Part 1

Continuing the book about Elder Savigumen Savve, we decided to start with a visit to the blissful old man Schimonakhigni Mary, who was a close spiritual friend of our spiritual father.
We, four, were visiting where at this time there was a Schimonakhin, who knew our father when he was still young. She silently moved the rosary. And suddenly somehow it smiled especially. We began to ask her to tell us about your father, about their meetings, but she was silent.
After some time, she fell by his senile, but a very pleasant voice: "Let's start and enlightened, and your faces will not be ashamed." Then I said: "Mother of God, help us. Lord, Pomemui, "and again Popped:
My friends, friends, run
You are a sinful life as the plague,
And the world is insignificant to pose
And communication with sinful people.
We again began to ask her at least to remember anything about meetings with the Father, and then she said:
- We mainly met in the temples or on the way to the temple of the Holy Martyr Trifon, and when he went home to us, it was more talked with a monk living in our apartment, about monastic life. He asked me, what is his way to choose: monastic or maybe marry? I said right to him: "Do not look at all angles where you go there and go." And he walked to work and in the temple. What I could say him, he was a man comprehensively educated, and who am I so?
One day he went to me, and I had three dolls, and he asked with surprise: "What are you in the dolls playing?" I replied: "These are good girls: faith, hope and love ..."
Our father combined all these Christian virtues.
I knew Sawvo's father when he was still Nikolai Mikhailovich, long before the admission of him to the monastery. He visited many temples, but most often visited the village of Sele Leonov, he read and sang.
One servant of God was very sick, she had a terrible vomit. Once she gathered to the doctor, but familiar led her to the temple. There after Liturgy served a waterball prayer, on which Nikolai Mikhailovich sang. After the prayer, he gave her a glass of holy water, but she did not drink. Then Nikolai Mikhailovich said to her:
- What are you afraid, drink - vomit will not.
Himself drank one sip and again filed her. She drank. After that, she slept at home and got up completely healthy.
Subsequently, she was his spiritual chance.
After Nikolai Mikhailovich entered the monastery of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, we began to ride there often. There I all asked rev. SergiusSo that the Lord will send the Spiritual Father.
When Nikolai Mikhailovich became already Hieromona Savoy, I did not decide to ask him to ask spiritual Chad, I was afraid that he would not take me. Once he read the prayer before confession and the general confession, and then said:
- Permissive prayer will give another father, and I will let go of only spiritual chad, which I have long.
I stood behind everyone, and suddenly he sought me the first for the permissive prayer. From now on, I began to consider it with my spiritual father.
I do not know where to start and how to describe all miracles, healing and predictions, not only me, but also to my children, the whole family and familiar.
I got very sick. I am sending a spiritual sister to the father, I ask him holy prayers. She comes to him, and he himself meets and asks:
- What - is sick? I will bring you a shrine for the patient now, and I'll go to Kellya himself to read Akathist Martyr Trefonu. Do not worry, everything will be fine.
At this time I lay in the bed of real estate, but suddenly felt relief. He rose from bed, prayed, thanked God and the spiritual father and went to the kitchen to prepare children dinner.
At this time comes from Father N., sees - my bed is empty. She was frightened, he does not know what to think, and I go out of the kitchen in the room. She did not believe her eyes, and I myself could not believe that I was live. Together we thanked the Lord and the Spiritual Father.
Another time I was sick so much that I was lying without breathing, with eyes closed, in a death condition. I see that I am lying on the bed, a woman comes up for me in the whole black. At this time, the father, as it were, in the air in the belt, handed her hand to his breast and said: "Stop". The woman immediately disappeared. I had a breath, I raised my hand, crossed and said:
"Thank God, my father saved me, I came to life."
My daughter had a big finger on his leg; I went to the doctor, she was offered to take his finger. I tell her:
- Do not agree, write father, and everything will be fine.
She wrote, sent his father, he said: "Pull out." On the second day the pain passed.
My married daughter was pregnant. Father gives me two icons of the Savior-Baby for her, I immediately realized that it was not just the same two icons. I pass my daughter and say:
- Probably you will have twins.
And indeed, she gave birth to exactly the same two boys, and now, already thirty-year-old, cannot be distinguished.
My youngest daughter met with one person for 10 years and married, and he is all silent. Father her told her:
- You will be Christ the bride.
The daughter was upset, burst out, and then stated to his groom:
- Come on or sign, or part.
Then he was forced to admit that he could not marry her. She perceived it very hard, because all his youth spent with him, but, according to the prayers of his father, everything cost everything. Then met with another, who made her an offer. Appointed the day of registration, and he did not come. It so hurt her pride, that she did not even know what happened to him. And only a year later he asked her brother to call him. They answered that a year ago he disappeared, only his passport was thrown - it can be seen, killed. That's how the father's prediction came true.
N. Hardly sick - a leg was taken away, the doctors could not help, she went to crutches. On vacation went to my father, he gave her holy oil, ordered to smear his leg. N. returned without crutches, completely healthy.
I came to Pechora, on vacation, very patient. I wanted to work hard in the monastery, but I can not.
I stand in the temple, I pray and suddenly I feel: it became easier to breathe. Let's go with the Father on the Holy Mountain. Father asks: "How was it easier?" I asked for a blessing to work well in the monastery, and he blessed. According to His Holy Prayers, all the holidays worked in God's glory and returned home completely healthy.
After the death of the Father, four years have passed. My age is on the ninth dozen, and, according to his holy prayers, I live: it is only worth asking the Father, and the Lord sends healing.

TO Father first led me in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, the nuns of the Kiev-Pokrovsky Women's Monastery - Mother Sofia. I did not even have a spiritual father, and when I read the morning rule, where there is a prayer for the spiritual father, it prayed like this: "Lord, they went to me a spiritual father! Save, Lord, All Batyushki! " So seven years I asked, but did not pee in the priests and did not choose, for me they were all the same. Mother Sofia led me to his father and requested:
- Marychka has no spiritual father. Father Savva, take her in my children.
- Okay! Are you praying for the Kazan Mother of God? - The father asks me.
- I pray, as I can.
- Well, here is the icon of the Pochaevsky Mother of God.
It was the first blessing of the Father - and the blessing is not accidental. Soon I had to go to Pokayev (there were other children there) and live there for a long time. Our father came to us every year. At the first visit, he instructed us for spiritual leadership to two elders, akin to him in spirit: the hieroshi-monk Nicholas and an old monk - the wanderer Konona, who because of his scientific was driven by monks, lived in summer and winter in a cold bar. Every day we were on obedience from Father Conona, who worked with us in the temple, and for the blessing and to confession went to the Skit to Father Nikolai. Worked in the Lavra and in the Skit. It was often necessary to spend the night in the field, and in the sheds, and in the forest, and we were not cold, did not hurt and have never been hungry, according to the prayers of our father.
When the father came to Pokayev, it was for us a big holiday. He strengthened us spiritually, taught how to behave in male monasteryso as not to bring monks to sinful thoughts.
We asked Father:
- Some father give us the keys from our Kelly and ask them to remove. Can we do this?
"Tell them:" Our spiritual father categorically forbade it to do. " You will remove, and the monk, having come to Kellyya, instead of Jesus prayer will think who cleaned.
We lived in Pokayev three years, and then father Nikolai sends two of us to our father to bless us to the monastery. Dear, we agreed that I would not say the father of the monastery; We were afraid that I would not bring the monastery life: what is there to have patience, obedience, abstinence!
We come to the Father (he was then in the Pechersk Monastery). He happily met us and first asked:
- What ordered me to convey father Nikolai?
"Tried to bow," we answered.
- What else?
- Nothing more.
Soon the Father blessed to go to Moscow in monastic cases, and we said: "I will go, and you wait here."
In the evening, it brings him an obedient of Vasily 200 rubles and asks him to take this money from him for us: "I have known for a long time in Pocion, before they were washed underwear before. They are wanderee, they need money, but they don't need them, I'm ready for everything. They will not take me from me, and you, for the sake of God, pass them. " In the morning, my father tells us:
- God's fishing! We must take you with you. You gave you money on the road. - And everything told us about these money.
We are going on the train, drive up to the bottom of the bottom. Father hints again: "Here is a transplant to the Ovrich monastery. Or maybe father Nikolai still told me to pass something? " We pushed each other with your elbow and did not admit again.
With God's help we arrived at St. Sergia. His relics father tried to incline us for the third time. Holds beautiful white silk rosary and says: "Here! It is that you have the same white and beautiful souls. " And blessed us these rosary.
In the evening in Pavlova Posad, where a man gathered thirty of his spiritual chad, on the apartment at one of them the father consoled us the spiritual conversation all night. And then blessed us after all to the monastery. We fell into my legs and asked for forgiveness with tears: they didn't admitted three times that the father of Nikolai was for this to him and sent ...
... in the summer, in Petrov post, received the news of the father's disease. Not talking, without blessing to travel on the same day I went to the Pechora and I was crying all the way.
Father lying in the hospital, where I did not dare to go. In volatile anticipation of days stretched. And at the exit from the hospital, he strictly said:
- Why did you come? We need prayer, not a date! And cook schima. How your monastery opens, go to the monastery. If you are in danger, read the prayer: "swearing the governor" and "call" to me. But do not come, even by death.
I returned with bitter tears in the hour. It was very difficult for me. Nobody let night. In the temple, left to spend the night only under great holidays. But I always remembered the Batyushkina words: "I will pray, and what a thought will come to you, you comply with it." And I, with God's help, and did, and, according to His holy prayers, I avoided dangers miraculously. I always felt his gracious help and his spiritual presence.
Everything, whatever the father, hints, or straight, then was fulfilled. "And what did my father talk about Shima? - I thought. "" I'm young, who will offer her now, and he ordered to cook schima. " But they began to come true his words.
One day I wear a peat in the church barn, and one father calls me a sample three times. I objected that unworthy of this. And he again firmly said: "You will be a sample!"
They recorded me in the Pochaevsky laurel for eternal commemoration: "Schimonakhin", and I began to ask to shift "Schimonakhin" and write a "nun". The monk who recorded, silent and does not correct. Then I ask Shiigumen Abrahami: "I am ashamed to me in front of the nuns that I remember me with a scale, what kind of simonahine?" And he replied: "Not your business, the Lord forced them to write so much." Once he blesses all matches a rosary. "And you," says, "these are Schimnic!"
And I knew the will of God and was convinced of the truthfulness of the Father's prediction: on the third day of the Baptism of the Lord (1964), God's fishery, entertain me in Schima with a new name. Father blessed me to come to him; He canceled me a big monastic rule and gave another. Then blessed me to obedience to one seni-Skimnik on New Athos.

W. One of the chad the husband drank a lot. Father immediately said: "Take a divorce with him." She was frightened and asked: "And if he will ask for forgiveness, what then? Yes, and lived with him for many years. " He repeats: "We must take a divorce, and I will pray."
She comes home and makes the father blessed. Only she stated her husband about the divorce and gathered to execute everything, it struck him so much that he had fallen into the hospital, stopped drinking and began to behave as if he had never been drunk, so that they didn't have to take .

ABOUTthe bottom of Mother told me that the power of prayer stops the train. I did not believe. Three years have passed after this conversation, and so she advises me so that I went to Father Savva and asked him to him in spiritual chad. The companion she gave me, of our church elder; He was hurt by Asthma, it was difficult for him to breathe. And Mother and him advised him to go to Father Savve and firmly assured him that Sava's father will heale him. He believed her, and we went.
The father then served in the parish church of the village of the Pskov Region, from the train, it was necessary to go a half or two kilometers on foot. We walked with an ordinary step, but my fellow traveler says:
"You're quickly go, I can't go."
- Sorry, I do not know the state of your health. I will go the most quiet step, "I answered." And we slowly went further.
Father took us among his spiritual children. After the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Batyushka blessed us to go to Pechora, in the abode. On the day of departure, after the evening service, we had to rush to the train, but the father told the word "about three joys," and we thought that we would not go today, since I was late for the train. Let's come to him, take a blessing, and he, smiling, fun saying:
- late, but I bless you go.
It was already dark when we came out. My satellite says:
- I even fear: dark, and you need to go through the fishing line.
- God is with us and we are going on blessing.
Suddenly comes to us the spiritual daughter of our father and says:
- I'll go with you to Pechora.
So, we threaten went to the train.
We went to a flat, straight road and far-far ahead of the last-minute headlights of the locomotive were visible.
"This is our train, but we no longer have time," says our fellow traveler.

As soon as she said, my companion, not saying nothing, suddenly, how to run, and I am behind him. So we fled without a stop, and in winter clothes and with suitcases, at least one and a half kilometers.
The conductor gave us a hand, and we entered the car. Now the train moved on the road.
Then I came to myself and I say to the elder:
- Sharal, you are tired.
- No, not tired. I think I did not fade, "he replied.
I think: "My God, he will die now, because he could not even go fast." But he sits calmly and breathes normally.
- If you say my wife, that I ran, she never believes. I do not believe myself! Mother G. Pravda said that Sava's father healed me. I will come home - all the redistribution, rebuild my life, because we don't live at all how to live a Christian, "my companion said.
That's how I revived, my father was healed and reborn!

FROMit turned out to go to our old house after just made repairs. On our own, we reached the bottom rotten logs and closed the holes by stone, brick and cement. It seems that they made firmly, for our age enough. Father went around the house, examined our work and said:
- for two years enough.
I wonder: did we really do so indefinitely? Is it enough for two years enough?
And two years later, according to the plan for the reconstruction of the city, our house was demolished.

TOat the time of confession, the father asked everyone to stand on his knees and also kneels against the altar, where the preventive Anthony and Feodosia. Having lifted his hands to the Holy Altar, he loudly, touchingly, keenly headed three times:
- Lord God, the Father Almighty, consecrate the spirit of your holy to the holy people!
And I clearly saw the Holy Spirit descended on my father and soiling in the form of a pigeon, the whole golden, and gold rays, such large, thick, which covered the whole fighter people and penetrated into all the temple walls. And so it was low, over the head of the father, that I, the sinner, was able to clearly consider the Holy Spirit - and the spout, and the wings are prostrate, and the legs, the abdomen are pressed, - and everything was so beautiful and long that it is impossible to convey these words Beauty and joy!
Several days passed, the father went to the Ambon and talked with spiritual children, and I stood at the back. He looked at me, smiled and says fun:
- P. saw the Holy Spirit as he went to her.
And about the fact that Holy Spirit came to him and the whole people repentant, he did not say, silent.

TOwhen I was accepted into the spiritual chad, I strongly doubted how my father would be able to lead me: "He doesn't write letters, and he does not have the opportunity to talk, but I can't travel often to him." And here the Lord in a dream entered me. I saw the spiritual father, and he said: "To communicate believers, the distance does not matter, the power of prayer is great." And I understood everything and calmed down.
Once we stood in the Assumption temple, several people and father. Skimnica approached him and says that the black material came to whom to give it? And his father showed one of us and says: "Give it to her, I prayed for her, and she has the same way as yours, only now she does not understand anything." Indeed, several years have passed, and she became a nun.
Blessed me my father on vacation to go to Georgia. This summer is suitable, and I ask about the trip, and he says: "I blessed you in Sukhumi, so go." I went to the train station for a ticket, and I was told that there was no passage because of Quarantine. I came up again to my father, and he says to me: "After all, I blessed you, what, am I myself, or will I go?" And gave me a ruble: "It's for you on the road and all expenses." And then I went on vacation. I stayed in bewilderment.
And suddenly I had a feeling that I need to go to Moscow. If I can't go further, then there I will ride the temples, I will go to Zagorsk. And so I will spend your vacation. And this was my condition that I could not be more in the Pechoras, it was necessary to leave for anything.
He arrived in Moscow, met with L., who also had a blessing to go with me in Sukhumi. We decided that I would still go to Zvenigorod, and she would come home. I stayed there for two days, I return to Moscow, and she gladly informs me: they announced the radio that the quarantine was removed and travel to the south was discovered. She already bought tickets, and we were among the first passengers went to Sukhumi.
I, of course, were money, although little. But I did not know anything at all, I even sewed three dresses on an angel day and bought ticket, and everything was not better.
Blessed my father and A. from Moscow to Pskov, visit the patient in the hospital. We agreed with A. to go for three hours, and she bought bus tickets. A close woman comes to work and says that she called to the Pskov to the doctor and spoke with him about this patient and that there is no need to go to the hospital. Then I did not know that it was necessary to accurately carry out the blessing of the spiritual father, and decided not to go. Cumshot work at three o'clock and went home. Only I go to the apartment, and Mitrofania (spiritual sister) saw. And says: "What did you come? After all, you have a blessing to go to the sick, what do you care about others? " "And straightly pushed me with the words:" Go, do a blessing. "
I am going and think: "The bus has already left, you will have to go to a taxi." I fell to the bus station, I do not believe and I do not believe my eyes: the bus "Pechora-Pskov" approach and sits by A. By the window. I entered, and she says: "Sit down, this is your place, I did not have time to pass your ticket." Then I ask her: "Why didn't you leave on time?" And she says that they drove off the station, and suddenly something happened, the bus "Zapyrkal" and for some reason came back.
We went to Pskov, visited the patient and returned home. I was glad that I had fulfilled the blessing of the Father.
I remembered how I wrote repentance. So tried to write everything. I file, and father says: "And you have not written everything." From six years I wrote, and again said that not everything is written. And once he himself said to me: "Now I write, I will pray, and you will remember, remember and write a lot more."
And when I began to write, then, by his prayers, the Lord opened me all my sins. I remembered everything so clearly, as if my whole life was passed before me. I even had all my bad children's thoughts. When I wrote the last fourth notebook and gave my father, I experienced a feeling of sinless. It cannot be described, no words for this. Indeed, repentance is the second baptism. But all this I could only on the prayers of our Father. What a great power in him and grace, as he cleared us and helped us, sinning!
Then I began to fall again in different sins and could no longer stand and repent. And once my father said: "You can not even write well to write."

ABOUTtetz saw everything at a distance.
Dad went to retire and when he went to his father, he wrote him about the desire to move to Zagorsk. It was in 1970. Father said: Before 1972, be on the spot and work. In 1972, it suddenly happened that our big family, who lived 40 years in one place, moved to holy place. And the house is such a comfortable, near the temple of the parish, and the abode nearby. So our dear father was everything openly, and Holy Spirit helped him foresee everything in advance.

INesno I was in Pechorah. The day of my departure came up, I had to go to work, and my father, who spent, says: "We will come in Petrovka." I'm going and think: "How will I come, because I need to go to work?" I come, went to the factory, and I say to me: there is no free space, but a young girl is working in your brigade, we will take you to her place, you know you, you worked with us. At home, consulting, I decided that it was not necessary to agree on it: the girl works, and if I go, it would be fired.
Time passes. Petrov is post. What to do? Put a lot. It fell to go to the father. In the morning I come to the church, and Mother E. says: "I want to in the Pechora, and I asked the Queen of Heaven, so that you brought me there." I say: "Going, I just have a blessing to go." And we went. Come, I wrote everything to my father. And he says to confession: "Do not build your happiness on the misfortune of nearby." And talks about my act.
And on returning home everything is settled. So the words of the Father came true: "We will come in Petrovka."

TOwhen the father was in Sukhumi, Mladdyka Elijah (subsequently - Patriarch Georgian) invited him to visit the holy places of Georgia. Assigned a day when they go to the car. The mother should have ride a mother from the cathedral, who knew all the places, and on the fourth place in the car Vladyka suggested Father Savva to someone bless someone. And the father blessed me, sinful and unworthy. But two days before the departure, the Mother was sick, which was with us, the temperature 40, and the father blessed me to stay at the patient, and they themselves left. But for some reason I believed that the blessing of the father would not disappear.
It took 15-20 years, as it was wonderful. It happened so. Three guests to Moscow arrived from Pechor, I met them at the station. All of them are Spiritual Chad Father Savva and drove into Georgia. I say: "How sorry for expensive guests to accomplish. I thought you would come to me, but you were upset. " They answer me: "We are undesirable to be on the holiday, so now we are going beyond tickets."
We arrived at the Kursk railway station, came to the checkout, and there are no tickets for today. Suddenly all my guests are addressed to me: "E. I., coming with us. " I have been hammered, and I have no opportunity and hope I do not have, I have been lucky to leave for two days because of the sister's sick, and here for a month, and there is no money.
My guests say: "Let's pull the lot: if there is the will of God, then, according to the prayers of the Father, the Lord will help in everything." We began to pray from the bottom of my heart, not noticing that people are crowded and pushed us. The lot fell to go to Georgia. We once again come to the checkout, and - about a miracle! - We give tickets the next day, a separate coupe.
In the morning I went to the temple for the blessing of the Lord, and then - everything else ... I meet my sister in Christ, I tell her: "Where can I get money urgently?" She asks: "How much? I can give 50 rubles when you can, then give up. " I'm going to my brother, and he also helped. Glory to you, Lord! Native sisters agreed for the sick sister ...
My friend began to offer me to go to live. I agreed; But when I came to the Father in Pechora, I decided to take a blessing from him. My father answered me: "Blessed, if only she wants." I was silent, but I thought about myself: "After all, she calls me." I come home, and she is silent, as if in the mouth of water scored ...

I I arrived for several days to the Pechora. Brought a letter of one pious person and his wife with a request to take them into spiritual chad. Father, comes out of Kelly and makes rosary and prosfora and says: "I accepted John and Tatiana in spiritual chad."
I was glad to ask another rosary and wondered - why are some rosary and to whom to give them? I come home, and I tell me - John died on November 25th, i.e. at a time when I was in Pechorah. And it became clear why some rosary and one prosfora gave Father.

FROM One spiritual sister, before the trip to the father, was hospitable, prayed and on an empty stomach to him went hoping to get praise from him. But between him quarreled, not counting it for sin. We arrived to your father, came up for a blessing, first E. He turned away and moved away from her, I set up - the same. After some time, the father approaches us, blessed, gave a friend and said: "They didn't pray, did not fasten, they quarreled" ...
I came once to the Pechora, came to his father, to his Kelly, and he walks back and forth, looks at me fun and says: "For what they just do not think about, they give me diapers, dispensers." And I thought: "Indeed, why do father need a diaper and dispensers?" But when there was something that I did not expect, the prophetic words of Batyushki remembered. I needed diapers and disasters: I had a granddaughter born.
When the Father lay in the hospital, I came to him, and for some reason I thought: "It would be good for the father now fresh blueberries to collect." And in the yard is already winter. Father read my thoughts and says: "Maybe for blueberries tomorrow go to the forest?" And with him lay down in the ward lieutenant colonel, who laughed from the soul: "Frost's street, and he wanted fresh blueberries!"
Father smiled and tells him: "Maybe a glass, maybe two, and maybe a three-liter bidon will bring." And then me: "Go tomorrow, grab the cook with you, and E. Capture with you."
I come to the cook, I say: "Tomorrow we will go to the forest behind Chernika, my father blessed." She, of course, laughed, also took it for a joke. But when I said that I will go alone, she says: "Then I, of course, go."
Let's go to E.: "We will go tomorrow for blueberries." She is surprised: "What are you in mind? Snow, frost, and they got together for blueberries. " We say: "As you like, then we'll go alone." - "And where to?" - "In Pesyan". - "On what?" - "By bus". She then tells his son: "Zhenya, take us on the car." Here and her husband could not stand it: "And I will go with you."
Morning was extraordinary: bright sun, frost. We arrived in the forest; I wanted to go there, where I collected a blueberry in the summer, and they stopped closer. All five people went to the forest. At this place they scored very little. And I say: "Father blessed to gain a three-liter bidon, the blessing must be performed."
Let's go to my place - and scored a three-liter beedon!
Father ordered bake pies with a blueberry cook and E. - on the competition, who is better. The cooks turned out excellent pies, and E. unsuccessful. But the father comforted: "I'll sing it, I and her pies!".
Father ate fresh blueberries, treated lieutenant colonel, us, nurse and sick children who were injured from the fire. There was no hope that they would see. But the father prayed hardly, consoled the mournful parents and predicted them that the boy would see both eyes, and the girl was one glazor. What came true.

ANDwith our city, several people were in Pechoras, and that's what they told. Father served prayer. Suddenly he wondered and says: "Oh, what is being done in the city! But everyone will be alive. "
In our city there was a fire, we were chapped, eight people, but everyone was alive. I suffered most of all: the burn area was 53 percent. At the conclusion of doctors, I should not have survived, but, according to the Holy Prayers of the Father, it remained alive and able-bodied.
In the hospital, I was laying six months, after six months I came to my father. When we came to his Kelly, the father came out and says: "They said that you burned down, and you are alive and so clean."
When I was in the hospital, all the time I mentally addressed my father, I asked him holy prayers, and the Lord gave me patience. Pains were terrible, and doctors were surprised at my patience.
When I rose to my feet, everyone said with surprise: "Our patient rose, but no hope was not that she would stay alive."
This miracle created the Lord for the Holy Prayers of the Father.

ABOUTin the Senius of 1975, my sister and my sister had a spiritual father. After the lunch came to him so that he blessed us on the road. He gave us all a friend. Many asked, but he replied: "I first let those who leave."
I came to the apartment to the mother O., she says to me: "Do not leave, there will be a whirlpool, we will fool my head with a lot." I did it, remained. I stand in the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, I look, Father goes, I left the cathedral to approach him. And he says to me:
- Why are you here, and where are your sisters?
- They left.
- Why are you here? I blessed you on the road, and what will you say at work, your vacation has ended?
- Well, do not care, walk, I now issued a pension.
How he shouts at me:
- How do you spit, for whom? On the state that money pays you! I take things about the moment - and at the station.
I am in tears: "Reporting, my head hurts, I still have to do."
- No, no, to the station!
My Mother's things are about. This is three kilometers from the monastery, and the shepherd fell ill in the village, and she asked for the mouth of the cows.
- Well, so that I left.
I did it. I go to work, and the director saw me and says:
- Thank God, M. I went to work! It turns out that there was no one to work.

ABOUTlady I come to your father, went after serving to his Kelly. Father makes a wooden cross, gives it to me and says:
- Kiss this cross five times in the morning and in the evening and read the "Selected Voivod" and a prayer for salvation. Pray for your son a.: "Save, Lord, My Son A.".
I arrive home and immediately everything began to perform how my father blessed me. Soon I went to the son of a tourist ticket. Skiing, he lost. That's how he told me:
- Food, and suddenly everyone said. The forest goes around, the earth is around, fire sparks from the eyes. Around the forest and the field, and there is no village, I already got out of my strength. He began to freeze, I was konylo to sleep. Then he saw a stack with hay, he fell to him and feel that I fall asleep. I think: "No, it is impossible to stay here if you fall asleep, then frozen." I see a track of a stack from Sanya, it means there is somewhere in the housing. I'm going to the trail, I saw a low Barack, was delighted and went there. There I met a friendly mistress, told me how to get to the holiday home. "
That's how my father knew everything! The Lord and Mother of God, in His Holy Prayers, saved my son.

W. We are with the son of the spiritual father of Schiigumen Sava. When the son had to go to the army, we came to your father to get a blessing and ask him holy prayers. Father said: "The service will be severe and responsible, but nothing, we will pray, and the bird will save you."
They received a blessing and went home. My dear son says: "Mom, I am very sorry that I did not ask my father: how it will save me to save me?"
Son sent to a dangerous place to the border. Then he told: "Near - a huge abyss, the posts often disappeared, and did not find the corpses."
When he stood for the first time, she screamed her owl, and he immediately remembered the words of his father: "We will pray, and the bird will save you." Immediately turned the weapon in the direction. And more than once, Owl was notified, where the danger comes from. And thus, his duty has always passed safely.
Previously, I did not sleep the entire guard, and then they began to say: "Today, E. - You can take a nap."
According to the Holy Prayers of the Father, the son safely served in the army and returned home.

FROMfather pudded a memorial in the caves. I cried about who would remember me when I die, I am an orphan. Father turns into my direction and says: "Orphans commemorate the church, so I pray for everyone."
Our spiritual sister of Juliani told me about it. She remained widow, and she had two children in her arms. To this sorrow there was still a house burned down. At that time, his father was in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And now she came with tears to him, he told about her misfortune.
Father listened carefully and said: "I will help you." He took out three rubles from his pocket and says: "Here is the construction of the house." I took them, and I thought myself: "The dear father, this is a beggar begging on bread, and not on the house." Put in his pocket and went to her kids.
Meet me familiar: "Julia, we heard, you have grief, you have a little on the construction." And also give money and sentenced: "Help you Lord!" I immediately realized that the blessing of the father did not pass in vain.

ABOUTtec blessed to go to the Pühtitsky monastery with one people together in three days. Another day I speak to him: "Father, for three days wait for a long time, I will go with these." - "What, go!"
I arrived in Pühtitsa, I was paralyzed, the whole right side was taken away, it was impossible to swim in the source, and how much trouble was a doctor-nun. Exactly three days sick - of course, for the peculiar, as I understood later.
One day, my father blesses us with E. To register a residence permit: "Tomorrow, go." E. To him in response: "No, we will go after tomorrow." "Well," he says. We went the day after tomorrow, on this day the one who was needed we were left. We waited all day; It was cold, peered, they laughed and arrived with anything.

D.aet Father Mother E. bandages with the words: "You will be useful to you. And she had a habit read the rule with a candle. She slept in the corridor. I prayed somehow in the evening and fell asleep, Candle did, and Cherofan caught fire on the table and on the wall. We, a few people, at that time were in the room and did not see anything, and when, by the grace of God, one of us came out into the corridor, then the flame was almost up to the roof, and the roof of the straw (the ceiling was not). We barely woke up, she began to tear the burning cellophan in the fright. He burned all his hands. So the bandages were useful. And only the power of God helped us extinguish the flame. We would have burned down, but, the prayers of the Father, the Lord pardon us. knew that an elder would face a Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, who became familiar to my aunt, A., decided to go to him and ascend to spiritual chad. I asked her to take me, but with another purpose - to travel (I was 19 years old). We arrived, A. Found an elder, asked for a blessing to the apartment, they asked for me and asked me. He said: "At the apartment - together, and she will come to them in a week, at St. Nicholas, she cannot seven days. It will take time, and then comes up. " (Neither he, nor I have never seen it).
The apartment surrounding me the spiritual Chad of the elder told me about the spiritual life, the need for spiritual leadership, about the spiritual father and about the senile dispensation.
Of course, I, a person who came to the spiritual environment for the first time, was not clear. My spirit strongly opposed a new teaching. It even seemed that this is something unnatural, unreal. There was a strong inner brand: everything was rebelled in me. But at the same time somewhere inside the unconsciously pulled me to this life.
How in Sukhumi in the circle of youth, the Father was asked the question: "Is it possible to go to the movies?" What could it be answered when young eyes waiting for you are directed to you? And managed his Lord to put us on the court of his conscience and reason: "You can," said Batyushka. "It only gives away from God."
After that, I never went to the movies, although before the movie loved very much.
Upon arrival, I had difficult questions. It was impossible to write by mail, too. To other spiritists to seek advice, because it is considered spiritual blob. And this intractability and caused a storm of confusion in me, Ropota.
And I dream dream: Father came to my room, sat down at the table and I was invited to sit down and says: "Well, what do you care? What do you have for questions? "
There was still a case. He wrote the Father questions and asked him to attribute him to him. And in the evening, after the service, I had to see my father, and he himself answered all the questions. When I came home, I saw that my letter had not yet taken and it lies on the table ...
When the father was in Sukhumi on treatment, we prepared to be there and often with him. Once, when we sat at the festive table, I handed over the father of the wine that Dad made. Raising the glass with this wine, the father said: "Let these winemakers be crowned with success." And after a few months, my parents happened when they were already under 60 years old, and before that heard the wedding did not want - they say, old. And they began to fast, fulfill the rule, more often to go to the temple (although they used only for Christmas, Easter and Trinity) and became spiritual children of Father Savva.
I went to Sukhumi, intending to get the blessing of the father to marriage. I had an unlimited attachment to the chosen one (as they say, did not eat, did not drink - so I always wanted to see him). I told your father about my intention and condition. He was so gentle and sadly looked at me and said: "Baby, if you marry, disappear. And you don't have any love to him at all, only passion. "
I came home I was completely different and completely different eyes already looked at the marriage with this man and on the Negosa. Some empty seemed to me our friendship, and he was forced to tell me: "I see that I don't need you."
How much thanks to you, dear Father, that they lost me from unnecessary, and maybe even a pernicious step. The whole bitty and unclean moved from me.

INa friend appeared in me an inacpired desire to go to his father, although there was no reason to urgently see him. But, led by an invisible force, without giving himself a report, for which I came to Lavra. Father waited for me: he sent one nun letter, asking for a serious question. My father had no blessing to write letters, and no one could answer her, besides me, because she was familiar with me only. Father gave me an instruction, how to write her, and I left.

FROM One of our spiritual sister was the case. Three months did not take her pain in the right elbow. With difficulty, she could put the cross sign on himself and therefore was rarely baptized. I came to my father and complained. "Arm hurts? - he asked fun. - Go, put the candle of the Mother of God "Troochitsy" and ask her: "You, Ladyer, healed the cut-off hand to St. John Damascus, healed and my hand!" She did everything, but in his thoughts asked the father, so that he missed the Mother of God to heal her sore hand, as she used to appeal to her with a prayer, but did not receive relief. And what a miracle! She did not even notice when her had pain - on this day or another.

TOak something in the Great Luki after the service, the father distributed all the living rooms: to whom the prosfora, to whom the apple, whom Baranki, candy, and I gave me a children's towel and holy oil. I wondered: what would it mean?
He arrived home and soon got sick: terrible headache, furuncula on the head and on the face. Swollen, eye is not visible heat, chills. I immediately understood what I need to be treated: I got Batyushkino towel and holy oil. Anointed his head, shrouded this towel and put it with a warm handkerchief from above.
The first painful night passed, the eyes were completely swimming, eyelashes of the eyes of her eyes. By morning, the pain is a bit aged. I apologized to the oil again, I was covered with a towel and tied up with a warm scarf.
In the morning, the infectiousist doctor arrived (mine native sister). I closed the blanket and I'm afraid to show her. I ask her: "Do not be offended that I will not show you. Calm down and do not tell me anything. I will be treated with my own means. " "Well, well, but I still need to see you," she insisted. Then I opened the blanket and showed her face and head. She kept her fright and explained to me: the disease is infectious and called "flattering lisha", it lasts at least four months with terrible headaches, in which the patient literally climbs onto the wall. And he suggested sending a strong medicine.
The next day she was again with me. I had to explain to her what I was treated and what it becomes easier for me.
Five days later, headaches subsided. My sister did not believe such a quick improvement. She knew as a doctor that such a disease was not cured even in a month. So a miracle happened!
A month later, I was completely recovered, but the dark blue spots were noticeable on the face for a long time and the head was very angry. So I walked all summer in a warm scarf. So I got rid of the long, severe illness in the grace of God, prayers and healing means of an expensive father.

Pi ride to the Father in Pechora and I think: "Does he tell him about his eye (a bump grew on the inside of the century) and that the doctor insists on operations?" And the father himself asks me: "What is your eye?" I explained everything and asked the Holy Oil to not only do the operation. Father brought me oil and said: "Here's healing!" At home, I became this oil to smear the eye cruciform, and in five days the bump became almost invisible. I anointed a few more times, and everything went.

BUTnNU in serious condition was put in the hospital. Doctors identified lung cancer. Her daughter went to Laurea to report this to the Mount Father and ask him holy prayers.
Father served prayer in the relics of Rev. Sergius. And then, comforted, said the daughter of the patient: "Do not worry, everything will be fine! Here, we take this prosfora to her to eat all. "
The next day, after tasteing, the patient has become unrecognizable: calm, cheerful. She had an appetite. Doctors were in bewilderment. They began to doubt the diagnosis and transferred the patient to the Research Institute, where a conclusion was given as a result of a thorough examination: "Cancer was not detected." Anna was discharged home.
Slightly fastened forces, Anna went to Lavra to thank the Lord, Rev. Sergius and his own dear Batyushka. At the meeting, the father told her, smiling: "Well, that And Anna appeared! Where is your cancer - console? "

Priheli to the Father in the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of his Moscow spiritual children with a sad message about the serious illness of his spiritual sister Paraskeva, distinguished by special kindness and mercy. Doctors have identified a cancer tumor in the intestines. In their opinion, her days were considered.
Father served prayer about sorry. He turned to the prayer to everyone who prayed with the request: "I will pray now since my sore Paraskeva. Doctors recognized her cancer, and we will not give him to develop in it, pray, and she will be easier for her ... she is still too early to die, she is still needed here! " Father blessed to take her holy water from this prayer and prosfora.
When the patient accepted this shrine, he immediately felt that pain declined. And then she was soon discharged from the hospital.

IN The Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of the Spiritual Chad of the Elder brought a seriously ill 60-year-old Timothy. Behind the liturgy in the Assumption Temple, the father especially prayed for the sick Timofey, several times remembered his name. And the patient was unconscious, then he began his vomiting; He was taken to the street. By the end of the liturgy, he again entered the temple, but he again became bad, and he was put in the corner of the stove. After the Liturgy, the father in rize, with the cross himself went to the patient, gave him to attach, and he also gave him a big apple: "So for healing!"
Timofey was tormented for two more days, could not stand the service, the dark strength piled him down. Then the father served prayers and praying everyone to pray for sorry. The patient became easier, and the week did not pass, as he was completely healed from the alend.
The delightful Timofey with admiration responded about the Father: "I first meet such a miracle in my life! When the father gave me to drink holy water, he said: "This driver will get you from the bottom of hell." And this water burned all my inside, and then it became so easy, and I soon felt myself completely healthy. "

Prihal to Father Grieving A. from Dnepropetrovsk. Doctors of her discovered cancer. Father gave her a friend and said: "Pray." She immediately left home. And for another year I came to thank Father for prayers. Doctors did not find her more cancerous disease and said it was mistaken in the diagnosis.

D.evitsa V. Married. But suddenly sore, the doctors discovered cancer and offered her surgery - to remove the chest. She immediately turned to her spiritual father, Igumen Savva, for the blessing: how to be? Father having fun her:
- One, too, was cancer, but, by the grace of God, he will be filled, so it will be with you. Pray: that people are impossible, then God is possible. But I'm going to surgery, and I will pour.
She comes home, goes to the hospital. It was examined again, and the cancer tumor disappeared. Doctors are surprised and can not understand this riddle: "There was a cancer - and there is no more of it?" The operation was canceled, but from the records it was not removed. A year later, it is again caused to check and offer to take the chest so that the tumor does not resume. But she refused now alive and Dorov.

Z.i have an abnormal tooth, everything is swollen, the mouth twisted, I am lying - I do not drink, do not eat. They said father about my condition. He handed over the handkerchiefs and the hotels for me and said: "Let this handkerchief attached to me. If it does not help, then let him go to the hospital. " I gladly attached this handkerchief to the face and suited him a little. I was easier, and in the evening everything became in place. The tumor slept, and the pain poem.

IN The monastery on peace was the sick father K., who the doctors prescribed a permanent bed mode. The patient turned to Father Savve: "Pray for me."
Father said to him: "Read the Psalter." And he answers: "I can't". But Savva's father says: "You can not, and you read!" - "Yes, I can not." - "And you read."
A few days later he said that he replaced himself and read the Psalter. And he recovered and after that he lived for another 10 years.

W. Moscow priest George was born daughter Maria. Until the five-year-old age, she did not go and did not speak. They arrived with the whole family to their spiritual father for help. He took this girl in Kellyya, prayed and blessed them to go home. When they arrived at the station, Maria suddenly suddenly came down, went on the platform and spoke. Happy, they went home, thanks to her father for healing her daughter.

Pi often saw him in a dream very good. I wanted to see where it was determined after forty days, and the Lord focused on his prayers.
I see: everyone runs to the church to the service to his father, I also ran. Church round shapeHigh, there is nothing at the bottom. Need to climb up screw staircase. I quickly began to climb, for me another or two sisters, and the rest looked up, and could not climb. I asked someone: "What floor will be the floor and where is our father?" I was answered: "On the third floor". I rose and saw a bright room, the coffin wall, the tomb is a big photo of the Father, and there is a monk, strict as the clock. I shouted loudly: "Father!" - And fell to the coffin, breathing captured. I woke up and never take enough.
After that, it began to reflect: why is such a dream? I understood as follows: Father - Schima, this is the highest angel Chin, and the highest angelic chin is at the third heavens. And calmed down.
I was sent a letter that there is a fragrance from the coffin of the father, and I decided to immediately go to him, but I didn't feel very good. But still decided to go. With such a thought fell asleep. Just closed her eyes - I see: the bed stands the father and says: "I and here with you."

INmy life was in mourn and diseases. My husband was an alcoholic and often beat me. In the house we had an icon of the Mother of God, but I did not pray before her. So lived to 33 years old, several times was with death. Applying to doctors, but they did not help me. At that time I had three young children.
God's mercy did not leave me. I met good people and went to church, ordered a prayer with the Akathist of Mother of God, and I immediately became somehow easy. Then I met P., began to go to her, talking about my grief, she comforted me and gave me to read spiritual books.

And so to P. came from Peukushka Soveor G. and told about Shiigumen Savvu. Listening, I was so crying to the soul that people walk boldly into the temple and drive through the holy places, and as soon as I go to the church, then the husband raises the noise and hits me.
Once I wrote my father: "Dear Father, I heard that I am soying by holiness - the second Jerusalem, pray to be there. After all, the road is closed; If I go to my church, and then the husband is scandalous, but how will I go to the hour? "
After a while I was alone in the house and hear that someone says to me: "The husband will rise to fifteen days, and you will go to Pokayev." And now he raised such a noise and a fight (in his habit) that the children called the police, and he was planted for 15 days, and I went to the hour. And in the same way, according to the prayers of the Father, was in Zagorsk.
There were such cases that I really wanted to church on the holidays, I mentally asked Sawvo's father about it. Surprisingly: When I went to church and met with my husband, he passed by me, without recognizing.
He comes G., brings two candy from his father and says that I will be bored with a light one, and my husband gave a dark candy. I did so. Soon after that, my husband was divorced, and I went to the Pechora. And if I hadn't left, he would kill me, because he always said: "All the same" holy "destroy, I don't live - and you can not live."
And here the children told me: he gathered to go after me, drank half liters of wine and immediately died.
Then the father of Savva came from vacation and tells parable:
- Yesterday I see: the cat caught the pigeon, I began to take away the pigeon at the cat, and he clung to the claws and he did not let go. I clicked on the cat ... Not me, but God helped me.
I listened and did not understand, I thought that the truth was the cat dove caught yesterday, and then I discovered that it was about my husband and about me told me. According to fathers prayers, the Lord defended me from death. After the death of the Father, I come to the cave, I tell him about my grief and illness, and they are removed. Easy and happily becomes soul ...

M.the native sister fell ill, she had cancer. Doctors tried to irradiate it, but the heart refused. She fell into hopeless despair. But when he turned to his father for help, he asked his holy prayers, the impossible was possible. The whole course of treatment wonderfully proceeded safely. During the procedures, the patient not only felt the proximity of the Father, but saw His presence.
There was also a case with my nephew, too, his spiritual daughter. The father during her pregnancy said that she would have a boy. She gave birth to a boy with real estate legs. Doctors offered an operation, but, by father's prayers, the boy received healing.
Then my native brother got sick - hemorrhage into the brain. The state was hopeless, prescribed the trepanation of the skull. I also anticipate a disappointing outcome, and the professor himself did not promise anything good, because the vessels continued to break.
In desperation, I went to my father, I told him everything, what he answered: "Do not despair, we will pray. Lord merciful! " I left the hoping for the mercy of God and the Batyushkina prayer.
Returning from the Father, the day appointed for operation is going to a brother to the institute. He entered the ward, and a man sits on his bed. I even became bad: my brother and my head did not raise, and I decided that someone else was taken by the bed, and it was no longer alive. I recoiled back, but my brother called me and called: "This is, come here," and smiled. The vessels have stopped rushing, and the trepanation was canceled. It was an obvious miracle, surprisingly all the medical staff.

Pi didn't have to be on the burial of the spiritual father about family circumstances. But I really wanted to make it to his coffin. I looked forward to my holiday. And when I came the day of my departure, a heart attack was made with my husband, and my mother-in-law was already in bed and, in addition, blind. What to do?
The soul rushes into parts, some power pulls me to the Pechora. I remembered the evangelical words: "Do not look back" and, indeed, I left home without looking around, but in great alarm.
When I arrived in Pechora, I calmed down a little. But I dream of dreaming that the house is very bad, I jumped out of bed and began to gather back, without having been even in the monastery. I would have introduced that I had two dead at home at once. I ask: "How can you leave?" They say that the train is coming in the evening, there will be no plane to the evening either. What to do? I went to the monastery, defended Liturgy, ordered the Mother of God's prayer. My tears poured the river.
After the service went to the caves - and what I see! It comes out of the caves, stopped nearby, blessed me and asked first of all about the mother-in-law: (she, too, his spiritual Chado). Said: "Separate her more often, she will soon come to me, and we will pray with her together about you. With my husband, live peacefully, he is good, you do not drink wine, it does not smoke, and where you need to be checked, silent. "
At home, I was joyful, nothing happened, all alive, everything is safely. And the mother-in-law, indeed, soon peacefully moved to the Lord.

ABOUTlady came to me the husband, with whom I have not lived for several years. He said that in the evening he would go to Tallinn, but for some reason the train did not go. I absolutely suspected any evil intent. At four in the morning, I hear, he got up. I thought he would go to the train, and he approached me quietly and tried to kill me with all the techniques, but so that there were no wounds. I did not have hope for life; Although I prayed hard, but he did not retreat. From the most recent strength, I shouted loudly: "Sawa's father, save me!" And at the same moment the husband was wearing and left me in fear, and I said in an excuse: "I didn't want to do anything wrong with you." Three times asked for forgiveness and left.
I had no strength in the morning, I was all crippled, but still went to my father. When I came, he was already waiting for me in the corridor. I told him: "I offended me ex-husband" My father put her hand on my shoulder, quietly spent on my patient places, gave me hotels and said: "Do you dare at home, and I will pour."
I did the first step with the fear, as if not falling, but, to my surprise, I didn't feel any pain or gravity. I went home like on wings.
After the death of the Father, my doctor was recognized as a rectal cancer. I lost weight, fell by the Spirit, walked with a downgrade head: my father is no longer, now it is not necessary to deal with death.
On the eve of the day, when it was necessary to go to the doctor, I see a dream: there is a father from the alohy with a cross to confession. By a narrow path, a lot of people go to him for a blessing. I approached him with a drooped head, as I went lately, and he says: "Hold down the head, read the" Our Father ". I stretched my hands to him to accept the blessing, but he said: "There was an incorrectly arms, it is necessary to fold cruciate." He himself straightened my hands three times, and then said: "Well, I bless you, read ours" Father ". Standing in front of him, I am loud and clearly read the prayer and woke up from my own loud voice.
In Pskov made me x-ray and said: "Cancer atrophied, it is not necessary to operate." Here I raised above my head, read the "Father" and, joyful, went home.
My son, too, the spiritual child of his father, after his life he took it without permission a truck at work and came to me in Pechora. He needed to return to work in time, and gasoline ran out. I went around all familiar chauffeurs, but the gasoline did not take out, on the basis without coupons were also not given. I ran to my father with tears. Caesenitsa does not allow me, does not want to disturb him. I'm not leaving, because there is one hope for him. Father heard my tears, told Clasenice to find out what was the matter, and he said that it was possible to buy gasoline, but let the son beyond the morning. Gave two orange - son and me.
The son got gasoline, according to the Holy Prayers of the Father, but broke the blessing, he hoped his mind and immediately left, for which he got big sorrow. He was stopped by the police, found out why at night rides on the state car without a ticket. After checking released, but he went heavy snow, it could not go on the road, and he had to throw it and go 15 kilometers on the belt in the snow. That's what it means tovil.

D.high sister T. From Ovrich told: "V. I went to the Pechora to the Father, and my sisters and my sisters went to the forest on the horse. The horse was called Vurrik, this only horse in the entire monastery was fixed behind me. They worked, sit down, and the horse grazed about us, but suddenly disappeared. Everyone got into search, but to no avail. I was frightened and shouting my father: "Father, we have a horse." And the horse was immediately found.
And at that moment in Pechorakh V. goes to the Assumption Temple, and his father goes; Suitable for him for the blessing, they are treated with questions, and he says: "Yes, wait, shout there that the horse disappeared ..."
When V. returned home, T. told her about what happened. B. Immediately remembered the words of the Father: "Wait, shout that the horse disappeared ..."

M.s, three, quarreled in the twelfth hour of the night, and in the morning all three went to the abode for confession. He professed his father, he applies to us and says: "If the stone is thrown into the deep river, the water will not be indignant, and if in the puddle - will indignant. So you have to be not puddles, but deep rivers. "
Father tried to connect those who had different characters, and moreover, said: "The pebbles are wiping onto the sea and become smooth." He did not give us great rules, did not impose strict posts, kept from big feats, not all the measures did the passion out of us, humming at every step, trying to cut off our will.
My father was met by the Holy Father, but a friend came, she brought wine, snacks ... I crumbled with my father and went to Zagorsk. The door of the temple meets me the father of Savva and says: "Now go home and with my father, we hire a gentleman, this enemy temples him before death." I come home, my father as a child cried and says: "I myself do not know why I did it." At that time, he was completely healthy, but soon fell ill. Before his death, he was killed several times. He died on the same day as he met. And all this - by the Holy Prayers of the Spiritual Father.

Prihal from Tbilisi Spiritual Chado D. All relaxed, especially her legs hurt. He asks the Father, where he blesses her to the apartment with sick legs, and thinks: how would be a closer? And he blesses her in the village for seven kilometers, and so that she went to the monastery daily. For obedience, she went and, according to his holy prayers, received healing legs.

G.the aspid focused me, sinful, prepare lunch for the spiritual father during his illness. Once I carry him lunch, and I had a thought: "So I go to my father, I try, cook, and when will he say, good or bad I cook? I do not know if I like my cooking. "
I read the prayer, got a blessing, I put lunch to the window. Father asked what I prepared. I listed. After that, the father says: "I am preparing, you walk, I do not thank and not praise. And you get gratitude there "(i.e. in heaven).

ABOUTthe bottom of the Father's Chad from the city of Sochi told the following. She loves to visit the sick and at the same time takes something from the memorial table for them. Once she had to visit two sick women. But she herself felt bad. I barely loved the liturgy and decided that it only comes from one of the patients. It came to the table and looks that she takes to carry not hard. Suddenly, his father appeared before her and says: "No, not a little bit, but then it is taken and go to both patients."
"Batyushka, bless," she said, forgetting that for four years already, as he died, bending under the blessing, and when he raised his head, he was no longer. But she felt such a tide of his strength, so updated and was delighted that she took everything that his father was blessed to take, and went to both patients.

INfrom and distribution after graduation. Who where, and me - in Udmurtia. How to be? I asked to leave closer to the parents (grandmother, grandfather old, mother is difficult) - Failure. Mom went to his father. It is worthwhile, and now he goes from the Mikhailovsky temple, tired to the limit, descends from the steps. "Batyushka, the daughter is sent to Udmurts. What is it there alone, and how I do without it? ... "-" And we will pray now, and you go to the package, for the deceased there. - And he began to climb the temple back. "And let her daughter be in a hurry."
Mom comes, says that his father advised not to rush. "So everything has already been decided. The lifting received, it's time. "
I go again to those who refused. "Well, okay, stay with your old men," say to me.
Thank God! I thank my father for care and prayer about me, sinful.
Father asked the thing he needed, and I promised to bring. Soon his cubic arrives and says that they brought from another city. Well, I think, it means that I will not take it. I came to the Pechora, and the Father transfers: "If the promised promised, let him come to me."
He crank - again to blame. Where is the loyalty, hardness, business, not a variety with vanity?
And we meet the Father in the Assumption Temple: "Oh, what didn't you bring?" I didn't even ask for forgiveness - immediately into tears. I do not cease, and suddenly one of the spiritual chad says: "Battyushka, because we can also make mistakes." - "Is I only talking for her?"
How hard, and today it is necessary to leave, at least something else to hear from the Father. And now the exit, he looked around and says: "The one who does nothing" is not mistaken. "
A few days before the death of the father looked at his photo and felt such a pity, proximity and something inexpressible. Maybe he said back ...

TOwhen my father came to Moscow for an operation, we were caliped with E. I.. Father once said: "There soon, many athletes will gather in Moscow. They are here, and I am there. " - And hand showed on the sky.
His words came true: when he died, at this time just in Moscow, in the midst of the Olympics.

FROMchemmonahnya M., Being Mattering Mantily: Temperature 41, Consciousness Loses, I was afraid, I began to pray to God, ask for help.
Suddenly Mother spoke in sleepy state, I turned to her, she opened his eyes and says: "came about. Sawa, asked me as I live. And I answered him: "Your Holy Prayers!" Then the mother herself, without my help, turned to the wall and fell asleep again, and in the morning she herself, as usual, got out of bed, as if did not sore.

Rabya, E. P., reading some works about. Savva, caught fire by the desire to rewrite them, and then took his photo, went to the photoabeel and asked to increase. And then the enlarged photos of Father Savva handed it to admirers. She herself prayed for him, often ordered Liturgy. And her father appeared in a dream and said:
- I pray for everyone who prays for me.

Pwe rhe my mother in the Pechora and lived there for a week. I lost a wallet with money, which were left on the way back. Mom scolds me: "What will we go for now?"
We arrive in the evening to the Father, and there were a lot of people. He stretches through all 20 rubles and says: "Who has no money on the road?"

T.i was wrong in the Pechoras, and I became bad with health. Father blesses me to go home and get a job, and where - did not say. My heart burned only to the temple. And in a dream, I see that I work in the temple, I am preparing everything for the upcoming prayer. Then, our bishop comes out of the altar and our father is Igumen Savva, and immediately sing: "To the Virgin Diligence today, the tribe, sin and humble ..." I found myself from behind everyone and I was glad that no one would see me - I would pray.
I woke up in tears, thanks to my intercession, Mother of God, and an expensive father, who pointed me the further path of my life. It was happily on the heart from what he is present here in our temple.
Despite all the rigor at the time to me, I never thought to look for another spiritual father. Help, Lord, according to the prayers of the Mother of God and our dear prayer and the wonderworker Savigumen Sava, to spend the rest of the life in the final feeling, at least by the end of life, to comprehend this main science from sciences to the end of life - to know your chammertie and not despair, hoping for the mercy of God.
Thank you for everything, my good shepherd!

N.and Panir sang "Eternal Memory," and I thought, standing in the crowd at the door itself: "Strange: Can we really remember the person forever? How is the eternal memory? " Father immediately began to explain: "Here are some of you think: what is it - eternal memory? Can a man ever to remember someone? Of course not, beloved! He himself is not eternal. And we ask God to remember forever. He is eternal! "

Prope to me in Zagorsk Patushka. The weather was good, and then it went raining and was dirty. Father asked me Galoshi. I say: "I do not have such big galoshes." "You had a husband, give him a galosh." - "Yes, I have no!" "How not, and in the sofa, new galoshes lie."
I looked - and the truth, those lay new galoshes, about which I completely forgot.

I I did not know the father of Savva and never saw him alive. But when I got acquainted with his spiritual children (and it was a friendly spiritual family), then with great joy joined her.
They hit and claim me in faith and unusual dreams, which sustained me future events and opening me the will of God. In dreams I saw the fishing of God, guiding me on the path of salvation. In these dreams, I once saw Savva's Father exactly as it is depicted in the photos.
About one of them I want to tell: before ordination in the diacon.
Mountain - high, rocky, with acute vertex. I stand at the very top and hold on the very spire. Wrapped and looked back, I see - the abyss. I think: "If I do not hold on, then you fall down and break."
With great effort, I pulled up up and on another slope, below, I saw a greater abyss than the rear. Suddenly I see on the left of a dark man with a gloomy face calling: "Catch through to me." A slope on the left rises even higher. I think: "Why am I going there, the more left?" Then I somehow involuntarily glanced to right and saw that the rock was descending to the foot of the mountain.
I was embraced great joy, and I began to slowly descend everything lower and lower. Finally, safely descended to the foot of the mountain. Here, a small field covered with green grass opened before me. I saw one familiar priest - Father N., Chado Father Savvah, in a contractor, with a cross.
I asked him: "Why are you here?", But he did not answer.
At this time, the young man comes to us and says:
"Father Savva blessed to tell you that the Father N. is a priest, and you are deacon."
"What am I deacon, I need to lead the choir. Who will replace me? "
Then the young man imperceptibly disappeared, and I stood fascinated by everyone visible. We silently watched with N. N. on each other. Then I turned right and began to descend everything below and below, and about. N. began to disappear from the field of view.
Three months after this sleep, I was hand-made in the deacon.

Pride is not only a grave sin, but also a completely real psychological disease. This disease harms and those who surround the patient and the very patient, causing discontent, irritability, and in extreme cases - suicide.

The first stage of pride is light and imperceptible. The man has fun, satisfied with himself, he has a good mood. He sings, he often laughs loud without a special reason, draws attention to others, loves to speak a lot.

In itself, such behavior still does not mean the birth of pride. However, if the mood of a person changes dramatically from a slight reproach from others, there is signs of disorder.

If a person does not work on himself and allows pride to strengthen, the second stage comes. The pride is developing into the passion of command. A person begins to dispose of the stranger and attention.

The mood is spoiled, because often the pride meets the oppositor from the outside. People begin to keep away him as an unpleasant interlocutor.

Evil and hatred are strengthened in the heart of the pride.

The third and last stage of pride is the most terrible. A person becomes obsessed with the idea to satellit others, proving all his "special righteousness." Often, people at this stage fall into heresy, rejecting the teachings of the church and replacing it with their own. Communication with reality disappears, a person can consider himself to be rich, having a weak health, consider himself a sage, having no special wisdom.

The pride ceases to make any help from others, his soul becomes hopelessly dark, and the mind is bold.

How to gain humility

To become humble, you need to remember about your sins. Constantly talk to yourself: "What I'm sinful. All around will be saved, one I will not be asleep. " But not despair, do not lose heart, but hope for the mercy of God. Hopefully, at least in the last rows, the Lord let us into the kingdom of heaven, together with the last sinners who repent of their sins.

Humility can not be found without poprain, unfair rides, slander to their address.

That is why in monasteries with newcomer inocities they give non-intelligent classes, black work to vulnery their pride. Then they are forced to be forced to carry out public chips and reproaches, even when they are not guilty

So, gradually, day after day, the buildings are uprooted from the heart of pride, vanity, pride.

Wise people enjoy every temptation that the Lord sends them to exercise in humility.

False humility

There is impaired imaginary, intake. When a person often repeats, what he is sinful, but attentive interlocutor will notice that humility is a fake.

A man with false humility can publicly imagine himself, even to call a fool, but it is worth saying to someone: "Yes, perhaps, it is," as the mood of the "humble" changes. He ships and pulls offense on the one who said so. Those., People themselves are dominated, but when they do others - offended.

False humility is a variety of pride. Truly humble people rarely, when they blame themselves aloud. As the pride does not notice his pride, so humble man does not notice his humility.

Savva Sawva (in the world Nikolai Mikhailovich Ostapenko; 1898-1980) - Russian clergyman orthodox church, Spiritual writer, Pskov-Pechersk Monastery. Releases in the Orthodox medium as an old man.

Born on November 11 (Art. Art.) 1898 on the day of the memory of John the merciful in a simple Christian family in Kuban. His parents Mikhail and Ekaterina Ostapenko were distinguished by deep faith, piety and strangely. There were eight children in the family.

In 1904 he was given to training in church-parish school, where he was one of the capable students. From the small years I served in the temple, sang on the closer. One day in winter, almost drowned in the hole, he was very cold and fell ill. During the disease, felt the desire to be a priest. Once he even wanted secretly from his parents to run with the monk-pilgrim, but he persuaded the child to wait the one-another.

In 1946, at the age of 48, he successfully examines the examinations in the spiritual seminary at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Soon the governor of Lavra Archimandrite John (Razumov) in front of the Holy Patriarch on the Tasting of Nicholas Ostapenko into Monastic Chin. When he was tested, he was given the name of Savva, in honor of Savva Storozhevsky (Zvenigorodsky).


Rechange from me sincere advice. Ed. M.: Eleon. 1999. ISBN 978-966-302-922-1, ed. Non-day lamp. 2013. ISBN 978-5-904268-72-5
Spiritual beads. Shiguigumen Savva. Ed. The ark. 2007. ISBN 5-94741-041-1
Tears of repentance. Ed. Non-day lamp. 2007.
In addition to the total prayer. Ed. Satis. 2010. ISBN 5-4056-5308-6
Ways of salvation. Ed. Non-day lamp. 2007.
Complete collection of sermons and teachings. In 2 volumes. Ed. Artos media. 2009 ISBN 5-9946-0042-9, ISBN 5-9946-0042-9
Word seeds for the Niva of God. Ed. Artos media. 2009 ISBN 978-5-9946-0079-5
Satan seeds and love Christ. Artos media. 2009.
On the main Christian virtues and pride. Ed. Satis. 2011. ISBN 5-4056-5308-6
Fruits of true repentance. Ed. Artos media. 2009. ISBN 978-5-9946-0027-6, ed. Non-day lamp. 2013. ISBN 978-5-9946-0235-5
Light a candle in your soul. Ed. Artos media. 2010. ISBN 978-5-9946-0127-3.
The Lord is close to us: the lives, the memories of spiritual children and the works of Schiigumen Sava (Ostapenko). Ed. Sretensky monastery. Moscow. 2010 ISBN 978-5-7533-0383-7
The spiritual alphabet. Ed. Brotherhood of the Holy Apostle John the Bogoslov. 2010. ISBN 978-5-89424-064-0
Experience in building true minorasania. Ed. Orthodox pilgrim. 2010. ISBN 5-88060-163-3.
Art of Living. Ed. Publishing house of the Orthodox Brotherhood of the Holy Apostle John the Bogoslov. 2011. ISBN 978-5-89424-078-7
About Divine Liturgy. Ed. Satis. 2011. ISBN 978-5-7868-0010-5
Earth's way to God. Ed. Artos media. 2010. ISBN 978-5-9946-0059-7

From the manuscript of Archimandrite Amphilochia (Tumsky), former on repentance in Pereyaslavsky Danilov Monastery in 1857.

Multi-facing Lord! It is possible to collect the boring prayer of the Holy Prayer, which pouring out of the depths of the heart, collectively collecting our mind, so that he always sought to you, the creator and the Savior to our.

Crucishals of the deserted arrows of the Oven, speaking us from you. Ugashi flame thoughts, stronger fire devouring us during prayer. The autumn of us is the grateful of the Most of your spirit, to the condication of our sinful life to love you with all my heart, all the soul and thoughts, and the whole fortress, and the neighbors - like themselves.

And at the hour of separation of our soul from a broken body, about Jesus the sweet one, our spirit in the mouth is our spirit, when the attainings in your kingdom. Amen.

Song 1st.
As if, on land, you spent, all the Lord, who chosen to you, in the midst of the sea puchin; Love me from the abyss of sinful, but not mired in the underworld.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!
Oh, if my heart melted, like water, flowed into bitter tears! If my eyes became an inexhaustible source of tears so that I cried the day and night about the fact that my sins predicted his father's favor, Savior, and destroy my soul!

But do not reject me in your anger of yours, Lord, give me a time to repent, strengthen my will, in repentance of the crushes to me for my heart, dear tears from the depths of my soul and have mercy on your welfare.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

It is necessary for me that I am inexhaustible in the goodness of my own, God, recover my soul sufferings, do not betray me on the will of my salvation enemies, but they do not enthusiastly, they need me and they will not be happy to make the eternal death.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not distract, Lord, your faces from me, rejoicing that I, although an unrequited sinner before you, but I am yours, your hands made me; Give my soul to repent, clean it from sinful leprosy, take my guilt from me, do not remember my sins and misconduct my!

I resort to you, the intercession is diligent hopeless! Hurry to help, ask me the grace of repentance, the prerequisites of your concern from your son and God left my reept.

Song 3rd.
Approve me in repentance to Kamen faith in you, who came to call sinners into repentance. Yes, I, cheered to you, always exceeding your mercy.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Hear me, the Savior, blatant, hear me, to revive your mercy, put me on the path of your commandments of yours, support and apply on your way, will be the grace of your doctor's gentleman!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not bother with a good womb from me, although I was wrong with you; From that heart, my heart is now deducted and tormented, embraced by mortal horrors. But it is necessary for me, the Redeemer, do not alienate me from your mercy!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

We accept my repentance that does not want the death of a sinner, do not remove my frills about the pardon of me. Instead of the affairs of you, we accept my painful crushing that I predicted you with a shuffle my behavior, and the extreme poverty of my soul is filled with your mercy!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

The overwhelming severity of my sins, before you, I turn to you, the tricky mother of Christ of God, with my heart of my heart: Help me free from the burden, my soul! Do not admit me to the eternal lug, but to revive the hope for salvation!

Song 4th.
I hear about the desiredness of yours, Lord, to save the world, the Prophet Fale from fear. How can I not afraid of your grooming anger, God, testing the heart and womb, and coming to judge the living and the dead?

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

For inadvertent law, you left me, Lord, on my heart. And I endedfully rushed for the reckless thoughts and the desires of my. Conscious of my madness, yelling to you, God: IVA is your mercy, do not leave me in shame eternal!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

You know, Lord, the Brenno composition is mine, that I am not more like a dust earthly. Do not continue your early anger of yours, turn out your rage from me, give me grace to fix my paths and hindle me!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not look for, Lord, I have nothing good, for it is unclean I have a heart. The soul and the body are defiled by sinful vitroes, my whole being is imbued with sinful poison. But you can all, the Savior, Clean and save me on your mercy!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

All hope for you is imposed on you, Matty Mati Delo! Do not take me in my hope of you! Entry into my case, stand up with your victim from anger of truth eternal!

Song 5th.
Unrecognized sinners will not enjoy the contemplation of the Divine Glory of Your Lord. Crucus my heart sincere repentance, but from the morning it is at the very morning I call you from the depths of the soul: you have mercy!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not imagine my prayer wint, Lord, do not reject the screams of my soul, do not remember my sin, forget the crazy behavior, do not pay me on your business. Don't judge me in the truth, but I need to be burned, mercifully, and hunt me!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not leave me in your anger of yours, do not karay me in the rage of yours, forgive my wrongness, healing the soul diseases of my soul, healing her ulcers, humbly still and revive your grateful to your word!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

You know, Lord, all the mysteries of my heart, but I myself know, I open them before you, confessing my sins, in the soul of my soul, I sink to you: the wrath of your wrath and leave the rage, coordinate your miracle of your mercy!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

I feel that I feel like the sins of my sins between me and to you, Lord, destroy this obstacle to your word, approach my soul to your mercy; Hold your anger, betray the eternal obligation of my sins!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

Oh you, the greatness of which created strong! Coat and I am worth your grace. Buddataitse the rescue of the soul of my before your son and God, yes, I raises me and shed my blood for the salvation of the world.

Song 6th.
Imitating the Prophet Jone, in my soul soul I appeal to you, rich good God: Love my life from sinlessly abyss, freed from the jaws of hell, and exceeding your mercy in all eternity!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Turning sins suppressed in me and drowned a saving desire. Evil does not depart from my heart, madness rushed with my soul. So I apparently repent in the lawlessness of my, but again I am fond of dissolving vice. Hold me by the power of yours, Lord!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Mount to me unrequited sinner! The confusion embraced me, sins as the fire harness me with unrearious. But I am perhaps my soul to you, the Redeemer of the world: Cancel your hearing to the wrote to my and revive me with the hope of your mercy!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

The walls of my heart, tired of my heart, tired of my painful sinks. But not presaterable to appeal to you, Lord: I hear my prayer cry, prevents mercy and the grace of yours, you will join me with the joy of your salvation!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

It is my spirit in my spirit, but I build my eyes to you, I appeal from the depths of the soul: the sprouts of the Rosoy of your grace of your grace, send me a helping hand to me, fascinated in the hell, and save me for the mercy of your!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!
I do not have another refuge except you, the domain of the world. To you, I am resorted to the ilena, you seek salvation: do not allow me to marry me in the hell, ready to absorb me!

My soul, my soul, rebellion, what's up? The end is approaching, and imash is embarrassed. Purchase of work, let him spare with Christ God, everywhere and all of the executive.

Song 7th.
The rates of arms in Babylon, irrigated by the grace in the middle of the flame, prevented your righteous court, God, confess our sins and their fathers. I do not confess that I converted your goodness to your reckless my behavior.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

I did not listen to your teachings, the Savior, neglected by your commandments, did not charge the charters of your church, suppressed my suggestion of your grace. But hunt me, keep the thunder of your justice, ready to hit me.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

I my delayed behavior I displaced your name, I droin the church, I desecrated holy places and land, dispelled everywhere temptations. Now I suffer to the torment of conscience, my sins testify against me, the burning poison of their soul's soul.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

The storm of passions like dust metal me. And, fascinating with the lusts, I arrived at the arbitrariness of my heart. Now, becoming disgusting for yourself, in the sorrow of my heart I pray you, the goodness of the eternal: for the sake of your name I forgive me about my pregress!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Circling in the whirlwind of passions, I did not get damaged by the bitter consequences of my sins nor the Milosts of yours, Lord. Now, an illive of your grateful, I realize my guilt, and, crumbling with all my heart, yelling to you: I'm sorry for me, I'm sorry and separate from the books of my Acts of my all thin actions mine!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

Cupina Unhapite, Mother of the Savior and God! Hope you are safe under the shield of your intercession. Accept me for your cover, and save your petition from eternal death!

Song 8th.
Cherubs and Serafima, Archangels and Angels, Heaven and Sun, All Stars and Earth, and all that in it, light and darkness, air phenomena and all the creatures, fulfilling your laws, exalt your greatness, all-haired God.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

And I was coat with your path, the Almightyer, seduced from the path of eternal life, always wandered on the blurred blurry, annoying the truth of my sins. But hunt me, let your mercy forever excel.

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

I am in the abyss of sinful, my lawlessness is suppress me. The thought of your judgment, Lord, leads me to the thrill, shakes with all the horrors. But turn me on the path of repentance, yes, I will be sorry and exceed your mercy in eyelids!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Changing himself, I repent, I hit my chest, I feel shame and worm, I suffer in the conscience of my, what was done on the arbitrariness of my heart, as a lost mind. And in the sore heart of my crying for you, Lord: Give me grace to exal your goodness in your eyelids!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

I burn me conscience, like fire geensky, the soul souls were accepted, and there are no medicine around the world to heal them. You, Lord, one doctor of souls and human bodies. I healed my soul, fussing the flame of my passions, let your mercy forever exceed!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

Get rid of me from hello horrors, Mati Christ of God! We succeed for me to grace repentance, the forgiveness of the forgiveness of the crumbling sins of my, inspired by the hope of salvation and enter the eternal life in the refuge!

Song 9th.
You, blessed in the wives, the Virgin, blessed the Father Heavenly by all blessings. And on Earth, they are extolled all the birth, sincerely collecting spiritual salvation.
Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Do not resist me on your terrible convicé, the Savior, when your fury will be frown on the unskilled sinners. But your mercy and your godfalls are yours, you will not stop writing to you, Lord: Clean me from all the lawlessness of my!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Pay me, the Savior, on the path of the commandments of yours and approve the heart of my heart, keep my legs from scattering sinful, I have sucked the grace of tears to wash off my sinful sinful sinful and bring mine to the oblivion of my sin!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

Give me grace from now on to shy away from the evil, curb passion, reject the sinful skills, do good, to be careful in life, careful in all the things of my and words, cry and complain about my indulgence to the end of my life!

Have mercy, God, hindle me!

You, Lord, amaze and heal, kill and revive. Consummunication and I will be harmful, give me the grace of those who are forgiven sins, whose interestures are covered with your mercy; May your goodness exceed!

Most Holy Mother of God, save me!

Rejoice, Holy All Saints, Mother of the Life of Eternal, Raughting of the Forces of Heaven, Havor Righteous, Otrada Overlooking! Approve me by your prayers in repentance and comfort the joy of eternal salvation, and God's greatness. AMEN.

Complete collection of sermons and teachings. Schiigumen Savva

To own oneself reasonably. May the Lord help us to confess orthodox faith , His pious life to impose her among the wrong things. Amen. About faith in the fishery of God about faith in the fishery of God Beloved! We all believe in God, but in the fishery of God cannot believe. Proof of our ropot, despondency and despair, when we have to experience grief, diseases, vain and slander. But all these visible adversity are cleansing for the soul. The Lord, Loving us, sends grief, illnesses and internally - this is an inner cross, and we must bear it complacently, because the Lord said: "Who wants to go after me, reject yourself, and take your cross, and follow me" (MF . 16, 24). And also: "Who does not take the cross of his own and follow me, he is not worthy of me" (Matt. 10, 38). Beloved! Whatever happens to us mournful, we will always repeat: "Is it not from you?" We will firmly believe that the Lord is merciful will not take us a test above our forces. The Spring Diary of the Lord leads us to the saving way. The narrow path of this, thorny and mournful, but he leads to eternal joy and bliss. Therefore, we will not be embarrassed and rapid if the Lord will like to experience our faith in his holy fishing. In the difficult moments of the offense and chagrin we hope to contact him: "I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!" Amen. About the good deeds about the good deeds of "Vera WITHOUT AFTER ALREADY" - Give us the Holy Church How often we think that good deeds are the alignment of alms with sick and the poor, this is the dispensation of only external, visible well-being of our neighbors. Our thought does not extend deeper, to that lovely good, which we are called to render us. But good deeds are the forgiveness of all the offensiveness, and patience of Nashredlin, and prayer about those who are in the burden - that is, prayer for enemies. "Bless the swarming you!" Are we obedient to this command? After all, and the Lord hurt the terrible flour, crucified him, and he said from the cross: "Father, it is not impossible to them in sin, they do not know what they do." If we are Christians, you should go the same ways that Christ walked. More evil with us than good deeds. But we will not despair. And together with the alms of alms, we visible will be merciful to people. Let's not be cruel like Herod. Let's not kill in the near goodness of our cruel and proud actions. With all sorts of humble and patience and meekness, we will condone love to each other, we will have a blessing to our enemies, prayerfully addressing the Lord: "Lord, softening the hearts of evil man! Imget weights by fate, save the souls of the rising on me! "For humility about humility, humility does not condemn, does not envy, does not be upset, but everything accepts complacently. Blessed man who has steadbled this wonderful gift - humility! Because God is opposed by Gordy, but the humble gives grace. Pride in man, begins with envy and grief. Pride notices the vices of others and condemns them. On the contrary, humility sees in the closest only good sides, does not envy, and sincerely rejoices to the successes of the neighbor. Beloved! Remove pride! Instead of envy and condemn, try to serve as much as possible to serve. Rejoice in the well-being and giving up your neighbors, and the great Christian virtue will appear - humility. On condemnation of condemnation, the Holy Church asks and warns us: "Do not judge, do not judge!" Even in no case cannot condemn the priests. The 121st rule of the 4th Ecumenical Cathedral says: "Yes, the worldly will be cursed; Yes, it is celebrated from the church, it is separated by Bo from the Holy Trinity and will be sent to Judino place. " For one vice of condemnation, a person can become drunkard, a clodnik and even a robber, because that sin, which we notice and condemn in the neighbors, in the future will certainly hobble and us. Beloved! Run condemnation. Condeming someone, we are secondary to the crucifier of the Lord and the Spillage of the Holy Ignure from ourselves. And who are you who daring to condemn your neighbor? If the Lord sees the lawlessness of the fallen and does not punish him, but tolerates, then who gave us the right to judge this? After all, by kidding the Lord San Suitya, we become antichritists, that is, opponents of God. Troy condemnation! We will graciously condone to the universities around us, so that words are fulfilled on us: "Blazhenia of the Milostivia, the Yako Tii will be pardon." Beloved! Hold out other people's actions, soothing itself by the fact that it is not a condemnation, but only reasoning. And if you happen to let such a kind of "reasoning" happen, we will disassemble the closest only through our own drop, that is, with the full consciousness of our nonsense, we will say so: - I can not condemn the fallen drunkenness and debauchery, because I myself kill people evil Acts and words. But all the commandments are given by one legistrand. I said "not drinking wine," said also "not to death." So, I am also a criminal of the law, because I can condemn the fallen? Arguing in this way, we will soften the fault of the near and see our own. Flowing, beloved, incessantly challenged the thoughts of condemnation and ask the Lord: "Long-see, my sins and not condemn my brother! "On self-dedication of self-dedication" Lord, you see my illness. You know, as I am sin and unrefected; Help me tolerate and thank your goodness. " Beloved! This strong prayer Compiled by a great devotee, an older silhounom. Thank his goodness is to thank God for all sorrow, diseases, prayers and slanders. It is always necessary to listen to the voice of the conscience, and if they have disadvantaged conscience, then the longing will attack, despondency. Sometimes the Lord burns, for our neracted and Ropot, such a disease - "obsession" when evil strength penetrates our conscience. And some burns it in order to strengthen the faith in them. Therefore, we must ask the Lord so that he helps us get rid of the urgent and negligence to the case of salvation; In troubles and temptations to win the victory; Do not resent and do not dig for people for spreads. Let's learn how to love your benefactors; We will have a good indulgence to people. Beloved! When we ask for the god of spiritual tissues, for example: wisdom, faith, hope, love, meekness and humility, then remember that we are the image and likeness of God, that our soul is there a kind of imprint of the Divine, and all the wealth of the soul is in God, As in the treasury, from where we can draw every spiritual benefit. We will be held from falls, so as not to desecrate the image of God. Handing himself to the merciful care of the Creator of all, we will contact him with every humility, saying: "My limited spirit has extended from your infinite, distressful spirit; Here, I'm poor, my dominion, wisdom and mind or faith, hope and loving, meekness and humility; Watch the wishes of my heart and give me your wisdom, faith by the restid, hope is firm, love is non-estate. " Amen. Only on the requirement of a single on the need for "MARFO, MARFO, OUR OURSHIP AND MANZHES ON MAN ..." - and in our time these words of Christ the Savior are heard. Which of us is not like a marvel that is fussy and caring only about the earth? Even attending holy places, enjoying the wonderful church chant and reading, we do not cease to keep our own worldly, temporary, life. Sometimes they do not touch the glands of our words, we heard in the church: "There is no living room by living aside the care" - and we leave the temple incense. Beloved! Entering the temple, leave behind the threshold of his all your concerns and anxiety about the earth, ascemble my mind, so that the grace of God touched on our hearts to get away from the temple updated. Let us leave the Martha fumes and select the blessing of Mary, that is, the desire to hear the Word of God and the execution (storage). About piety about piety beloved! In all cases of life, be pious Christians. Entering the house, carry a piety and grace with him, welcome with the words: "The World of Home". Chat modestly, take a meek, get out of humility. Let your good life be your good example for the wrong things that the Lord will be glorified by everything. Predute and impose piety with your good deeds. Repentance and rehabits Bogolyuppie friend My D.! With God's help I answer your letter and write those repentant prayers and the frustration that you asked me. Lord Jesus Christ himself gave us the sacrament of repentance. Holy fathers, driven by the Holy Spirit, wrote sincere rehabils in short flame words. Repentance and rehappiness from the final canon of Archimandrite Amphilochia Tumsky as if on land spent, all of the Lord, who chosen to you, in the midst of the sea puchin; Love me from the abyss of sinful, but not mired in the underworld. Oh, if my heart was melted and, like water, flowed into bitter tears, so that I cried my day and night about the sins of my goodness, my savior, and merged my soul. But do not reject me in the anger of yours, Lord, give me a time to repentance, strengthened my will in repentance, crushing my heart, eating tears from the depths of my soul and merry me in your flavoring. It is silent by me, inexhaustible in your goodness, God! Review the suffering of my soul, do not betray me on the will of the enemies of my salvation: Yes, they do not enthusiastly need me and they will not be happy about the eternal death of my; Do not distract, Lord, your faces from me, remember that although I am unrequited before you sinner, but I am yours. Your hands created me, give me my soul to repent, clean it from sinful leprosy, take away the gravity of my guilt, do not remember my sins and misdeed. I resort to you, the intercession is diligent hopeless: hurry to help, we succeed grace to repent, the reinforcement of your concern from your son and God left my rehabits. Approve me in repentance for Kamen Faith in you, who came to call sinners to repentance; Yes, and I am with pardoned to you forever excellence your mercy. The ear of your ear, the Savior, and hear me, to revive your mercy, put me on the path of the commandments of yours, support and approve on your way; May the grace of your doctor's souls will be graceful. My soul is very shocked, my conscience does not know peace of mind, how the fire burns me repentance in mad of my life; I was comprehended by my lawlessness, I know them, and they continually me. Merry me, do not brand your heart from me, although I was wrong to you. Therefore, my heart is now depressed, tormented, embraced by mortal horrors! But it is necessary for me to be shy, the Redeemer, do not alienate me from your mercy, we accept my repentance, not wanting the death of a sinner! Do not remove my frills about the pardon of me, instead of affairs, pleasing to you, with a painful crushing that I predicted you with crammed behavior, and my soul poverty is filled with your mercy. Those who suppressed by the immelling severity of my sins, I will turn before you, a forelocked mother, with my heart of my heart: help me to get rid of the burden, oppressive my soul, do not allow me to the eternal lug, but to revive the hope for salvation. I hear about the desiredness of yours, Lord, to save the world, the Prophet Fale from fear. How can I not afraid

Letters. Repentance and rehabilitation Bogolyuchive friend my D.! With God's help I answer your letter and write those repentant prayers and the frustration that you asked me. Lord Jesus Christ himself gave us the sacrament of repentance. Holy fathers, driven by the Holy Spirit, wrote sincere words in short flame words refine. Repentance and rehabilitation From the final canon of Archimandrite Amphilochia Tumsky As if, on land, you spent, all the Lord, who chosen to you, in the midst of the sea puchin; Love me from the abyss of sinful, but not mired in the underworld. Oh, if my heart was melted and, like water, flowed into bitter tears, so that I cried my day and night about the sins of my goodness, my savior, and merged my soul. But do not reject me in the anger of yours, Lord, give me a time to repentance, strengthened my will in repentance, crushing my heart, eating tears from the depths of my soul and merry me in your flavoring. It is silent by me, inexhaustible in your goodness, God! Review the suffering of my soul, do not betray me on the will of the enemies of my salvation: Yes, they do not enthusiastly need me and they will not be happy about the eternal death of my; Do not distract, Lord, your faces from me, remember that although I am unrequited before you sinner, but I am yours. Your hands created me, give me my soul to repent, clean it from sinful leprosy, take away the gravity of my guilt, do not remember my sins and misdeed. I resort to you, the intercession is diligent hopeless: hurry to help, we succeed grace to repent, the reinforcement of your concern from your son and God left my rehabits. Approve me in repentance for Kamen Faith in you, who came to call sinners to repentance; Yes, and I am with pardoned to you forever excellence your mercy. The ear of your ear, the Savior, and hear me, to revive your mercy, put me on the path of the commandments of yours, support and approve on your way; May the grace of your doctor's souls will be graceful. My soul is very shocked, my conscience does not know peace of mind, how the fire burns me repentance in mad of my life; I was comprehended by my lawlessness, I know them, and they continually me. Merry me, do not brand your heart from me, although I was wrong to you. Therefore, my heart is now depressed, tormented, embraced by mortal horrors! But it is necessary for me to be shy, the Redeemer, do not alienate me from your mercy, we accept my repentance, not wanting the death of a sinner! Do not remove my frills about the pardon of me, instead of affairs, pleasing to you, with a painful crushing that I predicted you with crammed behavior, and my soul poverty is filled with your mercy. Those who suppressed by the immelling severity of my sins, I will turn before you, a forelocked mother, with my heart of my heart: help me to get rid of the burden, oppressive my soul, do not allow me to the eternal lug, but to revive the hope for salvation. I hear about the desiredness of yours, Lord, to save the world, the Prophet Fale from fear. How can I not be afraid of your grooming anger, God, testing hearts and womb, coming to judge the living and the dead! For the inattention of your law, you left me, Lord, for the arbitrariness of my heart, and I was unstoppable for the reckless thoughts and desires by my. Conscious of my madness, yelling to you, God, I will have mercy for me, do not leave me in shame eternal. You know, Lord, my structure; Remember that I am not more like the earth's dust. Hooker your rage from me, give me grace to fix my paths and hind me. I do not clean the heart, unclean mouth and desecrate with sinful vitroes, my whole being is imbued with sinful poison, but you can all, the Savior: Pret, clean and save me on your mercy! All hope for my hope, Most Holy Devot, do not take me in the hope of mine at you; Entry into my case, stand up with your victim from anger of truth eternal! An unrecorded sinner will not enjoy the contemplation of the Divine Glory of your glory, Lord, crushes my heart sincere repentance, but from the very morning they seek you from the depths of the soul: you have mercy! Do not be praying to my prayer, Lord, do not reject the screams of my soul, do not remember my sin, forget my crazy behavior, do not pay me on my business, do not judge me in the truth, but I need to be shy and hunt me! Do not give me in the anger of yours, do not karay me in your rage, forgive my wrong, healing the soul diseases of my soul, healing of ulcers; Misceliers have more and lived by your grateful, according to your word. You know all the secrets of my heart, but I myself know, I open before you, confessing sins, the wedding in my soul souls, I sink to you: the wrath of your anger, leave the rage, coordinate with your miracle of your mercy. I feel that I feel like a sin of my sins between me and to you, Lord: destroy this obstacle to your word, approach your soul to your mercy, keep your wrath, betray the eternal obligation of my sins. Oh you, whom the greatness made strong! I will coordinate in the grace of your childhood, Budyatayese the rescue of my soul before your son and God, yes, it hurts me and I have shed my blood for the salvation of the world! Imitating the Prophet Jone, in the soul of my soul I appeal to you, rich goodness, God: Love my life from sinless abyss, free from the jaws of hell, and exceeding your mercy in all eternity. The thorns of sins crossed in me, drowned saving wishes, evil comes from my heart, madness cried with a soul so that I repent of my mind in the lawlessness of my, but again I am fond of dissolving vice; Hold me your strength, Lord! Oh, grief to me, an unrequited sinner: the confusion aroused me, sins, like fire, harness me with repentance. But I am perhaps the soul to you, the Redeemer of the world, but your rumor to the wrote of yours and revive me with the hope of your mercy. The walls of my heart, tired of my heart, tired of my painful sinks. I will not stop writing to you, Lord, I hear my prayer cry; Remember the mercy and the grace of yours, you will deliver me to the joy of your salvation! My breath is my breath, but, remove my eyes to you, I appeal from the depths of the soul: the sprinkling of your delicious grace of yours, send me a helping hand to me, fascinated in the hell, and save me for the mercy of your! I have no other refuge, except you, the domain of the world; I'm resorted to you, the dropsy, you look for salvation, do not allow me to dive into the underworld, ready forever absorb me. The randoms of the arms in Babylon, irrigated grate, in the midst of the flame overlooked your righteous court, God, confess our sins and their father's fathers; Do me not confess that I tried to grace your reckless my behavior? I did not listen to your teachings, the Savior, neglected by your commandments, did not charge the charters of your church, suppressing my graceful of your grace in my heart. But hunt me, keep the thunder of your justice, ready to hit me. I sobbing your behavior I cleaned your name, I picked up your church, I desecrated the land, rushing everywhere seduced; Now I suffer to the torque of conscience, my sins testify against me, the burning poison of their soul soul. Storm of passions like dust, methala me; Drinking by the lusts, I didn't flow on my mind of my heart; Now he became disgusting for himself, the goodness of the eternal; For your name, I forgive me the pregriction of mine. Circling in the whirlwind of passions, I did not have the bitter consequences of my sins nor your Milosts, Lord! Now, overlooked by your grateful, I realize my guilt and, crushing, with all my heart there is yelling to you: hunt me! Cupino is unhappy, the Mother of the Savior and God, hoping for you safely under the shield of your intercession; We accept me and me under your cover and save your petition from eternal death! Cherubs and Serafima, Archangels and Angels, Heaven and All Stars, Earth, and all that in it and on her, light and darkness, an air phenomenon and all the creatures, fulfilling your law, exalt your greatness, all-friendly god! And I sat down from your path, the Almightyer, seduced from the path of eternal life, always wandered on the spreads of the blurry, annoying the truth of your sins, hunt me, yes, exceeding your mercy in the eyelids! I am in the abyss of sinful, my lawlessness is suppress me, thoughts about the court of yours, Lord, bring me to the thrill, shake with all the horrors, but turn me to repentance; Yes, I will alone and exceed your mercy in the eyelids! Conscious of himself sinning, repent; Having hit yourself in the chest, I feel shame and worm, I suffer in the conscience of mine that I was doing on the arbitrariness of my heart, as a lost mind, and, in my sorrows of my heart, yelling to you, Lord: Give me grace to exal your goodness. Relive me from hello horrors, Mother of Christ's God! We succeed as the grace of repentance, the forgiveness of the forgiveness of the countless sins of my, loudshes the hope of salvation and enter the eternal life in the refuge! You, blessed in the wives, the Virgin, blessed the Father Heavenly by all sorts of blessing, and on Earth they extol and please all the birth, sincerely recovery of spiritual salvation. Do not resist me on the terrible convicé, the Savior, when, like fire, the rage of yours will marry on the unskilled sinners, but in the hope of mercy and the godfather your sufferings are not pressed to call you, Lord: Clean me from any lawlessness of my! Pay me, the Savior, on the path of your commandments and approve the heart of my heart, keep my feet from dissolving sinful, sent a grace of tears to flush with my sinful sinful swords and bring my sin. Give me grace from now on to evade evil, curb passion, reject the sinful skills, do good, to be careful in life, cautious in all my affairs, cry and complain about my indulgence to the end of my life. You, Lord, amaze and heal, kill and revive; Consummunication and I will be harmful to me, give me the bliss of those who are forgiven Gres, whose contingents are covered with your mercy! Yes, exceeding your grace forever! Rejoice, holy of all saints, the mother of life is eternal, the delight of the forces of the Heavenly, the fun of the righteous, the fading! Approve me by your prayers in repentance and take a glad-style of eternal salvation, yes my grandiest! Cry of sinful soul to the Lord Lord's all-storey people who came down with heaven for the sake of the sinners, hear me at the time of this, who praying to your goodness, erect from the depths of sinful, get rid of the mural inequality, until the end, would not be perished, save me! Thinking a terrible hour of death, trembles and mint is defiled by my soul and my soul! What to justify, does not know, it is not a single charity of yours. Have mercy, God, hindle me! All life is my thoughted and scary dependent, my forehead isless, my forehead will be my own and my burden is hard to accomplish on me; What will appear to the terrible and righteous conviction of yours, Lord? Desecrated by lawlessly acts; What makes the names of the pure angels and all the saints? Have mercy, God, hindle me! Created in the image and like the likeness of God, who are likened, the appeal, the dashing of the wedding clothes of the soul, dumbfounded mind and all my nature was frustrated by frills; Have mercy, God, hindle me! I am visiting for every day and an hour - my neighbor, friends and thekin, one in one will smoke the bitter death and are distinguished to the country far, and you will accept Kiyzho on your affairs, Az the same, the ая ая яная, not imitating David and other recking, Aki Cruel Stone ; Have mercy, God, hindle me! Whether in the goodness of your good creating, then, imitating Pharisei, I will be rendered and delighting with a childhood, and the whole of my benefit to the end will shoot and gaining Nag from all kinds, imagonal lawlessness is unfortunate: mild me, God, have mercy! Had and at any time, Aki is a bad harmnica, drowned in the affairs of studuy and mad, making sins to sins, but your fear is not afraid, not afraid of the fire of Geenskago and the darkness of the pitch and the worm of non-suicide; Alas to me, alive, but Aki is dead soul; Have mercy, God, hindle me! From the extreme madness of my for a bit of time and presserving the sweetness of sin, the soul of the immortal, emotioning the treasure, the most expensive world, emotion the beauty created in the image and like God's likeness! Oh, inhaulous, popyan, crush, sick, cry and sobbing to appeal: nice me, God, mighty me! You imitated, my sining soul, Caino Braratubic and a different lame a malfative, destroyed the gift of God, desecrated with all lawlessness, and not those who were not pretended; I surpassed sinners from the century and that I will ask, disadvantaged myself, not eternal sobbing and inconspicuous; Have mercy, God, hindle me! At the doors, the court, the soul, permeability, sweat, and in mind your trial is terrible, will be given all the stenovny, who has been deeds to you; Pray warm, bring repentance with the heart of heart, cry, cry, begging judge, fall to the footsteps of it with painful sobs, pull out the tears of cleaning, the Lord does not mind, and the Holy Human Lord, and the Horses appear with a lot of heartburn: Homes, God, gaze me! Having a care about his soul yes, read this for each Wednesday and heels, and the diligent and for every day, especially the great post. Sin hate Question: Cue sin heavy is there, except heresy? Answer: Jarks of all virtues and all good marks there is love, Tako and all sins heavy there is a hedgehog of brother hate; Hate my brother's brother of her husband is there, it's a riche of the apostle: hate my brother is in death; Hate brother of his God himself hates; Hate your brother in the darkness is and walks in the darkness, and not the message of Kamo goes, in the darkness of the darkness of the eyes of the eyes. Whether we see, the colic evil is guilty, love covers many sins; Hate is inconvenient and indestructible, sin to death is unsuccessful. The shames of cubs, and the magic, and enemy, and chalknitsa, and hate their brother, in a troya, the murderers are condemned. Paint prayer Lord! My sins and my progenitors stabbed the chapter of yours, a thorns crown, woven sins, the blue wounds opened. The sinful abyss in the affairs of the whole world crucified you on the cross. You took the sins of the whole world by suffering through the shameful, lute death. You gave yourself to the sins of the whole world, humble in patience you won death. Jesus the sweet, you are the light, truth and the way to the kingdom of heaven. Do not leave us for many sins of small and great, hindle and sorry. Clean our souls in your mercy, as you cleared you lepers, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3 Down) Thank you prayer for salvation When you get healing from any disease, pay thanks to the Lord with the following brief words: Glory to you, Lord Jesus, the son of the only beggar of the original father, one of the healing of every disease and every ulcer in people, Jaco pardoned My Esi Sinvenago and got rid of me from Moj's illness, without painting it to develop and kill me for sins. To be given to me from now on, Vladyko, the will firmly will do the will of your will in the salvation of my soul, and in the glory of yours with the original father and one-minded spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen. God Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of Glory! And the glory of the naval of Mary, the mother of Christ of our God, forever and centuries! Amen. Prayer with you your benevolence D. O. shiguigumen Savva.
