Chinese Checkers are very different from standard Russian and international checkers, but this does not make them less interesting. Many people, when they see the game board of these checkers, think that they have complex rules of the game, but this is not at all the case, they are easy to learn and fun to play with friends. In this online game, you will first be asked to choose one of six colors for the checkers you will play. Then you need to choose the number of opponents, a maximum of 5 opponents can be placed, will no longer fit on the chessboard.

What is Chinese checkers?
This is a board on which there are cells or pits, together they form a playing field that looks like a star of David with six corners. In these corners, each player places his 10 checkers, but it is more correct to call them "pegs". To win in Chinese checkers, you must be the first to move your pegs to the opposite corner of the board.

Chinese Checkers Rules

  • You can play Chinese checkers in 2, 3, 4 and 6 players;
  • Each player has 10 peg "checkers";
  • Pegs can go in all directions;
  • Pegs go 1 square or jump over their own and enemy pegs;
  • The first person to move all their pegs to the opposite corner wins;

In order to play these checkers, we first need to look at them and read the rules. Let's say right away - there is nothing in common between Russian and Chinese checkers. Checkers are not two colors, but six. The board is not square with 64 squares, but round. The only similarity is that the light ones go first.

This game- desktop. It can be played by 2 to 6 people at the same time. the main objective– move your chips to the opposite field of the star. 10 minutes is not enough to play Chinese checkers. Play it for quite a long time, that is, you will not have time to get bored in the company of like-minded people.

The composition includes 6 game sets of chips, which are different in color. It also includes a field - a board for the game. Before you play Chinese checkers you choose the color of the chips and the star beam. After you have made your choice, you begin to exhibit. The brightest checkers begin to move. Bright ones are yellow or white, depending on what colors you have. There is no specific palette of checkers in this game.

The move in the game is sequential and the turnover goes clockwise. Only one piece moves in any direction to enemy territory per turn and vice versa. Unlike Russian checkers, you can make moves in different directions in them. Well, at the end of the paragraph: how to play Chinese checkers, we will describe how to determine the winners.

The winner is determined by the result: who first moved to the opposite territory. In the same way, second and third place. If you have a desire to try to play, but there is no way for one reason or another, do not despair. At the moment there are online versions of the game on many flash game sites. In this version, you will be able to get online training - how to collect Chinese checkers and play your first game.

Nowadays, the Internet gives us many opportunities. And since the online version and rules of the game are no different from the real ones, why not take advantage of a kind of brain charging. You can also play online with real person, which will be automatically connected to you.

It is much easier to find an opponent online than among the people around you. And the reason is simple: that person wanted to play just like you, but did not find an opponent among his friends. Having entered the Internet game, you do not even know the name of the opponent, not to mention his own.

This game perfectly develops far-sighted thinking, logical thinking, the ability to predict the actions of future opponents, etc. Very useful fun for middle school kids. It is also no less useful for adults to play. For many fans of mental and not easy games, this a good option pastime.

Let's look into the depths of the history of the appearance of the game - Chinese checkers. On an autumn evening in 383, when a messenger arrived in the Jin capital with a dispatch for the first adviser, Xie An, he was playing drafts with the guest. After reading the report, he put it aside and continued to think about the combination. "What's in the letter?" his partner asked. “Yes, it turns out that my boys defeated the bandits,” Xie An answered absently, not looking up from the board. So it became known in Jiankang that the decisive battle between the North and the South, which took place on the banks of the Feishui River, ended in the complete defeat of the hitherto invincible Fu Jian.

  • “The square board represents the laws of the Earth.
  • The lines are straight, like divine forces.
  • Black and white stones are separated like Yin and Yang.
  • Their arrangement on the board is like a model of the heavens.
  • Chinese historian Bang Gu (32-92 AD). "The Essence of Go"

Unlike Shupu, playing checkers (also called weiqi) has always been considered an aristocratic pastime. . “The ability to play checkers is a small art, but it can be mastered only by concentrating thoughts and purposeful will,” the philosopher Mencius once said. “Let's take Qiu, who is known throughout the country for his art of playing checkers.

Playing checkers required the ability to analyze and memorize combinations , "purposive will", which in principle distinguished it from all other games, where success or failure was determined by blind chance. It is quite natural that the ancient Chinese compared the ability to play checkers with the art of governing the state, and the decision-making ruler - with a player preparing to make an important move. Ma Yun, the author of "Ode to Siege Checkers" (2nd century AD), argued that a checkers player is akin to a commander commanding troops on the battlefield.

The fact that the checkerboard was likened to a map, according to which the commander carries out his battle plan, was also reflected in the fact that individual parts of the board were designated by the names of the countries of the world . At the decisive moment of the game, in which Xie Hong-wei was about to play a spectacular combination, one of those present suggested to his partner: strong wind lest the boat capsize. He took the hint and saved the situation in time. Xie Hong-wei, outraged by the prompt, threw the board to the floor and refused to continue playing.

In the V-VI centuries. on South In China, there was a qualification system, according to which all famous checkers masters were assigned ranks. At the end of the 5th century Wang Kang had the first category, Xu Si-chuang and Xia Chi-song had the second. At the beginning of the VI century. Liang Wu ordered Liu Hui to develop a new table of checkers ranks, which included 278 names.

Myths and legends about Chinese drafts

Ancient Chinese myths claim that Weichi 围棋 (Guo 碁) was played by the Yellow Emperor and the legendary Emperor Yao (It is he who is credited with the creation of the famous "Book of Changes").

Chinese checkers rules

Chinese checkers appeared a long time ago and their rules are very different from the standard ones. Therefore, if you plan to play Chinese checkers online, then follow the following rules:

  1. Choose how many people will play - from 2 to 6
  2. Choose the color of your figures
  3. Move with your pieces - stepping over your pieces and opponent's pieces
  4. Win conditions: you must place all your pieces in the opposite triangle

What is Chinese checkers?

Chinese checkers resemble the usual table match with some peculiarities. The second name of entertainment - halm was invented by one American businessman Bill Presmany with his brother Jack (1928).

Checker in the Chinese version of the competition is called "peg". The online opponent (maximum 6) receives 10 pegs of a certain color. The playing field is a six-pointed star, divided into nine-cell sectors of the corresponding colors.

How to play Chinese Checkers online?

The goal of the online competition is to place the pegs on the game board in the opposite triangle (opponent's field). The Chinese method of playing can be divided into steps:

  1. Choosing a place (the game of two opponents involves the occupation of opposite departments).
  2. Arrangement of online pieces of your color in your own sector.
  3. Draw online, first move. At the same time, the checker moves to the next space. The game allows you to move forward, backward, left, right, across, jump over occupied cells to the nearest cell.
  4. Position on the field online. The pieces are not removed from the board, as soon as they managed to get to the free triangle, they lose the right to move further until the end of the game.
  5. The first player to occupy the opposite triangle wins.

The online version allows you to select the number of opponents. If you want to play together, five, six - it will be interesting. To move, click on the desired checker, with the second click show the transition point. Stopping near the selected position is done by double-clicking the mouse.

Only logic will help win. Check how patient and consistent you are.
