Choosing a great cauldron
(two very appetizing recipes at the end of the article)

Dishes of Caucasian cuisine are becoming more and more popular. To create masterpieces of Caucasian cuisine at home, you will need special dishes. For the preparation of Caucasian dishes, a cauldron, a pressure cooker, a wok and a tandoor are often used.

Today I will tell you how to choose the right cauldron. We will choose a cauldron that you can easily use, both at home and outdoors. In such a cauldron, dishes will be much tastier and healthier, the very preparation of dishes in a cauldron will become an exciting process for you.

The word cauldron came to us from Tatar language. Literally, cauldron is translated as a cauldron. By the way, the name of the capital of Tatarstan (Kazan) comes from a cauldron. The most famous cauldron - the ancient Tai cauldron - is stored in Kazakhstan in the mausoleum of Ahmed Yassawi. It is made of an alloy of seven metals: iron, zinc, lead, tin, red copper, silver and gold. Decorated cauldron floral ornament, ornate Arabic script and ten handles in the shape of lotus petals. But most of all, the size of the cauldron is impressive - it is 2.45 m in diameter, about 2 m high and weighs almost 2 tons.

A good cauldron is determined by three main qualities: shape, wall thickness and of course the material from which it is made. These are the three parameters we will talk about today.

What should be the shape of a good cauldron?

Let's get straight to the point. If you will use a cauldron at home, on gas stove, then you will need a cauldron with a flat bottom, but it will no longer be a cauldron. As an alternative, take ducklings. It will perfectly replace a cauldron in practicality, but a dish cooked in a duck bowl will never be as tasty as in a real cauldron.

The real cauldron has round shape and a spherical bottom, such a cauldron is perfect for cooking pilaf and many other dishes of Caucasian cuisine on a hearth or open fire. The spherical shape in this case ensures uniform heating of not only the bottom, but also the walls of the cauldron, which, according to the chefs, is very important when preparing pilaf and other dishes of Caucasian cuisine. This is one of the secrets about why plov is so delicious in the Caucasus.

Now let's talk about the thickness of the walls and the displacement of our cauldron.

A good real cauldron should have a wall thickness of at least 3-4 mm. Naturally, such a cauldron is intended exclusively for cooking outdoors. Enough importance has the volume of the cauldron. It is believed that even small portions of pilaf are better obtained in large cauldrons from 20 liters. For home use on a conventional stove, a cauldron with a volume of 10 liters or less is enough, if you take it with a large displacement, then on a conventional stove the cauldron will not be able to warm up to the required limit and your dish will turn out to be dry, hard and not fully cooked. In such a cauldron, you can cook food for 10 - 12 people.

Finally, we come to the most important point when choosing a cauldron - this is the material from which it is made.

Choosing a material

IN modern world There are many materials from which a cauldron can be made: aluminum, copper, various alloys. You will also find in stores the option “Kazan in a European way” - these are enameled, made of stainless steel and non-stick coated products, you can’t call them otherwise. But this is just an imitation of the Caucasian cauldron. The main disadvantage of such dishes is that its walls are thin and it does not hold heat for long. The result is a dish without a rich taste and aroma.

Cast iron is our choice! A cast-iron cauldron has excellent heat capacity, and dishes in it are not boiled or fried, but languished. The meat gradually reaches the condition, and the rice swells slowly, because. This material ensures even heat distribution. In addition, food in a cauldron never burns, unlike dishes made from other metals. Cast iron cauldrons, although heavy, are very strong and durable.

The older the cauldron and the more often you cook dishes in the cauldron, the better for your cauldron. the surface of cast iron, due to its porous structure, is impregnated with oil, which subsequently ensures constant sliding, renewal and “self-healing” of the walls. This “fatty” inner layer becomes the natural non-stick coating of cast iron cookware.

If the family lineage is long, then the cast-iron cauldron often becomes a family heirloom for this family in the Caucasus. Remember that a cast-iron cauldron has a very important feature, it accumulates in itself all the aromas of dishes that have ever been cooked in it, and further transfers its unique “taste” to other new dishes. Your family cauldron will accumulate the “taste” of family traditions and pass them on to your children and grandchildren.

Useful tips for the care and use of the cauldron

1) When choosing a cauldron, you should carefully examine the quality of its inner surface. The inner surface of the cauldron must be flat. There should be no protrusions and obvious depressions on the metal itself on the surface, since when cooking it can simply crack

2) Do not buy cauldrons with thin walls made of the “wrong” metal (steel, copper, aluminum and other alloys). If the surface of the cauldron is covered with Teflon or other non-stick coating, then this is a pan, not a cauldron.

Choosing a cauldron for dishes on the fire

Preparation for use

If you bought a completely new cauldron, then first you should ignite it so that all the factory oil evaporates. Then it is necessary to pour one liter of vegetable oil into the cauldron and heat it strongly. As soon as the oil boils, let it boil for another 5-10 minutes, then start turning it so that the walls of the cauldron also get ignited and absorb the oil. Now we will wash the cauldron with ordinary laundry soap and running water. Let's wipe it dry.

Safety precautions when working with a cauldron

If you decide to buy a cauldron for outdoor use, you immediately need to think about what you will mount it on. It is strongly not recommended to use a variety of tripods, various kinds of stands - this is both inconvenient and dangerous. Dig into the literature or on the Internet and make a special hearth - this is the safest option. A specialized hearth for a cauldron will help you save time, firewood, provide correct and uniform heating, which will give your dish a real Caucasian taste and aroma.

When preparing dishes, remember that in Caucasian cuisine all dishes that are cooked on an open fire, and especially pilaf, occupy a very important place and it is believed that if someone decides to cook a dish in a cauldron, then there should be enough of it so that you can invite friends and acquaintances and arrange a good feast.

We are sure that our advice will allow you to find and buy a cast-iron cauldron that will delight you and your loved ones for many, many years.

Real advice! Be the first to know!

Crumbly and moderately fatty, fragrant and tasty, beautiful and appetizing - it is really possible to cook such pilaf only in the right dishes.

In order to correctly choose and successfully buy a cauldron for pilaf, you need to study all the requirements for the vessel, including material, shape and size. The preparation of this oriental dish has a number of subtleties, departing from which you can get rice porridge with meat. It is not worth saving on a purchase - a good cauldron is expensive, serves for decades and is inherited.

Form requirements - what should be the ideal cauldron

The traditional cauldron for cooking pilaf is a pot with a semicircular bottom and handles-ears. This form is due to the preparation of dishes on a fire - earlier in a cauldron they cooked exclusively on an open fire. Due spherical shape the bottoms of the dishes and their contents are heated evenly, thanks to which the cooking process is accelerated, and the food is equally fried and tasty.

Which form is suitable for cooking on the hearth

The classic cauldron still has a hemispherical shape. Please note that such dishes are not suitable for cooking on a conventional stove, as only a small and unstable bottom will heat up. As a result, the meat will not be fried as required, and it will take a lot of time to cook.

To use an Asian cauldron with a classic rounded bottom, you need a special brazier, a spherical oven (it can be independent or built-in in functional ovens and barbecue complexes) or a metal tripod for use in the country or in the forest.

When choosing a cauldron for the hearth, pay attention that the eyelets are comfortable and large enough, otherwise the pan may turn over. Well, if the model provides big pen for hanging over a fire and carrying - with such a device it will not be difficult to carry the dish with one hand to any distance.

The best cauldron for a regular stove

If you plan to cook in a home kitchen using a regular stove, you will have to abandon the traditional shape and buy a pilaf cauldron with a flat or slightly rounded stable bottom, the diameter of which corresponds to the largest burner on your stove.

Like any dishes, cauldrons are classified by volume. For a family of two to four people, a pot of three to five liters is enough, if you are going to treat guests, then choose eight-liter pots.

To choose the right cauldron for pilaf, pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the lid. It is important that the lid fit as tight as possible to the vessel and was heavy - only this one will cope with the task and will not release steam from the kettle ahead of time.

Review of materials and leader selection

For the production of cauldrons for cooking pilaf, cast iron, aluminum, steel and metal alloys are used. Carefully inspect the product from the outside and from the inside - the walls and bottom should be smooth, without bulges and recesses, even hints of cracks and scratches are unacceptable.

Cast iron cookware is the best solution

A cast-iron cauldron for pilaf is easy to determine already by the weight of the product - such dishes are heavy and massive, but this is exactly what connoisseurs of oriental cuisine appreciate. The average cauldron weighs 5-9 kg, large models can weigh more than 10 kg.

Classical cast iron pot does not look very attractive, but such kitchen utensils have natural non-stick properties and do not need additional coating. During cooking, the porous structure absorbs fats, which only improves the non-stick properties. At the same time, cast iron is absolutely safe, since it does not emit harmful substances even at the highest temperatures, it can be washed and cleaned without fear of scratching.

However, it is not recommended to store food in a cast-iron cauldron - ready-made food, if not eaten immediately, must be transferred to another container, for example, in an enameled or glass pan. It is recommended to wash the cast iron immediately so that the porous material does not absorb food residues and their odors. With timely washing, you can even do without chemistry - the walls and bottom are easily cleaned with hot water.

In a cast iron pot, the lid can be made of cast iron ( perfect option), aluminum or glass (rarely in modern models). Cast iron is by far the most durable, reliable and correct, but be prepared for the fact that when preparing dinner you will have to do “weightlifting”. Through the glass it is convenient to observe the preparation, so as not to miss the moment of evaporation of water.

It is important to take into account that cast iron is prone to rust, so the product must be wiped dry every time, and even better - lightly grease rarely used pans with vegetable oil. Sour dishes, for example, with a lot of tomatoes, are better not to cook in a cast-iron cauldron.

Cast irons with protective coatings are deprived of these shortcomings - they are not afraid of acids and do not absorb the smells of left food.

It is very convenient if the lid of the pot serves as a frying pan - this option allows you to use the dishes as functionally as possible. The disadvantage of the "changeling" is the lack of a top handle.

How to choose an aluminum pot

The simplest aluminum pots attract low cost, but this choice cannot be called ideal. Aluminum heats up too quickly and is not smooth, the meat in it can stick to the walls and burn. Even the thickest walls cool down quickly, which is contrary to the rules for preparing the Asian king of the table.

Modern aluminum cauldrons with non-stick coating are devoid of the main drawback - they food won't burn, and the dishes do not have to be washed by boiling water. Such a cauldron, with skillful use, can cook a real pilaf, but experienced housewives recommend wrapping the dish so that it does not quickly cool down, and carefully monitor the roast, adjusting the heating temperature or flame intensity.

There are several types of non-stick coatings for an aluminum cauldron:

  • teflon - today it is no longer considered the best, since teflon (and its analogues) requires a very careful attitude and is afraid of mechanical damage, high heating temperature without fat;
  • Teflon multilayer with additives of various minerals that increase the stability of capricious Teflon;
  • ceramic - relatively safe, but also does not tolerate scratches and requires the use of plastic and wooden spoons (scapulas);
  • titanium-ceramic - supplemented with a layer of titanium that gives strength.

The non-stick coating must be not less than 20 microns in thickness. According to the method of application, it can be sprayed and knurled - the second option is more reliable and durable.

Before choosing a cauldron for pilaf, pay attention to the way the pot is made - it is better to immediately put the stamped products aside, for delicious meals and long service, cast cauldrons with thickened walls are needed.

Stainless steel is a controversial idea

Choosing a stainless steel cauldron is not the best solution if you plan to learn how to cook real pilaf. Steel cookware has thin walls that do not retain heat well. But modern manufacturers have learned to bypass this drawback, using new technologies.

If you do not want to buy a cast-iron cauldron, but you want to get the perfect dishes for pilaf, look for steel pots with multilayer structure. In such modifications, several types of metal are used, obtaining a layered structure that heats up optimally, retains heat for a long time and maintains the desired temperature. Handles in such pans can remain comfortable, again, due to the competent combination of metals.

Experts believe that cookware made of chromium-nickel steel with a reinforced multi-layered bottom at least 10 mm thick is almost as good as cast iron in such properties as uniform heating and long-term heat retention. Additional heat-saving properties are provided by mirror walls.

An alternative to a cauldron - in what dishes can you cook pilaf

If, after reading the tips for choosing a cauldron, you came to the conclusion that spending on additional utensils is unprofitable, then open the closet and see what dishes you already have for cooking pilaf:

  • a deep frying pan with thick walls and a bottom is quite suitable if you infrequently pamper your family with a signature oriental dish;
  • a thick-walled non-stick pan suitable for frying, preferably with a ceramic coating;
  • duckling or goose - these dishes differ in size, but both have an oblong shape. As a rule, ducklings with a thick bottom, which is what is needed to cook a real pilaf;
  • ceramic pots can be used for cooking in the oven or on the stove, but in this case it is better to fry food in a metal pan;
  • glass fireproof dishes are also suitable for simmering rice in the oven, but frying meat and onions recommended beforehand in another vessel;
  • multicooker - an electric pan, about all the delights of which, can also be a worthy alternative to a cauldron for pilaf.

The easiest pilaf recipe

For a snack, we offer you the simplest recipe for pilaf, which can be prepared in almost any dish and from any meat, including chicken.

  1. Pour boiling water over good round rice for one minute.
  2. Drain the boiling water and immediately fill the cereal with cold water.
  3. Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water, stirring and “washing” it with your hands. Do not use too much pressure so that the grains do not end up in the sink.
  4. When clear water begins to drain, the rice can be considered ready for cooking. At this point, leave it in clean, cold water.
  5. Cut the meat into pieces, onions into half rings, carrots into thin long bars, remove the top husk from the garlic and leave the head unassembled.
  6. Fry the meat in vegetable oil until cooked, if it is hard, pour in water and simmer.
  7. Add onion and bring to transparency.
  8. Send carrots to the cauldron, stir, lightly brown.
  9. Pour spices - you can use a special set or just - salt, curry, pepper, barberry.
  10. Stir, put the head of garlic, turn on the fire and put the rice, after draining the water from it.
  11. Flatten the rice and pour boiling water over it so that the water is two fingers' width above the rice.
  12. Cover and bring to a boil. Leave to cook on a quiet flame or heat.
  13. Don't interfere!!! When the oven has evaporated, try the top rice, they should be almost cooked, but not soft. If the rice is hard and the water (including inside) has boiled away, add a little water and cover completely. If the water has not evaporated, open the lid slightly.
  14. Turn off the stove and leave the pan covered for 10 minutes.

Mix gently and serve!

If you still have not decided which cauldron to choose for pilaf, then take a walk through online stores, compare the characteristics of the models and ask the consultants if you have any questions. Read, and in our other instructions.

Which cauldron is better: cast iron or aluminum? Let's take a look at the material. When food is cooked in a cauldron, the heat first goes to its walls, then to water (if cooking is in progress), then to the products. And they get it from all sides at once.

When transferring heat from oil to food, an identical process occurs, but at a different temperature range. Here the material of the cauldron is no longer important. The main condition is the presence of the required temperature.

More about processes

Many factors, for example, taste, color of food, texture of its surface are determined by the following criteria:

  • the degree of intensity of heat transfer to the dish being prepared,
  • the highest temperature indicators of products in the process of heat treatment,
  • the duration of this processing,
  • uniformity of heat dissipation inside the cooked products.

In many cases, in a cauldron, products receive heat from their direct contact with its walls.

Even in this dish, viscous and thick dishes are often prepared. In this case, heat transfer using convection is problematic. And here the thermophysical characteristics of the material of the cauldron are of great importance.

The main indicators for the analysis of these characteristics are specific:

  • Mass (UM).
  • Heat conduction (TC).
  • Heat capacity (UT).

According to the first assessment, cast iron is in the lead. It has a good mass indicator, perfectly accumulates heat, quickly transfers it to the prepared products. According to some home cooks, a cast-iron cauldron only needs to be heated to certain conditions, then it will cook everything competently.

When comparing the qualities of products from the indicated metals, provided that they have no differences in the shape and density of the walls, the following is obtained.

The mass of an aluminum container is 2.6 kg, and a cast iron container is 7.85 kg.

By definition, a cast iron counterpart can concentrate and evenly concentrate a lot of heat. But according to UT, cast iron is almost twice inferior to aluminum. And its competitor, whose mass is three times less, accumulates heat only 1.5 times less.

According to UPT, aluminum overtakes cast iron by 4.5 times

If the container is used on a gas-powered household stove, then the flame touches its bottom only at certain points. Water is heated in a cauldron. When it boils, bubbles appear exactly at these points. And if there is food burning in a cast-iron container, then only along the circumference of gas combustion. Especially this picture is often observed in versions with a flat bottom.

Also, a blush appears on those products that are cooked in a cast-iron vessel and located at its very bottom. And those product elements that affected the side walls during the cooking process do not darken.

In an aluminum product, the width of the gas spot is 4 times larger. The stain covers almost the entire bottom. A certain percentage of heat goes into the walls of the cauldron. And the culinary result is much better.

In a hemispherical cast iron cauldron, the heating from hot air flows is weaker than in the aluminum version. The reason is the difference in UPT.

Significance of uniform heat dissipation

Is this aspect always of great importance? A competent choice of material for a cauldron for a certain method of cooking is due to knowledge of the principles of heat dissipation in the material of the cauldron itself and the main products. In other words, it is necessary to have data on their thermophysical characteristics. You need to be aware of what outcomes you want to realize from them.

UM (kg / liter)

UT (j/kg*k)

UPT (W/m*k)

Animal and poultry meat


A liter of water has a heat capacity comparable to that of an entire cast-iron vessel. In 300 grams of oil, the same amount of heat is concentrated as in 1 kg of cast iron. For 500 grams of meat or potatoes, the UT is equal to the UT of 1 kg of butter.

When studying the thermophysical qualities of the presented products and materials, it turns out that the CT of many products is superior to the CT of materials. And their UPT is significantly inferior to the UPT of materials.

The walls of a cast-iron cauldron have a density of 4 mm, if we are talking about truly high-quality products. The wall density of the aluminum counterpart is less. Moreover, both of these materials have a modest heat capacity. If this aspect is a priority for you, then a copper or ceramic cauldron will suit you. In terms of strength, they are significantly inferior to the previous options, but can retain heat longer. This is especially true for ceramic products. Usually its walls have an amazing thickness (1 -1.5 cm). And it concentrates a lot of heat in itself. Heat dissipates quickly and evenly. And the UPT of a ceramic cauldron is equated to the UPT of the products themselves.

And if you need to simmer dishes for a very long time, for example, in the oven, then neither aluminum nor cast iron cauldrons are suitable for you.

There is an opinion that a cast-iron product concentrates heat in itself. This compensates for the lack of heat coming from the outside at the moment when you need to quickly and quickly fry a solid number of products. Having carried out an elementary arithmetic operation, it can be calculated that the percentage of heat accumulated by a cast-iron product is negligible. And from the outside of the dishes there must be a huge amount of heat.

Based on the results of the most elementary experience, it turns out how small the percentage of heat that a cast-iron cauldron accumulates. Boil water in this product on the stove. When it begins to boil, remove the product from the stove - almost at the same moment, the boil ends. Do the same process with the ceramic counterpart - the end of the boil will come out only after a few minutes.

UPT cast iron complicates the uniform divergence of heat over the functional surface. Of course, the cast-iron container has rather dense walls. Although the sides are usually thicker. This is their crack protection. The bottom is also of good thickness. And the thickness of the walls themselves is very modest. Can place your cast iron cauldron on a scale, then determine its diameter, surface area and wall density. The last parameter will be less than you thought.

However, the popularity of cast iron products is high. The secret is simple: this is a cheap raw material, quality characteristics of the surface after skillful processing, strength and durability, as well as proper operation and storage of such cauldrons.

Aluminum versions are not much worse. They are preferred by hikers and people who want to create oriental dishes at home, on household stoves.

Today, many sources claim that aluminum is harmful, especially for home use. Perhaps it was. But after the advent of Teflon coating and other types of coatings, aluminum cauldrons began to meet serious safety criteria.

And in modern aluminum cauldrons, the walls are covered with ceramic protection. And their bottoms are formed from:

  • Become. So the waves are better caught induction cookers.
  • Copper. This way the heat spreads better.
  • aluminum. This is the main carrier material.

Thanks to such technological solutions, aluminum cauldrons can be safely used for cooking pilaf and other interesting dishes in the home kitchen. But still don't forget about temperature conditions which are critical for aluminum. Yes, and an aluminum lid is a must.

Ideally, it is better to have cast iron, aluminum, copper, and ceramic options on the farm. Reason: each cauldron is optimally suited for certain recipes.

But if you are puzzled by the choice between aluminum and cast iron version, and you are not particularly concerned about their thermal physics, but most of all, durability and strength, then give preference to a cast-iron product. It is worth considering its weaknesses: fragility, susceptibility to corrosion, high weight, poor aesthetic appearance.

In terms of aesthetics, a cast-iron cauldron has never been a model. For him, this aspect is not a priority.

It is possible to protect the product from corrosion by carrying out skillful pre-treatment. Also, do not forget about the rules for careful storage of this product.

In general, cast iron versions attract many with their reliability, uniform heating of food. If you equip such a cauldron with a cast-iron lid, then steam can be actively used during cooking. And the dishes in it are delicious with a traditional oriental taste.


If you often go hiking or cook pilaf at home and you need a light and cheap product, then aluminum version. But remember that it is not resistant to deformation, and also cools quickly. Although, if you take a modern product with a powerful coating, these troubles can be avoided.

According to one version, the secrets of making cast iron dishes were known as early as the 12th century, but mass production in Europe, and then around the world, was launched only in the 18th century, when they learned to make alloy in a blast furnace in England. The modern market has grown to such an extent that it is sometimes very difficult to make a choice. However, the undoubted advantage of such a variety is the ability to answer the question - which cauldron is better to buy.

Cauldron "Siton", 12 liters.

Which material is better for a cauldron

The phrases “cast iron cauldron”, “cast iron cauldron”, “pilaf cauldron” evoke a strong association with Asian cuisine. That is why many primarily attribute Uzbek products to top cauldrons, which is only partly true, since many other manufacturers are not inferior to them in terms of casting technique and all indicators. Which cauldron is better, cast iron or aluminum - so the question is not even worth it. The best material is the one with the poorest thermal conductivity and the highest heat capacity. The thermal conductivity of a material is the transfer of heat from heated sources to cold ones, through the movement of molecules and atoms. Among metals, cast iron has the highest heat capacity and the lowest thermal conductivity.

In terms of thermal conductivity, among the metals taken for comparison, copper is in first place, followed by aluminum, and only then are cast iron and steel. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of aluminum is 4 times worse than that of copper, and the thermal conductivity of cast iron is worse, the thermal conductivity of copper is 8–10 times. So the worst material is copper. Copper would cost 3 to 4 times more than aluminum and 10 times more than cast iron. Why are we all about copper? And because copper is the worst material for a cauldron, meanwhile, Dagestan cauldrons are made exclusively from copper, and from tinned copper, unlike cast iron, it has to be tinned with food tin. In our workshop there are 2 Dagestan cauldrons, which are probably 200 years old, but solely for aesthetic reasons, there is simply no other metal in Dagestan.

Kazan copper, Dagestan, 120-150 years.

So best material for a cauldron is cast iron.

The cast-iron cauldron heats up for a relatively long time, but when it warms up, the cast-iron gradually gives off heat to the products that are cooked in it. This is what makes the food so delicious! Cast iron has a porous structure. Heat it stays in it for a very long time.

So, which cauldrons are the best in form

The best shape for a cauldron is a hemispherical shape. Or a truncated form, in the form of a smaller part of a hemisphere, but this is essentially also a hemisphere. This shape is the best from geometrical considerations, because all points on the surface of the hemisphere are equally distant from the center of the circle. Equally removed, it means they warm up equally, which is especially important for pilaf.

All cauldrons that are less than 6 liters in volume, in addition to their spherical shape, have various add-ons, for example, a circle at the bottom - just so that the cauldron does not tip over. In this case, the inner surface is also hemispherical. The bottom of the cauldron has the same shape.

A cauldron, which is a deviation in shape from a hemisphere, is intended for cooking not pilaf, but liquid dishes. Just like everything is not a hemisphere.

Which cauldron is better to buy for home

For your home, a Balezino or Seaton cauldron with a volume of up to 8 liters is best for you. This cauldron is quite enough for 8-10 people. Choosing from these two manufacturers, it is worth stopping at Seaton - since you are not bound by weight considerations, Seaton's products are of better quality, but if you want a thick cauldron, for example, not 3 mm thick, but 4 mm thick, then you should rather stop at Balezino.

Second - suppose you definitely need a cauldron for an induction cooker, then you need to choose from cauldrons recommended specifically for induction cookers -

Kazan pan, certainly suitable for induction cookers.

And always consult with our specialist by phone 8 921 935 58 32.

For induction cookers, cast iron cauldrons are certainly needed, but those that do not have a superstructure imitating a cauldron with a full fit to the stove, for example, cauldrons with a flat bottom.

Which cauldron is better for a fire

For a fire, it is better to buy a cauldron, an enlarged volume - starting from 8 liters. Forest people, as we become from time to time, have a better appetite. The average portion, due to additives, with the same composition of vacationers, increases 1.5 times. Total - 12 liters on average, for 8 vacationers.

When products are delivered to the place of action by a machine, the problem with weight is removed. When delivered to a place without it, we use cauldrons with aluminum lids such as Balezino, but certainly complete with cast-iron cauldrons. Aluminum covers save. All the same, minus 1 - 1.5 kg.

Of course, cauldrons must certainly be chosen with lids - use the catalog section -

Rating of Russian and near-Russian manufacturers

If we talk about premium-class cauldrons, you should definitely pay attention to French companies - Staub, Fontignac, Le Creuset. However, their products are more often used by culinary professionals working in the restaurant industry, since the cast-iron cauldrons of French companies will cost, to put it mildly, not cheap. From 6000-8000 rubles per pan.

Those who want to combine good quality products and reasonable cost should take a closer look at the models offered in the post-Soviet space. Belarusian and Ukrainian cast-iron cauldrons are especially popular. Among connoisseurs of cast iron, the products of the Polotsk plant, made according to the old foundry technology, are valued. Belarusian cast irons have thick smooth walls, a very pleasant appearance. At the moment, they are produced in relatively small quantities, so buying such a cauldron is a great success.

In St. Petersburg, you can easily buy a cast-iron cauldron for pilaf from one of the reputable Ukrainian manufacturers - Seaton, Ecolit. Each of the factories offers its own “chip”. So, for example, it is ready to compete with French manufacturers: smooth casting, thickened walls, high quality of pre-sale preparation for operation brings it closer to European quality standards.

For those who prefer a domestic manufacturer, the market offers many proven options. The most popular among them are the cauldrons of the Balezino Udmurt plant, which produces high-quality thick-walled dishes with a beautiful design.

Among manufacturers, "Seaton" is the standard of quality. Its products are distinguished by perfect casting, cauldrons with geometrically even edges and a small but quite decent metal thickness. "Balezino" - not ideal, but budget casting, cauldrons with smooth edges, filled with "asphalt". Balezinsky cauldrons are 20% cheaper than Seaton. Belarusian cauldrons made at the enterprise of the city of Polotsk are the thickest of all cauldrons. Good casting. On the shelves of St. Petersburg, however, rarely appear due to the difficulties of delivery. "Ecolit" - good cauldrons, the company is now stopped, due to debts to suppliers, the rest are being sold. Our web address is

Andrey Kisly, Alexey Oreshkin
