Studying, work, fast pace of life, stressful situations, loads - all this causes overwork and leads to a decrease in health. The expenditure of forces and their restoration are interconnected and constantly alternating processes. The term recreation refers to the restoration of the spiritual, physical strength of a person and the development of the individual. From Latin into Russian, recreation is translated as restoration, rest.

Recreation and its resources

So, recreation is a procedure and organization of rest for recuperation. It has a wide range of activities, both individual and collective: sanatorium, tourism, sightseeing, physical activities, etc. It is carried out in free time, in specially designated places outside the home.

Recreational resources are natural, climatic, health, educational objects, cultural and historical sights, cities or towns that are used to provide recreational services. Recreational resources have several directions, such as natural, resort, tourist, sports, etc.

As you can see, there are many forms of recreation, today we will consider a small part of them.

Recreation can be divided into passive and active.

  • Passive recreation is a visit to parks, squares, theaters or museums and involves recreation near the place of residence. This type does not require special financial costs or special planning.

  • Active recreation is rest at a great distance from home and living in a new place (hotel, camping, tent, etc.).

Natural recreation areas and resources

Part of the space of the natural environment surrounding us, which is reserved for the collective recreation of people, is called a natural recreational area. This includes medical, health and resort places, land plots of the water or forest fund, areas of nature protection and historical purposes, as well as other recreational complexes that provide recreational activities and comfortable conditions for vacationers.

Natural recreational resources are natural health-improving, medical, resort factors and resources used for the purpose of recovery and recovery. vitality person. These can be minerals that have a healing effect, of organic or mineral origin (therapeutic mud, mineral water etc.), special climatic and landscape conditions of natural areas (beaches, forests, mountains, parks, etc.).

Recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for recreation and restoration of vitality and spiritual strength. In many countries of the world this type of tourism is very popular. The assessment of tourist recreation is based on tourist recreational resources. These include the relief of the region, water bodies, vegetation, climate, natural healing resources, etc.

Tourism and recreation contribute to the elimination of adverse factors that affect a person in Everyday life. Sufficient muscle activity allows the participants of such a hike to relax and improve their health, which ensures the work of the main functional systems of a person: respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, etc. In addition, the change of scenery itself has a positive effect on the body.

motor recreation

Motor recreation is any active activity with the use of physical activities and complexes of sports exercises (outdoor games, sports activities, physical exercises), in other words, - leisure. With the development of technological progress, most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle, move little, do not observe the daily routine, etc. From this, diseases appear, health worsens, constant fatigue, insomnia, and nervousness appear. Therefore, motor recreation, it is also called physical recreation, should be part of the life of modern people. Recently, our society has begun to pay great attention to this idea.

recreational period

There are 5 most repeated recreational periods (cycles):

  1. Daily - repeats every 24 hours. Rest lasting from 4 to 6 hours, near the place of residence, with active or passive activities. With the development of transport, it became possible to travel over longer distances.
  2. Weekly rest, or weekend, - frequency of 7 days. Stay (on average from 6 to 8 hours) in areas close to home, such as parks, squares, etc.
  3. Quarterly - repeatability from 65 to 90 days. Visits, lasting about 8 hours, in one day, not very remote recreational places (excursions, trips to relatives, friends, etc.).
  4. Annual rest - a cycle lasting 1 year. Visiting places far from home. With the development of modern transportation, moving has an unlimited distance. The average duration of rest is from 10 to 14 days.
  5. Life span is 10 to 15 years. This is usually associated with some grand event, such as a honeymoon trip. The distance does not matter. Duration of rest is from 10 to 30 days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that each subsequent period has an increasing distance.

Recreation and rest are of great importance for a tired, exhausted person. Having restored their strength, people increase their efficiency, and they are less susceptible to diseases.

  1. RECREATION - RECREATION (Polish rekreacja - rest, from lat. recreatio - restoration), 1) holidays, vacations, change at school (an outdated expression). 2) Rest room in educational institutions. Big encyclopedic Dictionary
  2. recreation - RECREATION -and; and. [from lat. recreatio - restoration, rest] 1. Hall in the school, located at both ends of the corridor and serving for students to relax during breaks. Log in to recreation. Walk in pairs along the recreation. 2. Spec. Dictionary Kuznetsova
  3. recreation - recreation "rest". Through the Polish rekreasja - the same from lat. recreātiō: recreāre "to reinforce". Etymological dictionary Max Fasmer
  4. recreation - recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation, recreation Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  5. Recreation - Restoring the health and working capacity of a person by resting in the lap of nature or during a tourist trip associated with visiting national parks, architectural and historical monuments. Environmental terms and definitions
  6. RECREATION - (from lat. recreatio - restoration) recuperation, rest, people spending their free time from work. Economic glossary of terms
  7. Recreation - A room in an educational building designed for students to relax during a break between classes. (Terms of the Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995) Architectural Dictionary
  8. recreation - Recreation, w. [Latin. recreation, lit. recovery]. 1. Break for rest between classes, lessons; the same as change. 2. Rest room in educational institutions. Big Dictionary foreign words
  9. recreation - recreation 1. Restoration of human strength expended in the labor process; recovery, rest. 2. Rest room in the school building. 3. outdated. Time period free from classes; holidays. 4. outdated. Break between lessons at school; turn. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  10. Recreation - (Polish rekreacja - rest, from Latin recreatio - restoration) 1) holidays, vacations, change at school (obsolete). 2) Rest room (obsolete). 3) Rest, restoration of human strength expended in the labor process. Big soviet encyclopedia
  11. recreation - RECREATION fr. rest from service, from studies, holidays; holidays. Recreational room. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  12. recreation - Rest from service, - teachings (holidays) Recreational hall - where students take a walk during the rest (between lessons) Cf. The authorities did not know anything about what was happening in the recreational hall - for some reason they rarely looked in there. Michelson's Phraseological Dictionary
  13. recreation - noun, number of synonyms: 6 recovery 50 rest 34 break 43 break 44 entertainment 27 calm 26 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  14. recreation - orff. recreation, and Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  15. RECREATION - RECREATION (from lat. recreatio - restoration) - English. recreation; German Recreation/Erholung. 1. Rest, restoration of human strength expended in the labor process; after-hours activities carried out for pleasure (sports, hobbies, etc.). sociological dictionary
  16. recreation - and, well. 1. outdated. A break between lessons at school, a break. As soon as the bell announced the recreation, both hurried into the hall. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gentlemen of Tashkent. || Free time for leisure. Small Academic Dictionary
  17. recreation - RECREATION Rest, restoration of forces expended in the process of labor, training sessions or competitions. (Terminology of sports. Explanatory dictionary of sports terms, 2001) Glossary of sports terms
  18. recreation - RECREATION, recreation, women. (lat. recreatio, literal restoration) (school. obsolete). Break for rest between classes, lessons; same as change in 5 val. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  19. recreation - RECREATION, and, f. 1. Rest, recuperation after work (special). 2. In educational institutions: a lounge for students to relax (colloquial). | adj. recreational, oh, oh. R. forest (intended for recreation, recuperation). R. hall (in educational institution; obsolete). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  20. recreation - [rest from service, from studies, holidays; vacation (Dal)] see >> vacation Abramov's synonym dictionary
  21. recreation - RECREATION and, well. recreation f.<�лат. recreatio восстановление.1. устар., школьное. Перерыв для отдыха между занятиями. устар. Время, свободное от занятий, предназначенное для отдыха. БАС-1. Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

recreation(lat. recreation recovery, rest) - a person's activity in his spare time from work with the aim of restoring and strengthening physical and spiritual strength, as well as for the comprehensive development of the individual, carried out mainly using natural factors in specially designed areas outside the place of permanent residence.

Recreation is a collective concept that covers a wide range of problems associated with sanatorium treatment (only in the part related to the use of natural resources), all types of recreation, tourism, excursions and involves a comprehensive, systematic approach to their study, organization and long-term planning. In this sense, the term "recreation" has been used since the 60s. 20th century

A necessary condition for the development of Recreation, or recreational activities, is the availability of free time, which is part of non-working time (free time is understood to be time not related to production activities, as well as the satisfaction of biological and domestic needs and allotted for physical, intellectual development and recreation). In the conditions of a developed socialist society, an increase in free time, an increase in the material well-being and cultural level of the population lead to significant changes in the structure of needs, among which Recreation begins to occupy an increasing place. Sanitary treatment (see Resorts, Sanatorium), rest (see), tourism (see), to-rye before the Great October Socialist Revolution were the privilege of only the wealthy segments of the population, became available to all workers. In a socialist society, a significant part of the cost of recreation is covered from public consumption funds, which characterizes R. as one of the elements of the socialist way of life (see).

Another significant factor in the development of R. is the desire to reduce the impact on humans of the negative consequences of scientific and technological progress, primarily due to intensive urbanization. The concentration of the population in industrial centers and the specific working conditions in large-scale automated production is the main reason for the reduction in physical and increase in psycho-emotional stress, which is characteristic of our time, entailing hypodynamia (see) and "emotional fatigue" from rapidly changing sound and visual stimuli and an overabundance of information . Neuropsychic fatigue caused by living conditions in large cities and associated not only with production, but also with everyday life, does not decrease as quickly as physical, on the contrary, its cumulation is observed. Therefore, it is not so much the duration of the recreation that is important, but its content, the active nature of recreational activities. Under this condition, the recovery processes proceed faster. R. is not only a means of compensating for production and non-production fatigue, but also satisfies a person's natural craving for nature, a change of impressions. This explains the currently observed so-called. recreational explosion.

Types and functions of recreation

According to the frequency and territorial principle, R. can be divided into short-term, with a return for the night to places of permanent residence (this involves the use of intra-city and suburban green areas) and long-term, with an overnight stay outside the place of permanent residence (long-term R. is practically not limited territorially). The functions performed by R. can be divided into biomedical, socio-cultural (or educational) and economic.

In medico-biological function of R. distinguish two aspects - a dignity. - hens. treatment and recreation.

However, it should be emphasized that although many researchers, according to a number of criteria (the focus of sanatorium treatment on restoring health and the use of natural resources for these purposes), include this treatment in the concept of "recreation", this can be done with certain restrictions, because in a comprehensive Spa treatment as a special type of therapy includes not only natural, but also preformed physical factors, as well as a number of other methods and means. In addition, modern step-by-step treatment for some diseases provides for referral to specialized sanatoriums for aftercare. At the same time, a sick leave certificate is issued for the entire period of sanatorium treatment. This factor is also not entirely consistent with the concept of "free time", which is one of the conditions of R. Improving rest, which is the second component of medical biol. functions of R., is designed to restore working capacity, relieve neuropsychic and physical stress.

The social and cultural functions of the R. are determined by the needs of socialist society in the formation of a harmoniously, comprehensively developed person. This is the aim of the measures taken by the Communist Party and the Soviet government to develop mass educational tourism. They single out purely educational recreational activities associated with inspections of architectural monuments, cultural and historical complexes, as well as acquaintance with new territories, rare natural objects, etc.

The economic functions of R. are that it is aimed at simple and expanded reproduction of the labor force. Thanks to R., labor productivity is increased, the period of full-fledged working capacity is extended, morbidity is reduced, which increases the fund of working time. R. contributes to the performance of other economic functions: it creates conditions for the accelerated economic development of certain districts of the country, an increase in employment through recreational services, etc. Thus, R. becomes an economic category.

It is difficult to draw clear boundaries between these functions of recreation. Cognitive aspects are characteristic, in particular, of the biomedical functions of R.; excursions and close tourism are used in health-improving rest and sanatorium treatment.

recreational system

The listed types and functions of R. also correspond to certain recreational institutions, united by a common functional program: a sanatorium (see), a boarding house (see), a rest home (see), a camp site, etc. For the implementation of R., organization of a specific environment is necessary, in including and territorial, since climatic and landscape conditions can either contribute to the treatment and recovery of a person, or have an adverse effect on him. An example of the latter is the placement of a sanatorium for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the circulatory system in an area with a very rugged terrain.

To realize the socio-cultural function of a river, an area must have natural, historical, architectural, and other attractions. The attractiveness (attractiveness) of places of treatment, recreation and tourism contributes to the formation of the so-called. recreational flow (number of people being treated, vacationers, tourists). There is a need to create a developed service system for patients and vacationers, the so-called. social and technical infrastructure. All this determines the importance of a systematic research approach to the problem of recreation and requires the introduction of the concept of "recreational system". According to V. S. Preobrazhensky, it is a complex social anthropo-ecological system, consisting of interrelated subsystems: those who are being treated or having a rest (the central subsystem), natural or cultural territorial complexes, technical devices, service personnel and a governing body. Since recreation is territorially differentiated and is associated with the properties of one or another geographic environment, one should distinguish between territorial recreational systems (TRS) that have a number of properties: stability, reliability, capacity, hierarchy, and efficiency.

TRS can have a different area. An example of large TRS, covering a number of resorts and resort agglomerations, are the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (see), the Southern coast of Crimea (see). National (natural) or recreational parks are special TPCs that are gaining popularity in recent times.

A necessary condition for the development of TRS is the recreational potential, which is understood as the totality of natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic prerequisites for organizing and conducting Recreation. in a certain area. The most important component of the recreational potential is recreational resources - components of the natural environment and objects of human activity that have healing and health-improving properties or represent a socio-historical, aesthetic value, or are natural monuments. Nowadays, there is a transition from the extensive use of recreational resources to the forms of their intensive exploitation, accompanied by the active development of recreational infrastructure - a complex of structures serving recreational institutions (transport communications, communications, water supply, sewerage, etc.) and involving the protection of natural resources and their reproduction .

There are various ways to increase and reproduce recreational resources: traditional (for example, hydrogeological exploration and development of new deposits of therapeutic mineral waters, regeneration of therapeutic mud) and non-traditional (inclusion of natural and social environment objects into the recreational environment). So, for example, even 100 years ago, mountains and caves did not represent a recreational resource, they became them only with the emergence of such types of recreational activities as mountaineering, sports tourism and speleotherapy (see). The same applies to industrial tours - only in recent decades, certain industrial enterprises have become the objects of a tour show.

The problems of studying the patterns of formation of TRS, the dynamics of their development and the specific conditions of functioning are the main object of study of a new branch of science - recreational geography, the formation and development of a cut that began in our country in the 60s. The 20th century was due to the need for a systematic approach to these issues and for conducting fundamental interdisciplinary research at the intersection of natural, social and technical fields of knowledge. Recreational geography, using the methods of physical and economic geography, covers a wide range of issues - from socio-economic to natural history and is closely related to medical geography, which studies the geographical distribution of various diseases and the influence of the environment on their occurrence (see Medical Geography), with medical climatology (see Climatology medical), as well as with health care (see). A large place in recreational geography is occupied by urban planning problems and problems associated with the creation of recreation facilities, tourism and excursions. The emergence of recreational geography contributed to the development and unification of a number of seemingly distant branches of knowledge - recreational physiology, recreational hygiene, recreational architecture, etc.

Studying the effectiveness of recreation

According to a number of researchers, honey alone. estimates of immediate results a dignity. - hens. treatment, recreation or tourism is not enough. So, V. P. Kaznacheev (1979) believes that in the economic assessment of R., along with the use of cost indicators, it is also necessary to take into account such criteria as the effectiveness of a recreational man-hour relative to the subsequent preservation of health, a reduction in days of temporary disability and an increase in labor productivity.

Questions of influence of the place and time a dignity are insufficiently studied still. - hens. treatment, recreation and tourism on the human body depending on the place of permanent residence, age, nature of work, type of higher nervous activity, etc. The need for this kind of research arises, in particular, from the established relationship between a person’s age and the various magnitude and nature of motor loads. So, when organizing recreational activities for children, it should be taken into account that they are characterized by the need for intense motor loads and a variety of impressions. In middle and old age, motor loads should be more uniform and proceed in a calmer emotional environment. It is expedient to investigate adequacy of development a dignity. - hens. networks and the entire R. system in relation to specific regions, taking into account climatic and geographical conditions, the location of territorial and industrial complexes, the specifics of the demographic structure of the population, as well as the nature and level of incidence. Thus, the system of recreational activities for the population who arrived to develop new territories in the east and north of the country from other climatic zones should be designed, according to V.P. recreation in contrasting climatic and geographical zones - the Black Sea, the Baltic, the Far East, which allows you to stop chronic pathology, exacerbated in unusual conditions for them. For the elderly, this issue requires caution. Restorative rest for healthy children is most effective in their usual geographical conditions; rest in the south is not rational, because after returning to the harsh climatic conditions of places of permanent residence, the risk of developing diseases associated with hypothermia increases in them. The majority of sick children and adults from these regions should be treated in local san. - chickens. institutions.

Principles of recreational zoning

The recreational zoning of the territory of the USSR is based on the degree of development of recreational functions and the "density" of recreational facilities. In accordance with this, 4 large zones are distinguished, which, in turn, are divided into separate districts according to the principle of specialization in different types of P. Zone I - the south of the European part of the USSR (includes the south of Ukraine, including Crimea, Transcaucasia, North Caucasus and Lower Don); Zone II - the middle strip of the European part of the USSR (from the western borders of the USSR to the Urals), it includes Moldova, the middle and northern parts of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic republics, the central and north-west. districts, the Volga region; III zone - the middle and southern strip of the Asian part of the USSR (from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean); IV zone - North of the USSR. More than 80% of places in sanatoriums and boarding houses with treatment are in zones I and II, where more than half of the country's population lives. Zone III is characterized by an uneven distribution of recreational facilities. With numerous deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, favorable climatic and landscape conditions, as well as interesting objects for tourism, this zone does not yet have a sufficiently developed transport and social infrastructure. The intensive economic development of the East of the country makes its recreational development promising as well, a number of territories in this region are especially convenient for creating national parks (Baikal, etc.). Zone IV is less populated and developed than others, a network of local health-improving institutions is developing near the emerging industrial complexes of the region, and ski tourism is developing in the Kola Peninsula region. There are prospects for the formation of specialized districts of tourism in the North.

This scheme of recreational zoning is indicative. It can change as the economic development of new territories. To the greatest extent this applies to the districts of Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East.

Recreational zoning must take into account local climatic resources. They can either limit or actively promote the development of certain types of recreation and tourism in different districts in certain seasons or throughout the year. So, for swimming in natural reservoirs, it is required that the water temperature in them is not lower than 16-17 °, and the excitement does not exceed 3 points. Skiing requires a snow cover of at least 20 barely thick, etc. Climatic conditions largely determine the uneven attendance in different seasons of individual recreational districts. Important for determining the recreational value of the region is the duration of the period favorable for summer or winter recreational activities. The following criteria are used as the basis for zoning the territory of the USSR according to the degree of favorableness of the climate for summer species of R.: 1) the most favorable weather (comfortable); 2) weather of average favorable (subcomfortable) - hot and cool; 3) unfavorable (uncomfortable) - very hot, rainy and cold. Periods of comfortable and sub-comfortable weather are favorable, and uncomfortable weather is unfavorable for all types of recreation and tourism.

Other natural conditions can also act as limiting ones, for example, seismic hazard in many southern mountain regions attractive for tourism and recreation, avalanche and mudflow hazards characteristic of mountain regions, swampiness of some flat areas.

One of the aspects of recreational zoning is the rational placement and ratio of dignity -: chickens. and tourist establishments, depending on the natural, in particular medical, resources in a particular territory. Thus, the coasts of the warm seas, the Baltic States, the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, which have unique natural resources, have historically developed as resort areas. However, these same territories, due to the favorable climate and landscape, are also very attractive for tourism; therefore, areas valuable in medical terms are often occupied for the construction of tourist bases, campsites, or they are located in close proximity to sanatoriums. In some cases suburban zones of short-term rest "invade" in to lay down. zones and zones of long-term rest - the location of local (suburban) sanatoriums and rest houses. There is a need to create a general differentiated scheme for the development of places of recreation, tourism, and sanatorium treatment, which would coordinate the plans for the development of all types of recreation. recreational environments.

Ecological aspects of recreation

The problems of protecting the biosphere in recreational areas are at the junction of two important areas in the life of society - the protection of human health and environmental protection (see). Due to the ever-increasing involvement of the population in recreational activities, the load on natural complexes (recreational loads), which is understood as attendance by treated, vacationers, tourists of a certain territory per unit of time, increases sharply. It is necessary to limit and optimize recreational loads, the rationale for which should be based on a criterion that takes into account the natural restorative abilities of natural resources. Recreational load standards should be developed for specific districts, depending on their climatic, geographical and landscape conditions.

The concept of the so-called recreational digression (retreats, deviations) associated with the transformation of a natural ecosystem into a semi-natural one, the structure and function of the cut are changed in comparison with the natural one, and the edge retains the ability to self-heal only under certain recreational loads. There are five stages of digression. Loads at stages I-II are considered optimal, at stages III-IV - acceptable, i.e. not leading to loss of ecosystem stability. However, it should be borne in mind that the magnitude of the total load depends on the time factor: even with loads corresponding to stages III-IV, there is a gradual cumulation of changes in the ecosystem, expressed in the form of the so-called. residual deformations. Loads at stage V are irreversible.

The issues of nature protection in the most visited recreational areas - the coasts of warm seas, reservoirs - are becoming especially acute. Excessive recreational loads lead to the rapid destruction of the grass cover, soil compaction, changes in its properties, etc. It should be borne in mind that the productivity of the natural vegetation cover is different in different latitudes, differing in hydrogeological, temperature, soil, and other conditions. So, according to N. A. Danilova (1980), in the Black Sea region it is up to 200 centners / ha per year, in the Moscow region - 100 centners / ha, Leningrad - 80 centners / ha, on the shores of the White Sea 60-40 q/ha. Thus, the renewal of the trampled vegetation cover in the south occurs at a faster pace, however, even here it is impossible to exceed the limits of permissible recreational loads. In addition, there is the concept of the so-called. the psychophysiological capacity of recreational zones, which determines the possible number of people simultaneously located in them, with a cut for each of them, psychophysiological comfort is preserved.

A difficult problem is also the resolution of contradictions between the degree of improvement of the territory and the preservation of its natural, in particular landscape, value. These challenges include optimizing the functioning of the "city-resort" system so that urbanization does not have a damaging effect on natural resources. The question of the admissible degree of the introduction of engineering and technical structures into natural complexes, which ensures the preservation of the natural landscape and at the same time increases its resistance to stress, remains poorly understood. The significance of this issue is also determined by the fact that it is the “naturalness” of nature that attracts the bulk of vacationers. At the same time, the reasonable introduction of engineering structures, their active role in the functioning of resorts and recreation areas is characteristic of a new, higher level of their development. In a number of cases, the increasing role of technical facilities (beautification of beaches, construction of climate treatment pavilions, etc.) leads to a wider use of natural resources. So, for example, the development of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody depends on the possibility of introducing new mineral pipelines, the Greater Sochi - on the prospects for expanding the beaches.

It should be noted that the opinion about the dangers of any intervention in the natural environment, any change in it by man is not fully justified. Practice shows that a natural environment that is at the II-III stage of digression is preferable for recreation (for example, not a continuous forest, but a sparse one, in which undergrowth has been destroyed and where open spaces alternate with arrays of trees).

One of the types of environmental protection measures is the so-called. recreational organization of the territory. For example, the improvement of the forest area (laying a network of paths, paths, marking glades for making fires, etc.) preserves the forest to a greater extent with the same recreational loads. Along with this, the recreational capacity of such a territory is also increasing.

An important problem is the interaction of Recreation with other sectors of the national economy. Recreational resources have certain safety margins; anthropogenic loads, pollution by production wastes of industrial and agricultural enterprises located in recreational areas, can lead to their depletion and degradation. The territorial specialization of Recreation, its combination with other types of economic activity should be carried out taking into account the greatest social and economic efficiency, determined not at the branch, but at the national economic level.

Of great importance in the protection of the biosphere of recreational zones is the promotion of environmental protection measures and environmental knowledge among the population, since the load maintained by recreational zones depends not only on the number of visits, but also on the culture of human behavior in nature (see Environmental Protection).

Bibliography: Bagrova L. A., Bagrov N. V. and Preobrazhensky V. S. Recreational resources (approaches to the analysis of the concept), Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences, Ser. geographer., No. 2, p. 5, 1977; Geographical problems of the organization of tourism and recreation, ed. B. N. Likhanova, c. 1, p. 16, Moscow, 1975; Geography of recreational systems of the USSR, ed. V. S. Preobrazhensky and V. M. Krivosheev, M., 1980, bibliogr.; Danilova N. A. Climate and rest in our country, M., 1980; Climato-medical problems and issues of medical geography of Siberia, ed. N. V. Vasilyeva, vol. 1, p. 6, Tomsk, 1974; Litvinova L. I. and Lakhno E. S. Hygiene of out-of-town recreation of the population, Kyiv, 1980; Socio-economic and geographical aspects of the study of territorial and recreational systems, ed. Yu. A. Vedenin and M. P. Chigrints, p. 94, M., 1980; Theoretical foundations of recreational geography, ed. V. S. Preobrazhensky, M., 1975; Tsarfis P. G. Recreational geography of the USSR, M., 1979.


The structure of human activity in free time is no less complex than in working time. Rather, even more complex, since during working hours the technology and organization of production
leadership severely restrict the freedom of choice in human activities. In his free time, he has great freedom to subconsciously or consciously choose the method of rebellion.
new forces. Two can be distinguished main functions of free time: 1) the function of restoring the strength of a person absorbed by the sphere of work and other indispensable occupations, and 2) the function of spiritual (cultural, ideological, aesthetic) and physical development. Recovery functions (psycho-physiological) include: nutrition, sleep, movement. They perform the functions of a simple restoration of psycho-physiological parameters. The function of development (spiritual-intellectual) includes: healing, cognition, communication.

Types of recreational activities have a certain number of ways of implementation, called recreational activities. Among the totality of activities performed in the process of recreational activities, it is possible to single out recreational activities proper (swimming, walking, picking mushrooms and berries, visiting monuments and museums, etc.) in contrast to the satisfaction of everyday physiologically necessary needs (sleep, nutrition). By typology

Actually, recreational activities can be divided into two groups, combining four main types of activities.

1. Recovery group: a) recreational and medical classes; b) recreational and health-improving activities,

2. Development group: a) recreational and sports activities; b) recreational and educational activities.

Recreational and medical classes are a system of classes strictly defined by the methods of sanatorium treatment: climatotherapy, balneotherapy and mud therapy. The type of recreational and health-improving activities is much more diverse. This includes walking, swimming, sun and air baths, games, passive recreation, mushroom picking, etc.

Recreational sports classes are aimed primarily at developing the physical strength of a person. This includes sports games, sailing and motor water sports, skiing, long walks, mountain climbing. Recreational and educational activities designed to spiritually develop a person. This group includes, for example, inspection of cultural monuments, familiarization with natural phenomena, etc.

Many types of recreational activities are combined in a real situation. For example, walking in new places performs the function of movement and knowledge. A recreant can consciously combine recreational activities for a certain period of time. It is obvious that the more combinations, the more efficient the recreational
activity, since recreational needs are more satisfied per unit of time.
A stable combination of repeated recreational activities over a certain period of time is called c and k l and recreational activities.

It is known that one of the conditions for the existence of living systems is the rhythm of biological processes inherent in living matter. Circadian (circadian) rhythms are the main biological rhythm, an integral property of living systems and form the basis of their organization. Therefore, the daily cycle of recreational activity, as a certain combination of complexes of simultaneous activities or activities performed over short periods of time, can be considered as a primary cell.

Daily cycles can be repeated many times over a certain long period of time. It is possible to single out vacation cycles, a life cycle, a cycle characteristic of a certain age gradation (childhood, youth, maturity, etc.).

The life cycles of recreational activities are manifested in the alternation of types and forms of recreation, geographical areas, etc. The cycles of recreational activities can also be distinguished by their social function and technology; medical, health, sports and educational.

Diversity, combination and cyclicality of recreational activities are directly related to the properties of recreational areas and their organization. A variety of activities should correspond to a variety of recreational resources, both natural and cultural and historical. Combination and cyclicality are also possible if there are a variety of resources in a certain area.

In the district planning, the functional diversity of the recreational territory (the choice of natural complexes, the recruitment and placement of engineering structures, etc.) is achieved on the basis of the recreant's time budget, i.e., indicating the set and duration of classes. The cycles of amateur recreation have been poorly studied.

The manifestation of the properties of recreational cycles at the global and macro-territorial levels can be regarded as the task of the territorial organization of the recreational industry as a whole, i.e., as ensuring the diversity of the offer.

It is necessary to note two main trends in the evolution of recreational activities, reflecting changes in the structure of recreational needs. The first trend is manifested in the increase in the relative importance of recreational, health-improving, sports and cognitive activities, on the one hand, and in the relative decrease in therapeutic activities with an absolute increase in all types of activities, on the other. Especially noticeable is the trend of increasing popularity of recreational types associated with the use of natural (untransformed or slightly transformed) landscapes. The second trend is the emergence of new, or rather, previously unpracticed recreational activities.

Classification of recreational activities. In the scientific literature there are various classifications and groupings of recreational activities. Most often they are based on: the purpose of the trip, the nature of the organization, the legal status, the duration of the travel and stay in a certain place of the recreant, seasonality, the nature of the movement of the recreant, his age, activity activity: swimming, sunbathing, walking along the coast, playing ball on beach, water skiing.

Walking and fishing recreation- includes activities such as outdoor walks, sightseeing, picking mushrooms and berries, sea clams, corals and other gifts of nature. Route tourism is often identified with tourism in general. It can be sports, or it can be amateur, that is, just a recreational one. By the nature of the obstacles to be overcome, most often it is divided into flat and mountainous. This type of recreation is based on the desire of a person to overcome natural obstacles, to confront nature, to get closer to it. Route tourism is closely connected with educational local history tourism, with the patriotic youth movement. According to the nature of the methods used, it can be pedestrian, motorized, etc. The radius of its action is also different: local (in the vicinity), republican, all-Union.

received great development water tourism both walking and sports. These activities include motorized water sports, water skiing, canoeing, sailing, etc. As a rule, these types of tourism are combined with. bathing and beach tourism in recreational complexes that are dynamically growing on the shores of the seas, lakes and rivers. Becomes more and more popular underwater sports tourism for the purpose of photography and spearfishing for marine animals. Underwater types of sports tourism include not only elements of sports, but also elements of cognitive interest. The cognitive aspect e.g. archaeological underwater tourism, developed in the Mediterranean countries, where tourists are attracted by the ruins of ancient port cities under water. Great prospects for underwater tourism are available in tropical countries on coral reefs. Known popularity fishing tourism. hunting tourism. Hunting is connected with travel and pursues as the main goal recreation in nature, and not material enrichment. Such types of tourism as photo and film hunting are related to the educational form of tourism. Hunting tourism is increasingly regulated in connection with the problems of wildlife protection. It is also one of the most expensive types of foreign tourism. Especially expensive safaris in Africa. Wealthy foreigners are interested in hunting areas in Africa, Asia, the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. Most of the hunter-tourists in these countries come from densely populated countries with impoverished hunting grounds: from France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Great Britain and the USA. Hunting tourism as a source of foreign exchange is actively developed by the Russian Federation.

Ski tourism has been developing rapidly in recent years. Specialized ski resorts with a developed service system are being created.

Mountaineering is also becoming more widespread. All purely recreational and sports activities make high and rather unambiguous demands on natural territorial complexes. This is reflected in the sports standards that determine the type and number of obstacles to be overcome, the characteristics of the tracks, etc.
Cognitive recreation. Cognitive aspects are inherent in a significant part of recreational activities. However, there are purely educational recreational activities associated with the informational "consumption" of cultural values, i.e. with the inspection of cultural and historical monuments, architectural ensembles, as well as familiarization with new areas, countries, their ethnography, folklore, natural phenomena and economic objects.

For example, the natural object of educational tourism in the Russian Federation is the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka. One of the cognitive types of recreational activities - animal observation. Thus, in world practice there is a precedent for using a fur seal rookery as a spectacle for tourists. There are 10 fur seal rookeries on St. Paul Island (the Pribylov Islands of the Bering Sea, USA). One of them has a gallery and an observation tower for tourists. Tourists take away photographs and films about the life of the fur seal rookery.

Domestic educational tourism is of great educational importance in the formation of patriotism, especially among young people. Cognitive motives of migratory recreation are in direct connection with the cultural level of the population, as well as with the targets of the recreational industry. A peculiar place in international and domestic tourism is occupied by congress tourism, exhibitions, fairs, sports competitions, festivals and pilgrimages to "holy places". These events generate quite significant tourist flows.

Congress tourism is associated with the expansion of international scientific and technical contacts between specialists and scientists. Now the number of international congresses has exceeded 3 thousand, and the number of participants reaches 3-4 million people. The expenses of congress participants account for 5-6% of the total income from international tourism. Foreign exchange earnings from each congress participant are 2-3 times more than from an ordinary tourist, so many countries are interested in the development of active congress tourism.

The division of free time depending on the nature of its use into daily, weekly and annual is methodologically important, as it serves as the basis for studying the structure of recreation and the use of free time for recreational purposes. Free time differentiated in this way makes it possible to consider recreational activities by frequency and territorial basis. The use of daily free time and everyday recreation are directly related to housing and the urban environment and their spatial organization. Weekly recreation depends on the placement of suburban recreational facilities. The use of annual free time is associated with the placement of recreational resort-type facilities. Based on the above differentiation of free time, recreation is distinguished within the settlement; weekly in

According to the nature of the organization, recreation is divided into regulated (or planned) and amateur. Regulated, or, as it is more commonly called, planned recreation represents a journey and an interruption according to a precise, pre-announced schedule. Recreants are provided with a range of services for a pre-purchased voucher for a certain period (vacationers in sanatoriums, rest homes and camp sites). If recreants are provided with only a part of services, then such service will be partial. Under independent unorganized recreation is understood as an independent travel of a recreant not bound by any mutual obligations with recreational enterprises. It is this type of recreation that presents the most acute problem at this stage of the tourism industry. So, during the seasonal peak in the Black Sea region, the share of unorganized recreants accounts for about 50-75% of the total number of tourists, which creates particular tension in the functioning of transport and the service sector.

By the number of participants distinguish between individual and group tourism. Under the individual is understood not only the journey of one person, but also the family.

For the purposes of regional planning, such an indicator as the density of social contacts, expressed by the number of recreants per unit area. The desire for maximum solitude can be called "centrifugality", and for maximum contacts - "centripetality". Naturally, the territorial organization of centrifugal forms of recreation will differ significantly from the territorial organization of centrifugal forms of recreation. In the first case, the dispersion of the service sector, the insignificant density of the transport network, and the extensive use of recreational resources will be characteristic. The microenvironment of centripetal types of recreation is approaching urbanized forms of recreation. Given the well-known inconsistency of the individual, the zoning of resorts should combine quiet areas with a minimum of contacts and areas with a maximum of contacts.

By sign Mobility tourism is divided into traditional and nomadic. This is a rather conditional division, since tourism, firstly, is necessarily associated with moving from a place of residence to a place of rest, and, secondly, tourists, even in the so-called places of rest, are highly mobile. When highlighting stationary tourism, it is emphasized that in this case the trip is carried out for the sake of staying at a certain resort. Stationary forms of tourism include medical tourism and certain types of health and sports tourism.

nomadic tourism involves constant movement, change of location. Here the stay is subordinate. With the growth of the technical capabilities of the “deportation”, the trend towards nomadic tourism is increasing, the tourist’s tendency towards “consumption of space”.

The change in the degree of mobility of recreational activities is reflected in the geography of the material and technical base of tourism. The growth of mobility, especially the growth of autotourists, strengthens the linear-nodal principle of the territorial organization of tourism. The material and technical base of tourism is increasingly gravitating towards roads. As a result of the growth of individual vehicles, the time spent by tourists in several places is increasing due to a decrease in stay in one place. There is a development of the recreational economy in breadth along with a simultaneous deepening of the territorial division of labor in the recreational area. industries.

The degree of mobility is reflected in approaches to the study of tourism, in particular, to the assessment of recreational resources. For example, the assessment of landscape diversity along highways will differ from the assessment of landscapes for pedestrian and, even more so, stationary tourism. It is clear that the frequency of landscape change for hiking must be greater than for autotourism.

Many types of recreation are seasonal both for natural and socio-economic reasons. Seasonality gives rise to many social and economic problems. First of all, seasonality reduces the profitability of the operation of recreational infrastructure, creates "peaks » and "failures" in labor force employment and service and transport pressures. Thus, employment in seaside recreational areas in the winter months decreases by 3-4 times compared with July-August. Most people tend to relax in the summer, during the sunny period. The sun, therefore, is the most significant objective factor of seasonality. With the increase in the duration of vacations, there is a tendency to divide the vacation into two parts. Obviously it will holidays in ski resorts in the winter season, which is becoming increasingly popular.

Seasonality in recreation is partly explained by the fact that industrial enterprises and institutions have developed such a rhythm of work that provides for vacations for the majority of workers and employees during the summer. The education system has the same rhythm.

A number of types of recreation, especially of the medical-resort type, are year-round in nature, although even here there is an uneven recreational flow.

The study of the rhythm of tourist traffic is not only of theoretical importance. The tension of the tourist flow should correspond to a certain tension of the entire tourist service system: transport, catering, logistics, etc. conditioning.

By the nature of the transport services used, tourism is divided into automobile (individual), bus, aviation (flight or charter), railway, pedestrian, sea, river, lake).

Road transport accounts for 3/4 of all world passenger traffic. In Europe, about 70% of tourists travel by individual car In the next decade, we can expect a rapid growth in personal vehicles. In the service of tourism for short distances, bus transport takes the main part, and for ultra-long and partly long distances - air transport. For example, on the Atlantic lines, the development of air transportation has led to a catastrophic drop in maritime passenger traffic. Now they account for only about 10% of all transatlantic passenger traffic.

Widespread charter air transportation tourists. Charter aircraft - (an aircraft rented for a single transportation or several flights. With the help of charter aircraft, the so-called exclusive tours, i.e. group tourist trips on a predetermined route with prepaid transport costs. Railway tourist transportation distributed especially in small countries. Rail transport is trying to withstand internal competition from other modes of transport by increasing comfort and speeds up to 200-250 km per hour. Railways introduce exclusive tours. Role maritime transport in tourism is growing through the implementation of ferry transportation, in particular tourist cars. Also in the last decade growing rapidly cruise tourism. A cruise is a sea journey, usually in a closed circle on the same ship along a certain route, stopping at places of interest or at places that are starting points for excursions. Cruise navigation is becoming the predominant form of operation of the modern passenger fleet.

The main cruise routes are directed to warm seas. The most developed cruise trips in the Mediterranean, the intensity of cruises in the waters of the Greek archipelago is especially high. The Mediterranean is followed by the Caribbean region, where they excel in the number of cruise arrivals. tourists Bahamas. Seaports of the Scandinavian countries also stand out in scope. The number of cruise flights in the Pacific is growing rapidly. The port of New York ranks first in the world in terms of the number of cruise ship departures. Among the leading countries of cruise tourism are England, Norway, Greece, Italy, France, Germany , USA, Liberia.

The beginning of sea cruise shipping in the Russian Federation was laid in Black Sea-Azov basin in the 60s. In 1960, the first 18-day cruise on the Black Sea was carried out on the ship "Admiral Nakhimov"; already in 1970, 85,000 people took part in sightseeing and pleasure trips on passenger ships of the Black Sea Shipping Company. Another area of ​​maritime tourism is the Far East basin. The first tourist flight was organized here in 1962 on the ship "Grigory Ordzhonikidze".

The prospects for maritime tourism are enormous. In the world, only 10% of routes suitable for sea tourism have been mastered. Such specific forms of tourist travel are also practiced, such as traveling on reindeer and dog sleds in the regions of the North, and in the future flying over volcanoes by helicopters and traveling by airships are possible.

According to the legal status, tourism is divided into national (internal), i.e., tourism within one's own country, and international, or foreign, tourism. These two types of tourism in developed countries in terms of tourism are developing conjugated. Otherwise, there may be disproportions in serving domestic and foreign tourists, which violates the atmosphere of hospitality and creates socio-psychological tension.

International tourism is divided into active and passive depending on its impact on the country's balance of payments. For each country, the journey of its citizens to other states is called passive tourism, and the arrival of foreigners is called active tourism.

By length of stay, international tourism is divided for short term and long term. If the duration of a tourist trip or stay is no more than three days, then it is classified as short-term tourism, and more than three days - as long-term tourism. In international tourism, those who travel for recreation for less than 24 hours are included in the category "tourist". An excursion (Latin excursio - a sortie) is understood as a collective visit to a museum, a place of interest, an exhibition, etc.; trip, walk for educational, scientific, sporting or recreational purposes.

The main types of recreational areas. In solving modern problems of allocating areas for long-term country holidays, two main trends are observed: 1) the development of "urbanized" recreational areas based on resort settlements or entire resort agglomerations; 2) development of recreation in inter-settlement areas through the creation of recreational parks. Intermediate recreational areas include recreational areas in rural areas.

Among the territories of the first type, coastal recreation areas, medical and sanatorium individual resorts and resort areas, mountain-skiing tourist complexes have become widespread throughout the world.

Primorsky recreational areas are perhaps the most rapidly developing of all existing recreational areas. It is hardly possible to be mistaken if we say that in terms of the number of arriving recreants, they take the second place after the capitals of the world, which are intensively visited by tourists. The rapid and often hasty development of sea coasts is the product of a tourist boom that began in the 1950s and continuing even now.

The emergence of mass demand for recreation by the sea, the need to meet it coincided with the intensive introduction of industrial construction methods. In the resort areas, the usual industrial construction methods were used, and often the territorial layout of the resort complexes did not differ much from ordinary cities. This is how the urbanized recreational complexes of Spain, France, Bulgaria and other countries arose. As a rule, the characteristic features of the territorial structure of these regions are linear extension along the coastline and slight separation inland. At the same time, the further growth of coastal complexes is again not inland, but along the perimeter of the coastal strip. Large linear recreational agglomerations are being created, which leads to many negative phenomena: the effectiveness of recreation decreases due to the usual attributes of urban life, natural complexes experience overload, the social problems of the local population become more complicated, etc.

Longshore stretching creates many inconveniences in the functional zoning of the resorts. The deep separation project is partly carried out in the Gagra area. The cable car will deliver vacationers from the seashore to the Alpine zone. More radical steps in this regard were taken during the construction of a seaside recreational area in France. According to the project, some tourist facilities are located here at a distance of 10-15 km. from the sea coast. Convenient transport links with the seashore provide the opportunity to take daily sun and sea baths. And for the purpose of more rational functional zoning and economy of beaches, development is carried out not along, but perpendicular to the coast, i.e. the main pedestrian artery runs perpendicular to the sea coast, and the main highway running along the sea is significantly removed from it. 3 functional zones are clearly located perpendicular to the coast: 1) directly at the coast - a zone of water sports and entertainment; 2) further area of ​​ground sports and entertainment; 3) then - the zone of accommodation of tourists (accommodation facilities, catering establishments, parking lots, etc.). In the area of ​​water sports, the port of tourist boats occupies a central place. Strictly fixed sizes of each of these zones do not exist. They are determined by the specific conditions of the territory. This planning principle allows, firstly, to save beach areas and, secondly, to more clearly delineate functional areas. One of the fundamental issues of the territorial organization of coastal recreational areas is the choice of a place for recreational development, and the choice of the best areas for development is questionable.

In a number of Baltic holiday destinations, the recreational village itself is almost empty on a fine day (in Palanga, for example, only 6-7% of people remain in the areas of boarding houses, rest houses, etc.). Vacationers tend to leave the village even when the building area is located in a very beautiful place. Not the village itself, but the area surrounding it is the main center of attraction for vacationers. Therefore, recreational villages should not be located in the most beautiful and favorable places for recreation on the coast - they should be strived to be preserved in a natural (or relatively natural) state. For the placement of buildings, it is advisable to choose more modest places on the coast.

By recruiting recreational activities in coastal areas, predominantly multifunctional centers are being created. At the same time, in recent years there has been a tendency to build specialized centers, for example, centers for fishing enthusiasts, entertainment centers, etc.

Urbanized forms of organization of recreational activities also include health resorts, using a number of factors of the geographical environment for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It has long been known that such natural factors as climate, mineral waters and therapeutic mud can have a curative effect on many diseases, as well as prevent them. Modern balneology has accumulated considerable knowledge about the mechanism of influence of these factors of the geographical environment on a person.

Widespread and extremely diverse in composition, properties, therapeutic use and effects on the body, mineral waters and therapeutic mud, as well as comfortable climatic conditions, served as the basis for the development of numerous resort centers and regions.

Currently medical tourism experiencing a certain decline. This is especially true for the capitalist countries. But still, sanatorium and medical recreation continues to be a significant factor in both domestic and international tourism. Many of the foreign resorts are forced to go for a radical restructuring of functions in order to attract tourists. This restructuring often goes along the path of expanding entertainment and sports and recreational functions. With a certain assumption, we can say that sanatorium and medical recreation is a European type of tourism,
as in other parts of the globe it is underdeveloped. | Much attention is paid to balneotherapy in the Russian Federation. There are more than 500 resorts. Among them are the world-famous resorts of the North Caucasus - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Tskhaltubo in Georgia, Saki and Feodosia in the Crimea, Matsesta in Greater Sochi, Belokurikha in Altai, Truskavets in the Carpathians and many others.

In recent years, the number of international ski resorts, the necessary conditions for the development of which are such natural factors as the presence of snow cover for at least three months a year, a height of at least 50-60 cm, comfortable climatic conditions, weakly or moderately dissected terrain with slopes with an average steepness of about 17 °, snow avalanche safety. The development of recreational activities in inter-settlement territories in its scope, taking into account both suburban and and long-term country rest comes to the fore in the last decade. This is due to structural shifts in recreational activities, expressed in the growth of the activity of recreation, its centrifugal and nomadic character. One of the forms of organizing vast territories for recreation and tourism is the creation of natural recreational parks.

Natural Recreational Park- this is an education that combines the interests of nature protection and the interests of the organization of recreation. These are areas of slightly transformed nature or areas of unique natural and cultural features. In world practice, there is experience in the use of so-called national parks. According to international definitions, natural national parks are predominantly objects of protected nature, and the organization of recreation and tourism in them is limited.

Approximately 100 countries of the world have national parks. In total, there are about 1200 national parks.

National parks have the following main tasks: I) protection of the most remarkable natural (or little cultivated landscapes); 2) organization of a base for scientific research in natural conditions; 3) creation of conditions for educational tourism; 4) nature protection educational work.

Recreational activities in national parks, although important, are not the main of its functions. In contrast to the existing forest parks and suburban forests, recreational parks should resemble national parks in terms of organizational structure, and forest parks in terms of recreational functions.

A scientifically based technology for the use of recreational parks in inter-settlement territories involves 1) the creation of a fund of recreational lands with comfortable recreational conditions and a large set of highly valuable recreational resources, both natural and cultural and historical; 2) organization of recreational enterprises that use the fund of recreational lands for the purposes of recreation and tourism.

Recreational enterprises in recreational parks serve tourists and take care of recreational resources, regulate the load in individual sections of parks. Rational nature management of recreational parks does not exclude the versatile use of land with the leading role of recreational specialization. However, it is required to develop a list of industries and land users prohibited for placement in recreational parks. Obviously, it is unacceptable to build individual dachas here, place enterprises of increased hazard, and open pit mining.

The cognitive type of recreational parks performs the function of the spiritual development of a person. Depending on the source of knowledge, two subtypes of cognitive parks can be distinguished: a) cognitive and cultural, which include architectural, historical, ethnographic and other parks; b) cognitive-natural, which include not only places with unique and exotic natural phenomena and objects, but also spaces that have topical features of certain natural zones, belts, landscapes.

The structure of the recreational industry. To clarify the concept recreational industry let us divide the enterprises serving the recreational workers, according to the degree of connection with the actual recreational activity, into primary, secondary and tertiary.

1. Primary enterprises directly serve the recreants. The main form of such enterprises in world practice is a travel and excursion agency. They operate in places of permanent residence of recreants, provide them with accurate information about recreational areas and vehicles that they can use, conclude agreements with travel agencies of recreational areas on the accommodation of recreants of a given settlement, organize excursions, travel, etc. travel in recreational areas includes the accommodation of recreants in hotels, the organization of excursions, control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the provision of services to recreants.

TO primary include transport companies that provide transportation of recreants from their permanent place of residence to the recreational area and back, as well as movement within the recreational area.

This type also includes accommodation enterprises (tourist bases, hotels, etc.), catering enterprises for recreants, enterprises for the care of recreational parks, etc.

2. Secondary businesses. These include life support enterprises - a network of public catering, retail, public utilities and consumer services, internal transport and external transport that is not specialized in tourist transportation, and the construction industry.

3. Tertiary enterprises- these are enterprises related to other sectors of the economy, but involved in recreational services. It is through these enterprises that the recreational industry influences other industries at the regional and national levels. These are, as a rule, industrial and agricultural enterprises that serve the entire population, but also satisfy the needs of recreants. They produce tourist equipment: equipment, special tourist vehicles, etc. "A special survey in the United States showed that 24 industries are involved in the tourist service sector, the economy of the country, for which the "tourism industry" is not the main field of activity.

Enterprises of the third group, of course, cannot be attributed to the recreational industry, since, firstly, although their output of tourist goods is large, it is not a core one, and secondly, when they are included in the recreational industry, the principle technological homogeneity.

Satisfaction of recreational needs can be ensured only on the basis of the coordinated activities of primary, secondary and tertiary enterprises. The coordination of the activities of the constituent elements of the "tourism industry" is carried out in most cases on the basis of rent, without which the functioning of the recreational industry is impossible. For example, funds such as aircraft, passenger ships, trains can only be used through lease.

Ensuring the coordinated, coordinated functioning of all elements involved in recreational services is possible only with purposeful planning and regulation. This is, firstly, the need to include the recreational industry in national economic planning and the material balance of production and distribution. Secondly, there is a need to ensure the unity of leadership in the recreational industry. In our country, the creation of the organizational foundations of resort treatment and tourism took place within the framework of trade unions. The Central Council for the Management of Resorts and the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions are directly involved in the organization of spa treatment, recreation and tourism in the trade union system. The specificity of the organization lies in the fact that trade unions are a public organization. In general, a harmonious system of organization has been created and the tasks of developing sanatorium treatment, recreation and tourism of the population are being successfully solved:

The diversification of recreational activities leads to a deepening of the process of intra-industry division of labor in the recreational industry, which, in turn, is fixed in the territorial recreational specialization: resort treatment areas of a certain medical profile, seaside recreation areas, ski centers, etc. The formation of a network of areas is determined by the action of conditions and factors of the territorial organization of the recreational industry.
