Itching occurs in response to local irritations of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their reflex-rejection or rubbing. The sensations of the force of the itch are always subjective, depend on the individual sensitivity of the person and its mental status. Itching and burning In the region of external genital organs, there may be symptoms of skin and venereal diseases, appearing with allergic reactions, internal diseases and stresses, as well as with local mechanical or chemical effects.

Women are much more often complaining about itching in an intimate zone than men.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of genital ferry and burning

The most common causes of itching in the intimate zone are:

All factors lead to a change in biocenosis (The ratios of the useful and pathogenic microflora) genitals, to the development of inflammatory processes.

Women complain of itching and burning in the crotch with inflammation of the vagina (), the clitoris and sexual lips ( ) as well as vulvovagini, uniting signs of both diseases. Problems are manifested at any age, but more often found in women of 18-45 years.

In men, the inflammation of the prostate gland () and the heads of the penis are becoming a frequent cause of itching and burning. ).

Itching with Colpit, Vagin

Basic signs - Belly, itching and burning in the vagina. For acute The release of dirt linen and is distinguished by an unpleasant smell, change in consistency and color. If they stems fall on the skin of the inside of the hip, then its irritation begins, which is manifested by redness and itching, soreness during walking. In the absence of treatment, the patient constantly feel the painful itching and burning in the perineum, which affects the psyche: women become nervous, the case can reach hysterical attacks. It is possible to reduce libido and a complete refusal of intimate life, because During intercourse there is clear discomfort or pain.

In the genital herpes, the rash appears first - multiple fine bubbles with yellowish contents, then itching occurs. After opening, Vesikul is formed erosion, giving a feeling of burning.

Vaginitany origin can be combined with erythera(redness) and the edema of small and large sexes, an increase in lymph nodes in the groin. It is possible to attach the symptoms of cystitis - pain in urination, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lumbar region. With inflammation of the muscular tissue of the vagina, the temperature rises, the extensive purulent process gives a picture of intoxication - dry mouth, pain in the whole body, skin itch.

Itching with thrush

figure: Redness with extensive vulvite

Acute form of the disease: redness and strong exterior geometals, abundant purulent discharge on mucous membranes, red spots and increased lymph nodes in groin. Locally, the feeling of itching and burning, the overall well-being is impaired (elevated temperature, weakness). For staphilococcoinfection purulent selection is yellowish-white, thick. For inflammation caused by intestinal stick, typical yellowish-green color discharged and unpleasant smell.

Chronic vulvit: symptoms of inflammation expressed weaker, the main constant sign is allocating vulva, as well as redness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe clitoris, large and small sexes.

Atrophic vulvit is characteristic of menopause and postmenopause. The main feature is dry mucous membranes due to a decrease in level estrogen. The disease proceeds without discharge, patients complain of dryness in the vagina, constant burning and itching and in the field of genitals. Reducing the mucus formation and the age weakening of the immune system increases susceptibility to infections, in this background, inflammation is rapidly developing. To development atrophic vulvita Sugar diabetes mellitus I and II types, obesity, lack of vitamins, hormonal imbalance; Chemical, mechanical and thermal irritation.

Symptomatics of acute form of atrophic vulvit - redness, the edema of the sex and clitoris, atrophy The mucous membrane, the formation of erosion and ulcers. Itching and burning intensify during urination; Inguinal lymph nodes increase, the body temperature rises. In chronic form, the same manifestations are observed, but less pronounced. Appearance blood selection Indicates to the involvement in the inflammatory process of uterus, pipes and ovaries.

Video: itching and dry genitals in the program "Live Great!"

Itching during menstruation and during pregnancy

Blood is an ideal medium for the growth of microorganisms, and heat and humidity contribute to the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. The occurrence of itching and burning is a signal of infection. Therefore, during menstruation, it is necessary to change the tampons and hygienic gaskets more often. Good shower and kneading genitals with liquid soap - the basis of personal hygiene during the period of menstruation.

Tampons should be used no more than 2 hours, gaskets - no more than 4.

Itching during pregnancy appears very often due to changes in hormonal background and immunity. The causes of the occurrence of itching and burning in the field of genitals can be disease internal organs, diabetes, problems with thyroid gland, dysbiosis of the vagina, STD. Often itching vulva provoke spicy or too salted food, the prevalence of proteins in the diet. The appearance of the genital ferry is a reason to immediately turn to a specialist to determine the reason for the appearance of symptoms, get adequate therapy and not harm the future kid.

Lobonic pediculosis. The paths of infection - through sexual contacts and household, more often through linen. Itching is strong, felt on the skin of large sexes, on the pubis and in groin, in the crotch. There are no rashes, but you can see traces from the bitees of lice in the form of small red spots.

Diabetes. Glucose is not absorbed or due to lack of insulin, or due to rigidity (immunity) cell membranes to glucose. In both cases, the blood glucose content is increased. The body seeks to return the concentration of glucose to the norm, so the patient constantly want to drink ( polydipsy), and excess sugar is excreted with plenty of urine ( glikuria and Polyuria). The symptoms of the genital organs occurs due to an increase in glucose concentration in vaginal mucus and in the urine: sugar remains on mucous membranes and skin, dries them, which is manifested by local itching and burning.

Diseases of the thyroid gland They lead to its dysfunction, an increase in either a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. The pathological hormonal level reduces the products of the mucus in the outdoor genital organs, which it leads to dryness, and then the appearance of itching and burning in the crotch.

Video: Check yourself - diabetes symptoms

Itching with internal diseases

Renal failure can also cause itching and burning mucous meal due to increased concentration urea.

Urea or urea - The product of protein metabolism is contained in all tissues and body fluids, is displayed with then urine. An increase in the amount of urea is associated with a violation of the work of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus, an increased body temperature. Pathology of the kidneys is usually manifested by pains in the lower back, at the bottom of the abdomen and when urine, combined with polyuria or urine delay.

Physiological conditions: the level of urea increases after sports, with physical work and the increased content of proteins in the diet.

Itching with gathered epidermofitilation

packing epidermofilation, common on the hips

For genital epidermofite More often amazed groin, leather on the pubic and the inside of the hip. On the scrotum, penis or sex lips, the process spreads less frequently. The main symptoms are strong itching and burning in groin. First, red spots appear, then peeling red-brown plaques with arcuate butt borders. The edges of the formations are raised, they are visible spots and guns. The foci is growing along the periphery, gradually in their center, the skin becomes a normal look.

Itching with allergic reactions

Contact dermatitisCaused by men itching in the scrotum and penis, in women - perineum, are often provoked by synthetic liners or made of tissues for which dyes with chromium were used. All the symptoms appear after 1-2 weeks after contact with the allergen.

Allergy can manifest itself on latex condoms, spermicidal lubricants and lubricants. In these cases, it is felt by itching and the burning of the penis head immediately or after sexual intercourse.

Dermographic urticaria - Linear blisters that can form when wearing close linen after stress, supercooling or overheating. Itching is not strong, but long and delivers patients of inconvenience. Some have a hereditary predisposition to the development of urticaria.

The reaction to various therapeutic drugs, including antibiotics, can be expressed by itching in the crotch. Intravenous administration magnesia It causes a feeling of heat and burning in the vagina or scrotum. Calcium chloride Also gives similar symptoms.

Itching with genital inflammation in men

Strong itching and irritation of the skin of the penis head occurs with a bar (inflammation of the extreme flesh). Characteristic concomitant burning and pain during urination. Fungal diseases (candidiasis thrush, erytrazm) lead to inflammation of the genitals and the feeling of itching. In the thrush on the penis head, white raids are visible, urination or ejaculation cause burning pain.

Burning in prostate - One of the signs of her inflammation is accompanied by pains in the lower back and at the bottom of the abdomen, in the scrotum and anus. Symptoms are stronger during sexual intercourse, urination or immediately after them. Provocative factors: supercooling, increased sexual activity or long-term abstinence, alcohol, stress. The causes of the prostatitis may be infection, the formation of stones in the prostate gland, tumor.

Video: Men's burning sensation - doctor's opinion

Acne on sexual lips is a symptom indicating a violation of the body functions. The rashes may be accompanied by painful syndrome, breaking the overall well-being of a woman. And there are quite a few reasons for such a phenomenon, so it is hardly possible to eliminate their reason and eliminate it.

The most common provoking factor is the violation of intimate hygiene rules or, on the contrary, too much compliance (microtraums of the mucous membrane with the invasion of secondary infection). The rashes are accompanied by a number of serious diseases, so when the acne appears, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist or urologist.

The mechanism of development of itching

Itching outdoor female genital organs is a reaction that in most cases has an inflammatory nature. Under the influence of a specific provoking etiological factor, damage to skin cells, fiber or mucous membranes, which causes the reaction of the immune system.

In the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, immunity cells accumulate. They produce a number of biologically active compounds that have a direct impact on sensitive nerve endings, leading to the formation of the sensation of itching. Also, the emergence of such sensations can be associated with the immediate effect of provoking etiological factor on the nerve end of the skin or mucous membranes.

Itching in the intimate zone in women without discharge: reasons, treatment

Throughout life, the hormonal background of women is constantly changing. This happens during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, with a climax. Any hormone jump affects the state of the mucosa of the genital organs (its acidity may increase). In particular, itching in the vagina before the monthly is caused by a reduction in the hormonal level in the days of the menstrual cycle.

A lot of unpleasant moments delivers itching in the crotch during pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body is most vulnerable. Due to the reduction of immunity on the background of hormonal restructuring in the vagina, the microflora is changing. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop. They cause irritation of the germ lips.

Do not relax and after delivery. During this period, the body is still unprotected. The level of hormones after the end of pregnancy cannot immediately recover. This requires a certain time. And the risk of the appearance of itching in the field of genitals after childbirth remains high.

Most often, women in the period of menopause are complaining about itching in the field of germ lips. At this time, the development of estrogen (female sex hormones) is sharply reduced and their protective effect on the mucous membranes of urinary tract decreases. The genitals cease to allocate the secret. The mucosa surface begins to test dryness and peeling.

Treatment of the genital terminal, caused by a change in the number of hormones in the blood, is carried out by hormonal drugs, soiling therapy and anti-face ointments. They are selected individually for each specific case.

The reasons for the appearance of the rash on the genitals are very much. Their occurrence can be associated with poor nutrition, improper personal hygiene, poor linen, with infection, etc.

Multiple factors for the development of genital formations can be divided into two groups: the external causes and symptoms of diseases.

External factors not related to the disease

  1. Bad hygiene. The disregard of the kneading, as well as too frequent beams with the use of detergents leads to the appearance of warves on genitalia. In the first case, it is from dirt, in the second - from the constant washout of the protective adipose film, which leads to excessive functionality of the sebaceous glands. Medicas are recommended to be folded no more than 3-4 times a day with soap (including before proximity), wipe only with a soft towel or napkin.
  2. Drying. Especially after proximity. It will not be possible to get rid of unwanted pregnancy, but it is easy to destroy the microflora of the vagina - it is easy, from which fat savings, vaginosis and other trouble will appear. You need to paint only on the purpose of the doctor, observing the procedure mode.
  3. Injuries may also cause rash appearance. Small pimples are often formed after removing the hairproof. You can get injured from close clothes: it cuts, rubs the gentle skin, which leads to the formation of acne.
  4. Cold. If you stand in the cold for a long time, then the rash in the groin zone and in genitalia is the expected result. The body temperature drops can also cause the appearance of rash. When overcooling, the density of formations is increased, as well as painpodium soreness, but such acne will not be squeezed.
  5. Incorrect meals The abuse of sweet, oily, fried food leads to a disruption of metabolism, which causes the formation of acne.
  6. Pregnancy, hormonal restructuring - explicit reasons for the appearance of acne in the groove zone.
  7. Stresses. Frequent nervous breakdowns, strong experiences or depression reduce immunity, and this leads to a violation of all the functions of the body.
  8. Allergy. In this case, it will have to find out the cause: powder, soap for intimate hygiene, underwear - everything can provoke the formation of acne.

Angry rash or education indicating diseases

  • Syphilis. Education will be located on the genitals and in the anus area. It looks like ulceration, manifests itself 30-40 days after contact. The disease leads to death.
  • Papillomas. The virus can be transmitted during sexual contact, with mother's milk and close contact with the patient. Papillomas are removed surgically. There is no disease immediately, after 2-3 months after contact.
  • Contantagious mollusk - sexual disease, manifests itself with a weakened immunite. Acne covers genitals, crotch, as shown in the photo. The mostly girls and women are affected. Inside the acne shows a purulent purulent liquid.
  • Genital herpes transmitted contact path. The carrier is considered more than 55% of the total population. In the risk group of the lady aged 21-36 years. Acne is a soft structure, small shape and look like ulcers.
  • Candidiasis is found in men and women. The thrush is characteristic of large red acne with a whitish bloom, which are squeezed. Concomitant symptoms: Curl selection, itching, burning in the vagina.
  • Pediculosis. The pubic lice also cause acne. Itching, irritation and in a month acne - the main symptoms of the disease. If you do not run a disease, it will have to be treated for a short time.
  • Dermatitis. The disease is no less dangerous than any other. Causes are different: bad underwear, means for intimate hygiene. Appears acne will soon be converted into the focal painful zones, as in the photo. Treat them difficult and long.
  • Fat cysts are formed due to the blockage of the sebaceous glands. It looks like large tumors that do not cause pain, itching, burning. Sometimes acne in the genitals grow greatly, so it should not postpone the visit to the doctor. The protracted incubation threatens the inflammatory process, surgical intervention will be required to remove fat capsules and pus.

Remove subcutaneous pimples on genitalia or not? This is categorically not recommended to do, especially if the rashes have red and painful in palpation. The slightest injection infection will lead to an abscess. It is better not to touch acne, they must pass on their own. If there is no effect, professionally prescribed treatment is required.

The main pathological conditions accompanied by genital item include:

There is a significant number of different provoking factors that can lead to the development of itching. They are conventionally divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). Endogenous reasons include:

  • The violation of the functional activity of the endocrine system in women, in which the level of sex hormones in the blood changes, as well as thyroid hormones and pancreatic glands. Often itching is developing with diabetes mellitus associated with a decrease in insulin level.
  • The pathology of peripheral nerves (neuropathy) is developing a violation of impulses on nerve fibers, which leads to the emergence of unpleasant sensations in the field of innervation of the affected nerve.
  • The violation of the functions of the cortex and the structures of the brain - while itching is psychogenic and is not associated with any changes in the intimate zone of a woman.
  • The pathology of the liver (hepatitis, hepatosis) or biliary tract (bile disease, cholecystitis, dyskinesia), in which the level of bile acids increase in the blood. These pathologies cause direct irritation of sensitive nerve endings.
  • Female diseases are inflammatory pathology of the internal organs of the urogenital system, which leads to the appearance of seals from the urethra (urethra) or vagina. Selection can cause damage to skin cells and mucous membranes in the form of their maceration with the occurrence of discomfort.
  • Vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis), in which the normal microflora is disturbed, or thrush occurs (the fungus of the genus Candida is activated).

Exogenous factors for the development of itching:

Pimples in an interesting place for girls can be located in different places, they differ from each other and happen:

  • The subcutaneous pimple on the sexual lip is felt as painless swelling. It occurs because of the sebaceous glands, which are increased in size. Cause of appearance - blockage plus incorrect cell operation due to reduced immunity.
  • White acne on the sexual lips are formed due to rustling of hair after depilation of the intimate zone. After removing the hair, the skin gets a micro member and reacts to local inflammation. Sometimes the pimple is even caught up, so you just dry it with salicylic acid.
  • Red pimple in an intimate place. Refers to the safest, as caused by hormonal perestroika, occurs in girls in transition. Also can jump on the background of stress or allergies.
  • Watery pimples on genitalia. This species is already feared and requires access to a dermatovenerologist. Take a look at the form if it is pointed, with a dense structure, the cause of human papillomas can be the reason. The sign of the genital herpes is the bubbles of a small size, as if the full waters, which, after opening, leave the yasels.
  • Fat cyst. Subcutaneous seal on the gender lip in the form of wen. If it does not bring inconvenience, does not run, then it is considered non-dangerous. But it is necessary to penetrate the infection, as discomfort is immediately felt, the inflammatory process develops. It is necessary to conduct antibacterial therapy and surgical extraction of wen.
  • Pimple on a small sexual lip. It appears due to the suffered cold, passes without additional treatment. The help of a specialist is needed in the event of a virus flora inwards in the vagina. It is important to ensure that the suppuration does not penetrate into the blood and did not provoke the infection of the internal organs. If you notice a painful seal on a small lip, carefully follow the hygiene and take a set of polyvitamins.
  • Pimple on the big sexy lip. Often arise in an intimate location for those women who recently returned from the sea. In the absence of repeated supercooling, they quickly pass. Also transformations of hormonal nature (transitional age, pregnancy, reception of contraceptives, climax) are the causes of their appearance.
  • Inner acne in the vagina. It is rare, but caused by quite explained phenomena. The genitals are very gentle and not enough protected from environmental impacts, whether it is a public beach, a swimming pool, aquapark or toilet.

General recommendations are reduced to the fact that if for two days any rash does not pass, but, on the contrary, it begins to deliver the unpleasant feeling, to grow, an ugliness appears, irritation, burning, itching, react immediately. Sign up for a good specialist who will determine the type of rash and give faithful recommendations to eliminate exciting symptoms.

Bulk on the skin and mucosa are not the same in appearance and symptoms. Different types of rash on the genital lips appear due to various factors, and can tell a specialist about the cause of the occurrence. Types of acne:

  • White rashes are small in the diameter of white painting tubercles, they may have a small pie.
  • Subcutaneous acne - tubercles, not visible outside, but tangible to the touch. Usually not accompanied by pain and itching.
  • Inflamed bulbs of red color - there are different diameters and shade. Usually accompanied by painful sensations. In some cases, acne is inflamed on sexual lips, but if the size of the formation is large, this type indicates a systematic problem in the body.
  • Pimples and rash caused by colds - appear as a result of supercooling or during a viral disease.
  • Watery acne - they differ efficiently from the other rashes. This species has a transparent, as if filled with water, the texture of the skin is dense from above. The top is pointed.

The mechanism of development of itching

In the overwhelming majority of cases it is only

1. Results of the external environment for external genitals. This group includes:

  • infection;
  • pollution (for example, dust air pollution and / or linen when working in production);
  • violations of intimate hygiene rules, regular disregard for the adoption of the shower and the isolation, a rare replacement of gaskets or tampons during menstruation;
  • temperature effect (for example, strong continuous supercooling or overheating);
  • mechanical stimuli: wearing synthetic linen, which creates the effect of "greenhouse", or rough underwear; Overly frequent rinsing and drew vaginal, continuous use of daily flavored gaskets;
  • the use of some potent drugs for outdoor or internal use;
  • contacts with annoying chemical compounds.
  • pathological discharge in women with inflammatory processes in the uterus and her neck;
  • chemical irritation of external genital organs in women urine, occurring during urination acts in the presence, for example, congenital urinary fistulas;
  • other hidden inflammatory processes in the sexual area.

3.Patology from other internal organs:

  • diabetes ;
  • hepatitis with pronounced friable skin;
  • chronic inflammatory disease of the kidneys and bladder associated with significant impairment of their functions;
  • various diseases of the blood formation organs ( lymphogranulomatosis, anemia, leukemia);
  • violations of the normal functioning of the domestic secretion glands, for example, with an increased or reduced function thyroid gland, increased level of hormone prolactin, as well as a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • cancer diseasewhich strongly weakens the protective mechanisms of our body, especially when the use of potent medical drugs.

strong and continuous

Fears before the upcoming surgical intervention, nervous disorders,

If the disease continues for quite a long time, with a constant combing a large number of cracks, abrasion and other damage to the skin and mucous membranes are formed. Sometimes these damage can even be reborn into fairly extensive ulcers. Subsequent in the area of \u200b\u200bsuch mechanical injuries may occur infection.

Each type of acne has its cause of formation and treatment method. To carry out correct therapy, you will need to turn to your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


Pyryshki is the type of rash, which are formed on the genitals of a woman, as well as on the pubis. As a rule, they form piercing pinkish shades, 2 mm and more.

The causes of such a rash can be allergic to skin contact with powders, hygiene and linen, or lack of hygiene. Such pumens do not bring tangible discomfort and independently disappear within a few days. In addition to this pipples, there may be a sign of the development of herpesvirus infection, or simply a genital herpes.

These rashes are transmitted mainly during sexual contacts with carriers of viruses, and can manifest themselves several months when immunity decreased. At the same time, herpes virus, as well as human papilloma virus is incurable.

Treatment is aimed at reducing viruses and eliminating disease manifestations. For the treatment of rashes caused by herpes of a human herpes, it is necessary to conduct immunode-generating therapy with the additional use of acyclovir preparations. Papillomas require a surgical removal or with the use of cryodestruction, laser removal or ultrasound.


Warms are rashes that are formed on sex lips in women and in the pubic area due to blockage of the sebaceous gland glands. Such formations are called lipomas and localized directly under the skin due to the enhanced work of the sebaceous glands, the skin salo accumulates and entails the blockage of the channels.

For the reasons for the appearance of wiring include:

  • excessive fatty skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • abuse of sharp, fatty food and sweets;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • application of unsuitable hygienic agents
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body, for example, with diabetes;
  • power injury (with depilation or with active sexual intercourse).

As a rule, solar weights are removed surgically, especially when developing inflammatory processes or suppuration. The surgeon removes both the capsule itself containing purulent masses and the affected fabric around the wen. According to the result, antibacterial therapy is carried out, in order to avoid the development of secondary infection.

White pimples (points, stains)

White pimples on the intimate zone in women are two types - similar in their appearance with "goose skin" and with a purulent head of white. The first version of the rashes appears due to the death of the epidermis scraps and their clusters in the hair follicle. Skin to the touch becomes crawl. To get rid of such a problem, it is enough to carry out enhanced genital hygiene.

As a rule, such rashes take place independently and do not require special treatment. But if the acne is not underway for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct laboratory research and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Red acne

Red acne on sex lips look like a slight reddish seal located in the hair follicle. Such rashes may be caused by the growth of hairs, and in some cases accompanied by the suppression under the skin. As a rule, together with the germination of hairs, acne pass and do not require treatment.

Black dots

The formation of black dots on genitalia in women can occur due to the blockage of the sebaceous tubules of the pubic zone epithelium. In addition, comaons (medical name of black dots on the skin) can be caused by a number of deviations and diseases:

  • the defeat of the sebaceous glands of the pathogenic microflora, due to excessive hygiene of the genital organs and flushes the microflora of the vagina;
  • inflammation of hair follicles due to improperly conducted depilation;
  • allergy to intimate hygiene, lubricants, condoms with flavors and other;
  • the supercooling and overheating can provoke the appearance of comaons;
  • hormonal failure, most often appear in the transition period in adolescents, as well as in menopause.

Not depending on the reason for the appearance of comaons, they are forbidden to squeeze them. The treatment will need to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in cases of rash duration of more than 2 weeks, in case of unpleasant sensations, soreness, dryness of the skin and peeling in the zone coated with camens, and also if the black dots appeared directly after unprotected intercourse with a new partner.

Inner pimple

  • if, according to the results of analyzes in humans no diseases were detected, then the doctor may prescribe a simple treatment, which will be based on observance of personal hygiene rules, the use of special antiseptic preparations for acne treatment (hydrogen peroxide, zinc ointment, levomecol, ointment of Vishnevsky);
  • if the cause of rash steel venereal diseases Transmitted by sexually, then individual integrated treatment is prescribed depending on the diagnosis and gravity. Standard drugs in this case are antibiotics, immunostimulants, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Acne on sexual lips during pregnancy

During the pregnancy, the woman is experiencing colossal loads, one only change in hormones. Acne is formed on the face, neckline, back, in the field of genitals. When complying with daily hygiene, everything will be held independently. The threat of miscarriage and the reception of potent drugs increases the risk of strange seals in the delicate zone.

2 and 3 trimester also provokes rashes on genitals, it is associated with a fast-growing tummy that prevents air penetration to genitals. It is recommended to choose loose cotton clothing. During the tooling of the fetus, the work of sweat and sebaceous glands is overloaded several times, so it should be rushed more than once so that the pores are not clogged with mud.

The itching of sexual lips during pregnancy can manifest itself both in large and small timing. Causes can serve various factors.

Itching in the vagina in a pregnant woman can be caused by inflammatory processes, which in turn are accompanied by symptoms:

Distinguish two types of itch:

  • Inside the vagina.
  • Outside the vagina.

Getting rid of itching and burning in pregnant women in vagina:

  • Allergies provoked by synthetic fabrics requires immediate change of linen.
  • If it is caused by stress, it is enough to take a warm bath with a chamomile, drink valeriana or dying.
  • From allergic scabies get rid of anti-inflammatory ointments. Some time must be observed a hypoallergenic diet.
  • The burning and itching caused by inflammatory processes is infectious in nature. Treatment of this kind of trouble will no longer be without antibiotics. They are called upon to suppress the vital activity of bacteria.
  • Antibacterial agents are prescribed for the treatment of bacterial ailments (hexicone, Cleon-D, Clindamycin).

On time, a certain reason will help to avoid multiple problems, prevent ailment from the first days to avoid infection of the baby in childbirth.

Special concern cause acne on the pothole from the girl during pregnancy. Usually they appear for the following reasons:

  1. Change hormonal background. The pimples have a red shade, they are associated with a disruption of the production of certain substances in the body. To completely get rid of this problem, you will have to wait for the stabilization of hormones.
  2. Herpes - occurs when the immunity is reduced in a pregnant girl. It is necessary to refer to a specialist as quickly as possible, the virus may be dangerous to the fetus.
  3. Violation of personal hygiene rules, wearing synthetic linen.

It is less likely to deal with other reasons for the appearance of pimples in pregnant women, they may also differ in character and size.

Normally, a woman waiting for a child, it should not be. Sharp jumps of the hormonal background provoke the reproduction of genules of the genus of candidates and symbiotic bacteria. Therefore, when an unpleasant sensation appears, you should not wait for self-defense, and it is necessary to urgently turn to your doctor.

The second factor is the reduced immunity of the worst Mom. According to statistical data, up to 85% of pregnant women suffer from candidiasis. When a placenta is formed at the beginning of the second trimester, the selection becomes greater. It is necessary to monitor the color consistency and the smell of these discharge. In case of unpleasant smell, refer to specialists. A future mother is necessary with special care to comply with personal hygiene, it is very important for her health and baby health.

The reasons for the appearance of acne in the intimate zone during pregnancy can be several.

Here are the most common of them:

  • change of hormonal background. During pregnancy, the female organism undergo serious changes. Women often appear rash not only on face, back, decolte area, but also on the genitals. This kind of rash does not require treatment, subject to the rules of hygiene they pass independently;
  • reception of drugs. Women who have a real threat to miscarriage, doctors prescribe potent medicines to preserve pregnancy. The side effects of these drugs are very often rash in the field of genitals;
  • long reception of polyvitamins. All pregnant women are prescribed vitamins in the first months of pregnancy. If a girl takes them longer than the set time, it can negatively affect her health;
  • overlapping air access to the skin. Often acne on the genitals of pregnant women appear in 2 and 3 trimester. A big belly is simply overlapsing air access to genitalia, as a result of which the skin begins to sweat, the infection easily penetrates the skin, an inflammatory process appears. Therefore, it is very important that pregnant women wore loose clothes, wearing underwear from natural fabrics;
  • bad hygiene genital organs. Due to the fact that sweat and sebaceous glands during pregnancy work 2 times intensis, women in the position should take shower regularly, 2 times a day. Otherwise, pores are clogged with mud, dust, subcutaneous lard.

Acne as a sign of the disease

The following diseases lead to the emergence of such formations:

  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • papilloma virus;
  • pubic pediculosis;
  • packing dermatomycosis;
  • thrush (candidiasis);
  • vagina cyst;
  • infectious process in the vagina, member head (staphylococcal infection);
  • contaching mollusk.

What to do with subcutaneous acne: delete or not?

Subcutaneous acne on genitalia are red painful tubercles.

They arise due to the blockage of pores, ingress infections.

The correct solution in the case of subcutaneous acne is not touching them, they must pass on their own.

Red acne on genitalia: what are they talking about?

The rashes of this kind most often indicate sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the variety of red acne on genitalia, we can talk about such problems:

  1. Candidiasis vagina or member. Red spots in women can be located on the sexual lips, men's pimples appear on the trunk, as well as a phallus head. In addition to red acne signs of thrush are curly discharge, unpleasant smell. To treat acne of such a kind of special outer ointments, appointed only by the doctor.
  2. Genital herpes. Red acne in this case in the middle is filled with transparent or yellowish liquid. They can appear on the pubic, sex lips, a member head. These watery red formations can burst, turning into ulcers. The disease is treated under the supervision of the doctor.
  3. Syphilis. Bright red color ulcers with a smooth surface.

The appearance of white acne on genitalia

The rashes of this kind most often appear due to the elementary non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Often white acne jump in men and are located on the head, scrotum, or along the entire length of the critical organ.

They can also be observed in adolescents during puberty. Such acne in the sexual member do not pose health threats, they jump out due to the active work of the sebaceous glands. With this scenario they pass on their own.

But there are situations where white acne occurs due to certain diseases and then they need to get rid of them as soon as possible:

  • gonorrhea;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases.

If you suspect some serious illness, except for white acne, a man or a woman is experiencing such an unpleasant feeling:

  1. Burning in the field of genitals.
  2. Painful feelings.
  3. Itching in the perineum, the groove area.
  4. Selection of urethra (vagina).
  5. Uncomfortable sensations during and after sex
  6. An unpleasant smell of the vagina, a member head.

And if the doctor sends you to histological examination, it is necessary to go through it to remove suspicion of the malignant nature of the neoplasm.

Causes of purulent acne

Such education most often arise in women due to the following problems:

  1. After unsuccessful epilation, depilation. With incorrect procedure for removing hairs on the pubic and sexual lips, some women may form purulent poves. If not to injure the skin further, it disappears on some time.
  2. Purulent acne on sexual lips can appear due to Wearing synthetic linen. Panties from insight tissues are poorly passed by air and moisture, which leads to the reproduction of bacteria. Those further penetrate the protective layers of the skin, as a result of which acne appear.
  3. Supercooling. Many women do not part with the skirt even in a strong frost. As a result, their body is hypochealed, immunity decreases, the blood circulation process is disturbed. As a result, bacteria begin to attack genitals, purulent pimples appear.
  4. Venereal diseases. With purulent rashes in this case, it is necessary to fight comprehensively.

The appearance of itching in the field of genital organs is always alarming women and accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It happens that here to do here.

By the way, this problem, unfortunately, is not so rare. This may be due to the most different reasons. Why this happens, how to get rid of it with the help of folk remedies and will be discussed in this article.

What is the cause of the genitals itch?

The burning and itching may be due to the action of a variety of factors. Sometimes this condition may occur as a result of the impact of a whole complex of reasons.

  1. One of the reasons for the occurrence of situations under which the emergence of a subjective feeling of burning sensation can be based on the fungal nature of its origin. The dominant role in its occurrence is played by yeast-like fungi. With her, a woman feels not only burning. There is another symptoms. By the way, with it it has a diverse character. Specific discharges are observed, which in appearance resemble acidic milk or cottage cheese. Immediately a woman draws attention to a characteristic smell in which acidic shades are sharply expressed. The smell is characterized by its impermanence. It may increase, it becomes less intense, depending on the situation. For example, after sex it enhances. In addition, the genitals can become edema. Other signs characteristic of inflammation are able to join the overall picture. A feeling of burning woman is experiencing in sex and during urination.
  2. Usually manifestations become apparent during pregnancy. This can be explained by a decrease in the common protective forces of the body and changes in the hormonal balance.
  3. Similar feeling a woman can experience in vulvit. The distribution of the inflammatory process is Vulva and the field of sexual lips. Contribute to the emergence of such a state can errors in the hygienic plan events. From the vagina there are selection. They are the action of an annoying nature. It can be provoked by and wearing close underwear, using hygiene products that are clearly not suitable for women, but moreover, allergic reactions may cause.
  4. The burning sensation can be observed and vagin. It is a process of inflammatory nature, whose localization is the mucous membrane of the vagina. This state may result in mechanical damage to the vagina, congenital anatomical defects, criminal abortions and other factors. Such a situation is due to the fact that the infection, hitting the vagina, begins to grow violently, causing the development of the inflammatory process. The disease is accompanied by the discharge, itching, a feeling of burning. Even appear pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. In general, the woman feels an explicit discomfort.
  5. Very often to the appearance of itching, the genital herpes virus is capable of forming bubbles filled with liquid. When the bubble bursts, the contents of it flows and causes a feeling of burning. In some cases, such an infection may be asymptomatic. To suppress the infection caused by the action of the virus is undoubtedly possible. But completely heal from her, no. If the virus penetrates the body and settled in the body, he will remain there for life. However, if immunity is at the proper level, it will not allow the virus to raise his head. Therefore, the fundamental event in terms of preventing herpetic infection is to increase the immune forces of the body and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Treatment of genital bodies

It is only a manifestation of any disease. It is a consequence and not the cause of a certain pathology. Therefore, all efforts should be aimed at the reason for the occurrence of such a state.

Sometimes an effective method are activities aimed at the mental state of the patient. The goal here is to bring his psyche into equilibrium. Effective may be hypnosis or conventional psychotherapeutic sessions. It all depends on the peculiarities and state of the patient. Sometimes sufficient is only the purpose of sleeping drugs to normalize sleep.

Do not forget about hygienic events. They may be very effective. It is necessary to regularly carry out. They should be done 2, or even 3 times a day. Good for these purposes will suit chamomile decoction.

Modern medicine has many methods to eliminate itching. One of these is ultrasound therapy.

If itching is expressed very intensively, even resorted to the gluttony of genital organs anesthetics. This at least for a while will bring relief to the patient.

Even surgical intervention can be shown in extremely difficult and running cases. It produces excretion of individual parts of the genital nerve barrels.

What folk remedies apply?

Do not discount with the accounts used by traditional medicine. She has long and reliably proven itself. Sometimes, the funds of traditional medicine can be more effective than those using the official medicine.

  1. Extremely effective procedures related to the dysfunction of soda mortar can be. Prepare it is completely easy. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is bred in a liter of boiled water. Such procedures must be carried out regularly in the morning and in the evening. The method is very simple, but it may be very effective. As they say, everything is simply ingenious.
  2. Before you go to bed, you can lay the tampons with the flesh of Aloe. Aloe in itself is a plant unique, conjugate with many healing properties. Previously before laying a tampon should be sinking.
  3. It is possible to drain the procedures associated with a solution to be carried out, which contains iodine, salt and soda. On a liter of water, you need to take only a few drops of iodine and add salt and soda on a spoon. Such an event should be carried out 2 times a day. This method is carried out a peculiar disinfection. At the same time, it is also just washed away.
  4. Useful to use seating baths with sea salt, chamomile and calendula.

Means for internal use

  1. It is allowed to use the burst of the Basilica for intake. The beam of this grass should be boil for 20 minutes. Such a decoction is used inside at half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. You can use everything well. Its use is based on a pronounced antibacterial effect. He is able to reduce suffering. And he manages to do it very quickly. There is nothing complicated in the procedure. The two cloves of garlic are crushed in a blender, tied in gauze and insert into the vagina.
  3. Yogurt. It turns out that probiotics are capable of suppressing a bacterial flora. This fact is far from new. Every day you need to drink a glass of yogurt. Local use in the form of tampons with yogurt is allowed. He should be there for several hours.
  4. Rosemary. It can be used in the form of a decoction for the purpose of arms. The decoction is used warm.
  5. Antibacterial talc. It can be with herbs. The tool can be called efficient, but it takes more to treat more than when using other means.


  • All preventive events are well known in nature and familiar to every woman. The task is to perform them and not once again, but constantly.
  • You must always keep the vagina to keep dry.
  • Clothing should be free, do not shoot motion. Air circulation should be sufficient. It is very important.
  • Fragrant soaps and flavored gels should be eliminated from personal hygiene items. All of them are consisting of provocateurs for the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • For the purpose of the arms used simply soap. The arms make once a day. Frequent procedures of this plan contribute to the occurrence of dryness of the vagina. Read about the benefits of household soap in cosmetology here:
  • If there is a problem with itching, then during this period it is better to abandon sex.
  • Sleep better without underwear, in one nightgown.
  • From the diet should exclude a large number of sweets. It is better to drink more pure water.

When the first signs of discomfort in the field of genital organs, it is necessary to apply for consultation to the gynecologist, donate strokes. Only timely treatment will help you quickly get rid of the ailment. Be healthy!

All women face delicate problems of an intimate zone. Sometimes they strongly scratch sex lips, hurt or peel. Do not ignore these states.

Itching genital organs is caused by harmless causes: uncomfortable underwear or poor-quality means to care for an intimate zone. In other situations, the burning sensation confirms the presence of diseases (itching will be accompanied by other symptoms).

Why getting sex lips

Condemally allocate two main reasons that cause itching. The first is a safe woman. It is associated with third-party factors. This is irritation of delicate skin in response to poor-quality things, underwear, depilation.

The second group - the malfunction in the work of the body. Itching causes gynecological pathologies, venereal diseases and diseases of the endocrine gland (sugar diabetes).

Based on pathology, women hurt and get large (external) or small (internal) sex lips. In some cases, the burning is accompanied by those and other sex lips, as well as vulva.

When itching is safe

Often the burning sensation is caused by foreign factors who do not cause serious harm to health. In these cases, itching is not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example: there are no uncharacteristic discharges or pain when urination).

To the basic reasons for burning, belong:

  • Unsuccessful - exterior sexual lips not only itch, but can also sweep. Sometimes burning is manifested a few days after the epilation. The hairs start growing and irritate gentle skin.
  • Subcase products for the care of an intimate zone - if soap or gel causes an allergic reaction, they should be abandoned and accept any antihistamine drug.
  • Synthetic underwear - similar reaction causes and carrying close panties, frequent use of flavored daily gaskets.
  • External sexual lips swell during pregnancy - they are filled with blood, swell and cause light itch.

The burning sensation may be a reaction of the body on stressful situations or manifest itself as allergies to any stimulus.

Diseases of female organs

Vulvit with diabetes

In this case, itch is one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. The microflora of the vagina includes useful microorganisms and conditionally pathogenic. Under favorable conditions (decrease in immunity), the bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing itching.

The common diseases causing burning include:

  • Vaginitis is a disease at which lips and vagina are inflamed. It develops after an unsuccessful abortion if the reproductive organs are injured, or as a result of the work failure of the endocrine system. Women have abundant discharge with a sharp smell and pus impurities.
  • Thrush - Vaginal candidiasis arises due to the active breeding of candidate fungi. The disease is developing with a resignation of immunity (for example: after using antibiotics). The thrush is accompanied by bright symptoms: curl discharge, strong itching (large and small lips itch), pain during and after sex, swelling and redness in the intimate zone.
  • Vulvit is inflammation at which the upper sexy lips swell. Infection cause staphylococci, streptococci or other microorganisms. The lips are red and itchy, women feel pain with the empty of the bladder, inside the large lips are noticeable.
  • Gandorellosis is a pathology for which not only burning sensation, but also the selection with the bright smell of rotten fish.
  • The acute period of endometriosis - this disease has the endocrine nature of the occurrence, but during the exacerbation period the patients complain that the genitals are very strongly scratched, bleeding is possible.
  • Lakeaukia - pathology, accompanied by the appearance of white plaques on the genitals.
  • Bartolinite - near the vagina is located. In its inflammation, genitals suffer. The vagina, lips and the clitoris blush and swell. Vulva appears purulent ulcers. Required urination.

Venereal diseases

Itching accompanies most venereal diseases. Some of them are transmitted only by sex, and others can be infected, even using the patient's personal belongings.

Treatment of venereal diseases is prescribed only by the doctor (venereologist or gynecologist). Independent therapy will aggravate the state and can lead to infertility.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

Strong burning is accompanied by abundant discharge with serous-purulent content and sharp odor. Women hurt and swell the sex lips, vulva and even a urethra.


The disease can be transmitted by a household. Additional symptoms: Women hurts the bottom of the abdomen and crotch, the amount of selection is strongly increasing. Itching begins after urination and sexual intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed in ureaplasmosis.

Genital herpes

Pathology is chronic, exacerbated at any decrease in immunity, even during allergies. Small pimples with purulent content are formed on the skin in the intimate zone. Papulas are bursting and then peel a little.


When unpleasant symptoms appear, contact the gynecologist. After diagnosis, he will tell than to treat the disease. The scheme of therapy is individual, depends on what microorganisms are caused by the disease, the general state of women, contraindications and a number of other factors.

Most venereal infections are treated with antibiotics of penicillin or cephalosporinic row. After recovery itching and other symptoms pass.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, candles, creams or other means for local therapy are usually used. Sometimes doctors recommend patients with antifungal tablets (for example: "fluconazole", "Iratenazole"). After treatment, the microflora of the vagina and the intestines should be restored using probiotics.

The treatment of endocrine diseases is prescribed an endocrinologist, based on the overall health of the patient, the form of the disease.

At the time of therapy should not have sex, eliminate the use of alcohol and stick to the diet: limit the fried, sharp and greasy dishes, baking and sweetness.

Warning measures

Prevention will help reduce the risks of the appearance of the germ lips. However, this is not a panacea, in rare cases, these measures are powerless.

The main preventive measures include:

  • wearing linen from natural materials (flax or cotton). Even if you wear lace panties, then the lastician should be made of cotton;
  • observe personal hygiene rules, but do not overdo it using care products, they can cause irritation;
  • use barrier methods of contraception, especially when sex with a random or unfamiliar partner;
  • strengthen Immunity: Balance the diet, regularly drink the mineral vitamin complex, eliminate bad habits.

The state when itching appears in the field of external genital organs, is not only unpleasant, but also very well. It makes a woman constantly search for privacy and the only available method - mechanical stimulation of the mucous membrane - try to get rid of the tormenting symptom.

Such a short-term "deliverance" leads to the appearance of combs, which, due to the fact that itching and pain go through one nervous fibers will lead to the fact that the symptoms are enhanced. Exit from this "vicious circle" - in finding the causes of the bondage of vulva and eliminate them as soon as possible.

How does it occupy vulva?

The vulster is called outdoor genital organs of women, located between the pubic front, crotch from behind and large sex lips on the sides. They are innervized by a large number of nerves: iliac, stenovny, femured and straightforward.

Nevilinized C-fibers are departed from large branches, the duties of which are the reporting of pulses, resulting in a certain types of stimuli in the mucous membrane. As a result of passing through the spinal cord from such impulses, the feeling of itching is born.

The greatest number of C-terminations are in the field of the eve of the vagina, the clitoris and in small sexual lips. That is, if annoying releases are accumulated in these sites or, on the contrary, the mucous membraid breathes or swells, and itching will be felt.

Causes of pathological condition

The feeling when the genital region is sacrificed, may be due to a huge number of reasons that are divided into several groups:

Infectious diseases of the sexual sphere

The main diseases transmitted from the infected sexual partner, which can cause itch vulva, is:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • inflammation of the genital organs caused by the papillomatosis virus;
  • gonococcosis.

When the infection of the internal reproductive organs occurred not due to contact with an infected partner, it can cause various microorganisms: staphylococci, intestinal wand, streptococci, and blue chopstick.

They arise as a result of hypothermia; after abortion, operation or scraping; under tattoo or piercing, performed by non-sterile conditions; as complication or urethritis; After treatment with antibacterial drugs. After taking antibiotics itching vulva is most often due to the mushroom Candida.

Favorable conditions for the development of an infectious inflammatory process are created in diabetes mellitus (one of the early manifestations of the disease is thrush), HIV infection, as well as during menopause.

Non-infectious diseases

This vulvar zone may appear as a result:

  • plasmochellular vulvit;
  • atrophic vulvit;
  • flat-milk intraepithelial neoplasia vulva - a precancerous disease caused by type 16 papilloma virus;
  • cancer of one of the genital structures;
  • , fibromes or uterine misa;
  • cysts of the guinerene canal.

Mechanical irritation

The frequent causes of the occurrence of the separation of the vulva region may be due to the lower linen or close trousers; Energetic wiping of genital toilet paper; Lower linen, on which the remains of soap or washing powder remain; Frequent washing detergents (soap, shower gels), which are washed from the mucous, their protective top layer, which leads to the drainage of the mucous membranes.

Skin disease

Item in the field of genitals in a woman may be due to:

  • sclerosing depriving;
  • red flat deprived;
  • genital psoriasis;
  • pink deprived;
  • scleroatrophic Lychane vulva;
  • eczema: contact, atopic.

Pathologies of internal organs and blood

The diseases of some internal organs are caused simultaneously itching the skin, and itching vulva. These are capable of making such pathologies:

  • violation of the functions of the thyroid gland;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • the last stages of chronic renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • low blood levels of iron;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • malignant pathology of blood formation organs: lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia;
  • gout;
  • some autoimmune diseases (for example, SHEGREEN Disease).

Mental factors

When a woman lives in a stressful condition or is nervous, she can have to hide the genitals.

Allergic reasons

In most cases, an allergic reaction is observed on intimate leaving and means for laundry laundry, semen sexual partner, helium-lubricants and latex condoms, as well as tissue dyes.

Chemical and physical stimuli

As a result of supercooling or constant contamination of the vulvar region with urine or feces (which is observed in the incontinence of my or urogenital fistulas), a woman can torment a periodic or permanent itch.

When reasons - in the imbalance of female sex hormones

In addition to the hormones of the thyroid gland and insulin on the state of the genital organs, women's hormones are influenced, which there are several species. In the course of life, their ratio changes, which provokes itching vulva.

When does the vulvar region begged in front of menstruation?

Itchy vulva before menstruation can begin for a week or 1-2 days before them. In different women, its intensity differs from mild to unbearable. The reason for this state is the combination of a decrease in the immunity of the vulva and vagina, the obscenity of the vaginal pH due to the change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, against the background of what:

  • or the immune system is manifested by the immune system (mainly thrush), bacterial (especially garardnellosis) or viral sex tract infections;
  • or the hypersensitivity of the vulva to mechanical stimuli develops;
  • or the rules of hygiene are violated - from insufficient, to excessive washing Genitals.

If genitals get used during pregnancy

A symptom that emerged at this time can talk about the physiological phenomenon - an increase in blood flow and a small swelling of genitals, which causes itching. On the other hand, the decrease in immunity and changing the level of vaginal-vulvar pH provide easier penetration of infection here. Most often during pregnancy develops thrush and genital herpes.

Itching with breastfeeding

After delivery there is a decrease in estrogen, and it causes dryness of vulva and vagina, which necessitates the discomfort.

After Klimaks

Itching vulva in old age is a very common phenomenon. It is due to a decrease in estrogen levels, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the vulva is atrophy, connecting tissue develops here. Itching during corrosion can be unbearable and exhausting. It must be treated, and he is amenable to the therapy, otherwise infection falls into wounds, which leads to an increase in the symptom and may cause complications from the internal reproductive bodies.

In some cases, the reason for the symptom is not possible to find out.

Clinical picture

Characteristic symptoms are noted in inflammatory and allergic diseases listed above. The intensity and constancy of the symptom accompanies the senile itchy vulva.

Most pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of discharges: light yellowish - during herpes, greenish - with trichomonosis, grayish-white - with gardnerellosis, curls - under candidiasis, abundant, liquid and yellow - with gonorly.

Itching vulva without discharge develops at:

  • degrading: sclerosing, flat;
  • genital psoriasis;
  • stressing itching;
  • atopic eczema;
  • plasmochellular vulvite;
  • corrosion vulva;
  • atrophic and adhesive vulvits.

There is no selection, but the main symptom has a burning sensation at:

  • impairment of intimate zone hygiene;
  • injury of the vulvar region;
  • sperm intolerance;
  • allergies for cleaning and bathing products;
  • diseases of biliary tract and liver;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes mellitus.


The treatment of itching vulva is carried out after determining its cause, for which you need to contact the gynecologist. The doctor will ask when this feeling arose, with which a woman connects his appearance. He will definitely examine the region of the genitals and take the smear from the vagina and the urethra, which will help determine the nature of inflammation, see atypical cells and signs of viral pathology.

If necessary, bacaposov from the vagina or the study of the vaginal contents of the PCR method will be appointed. If a gynecologist does not see inflammatory changes or detects a thrush, it will appoint an endocrinologist consultation to eliminate diabetes and disruption of the thyroid gland.

As long as the reason is at the stage of clarification, as well as in cases where it is not detected, such treatment is applied:

  1. Adequate hygiene of the genital zone: ph-neutral compositions or means containing lactic acid, herbal extracts, D-Panthenol: "epipr", "ginokomfort", "epiges sex". Use these funds at least 2 times a day.
  2. Take seating baths with chamomile beams, calendula, turn.
  3. Empty underwear manually, baby soap.
  4. Correct meals by removing fried, canned food, sdobu and sweets from it.
  5. Lubricate Vulvar region with moisturizing means: "Vagilak-gel", "Bliss" gels, "Ginofit".
  6. Well helps a mixture for wiping from: carbolic acid 4.0 + acetic acid 15.0 + rectified alcohol 15.0 + drilling liquid 20.0 + 2% boric acid solution 200 ml.
  7. Take calcium pangamate (vitamin B15) at 0.1 mg three times a day.

In order to therapy, OUDA vulva are prescribed ointment, candles, creams:

  • with bacterial infections - containing antibiotics;
  • with genital herpes - with acyclovir;
  • in the genital psoriasis, eczema, plasmochellular vulvite, sclerosing and flat delay - with glucocorticoids;
  • with corrosion - with estrogen.

It is not necessary to stop using such drugs when it is not (especially in infectious pathology), but after the time that the doctor denotes.

If it turned out that the reason for the drilling sensation is in the disease of internal or endocrine organs, then they need to be treated. For this, the therapist or endocrinologist will prescribe the appropriate systemic drugs.

If the treatment of the inner disease did not eliminate itching, or the reason for it is not clarified, and the intensity of the symptom is extremely large, resorting to the novocaine blockade of the immature nerve. In extremely severe cases, operational interference on resection of immatched nerves can be performed.
