B - inspire hope, faith and love!

Oh - be responsible for what is happening around us

L - love people

Oh - take care of the younger ones, they need your help

N - no, be indifferent to others

T - do good

E - like-minded people nearby

R - develop pro skills social behavior



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Slides captions:

RFML Volunteers We are volunteers! Do good not for glory, but at the behest of the soul!

B - inspire hope, faith and love! O - be responsible for what is happening around us L - love people O - take care of the younger ones, they need your help N - no, be indifferent to others T - do good E - like-minded people are nearby R - develop social behavior skills Volunteer - volunteer.

Volunteering is: Preservation and strengthening of human values. Implementation of the rights and obligations of citizens, the formation of the personality of a teenager. The most important element of society and the direct implementation of the UN declaration: "We, the peoples, have the power to change the world." Tidy up the nearby territory, help a retired veteran, take patronage over first-graders ... But how many volunteers have things to do!?

In the summer of 2009, our volunteers took part in the work of the republican gathering "Children - Leaders of Alanya".

The trainings proved to be very useful for child leaders.

The school year has arrived. For first-graders who first crossed the threshold of the school, this is a difficult time to get used to new conditions, to new friends. They still don't know each other well, they don't know how to play together.

1st grade students are lucky! They were taken care of by a group of volunteers! Volunteers themselves are still small and study only in the fourth grade. However, they provide invaluable assistance to their little wards. Kamilla Khadikova, Alexander Vyshinsky, Guy Polina learn interesting outdoor games with kids that will help first-graders get to know each other better and become the most friendly class.

A group of fifth-graders also does a lot of work with the first-graders, who help the kids in preparing for competitions and holidays. With older comrades, everything works out!

Planning to visit the theatre? The teacher does not ask the parents for help. Volunteers will help organize the kids!

On October 11, 2009, the students of RFMLI visited the village of Nar, where the great Ossetian poet, writer, artist, publicist Kosta Khetagurov was born 150 years ago. The stunning beauty of the Caucasian years, the magnificent sunny weather, the ancient towers of the village of Nar and the monument to the great compatriot made an indelible impression on the students of our lyceum.

The time was also chosen in order to relax in a picturesque grove not far from the Tamisk sanatorium. And it was here that work was found for our volunteers. The students, under the guidance of their mentors, put the surrounding area in order.

As a result, the trip turned out to be more fruitful than it could be expected, because one more corner of our beloved Ossetia became cleaner, and therefore more beautiful thanks to volunteers!

Love our Earth, take care of it and make it better with your own hands! “Being a volunteer means giving something back to the community and feeling like a part of it”

"They say under New Year whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything will always come true ... "

Volunteers congratulated the veterans on the New Year, because it is so important that the elderly do not feel lonely, especially on the eve of the holiday.

No holiday is complete without our older friends!

We will be worthy of the memory of grandfathers!

Our volunteers took patronage of the veteran V.O.V.

In 2010, our boarding school celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. Our guys have worked hard in preparation for the anniversary.

On the eve of the May 9 holiday, volunteers visited a military hospital, the soldiers received gifts from the guys.

And at school we took an active part in organizing a concert for WWII veterans.

Volunteering is caring for people. Volunteering is a Spiritual Property and Civic Virtue Volunteering is a new intellectual resource. Volunteering is a new vision of social activity. Volunteering is a philosophy of life. Volunteers are the ones with the future.

"Hurry to do good!"

Have you joined our ranks?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Educational program of additional education for children "Initiative" (small volunteer detachment).

The program of the circle for students of the 1st grade "Initiative" (small volunteer detachment) was developed on the basis of the program "Together we are strong!" S.S. Gurova....

The scenario of the lesson of the Active of the Children's Organization on the topic "Activation of the work of the volunteer movement and participation in the "Children to Children" campaign within the framework of the SPO and FDO program "Childhood without Borders" ...

Report on the work of a volunteer detachment in an elementary school

Working in a volunteer detachment helps our guys change internally, and even externally. The look from indifferent turns into burning and interested. In later life, it will be easier for them to communicate, in ...


1 block. Greetings. Start.


Gathered together today

Those who help

We are called volunteers.

We know for sure.

We were given the right to show our work.

Here everyone will be very happy to show care.

We want to tell you now:

“Our group is very friendly. We rush to help where it is urgently needed.

And we will find a skillful approach to children and to the elderly.

Through life, we, your friends, walk boldly!

We are team volunteers.

Together: "Hot Hearts"

We are glad to welcome everyone who is not indifferent to volunteer work!

We live by the motto:

Together: “The fire of hearts and kindness will always help us in life!”

All who believe in good!

All who care about someone else's grief!

All who are not indifferent to the fate of the younger generation!

All who honor the memory!

We are all volunteers!

Our volunteer squad exists for 2 years.

The purpose of the squad is to help people.

For ourselves, we have chosen the main areas of work: care, nature, health.

Which include participation in patriotic and charity events.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among our peers.

Participation of our squad in competitions and events.

Our detachment has a clear structure, coordinators are assigned to each direction.

2 block. Direction representation.

Direction care.

There is so much sympathy, depth and indifference in just one word.

Meeting with veterans is so important for us. It is on them that we are not from the cinema, not from the Internet.

We understand the feat that they accomplished: these gray-haired old men, for us.

Those who went to battle for their homeland,

To those who survived and won.



The planet burns and spins

Smoke over our Motherland,

And that means we need one victory

One for all - we will not stand up for the price.


A deadly fire awaits us,

And yet he is powerless.

Doubts away, goes into a separate night,

Our tenth airborne battalion.

3 block. Direction representation.

Direction nature.

Love for one's native country begins with love for nature.


As long as all our people will be mute, about environmental problems.

My planet is the planet Earth, flowers grow on it alone.

Children are laughing at her.

And there is no greater beauty.

There is no such planet in the entire universe.

And she gives joy to us and gives roses and sunrises.

Not to be found in all the worlds more beautiful

Together: mothers of the planet!

In the center of ROMA, girls in a circle with headscarves, pronounce and twist.

Nature is the house in which we live!

Nature is a house, and forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun, we want to live in this house forever.

Nature is a house in which, day after day, flowers and bread grow, and children rejoice.

And this house is alone, alone in the whole world, there is no other house in the whole world.

We have only one earth, it looks like a beautiful ship. It has everything you need for an endless long journey on it. But people should handle it with care. In the event of a breakdown, there will be nowhere to transfer.


We live in the same family
We sing in one circle
Walk in one line
Fly in one flight.

Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow
A water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp!

4 block. Direction representation.

Direction health.

No wonder it is said that health is the main value of a person.

Dance to the song "Gymnastics"

Behind healthy lifestyle life,

We won't stop fighting.

For healthy Lifestyle,

We will rise with our chest.

Shoulder to shoulder,

Hand for hand.

We'll say no





For a healthy nation!


For a healthy lifestyle!


You believe in a dream

And the sky will smile at us.

Know the warmth of hearts, and kindness will touch you.

You believe in yourself.

And help everyone you can.

You, only you, you can do everything while you are young.

5 block. The final.

Our volunteer detachment appeared not so long ago and is still quite young.

But we are confident that our noble cause will continue to develop every day.

After all, it is for the volunteers, the future of our Russia.

Man, open your eyes, fill your heart with love and give it to others.

After all, only together, together, we can do a lot for our country.

For our country, our people and for ourselves!

Final song.

It's hard to be a leader

But we are going to be successful.

The planet will be saved from boredom by children's laughter.

And if it happens that trouble will break out!

A warm heart will always help!

The tasks of the detachment are the development of practical activities through work with disabled children, the elderly, patronage of a kindergarten, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, over sick and lonely people; Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of offenses and crimes; Formation of sensitivity, kindness, mercy, respect for people; providing all possible assistance to those in need;

Traditional activities of the volunteer detachment Providing assistance to those in need; Congratulations on the holidays to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the disabled, lonely - the elderly, retired teachers; Organization and holding of the Week of the elderly; Charitable events for orphans "Our care", "Children for children"; Charity concerts for lonely elderly people in the city hospital; actions: "Ecological landing", "Care", "Clean yard", "Kind heart", "For beloved Belarus!" and etc.

Areas of operation of the detachment “On the paths of the country October” (elementary school children - 102 people) House without loneliness "(veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War - 16 people)" Hand in hand "(children - disabled (4 people), children - orphans (5 people)) "Step towards" (lonely elderly people - 21 people, teachers - pensioners - 29 people, junior schoolchildren - 103 people) "Malyshok" (kindergarten in Mir) "You and the world» (nature conservation and care of burial sites - 9 pcs.)

Along the paths of the country of October We also take care of our younger schoolchildren: every year we spend a week of October in the squad, we organize joint holidays, concerts, game programs, promotions, a reception in October; we help to prepare tasks for the stations of the game-travel "October through the country of October"

You and the surrounding world This is one of the directions of the detachment's work. Implementation of the project "Beauty and comfort go side by side" (for the improvement of the school grounds and the design of school flower beds), annual campaigns for planting forests, collecting seeds for Mir forestry, the "Springs" campaign, etc.

babies This direction of the work of the detachment includes the organization of patronage over children from kindergarten Mir We organize excursions around the village for kids; showed staged fairy tales, a local history correspondence illustrated tour of the village of Mir, a lesson on traffic rules “Our friend is a traffic light”, we provide assistance in organizing and conducting new year holidays

The main rule of the members of our volunteer detachment: do not wait for a call and an order. Try to see for yourself where your skillful hands, your kind heart are needed. Be able to do everything calmly and modestly, not counting on praise and reward, but simply rejoicing that everyone around is doing well.

Ludmila Piskunova
Presentation “Performance of the volunteer group “Kind Heart”

Volunteer performance« Kind heart»

Commander. Detachment! Become!

/Volunteer Squad become in the hands of the inscription "We volunteers« Kind heart» and emblem"/

1st. I! You! He! She!

All. Together the whole country.

2nd. We squad one family,

All. We have a hundred thousand "I"

3rd. We worked the best we could

All. Saved the joy of life

4th. Open the door for us!

All. Believe in our strength!

Supervisor. welcomes you volunteer squad« Kind heart» preschool group in the village of Pogodaevo.

Commander. Our motto.

All. We are guys anywhere

Volunteers are brave!

We always want to help everyone

Both in word and deed.

1st. We are young and energetic

We will always come to help.

2nd. We are not paying attention let's leave:

No veterans, no children.

3rd. Our choice is not random.

We have many ideas.

4th. And we are ready for everything detachment

go the way of good!

Commander. Our anthem song "Dear of good»

/Squad sing a song"Dear of good» /

1st. Our date of birth is October 2015.

2nd. As you can see, judging by the years, we are 2 years old, we are still very young.

3rd. Nevertheless, behind our shoulders there are already quite a few actions carried out.

/Displayed presentation of the work of the volunteer team /

We invite you to take a look presentation of the held actions.

As already told us only the second year. Composition of our volunteer squad has changed.

If in the first year there were 8 children and 8 parents - 16 people, then this year there were more of us - 19 people. Among them: 5 children of preschool group, 3 first graders, 1 third grader, 5 parents of preschoolers, 3 parents of schoolchildren, the head of the village administration and the worker of the KFOR.

Our first action was "Give me a smile". by a detachment of volunteers leaflets were made, which depicted a smiling emoticon and a recipe for happiness.

A small age touched and delighted the people who were awarded "smiles of joy".

This action was liked by the participants themselves, they enjoyed the presentation of these leaflets.

Next promotion: Flyer issue "Driver save my life!", "Move With Respect" and distribution of these leaflets in our village.

With these leaflets, we went to the store, where the parking lot. Volunteers asking you to follow the rules traffic handed out leaflets to drivers, but the drivers promised the little ones volunteers do not violate the rules of the road.

Next promotion "grain".

Feeders were made, food for birds was purchased. Feeding troughs were hung on the site of the preschool group and in our park. small volunteers with pleasure and without a reminder, they fed the birds, thus showing their concern for the birds so that they would not die of hunger during the cold season.

Promotion "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

The topic of the week was held in the preschool group "I want to be healthy"

Parents volunteers prepared a fairy tale about microbes. And they showed this fairy tale to all children and parents of the preschool group, thus calling for a healthy lifestyle.

Next promotion "Obelisk"

Volunteer Squad cleared the path of snow to the monument to the soldier, laid flowers. And this path was maintained in order until the snow melted.

Next promotion "Together in the Pure Land"

Volunteer Squad went out to clean up the area around the park. The smallest children of the preschool group also took part in this action.

Promotion "Give a good mood"

During the week volunteers preschool group invited parents, visitors to the preschool group to take part in the action. Parents and visitors wrote wishes and put it in the wish box, took pictures, where the main condition is a smile.

And it was also proposed to tear off the petal of a magic flower with a wish for a good mood.

Next promotion "Congratulations" dedicated to mother's day.

Volunteer Squad congratulations to all the mothers of our village. To do this, they made postcards and handed best wishes to the mothers of our village and hung a wall newspaper in the store.

Promotion "Gift from Santa Claus"

I would like to say thank you and a huge thank you to our parents volunteers. They made a gift from Santa Claus not only to children, but also to us educators.

They prepared and held the New Year's holiday themselves, we were spectators.

Next promotion "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

by a detachment of volunteers leaflets were produced and distributed in our village with an appeal to the villagers to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Monthly "To people with good heart»

by a detachment of volunteers a wall newspaper dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was made, this wall newspaper was hung on the store.

Now we are preparing for the action "Leave the primroses to spring"

We have been preparing for the first day. Already done by a team of volunteers: postcards, wall newspapers, prohibition signs.

Today we will show you a part of the action, we will make leaflets and we invite you to take an active part in the production of leaflets.

Leaflets and postcards will be distributed a little later, the action itself will be held at the school, in the assembly hall, where the villagers will be invited. by a detachment of volunteers ecological fairy tale will be shown "Don't pick flowers"

Related publications:

Family parenting preschool age in the conditions of the orphanage through the game slide 1 No matter how good it was in orphanage, every.

Children's pedagogical project "Kind Heart" General characteristics of the project. Project type: Long-term: (implementation period: September - May) information-practice-oriented. View.

Synopsis of integrated educational activities in the preparatory school group "Kind Heart" Purpose: Formation of an attitude to the emotional support of another in a crisis situation. Tasks: Development of empathic listening, understanding.

All children, without exception, love moving toys. Of course, it’s easier to buy them in a store, but it’s much more interesting and more useful to make your own.

Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that the younger generation shows negative attitudes towards each other. Therefore, the task of teachers is to direct their own.

We remember!

We are proud!

Relevance - the basis of the volunteer movement is the principle:

If you want to feel like a person, help someone else.

This project contributes to the connection of awakening and development

schoolchildren have a cognitive interest, an active life

positions, education of patriotic feelings, moral

qualities - compassion, kindness, responsiveness.

Volunteer detachment "Young Timurovtsy"

MBOU secondary school in the village of Troekurovo, Lebedyansky district

Lipetsk region

Squad Emblem

"How much is the sun

bright rays,

We have so many

worries and ideas


Creation of an educational space organized for the inclusion of children in labor, research, and creative development activities.

Formation of students' skills of positive interaction, development of leadership skills, intellectual potential, communication skills. The use of joint work and communication of adolescents as a factor in education.


Attracting interested, energy students, with the aim of creating as much as possible

detachments for work in the volunteer movement,

  • establish volunteering as a mandatory component of the program

spiritual and moral education,

  • Formation in students of a sense of belonging to the Great Victory of our people

by involving them in volunteer practice.

We patronize the territory of the obelisk

fallen fellow villagers in WWII

in the village of Troekurovo

In the spring we plant seedlings of flowers,


Planting flower seedlings

the territory of the obelisk in spring

Remove leaves, branches and debris from

obelisk territory

Tidying up the area

Tomb of the unknown soldier

at the local cemetery

Helping a War Veteran

and labor of a local resident

Masalskaya Vera Maksimovna

We make congratulatory greetings with our own hands

postcards to veterans for Victory Day and

congratulations to our veterans

We participate in the review of the system and songs,

dedicated to the Day Great Victory

The result of the project will be the involvement of students in active labor and

leisure activities, creation in educational institution commands

like-minded people united by a common civil position,

patriotic feelings, general activities for the improvement of the village,

holding festive and commemorative events and helping

fellow villagers in need.

The help of the volunteer detachment "Young Timurovtsy" is carried out during
