According to the Chinese horoscope, each year in the twelve-year cycle corresponds to a certain animal.

Find out which animal, according to the Chinese horoscope, patronizes the year in which your lover was born or can tell a lot about the prospects for your relationship with your partner.

Let's say if you were born in the year of the Rooster, then which partner is right for you?

Rooster and Snake, compatibility in Chinese mythology

First, let's talk about the compatibility of the couple - the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of these two signs is the best combination for both partners. A couple where a man was born in and a woman in the year of the Rooster will always be happy.

It is easy to achieve harmony in the relationship between the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of this couple is great for creating strong family ties. Both are kind to like to maintain comfort in the house.

A woman in such a union will give her partner her loyalty, care and warmth. She is an independent person, she will help and support her partner in everything. It is even possible to create a family business, a solid foundation for which will be mutual understanding, respect and the sharp mind of both partners.

The Snake man in such a union will be able to fully reveal all his abilities and talents, since the woman next to him will help him overcome his strength.

Both the Rooster and the Snake do not like to take unnecessary risks. Compatibility in this regard is also complete. In such a relationship there will be no sharp, unpredictable moments, everything will develop calmly and in the right direction. Both are able to reason sensibly and logically approach the solution of all problems.

Communication in a pair of Rooster and Snake will also be harmonious and will give them pleasure, since they are connected by common interests and their goals are similar. This union is built on the principles of equality, there is no leader and follower.

A male snake will give a woman care, attention, and protect her from trouble. The main thing in the relationship of this couple is to maintain trust in each other.

Another good combination for a woman born in the year of the Rooster, this is a man who was born under the auspices of the Ox.

Let us dwell in more detail on the aspects of relations in a pair of Rooster and Ox. Their compatibility is also pretty good for creating a stable relationship. Both partners are quite loyal in Partner-Ox does not really like communication and noisy companies, but he should not limit his beloved - Rooster in the possibilities of communication. At some points, partners may not understand the point of view of the other, there may be slight disagreements. But in general, this will not significantly affect the relationship between the Rooster and the Ox. The leader in such an alliance will be the Ox man. A woman will have to come to terms with this and take it for granted. However, this is quite acceptable for a lady born under the sign of the Rooster. The Ox will create a solid foundation for relationships, including financially. A woman is likely to be the keeper of the family hearth and home comfort.

And, finally, the most unfortunate combination for a Rooster woman in a relationship is a partner born under the sign of the Cat. In a pair of Cat and Rooster, compatibility is minimal. These relationships are more suitable for not very close acquaintances. Even friendly relationships will always be in a tense state, as compromises must always be found, not to mention romantic relationships. These personalities are too different to be together. To somehow have to learn to accept each other as they are with all the shortcomings. Only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony in everything. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to keep a relationship going.

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 22:54

Is compatibility possible between the wise and calm Snake and the impulsive and quick-tempered Rooster? At first sight, both personalities are quite complex, but many believe that opposites attract. Therefore, a lasting union is quite possible.

People born in the year of the Snake have excellent intuition, they see through others and perfectly recognize all the hidden qualities of each of them.

Consistent, purposeful and slow Snake people they think for a very long time, but as a result they go to the intended goals in the right way.

The rooster is impulsive, unrestrained, sharp and straightforward. His tactlessness sometimes repels people, so a person of this zodiac sign does not have many friends. However, those whom he really loves enjoy the boundless location and devotion of the Rooster man. However, such behavior in most cases is a way of self-defense, behind external harshness and rudeness The rooster hides his thin and vulnerable soul.

Snake people think for a long time, but go to the intended goals in the right way.

Astrologers are sure that the compatibility of the Rooster-Snake pair is due to the following features:

  • insightful snake beautiful view
  • t hidden reserves and the tender soul of the Rooster, it is simply impossible to deceive her.
  • Both representatives of these zodiac signs are not indifferent to the material side of life.
  • The Rooster and the Snake are industrious, persistent and purposeful, hand in hand it will be easier for them to achieve success.
  • They have approximately the same sexuality.

Behind external harshness and rudeness, the Rooster hides his thin and vulnerable soul

Horoscope of compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

Love relationship between the Snake and the Rooster are considered almost perfect. They are initially aimed at continuation and a happy marriage. For the sake of this prospect, both partners are ready to make concessions. The eccentric and active Rooster always attaches great importance to trifles and is very worried about even the most insignificant trifles. In its turn, calm and balanced snake will definitely find the right words to calm his nervous partner.

The Rooster and the Snake get along well and find a common language almost from the first meeting. They feel each other on an intuitive level. In public, this couple is no different from others, but in private, serious love passions rage. It is very important that the wise and calm Snake gives the active Rooster the opportunity to stop, not rush to conclusions, reconsider his views on life and gently draws his attention to the maximum correct options decision making. Only the Snake, with its high intellectual development and innate wisdom, is able to withstand the irascibility and cockiness of a partner.

The relationship between the Snake and the Rooster is initially aimed at continuation and a happy marriage.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Snake and the Rooster

Husband and wife (Snake-Rooster) are an excellent family tandem. Despite the fact that they are completely different in character, they have a lot in common.

Spouses support each other in all endeavors, strengthening the partner’s weak character traits and smoothing out negative manifestations

The Snake has too stereotyped and conservative views on life, and the Rooster, with his bright temperament and activity, makes her take a broader look at things and stimulates the imagination and creativity. They will always find a topic for discussion both with each other and with those around them.

The disadvantages of this union include:

  • This pair will definitely need set the boundaries of spheres of influence. Otherwise, in the struggle for power, they may lose that thin thread of mutual understanding that binds them.
  • The social life of the spouses should also be approximately at the same level.
  • Spouse-Rooster should stop picking on the soulmate on trifles, otherwise scandals are inevitable in the house.
  • The excessive talkativeness of the Rooster and the silence of the Snake can irritate the partner, this also serves as a ground for conflicts.
  • Loving and active Rooster can cause burning jealousy in a jealous Snake, so partners need to agree on this in advance.

The Snake and the Rooster will always find a topic for discussion both with each other and with others.

Friendship between the Snake and the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

Rooster and Snake can be friends, no doubt. This friendship can be quite durable and strong. Only partners need to carefully monitor their behavior and negative manifestations of character traits.

An impulsive Rooster can often, without even realizing it, injure a calm Snake with mockery and tricks

The snake does the same, only much more careful and thinner, so Rooster may not understand sarcasm.

The Snake and the Rooster, in order to maintain friendly relations, should remember that you should never try to change your partner, you need to accept him as he is. Often, friendship between a man and a woman of these zodiac signs leads to a love relationship ending in a happy marriage.

Compatibility in the work of the Snake and the Rooster is not bad. Suffice it to say that the energy of the active and full of ideas and plans of the Rooster is directed in the right direction by the prudence of the Snake. Both representatives of these zodiac signs they know how and where to make money and financial well-being is achieved quite quickly. However, they should be aware of the "pitfalls" of relationships and try to avoid them:

  • For the union to flourish, both must delineate spheres of influence and do their own thing.
  • Business partners can't make friends, otherwise it will nullify any undertaking.

The prudence of the Snake directs the energy of the active Rooster in the right direction

Compatibility Snake Man and Rooster Woman

So, he is a Serpent, she is a Rooster. What's next for this union? This horoscopic combination suggests long-term friendships, romantic and marriage relationships. The couple is extremely opposite personalities and outlooks on life, but this is what helps them to become truly self-sufficient and happy. IN more the Snake guy and the Rooster girl strive for material well-being. This is the starting point of the union.

In public, the couple does not show their feelings in any way, they are more like good friends than lovers

However, left alone both are burning with passion and give the partner in full all the brightest emotions that they are only capable of. The Snake man and the Rooster woman jointly manage the household, perfectly share all domestic and family problems equally, know how to relax and enjoy life together. Both are aimed at achieving material well-being and creating a cozy family nest.

The eccentric Rooster lady will always create crisis situations in the family, heating up the situation, and a balanced male Snake to calm his wife, trying to reduce the conflict to nothing. If in this tandem a woman learns to restrain her impulses, the family will find peace and prosperity for many years to come.

Different characters and outlooks on life help the Snake and the Rooster become self-sufficient and happy.

Compatibility Snake Woman and Rooster Man

In a couple where she is a Snake, and he is a Rooster, all relationships are also developing quite well. Similar values, aspirations, life principles will help people to find mutual understanding and coexist on the same territory for a long time. Material well-being and a prominent position in society- one of the main goals for which the Snake girl and the Rooster guy are ready to work tirelessly together.

If there is no need for the wife to go to work, she will take care of the house and children with great pleasure. At the same time, he will definitely find a hobby to his liking, which, moreover, will bring a small income. The Rooster man, like a true fighter, will always find a job for himself and will work tirelessly for the good of the family. The wise wife-Snake will definitely give him practical advice in any sphere of human activity. Therefore, the spouse should often tell the other half about their problems and moderate their impulsiveness. Then in a career and public life success awaits him.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster is considered favorable. Despite the fact that people born under these signs are completely different, they are able to build long and happy relationships.

People born in the year of the Snake have a well-developed intuition. They feel the emotions of other people, see through their intentions, are rarely surprised. When meeting a Rooster partner, they immediately and thoroughly analyze his character in the smallest details so their expectations are true. They are quite purposeful people, but they implement their plans slowly, albeit with excellent results.

The rooster is not so slow, it is an impulsive and unrestrained person. He can be too straightforward, which is not always liked by others, so he usually has few friends. But these are truly loyal and devoted supporters.

Rooster cares little about public opinion. So it seems to the people around. But in fact, he is far from indifferent to what people think of him, preferring to hide his natural sensitivity.

Astrologers promise a pair of Rooster and Snake a fairly high compatibility, due to the following factors:

  • There is complete mutual understanding between partners. The snake manages to discern a subtle, sensitive and vulnerable soul behind the outward rudeness of the Rooster. And he is able to open up to her completely.
  • Both love money and comfort, strive to make good money. Together they will do everything possible for a prosperous life in abundance.
  • Hardworking, but only when their work is well appreciated. For a worthy reward, they are ready to work long and hard.
  • perfect between them sexual compatibility, so in intimate life there are no problems.

Snake Man and Rooster Woman

Astrologers believe that such a couple is an example of an almost perfect relationship, full of romance and love.

What is typical for this type of union:

  1. Their relationship begins with a strong love and proceeds very romantically. The candy-bouquet period will be filled with beautiful courtship and passionate nights spent together.
  2. Imperceptibly, although very gradually, they fall in love with each other more and more. Over time, the understanding comes that they are created to be together forever. During this period, they create a family and think about having children.
  3. Both are aimed only at a serious relationship and understand that sooner or later they will enter into an official marriage. But before putting a stamp in the passport, they strive to agree on all aspects of family life. Able to make concessions and negotiate in difficult situations.

The Rooster Girl is quite impulsive and capricious. Often worries about trifles and shares his experiences with a partner. It doesn't bother him. A man's nature is very balanced, nothing can confuse him. Therefore, he is always able to calm his beloved and make her stop being nervous and worried.

Rooster Man and Snake Woman

These relationships are also an example of true harmony. Partners perfectly complement each other and develop together. They are able not only to build happy, harmonious relationships, but also to create successful business to realize the most daring creative projects.

What are the features of this type of union:

  1. A man becomes a teacher for his beloved. He brings a lot of new things into her worldview, makes her look at the world in a completely different light. Next to him, she begins to expand the boundaries of her consciousness, sees many opportunities and learns to love the world in all its manifestations.
  2. The Snake Girl is very wise, her intuition is well developed. Therefore, it becomes the very “neck” that skillfully guides the chosen one along the right path. Thanks to her balanced character and innate wisdom, she manages to maintain and strengthen relationships even in the most difficult periods for both.
  3. They notice flaws in each other, but do not focus on them. Ready to accept the chosen one as he is. But they speak openly about the merits, often thank and appreciate what they have.
  4. They will never wash dirty linen in public, so those around them are not even aware of the periodically occurring quarrels. They sort things out only among themselves, peacefully resolving any conflicts.

For both, public opinion is extremely important, so they only praise each other in the circle of friends. Sometimes they are envied, considering the perfect couple.

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Love relationships for many centuries raise a lot of questions, because they greatly affect the quality of life of every person. Few manage to comprehend true happiness due to the lack of necessary knowledge and understanding of the nature of their partner, but astrologers assure that often even an ordinary horoscope can open their eyes to seemingly familiar events and help to establish relationships in every situation.

In order to look in one direction, understand each other as much as possible and build a joint future, you need to clearly familiarize yourself with compatibility according to the year of birth. Astrologers have long determined that the compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster is undoubtedly successful and very interesting to discuss. Their harmony can only be envied, but why does this happen and why are they so attracted to each other?

Compatibility features of the Rooster and the Snake

The Rooster and the Snake are not the easiest partners for a relationship, so on the love front they often have to experience woeful failures. This happens until chance brings them face to face, to talented and determined personalities were finally able to see what they had been missing for so long for complete happiness in personal life. The stars define them as ideal partners, and their love often becomes an example for others.

The development of love relationships is influenced not only by the desire of two people to build a family together, but also by the location of the stars. Often according to the natal chart qualified specialist it is easy to determine with whom a person can fall in love, and who is better to bypass in order to avoid suffering and failure.

According to astrologers, the pair of Rooster and Snake is quite harmonious and successful. They have many chances to enter into a happy marriage, raise children and carry their love for many years. Partners not only want a wonderful future together, but are constantly attracted, unable to start other relationships. There may be certain conflicts between them, but even in such situations love does not stop and any doubts are put aside.

It is impossible to say for sure who is stronger in such a pair, since they show their character and strength in different ways. The snake tries not to enter the ring, but arranges negotiations, where, through diplomatic tricks, he achieves what he wants, while not spoiling relations with his opponent.

The Rooster, in turn, is used to speaking openly about his position, not hiding irritation and discontent, but does not go over to personalities. He gives a lot of arguments as a defense of his position, but is always ready to enter into open confrontation, without fear of consequences.

Snake Woman and Rooster Man

A man born in the year of the Rooster is distinguished by amazing charisma and the ability to attract attention. Not only does he have good looks, but he is also rich. inner world, which is able to win the heart of almost any lady.

He considers his life partner chosen, because he faithfully and faithfully tries to make her happy, despite the difficulties. As for the topic “Rooster - compatibility with other signs”, then the relationship is built on the principle of similarity of views.

It is easy for him to find a common language with such representatives of the Eastern calendar as:

  • Rooster;
  • The Dragon;
  • Rat;
  • Monkey.

These relationships will develop easily and simply, and friendship brings only pleasure.

It is difficult for such a man to yield to his beloved and to anyone else, since he often considers his position to be the only true one and is ready to the last fight to win an argument and even ordinary discussion. Despite this, he tries not to conflict with his beloved woman and act more cunningly, because it is not in vain that he was given charm and charisma.

The Snake Woman, in turn, does not go into a clear conflict and smooths out disputes, while achieving her goals in a more diplomatic way. She is ready to take a step back somewhere in order to subsequently achieve the desired results. She strategizes and charms her soul mate in such a way that he does not even notice that they had certain disagreements before. Of course, this concerns minor problems, but the discrepancies in vital important issues can turn into a tragedy for a couple in love. To avoid a painful break, they should listen to the desires of each other and always take into account the opinion of the other side.

A woman born in the year of the Snake has self-confidence and knows exactly what she wants from life, relationships and a loved one. That is why it is so difficult for her to give her heart to a man and completely trust him, because most fans not tuned in serious relationship, and the Snake is not going to waste time on meaningless communication.

She is attracted to:

  • exceptionally smart;
  • successful;
  • positive representatives of the stronger sex;
  • possessing an imperious character;
  • men who are ready to be not just a partner, but also a protector for many years.

The Snake Woman takes a long look before bestowing her attention on the fan and deciding what to do with him next. She knows the value of her time, so she prefers to end unsuccessful relationships herself.

A man born in the year of the Rooster loves to be always admired, so he chooses the corresponding person as his life partner. His woman should sincerely love, follow, take on a character with all the shortcomings, but at the same time focus on the merits. He will not allow her to be unnecessarily strong and domineering, because this role belongs to him, and in the family of such a person there is always one leader, and this is definitely a man. The initial compatibility of characters opens up great opportunities for marriage.

Rooster man and Snake woman can meet a few years and keep an eye on each other before entering into family life, or they can sign a couple of weeks after they met, but the success of the marriage will not depend on this.

They need:

  • always share experiences;
  • talk about your feelings;
  • discuss both pleasant moments and not so much;
  • adjust to your partner and change little by little;
  • make plans for the future.

The Snake Woman in such a relationship does not have to be incredibly strong, but at the same time she must always be a whole person who is interesting not only as a spouse and mother, but also as a professional and just a person.

The Snake and Rooster couple is not used to sitting still, and the first years of a relationship and marriage are accompanied by constant entertainment, trips to restaurants, cultural events and gatherings with close friends. They can be safely called reliable, faithful and responsible partners, so friends and relatives try to be like them.

In the presence of small children, it is undesirable for them to close themselves at home and completely immerse themselves in routine life, because such people simply cannot live without a sense of celebration. They need entertainment and shared hobbies in order to have something more than a stamp in their passport. Usually they have fun and have a lot of topics for conversation even many years after they met, but the responsibility for leisure for the most part lies on the shoulders of a woman.

Before finding their soul mate, the Snake and the Rooster have to go through many trials in the form of painful partings, disappointments and betrayals. The stars are folded in such a way that it is extremely difficult to find a pair of Rooster among people born under signs such as the Boar or the Goat. With representatives of these signs, he has a complete divergence of views, which in the end becomes the reason for parting, and even a violent conflict. A good relationship can be with the Dragon, Rat, Monkey and Rooster, and not only romantic, but also business. Other air signs may also be suitable, but this is a rarity.

It is easier for the snake to find a common language with the Rabbit and the Boar, and marriage besides the Rooster is quite possible with the Dragon and the Rat.

Compatibility Snake Man and Rooster Woman

A man born under the sign of the Snake finds a mate with difficulty, because already in his youth he has a highly developed intellect and high ideals regarding romantic relationships. Experience and great knowledge are read in his eyes, which leaves a certain imprint on both friendship and love relationships.

It is enough for him to talk with a woman for an hour or two to understand who he wants to see her in and what she is capable of in life. As a beloved woman, and even more so as a wife, he sees an exceptionally developed, wholesome, interesting and intelligent person who is able to attract the attention of a truly extraordinary person. She should not behave too pretentiously and pretentiously, but he will appreciate excessive modesty only if there are other excellent qualities.

With calm and modest girls, he prefers to be friends more, and starts novels with decisive and active ladies who know their own worth.

The Snake man knows how to charm women in his own way, and he manages to do this even in cases where the fair sex, during an acquaintance, speaks of a refusal. In his youth, he often starts novels, but feelings quickly become dull, and the girl becomes uninteresting. With age, he begins to desire family comfort, so the search turns into a real casting, where a truly unique person manages to get the main prize. If the heart of the Snake was captivated by a charming woman, then she will remain there forever, despite some difficulties in the relationship.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster is very active, decisive and sociable. She does not like to sit still and in her youth does not even plan to get married. She likes to feel free, therefore, entering into a relationship, the main thing is not to frighten her off with excessive guardianship and unreasonable jealousy. She does not look to the side when she finds a soul mate, and only then begins to think about family happiness.

The Rooster Woman loves to control all processes., starting from the purchase of products and ending with the daily routine of the child, and only her beloved man can distract her, who does not swear because of the wife’s excessive activity, but gradually directs her in the right direction. Finally, the attitude towards the male sex is built after a couple of failed novels, but the Rooster considers his position to be the only possible one. She is ready to change a little under the influence of a loved one, but this should happen in stages and imperceptibly. The Rooster woman and the Snake man are an excellent tandem based on love, respect and care.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The romance of the Rooster woman and the Snake man is balanced, harmonious and calm, despite two strong characters. They confidently go through life, trying to help each other, to achieve the set goals and do not retreat in the face of difficulties. Relations develop very rapidly and quickly develop into cohabitation or official marriage.

In the upbringing of children, the main role is given to a man, and a woman is the support and support of paternal authority. She is always on his side and is ready to the last to be a faithful companion, like a Decembrist. The couple tries to resolve conflicts and disagreements at the family council, where everyone can express their opinion on the situation.

The Snake Man is faithful and devoted to his wife, even in those moments when the relationship is tense and everything can fall apart in one minute. He, like the female Rooster, makes a lot of efforts to get everything right.

The Rooster woman sees only one marriage in her life, so she tries her best to keep her family afloat and is an ideal hostess, mother and friend to her husband. She is more proactive, so she gives her husband a lot of ideas, from which he already chooses the appropriate options.

The snake works hard to provide for his wife and children with everything they need, and carefully plans the family budget. He anticipates in advance what problems might happen and prepares several options for solving them.

In general, their love union is quite harmonious and stable without unnecessary quarrels and conflicts and can last for years.

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The Snake and the Rooster are a natural and harmonious combination of signs. With all the difference in characters, they have the same value system. Both are ready to work for the sake of obtaining material wealth, live according to a carefully worked out plan. This couple practically does not have to change in order to be together. There will still be some difficulties between them, but they are quite surmountable. A pair of Rooster and Snake is recommended to plan a long-term relationship.

Rooster man and Snake woman compatibility = 80%!

In love = 80%: For the Snake woman, the Rooster man is not too serious, but at the same time he allows her to feel protected. He works for her sake, does everything for her good, and the Snake woman can calmly "bask in the sun." Romance in this combination will shine through in every movement of partners. The Rooster man will especially try to show off, making unusual gestures, beautiful surprises. Love relationships with him will be pleasant and long-lasting.

Married = 80%: Family relationships for both, a carefully thought-out matter, so they always take this issue especially seriously. As a result, there are practically no conflicts in their family, because they analyzed the character and habits of a partner before creating an alliance. Of course, they will have difficulties, but they will not reach bright conflicts. It’s just that the Snake woman will have to get used to her husband’s habit of expressing her opinion openly.

In bed = 80%: The intimacy of this couple will be difficult at the very beginning. The Snake woman will be categorically against the vivid manifestation of emotions. She is against experiments until she realizes how interesting and enjoyable it is. Gradually, the Rooster man will stir her up, giving her real satisfaction and pleasure. And after that, he will be able to offer her the most risky and unusual undertakings. A little time and they will reach harmony.

Snake man and Rooster woman compatibility = 88%!

In love = 85%: This couple has everything to create a strong and lasting union. They always have something to talk about, because their hobbies are very similar. The Snake man will be able to restrain the impulses of his partner, but he will do it delicately and beautifully. As a result, she will refuse to do stupid things, but at the same time not feel resentment for being stopped. There will be little romance in a relationship, but stability will be more important for them.

Married = 90%: This couple has every opportunity to create a reliable and stable union. Everyone in a pair is ready to work hard to achieve material wealth. At the same time, they do not have problems in the distribution of responsibilities around the house. Everything is decided on an intuitive level, pleasant for both. They will not be bored together, because the Rooster woman is able to bring liveliness and fun into relationships. Their union is considered ideal by astrologers.

In bed = 90%: Intimate relationships are perceived by the male Snake too difficult, but in alliance with the female Rooster, he reduces their importance. Being together, they easily understand each other, they can enjoy simple caresses. They do not need to impose something on their partner, since desires are guessed and implemented immediately. The bed for them is another opportunity for a deeper unity, in which they are once again convinced of the correctness of their choice.

Relationship Forecast!

Snake and Rooster - one of the most harmonious combinations in Chinese horoscope. They are different, but this does not prevent them from living together, planning a life together. And the thing is that they have one system of values, which they will adhere to. That is why their relationship develops without effort. Of course, there will still be controversial points, but they will go almost unnoticed for the Rooster, and the Snake will always be able to draw the right conclusions.
