For a nurse use of gloves is a required skill. Carrying out manipulations, patient care is carried out only in gloves according to existing standards.

Remember what is unacceptable usage the same gloves for the manipulation or care of two or more patients. Even if gloved hands are washed and disinfected. Treatment of gloves with alcohol-containing solutions is also unacceptable due to the destruction of the protective layer.

After carrying out manipulations for the care of one patient, gloves should be removed and immersed in a disinfectant solution for disinfection. With the subsequent disposal of disposable products.

Rules for putting on sterile gloves

  • , treat them with an antiseptic, dry completely.
  • Take sterile tweezers, get them gloves from the factory packaging or bix. Lay the gloves out on a sterile table, palm side up.
  • Move the edges of the gloves with sterile tweezers in the form of a cuff. With the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, grab the turned edge from the inside and pull the glove over the right hand.
  • With the fingers of the right hand in a glove, bring the second glove under the lapel and pull it over the left hand.
  • Bend the folded edges of the gloves sequentially on both hands. The edges of the gloves should completely cover the cuffs of the sterile gown.

Rules for removing medical gloves

If gloves are contaminated with blood or other body fluids, before removing them, they should be treated with a cloth moistened with disinfectant solution.

  • With the fingers of the right hand in a glove, grab the edge of the glove on the outside of the left hand. Remove the glove from the left hand with a vigorous movement, turning it inside out.
  • Insert the thumb of the left hand (already without a glove) inside the glove on the right hand. Remove the glove from the right hand with a vigorous movement, also turning it inside out.
  • After use, immerse gloves in a container with a disinfectant solution.
  • Wash and sanitize hands.

The nurse must be able to choose use of gloves taking into account the peculiarities of the manipulation and information about the infection of the patient (sterile surgical, non-sterile diagnostic, single use, increased risk).

If the indication for hand hygiene precedes contact that also requires the use of gloves, hand hygiene (hand sanitizing or washing with soap) should be performed prior to donning gloves.


Rice. 1. Putting on and removing non-sterile gloves.


4. Then perform hand hygiene by hand hygiene and hand washing with soap.

Processing of reusable gloves(MU 287/113-98)

Stage I:

flushing running water;

disinfection - boiling in distilled water for 30 minutes, or immersion in disinfectant. remedy for viral infections.

II stage.

Pre-sterilization cleaning in detergent solution. Drying. Sprinkling with talc inside and out, packing each glove separately in a cloth napkin, paper or special packaging bags, placing in bix.

III stage.

Steam sterilization under pressure 120°C; 0.11 MPa; 45 minutes. It is enough to disinfect cleaning gloves after washing with water. Disinfect single-use gloves, dispose of as class B waste.

Note. Gloves must be checked for integrity before sterilization. To do this, stretch the cuff of the glove with both hands, twist the glove several times; Air entering the glove stretches it. Squeeze the swollen glove with one hand. Existing holes are detected. Check the fingers of the gloves first, and then the entire glove. Or the glove is filled with water in an amount of 1 liter. This is a more reliable way to control.

process justification
1. Take gloves in sterile packaging, unfold; 2. Take the glove for the right hand by the lapel so that the fingers do not touch inner surface gloves; Ensuring sterility
3. Close the fingers of the right hand and insert them into the glove; Ensuring sterility
4. Put on a glove without breaking its lapel, opening the fingers of the right hand; Ensuring sterility
Take the glove for the left hand with the second, third and fourth fingers of the right hand (gloved) by the lapel so that the fingers do not touch the inner surface of the glove; Ensuring sterility
Close the fingers of the left hand and insert them into the glove; Straighten the cuffs on the left, then right gloves, pulling them over the sleeve. Ensuring sterility

Rules for removing sterile gloves



process justification
1. Take the fingers of the right hand in the glove by the lapel on the left glove, touching it from the outside, make a lapel; Gown sleeve infection prevention
2. Take the fingers of the left hand in the glove by the lapel on the right glove, touching it from the outside, make a lapel; Compliance with sterility. Ensuring infectious safety.
3. Remove the glove from the left hand, turning it inside out and holding the lapel in the right hand; Compliance with sterility. Ensuring infectious safety
  1. With your left hand, take the glove on your right hand by the lapel on the inside and remove it, turning it inside out (the left glove was inside the right one)
When removing gloves, touching the outer surface of used gloves causes infection of the skin of personnel

Dressing preparation technique

Dressings are called tissues and other products that are used in surgical practice to drain the wound, stop bleeding, remove wound contents and apply bandages.

dressing material requirements

  1. It is good to suck up the wound discharge, i.e. have a high degree of hygroscopicity
  2. Dries quickly by evaporating moisture
  3. Soft and elastic fit to the body, not have a large mass
  4. Do not lose these qualities when sterilizing with steam under pressure
  5. Do not irritate body tissues;

The main type of dressing material is gauze and cotton wool

Remember: When preparing any kind of dressing, be sure to tuck the edges of the gauze inward.

How to put on and take off sterile surgical gloves - photo.

Sterile gloves are designed to protect the patient and healthcare worker from mutual contamination.

Before putting on gloves:

  • Choose the right glove size for you. If you use gloves that are not the correct size, they may tear.
  • Pick up the package with a pair of sterile gloves, make sure it is intact. Torn packaging does not guarantee the sterility of gloves.
  • Check the size and date of manufacture indicated on each individual package.
  • Prepare your skin wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Keep your hands in sterile gloves bent at the elbows and raised forward at a level above the waist.
  • Attention! All manipulations with putting on gloves should be carried out keeping your hands on weight in front of you.

Algorithm for putting on sterile gloves:

1. Open the outer package - pull the top edges in different directions (or gently tear the top edge of the package).

2. Position the inner glove pack in front of you so that the letters "L" (left) and "R" (right) are in the correct position relative to your hands.

3. Gently pull the outer edges of the package (the “tails”) out to the sides, without hitting the inside of the glove package. In front of you will be left and right gloves.

After completing this step and before donning gloves, disinfect hands with antiseptic and wait for them to dry completely.

4. Visually check that the gloves are not torn or upside down and that their "thumbs" are in the correct position for easy donning.

5. Gently take the first glove by the lapel (the upper edge of the turned-down cuff), without touching its outer (sterile) side and without touching the second glove.

6. Gather the fingers of the other hand together and thread them into the glove. Open your fingers inside the glove and position them properly. After putting on a glove, temporarily leave the lapel of its cuff not deployed.

7. With a gloved hand, take the second surgical glove by sliding your fingers under its lapel. Fingers in a sterile glove should not touch the inner lapel of the second glove, so all manipulations must be carried out very carefully.

8. Put the second sterile glove on your hand without touching the skin of the forearm with your fingers and straighten its lapel. When using a sterile gown, the cuff of the glove should fit snugly around the cuff of the sterile gown.

9. Next, you need to straighten the edge of the first glove, picking it up by the lapel and not touching the skin of the hand. When using a sterile gown, the glove is put on the cuff of the gown and should fit snugly around it.

10. Now you can pull the gloves more tightly on your fingers so that the gloves fit snugly around the entire working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands.

11. Do not touch any objects with sterile gloves external environment contact with which is an indication for changing gloves.

How to remove used gloves

1. Place the fingers of one gloved hand on the outside of the cuff on the other glove and fold it securely.

2. The same action must be repeated with the second glove, making a safe lapel on it.

3. Remove the glove from one hand by pulling it off by the lapel and turning it inside out.

4. With your free hand, remove the second glove by the safety collar, turning it inside out so that the first glove is inside the second.

You can buy sterile and non-sterile medical gloves in our company.

Target: ensuring the infectious safety of the patient and staff.
- gloves reduce the risk of occupational contamination through contact with patients or their secretions:
- gloves reduce the risk of contamination of the hands of personnel with transient pathogens and their subsequent transmission to patients;
- gloves reduce the risk of infection of patients with microbes that are part of the resident flora of the hands of healthcare workers.
Indications: when performing invasive procedures, in contact with any biological fluid, in case of violation of the integrity of the skin, both of the patient and the medical worker, during endoscopic examinations in manipulations; in clinical diagnostic, bacteriological laboratories when working with material from patients, when performing injections, when caring for a patient.
cook: gloves in sterile packaging, container for safe collection and disposal (KBSU), skin antiseptic.
Action algorithm:
1. Decontaminate your hands at a hygienic level, treat your hands with a skin antiseptic.
2. Take gloves in a sterile package, unfold.
3. Take the right hand glove by the lapel with your left hand so that your fingers do not touch the inner surface of the lapel of the glove.
4. Close the fingers of the right hand and insert them into the glove.

5. Open the fingers of the right hand and pull the glove over them without breaking its lapel.
6. Insert the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers of the right hand, already wearing a glove, under the lapel of the left glove so that the 1st finger of the right hand is directed towards the 1st finger on the left glove.
7. Hold the left glove with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers of the right hand vertically.
8. Close the fingers of your left hand and insert them into the glove.
9. Open the fingers of the left hand and pull the glove over them without disturbing its lapel.
10. Straighten the lapel of the left glove by pulling it over the sleeve, then on the right with the help of the 2nd and 3rd fingers, bringing them under the tucked edge of the glove.

Note: if one glove is damaged. it is necessary to change both immediately, because it is impossible to remove one glove without contaminating the other


Action algorithm:
1. With the fingers of your right hand in a glove, make a lapel on the left glove, touching it only on the outside.
2. With the fingers of your left hand in a glove, make a lapel on the right glove, touching it only from the outside.
3. Remove the glove from the left hand, turning it inside out.
4. Hold the glove removed from the left hand by the lapel in the right hand.
5. With your left hand, take the glove on your right hand by the lapel from the inside.
6. Remove the glove from the right hand, turning it inside out.
7. Place both gloves (left inside right) into the KBU.

(Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 87 off 01/17/2012)

Nurses should pay special attention to disinfection measures aimed at preventing nosocomial infections. Features of carrying out disinfection measures in non-infectious hospitals are determined by the profile of the department. Disinfectant solutions are used in accordance with the terms specified in the instructions (guidelines) for the use of disinfectants approved for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The effectiveness of disinfection measures depends on a number of components, the most important of which are:
1) the use of strictly defined (regulated) concentrations of disinfectants;
2) the consumption of disinfectant liquids or gaseous substances in those quantities that provide sufficient contact between the disinfectants and the object to be disinfected;
3) ensuring a certain time of exposure to disinfectants (exposure).

Monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing and final disinfection is carried out by taking swabs from various environmental objects ( door handles, furnishings of the wards, etc.) with their subsequent bacteriological examination.
Medical staff should carefully consider guidelines on the use of the selected specific agent, paying attention to the spectrum of antimicrobial action (whether the agent will ensure the death of the microorganism present on the surface), toxicity parameters (is it possible to use the agent in the presence of patients, what precautions should be used when working with it, etc.), whether it has detergent action, as well as available characteristics facilities.
Solutions of disinfectants are prepared in a special room equipped with exhaust ventilation or in a fume hood. Personnel must work in overalls: a dressing gown, a cap, a gauze bandage, rubber gloves, and if there are instructions, a respirator of a certain brand and goggles.
Disinfectant solutions are prepared by mixing the disinfectant with tap water in a special technical vessel (container). The amount of disinfectant powder required to prepare the working solution is weighed on a scale or use special measuring spoons that are attached to the packaging of the product. Disinfectants in the form of aqueous or alcoholic concentrates for preparing a solution are measured using a graduated measuring cup, pipette or syringe. Sometimes disinfectants are available in bottles with a built-in or removable (in the form of a second cap) measuring container or in containers with a pump.
To obtain the desired concentration when preparing the working solution, it is important to observe the recommended ratio of agent and water. Usually, when preparing a working solution, the required amount of water is first poured into the container, then a disinfectant is added to it, stirred and closed with a lid until completely dissolved. It is most convenient to prepare working solutions of disinfectants produced in the form of tablets or in single packs.
Depending on the chemical nature, the working solutions of some
funds can be prepared in advance and stored in a closed container in
a special room before use for a certain time (day and
more), others should be used immediately after preparation.
Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate safety training, precautions and prevention of accidental poisoning are allowed to work with the disinfectant;
To work with the product are not allowed persons with hypersensitivity to chemicals, allergic diseases, chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
All disinfectants and solutions must be labeled with the name, concentration, dosage of manufacture and expiration date;
Products should be stored away from sources of heat generation, protected from direct sun rays place out of the reach of children, separate from medicines;
Providing first aid in case of accidental poisoning with disinfectants.

If signs of respiratory irritation appear:
- you should stop working with funds;
- immediately remove the victim from the work area to fresh air or to a well-ventilated area;
- rinse your mouth and nasopharynx with water;
- give a warm drink (milk with sodium bicarbonate or mineral water"Borjomi").
In case of skin contact:
Immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water and lubricate it with an emollient cream.
In case of contact with eyes:
Rinse them abundantly under a stream of clean water for 10-15 minutes, then drip 1-2 drops of a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl. Urgently contact an ophthalmologist.
If the agent or its solution enters the stomach:
Drink several glasses of 10-20 crushed tablets to the victim activated carbon. Seek medical attention if necessary. Do not induce vomiting!

7. Table of calculations for the preparation of working solutions from
chlorine disinfectants

8. Table of calculations for the preparation of working solutions from liquid

9. Table of calculations for the preparation of 1 liter of peroxide working solution
hydrogen with 0.5% detergent

10. Preparation of chloramine solution

Target: prevention of nosocomial infections.
Indication: use for disinfection of premises, furnishings and care items and medical products in accordance with directive documents on compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime.
cook: a weighed portion of dry chloramine powder, a labeled enamel container with a lid. warm water, wooden spatula, rubber gloves, mask, apron.
Action algorithm:
1. Put on a mask, apron, rubber gloves.
2. Pour a small amount of water into the container.
3. Place a weighed amount of dry chloramine powder into the container (according to the concentration of active chlorine in the working solution).

4. Top up with water (needed to prepare the working solution).
5. Stir the solution with a wooden spatula until completely dissolved.
6. Close the container with the prepared chloramine solution with a lid.
7. Mark the container with the disinfectant solution and the tag, indicate the concentration, name of the solution. FULL NAME. who prepared the solution, on the tag the time of preparation of the solution. Attach a tag to the disinfectant container.
8. Remove the mask, apron gloves. Wash and dry your hands.

- prepare a solution of chloramine immediately before use;
- chloramine solution should be stored out of the reach of patients, in a dark, cool place during the day in a hermetically sealed container;
- observe safety precautions when preparing disinfectants.
