Mosaic art panels are a great way to complement and make your interior unique. If you decide to decorate your house with paintings, order forged products and stained glass, the mosaic will become the center of the composition, completing the decoration.

The scope of artistic mosaic panels is almost limitless. Unusually beautiful mosaic patterns seem to have come out of the pages of an oriental fairy tale. The combination of various textures - gold leaf, smalt, aventurine mosaic attracts the eye, changing its color depending on the lighting, making the interior magical and mysterious...

A mosaic panel will suit any interior and style. A mosaic picture is very durable, and its value only increases with time.

Mosaic history.

Mosaic art dates from II floor. IV millennium BC and originates directly from the construction of palaces and temples of the Sumerian civilization located in Mesopotamia. It was made from burnt sticks (“zigzags”), which were created from clay and had a conical shape. Their length was from eight to ten centimeters, and a diameter of 1.8. Laying was carried out on the basis of a solution of clay. The picture was formed on the ends of the cones, usually painted in red, black and white. Often used in the form of a rhombus or triangle pattern.

A striking example of the inlay of the early period, which received during antiquity opus sectile , which in the future was developed in the form of the Florentine mosaic technique, cite an artifact called the “Standart from Ur”, 2600-2400 BC.

In the eighth century BC. there were technicians using pebbles that had not been processed. She was one of the main steps in the development of mosaic as an art. During her peak, the Romans called her " opus barbaricum ". When excavations were taking place, floors made of pebbles in the form of an ornament were found in Altyn-tepe, located in eastern Anatolia and the palace of Arslan-tash, in Assyria. But the Gordion mosaics located in Antolia are considered an impressive monument of mosaic art of this period.


Their first works were created in Corinth on the basis of rough pebbles and date back to V V. BC. The image was made contour in the form of people, various creatures of the mythological and real world. The scenery had a geometric or floral ornament, which was performed in white on a black background. The style is close to red-figure vase painting. Similar instances IV V. BC. also found in places such as Olynthos, Sicyon, Eretria. However, the most realistic ones were created in the Pella mosaic, dated to 4th century BC.

The peak of the development of mosaics in antiquity fell on the Hellenistic era. Then they began to use chipped pebbles, affordable colored glasses. This made it possible to achieve realism of the work, as well as to use a variety of colors. Mosaics in Morgantina (Sicily), dated 3rd century BC.

At times ancient rome mosaic art was used to decorate floors and walls in villas, palaces and baths. It was created in the form of small cubes, which were made of strong glass ─ smalts. Small pebbles and pebbles were also often used.

Pompeii, the "Battle of Issei" mosaic was created from 1.5 million pieces that were assembled into an image. A technique called " opus vermiculatum ": the parts were assembled in the form of winding lines, applying one piece to another.

Early Christianity and Byzantium.

The period of the Byzantine Empire is considered the greatest peak in the development of mosaics. During this era, the mosaic became more refined, using small modules and pebbles. The masonry was made delicate, and the background most often appeared in gold.

Medieval Eurasia.

Rococo era

The mosaic was created from shells of mollusks caught in the sea. Most often used to decorate rooms. In Europe, beaded mosaics have reached popularity. The beads were scrupulously laid out on wax applied to paper or cardboard. Bead embroidery patterns in the form of crosses were used. However, unfortunately, few such specimens have survived.

In Germany, the van Zelow manufactory (1750-1770) made mosaics from beads. In the future, the method was lost. They decorated the flat part of the furniture, such as the tabletop. Bottles, various figurines in the form of a bird, etc. were also subjected to decoration. Most of them can be found in German museums. However, one is in the Arkhangelsk Museum-Reserve.


Often, mosaics were used to decorate the palace of the heads of the East. For example, the Palace of Sheki Khans has become one of the best works of medieval architecture in Azerbaijan. It is one of the most valuable architectural monuments of the eighteenth century. Date of construction ─ 1762. The author is Huseykhan. The palace was part of the complex of buildings and was the residence for the Sheki khans. It has a structure of two floors: the facade is made with frames that were in the form of lattices and rose, and a set of shebeke (small glass different color). The image has many colors with a colorful addition in the form of paintings on the walls of an architectural monument.

II floor. XVIII V. reached a huge development of pictorial art in the Sheki Khanate. It is closely related to the implementation of construction and architecture. All buildings of importance were decorated with wall paintings, which was an extremely popular technique. This is confirmed by the examples of pictorial art located in the Palace of the Sheki Khans, which have survived to this day and have not lost their artistry. The painting had many themes: hunting, battles, floral or geometric ornamentation, based on the motifs of "Khamse" (Five) by Nizami Ganjavi. Palace or peasant life and much more were also depicted. Most often used blue, red, golden or yellow shades. The plafond of the hall has an encryption of the name of the painter Abbas Kuli. It is worth noting that the palace was undergoing restoration, and therefore you can see the paintings made by the masters at various intervals of time.

Mosaic of France

One of the most popular mosaics in France is Emo de Briard. An enterprise that produced Briar porcelain beads, and in the future, mosaics, opened in 1837. A huge number of works based on Briar mosaics have been created. For example, the popular artist Eugene Grasset, who was one of the most influential figures in Art Nouveau, used it in his creations. This mosaic is still being made today. She is one of the few who remained completely under French production.

Russian mosaic

In the period of Rus', mosaics began to be used after the spread of Christianity. However, it did not become popular, as it was an expensive imported product. It was delivered from Constantinople (Byzantium had a monopoly for the sale of smalt).

In Kyiv, in the St. Sophia Cathedral, the world's largest ensemble of original mosaics and frescoes has been preserved. They date from the first half of the eleventh century.

Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed Monastery.

New time and Russian mosaic

Lomonosov decided to revive mosaic art. Subsequently, no one continued his idea and the mosaic art was forgotten again.

In the 1840s decided to translate the picturesque icons of St. Isaac's Cathedral in the form of a mosaic. Due to the high humidity of St. Petersburg, which was founded on a swamp, the frescoes fell off before the painting was completed. If the paint was preserved, then it immediately turned black and dimmed, which was facilitated by censers, candles, lamps, etc. The Russian government decided to send graduates of the Imperial Academy of Arts to study in Rome to learn from the masters working at the Mosaic Studio located in the Vatican. Glass technologists were invited from Rome to St. Petersburg, who were engaged in the manufacture of smalt.

In 1851, the students returned home, where an organization for the production of smalt was created by Italian technologists. This year is considered the founding of the Mosaic Workshop.

The workshop was created for the mosaics of St. Isaac's Cathedral (the term was 66 years, but they were never completed due to the revolution), it accepted many orders. For example, for the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood, located in St. Petersburg, the Savior on the Waters, ornamental mosaics of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, for portraits of the royal family or individual orders.

The workshop used a "direct method" of typesetting, which allowed achieving realism in painting. However, it was extremely costly not only in time, but also in cost.

The Academy sought to find a solution to this problem. In 1888, she sent employees such as A.A. Frolov, to Venice, where A. Salviati created and applied a different, more economical technique of mosaic art. He laid it out in the form of a mirror image of the front part on the base, which was temporary. Subsequently, it was transported to the installation site. This technique was called "reverse" or "Venetian".

Since the Academy did not want to adopt this experience, Frolov opened his own studio, which later became successful under the leadership of his brother and gave rise to the development of Soviet mosaic art.

Today, the development of autochthonous art is taking place. For example, the mosaic of the Huichol tribe. It is rare, as the material is beads. It can also be laid with holes up.

Styling techniques

During direct set, pieces of mosaic art are pressed into the base, which is often the ground. With the reverse technique, on the contrary, they are collected on a temporary basis, and then transferred to a primed plane.

Laying: the method is similar to laying tiled material. Used glue and grout for seams. You can buy all of this at a hardware store.

The base is checked for strength, its shortcomings are revealed in the form of cracks, cavities, oil stains, etc. It must be durable and dry, have a smooth, cleaned surface from various agents that reduce the adhesion of mosaic elements to the surface. Also, it should not be dusty, dirty, in cement milk, paint residues, etc. If necessary, clean the surface mechanically, due to sandblasting. At visual inspection the base must be even, free of bulges, pits, scratches, dry and primed.

Stacking on paper

First, prepare the surface and apply glue, making an even distribution over all areas. Best used with latex adhesive base. The mosaic is carefully glued to the side opposite to the paper. The distance between the pieces should be even, without using excessive pressure. After that, the fixing occurs with the help of light strikes of the platform, which have a rubber base.

After a day, the paper is removed by wetting it for better lagging. The surface is cleaned of residual glue and paper, after which the joints are grouted with a grater made of rubber. It is best to use a grout from a mosaic manufacturer. After that, the mosaic is cleaned and the surface is polished.

Laying on a mesh base.

Unlike paper, here the mosaic is glued face up. After the glue dries, you can immediately overwrite the seams.


Materials can be different (stone, smalt, ceramics or metal, recently included porcelain stoneware). However, smalt still has the greatest popularity for creating a classic element of architecture, primarily for interiors. Materials such as glass and ceramics are also common. They are durable, affordable and come in a variety of colors, are easy to work with and come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Stone is most often used when creating a floor composition, and metal is used to expand the expressiveness of a mosaic work. Porcelain stoneware is used for facade works: sidewalks, park paths, floors in public buildings, etc.

Due to the functionality of this material, as well as its resistance to environmental influences and various influences it has become widespread in the creation of many structures with difficult operating conditions. These can be landscape gardening areas, water structures, when creating a fireplace or stove, etc.

Mosaic based on smalt or other glass has not only become widespread in many architectural works: panels, frescoes, etc. It can also be used as an independent applied direction of decorative art in ornamental compositions or other concepts. It has great artistic potential by creating simple patterns in decor that can be patterned in any composition.

A mosaic panel assembled from multi-colored mosaic elements is a highly artistic decorative object. It can add zest and originality to the interior, focus on something specific or visually change the proportions of the room.

The panel can be used on the floor, imitating an intricate carpet, or on the wall in the form of a copy of a portrait, photograph, painting by a famous artist or a frame from a favorite movie.


The mosaic panel has undeniable advantages during operation, such as high resistance to environmental influences, durability, aesthetics, strength and color saturation. It's universal finishing material, which is ideal for use on surfaces of any curvature and configuration. Recently, floor mosaic panels from natural stone or chipped tiles.

In order to convey the smoothness of color transitions and the detailing of the finest elements, mosaic pieces of the smallest size are used. This creates the effect of image integrity and saturation. color palette. Using this technique, you can create an artistic masterpiece not only on the wall, ceiling and even the floor, but also use it to decorate furniture surfaces.

Such an interior will not be left without attention, and if a mirror mosaic is used in the performance of the panel, then the space in the room will play with chiaroscuro from reflected light and furnishings. The location of such a mosaic panel can be completely different - this is a bathhouse, and a bathroom, and a kitchen, and a pool, and a living room.

It is worth noting that Mosaic experience is very important, because it is very difficult to install and does not forgive even small mistakes. The first step to successful laying out is a perfectly prepared, smooth and level surface.

In order to prevent the layer from chipping and subsequently not cracking or deforming when applying the plaster, it is necessary to use cement-sand plaster with an adhesive and reinforcing base.


Based on the material of manufacture, mosaic panels are ceramic, glass, stone, mirror, marble, metal and combined types.

According to the technique of execution, they are divided into artistic and matrix types. To assemble an artistic mosaic panel, elements are used various shapes and size, materials and textures. To create a matrix panel, clear schemes with a strict construction of a pixel grid are used. Such a panel is assembled from convex polygons.


The appearance and characteristics for the operation of a mosaic panel depend on the material used.

  • glass mosaic- This is a very practical and versatile material to use. Its relief surface refracts light, thus creating additional volume and expressiveness. In addition, it has a number of enviable qualities, such as water resistance, fire safety, hygiene, resistance to deformation.
  • Smalt comes from Murano glass, has the same brightness, strength and opacity. It is made from powdered glass with the addition of dyes. The surface of the smalt is both glossy and matte with a glow effect.
  • Mirror tiles(one of the glass options) is used only as a background. Due to the ability of reflection, it gives a visual change in the proportions of the room. It has a number of significant disadvantages: fragility, high susceptibility to deformation and intolerance to constant humidity.

  • ceramic– ideal for all surfaces and operating conditions. It has an extensive range of colors and textures. Resistant to frost, moisture, chemicals and wear.
  • Stone- the most ancient way to decorate walls and floors. Such a mosaic is more often produced in the form of modules on a grid, since they are easier to stack. It has a diverse combination of qualities that depend on the properties of the stones used in it, for example, sandstone is porous and is not suitable for finishing an apron in the kitchen, and marble easily absorbs dirt and therefore requires periodic polishing.

  • metal the mosaic began its existence quite recently. For its production, aluminum, stainless steel, copper are used, less often they are pollinated with brass, bronze, silver and gold. With a meager color scheme, it has a large assortment of textures. It is produced only in modules on a rubber substrate, due to which it does not require a perfect evenness of the surface.
  • Wooden The mosaic is made from hardwood veneer. In most cases, a mixture of veneer from different breeds trees, less often resort to more interesting solutions, for example, cross sections of a tree trunk. Such original mosaic fits into the interior various styles: from loft to hi-tech. For greater effect, the structure of the surface is betrayed by laying the mosaic at a different slope relative to the surface.

Pattern options

To date, the imagination of designers has no limits in application. mosaic tiles. It is used almost everywhere: from the usual decor of rooms to exclusive furniture finishing.

The variation of mosaic panel patterns is also great and can copy folk, antique, classical, ethnic ornaments and motifs, paintings by famous artists, photographs, children's pictures, film stills, inscriptions, imitate textile carpets, animal skins and much more. This abundance is limited only by imagination and financial capabilities.

The mosaic panel easily depicts both simple and complex subjects, as well as floral, heraldic and even geometric ornaments. Mosaics for creating such a panel are in the form of regular convex polygons. There are several options.

  • Chaotic styling is a custom build small parts any colors and shapes. The result is a pockmarked or plain surface. Such installation does not require the use of a scheme.
  • Motif repetition method. A simple pattern (stripes, waves, geometric variations) with repeating elements is taken as a basis and laid out over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working surface. Suitable for self installation.
  • Graphic drawing. The simplest version of the painting, which uses few tile colors, mostly achromatic.

  • concentric pattern. A point is taken as a basis, around which a symmetrical composition is created with the same lines and elements repeating around the circumference.
  • Painting. The complex process of recreating an image using the pixel principle. It requires a finished sketch and minimal artistic skills, patience and endurance. The result will pay for the effort expended.
  • Local Insert Method. This is a lightweight option when a drawing is created by a single calculation of simple elements on a plain background, for example, a dolphin or a dragon.

Laying methods

There are two laying methods: direct and reverse.

With direct laying, the images are laid out directly on the surface and fixed in the plaster layer.

With the reverse laying method, the template is covered with a transparent self-adhesive film or paper base, on which the mosaic fragments are laid face down. After the panel has completely hardened, the paper is soaked with a damp sponge, and its residues are removed with a soft cloth moistened with ethyl alcohol or lacquer thinner.

How to assemble with your own hands?

For many centuries, mosaic panels have not lost their relevance when decorating various surfaces. Over time, mosaic laying has become more accessible and diverse, which helps to create a truly unique interior.

When professionally assembled with a mosaic of this size, a virtually indistinguishable version of a portrait, painting or carpet is obtained.

Under the manufacture of a mosaic, we mean the independent production of all its components from the base to the elements of the set. And laying involves the creation of a panel from a ready-made set of factory production. Such sets include everything you need from mosaic elements to a sketch of a future panel. This option is more in demand, because it does not require any artistic abilities.

The direct laying method consists in laying out the image face up. Laying out panels is best done on a horizontal surface for ease of use. Panel elements are glued to a fiberglass mesh, and then transferred to the planned place. The seams are rubbed after the finished panel is fixed on the surface.

This laying method is suitable only for flat surfaces, otherwise the image is deformed on bends.

For rooms with high humidity, for example, in a hammam, silicone-based adhesive should be used, in other cases, a regular tile mortar will do.

First of all, you need to make a drawing of the future product, a small master class will help with this.

To bring to life the conceived work of fantasy, you should decide on the drawing, then digitize it and use computer program develop a scheme for the future panel. After the sketch is received, it is necessary to choose what should be the size of the mosaic, and determine its color palette.

Mosaic laying has some tricks.

  1. To prepare the surface, use a bowl grinder and sandblast. The result should be a smooth and rough surface.
  2. This installation method is suitable only for a perfectly degreased surface.
  3. Complete absence based on any extraneous traces of rust, rubber, cement mortar or other origin.
  4. The grout should not contain sand in order to avoid damage to the mosaic elements. After hardening, traces of grout should be removed with a soft, damp cloth and polished with the same cloth, but dry and completely clean.

Reverse stacking is convenient for use on curved and curved surfaces.

For this laying, a pattern is used - a template, which is covered with a transparent self-adhesive film with the adhesive side up, and fragments of the mosaic are already laid out on it face down. The protective film is removed as the mosaic elements are laid out.

To complete the laying, the resulting panel is divided into small parts, each of which is transferred to the base in turn. The base is pre-coated with glue. Before transferring a part of the panel, it is better to number it so as not to confuse the sequence of its fragments. Fastening should be done with gentle pressure so that the adhesive completely covers the adhesion surface. Regarding the size of the parts into which the panel is cut, they must be small so that the mosaic does not crumble and is not damaged, does not change its position.

In the first version, after the panel has completely frozen, the self-adhesive film is removed. When using the second option, the paper is soaked with a damp sponge, and the remains of egg white are removed with a sponge of medium humidity.

This section presents photos of mosaic panels made by the artists of our workshop.

Mosaic art panels using the prank technique are complex mosaic compositions, split into small pieces from which a pattern is laid out, unlike matrix panels, where the picture is laid out from tiles of the same size. A rich color scheme allows you to create unique decorative mosaic panels, panels according to photographs, mosaic paintings, landscapes, mosaic portraits, glass and marble mosaic panels in the bathroom, kitchen, mosaic panels in the hammam, mosaic ornaments, decors, flower panels, complex figure compositions and turn your interior into a work of art. Thanks to the artistic technique we can create mosaic panels, paintings for you small size, while keeping the contours of the picture clear and such a picture will be beautiful and understandable even from a short distance, unlike matrix panels, which must be viewed from a distance.

Each mosaic panel in the artistic technique of execution is made individually. The artist selects the tile according to the color and tone of the corresponding pattern and splits this tile into small pieces, from which the pattern is laid out. Such panels are unique, because. it is almost impossible to repeat a panel of chipped mosaic exactly in shape and color! For our work, we use only high-quality glass and marble mosaics from factories such as: ALMA, ROSE, JnJ, ART&NATURA, ARCHITEZA, SICIS, TREND, BISAZZA, SOLO MOSAICO, LACE. Pictures and panels made of artistic mosaics made by our artists will decorate any interior!

In order to order a mosaic panel from us, you need to send to email a picture that you would like to see in a mosaic with the approximate dimensions of the future panel so that we can evaluate the complexity of the work, the possibility of performing a mosaic panel in different techniques (matrix technique, or artistic, or combined), or describe all your wishes by calling. If there is no sketch yet, our experts will help you choose a drawing for you, make a sketch on which a mosaic panel will be made, select the necessary color scheme, material that meets your wishes and interior. For each of us individual approach. We will also be glad to see you in our workshop (it is advisable to call in advance by the phone number indicated on the site).

Glass mosaic panel "The Birth of Adam" fragment

Artistic panel "Peony" on the wall in the bathroom

Orchids mosaic panel

mosaic lace pattern for bathroom

Mosaic panel in the bathroom "Butterflies"

Fragment of a panel for a hammam

bathroom panel fragment

mosaic panel

Mosaic panel "Orchids"

Artistic panel of gold and platinum mosaic

Gold mosaic frame for bathroom mirror

Mosaic panel "Ornamental" in the bathroom of a private house

Golden Mosaic Mirror Frame

Individual mosaic panel for the pool "Lionfish"

glass mosaic panel by S. Botticelli "The Birth of Venus" fragment of "Grace"

Panel of marble mosaic on the apron in the kitchen

Panel in the hammam

Artistic panel for hammam

Ornamental panel in the hammam

Decorative panel made of glass mosaic in the pool area

picture from a mosaic based on the work of V.D. Polenov "Parthenon"

"Savior Not Made by Hands" icon 89x91cm

Naval battle

Panel from the mosaic "The Birth of Adam" fragment of the painting of the Sistine Chapel

landscape "Grisaille"

Mosaic panel "Poppy"

Individual art panel from the mosaic "Orchids"

Artistic mosaic panel for hammam "Underwater world"

Michelangelo, fragment of the painting in the Sistine Chapel

mosaic portrait of a woman

decorative panel to the children's bathroom

panel for the pool "Fish"

Based on the painting by G. Klimt

based on the painting by Caspar-David Friedrich

Ornamental composition in the hammam of a private house

floral ornament on the floor in front of the pool, blue mix in the pool with an ornamental rose in the center

carpet floral ornament

panel according to an individual sketch 1

panel according to an individual sketch 2

Needlework- a great way to usefully spend time, calm your nerves and ennoble your home. For example, direct your energy to create a mosaic.

Mosaic- this is the art of the decorative direction, which consists in arranging, laying out and fixing the product on a smooth, clean surface. Mosaics have been known to people since ancient times. Once upon a time, palaces and temples were decorated with it - for example, the world-famous mosaics of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople were made using this technique. Traditional mosaic materials are used - natural stone, smalt, ceramics and metal.

With the advent of new materials, mosaic has become available even for ordinary needlework at home. It can be made from anything, including from improvised materials. Such products are always look very expensive and elegant. Your work will be appreciated by family and friends. In addition, it is a very exciting process - to create with your own hands! Stock up on patience and endurance, and you will definitely succeed real masterpieces!

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made mosaic in specialized stores - its assembly will be available even for beginner craftswomen, but the one that you create with your own hands will unique And unique. A do-it-yourself mosaic panel will always fit into the interior of your house or apartment. You can decorate walls, floors, walkways near the house, create a frame for a picture or highlight an element of the interior. Mosaic also found its place in beading - one of the techniques is called mosaic weaving with beads.

The process of making a mosaic with your own hands is quite an exciting experience.

  1. The most banal way of making ceramic mosaic. Break the finished tile with a hammer, wrapping it first in a cloth. You can buy a tile fight or marriage at any hardware store for mere pennies or even for free. That's all, our basis for creating a mosaic is ready. Mosaics made of broken dishes and ceramics are very well combined with each other, creating an amazing composition.
  2. Manufacturing mosaic canvas of gypsum or alabaster. This is a rather long and painstaking process, but the result is worth it. You can choose any color and make required amount parts of the mosaic. To prepare the mixture, you need to combine gypsum, glue and water. Pour onto a rubber mat with cells. Spread with a spatula around the entire perimeter. Wait 24 hours for the mixture to harden and be ready to work.
  3. mosaic canvas from eggshell . Most suitable for decoupage technique and creating jars, for cereals, for example. You need to clean the egg shell from the inner film and chop it into arbitrary pieces. Products decorated in this way look very unusual. From an eggshell, you can make a truly unusual mosaic with your own hands.
  4. Mirror mosaic. It can be made from a broken mirror or mirror tiles. You need to split it very carefully so as not to damage the back layer. Making a mosaic panel requires great care, especially when working with glass.

    Mosaic canvas made of wood. With the help of such a mosaic, you can create an unusual finish for any room. You can make it from shavings (this a budget option) or solid hardwood. Instead of a tree, you can use coconut shell. It has an interesting texture and relief, similar to wood.

Gallery: mosaic panel (25 photos)

Familiar to us since the times of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Attention! The surface for the panel should be perfectly clean and as smooth as possible.

Mosaic panels can decorate the interior of any room, walls, building facade, playground, pool.

  • Roman;
  • ceramic;
  • Venetian;
  • Moroccan.

On the Internet, you can find many layout techniques and mosaic patterns. The most popular is matrix mosaic. In this technique, the drawing is divided into separate segments, and the shades are divided into cubes. This implementation allows you to most accurately convey complex artistic ideas. To create a matrix mosaic panel, parts in the form of regular volumetric polygons are used.
