6. Why hasn't mutual understanding been reached with the diocesan authorities yet?
We consider this circumstance an annoying misunderstanding. Someone really does not like the fact that the Russian people responded to the call of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Holy Synod to unite and repent to the Lord in order to forgive the sins of the Russian people, liberate from the yoke of Satan, and revive Holy Russia.
We think that only the enemies of the Russian people - satanic forces - can deliberately hinder the conduct of the National Repentance.
In 1612, the military militia of Minin and Pozharsky gathered. At present, a spiritual militia is gathering at the monument of the Emperor Nicholas II. Our weapon is repentance, our enemy is our sins, and when we get rid of them, we will be strong by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Now the movement for repentance is beginning to gain more and more strength precisely from below from the midst of the people. We believe that under the pretext of criticizing the National Repentance, his enemies have secret goals: to compromise the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe Holy Orthodox Monarchy and to prevent the forgiveness of the Russian people, prayed for by the sacrificial feat of the holy royal martyrs and new martyrs of Russia from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, to whom honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.

For several weeks now, colorful posters have been flaunting on the streets of Voronezh, which call for "the rite of national repentance at the monument to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II". Correspondents "MOE!" They dialed the phone number indicated in the ad to find out to whom and what the residents of Voronezh should repent of.

A friendly female voice said that there was a place left on the bus especially for us and that we could perform the rite of repentance on Saturday, April 1.
- Come at 6 pm on Friday to the Chernyakhovsky monument, there will be a lot of people. Beforehand, you need to sign up by giving your surname.
The dispatcher told about the route in detail.
- First, we will go to the Zadonsk monastery and bow to the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, then we will bathe in the holy spring, take some water with us and continue on. The rite of repentance itself will be held at the monument to Nicholas II in Mytishchi from 12.00 to 15.00. Take a piece of cardboard with you to place under the knees on which you will stand while repenting. After that we will go to the Bogolyubovsky monastery, where the archimandrite himself will meet us and bless us. We will also spend the night there. You will have to sleep on the floor, so bring warm clothes. And in the morning you will receive communion and the rite of unction will be performed over you. Then we will go to bow to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the relics of 11 more saints, and only on Monday morning we will return to Voronezh.
- And how much will it cost? - we asked.
- A bus ticket will cost you only 600 rubles, and how much you will spend, we do not know. For example, an annual prayer for health in a monastery costs 200 rubles, a proskomidia - also 200. You can donate money to monasteries.
Our interlocutor informed that the rite of national repentance is being held with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II.
- Orthodox priests will go with us. We all need to repent of regicide in order for Russia to be revived, so that your personal and state life becomes better.

Naturally, no one objects to the revival of our country. But to what extent does the Orthodox Church approve of repentance at the monument to the tsar, because all this is very reminiscent of idolatry? With this question we turned to the head of the youth department of the Voronezh-Borisoglebsk diocese, Father Oleg.

Indeed, in confession, the parishioners began to confess to me the sin of regicide, says Father Oleg. - And when I asked how they killed the king, they just shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. In fact, at the moment there is a group of people who are trying to create a schism in the church. According to our information, in every regional center of Russia there are representatives of schismatics, including clergymen who organized business on the basis of repentance. In doing so, they refer to the words of the patriarch that the Russian people need to repent of past sins. But repentance makes sense in transforming the way of life, thoughts and actions, so as not to repeat past mistakes ... The schismatics act, hiding behind the words of the patriarch, taken out of the context of one of his speeches. They even hand out invitations to travel outside the temples when parishioners go out after prayer. In fact, people are deceived under a plausible pretext and money is collected from them. Indeed, in order to organize any religious events on the territory of the Voronezh-Borisoglebsk diocese (like any other), it is necessary to have the blessing of the ruling bishop, that is, Metropolitan Sergius, and in writing under his personal signature. The schismatics have no blessing.

On the instructions of the Voronezh diocese, an Orthodox parishioner took part in one of these trips, who spoke about his impressions:
“I had a terrible sight, reminiscent of mass hysteria. At the monument to the Tsar in Mytishchi, a motley crowd of people is kneeling. Above them a man with a mouthpiece in the clothes of an Orthodox priest rises and lists various sins. At the same time, behind the rumble of the crowd, you clearly do not hear the words. Someone is crying, someone is laughing, someone is wringing their hands. The action resembled a meeting of sectarians ... After that, everyone went to the monastery to a certain elder. A gray-haired man with a beard and a monk's attire came out to us, in front of whom the crowd also fell to their knees. Each in turn crawled up to him and kissed his hand. There was something slavish about it ... And at every step they demanded money from you: buy an icon, donate to the brethren, perform unction, and so on. I spent more than a thousand rubles, limiting myself in everything.

At the origins of this movement is a Voronezh priest, who at one time was expelled from the diocese by the former Voronezh Metropolitan Methodius for disobedience. The schismatics act very carefully, and it is difficult to obtain any information about the leader. They say they are acting in the mainstream of the Orthodox Church. This whole situation is reminiscent of the numerous secret societies that operated in Russia in the XVIII - XIX centuries... True, in this case, the mystery has only one purpose - making a profit.

Here is what Metropolitan Sergius of Voronezh and Borisoglebsk says about the "popular repentance" at the monument to the last Russian emperor:
- The canonization of Nicholas II and his family in the guise of passion-bearers does not satisfy the newly-born adherents of the monarchy. Monarchist predilections resulted in the heresy of self-righteousness. In some parishes, arbitrary akathists are spreading, where Emperor Nicholas II, (by the way, abdicated), is called the redeemer tsar, who by his martyrdom "atoned for the sins of the Russian people." For the Orthodox Christian, this is heresy: we confess the only Redeemer - our Lord Jesus Christ. Those living now need to repent of their personal sins. Repentance today, before it is too late, should also be followed by those who sow confusion and division among the Orthodox, perverting Orthodox dogmas.

I have heard this question for a long time, but I have never understood it, to be honest. Is it that I have to list the "historical sins" of the Russian people in confession? Or just the sins of my immediate ancestors? Or his own complicity in the acts of the godless government - that he joined the Komsomol and passed the examinations in history and diamatics at the university? And all these collective "rites of repentance for the sin of regicide" seemed to me to be something artificial and unviable.

And now I seem to begin to understand what is the matter here.

But first, what is repentance. For some it is a beating in the chest "yahuzhevsekh", for some it is an endless enumeration of unsightly details, for some it is a rejection of bad habits.

And everyone has probably heard what this word literally means in biblical languages: Greek metanoia - "rethinking", Jewish teshuva - "return".

That's right, rethinking, reevaluating what happened, and returning to the point where you went the wrong way. That is, a conscious change in their behavior. This is the very essence, and the rest, including confession, are rather external forms and manifestations. In general, this is the alphabet for a Christian.

Why am I talking about this again? Two seemingly completely different events prompted me to new thoughts. The first is a survey of Muscovites about. There is no need to argue about whether our streets, neighborhoods and stations should bear the names of the killers. Shouldn't, but they do.

Another surprise causes: why not just rename this station, as was done a little over a year ago with the Podbelsky Street (another revolutionary), now - Rokossovsky Boulevard? I'm not even talking about how many stations with communist names were renamed in the late 1980s. And if “we have to start somewhere,” why not start with the inspirer and organizer of the Red Terror, V.I. Lenin?

And I seem to have an answer to this question. It turns out whether to leave the name of the killer on the map of Moscow is a "debatable question." And discussion is only permissible by secondary name. Well, you can still wonder whether Prince Kropotkin was worthy to have a station named after him adjacent to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, or how we feel about 1905 with its barricades (as many as two stations on the purple line).

But this is how we diligently avoid the question of the entire Soviet legacy. Yes, we admit, there were disgusting figures like Voikov, or, say, Beria, but they were convicted, we got rid of them. Otherwise, everything is very ambiguous, we recognize both great achievements and certain excesses ...

Try to say this in confession, talking about your own sin: not everything is so simple, there were significant achievements. And here everything is quite simple: millions of people were killed, many of them were glorified by us as new martyrs. Their murder remained as if unnoticed - there are no streets in Moscow that bear their names, there are no monuments in their honor. And one has only to call this murder a murder, and a chorus of voices will follow: not everything is so simple, the losses are exaggerated.

What does Voikov have to do with it? Yes, despite the fact that all this fuss around the renaming of the station is intended to show that there is absolutely no agreement in society about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, which means that it is better not to touch anything. And that these crimes themselves were, in fact, an "excess of the performer": well, Voikov, Yurovsky and a couple of other people killed the royal family, so they are scoundrels, and we have nothing to do with it. But we are the heirs of great victories, the red flag over the Reichstag, Gagarin in space - this is all ours forever. And the Cheka and the Gulag - no.

It doesn't work that way. You can refuse an inheritance, you can accept it - but then you accept all the costs, all the encumbrances, all the debts of the deceased. In this case, it is a debt of memory, the burden of a terrible past and the need to comprehend it. Until this happens, we, as a society, have no immunity from the repetition of this abomination.

Rethinking past events and changing behavior, remember?

The second thing that made me think about national repentance is. He is no longer talking about the communists, but about the democrats who are now in opposition to the authorities. He notes that practically none of them rethought in the public space their experience of working for the same government in the early 2000s. That is, yesterday we were “for”, today “against”, and all this somehow by itself, without trying to analyze past mistakes and delusions.

Moreover, the same applies to the experience of the nineties. It is customary to paint them with either black or white paint. Only very rarely do we hear from those who consider them damned - but where did the current stability and spirituality come from, if not from there? And from those who call them blessed - and where did this blessing evaporate, who made what mistakes?

We, as a people, as a society, are like children who suddenly start playing pirates or astronauts and just as suddenly quit the game, so that at dinner there is nothing left of either a frigate flying a black flag or an interplanetary cruiser. And tomorrow there will be a new game, and the day after tomorrow another one, and no one will remember what they played there the day before yesterday.

It's definitely time for us to grow up. This means, first of all, to take responsibility. Can it be collective? I don’t think so. But she can be in solidarity.

Collective responsibility is when one soldier is AWOL and the entire company is canceled. It's simple, we can do it. Solidarity is when we think and decide together what and when went wrong and what can be changed. Yes, at the same time we often argue, do not agree on assessments - this, of course, is difficult and sometimes unpleasant.

Repentance is needed not for a tick, not for condemning individual guilty ones (of course, not ourselves), but for the sake of recognizing a simple thing: everything that has happened and is happening with our country is not the result of the actions of mysterious Jewish masons or individual villains, but a natural consequence of our own actions. people, including ourselves. And now it is we who determine what our grandchildren will inherit and with what word they will remember us. We, not the world behind the scenes, not internal enemies or individual irresponsible comrades.

Such repentance is not so much an event as a long and very difficult process of realization and change.

In order not to be unfounded, I want to give only one personal example. This year, for the first time in all these years, I participated in "" - I read at the Solovetsky stone the names of two citizens who were shot and completely unknown to me. To them I added the name of the brigade commissar Alexander Mikhailovich Kruglov-Landa, the husband of my great-aunt, who was shot in October 1938 and rehabilitated in 1956. I knew for a long time that he lived in the world and was killed - but only this year I gave myself the trouble to figure out who he really was, how and when he died.

It turned out to be quite easy, the information is on the net. Before his arrest, Kruglov-Landa was acting head of the Political Administration of the Red Army, and indeed his biography is an exemplary biography of a Bolshevik commissar. Probably, that's why I was in no hurry to find out what I imagined about this ... I liked the biography of my own grandfather - a nee nobleman, a professional military man, a veteran-orderly.

And yet, Kruglov-Landa was killed on a false charge, he had no descendants left, to keep the memory of him is my duty, which I have forgotten. He established this system in our country, he certainly contributed to the Great Terror in one way or another, and in the end he fell victim to it. And I could have fought like my own grandfather and met the victorious spring in Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, in great ranks and military awards.

In those very thirties, photographs of nobles and officers were erased from family albums, today they diligently erase the names of NKVD officers and commissars from family memory. But there were millions of them, they left many descendants. Where are they all? Or, as Sergei Dovlatov asked: “We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for the cause. And yet I want to ask - who wrote the four million denunciations? " Or, returning to those very nineties - how did it happen that after the victory over communism, we voluntarily gave the battlefield to the marauders?

Do I have the right to remember only that part of my personal or family history, the history of my people, which looks beautiful and promises honor and benefits? Do I have the right not to draw conclusions for the future? Rhetorical questions, sure. But without a real answer to them, without a genuine rethinking and return to the right paths, we will circle in the darkness from generation to generation, repeating past mistakes, yearning for yesterday's mirage.

Nowadays, among a small part of Orthodox clergy and laity, the so-called "Rite of the National Repentance of the Russian People" has become widespread. The inspirers of this "Chin" invite all Orthodox people to personally repent of the betrayal and murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family members, regarding participation in the "Chin" as the only possible form of the revival of the Russian people.

It should be said that they proceed from the wrong premises and, therefore, come to the wrong conclusions. First of all, they misinterpret the Epistles of His Holiness the Patriarch and the Holy Synod on the 75th anniversary (Epistle I) and 80th anniversary (Epistle II) of the assassination of Nicholas II and his family members. These Epistles are called upon to play the role of camouflage devices in order to hide the anti-church activities of some of them. But even if we proceed from the assumption that they act sincerely (which does not fit with the nature of their actions), then even then it is not possible to arrive at the results they want.

First of all, one phrase is taken out of context, which is present in the First and Second Epistles, which is given an expansive interpretation in the appropriate sense, namely: sin is a heavy burden on the soul of the people, on their moral self-consciousness. " This phrase, as well as an arbitrary interpretation of the tragic events of Russian history, builds the entire ideology of "Chin". However, in Epistle I, this phrase is followed by words that give the key to the correct understanding of this issue: “And today we, on behalf of the entire Church, on behalf of all her children - the departed and living - bring repentance for this sin before God and people. Forgive us, Lord! We call upon all our people, all their children, to repentance, regardless of their political views and views on history, regardless of their ethnic origin, religious affiliation, from their attitude to the idea of \u200b\u200bmonarchy and to the personality of the last Russian emperor. "

That is, the Orthodox Church, on behalf of the supreme ecclesiastical authority, testifies that this was a crime, a sin, and brings repentance for this sin committed on our land. At the same time, all citizens, even non-Orthodox, are called upon to realize this crime. The message contains an appeal to the state authorities to legislatively condemn “the committed atrocity, thereby restoring the continuity of their loyalty to the law and morality.” It focuses on a moral assessment of what happened and calls on all citizens to comprehend the spiritual and historical tragedy. Epistle II reiterates that “the memory of the perfect lawlessness, the feeling of guilt for his unrepentance have not been erased from our people. The murder of the royal family is a heavy burden on the people's conscience, which keeps the consciousness that many of our ancestors, through direct participation, approval or silent connivance, are guilty of this sin. "The message offers both a form of repentance and its rite: crime will urge us to commit on this day universal repentance of the sin of apostasy and regicide, accompanied by fasting and abstinence, so that the Lord would hear our prayers and bless our Fatherland with peace and prosperity. On this day, we call and bless the archpastors and pastors of our Holy Church to perform requiem services in commemoration of the murdered Emperor Nicholas II, the wife of his Empress Alexandra, their children - Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Alexy, their faithful servants and all in times of fierce persecution for the faith of Christ of the tortured and slain, and the Lord Himself knows them. "

Thus, the Rite of repentance for the sin of regicide, in the form in which it was proposed by the supreme ecclesiastical authority, was already completed in the Russian Orthodox Church.

In addition, penance is the glorification of the holy royal martyrs and new martyrs of Russia, and the construction of churches on the site of the murder of the royal family, and the construction of other churches in honor of the new martyrs, and the collection of materials about their lives, and many other acts that restore historical truth and justice, uniting us with the saints and separating us from the apostates. St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, in a Word spoken in the Brussels Memorial Church in 1962, describing the meaning of the tragedy of the Russian people and the path of their spiritual healing, said: "His blood is on us and on our children." Not only in the modern generation, but also in the new one, since it will be brought up in sympathy for the crimes and sentiments that led to regicide (emphasis added. - Archpriest A.). Only a complete spiritual break with them, the consciousness of their criminality and sinfulness and repentance for themselves and for their ancestors will free Russia from the sin that lies on it. The Memorial Temple calls for this, it tells us about this. This temple is a candle from the entire Russian Diaspora for the All-Russian Tsar-Martyr, for the Tsar's family and for all those who suffered in the years of trouble: It will remain so until, by the grace of God, a majestic temple is erected on behalf of the entire Russian people over the formidable Yekaterinburg mine\u003e ... From the above words, it is clear that St. John understands the sin of regicide in the new generation not as a hereditary sin (like the original sin), but as a result of education in sympathy for the crimes that led to regicide; He regards the construction of the Temple-Monument in Brussels as evidence of the repentance of a new generation of Russian people for what was committed during the years of the godless onslaught. Churches at the site of the Yekaterinburg tragedy and in other places, of which Saint John spoke of as the longed grace of God, were evidence of the repentance of our people in the Fatherland.

This does not mean at all that members of the Church should not or cannot repentance for sins, in one way or another connected with apostasy from God and the faith or outright fighting against God; let each one test his conscience and come to the realization of his sins. If someone was and is a member of godless political organizations, was a flywheel or a cog in repressive mechanisms that ruined our people spiritually and physically, there are plenty of reasons to quickly cleanse your soul. Justifying the tyrants and executioners who turned our compatriots into "camp dust", persecuting the righteous, of course, continues to this day to remain under a formidable predestination - "For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth with unrighteousness" (Rom. ). If we walk through the streets and squares bearing the names of the ideologues of terror, whose main goal was the destruction of the Russian Empire, we calmly gaze at the gloomy temple on the main square of the country, both by its appearance and architecture, and essentially affirming the ancient throne of wickedness among Orthodox churches, then, of course, this is also the fault of the Orthodox. We are responsible for both good and bad, and therefore, according to the words of the Apostle, we must "perform prayers, petitions, supplications, thanksgiving for all people" (1 Tim 2, 1).

Nor does the glorification of the new martyrs mean that our historical tragedy is recognized by all our people as a spiritual tragedy and that the issue has been resolved and closed. Not at all. In particular, there is still no legal qualification of both the Yekaterinburg tragedy and the numerous crimes of the godless government that claimed millions of lives of our best people (researchers characterize these acts as a series of planned demographic catastrophes that grow to the scale of genocide, which led to the modern depopulation of the people). The Church constantly reminds of the need to pass legal acts condemning the crimes of the past and tearing us, as citizens, with a vicious legacy and cleansing our civil conscience. In particular, a recent Statement by the Communication Service of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate reads: Russian state repeatedly spoke about the murder of the royal family and the repressions that followed after the revolution as inhuman and immoral crimes. However, it is regrettable that this crime has not yet received a legal assessment, which would become an integral part of the modern Russian legal framework and would ensure its connection with the thousand-year history of the Russian state. In addition, the appearance of such a legal decision would be clear evidence of the condemnation of this crime and similar atrocities by the Russian state, which, according to international law, is the legal successor of the Soviet Union. This step would have an important general civil significance, since Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich was the head of state not only for the Orthodox Russian people, but also for representatives of all nationalities and religions of the Russian Empire. "

Such a situation is possible because many of our compatriots live without understanding the moral and spiritual origins of the domestic tragedies of the 20th century.

The Church gave its assessment of what happened, glorifying the royal family and the new martyrs at the Council of Bishops in 2000. It is shown by this glorification that the people of God live with the awareness of their righteousness and righteousness, staying with them and with the host of Russian New Martyrs in prayer unity in the One Church - Heavenly and Earthly. It is fundamentally wrong to blame the church children for persecution: for we are with them in the same hope and compassion with them, we kiss their wounds, we have them as intercessors for us before God. And this is not due to participation in any "Rite", but because we are with them in the same City and in the same citizenship - the Church.

All of the above does not mean that the higher church authority cannot offer another Rite, if it is considered spiritually expedient and justified. However, such an Order can only come from the hierarchy and serve to unity, and not to the separation of church children. Therefore, any other method of introducing any order of repentance is an irregularity and an act of seduction and anti-church.

Let us note in this connection the bewilderment that arouses the blessing by individual bishops of one of the variants of the "Rite of National Repentance"; in our opinion, in doing this, they exceed the measure of their authority, since their blessing can only extend to the respective dioceses. But the diocesan bishops cannot introduce or admit to the dioceses entrusted to them any special "Rites of national repentance", since this leads to the division of the people of God. And although the compilers and inspirers of the "Chin" define it as a "project", pointing out that they do not try to "impose it exactly in the form in which it is presented," but humbly lay "it at the feet of the higher hierarchy, in order to facilitate the work of our archpastors. and not to experience more forbearance of God, postponing repentance for sins against the Faith and the Tsar, especially gravitating over our people\u003e, but in fact no one pays attention to the word "project": it is used as an official church document. , it makes sense to consult with the Synodal Theological Commission about the consequences of such a step.

In addition, in the "Exhortation word", preceding the "Chin" itself, such an interpretation of the tragic events of 1917 is given, which in no way can be accepted without violence against history and common sense. We read: “After the capture of the tsar by a state and military conspiracy in March 1917, three days later, the Synod, on behalf of the Church, canceled the commemoration of the One anointed by him to the kingdom and issued a decree to commemorate the perjured Provisional Government at divine services. members of the Synod naturally followed and connivance at regicide by the people and the army, seduced in their conscience by such treacherous "blessings" and orders. As lightning struck the whole society from head to foot with the betrayal that crucified Holy Russia. " This is not true. It is not true that Holy Russia was crucified in 1917 - Holy Russia disappeared from Russia gradually, a visible evidence of this transformation was the abolition of the Patriarchate, when Tsar Peter legally turned the Church into a "Department"; For a century, the Church did not have the opportunity to convene an episcopal council, and the free voice of the Patriarch was not heard either: Nevertheless, the authors of both "Exhortatory Word" and "Order" place a terrible responsibility on the Church in the person of the Synod for everything that happened in those fateful days. As if there was no Tsar's abdication in favor of the Grand Duke Mikhail's brother, who knew nothing about this, the Grand Duke Mikhail's abdication in favor of the Provisional Government and the future Constituent Assembly: Are we really going to take out myths from history, we will believe them and educate the people on them?

In our opinion, the outstanding Orthodox thinker Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin deeply understood and expressed the essence of the tragedy of Russia in the XX century. Let us turn to his article "Why did the monarchical system collapse in Russia?" He answers this question in the following way: "Russia lacked a strong and loyal monarchical sense of justice." I. Ilyin means such a sense of justice, which is inextricably linked with the will and action. Such a sense of justice - loyalty to the monarchy, the duty to observe it - was not in all strata of the then Russian society - from top to bottom. With the lower classes, everything is clear: the meaning of the monarchy was lost in almost all strata of the then society. Let's turn to the top. I. Ilyin writes: "... The sovereign and the grand duke renounced not just the" right "to the throne, but their religiously consecrated, monarchical and dynastic duty to guard the throne, rule powerfully, save their people in the hour of greatest danger and return it to the path of loyalty, responsibility and obedience to your lawful sovereign. " Ilyin points out that neither Nicholas II, nor Mikhail II had the legal right to abdicate the throne, to talk about this under any pressure, with any betrayal, is to move away from the monarchical sense of justice. Continuing, he says: "To be a member of a dynasty means to have not only the subjective right to the throne ... but the sacred duty to save and lead your people ..." Why did such a radical weakening of the monarchical legal consciousness in the highest ruling stratum before the revolution? "... Over the past decades, the confident and imperious well-being of the Russian ruling dynasty seemed to have been shaken. Perhaps the revolutionary pressure weakened her faith in her vocation, shaken her will to power and faith in the power of the royal title, as if the feeling had weakened that the Throne obliges that the Throne and loyalty to it are the essence of national salvation principles and that each member of the Dynasty can one day become an organ of this salvation and must prepare himself for this fateful hour ... "" This is where this historical event comes from: Dynasty represented by two sovereigns did not strain the energy of her will and power, withdrew from the throne and decided not to fight for it.She chose the path of non-resistance and, terrible to say, went to her death in order not to cause a civil war, which one people had to wage without a king and not for tsar ... When you contemplate this living tragedy of our Dynasty, your heart stops and it becomes difficult to talk about it: The people were released from the oath and released yu their seducers. AT open door a stream of the most cursed assertive temptation in history poured in, and those who poured this temptation wished power over Russia at all costs. ”Therefore, it is wrong to talk about the betrayal of the Church, even in the person of the Synod, or about the guilt of the whole people, In addition, there was no expression of the will of the people, no representative meeting was convened to clarify this will (Zemsky Sobor), and even during the war it was impossible.

Consequently, the penitential formulations proposed in the "Rite" and arising from the postulated "betrayal" cannot take place among the Orthodox, many of whom are ideally loyal to the monarchy.

After all, we are offered to personally repent of absolutely fantastic sins, which is a violation of the conscience of the faithful. For example: "I did not condemn the criminal overthrow of the divinely established government, the abolition church commemoration The Anointed One of God, the decision of the Synod to commemorate the perjured Provisional Government at services (March 1917) and through this - betrayal of the oath of allegiance to the divinely established power and the termination of prayer for the Orthodox state. In another version of "national repentance", an even more radical self-flagellation is proposed: "Lord, have mercy on us for participating in the revolutions of 1905, 1917: Lord, have mercy on us for participating in civil war: Lord, have mercy on us for treason to the Motherland and participation in hostilities on the side of the enemy and cooperation with the occupiers, for violating the military oath before the Motherland: Lord, have mercy on us for treason to the Motherland and the treacherous flight of the Russian scientific and creative intelligentsia abroad after the collapse of the Soviet Union. .. ". It is difficult to imagine how one can repent of imperfect sins. The Church never demanded that those who come to church to repent of the sins of their parents.

The compilers of the "Order" (they themselves call themselves "zealots of national repentance") introduce a dogmatic innovation - "the hereditary sin of regicide", which is not washed away even by baptism, but only by participation in the proposed "Order". Moreover, nothing has helped the Russian people in the past and does not help in the present - not the glorification of the Royal Passion-Bearers, "because, in their words, the recognition of the holiness of the Royal Martyrs does not free us from sin, there is no purification, change of consciousness, or transformation of man into a new creation" (and it happened, in their opinion, with a delay, only in 2000; as the "zealots" say, "killed and glorified"), nor the construction of majestic temples on the site of the murder, because “sin is not destroyed by the construction of a temple: you cannot buy off God. Indulgence does not save from the wrath of God. "These words are an outrage over the sincere sacrifice for the construction of temples of many people, which the ideologues of" Chin "now declare" indulgence. "Priest Daniel Sysoev justly writes in his article" Theological temptations of the monarchist movement "that" if. .. we will accept the doctrine so popular nowadays about the second hereditary sin of Russians - the sin of regicide, which, in addition, is not washed away by baptism, then we will inevitably come to heresy against the 10th member of the Creed. After all, it turns out that the greatest Sacrament of Baptism is not able to wash away from our souls the alleged filth of regicide transmitted to us from our ancestors. ”However, no arguments of the“ zealots ”shake.

The ideology of "Chin" clearly shows the desire to divert the consciousness of the faithful from the true culprits of both the Yekaterinburg atrocity and the terror organized against the Church. "Catastrophe makers" who carried out ritual murders are skillfully removed from the circle of the accused. There is only one culprit - the Russian people, which must recognize and accept the stigma of apostasy.

The activities and ideology of the inspirers of the "Chin" give reason to speak of them as sectarians, whose main task is to strive to split the Church, bring confusion into church life, opposing some priests and bishops to others.

The leaders of this sect operate secretly, hiding their names. But from some sources it is known that by their origin they themselves are far removed from the Russian people, which they hypocritically call to repentance; they themselves, ardent fighters with TIN and new passports, have foundations registered under the new passports in their own names and the names of other persons; they themselves receive significant funds from the "national repentance", having real estate even abroad. Apparently, they want to lead the Russian people to a dead end: along with the so-called "national repentance" to impose the glorification of Grigory Rasputin, Ivan the Terrible, perhaps Stalin, as well as - a new dogma about the "redeemer tsar", and then laugh at people and Russia: that public cannot have good goals.

In addition, the ideologists of Chin are trying to instill the idea that the restoration of the pre-revolutionary monarchy is our only political path. Their heads are turned back, and they want all their heads to be turned back, to the 19th century. In fact, if we learn something from history and if we ever rise to the Orthodox monarchy, then, of course, in the realization that it will not be what it was. In Russia, a symphony of powers will be restored - spiritual and sovereign. The dissonance in this symphony in many ways led to the coup of the 17th year. First of all, in Russia there will be a Patriarch and a Tsar, the Patriarch will take his rightful place in the Assumption Cathedral, and the Tsar will be guided by the spiritual instructions of the Patriarch, and not random people; in monarchist Russia the free voice of the Church will be heard, it will make free judgments on all issues of public life, it will never again be a shackled "department" in the state. Apparently, this is not what the false friends of the monarchy want.

In conclusion, we note that the gullibility with which certain people, obeying some inner urge for truth and justice, easily accept new teachings, can be considered a deplorable sign of our time, especially if they are embellished with radical eschatology and all-encompassing apocalypticism; they are ready to entrust their fate to the first comer, if only he will speak fluently about the last times that have come. There is a total search for elders, who, of course, with such a rush of demand are: Holy Scripture, the Holy Fathers, the great Orthodox theology in such a state of mind find themselves in oblivion; Unfortunately, the vast experience of Russian new martyrs remains often unclaimed: they believe in anonymous little books, primitive fiction. All this leads to sad distortions in spiritual life, which is exemplified by "The Rite of Repentance of the Russian People."

Archpriest Alexy Sidorenko,
Vice-rector for scientific work of the Tobolsk Orthodox Theological Seminary,
PhD in Theology, PhD in Philosophy

“Consciously or unconsciously, the preachers of these pseudo-Orthodox ideas objectively work to discredit Orthodoxy in the eyes of Russian society, to weaken and split the Church.”

One of the directions of the information war against the "Soviet legacy", in addition to the alienation of the name "Russia" in their favor by the descendants of the White émigrés, is the accusation of the resulting "non-Russians" (ie the entire Orthodox population of Russia is real, not foreign) in the so-called. "The sin of regicide." The best arbiter in this matter is the Russian Orthodox Church, to which they, in theory, should belong.

Therefore, let us turn to her opinion. back in 2008. ***

How to relate to the Rite of "conciliar repentance" in the sin of regicide? Over the past decade, literature has been spreading in the Orthodox environment, in which every Orthodox Christian is encouraged to repent of the sin of regicide, even specific sins against the royal power were listed.

However, it was only in 2004 that some supporters of such "repentance" began to openly proclaim the need for every citizen of Russia to undergo a special "Rite of repentance for the sin of regicide." To do this, bright posters, and now bright Internet sites, invite each of us to take part in the so-called. The rite of the World's repentance of the Russian people for the sin of regicide, which is held in the village of Taininskoye near Moscow at the monument to the last Russian emperor, and more recently in some dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Why are the zealots of "conciliar repentance" urging us to go to the Moscow region and what exactly do they urge to repent of there? What is the reasoning for such an opinion and does it agree with the Tradition of the Orthodox Church?

In order to answer these questions, we will have to turn to the propaganda literature that is now spreading among the Orthodox.

They are trying to convince an Orthodox person that nothing more or less gravitates over the Russian people, like the curse for the sin of betrayal and murder of the Tsar's Family in 1917, and the violation of the oath of the Russian people, given in 1613 during the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty. Thus, the conviction is formed that in 1613 the oath of allegiance to the tsar was given not only by persons directly involved in the activities of the Zemsky Sobor, but also by all subsequent generations of Russians who share responsibility for the atrocities of the Bolsheviks and, in general, all residents of Soviet Russia. Among the supporters of "repentance for the king" a strange teaching is spreading that "The curse weighs on the people, and it will pass on to our descendants from generation to generation until we repent".

Obviously, all Orthodox here are called to bring repentance for a crime that they have not personally committed. After all, the calls to "repentance" are not so much about those who really participated in the execution of the family of the royal passion-bearers, but about the entire population of Russia.

Even the concept of the "conciliar personality" of the Russian people, unknown to the Church, is being introduced, to whom supposedly it is necessary to repent for renouncing the tsar and for his murder. This new term is used to preach the need for the Orthodox to bring repentance for the sins of their ancestors, some of whom, indeed, lost their faith and participated in the revolt against the state system of the Russian Empire, and also wished the death of its Emperor.

In the Orthodox tradition, on the contrary, it is customary for the sins of the ancestors to bring not repentance, but prayers, so that the Lord would forgive their sins. Moreover, we bring such prayers only for those members of the Church who, even before death, brought God a feasible repentance for what they had done, and thereby were reconciled with the Lord and the Church.

And the conviction that regardless of a person's closeness to God, he is responsible for the sins of those close to him, or that the Lord imputes repentance and piety of the righteous to an unrepentant sinner is based on a magical attitude to human salvation, therefore such a view cannot be recognized as Orthodox.

The teaching that the guilt of one person's sin is passed on to his descendants is contrary to the Word of God. According to the Psalmist, "A man will never redeem his brother and will not give God a ransom for him" (Ps. 48: 8).

During the time of the prophet Ezekiel, it was widely believed that children were responsible for the sins of their parents.

Here is the answer the Lord gave through this prophet: “If a son is born to anyone, who, seeing all the sins of his father, sees and does not do the like to them ... fulfills My commandments and acts according to My commandments, then this one will not die for the iniquity of his father; he will be alive. And his father ... will die for his iniquity. You say: "why does the son not bear the fault of his father?" Because the son acts lawfully and righteously, he will live ... The son will not bear the fault of his father, and the father will not bear the fault of his son, the righteousness of the righteous remains with him, and the iniquity of the wicked remains with him ” (Ezek. 18: 14-20).

All this leads us to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to repent during the earthly career. After all, after the death of a person, only the prayers of the Church can help him, and only in the case that the beginnings of repentance were before death. But never in the history of the Church have there been any attempts to accept baptism for the deceased (which is what the followers of the Mormon sect are doing now), nor to repent of his sins in confession. All this is a departure from the ancient tradition of the sacrament of confession, where the priest persuades the penitent to repentance only for his sins ( "All rtsy, you have made the tree"), and not for the sins of ancestors or living relatives. It is impossible to repent for another person, you can only pray for him. "I ask you, most beloved brethren, that we confess every sin, while the one who has sinned is still in this life, when his confession can be accepted, when the satisfaction and forgiveness performed by the priests is pleasing to the Lord.", - this is how St. Cyprian of Carthage.

The history of the ancient Church tells us about the existence of such a form of repentance as public confession. Gradually she was supplanted by secret repentance, before the priest. Whether publicly or secretly, a Christian has always repented of his sin, and not the sins of his neighbors.

Perhaps, due to a misunderstanding, such expressions as “inherited sin” were included in the circulation of the circulated leaflets, because according to the teachings of the Church, one can speak only of the ancestral sin of Adam and Eve, the consequences of which (a person's inclination to evil and sin, and not guilt itself for personal sin of Adam and Eve) passed on to all people. But deliverance from the consequences of original sin, we accept once in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The Church knows no other "inherited sins".

However, it is important to understand how it is worth understanding all those calls for the repentance of the Russian people for the apostasy and murder of the tsar, which are so often quoted by zealots of "conciliar repentance."

Soon after the murder of the royal family in 1918, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, expressed his attitude to this atrocity: “But we, to our sorrow and to our shame, have survived to the time when a clear violation of God's commandments is no longer recognized as a sin, but is justified as lawful. So, the other day a terrible thing happened: the former Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich was shot ... We must, obeying the teachings of the Word of God, condemn this case, otherwise the blood of the shot will fall on us, and not only on those who committed it ... ".

Undoubtedly, people who approve of a crime are involved in it. Therefore, everyone who even mentally approved the murder of the royal family (as well as any unrighteous murder) must repent of the Sacrament of Confession.

A similar thought was expressed at the All-Diaspora Bishops' Council in 1938 by Archbishop. John (Maksimovich) : “Not only individuals are guilty of the sin of regicide, but the entire people, who rejoiced at the overthrow of the Tsar and allowed His humiliation, arrest and exile, leaving them defenseless in the hands of criminals, which by itself predetermined the end ... there is still no real repentance, obviously the crimes committed have not been condemned, and many active participants in the revolution now continue to assert that then it was impossible to do otherwise. Without expressing direct condemnation of the February revolution, the uprising against the Anointed One, the Russian people continue to participate in sin, especially when they defend the fruits of the revolution ".

In these words of the foreign hierarch, we again see a call to the Soviet person to reconsider the attitude towards the Revolution as a rebellion against the state system and the emperor as the head of this state. Repentance here ow. John understands already as a reassessment of values \u200b\u200band condemnation of what happened.

A little later, the Archbishop of the Russian Church Abroad Averky (Taushev) speaks not about the murder of the tsar itself, but about the atmosphere of approval of the October coup and the overthrow of the tsar that reigned in Russia: “It is a weak consolation for us that the direct murder of the Tsar's Family was not committed by Russian hands - by the hands of non-Orthodox and non-Russian people. Although this is true, the entire Russian people is guilty of this terrible unprecedented atrocity, because it did not oppose it, did not prevent it, but behaved in such a way that this atrocity was an expression of the mood that by that time had ripened in the minds and hearts of the undoubted majority of the unfortunate lost Russian people ... The entire Russian people bears the guilt for this grave sin committed on the Russian land ".

As in the above words of St. Tikhon and bishop John (Maksimovich) here, Vladyka Averky speaks not so much about the fact of regicide, but about the idea of \u200b\u200bapproving this sin, which reigned in the minds of the citizens of the USSR, and, therefore, complicity in it.

In 1993, the hierarchy of the Russian Church again turned to the topic of repentance for the murder of the royal family. On July 18, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church issued an Epistle dedicated to the 75th anniversary of this monstrous crime, in which the words of St. Tikhon the Confessor and it is noted that “Our people do not repent of the sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia. Being a crime of both Divine and human law, this sin lies with the heaviest burden on the soul of the people, on its moral self-consciousness. And today, on behalf of the entire Church, on behalf of all her children - the departed and those who are now living - we bring repentance for this sin before God and people. Forgive us, Lord! We call to repentance all our people, all their children, regardless of their political views and views on history, regardless of their ethnic origin, religious affiliation, their attitude to the idea of \u200b\u200bmonarchy and to the personality of the last Russian Emperor..

Addressing in this Epistle to the children of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, as Her Primate, really expressed repentance on behalf of the entire Russian Church for what had happened, and condemned this sin. There is no doubt that our First Hierarch expressed the repentance of those church people who were somehow (even with sympathy) involved in this crime, so that even the shadow of this atrocity would not fall on the members of the Holy Church.

Mentioned here " deceased and living"Is also no coincidence. Speaking on behalf of the entire Church, His Holiness the Patriarch confessed repentance for sin on behalf of those members of the Church who had already departed to the heavenly world and could not publicly repent of this crime. Here it is also appropriate to recall how in the Rite of a church burial, a priest, on behalf of the deceased, addresses his relatives and asks their prayers: "Cry for me, brother and friend, relatives and knowledge"... However, this does not mean that the priest repents INSTEAD of the deceased. Church canons indicate that the pastor should treat a repentant sinner as if it were his own sins. It is this kind of pastoral care that His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II shows us, encouraging unrepentant sinners to bring personal repentance.

Thus, for all the inhabitants of Russia, repentance for the sin of regicide should be manifested in a deep understanding of the fate of our Motherland, in a reassessment of those tragic tendencies in the history of Russia, which led to the possibility of the overthrow of the legitimate head of the Russian state, the subsequent murder of the royal family and other godless deeds. The term "repentance" from the Greek means "change of mind", and in these words of the Hierarchy we see this very meaning.

In 2000, a significant event took place: at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Tsar's Family was canonized as a holy martyr. After the words of repentance by Patriarch Alexy II, this event became the final sign of the Church's plenitude rejection of the crime against the royal family that took place in 1918. It became the only form of “conciliar repentance” in allowing the murder of the Tsar and the royal family, the need for which many hierarchs spoke about. our Church.

Nevertheless, the question of the form of repentance for the murder of the king anointed by God continued to be discussed in the church environment. There was a proposal to hold an "all-church conciliar rite of repentance" similar to how the holy patriarchs Job and Hermogenes in 1607 in the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin led the "popular repentance" of the sins of apostasy, perjury and connivance of regicide, which ended with the reading of the authorization of regicide. Rumors began to spread that such a new "Rite of Repentance" had a blessing from His Holiness the Patriarch. At the same time, the words of the Patriarch about the need for national repentance were taken literally as a call for the establishment of a special Rite, different from the Order of the Sacrament of Confession set out in the Trebnik.

An appeal to the history of the Russian Church shows that the Rite of repentance, which was performed in 1607 g. Patriarchs Job and Hermogenes, firstly, was not literally nationwide, and secondly, the patriarchs did not allow the entire Russian people from the burden of sins, as the zealots of the new Rite of conciliar repentance claim (when this rite of repentance was performed in the Dormition Cathedral, Moscow was worried and shouted out the name of the second Impostor).

At that time, repentance for treason to the tsar was marked first of all by the glorification of Tsarevich Dimitri as a saint, whose holy relics were opened for worship in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. Before St. with the relics of the mother of the prince (nun Martha) and brought "national repentance" (that is, public before the whole people), calling herself guilty before the king, the council, all the people, and most of all before her son, which she recognized the Pretender.

Later, representatives of the laity filed Patr. Job's repentance petition, in which they listed a number of their betrayals and perjury and asked the patriarchs to forgive them for their treason to the king. In response, the authorization letter of patr. Job, who himself was a participant in the events of the time of Tsar Boris. In it patr. Job asserted that as before he had implored the people to be loyal to Tsar Boris, so now he gives permission to the people from these oaths and himself asks the people for forgiveness for them.

Comprehension of this historical event shows that real perjurers and traitors to the Tsar brought repentance, and they brought repentance to the very Patriarch through whom they took the oath to the Tsar, and who swore an oath for treason to Tsars Boris and Theodore.

As an argument about the possibility of bringing repentance for the dead, the zealots of conciliar repentance refer to the requests of representatives of the laity that Patriarch. Job forgave and allowed these crimes not only to them, who live in Moscow, but also to the inhabitants of all of Russia, and those who have already died.

In response to such arguments, it should be noted that neither the bishop nor the priest ever allow the sins of either living or deceased Orthodox Christians, if they have not brought God a feasible repentance for their sins. Otherwise, the Sacrament of Repentance is profaned, when the forgiveness of those sins in which a person does not repent or even did not commit at all are announced. When, during the Rite of burial, the priest reads the Permissive Prayer, he asks God for the forgiveness of those sins of the deceased, of which he repented, but did not have time to bear worthy fruits of repentance.

Therefore, the fact that the sins of the participants in the Troubles were resolved in 1607 is not a reason for us to arrange a special Rite of repentance for treason to the king and the murder of the royal family. Such actions rather take a person away from real repentance, distract him from the realization of those sins that really separate him from God. In addition, in the statements about the guilt of the whole of Russia and even the church people of regicide, an attempt is visible to shift the blame of the real perpetrators of regicide onto the Church and those who have nothing to do with it.

Considering the necessity of the Russians' repentance for the sin of regicide, it is impossible not to recall the words of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II that “ the beginning of Russian history was marked by the murder of the Holy Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb, and is it not this sin that the national troubles that followed it are rooted? "... But why is it now called to repent of the murder of the royal family? Why is it not said about the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, about the persecution of St. Tikhon the Confessor and the great host of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia? After all, we remember that during the hard times hundreds of thousands of clergy and most of the bishops suffered. Why are the supporters of "national repentance" not urging to repent of their murder?

The meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church chaired by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, held on April 20, 2005, was devoted to the understanding of the phenomenon of "conciliar repentance":

“The Holy Synod had a judgment on the initiatives coming from some groups of Orthodox laity to carry out a“ penitential procession ”from different dioceses to Moscow on the anniversary of the murder of the holy martyrs of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, members of his family and those who suffered with them ...

In the Sacrament of Repentance, the one who confesses his sins receives forgiveness from the priest and is released from sins by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This Sacrament reconciles and reunites a person with the Church, restores him to a grace-filled life in Christ and removes the mediastinum between God and man, arising from the sinful deeds committed by a specific person. The Holy Synod reminds that in the Church there are quite definite forms of performing the Sacrament of Penance, rooted in Holy Tradition and sanctified by centuries-old tradition. Departure from these forms seems unjustified and unnecessary. The history of the Church knows examples of a nationwide prayer-penitential deed, lifted up for the sake of moral cleansing of the people in times of turmoil and disorder. In particular, the ecclesiastical hierarchy has repeatedly called for an understanding and moral assessment of the sinful acts committed in the past century, when, in the words of St. Tikhon, “sin darkened the people's minds ... kindled everywhere the flames of passions, enmity and anger,” which became the cause of persecution of the Church. desecration of shrines, fratricide, including the murder of the holy martyr Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family.

The Patriarch and the Holy Synod twice, in connection with the 75th anniversary and the 80th anniversary of the suffering death of the royal family, called for a nationwide repentance for this sin. We believe that many children of our Church brought God such repentance, which was expressed in the desire to expel from their lives the sinful obscuration and indifference to the fate of the Church and the Fatherland, which once made possible the persecution of the Church, the immersion of the country in the abyss of fratricidal hatred and bloodshed.

The true fruit of the repentance brought was the ongoing return of the people to the paths of faith, piety and life in Christ, and its visible testimony was the reckoning of the Russian Orthodox Church the royal family and new martyrs and confessors to the canon of saints at the Jubilee Bishops' Council in 2000.

A repentant understanding of the historical tragedy that befell our people should not be accompanied by statements about the invariable and unique acceptability for Orthodox Christians of this or that state system. The Holy Synod recalls that the Church's teaching on the state structure was clearly expressed in the "Foundations of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church."

Recognizing the right of clergymen to individually express their private opinions on various issues,The Holy Synod notes with regret that recently some pastors and, unfortunately, in rare cases even bishops, have allowed themselves to participate in the collective signing of texts that differ in content from the Council's definitions. This in fact leads to the creation of groups that prefer conciliar reasoning, which takes place in canonically established forms, the organized expression of one-sided opinions not shared by the entire Church. The Holy Synod determines that such actions contradict the canonical conciliar structure of the Church, and indicates their inadmissibility for the clergy. "

The conclusion of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church shows that quoting the words of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II about the need for "national repentance" as a blessing for the creation of a new Rite of national repentance is inappropriate and is at odds with the opinion of the hierarchy of the Russian Church. "Consciously or unconsciously, but the preachers of these pseudo-Orthodox ideas objectively work to discredit Orthodoxy in the eyes of Russian society, to weaken and split the Church."

In the same 2005, in addition to the Patriarch and members of the Synod, other bishops of the Russian and Ukrainian Church expressed their attitude to the newly-minted Rite of world repentance for the tsar. According to Metropolitan Sergius of Voronezh and Borisoglebsk “The rite of conciliar national repentance for the sin of regicide is artificially imposed on the Church by people who are striving to achieve its schism. Instead of showing the beauty of Orthodoxy and instilling a moral way of life in people, they begin to be confused. ".

Archbishop of Lvov and Galician Augustine, in his report at the International Theological Conference "The Eschatological Teaching of the Church", expressed the opinion that "The ranks of national repentance" are invented by unchurched people as opposed to the rite of the sacrament of personal repentance (recorded in the Trebnik). "

Thus, in 2005, the hierarchy of the Russian Church spoke out unequivocally about the unauthorized "Rite of Repentance for the Tsar." However, the "zealots of repentance", unfortunately, did not heed the voice of the Church, and continue to spread their proclamations throughout all the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. These leaflets contain a photograph of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, as well as his statements about the need for repentance of the entire Russian people, which are taken out of the context of his statements, and do not at all refer to the initiative of holding penitential processions to the Tsar's monument.

This shows that the compilers of such leaflets deliberately seduce all the faithful children of the Russian Church, slyly playing on their trust in the words of the First Hierarch of the Russian Church.

Such actions of the schismatics led to the need to voice again the opinion of the Hierarchy on this issue.

On December 26, 2007, at the diocesan meeting of the clergy of the Kiev diocese, the “rite of national repentance” was rejected by the Primate of the Ukrainian Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan), who summoned the priests "Delicately sweep aside" the idea of \u200b\u200b"national repentance"calling it "Rather blasphemy than repentance". "Why should we repent of killing the emperor if we did not kill him?" - Vladyka Vladimir asked rhetorically.

The position of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II regarding this issue was announced on December 24, 2007 at the Diocesan Assembly of Moscow. The patriarch condemned the so-called. "Rite of national repentance", which takes place in the village. Taininskoye, and noted that this "rank" cannot be considered a genuine church matter, since it has a pronounced propaganda character. The clergy who take part in these actions do this either in spite of or without the blessing of the hierarchy. In addition, the text of the rite itself does not correspond to the decisions of the Holy Synod, since it calls for the abandonment of the TIN, insurance policy and similar identity documents.

“We cannot agree with the text of the“ mytishchi rank- said His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, - since a special place in it is occupied by the call to repent "for the inadequacy" of the glorification of the new martyrs and the royal family. " According to His Holiness, "there is only one redemptive feat - our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is impossible to compare the execution of the emperor and his family with the atoning sacrifice of the Savior.".

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy also noted the impossibility of comparing this "order" with the repentance of 1607 - after all, it was the people's repentance for their personal sins.

“I declare with full responsibility that this 'act of repentance' is unacceptable and insane,” stressed His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. - Participation of clergy and laity in ranks similar to Tainin is inadmissible " - emphasized the primate of the Russian Church.

Priest Alexander Usatov

* Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fath ash-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra "," Al-Qaeda "," UNA-UNSO "," Taliban "," Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people "," Misanthropic Division "," Brotherhood "of Korchinsky," Trident named after. Stepan Bandera "," Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists "(OUN)

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    Igor Vitalievich Olin Rusrand

    Thousands of Citizens Share the Crime of Harvesting Blueberries Without a License

    In social networks and on various blogging platforms, the most popular news of the week was the information that in the Aldan region of Yakutia “a dangerous intruder was detained, who, without permits, collected 2 buckets of blueberries (about 16 liters of berries), thereby causing damage to the state in the amount of 13 thousand 860 rubles ". The authors of the communication referred to the police requesting a license from the attacker to collect more than 5 liters of berry products; payment of the state fee in the amount of 350 rubles; ...

    20.08.2019 19:49 75



    There is a lot of bureaucracy, little sense

    The number of officials in Russia is off scale, and the efficiency of their work is not even zero, but negative. The state apparatus in Russia has grown to such an extent that it has become one of the country's key problems. Experts calculated that, in an amicable way, every second official should be sent out into the street, but who will allow this to be done? Instead, opportunities are being sought to preserve the bureaucratic status quo (like empty, useless talk about outsourcing some of the bureaucratic functions) and games are played with statistics. According to the Ministry of Finance, government agencies have different ...

    20.08.2019 19:09 43


    Kuban News

    In Russia, banks offered to block cards when receiving suspicious payments

    Photo: pixabay.com The Association of Russian Banks (ADB) proposed the new kind fight against fraud. So, banks want to allow them to block the recipient's bank card in case of suspicious transactions until the sender himself confirms it. Writes about this "Kommersant". It is noted that the card can be blocked for two days. If the sender of the funds goes to the police, the block can grow to ...

    20.08.2019 11:51 23



    Choices across the throat

    photo: Political clowning There is a funny story in Transbaikalia, which clearly shows to what extent all these elections are in the throat of the current system, which, in principle, is not designed for any choice. And there there was a conflict between the two basic aspirations of modern Putin's appointees: on the one hand, to remove all competitors, on the other, not to be associated with the toxic United Russia. So ...

    19.08.2019 21:58 59



    "Vladimir the Great: ..."

    The Independent called His Serene Highness "Vladimir the Great" and to Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Veliky Novgorod and the Ivan the Great bell tower, another place name was added - what will be the name of the airport. In a sense, this is a moment of truth, of course, very leveled by the decline of education, culture and a complete mince of aesthetic rags instead of understanding the beautiful good and evil, but if you look at the "independent" through the prism ...

    19.08.2019 21:38 82



    The regions of Russia with the most expensive gasoline are named

    RIA Rating agency experts, commissioned by RIA Novosti, calculated the availability of motor fuel in the regions of Russia. Residents of the Far North, Moscow and St. Petersburg can buy more gasoline on their average monthly salaries than in other regions of Russia. In Crimea and Sevastopol, where fuel prices are among the highest in Russia, the availability of gasoline is also very high ...

    19.08.2019 20:55 31


    Burkina Faso

    Reassessment of the events of August 1991: would have defended the Emergency Committee

    Photo from here Today the so-called. the liberal and democratic public in Russia celebrates the events of August 19-21, 1991 as their glorious victory. Victory over totalitarianism and Soviet partocrats who tried to carry out a coup d'état on this day. But totalitarianism did not pass, and people with good and bright faces defeated bad people with bad faces. Such is strictly naive and knowingly ...

    19.08.2019 20:38 74


    SNJ Sofia Suvorova

    And we are rolling down the historic staircase ...

    photo from here Anna-News ... I remember, at the dawn of the RUSSIAN spring, we, the inhabitants of Novorossiya, waited with trepidation for news from the Crimea, which had already managed to escape from the Banderonazi cleansing. We thought that soon we would all, in the same way, find ourselves together in our native land. Eh, Anna-News, Anna-News ... The strange truth you have now is someone else's. And we roll down somersault along the historical staircase ... Appeared ...

    19.08.2019 19:25 143



    Grandma said in two

    I have already touched upon somehow similar phenomena in the notes: "Grandmother said in two" and "Grandmother said in two". Now I decided to draw attention to one amusing defect of popular manipulation, from the same series that is widespread among our guardians, exploiting the image of the West, both in the tail and in the mane. On the one hand (when it comes to social protection, civil liberties, taxes for the rich, or anything else useful for ...

    19.08.2019 18:50 39


    Rusrand Rustem Rinatovich Vakhitov

    Who is mad there with fat? .. "Revolution" of the libertarians and the silence of the people

    1. SILENCE OF THE MAJORITY If you imagine a person who in the last two weeks would have been deprived of all sources of information, except for the radio "Echo of Moscow" and the TV channel "Rain" (and, of course, their pages on the Internet), then there is no doubt: this person would have decided that there is a revolution in Russia! Thousands of crowds take to the streets, they are beaten by riot police and the National Guard, activists are seized, thrown into prison, but new activists are replacing them. The inhabitants of the Kremlin are shaking with fear, the power in the country ...

    19.08.2019 18:09 53


    Vladislav Shurygin


    Comrades, against the background of a whole stream of news about adults and children disappearing in the forests, (only in the Smolensk region, every day (!!!) 3-4 people disappear in the forest), I think it is not superfluous to recall the simplest rules of hiking in the forest that will help you save your life in in case of unforeseen circumstances. It is important to remember that NONE of those who get lost in the forest do not ...

    19.08.2019 14:30 63


    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Catechism PNT: humanism

    Photo from here The humanistic landmark of world development consists in humanizing man, bringing him closer to the ideal and revealing human potentials. This guideline is contradicted by the modern practice of dehumanization, dehumanization of man. Humanism is based on the anthropological image of a true person as a harmoniously developed personality. The systems of education and upbringing worked to form a harmoniously developed personality. However, in Putin's modern education system, the student is trained ...

    18.08.2019 18:53 60


    Editorial office of "People's Journalist"

    Bryansk blogger Vladimir Chesalin spoke about judicial lawlessness against himself

    The editorial board of Narodniy Zhurnalist has already covered the situation of judicial arbitrariness in relation to the Bryansk blogger Vladimir Chesalin. Chesalin V.N. has an active civic position, which does not allow him to be an indifferent philistine, silently passing by cases of mismanagement, devastation and negligence that damage the state. Vladimir is sociable, responsive and by his personal example contributes to the formation of civil society in Russia. He conscientiously and responsibly does ...
