Carries out chlorination of highways and networks with bleach, liquid or gaseous chlorine in urban conditions, discharge of chlorine water after chlorination. 2.19. Performs emergency repairs or filling gland expansion joints on pipelines under pressure without turning off the network. 2.20. It closes and opens large valves on highways and water conduits with an automatic drive, a pneumatic drive and an electric drive. III. Rights. The locksmith of emergency recovery works has the right: 3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities. 3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration. 3.3. Receive information and documents from the heads of structural divisions, specialists on issues within his competence. 3.4.

Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas industry


Before and after the end of work, as well as during the execution of repair work, it is necessary to analyze air samples taken from the work sites, GDS and hydraulic fracturing rooms for the presence of gas. 2.4. Prepare the workplace, remove unnecessary items and materials, free the aisles. 2.5. Before starting, a locksmith needs to check: the presence and serviceability of a gas mask; the presence of natural ventilation in the premises of the gas distribution station and hydraulic fracturing with at least three-fold air exchange, easily accessible for inspection and performance of work on equipment repair; the presence of blowdown and discharge pipelines in the GDS and hydraulic fracturing rooms, which must be brought out to places that provide safe conditions for gas dispersion, but not less than 1 m above the eaves of the building.

403 forbidden

Determination of the nature of damage on networks and highways. 2.19. Shutdown of individual sections of pipelines, emptying and filling them with the installation of air intake and exhaust air. 2.20. Flushing of pipelines. 2.21. Adjustment of gate valves on networks and pipelines.

2.22. Taking pressure readings on a manometer. 2.23. Tapping under pressure in pipelines. 2.24. Hydraulic cleaning of the sewer network and collectors at a depth of 12 m. 2.25. Elimination of blockages by flexible shaft, water jet washout and hydraulic back pressure method using mobile auto pumps.
2.26. Preparation of a cable and a winch with a lifting capacity of up to 2 tons, metal balls and wooden and metal cylinders of a given specific weight. 2.27. Repair of the sewerage network under the guidance of a more qualified locksmith. 2.28.

Gas workers portal

In the process of performing work, an employee may be affected by hazardous and harmful production factors, including: gas contamination of the working area; insufficient illumination of the working area; increased or decreased air temperature of the working area or surface of equipment, tools; fire; explosion; falling objects. Sources of factors: faulty gas equipment or improper operation; faulty or improperly used tool, fixture, tooling, equipment; falling of an object, collapse of the ground; sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of equipment and tools; electricity; moving machines and mechanisms; gas leak.
Engage specialists from all structural divisions of the enterprise to solve the responsibilities assigned to it (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head of the enterprise). 3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. IV. A responsibility. The repairman is responsible for: 4.1.
For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3.

Job description for emergency repair locksmith

Removal of blockages in the sewer network and collectors using various rods with ball and ruff anchors. 2.37. Repair of the existing sewerage network using dewatering equipment and mobile cranes. 2.38. Bonding and assembly of plastic pipes. 2.39. Performing work related to the acceptance and delivery of the shift, timely preparation for work of your workplace, equipment, tools, fixtures and their maintenance in proper order.

Maintaining the established technical documentation. 2.41. [Other job responsibilities]. 3. Rights Locksmith of emergency recovery work of the 5th category has the right: 3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment. 3.3.

A quick guide for a gas service locksmith (A.P. Kashkarov, 2015)

Persons who are at least 18 years old are admitted to the ATS, who have passed: training in labor protection and safe methods and techniques for performing work, first aid in case of accidents at work, introductory and initial instruction on labor protection at the workplace, internship at the workplace and knowledge testing labor protection requirements, safe methods and techniques for performing work; preliminary and periodic medical examinations. 1.3. The employee must comply with the labor protection requirements when moving around the territory and production premises of the organization, when performing work in traffic conditions and when using portable ladders, ladders, set forth in this Manual and in the instructions of: manufacturers for the operation of the used scaffolds, lifting mechanisms and other equipment; fire safety; to provide first aid in case of an accident. 1.4.

Job description of emergency recovery locksmith in the gas industry

Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas sector of the 6th category Description of work. Performing emergency repair work on existing high-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 mm and on non-metallic gas pipelines. Marking, manufacturing and installation of especially complex large fittings and individual parts of the gas pipeline directly on the route.
Disconnection, adjustment and activation of cathode, tread and drainage electrical protection installations, automation and telemechanical devices on existing gas pipelines and gas-consuming equipment. Work on electrical protection of gas equipment. Production of emergency recovery works at gas-holder stations.
Determination of the state of the gas pipeline and its isolation with diagnostic devices. Management of work on liquidation of the accident, adjustment and start-up of equipment, automation and telemechanics.

Added to the site:

Labor protection instructions for a locksmith performing emergency recovery work in the gas industry

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. In the process of performing work, a locksmith performing emergency recovery work (AVR; hereinafter referred to as a locksmith) must comply with the requirements of this, labor protection instructions for workers of the relevant professions and types of work, as well as the requirements of the instructions of manufacturers for the operation of the ones used by them in the process of work gas cylinders, protective equipment, equipment, tools. The admission of unauthorized persons, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages at the workplace and the territory of the organization is prohibited.

1.2. Persons who are at least 18 years old are admitted to the ATS, who have passed: training in labor protection and safe methods and techniques for performing work, first aid in case of accidents at work, introductory and initial instruction on labor protection at the workplace, internship at the workplace and knowledge testing labor protection requirements, safe methods and techniques for performing work; preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

1.3. The employee must comply with labor protection requirements when moving around the territory and production premises of the organization, when performing work in traffic conditions and when using portable ladders, ladders, set out in this Instruction and in the instructions:

manufacturing plants for the operation of the used scaffolds, lifting mechanisms and other equipment;

fire safety;

to provide first aid in case of an accident.

1.4. After passing the initial instruction at the workplace and testing knowledge, an employee should perform work under the supervision of a foreman or a foreman for 3-14 shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of work), after which his admission to independent work is issued. Admission to an internship and independent work is formalized by an order for the organization.

1.5. While being on the territory of the organization, in production and household premises, at work sites and workplaces, employees must observe the work and rest regime, the rules of the internal labor schedule approved by the management of the organization.

1.6. In the process of performing work, an employee may be affected by hazardous and harmful production factors, including: gas contamination of the working area; insufficient illumination of the working area; increased or decreased air temperature of the working area or surface of equipment, tools; fire; explosion; falling objects.

Sources of factors:

faulty gas equipment or improper operation;

faulty or improperly used tool, fixture, tooling, equipment;

falling object, ground collapse;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of equipment and tools;


moving machines and mechanisms;

gas leak.

Factors action:

contact with liquefied gas on open areas of the body causes frostbite;

the presence of gas in the air reduces the oxygen content in it, which leads to fainting;

the use of faulty tools, devices, as well as non-observance of labor protection requirements when performing work can lead to injury to the employee;

violation of the Fire Safety Rules can lead to fires and explosions.

1.7. In accordance with the Standard Industry Norms for the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, the locksmith is issued:

cotton suit - 1 pc. for 12 months;

rubber boots - 1 pair for 12 months;

combined mittens - 1 pair for 2 months;

gas mask - until worn out;

safety belt - duty.

For outdoor work in winter, in addition:

jacket with insulating lining - according to climatic zones;

trousers with insulating lining - according to climatic zones;

felt boots - in climatic zones;

galoshes for felt boots - 1 pair for 24 months.

1.8. The locksmith needs to know the structure and principles of operation of the equipment installed on the gas pipeline, in gas distribution stations (GDS), gas distribution points (GRP) and at other facilities.

1.9. In case of detection of faulty equipment, fixtures, rigging, tools, other violations of labor protection requirements that cannot be eliminated on their own, and a threat to health, personal or collective safety, the employee must stop working and inform the management of the organization. Do not start work until the identified violations are eliminated.

1.10. A locksmith's working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. The duration of daily work (shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations or the shift schedule approved by the organization's management.

1.11. In case of violation of labor protection requirements by another employee, the locksmith should warn him about the need to comply with them.

1.12. A locksmith should not start performing one-time work that is not related to his direct responsibilities in his specialty, without receiving targeted instruction.

1.13. ATS must be performed by a team of locksmiths under the guidance of a specialist consisting of at least three people.

1.14. The locksmith needs to know the measures to prevent accidents and troubleshoot problems.

1.15. For maintenance and repair of high-lying equipment, gas pipelines, instrumentation, it is necessary to use special ladders and platforms. Ladders must be installed at an angle of no more than 50 degrees to the vertical.

1.16. If an accident occurs, witnessed by an employee, he should stop working, immediately take or take the victim out of the danger zone, provide the victim with first aid, call a doctor, help arrange delivery to the nearest medical facility and report the incident to the management of the organization. When investigating the circumstances and causes of the accident, the employee must inform the commission of information known to him about the accident.

1.17. If an accident happened to the locksmith himself, he should stop working, if possible, contact a medical facility, report the incident to the management of the organization, or ask someone around to do it.

1.18. The employee must follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash hands with soap and water before eating.

1.19. An employee guilty of violating labor protection instructions is liable in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. The employee needs to familiarize himself with the technological process of the upcoming work, receive instructions in the prescribed manner, sign the work permit to perform gas hazardous work.

2.2. Put on and carefully fill in overalls, prepare other personal protective equipment for use.

2.3. Before and after the end of work, as well as during the execution of repair work, it is necessary to analyze air samples taken from the work sites, gas distribution station and hydraulic fracturing premises for the presence of gas.

2.4. Prepare the workplace, remove unnecessary items and materials, free the aisles.

2.5. Before starting, the locksmith needs to check:

the presence and serviceability of a gas mask;

the presence of natural ventilation in the premises of the gas distribution station and hydraulic fracturing with at least three-fold air exchange, easily accessible for inspection and performance of work on equipment repair;

the presence of blowdown and discharge pipelines in the GDS and hydraulic fracturing rooms, which must be brought out to places that provide safe conditions for gas dispersion, but not less than 1 m above the eaves of the building. Blowdown and discharge pipelines should have a minimum number of turns; devices must be installed at the ends of the pipelines to prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering the pipelines;

the presence of gas at the workplace, determined using a gas analyzer, in accordance with the plan for localizing accidents in the gas sector; gas leaks in threaded connections should be determined using a soap solution;

serviceability and stability of step ladders, ladders, if there is a need for their use;

availability of telephone communication. The telephone should be installed outdoors or outside a building in a lockable cabinet. It is allowed to install a telephone set in explosion-proof design directly in the GDS and GRP premises;

the condition of explosion-proof electrical lighting equipment;

availability and serviceability of the tool necessary to perform the work. It is forbidden to use tools, fixtures, equipment, handling of which the locksmith is not trained;

availability of free access and passage to fire-fighting equipment, fire extinguishers, hydrants.

2.6. It is forbidden to admit unauthorized persons to the places of the ATS, including the premises of the hydraulic fracturing and gas distribution station, as well as to be there with an open fire and smoke.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Systematically ventilate the premises when using materials containing harmful substances in the production of gas and electric welding. In case of insufficient provision of the efficiency of ventilation of the air in the working area, appropriate personal respiratory protection equipment should be used.

3.2. Perform work in confined or hard-to-reach spaces (rooms), provided that the workplace is equipped with exhaust ventilation, there are at least two openings (hatches) for ventilation and evacuation of people.

3.3. Provide the placement of materials, tools, devices, technological equipment within the working area, which does not constrain the passage to the workplace.

3.4. The locksmith is prohibited from:

use faulty tools, devices, equipment;

store materials, equipment or appliances supported by walls or other vertical structures;

be in a gas-filled room.

3.5. If a gas leak is detected in the room, the locksmith must:

take measures to prevent accidents;

organize the security of the entrances to the polluted premises;

prohibit smoking, turning on and off electrical appliances, as well as the use of other sources of fire;

if gas contamination is detected in wells, basements, immediately inform the immediate supervisor or the foreman on duty and take measures to prevent an accident.

3.6. To detect a gas leak on an underground gas pipeline, it is necessary to conduct a drilling inspection at the corresponding section of the gas pipeline. The highest gas concentration in one of the drilled wells indicates the likely location of the pipeline damage. To eliminate the damage, excavate the pit.

3.7. During work, a locksmith must use serviceable overalls, safety shoes, other personal protective equipment, be careful, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations.

3.8. Perform work at a height, in wells, closed containers and rooms using a safety belt attached to a rope, the other end of which is attached to reliable structures or held in the hands of a belaying worker.

3.9. When performing ATS in a well, trench, pit, the locksmith should be in shoes without steel horseshoes and nails, which can cause sparking. If it is impossible to fulfill the specified requirements for shoes, it is necessary to wear galoshes or cover the place where work will be performed with a dielectric mat.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a sudden power outage, the occurrence of extraneous noise during ATS, stop their implementation, stop the operation of the equipment, post a poster "Do not turn on!" and report it to your immediate supervisor.

4.2. Do not start work until faults are completely eliminated.

4.3. If a fire, ignition is detected, as well as in case of gas contamination of residential and industrial premises, boiler houses, public utilities and other consumers, immediately turn off the gas supply. Disconnect gas appliances with combustion products exhaust into chimneys in the absence of draft. If it is impossible to eliminate the fire on your own, stop working, immediately report the fire to the fire department, the immediate supervisor or the foreman on duty, and start extinguishing the fire with the available fire extinguishing means.

4.4. In case of ignition of liquefied gas in a group or individual installation, stop work, take measures to extinguish the fire and prevent an accident, while calling the fire brigade. Before the arrival of the fire brigade, the flame should be knocked down with foam of a fire extinguisher, a strong jet of water from a hose, throwing a felt mat, dusting with sand and other fire extinguishing means. Urgently report the accident to the immediate supervisor, the foreman on duty or the management of the organization.

4.5. In the event of a fire inside the building, stop the gas supply to the building by closing the valve at the input, call the fire brigade and provide assistance in rescuing people and property.

4.6. When electric motors, electric cables are lit, it is not allowed to extinguish the flame with water if this equipment is energized. To extinguish the fire, disconnect the damaged electrical installation and use fire extinguishers to extinguish it.

4.7. If an accident occurs, witnessed by a locksmith, he should stop working, immediately remove or take the victim out of the danger zone, provide the victim with first aid, call a doctor, help organize the delivery of the victim to the nearest medical facility and report the incident to the management of the organization.

4.8. If an accident happened to the locksmith himself, he should stop working, if possible, contact a medical facility, report the incident to the management of the organization, or ask someone around to do it.

4.9. Each worker must be able to provide first aid to the victim.

In case of bruises, ensure complete rest, put cold on the bruised place; if the abdomen is bruised, do not give the victim to drink.

In case of bleeding, raise the limb, apply a pressure bandage, tourniquet; in summer, the tourniquet is left for 1.5 hours, in winter - for 1 hour.

In case of a fracture, a splint should be applied.

In case of thermal and electrical burns, close the burned area with a sterile bandage; in order to avoid infection, do not touch the burned areas of the skin with your hands and lubricate them with ointments, fats, etc.

If acid or alkali gets on open areas of the body, wash them immediately with a neutralizing solution, and then with cold water and soap; in case of contact with alkali - boric acid solution.

If acid or alkali gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with a neutralizing solution and consult a health center or doctor.

In case of all poisoning, immediately remove or remove the victim from the poisoned area, unfasten clothes that hinder breathing, provide fresh air, lay him down, raise his legs, cover with a warm blanket, let the ammonia sniff out, and immediately transport the victim to a hospital.

In case of electric shock, release the victim from the action of the current, if necessary, perform artificial respiration and (or) closed heart massage.

It is allowed to transport the victim only with satisfactory breathing and a steady pulse.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Tidy up the workplace, tools, equipment, fixtures, overalls and other personal protective equipment.

5.2. When returning to the organization after performing the ATS, devices, tools, materials, fixtures, equipment and protective equipment should be removed to the places intended for their storage.

5.3. Wash hands and face thoroughly or shower.

5.4. To inform the management of the organization about all violations and shortcomings discovered during work, as well as cases of injury to workers at work.

Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas industry https: //site/upload/iblock/b91/b9174ac256ab6352c41b07fe617f356d.jpg

LLC "RostBusinessConsult" invites specialists to undergo training as a fitter for emergency recovery work in the gas industry. Students have a flexible schedule, so they can study and work at the same time.

The specifics of the profession

According to ETKS, the profession of a locksmith belongs to the category of specialties in the field of gas economy in settlements. The worker's duties include:

    localization of gas leaks;

    removal of gas condensate;

    starting gas and connecting the house to the network;

    repair of household gas equipment;

    valve lubrication, checking gas pipelines for tightness;

    determination of the location of the underground gas pipeline using equipment;

    performance of emergency recovery works on gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure.

Gas pipeline localization and repair specialists work in utilities and municipal emergency services. The salary of such a specialist ranges from 29 to 47 thousand rubles, depending on the category and region of employment.

Issued documents

Graduates receive the minutes of the meeting of the qualification commission, as well as a certificate or certificate of mastering the specialty of a locksmith in emergency recovery work.

The documents are valid indefinitely, but the worker needs to take courses for the next test of knowledge at least once a year.

You can get the certificate and the protocol at the RBC office, as well as agree on sending it by registered mail of "Russian Post" or by courier service. Trainees also receive copies of documents by email to confirm the worker's qualifications prior to receiving the originals.

Assigned rank

According to OKPDTR, a worker can receive a certificate of the 4-6 category. The qualification is awarded:

    in the center of DPO;

    when drawing up an employment contract;

    after changes in the tariff system.

The category can be changed by taking refresher courses in emergency recovery operations.

Features of training


Classes are held in person using e-learning. This preparation format allows:

    create a flexible schedule;

    retake the final knowledge test for free;

    start classes without waiting for the formation of the group;

    apply regardless of the work schedule of the selection committee;

    apply the acquired skills in work even before the completion of the courses;

    save on tuition costs compared to full-time courses.

Students study the theory of emergency recovery work in the gas industry on the educational portal. For classes you will need:

    a computer;

    internet access;

    basic file reader applications.

Training materials are in their personal account, access to which students receive after paying for the course. Students choose the time of training themselves - their personal account is open around the clock.

The specialists master the practical skills of working gas facilities by performing the professional duties of a locksmith in production.


Students can study according to a standard program or order a personal curriculum.

The volume of material for a typical program is 208 academic hours. To get a certificate in 5-7 weeks, you need to devote 6-8 hours of study every day.

A personal training program for emergency repair locksmiths is drawn up at the request of the client and allows:

    change the preparation time;

    add disciplines to the curriculum;

    reallocate hours between the studied topics.

To study according to a personal program, you need to agree with the manager on the wishes for the course before the start of classes.

Acquired knowledge

During training in the direction of "Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas industry" students will learn:

    fundamentals of electrical engineering;

    rules for checking pipes for leaks;

    layout of the main communications;

    rules for starting fuel into the network and installing equipment;

    features of emergency work on existing routes;

    device and rules for servicing household gas equipment;

    features of service of restaurant and industrial equipment;

    methods of tapping into an existing gas pipeline without lowering the pressure.

Additionally, the students of the course on restoration work on the gas pipeline study safety techniques, as well as labor protection standards at the enterprise.

Terms of enrollment


Specialists with a secondary general education or higher can get the specialty of a locksmith in emergency recovery work in the gas industry.

Required documents

The course is enrolled without any entrance examinations. It is enough to provide copies of the passport and the signed application for admission. The form for filling must be requested from the manager of RBC.

Before sending documents, consent to the processing of personal data.

The price of professional training in the direction of "Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas industry"

The final cost of training is influenced by:

    terms of training;

    type of curriculum;

    number of students from one enterprise.

Organizations receive a discount if they send a group of three employees to courses at the same time.

Get a free consultation by phone or in the chat window. Use the online calculator to calculate the exact cost of training for a gas recovery foreman.

4th grade

Description of works. Performing emergency repair work on existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive. Removing gas condensate from condensate traps. Lubrication of valves, testing gas pipelines for tightness, blowing and steaming them. Digging pits along the route of underground gas pipelines to eliminate the accident. Repair work on the restoration of household gas equipment, cooking boilers, group cylinder installations of liquefied gas, as well as gas equipment installed on gas-consuming furnaces and other units of industrial, municipal and agricultural enterprises and institutions. Putting gas into the network and connecting gas equipment to the network.

Must know: device, rules for the technical operation and repair of household gas equipment, apartment heating boilers with automation, digestion boilers and group cylinder installations of liquefied gas; rules for putting gas into the network, installing and connecting gas equipment to the network; layouts of gas pipelines and communications; boiler supervision rules for the design and safe operation of tanks and other pressure vessels; rules for conducting emergency repair work on the routes of existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive; rules for purging, steaming and testing gas pipelines for tightness; arrangement of temporary bypasses on emergency gas pipelines; repair work on socket joints of cast iron gas pipelines and methods of installing couplings on gas pipelines; technical conditions for the installation and operation of underground gas pipelines.

5th grade

Description of works. Performing emergency repair work on existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 m and high pressure with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive. Localization of gas leakage areas. Installation of sealing, reinforcing, overhead couplings and bandages on gas pipelines. Marking, manufacturing and installation of fittings and individual parts directly on the route of the existing gas pipeline. Making sketches of gas pipeline nodes and its intersections. Determining the location of underground gas pipelines, checking the state of the gas pipeline and its insulation with electronic devices. Locksmith work on the insertion and dismantling of existing gas pipelines. Execution of work to eliminate the accident at gas filling stations (points) and restoration of pneumomechanical and electrical automation of gas equipment.

Must know: device, rules for technical operation and repair of gas restaurant stoves with automation, gasified heating and industrial boiler units, equipment for yard tank installations of liquefied gas, evaporators and heat exchangers, gas holder devices and automation on boilers, furnaces and other gas equipment; rules for conducting emergency repair work on existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter over 500 mm and high pressure with a diameter up to 500 mm inclusive; methods and rules of tie-ins and switchings on existing gas pipelines; arrangement of devices for tapping into existing gas pipelines without pressure reduction; technical conditions, rules for testing for leaks and putting into operation after an accident of gas pipelines and structures on it; device of electronic devices, technique of drawing up sketches of nodes and intersections of a gas pipeline; fundamentals of metal technology and electrical engineering; technical diagrams of gas pipelines, gas dispensing and gas filling stations (points); rules for inspection and testing of tanks and other gas equipment.

6th grade

Description of works. Performing emergency repair work on existing high-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 mm and on non-metallic gas pipelines. Marking, manufacturing and installation of especially complex large fittings and individual parts of the gas pipeline directly on the route. Disconnection, adjustment and activation of cathode, tread and drainage electrical protection installations, automation and telemechanical devices on existing gas pipelines and gas-consuming equipment. Work on electrical protection of gas equipment. Production of emergency recovery works at gas-holder stations. Determination of the state of the gas pipeline and its isolation with diagnostic devices. Management of work on elimination of the accident, adjustment and start-up of automation and telemechanics equipment.

Must know: rules for conducting emergency repair work on existing high-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 mm; layouts of gas pipelines and electrical protection installations; methods and rules of tie-ins and switchings on existing gas pipelines; design features of complex equipment on underground gas pipelines and rules for its repair; drawings of gas pipelines (plan, profile, welding scheme) and rules for sketching complex assemblies and intersections of gas pipelines; adjustment of gas equipment and automation at gas control stations (points) and in boiler rooms equipped with telemechanics and automation systems; rules for the performance of work on electrical installations, adjustment of equipment and apparatus for telemechanics and automation systems; adjustment and adjustment of complex instrumentation and diagnostic devices; schematic diagrams and operating features of cathodic and electric drainage protection installations.

Description of works... Execution of emergency repair work on existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive. Removal of gas condensate from condensate traps. Lubrication of valves, testing gas pipelines for tightness, blowing and steaming them. Digging holes along the route of underground gas pipelines to eliminate the accident. Carrying out repair work to restore household gas equipment, cooking boilers, group cylinder installations of liquefied gas, as well as gas equipment installed on gas-consuming furnaces and other units of industrial, municipal and agricultural enterprises and institutions. Start-up of gas into the network and connection to the network of gas equipment.

Must know: device, rules of technical operation and repair of household gas equipment, apartment heating boilers with automatic equipment, digestion boilers and group cylinder units of liquefied gas; rules for putting gas into the network, installation and connection to the network of gas equipment; layouts of gas pipelines and communications; rules for the supervision of the design and safe operation of tanks and other pressure vessels; rules for conducting emergency repair work on the routes of operating low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive; rules for purging, steaming and testing gas pipelines; arrangement of temporary bypasses on emergency gas pipelines; repair work on socket joints of cast-iron gas pipelines and methods of installing couplings on gas pipelines; technical conditions for the installation and operation of underground gas pipelines.

§ 11. Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas sector of the 5th category

Description of works... Execution of emergency repair work on existing low and medium pressure gas pipelines with a diameter over 500 mm and high pressure with a diameter up to 500 mm inclusive. Localization of gas leakage areas. Installation of sealing, reinforcing, overhead couplings and bandages on gas pipelines. Marking, manufacturing and installation of fittings and individual parts directly on the route of the existing gas pipeline. Manufacturing of sketches of gas pipeline nodes and its intersections. Determination of the location of underground gas pipelines, checking the state of the gas pipeline and its insulation with electronic devices. Locksmith work on the insertion and dismantling of existing gas pipelines. Execution of work to eliminate the accident at gas filling stations (points) and restoration of pneumo-mechanical and electrical automation of gas equipment.

Must know: device, rules for technical operation and repair of gas restaurant stoves with automation, gasified heating and industrial boiler units, equipment for yard tank installations of liquefied gas, evaporators and heat exchangers, gas holder devices and automation on boilers, furnaces and other gas equipment; rules for emergency repair work on existing gas pipelines of low and medium pressure with a diameter of over 500 mm and high pressure with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive; methods and rules of tie-ins and switchings on existing gas pipelines; devices for tapping into existing gas pipelines without pressure liquefaction; technical conditions, rules for testing for leaks and putting into operation after an accident of gas pipelines and structures on them; device of electronic devices, technique of drawing up sketches of nodes and intersections of a gas pipeline; fundamentals of technology of metals and electrical engineering; technical diagrams of gas pipelines, gas dispensing and filling stations (points); rules for inspection and testing of tanks and other gas equipment.

§ 12. Locksmith of emergency recovery work in the gas sector of the 6th category

Description of works... Performing emergency repair work on existing high-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 mm and on non-metallic gas pipelines. Marking, manufacturing and installation of especially complex large fittings and individual parts of the gas pipeline directly on the route. Disconnection, adjustment and activation of cathode, tread and drainage electrical protection installations, automation and telemechanical devices on existing gas pipelines and gas-consuming equipment. Production of works on electrical protection of gas equipment. Production of emergency recovery works at gas-holder stations. Determination of the state of the gas pipeline and its insulation with diagnostic devices. Management of work on liquidation of the accident, adjustment and start-up of equipment, automation and telemechanics.

Must know: rules for conducting emergency repair work on existing high-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of over 500 mm; layouts of gas pipelines and electrical protection installations; methods and rules for cutting and switching on existing gas pipelines; design features of complex equipment on underground gas pipelines and rules for its repair; drawing of gas pipelines (plan, profile, welding scheme) and rules for drawing up sketches of complex units and intersections of gas pipelines; adjustment of gas equipment and automation at gas control stations (points) and in boiler rooms equipped with telemechanics and automation systems; rules for the performance of work on electrical installations, adjustment of equipment and apparatus for telemechanics and automation systems; adjustment and adjustment of complex instrumentation and diagnostic devices; schematic diagrams and operating features of installations of cathode, electric drainage protection.
