Chinese checkers rules

Chinese checkers appeared a long time ago and their rules are very different from the standard ones. Therefore, if you plan to play Chinese checkers online, then follow the following rules:

  1. Choose how many people will play - from 2 to 6
  2. Choose the color of your figures
  3. Move with your pieces - stepping over your pieces and opponent's pieces
  4. Win conditions: you must place all your pieces in the opposite triangle

What is Chinese checkers?

Chinese checkers resemble the usual table match with some peculiarities. The second name of entertainment - halm was invented by one American businessman Bill Presmany with his brother Jack (1928).

Checker in the Chinese version of the competition is called "peg". The online opponent (maximum 6) receives 10 pegs of a certain color. The playing field is a six-pointed star, divided into nine-cell sectors of the corresponding colors.

How to play Chinese Checkers online?

The goal of the online competition is to place the pegs on the game board in the opposite triangle (opponent's field). The Chinese method of playing can be divided into steps:

  1. Choosing a place (the game of two opponents involves the occupation of opposite departments).
  2. Arrangement of online pieces of your color in your own sector.
  3. Draw online, first move. At the same time, the checker moves to the next space. The game allows you to move forward, backward, left, right, across, jump over occupied cells to the nearest cell.
  4. Position on the field online. The pieces are not removed from the board, as soon as they managed to get to the free triangle, they lose the right to move further until the end of the game.
  5. The first player to occupy the opposite triangle wins.

The online version allows you to select the number of opponents. If you want to play together, five, six - it will be interesting. To move, click on the desired checker, with the second click show the transition point. Stopping near the selected position is done by double-clicking the mouse.

Only logic will help win. Check how patient and consistent you are.

Here you can play free online game - Chinese Checkers, original name - Chinese Checkers. This game has been played 20984 times and is rated 3.6 out of 5 by 32 people voted.

  • Platform: Web browser (PC only)
  • Technology: FLASH. Requires Flash Player to work
  • Ability to play in full screen

How to play?

There can be from one player when you play against the computer, up to six. Choose the color of the balls. The goal is to capture the "house" - the corner where the opponent's balls were located. The moves are in order. For one, you can move the chip to the nearest free cell. It is possible to make short jumps through occupied cells, also through one, but for as many free cells as there will be. It is impossible to combine such jumps with moving one step. You can only turn clockwise. In many ways, the chance of winning depends on a good start. In total, there are 14 options to open a batch, and two practical ones. Choose how many opponents are ready to fight and make the first move!

Chinese drafts are very different from standard Russian and international drafts, but this does not make them less interesting. Many people, when they see the game board of these checkers, think that they have complex rules of the game, but this is not at all the case, they are easy to learn and fun to play with friends. In this online game, you will first be asked to choose one of six colors for the checkers you will play. Then you need to choose the number of opponents, a maximum of 5 opponents can be placed, will no longer fit on the chessboard.

What is Chinese checkers?
This is a board on which there are cells or pits, together they form a playing field that looks like a star of David with six corners. In these corners, each player places his 10 checkers, but it is more correct to call them "pegs". To win in Chinese checkers, you must be the first to move your pegs to the opposite corner of the board.

Chinese Checkers Rules

  • You can play Chinese checkers in 2, 3, 4 and 6 players;
  • Each player has 10 peg "checkers";
  • Pegs can go in all directions;
  • Pegs go 1 square or jump over their own and enemy pegs;
  • The first person to move all their pegs to the opposite corner wins;

Surprise for those wishing to play Chinese Checkers online - an improved analogue of the game is available, with the ability to select up to 5 opponents! This is a modern logic puzzle for finding a strategy, developing thinking skills and mindfulness. At the same time, the rules are simple and understandable even for children!

Contrary to the name of the online game, Chinese Checkers has nothing to do with China or Asia. It's not ancient at all. board game like chess or backgammon, but how to play Chinese checkers has been known to mankind for more than 100 years!

In fact, the game was invented in Germany in 1893 and was distributed under many names: Stern-Halma, Star Halma, Hop Ching Shaper, Tiao-chi. The name known today as Chinese checkers "Chinese Checkers" was appropriated by Pressman in 1928 as a marketing ploy and proved to be the most successful.

Rules of the game Chinese Checkers

According to the rules of Chinese checkers, the main goal is to be the first to occupy the opponent's "house", for this you need to transfer your balls (checkers) to the opposite corner using one-step movements or jumping over neighboring cells.

In the game, you can move to an adjacent cell, jump over an occupied one two or more times, while there is empty place. The player cannot combine jumps with a one-step move - a step consists of one or the other. Rotation is only possible in a clockwise direction.

It is very important to start right, there are 14 possible moves, but an experienced corner player only uses two:

  • the move of the "cross-caterpillar" is the most common - the extreme checkers of the front row move towards the center (inward);
  • "opening" - the outer checkers move outward.

How to play online version

First, set the number of opponents. In the online version, you are opposed by computer bots, from 1 to 5, to choose from. Use the mouse. To move the ball, click on it, then on the place you want to go. The ball can jump sequentially through the cell, so it is strategically important to place the "checkers" conveniently. On the one hand, you need to block the moves of the enemy, on the other hand, move in the opposite direction as soon as possible.

In Russia there is a similar checkers game "corners", its name is associated with the task of transporting checkers to the opposite corner. And the rules are exactly the same, the only difference is in the shape of the playing field and the number of players playing at the same time. In the original, the board of Chinese drafts is hexagonal, in the form of a hexagram, so up to six players can play at the same time, and only 2 opponents can play in the corners, on a regular checkerboard.

Chinese checkers is a popular board game from the logic series. It can also be found under the names "Corners", "Halma", "Jumps". She appeared in her modern form back in the second half of the 19th century and is a simplified modification of the Khalma game. Chinese checkers were patented by the American company J. Pressman and K" in 1880 as "Hop Chin Checkers" - (translated as "Chinese Jumping Checkers").

Therefore, in fact, there is absolutely no “Chinese” here and there are no actual “checkers”. But that doesn't make the game worse. She has simple rules understandable even to a five-year-old child. But behind such apparent simplicity, as usual, lies a fascinating variability and variety of logical constructions.

Chinese checkers are easily recognizable by their characteristic playing field in the form of a six-pointed star with many holes, in the corners of which there are multi-colored pegs. There are also varieties of the playing field in the form of a square, but this is closer to the game "Hulma".

So, Chinese checkers - rules

In addition to the six-pointed star field, the set most often includes 60 checkers of six different colors, which are equally distributed among the players. Accordingly, there can be two, three or six players. If there are six players, then each will get one set of checkers, two players - three sets, and three participants - two.

Preparation: each person chooses checkers of a certain color for himself and places them in one ray of a star - the playing field. It will turn out like this: one ray - one color.

Target: it is necessary to transfer all your checkers to the opposite ray of the star (house) as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins. The Chinese checkers game ends when all participants have successfully moved their peg pieces.

Game progress: first you need to play the right of the first move, which then passes to the next player in a clockwise direction. Only one checker is allowed to be moved in one move.

At first, there are not so many options for moves, but by the middle of the game, when everyone has already brought their checkers to the middle of the playing field, the fun begins.

Move algorithm:

  1. One move is the movement of one checker.
  2. You can move them in any direction.
  3. It is allowed to jump over one checker (one's own or someone else's) if there is a free cell immediately behind it.
  4. In one move, you can sequentially jump over any number of checkers, if rule 3 is observed.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple, but there will be a lot of reasons for reflection and combination options during the game.

Interesting variations:

Depending on the number of participants, Chinese checkers may slightly change the rules.

For example, if there are 2 or 3 participants playing, then you can reduce the number of checkers to one or two sets each. Beginners can take just one color to play.

And when advanced experienced participants gathered, the rules can be complicated. For example, to allow moving only by "jumping", that is, making a move only by jumping over one's own or someone else's chip. And if there is no opportunity for a jump, then the player skips a turn.

Chinese checkers somehow imperceptibly became one of my favorite games, and now the children are already involved. After all, it's so great to break away from the computer, get out of the virtual world and get a portion of live direct communication, practice logic and just relax from the daily hustle and bustle.

This game also helps out at various parties, when you need to entertain guests with something. It's funny to watch how adult uncles and aunts gather in a tight circle, start recklessly rearranging chips and arguing how best to make a move.

A game of Chinese checkers is always dynamic and fun. So, if you meet this game - do not hesitate, get it safely! A pleasant pastime for the benefit of the heart and mind is simply guaranteed to you!
