, he can change, and it is difficult for a woman to forgive betrayal.

Minor troubles in the family are resolved quickly, because the signs of horoscope compatibility are very strong. The Snake and the Rooster are able to live their whole lives together without ever seriously quarreling.

Often a woman does not work, stays at home and takes care of family affairs. Sometimes she takes a hobby or helps her husband in his business. But it happens that the Snake reaches great career success in science, strategic planning or the creative profession. The husband knows how to raise finance, the wife manages money wisely. So the material well-being of the family is ensured. From the side, the steam looks cold. In fact, this impression is false, serious love passions burn inside the union.

According to the Chinese horoscope, each year in the twelve-year cycle corresponds to a certain animal.

Find out which animal, according to the Chinese horoscope, patronizes the year in which your lover was born or can tell a lot about the prospects for your relationship with your partner.

Let's say if you were born in the year of the Rooster, then which partner is right for you?

Rooster and Snake, compatibility in Chinese mythology

First, let's talk about the compatibility of the couple - the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of these two signs is the best combination for both partners. A couple where a man was born in and a woman in the year of the Rooster will always be happy.

It is easy to achieve harmony in the relationship between the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of this couple is great for creating strong family ties. Both are kind to like to maintain comfort in the house.

A woman in such a union will give her partner her loyalty, care and warmth. She is an independent person, she will help and support her partner in everything. It is even possible to create a family business, a solid foundation for which will be mutual understanding, respect and the sharp mind of both partners.

The Snake man in such a union will be able to fully reveal all his abilities and talents, since the woman next to him will help him overcome his strength.

Both the Rooster and the Snake do not like to take unnecessary risks. Compatibility in this regard is also complete. In such a relationship there will be no sharp, unpredictable moments, everything will develop calmly and in the right direction. Both are able to reason sensibly and logically approach the solution of all problems.

Communication in a pair of Rooster and Snake will also be harmonious and will give them pleasure, since they are connected by common interests and their goals are similar. This union is built on the principles of equality, there is no leader and follower.

A male snake will give a woman care, attention, and protect her from trouble. The main thing in the relationship of this couple is to maintain trust in each other.

Another good combination for a woman born in the year of the Rooster, this is a man who was born under the auspices of the Ox.

Let us dwell in more detail on the aspects of relations in a pair of Rooster and Ox. Their compatibility is also pretty good for creating a stable relationship. Both partners are quite loyal in Partner-Ox does not really like communication and noisy companies, but he should not limit his beloved - Rooster in the possibilities of communication. At some points, partners may not understand the point of view of the other, there may be slight disagreements. But in general, this will not significantly affect the relationship between the Rooster and the Ox. The leader in such an alliance will be the Ox man. A woman will have to come to terms with this and take it for granted. However, this is quite acceptable for a lady born under the sign of the Rooster. The Ox will create a solid foundation for relationships, including financially. A woman is likely to be the keeper of the family hearth and home comfort.

And, finally, the most unfortunate combination for a Rooster woman in a relationship is a partner born under the sign of the Cat. In a pair of Cat and Rooster, compatibility is minimal. These relationships are more suitable for not very close acquaintances. Even friendly relationships will always be in a tense state, as compromises must always be found, not to mention romantic relationships. These personalities are too different to be together. To somehow have to learn to accept each other as they are with all the shortcomings. Only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony in everything. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to keep a relationship going.
