Memory is the ability to store in consciousness, accumulate and reproduce information. Effective mental activity is impossible without a developed memory. Therefore, you need to use different ways to improve memory to stimulate brain activity.

To improve memory and attention, you can do exercises yourself, for this you need to master the methods for improving memory.

Sometimes people are concerned that mental abilities are deteriorating with age. We are in a hurry to delight you, there is a huge number of ways to improve the memory and work of the brain, to quickly develop your attentiveness after 40 or 50 years.

Methods that can be performed at home is very simple. Conduct regularly to care and mental activity quickly increased to the desired level. How to improve memory at home:

  • Choose from the deck of 8 cards so that among them there are all suit. Spread the cards in front of ourselves in 4 rows of 2 cards in each. Look at them a minute, after which turn them over with their shirts up. Remember where what suit was lying. Over time, complicate the task. Choose 10, 14, 18 cards, remember not only a suit, but also the name of the cards.
  • Our life is impossible without a calculator who does not develop mental activity. Every day, calculate uncomplicated children's examples in the mind (114 + 334, 236 + 342, etc.). You can add multiplication, division and subtraction.
  • Take the photo you see for the first time. Carefully consider her minute, after which you remove and remember the details of the photo. Well, if you manage to remember small details.
  • Write down in random order 10 digits. Look at the digital row, close it with your hand and reproduce in the consciousness of the order of numbers. Increase their number with time.
  • Decide crosswords, puzzles, logical tasks, read books. These ways, at first glance, do not contribute to the development of memory, but you will be surprised how your mental activity is quickly activated.

Improvement of memory is a simple occupation, but you need to do regularly.

How to improve memory and attention, not spending a lot of time on different techniques? Observe simple recommendations:

  • Do not abuse alcohol because it kills the cerebral cells that are responsible for mental processes.
  • You need to quit smoking. Tobacco negatively affects the nervous system, braking the memorization processes.
  • Take a complex of vitamins. Food, which uses the bulk of people, rarely full. The brain will work effectively if it is to do the necessary nutrients.
  • Do not remember everything around. Accent attention on things that are really worth remembering.
  • Sleep 8 hours a day.
  • Do not neglect sports. During physical activity, the blood sticks to the brain, activating mental processes.
  • Learn a foreign language to keep the mind in good shape.
  • Chocolate in the morning charges the energy of the brain for the whole day.

Other not so ordinary methods are suitable for improving the memory and work of the brain.

Tales for improving intelligence, memory and attention

It is necessary to develop memory not only to adult people after 40 years. Children's mental activity sometimes does not function as it should, then other methods designed for preschoolers and children of younger school age have been applied to 10 years. The human mind is arranged in an amazing way. Psychologist Rushel Blavo developed the techniques and amounted to a rate calculated for 2 weeks, which helps to quickly develop memory.

It is noteworthy that the book is a collection of fairy tales, so the children are interested in doing. The books about the book exceeded the most bold expectations, so fairy tales are used by almost all parents who are seriously engaged in child learning.

Music to improve memory and attention

Surely you are interested in how music helps for memory development and attention. Remember how television programs have translated transmission about the beneficial effect of classical music on human intelligence? Scientists have proven that the classic affects the right hemisphere of the human brain, improving the concentration of attention. Therefore, classical music should be placed when managing the machine, before the exam, since melodic works contribute to accelerating training.

Improve memory and concentration of attention, listening to music by composers:

  • Tchaikovsky;
  • Mozart;
  • Debussy;
  • Mendelssohn.

Recent studies of scientists have proven that human psychology perceives pop music as an active memorization stimulator. Student before the exam is recommended to listen to popular songs of famous performers to set up the right hemisphere of the brain.

Pop music also reveals creative abilities from a person and configures the successful study of foreign languages.

Listening to classical music before the exam or interview improves the concentration of attention and reduces emotionality. This is a useful property for a person who is very worried and does not cope with excitement.

How to improve memory and attention using video

Psychology of people sometimes does not perceive the information that a person hears or reads. However, visual memory is usually developed more than other types. The network you can find videos that are aimed at developing the human brain. Among them you will find:

  • Video telling how to quickly improve your concentration.
  • Rollers explaining the principle of work of the brain.
  • Training video with methods for the development of mental abilities.

To find a video that contains only useful information and proven tips, read the reviews of Internet users. Usually, they can be focused on many issues, as they describe the actual benefit of the method.

Prayer for mental development

Prayer for memory development is usually used after 60 years. This generation believes in magic and all that is connected with it. There are videos on the network that tell about conspiracies and ways that implies prayer reading.

Prayers pronounce with the soul, believe in them, and not repeat the granted words. Some prayers are read at night, some - before meals, there are prayers that are pronounced in front of the candle.

Why do you need to believe in the effectiveness of the method? The psychology of a person is arranged so that the subconscious sends the brain's work on the things in which we believe. If you are confident that prayer will help, psychology will make amazing things with you, and the subconscious will send you to the development of abilities.

Improving mental activity hypnosis

The development of memory hypnosis is considered the safest method of improving cerebral activity, especially after 50 years, because the psychology of a person during the intervention of the hypnotist does not suffer. The patient is disconnected from the outside world and focuses on one aspect, which he inspired a psychologist.

Under hypnosis, a person remembers such a number of information that does not even dream of, being conscious. The method is good in that it provides a quick and long-term result.

Remember that under hypnosis, psychology is undergoing forced intervention, so the method is used as an extreme means. It is used by loss of memory or trend towards her loss. To understand the principle of hypnosis, see the video on which psychologists conduct a session. There are many such videos on the Internet, pay attention to the reviews of people to not run into the production video.

Improving memory after 50 years

After 50 years, the techniques and exercises are ineffective, because the brain does not perceive them by age. To activate his work, it is recommended to do such things:

  • To do physical exercises.
  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • Put the body with vitamins.
  • Do not allow downtime. To do this, constantly load it by doing mental activity.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Learn poems.

Psychology of people after 50 years is easily adjusted for effective memorization. The main thing is the desire of a person. If you specify the goal, it does not matter how old you are. You will achieve results.

If you have questions or doubt contact the Internet. You will find books, lessons, videos, exercises to improve mental activity and learn a lot of new information.

Do not lose. Subscribe and get a link to the article on your mail.

Memory is extremely attractive for researchers and relevant for each of us: everyone wants to memorize quickly and for a long time. Scientists are constantly looking for new ways to improve this cognitive function, and we collected research results that open working methods for improving memory. Your task is to read and implement them.

And we also have an online course "", where you learn how quickly and for a long time remember the names and faces, numbers, dates, birthdays, foreign words and much more.

Explore aloud

Perhaps you once advised to pronounce information out loud to remember it better. Scientists have confirmed the correctness of this Council [Noah D. Forrin, 2017]. They recommend reading aloud independently, and not listen to the recording - so these data are delayed in long-term memory. Researchers believe that this is due to the combination of three processes: visual reading, progress and listening.

More sleep

It is difficult to force yourself to remember information by portions before bedtime, play sports, write with a handle and so on. The psychologist Bjork calls such strategies "desirable difficulties." They work, because they are complex. In the short term, it is easier not to use these techniques, but they will pay off in the long term.


Use these techniques to improve your memory:

  • teach out loud;
  • learn before bedtime and swim well;
  • suit your sport (do a gap between memorization and training);
  • go to the Mediterranean diet;
  • record information manually, and not print;
  • remember information by portions, with interruptions between memorization sessions;
  • avoid yourself to remember particularly important information.

These methods require high motivation and willpower, but scientists have proven their effectiveness. And what ways to improve memory you know? Share experience in the comments!

Each person who wants to develop will develop and train their memory, to achieve something in life. Do not stand still, and even worse to roll in the abyss. Forward and only forward.

Imagine for a moment that you do not understand anything and do not see what happens around. You do not know: what is your name, where you live, what kind of city you are working and so on. It becomes scary, very scary. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and train your memory. Start it right now and do every day, do not be lazy and everything will be fine with you.

Exercise 1

Let's start with a simple exercise. Look at the following picture one minute. Then close this picture and try to draw these figures in the same location on paper.

If you find it difficult to remember all the details do not be discouraged, take only the top of the picture and try to remember it. Then look at the bottom of the picture and try painting the details of the bottom picture on paper.

After you draw part on paper, try to compare with the picture. What did you do? If there are errors, try to repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

Look carefully on the picture, the numbers are drawn here, the word is written under each digit. Carefully look at the picture one minute, then close this picture and try writing all the numbers on paper and see the word under each digit.

What did you do? If mistakes, try to remember only the upper line from zero to four, then from five to nine.

Compare written with the picture, if there are errors, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3.

Look at the next picture, it draws clock on it. Look carefully, what figures are drawn on it more, less, what dashes on the numbers. Look at the picture one minute, then close the picture and try drawing a clock on paper.

What did you do? If you failed to remember and draw everything completely divide the clock in half and remember half. Then try to remember the second half and draw it on paper. If necessary, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 4.

Look at the following picture, colors are written on it, but they are highlighted with different color. Look at the picture attentively one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try writing everything that I remember with colored pencils or colored handles.

What did you do?

If it happened to remember a little, do not be discouraged, take the first three lines and try to remember them. Then remember and write the second three lines. Then try to remember and write all six lines together.

Exercise 5.

Look at the following exercise, the numbers are written here in two different colors. Look carefully one minute to these numbers and try to remember them.

Close these numbers and try writing on paper all that you remember. Check yourself if a lot of errors try to remember the first two lines and then write them.

Then try to remember and write the second two lines. If all correctly can be accessed and write all four lines.

Try to remember the two extreme lines and write them, and then remember two lines in the middle and also write them. Do not forget that some numbers are written in red.

Exercise 6.

In this exercise, samples of patterns need to be remembered, and continue in the same way as an example.

First try to task under the number one.

Remember the pattern below the numeral one. Close the sample and continue to join the sample circles.

Now look a sample pattern under the two. Close the sample and connect the triangles to the memory.

After completing the task under the number two, proceed to the task under the number three. Here you need to remember in what order the squares are connected. After you remember, close the picture and try to connect the squares in the same way.

Exercise 7.

Look carefully at the following picture one minute. There are different subjects, remember them.

Close the picture and write on paper that you remember. Items must be written or drawn in the same order as in the picture.

If it is difficult for you to remember from the first time as many objects, you can remember and write half of these items only in order.

Then remember and write the second half of these items.

Now try to remember all the items in order and write them in the same order.

Exercise 8.

Look at the following picture, colors are written on it, they are allocated in one color. Look at the picture attentively one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try writing on paper all you remember.

What did you do?

If it happened to remember a little, do not be discouraged, take the first two columns and try to remember them. Then remember the last column and try to write all three columns together.

Exercise 9.

Consider the next picture carefully, animals, mammals, fish and so on are drawn on it. Try to remember all the pictures for one minute.

Now write on paper in order everything you remember. If you remember not all or in the wrong order, repeat the exercise.

Then try to remember in a different order, for example, from the last picture to the first. Write down everything you remember. If necessary, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 10.

Look at the next pyramid from numbers, one digit is added in each subsequent line. Try to remember all the numbers in order. Remember first the first line, then the second line and so on.

You can remember the first three lines and write them for memory. If it happened, then try to remember the first four lines and then write them. Check yourself.

Now try to remember five lines and write. Then remember the entire pyramid of numbers and write them down.

Exercise 11.

Look for 20 seconds for the next two pictures. Close them and tell me how many identical figures are drawn on these pictures. Draw them in memory.

Now look at these two pictures 20 seconds and close the pictures.

How many different pictures on these two pictures.

Check yourself. If necessary, repeat the exercise.

Develop and train memory

Perform the following exercises

Exercise 12.

This exercise can be done in a relaxed atmosphere of the house or at work, if there is time.

Look at the items that surround you. Choose one of the items and read it carefully. For study you are given twenty seconds. Then turn away from this item and try to describe it.

For example, you chose a statuette.

What is a big figurine, small? What color is the statuette? Try to make a complete description of what you remember. What is her surface (smooth, lacquered, ribbed, dusty, loss and so on). What is the basis of the statuette (square, round, unusual form)?

If you have little to remember for twenty seconds, repeat the exercise.

In the same way, you can consider other items and try to describe them. From each time, try to choose more difficult.

Exercise 13.

This exercise is more difficult to select the next item to describe, such as a carpet with a pattern.

Consider carefully drawing, which is depicted on the carpet and remember it. You can consider two minutes or three minutes. Then take a look from the carpet and try to tell you that you remember.

On the carpet, a complex pattern, if it did not work out to remember all, try to remember at first some part of the carpet, then take a piece to memorize more. Repeat the exercise. Then try to tell everything that is depicted on it.

Exercise 14.

Take any five items. It may be a mug, vase, plate, perfume, figurine, and so on.

All these items must carefully consider two minutes or three minutes. Then cover all these items with a dark material and try to tell what you remember.

If you managed to remember little, repeat the exercise.

With each following occupation, the remembrance time must be reduced.

Then try to add one object and complicate the exercise. Similarly, you can develop your memory in everyday life. For example, look at the price of the store and try to remember them. Try to remember and compare prices for the same item in different stores.

Exercise 15.

In this exercise you need to describe a subject of memory.

Take, such as a vase, consider it carefully twenty seconds. Wind off her and try to describe it in memory.

You need to describe everything: shape, color, which drawing is drawn on this vase and so on.

Then turn to the vase and look carefully that you missed and did not tell.

Look again at the vase and turn away from it. Try to make a more complete story about a vase.

This exercise you can do with another subject.

Exercise 16.

In the exercise 15, you described the vase, turning away from it. Now in the exercise 16 you need to close the vase, take a sheet of paper and pencil and draw it in memory.

Compare your drawing with the original vase. You all drew or missed something. Look carefully every little thing.

Exercise 17.

Before bedtime, try to remember people and objects that surround you all day.

Recall the phrases that have been addressed to you. If you listened to the lecture, then restore the Mimico, gestures. Remember what was said to lecture literally. Analyze all your day and appreciate your memory, observation and attention.

Exercise 18.

Our brain is able to see to understand a very large amount of information for one moment. You can develop and achieve a lot, developing your brain workouts and exercises.

Take a book with bright pictures.

Select one and instantly look at it. Close the book. What did you remember? You need to tell as much as you can remember. Repeat the exercise.

For such an exercise, the picture is suitable. Train and compare each time, as far as you have improved results.

Exercise 19.

In this exercise you need to take any 5-7 items. Do not consider them, put on the table and close the dark material.

Now open, count slowly to ten, and at the same time remember these items, close again. All you remember, write down on paper. Describe these items.

Repeat the exercise, every time you will remember more and more.

Performing an exercise next time, put more objects, for example 8-10, then 11-13 and so on. Each time you complicate your exercise.

Exercise 20.

This exercise echoes the previous one. You need to go to an unfamiliar room and quickly as you can remember the objects and things that are there.

Then you leave the room take a sheet of paper and handle and describe everything you remembered. Written can be compared with what is in the room. As far as much, and quickly your brain remembers. If you remember little, repeat the exercise. Next time try to do this exercise with another room and with the other atmosphere.

Exercise 21.

This exercise will help you remember important. The commission is connected with the sound that you hear during some events. If there are no sounds, they must be submitted.

Imagine a moving motorcycle.

He rushes and makes some sounds that they think of them. With these sounds you can always remember, something very important.

Exercise 22.

This exercise is also for memorizing very important information.

You need to take any poem and allocate phrases in it. Each phrase should come up with a few questions. If you want to remember well, do it every day.

Exercise 23.

Invent some route for which you will go. For example: from home to shop or home to work.

Go on foot along this path and notice all the bright signs that you encounter on the way.

Then at home take paper and pencil and make a map of unusual. I remember the bright events, you will also remember what is next to them.

Exercise 24.

In this exercise there are three columns of words. Read these words and try to remember first the first column.

Close these words and try writing them on paper in alphabetical order.

Then read and remember the words of the second column. Close the words and try writing them on paper in alphabetical order.

After the second column, read the words of the third column and try to remember them. Close the words and write them in alphabetical order.

After you remember all three columns, look at the words again, close them and write all the words of three columns in alphabetical order.

Exercise 25.

Look at the next pyramid of numbers. Here are six lines. Each next line is added two more digits. Look at first the first three lines, they are not big, close the pyramid and try to tell or write what you remember.

After you wrote or told the first three lines, add another fourth line, then the fifth and then the sixth line.

Whether you have to write numbers in the correct order?

Now you are the same exercise try to tell in the reverse order from the bottom up. Look at first the bottom line close it and tell us, then add one line up.

10 games for development and workout

We also offer games for the development of phenomenal memory, attention, logic and general development of the brain. The ability to see the statistics of achievements and compete with other players, beat your own and other people's records, will make such a way to develop memory even more interesting.

Game "2 Back"

For memory development I advise such an exercise as the game "2 Back". A sequence of numbers that will need to be remembered, and then compare the figure of the last card with the previous one. This is powerful training memory and brainIs this an exercise that is available after registration, are you ready? Then forward!

Game "number 3 back"

Game "Number 3 Back" Develops Memory. The main essence of the game remember the sequence of numbers and compare the number on the last card with the previous card.

In this game, for a few seconds, a card with a digit appears on the screen, it must be remembered, then the cards disappear and new ones appear. Compare the previous card with the card on the screen and answer the question.

Game "Memory Matrices"

"Memory matrices" - a great game for workout. In the presented game, you will need to remember the placement of painted cells, and then reproduce them from memory. How many levels are you able to go through? Remember, time is limited!

Game "Memory Comparison"

Another game, which can be attributed to memory exercises - "memory comparison". Good exercise for memory development And the speed of thought. At the beginning, the figure should be remembered, then the second is given, and you will need to answer the question that does not change during the game. Wonderful game for brain training. Let's try to improve your memory with us!

Game "Complex Speed \u200b\u200bMovement"

The game "Complex Speed \u200b\u200bMovement" is developing memory and attention. Main essence of the game Remember the previous item and compare with the current on the screen.

In this game, for a few seconds, an object appears on the screen, look carefully and remember it.

The subject disappears and the new one appears, you need to compare these two subjects. At the bottom there are three buttons with answers: "No", "partially coincides" and "yes." Using these buttons, give an answer.

Game "Movement"

The game "Movement" develops thinking and memory. Main essence of the game Message Moving the treasure chest on the map.

In this game, a treasure chest appears for a few seconds on the map, you need to remember where the chest is located and carefully follow the arrows where they show. The chest moves along arrows. With the help of the arrows, you define where the chest moved.

With the right answer, you dial the glasses and play on.

Game "Letter Coverage"

The "Letter Coverage" game develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game to remember the letters and write them.

In this game, letters on the screen light up for a few seconds, look carefully and try to remember them.

Now you need to write them from memory, you can use the keyboard.

With the right answer, you dial the glasses and play on.

Game "Numeric Coverage: Revolution"

Interesting and useful game "Numeric coverage: revolution", which will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will show the numbers in order, one that you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points are you able to dial in this game?

Breunfud game

The game "Brainfud" develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game in each round is the set of elements, you need to choose from the set one that has not yet been chosen in previous rounds.

In this game, different drinks and food are offered on the screen. It is necessary to choose one dish or drink. In each next round, you need to choose another dish, which differs from the previous ones. During the game, new dishes are added. It is necessary to memorize and choose every time a new dish or drink.

Other courses for memory development

More courses to improve memory, concentration of attention and brain work:

Secrets of the brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, account

Games and fascinating exercises for the development of the brain, memory, concentration of attention, creativity that will come to the post within 30 days after subscription. The lessons of their other courses will come as a bonus.

30 days


Develop and train your memory, exercise every day for 30-40 minutes and you will immediately notice progress. Even if you do not have time, look for simple examples from life along the way home or on the way to work, remember the rooms of houses, rooms of cars, prices in stores and so on. We wish you good luck.

Memory is part of the psyche and daily activities of a person. Without memory, it is impossible to learn how to walk, write and even more so know the new one. Violation of memory can lead to problems of various nature both in the usual home environment and in achieving career heights. The cause of forgetfulness is not pathology, but rather inattention, scattered and not interested in memorization object.

Medicines for improving this type of psyche are not invented. But it is quite possible to traine it.

What affects the development and improvement of memory

Mechanisms that are marked on the development of memory are not fully studied. But it is already known that they depend on:

  • natural deposits
  • memory status
  • travel in memory

Scientists believe that everything around the human brain is affected. Significant factors marked:
Thyroid. Reducing the hormones of the thyroid gland entails the weakening of attention and reduced memory. Sufficient consumption of zinc, iodine and vitamin B2 replenishes the necessary hormones.

  • Sleep. A substance contributing to memory recovery is produced at night. Healthy full sleep promotes the restoration of brain cells.
  • Sport. Physical exertion, even minor, supply the organism with oxygen, which is necessary for normal memory operation.
  • Health. Memory and health are inextricably linked with each other. For example, during a climax and serious gynecological diseases, memory decreases.
  • Food. Proper nutrition implies a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The deficit of these substances makes it difficult for memory.
  • Good fantasy. When fantasizing and different associations, the brain receives additional impulses for the development of thinking and memorization.
  • Needlework. Activation of brain activity occurs due to the Hand Motoric.

The most important points for the development and improvement of attention and the good mood, enthusiasm, motivation, interest are presented.

Ways to quickly improve adult and child memory

Not only in childhood, but also more adult must be constantly engaged in the development of its memory. You can cope with this task you can independently without resorting to the help of psychologists and specialists from the medical sphere. Motivate yourself to work on improving the quality of the brain adult can self, but the child needs help, push the parent or teacher.

Products that improve memory and brain

It is necessary to revise the daily diet. It should include products to help intensify brain activity. These include:

  • Nuts, eggs, marine fish - rich in vitamins, occupy the first place on the quality nutrition of brain cells.
  • Forest berries: blueberries, cranberries. Antioxidants in the composition of the berries activate the visual memory, attention, help to acquire visual sharpness.
  • Carrots slow down the aging processes of cells, including brainstorm responsible for memory.
  • Sage with oily compounds affects improving memory processes.
  • Bitter chocolate - restores strength, helps to run all the brain.

Logical tasks and games, developing memory and attention

Permanent simple workouts are necessary for good memory. For photographic memory development, simple exercises exist:

  1. Measuring poems or prose - the best power of the brain and memory. It is not necessary to learn a mindlessly, but with reasoning over the meaning of the work or verse.
  2. Search for communication objects, with those processes that have long been familiar. For example, the famous belonging "every-hunter-wishes, know-somewhere-sits-phase." That is, invent the association for a certain subject and case.
  3. You can focus on a specific subject. Close your eyes and present it in all, even the smallest details.
  4. Put several items on the table, see them within 10 seconds, turn away and describe them in detail.
  5. Perfectly trains brain activities to solve crosswords, and logical tasks.

Special memory strengthening exercises

You can strengthen my memory not only to the scholars of school items that begin to forget to be forgotten. There are other simple exercises to save memory:

  • Mind account from 1 to 100 and vice versa. It seems to be nothing complicated, but in combination with other exercises the result is awesome.
  • Memory of phone numbers, numbers on the number of machines, multiplication table are simple and efficient brain simulators.
  • Names of words beginning to the next letter of the alphabet: orange, tower, wave, etc. to the last letter. Many are difficult when performing this training. A good results will be a delay over the word no more than 15 seconds.
  • Call male and female names for each letter alphabet alphabet.
  • A huge dance for training the memory of the face to memorize colors in a foreign language. For example, first in English, then in German. For some it seems impossible, but if not lazy, just remember - everything will turn out.
  • To activate the brain cells, you can walk around the house with closed eyes, performing usual actions (take a shower, dress, lace up shoes)

One of the main criteria of good memory work is a continuous sufficient night sleep. Brain, like the body needs rest. No wonder, many noted that the "fresh" head is working and it is thought easier.


  • IN 1 - acts as an assistant memorization and cognitive processes. It is contained in peas, oatmeal, meat, buckwheat and nuts.
  • AT 2 - fills the body with energy. It is contained in yeast, cabbage, tomatoes.
  • IN 3 - controls energy in nerve cells. Its reserves will replenish eggs, chicken meat, fish, buckwheat.
  • AT 5 - It is an active stimulant memory. It is contained in dairy products, calamities, liver of animals and birds.
  • AT 6 - Enhances intelligence and mental abilities. Prevails in bananas, potatoes, nuts, cabbage.
  • AT 9 (Folic acid) - responsible for the speed of thinking and remembrance. Contained in pumpkin, meat, milk.
  • AT 12 - Activator cells at any time of the day. It can be found in fish, beef, in poultry meat.
  • E. - Substance for preventing memory deterioration and attention. Sources of content of vitamin in large quantities: greens, seeds, nuts, liver.
  • FROM - famous antioxidant. You can get it from citrus, berries, tomatoes.
  • P, K, D Participate in the development of attention and full-fledged work of cerebral cells. Contained in zucchini, green tea, broccoli cabbage, nuts.

Music for concentrating attention and improvement

Studies of psychologists and doctors of the whole world have proven that certain types of musical works are able to improve memory, relieve stress, help in learning. The classical music in the style of Baroque has such influences on a person. Slow rhythm of music gives a feeling of extended space and time.

When listening to classical music in the body, processes occur:

  • blood pressure stabilization
  • normalization of heart rhythm
  • reduced stress factor in blood
  • immune system processes increase
  • both brain hemispheres work in unison, which gives the brain activity focus
  • there are signs of insomnia and migraine

Not in vain, classical music can be heard in the cabinets of dentists and masseurs, rodsals and even in stores. Examples of such works can serve: Vivaldi "four time of the year", Bach "Melody for the Salt string" and others.

Preparations help better memorize information

Before you start receiving medicines, it is necessary to find out the cause of the state to improve memory. To do this, it is better to consult with a specialist.

The best preparations are considered:

  • . Released in the form of absorbing tablets. It is used in stress and for mental performance.
  • Nootropyl. Tablets are prescribed in disruption. But you can also take healthy people to increase brain abilities.
  • Bilobil (Bilobil Forte). Capsules are prescribed by reducing intelligent abilities.
  • Intel. Released in the form of syrup and tablets. Shown with severe stress and nervous voltage. Designed for children and adults.
  • PiRseta. Accelerate to speed up the learning process.
  • Fesame. Capsules helping to cope with mood and thinking disorders.
  • Phenotropyl. Promotes efficiency and increase IQ.
  • . Often discharged with children with problems of speech and mental disadvantages.
  • Cerebricsin. Improves metabolic processes in the brain.

Many medications are effective and are available in pharmacies in a free sale, only some potent people are released on the TSISPTU.

Folk remedies

Not only exercise and drugs are capable of supporting memory. Herbal fees in this process are no less important.

Pine kidneys have the ability to support memory. Collect them in spring or early summer. At this time, the content in them the necessary components is maximally. Take a few pieces each time before meals.

The mixture of garlic, lemon and honey well stimulates the work of the brain of the elderly. Insist a liter of honey, the juice of 10 lemons and Cashitz 10 garlic heads. A week later you can take. Dosage: 2 tablespoons once a day for one and a half or two months.

The root of Aira is brewed in boiling water, improves brain activity. Dosage: 1 tsp. Aira powder insisted in glass of boiling water, 100 ml is accepted before meals. The bitter taste of Aira can be softened by adding mint to it, rosehip and honey.

How can I improve your memory after 50 years?

How to improve memory when age is approaching the elderly? According to statistics after 65 years, memory is reduced by half of the population. The cause of everything is the death of nerve cells and a decrease in the mass of the brain. But mental activity affecting the brain blood supply can stop this process, and moreover, increase the mass of cerebral cells.

  • Food. Low-calorie diet is able to improve the memory of an elderly by 20%, and sugar rejuvenates memory. Admission to the body of glucose in sufficient quantities, contributes to the brain to hold the information.
  • Medicines. For better absorption glucose, it is recommended to take nootropics that, except for the brain cells with oxygen.
  • Physical exercises. Daily walks, walking promotes blood saturation with oxygen. Oxygen, falling into the brain, as it were, "refreshes memory", reduces the risk of strokes. In addition, the active lifestyle slows down the process of aging of all human body cells, including brain.
  • Painting. Do not necessarily have artistic skills. You can simply transfer the stored picture to the paper, without paying attention to the beauty of the image. The main thing to transfer as many details as possible.

Without good memory and logical thinking in the modern world, it is not easy to survive. Information technologies are developing very quickly. Children from early age are loaded with new-fashioned gadgets, interactive toys. But adults, as they speak in the people, "concerned". But engaging with the grandchildren, linked to their trimmed toys, you can develop a brain better without resorting to exercises. But, books, you still need to read.

10 tips How to improve memory in old age

An old age is often accompanied by a worsening memory. This is due to the total age reducing brain activity, reducing the excitability of nerve cells, disruption between neurons. Unfortunately, aging, the process is irreversible, but to preserve the clarity of the mind to the most advanced years, most of them in our power. Let's talk about how to improve memory in old age.

General rules

Healthy surrounding conditions. Everything is simple - for good memory, healthy functioning of the brain is needed, and for this in turn, it is necessary to maintain healthy surrounding working conditions and rest every day. Namely:

work not on the verge of physical or mental overvoltage;

rest every day, every week, every year;

for a day to walk in air.

Regular physical exertion. For good work of the brain, you need to have a good blood circulation, for which it is important to do physical exercise regularly, keep your body muscles in a tone. During the fulfillment of physical exercises, blood circulation will improve, which means that the brain will receive more nutrients. It is also useful to walk on foot. Anaerobic exercises are useful, they include running and strength training. Taking into account age, it is best to deal with the coach's supervision, it will help to draw up a training program based on your health, age, experience and experienced diseases.

Proper nutrition. For good brain work, you need to eat right. So scientists found that fatty acids of Omega-3 should be present in the everyday diet of an elderly person (there are many in fish). Positive effect on the brain also has inherny juice. It is this berry that is most saturated with antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the body, and slow down the degradation process. Glucose is important. Doctors are often prescribed to elderly patients with high glucose content. This component is necessary for the normal functioning of memory, but with age it becomes more difficult to assimilate it from food, so it is better to take tablets. Nootropics also help improve blood circulation in the brain. But remember that any medicinal drugs should only be prescribed.

Tips How to improve memory in old age

In addition to exercise and special nutrition, what else can you take to improve memory in old age?

It is important to load memory. Learning a foreign language, solving problems of logic, solving crosswords - everything that causes "brains to work," that is, remember, remember, think. Any activity where the head has to handle a large amount of information will benefit for your memory.

During work every hour you need to make small breaks. You can get up, walk around the room, make several exercises. So the brain will switch from one type of activity to another, and it will benefit from its functioning.

It is worth trying to avoid stress and experiences, as they lead to the loss of nerve cells, which is why there is a decrease in attention and the deterioration in memory. Chronic lack of sleep for the body can be attributed to the stress. For a full-fledged leisure of the brain, it is very important to get enough sleep every day.

Organizer will help help elder forgetfulness. Now there are a large selection of notebooks of different size and color. Anyone will find something to taste. It allows you to record all the important dates and plan affairs. It also allows you to "unload the head".

It employs the memory reading well, because during reading it works not only visual memory, but also the motor, the logical, associative, abstract thinking is developing. But to improve the memory it is important not easy to read, you need to do it right, with the retelling of what they read, since most of all we train the memory at a time when I remember read! Useful, while reading, note the details of the characters of the main characters, their habits and the like. After reading the book, remember all the plot lines. Such a memory training will benefit.

The peculiarity of all ingenious people is attentiveness to the details, they can immediately see a lot of small details with a new person and remember them. Brilliant people, these are people with a well-working head, it is undoubtedly. Therefore, to improve memory in old age, you can use this technique of gifted minds and try to learn to be more attentive. To do this, try to look at any item you chosen very carefully, and noting the details of his type, then try to reproduce them in your memory. We offer such a useful habit.

There is a useful exercise to improve memory at any age - memorizing poems by heart. Choose any poet interesting to you and start by heart to learn all his creativity. And then at any time remember.

It has long been known that music classes have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain. In the elderly you can sing, or in the choir, or start learning the game on a musical instrument, or all this together at the same time. During rehearsals, memorizing texts, notes, the development of the new, the brain will be loaded, which will have a positive effect on the memory status.

Do not forget about psychology. Positive settings help cope with any business. Older people most of all are subject to depression, and it also leads to the deterioration of memory. Such installations as: "I am too old for learning new things", "I after 30 years (40, 50, etc.) is no longer guessing" and the like, not only lead to the undermining self-esteem, but also Indirectly lead to a deterioration in memory. Therefore, it is important to adjust yourself correctly. Believe in the fact that in old age, life does not end, but only begins - the children grew up, the work ended, there is a pension, you can live in your pleasure!

At any age, it will be useful to master the techniques (mnemonics) - science of simplifying memorization by the formation of associations, replacing the memorable objects and facts on familiar concepts and submission.

How to master the receptions of mnemonics, look in the transfer of a video magazine says the expert "How to improve memory?"
