Traveling is always pleasant, but not everyone likes paying for expensive hotels or staying only within the city. RVs have become a great solution for long-distance travel, but motorhomes and caravans of this type require a lot of additional costs. They need to be registered separately, take out insurance and receive a new category of rights.

All this can be avoided by pickup truck owners. For such cars, compact living modules are provided that turn cars into so-called truck-campers. They are installed on the base of the machine. The structure itself protrudes above the driver's cab, thanks to which the driver and passengers get a full-fledged resting place.

Design features

As a rule, residential modules are equipped with everything necessary. There is also a full-fledged bed, a table for 2-4 people, a small kitchen compartment. The more expensive models even have a shower and toilet. Additionally, the living quarters are equipped with heating systems, plumbing, electrical equipment, air conditioners, refrigerators, lockers and various niches for storing things.

Helpful! Thanks to this configuration, a pickup truck can turn into a mobile home, which is convenient to use when traveling, expeditions, fishing, etc.

Modules are usually made of lightweight composite materials (strong plastic, fiberglass or other modified compounds). As a rule, the modules are universal and can be installed on any pickup model. But, there are companies that make living compartments only for specific cars. Also modules can have different shape and differ in size.

Varieties of residential modules

The design can be one-piece (such modules are called monococks) or sliding (allows you to significantly increase the space during parking).

There are also models with a rear overhang. Thanks to this modification, it is possible to increase the internal space of the living compartment, its length can reach 6 meters, and its weight from 300 to 1900 kg. In this case, the entrance is usually located on the side, and inside there is a shower and toilet. If you rely on the requirements for a hotel room, you can compare such a module with a "Lux" room. The maximum number of berths is 8.

Helpful! There are truck-campers with retractable bay windows. Their weight reaches 3.7 tons. But, such models are produced only in the USA for large American cars.

If we talk about the disadvantages of such models, then they are certainly much more expensive. In addition, the total weight of the car increases significantly, and with it the fuel consumption (although large pickups already "eat" a lot of fuel). Also, such modules reduce the maneuverability of the car, it will not be possible to drive everywhere.

Modules, which practically do not go beyond the car, cannot be longer than 3.9 meters. They have less usable space. In addition, such dimensions do not allow installing a bathroom. In such models, the number of berths can be up to 4. The entrance is located at the back.

Such models are cheaper than counterparts with overhangs. They are more ergonomic and more maneuverable in sloping terrain.

The cost of a residential module depends on the manufacturer, type and level of comfort due to additional equipment.

Most popular models

Economy class modules cost in the range of 500,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. Larger and more equipped compartments will cost about 3.5 million.

Helpful! Of course, you can make the simplest module with your own hands, but in this case it is important to take into account the characteristics of the car and create a reliable design.

If we talk about manufacturers, most of the campers come from China, but there are also European and domestic companies that offer decent products.


This camper is manufactured by the Russian company Kairos. It is a compact model with no overhangs but good aerodynamics. The module weighs only 250 kg with all equipment, so it will fit almost any pickup truck. The height of the machine together with the living unit is approximately 3.5 meters. Due to the fact that the center of gravity of the module is shifted to the lower part, this increases the cross-country ability of the car.

The module is equipped with two windows and a door. The body is made of polymeric materials with a protective coating. Inside, the elements are mainly made of fiberglass. The table can accommodate 4 people, sleeping places - 2. Additionally, the module can be equipped with solar panels, batteries, shower. In the basic configuration, a camper costs 500,000 rubles.

Helix 1500

This is one of the most convenient models, since every centimeter of space is well organized in it. Outside there are boxes for storing water, fuel and much more. There is also a box with generators and gas cylinders... This is a transformer module. Its top lid lifts up and increases space.

The module weighs 495 kg, when folded, its height is 164 cm, and when the upper part is disassembled - 2.58 m. Sleeping places in module 2. There is such a unit 650,000 in the basic configuration. If necessary, the buyer can order additional roof rails, ventilation unit, solar panels, sockets, heaters, refrigerator, etc.


The cost of this Ukrainian-made camper is about 740,000 rubles. The buyer can choose the most convenient layout for himself. The module has 4 sleeping places, a washstand, a kitchen block, burners. Additional equipment can also be ordered. The fiberglass body is quite thick (from 3 to 7 mm), if desired, it can be insulated. In the bottom of the module, plywood up to 15 mm thick is installed, thereby reinforcing the entire camper body.

Module weight is only 300 kg. It can be easily removed and installed.

Almost all models have many advantages, especially if they are equipped with additional equipment.

Benefits of residential modules

Campers have a lot of advantages. First of all, they do not need to be registered with the MREO. In addition, such modules:

  • Completely autonomous. In fact, they are full-fledged living quarters that can accommodate an entire family.
  • Allows you to travel to the most hard-to-reach places.
  • Compact. Almost all models are removable. This means that you can remove the structure and leave it in the forest or on the coast and go by car for groceries or sightseeing.

  • Allows you to develop sufficient speed when driving on the highway. Trailer houses cannot boast of that.
  • Equipped with everything you need. You can live in such a module for quite a long time. At the same time, travelers can fully work, watch TV and use the Internet.
  • Easy to assemble. On average, one person takes about 20 minutes to install the module.

Accommodation units are often used for long expeditions. it perfect solution for hunters, fishermen and those who simply love nature and do not want to stick to standard tourist routes while traveling.

And now, in detail and constructively, discarding the emotional component.

The undoubted plus of the module is, of course, mobility. I turned off the road, or drove up to the truck parking lot, turned off the engine, raised the roof and that's it - the Nochlezhka is ready for the night. Lock yourself inside and do what you want - this is a really small house. This is how the module looked inside during a month-long trip to Georgia, everything was done in haste and in rough form. There are kitchen utensils in a transparent box with an orange lid; in the near future, there will be an extension of the sofa, which will become L-shaped. There will be another locker under the attached sofa.

The main locker for things is located to the left of the entrance. Before the trip to Georgia, they managed to finish it and sew a mattress on it, which gave the module at least a little comfort. The wall of the module to the left of the sofa will also be covered with this fabric, and pockets for small things will be sewn on it. There should be a lot of pockets and compartments for storing a traveling shmurdyak so that everything is stored in its place. This is especially true on a long route.

Opposite the locker is a table top. I don't even know what to say here - Convenient. I decided to give up the sink and the built-in gas burner. There are several reasons for this. First, it's a pity to make room for the tank under dirty water and a large gas cylinder. Secondly, I see no reason to turn back the pipeline, which will work only in the warm season. In the summer it is easier for me to rinse the dishes outside. And cooking, in those moments when there is no rain, is more pleasant at the stake.

At the moment there is a storage under the countertop, where chairs, a shower, a shower stall, an awning, shoes, a minimal set of tools and a zip, toys and gas are piled up in a heap ... drawers and shelves for storage. It is possible that a battery will also be placed there, which will be charged from a solar battery. Now the car only has an inverter. Lighting in a module of diode flashlights - one of them, in the photo below, is magnetized to a gas stove.

Sleeping area. I have already written many times about the sizes, but I continue to receive questions - "Is it comfortable to sleep in three?" The size of the berth is 200 by 180 centimeters - a full bed. The only discomfort was the realization that it was painful to fall out of bed, and the petty one constantly crawled to the edge at night - I had to constantly be on the lookout. We need to modify some kind of limiter.

p.s. the hatch is an excellent purchase. You can watch the stars, or you can spy on the outside world through a raised hatch without going outside.

In those moments when the bed is laid out on top, about a meter of working space remains at the bottom of the module. To the right on the sofa is a Tatonka tourist first aid kit. Without her, nowhere, especially with a child. A very handy thing, you can carry it in a car, go on a hike - you can hang it on your belt.

Another illustrative photo, for the availability of space in the module with the extended upper bed.

The dressing room. I wrote about the tent. I wrote about canisters and showers.

Thermal insulation. Everything worked out great with thermal insulation. On cold days, it was really warm and comfortable in the module, the wind did not blow at all. In the heat, our maximum was +35, it is relatively comfortable to rest and hide from the heat - thanks to good ventilation, namely - windows, a hatch, and large windows made of mosquito netting on the awning.

Moisture.Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of the module to this day is moisture, and the fight against it getting inside. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the module itself, I don't know where, is leaking. There are no puddles inside, everything is dry and beautiful. But if you disassemble the floor, there are always traces of moisture under the module frame. There are not many of them, but my mind is not ready to put up with it. Maybe this is how condensation accumulates? I'm already confused. Secondly, the roof, or rather the junction of the roof and the awning, is deliberately not made correctly, it must be redone. Or take out the gas stops outside. Gas stops on the street side is this normal? Modification of the roof entails alteration of the awning, which also leaks during heavy rain. During heavy showers, an awning had to be stretched over the module. If the rainstorm charged at night, it was especially annoying.

In general, the joint between the roof and the module is the biggest problem today that needs to be corrected.

On the sides of the awning there are two mesh windows, which are closed with curtains. The outer curtain is lowered if it is raining outside.

The inner stem is lowered for warmth, if coolness blew from the mountains at night. Blinds with zippers, fixed with Velcro.

Driving characteristics, off-road, track -that's okay. Off-road, the car behaves almost the same as without the module. On the track, thanks to the loaded ass it goes very soft and smooth. The weight of the module during a trip to Georgia, with all our marching shmurdyak, was about 300 kg.

On the track, the comfortable speed is 100 km / h. Consumption approximately 10 l / 100 km. Under the pedal there is a comfortable headroom for overtaking up to 120-130 km.

If you have any questions - ask, I will answer.

I somehow wondered why cool branded motorhomes do not generate such interest as homemade, sometimes unsightly campervors? Self-made living quarters for pickups, inserts for trailers, converted "gazelles" and "loaves" are more interesting than expensive campervans and caravans of famous manufacturers for many, many millions of money. Made in a garage, literally on their knees, by enthusiasts without special education and skills, people who were driven only by a dream. Self-taught, full of romanticism of roads and distant wanderings, literally from scrap materials realize inexpensive mobile homes. The answer lies on the surface. It's just that few people in our country can imagine themselves as the owner of a huge motorhome, created for ideal roads and civilized camping. And seeing what a person did himself in the garage of a camper, he easily associates himself with him and asks the question "why shouldn't I do the same?"

At one time, I was prompted by similar articles to build my own living module for a pickup truck.

Last time I ended up describing how to make it simple for my living unit in a pickup truck.

And then my torment began. The pain of creativity was mainly associated with the roof. The roof had to be flat at first. But the large area of \u200b\u200b2800 * 1550mm did not want to be strong and sagged under its own weight. It was decided to strengthen it a little, but not to the detriment of its weight with the help of stiffeners.

This gave some results. But that was only the beginning of my torment. Initially, the roof had to rise from two sides. And for this one of the lifting mechanismsconsisting of aluminum profiles.

When it was installed, I realized that the circuit is completely unviable. The roof was shaking. Even light breeze could have easily broken my structure. But it should have solar panels, a trunk, etc.

I had to come up with other lifts. The next option was made of plywood. Everything worked out. But only at first glance. The weight of the reinforced roof and the weight of the plywood lifts became simply unacceptable. I, an adult man, could hardly lift this structure. And for all that, the strength was not the same ...

And it was decided to completely redo everything. The roof has become 20 cm higher. It has its own frame. And most importantly, it began to rise only from one side. To simplify lifting, I installed two Zhiguli gas lifts.
In the rear third of the roof, I left room for a small trunk. There I planned to put a black plastic water tank. Heated in the sun, it could be used for a shower. But this was all in the plans. In the meantime, there was still a lot of work to do.

I screwed on two latches to fix the roof in the closed position.

Finally, now everything fell into place. Height in sleeping place was from 40 cm to 90 cm. In the kitchen area, the height was 190 cm. The strength of the roof made it possible to withstand strong wind... The gas lifts supported the additional weight on the roof. This was the end of the roof.

In the next part, I will tell you about which awning I chose, about ventilation and windows.

A mysterious individual in the feline family is the cheetah. He is a copy of his fellows, but does not climb trees and is not able to retract claws. Therefore, scientists found it difficult to classify it as one type or another. This is the case with the Pick up RV. Car enthusiasts still don't know whether to call it a caravan or a motorhome. What is a living module for a pickup truck, what models is it currently presented in Russia?


The division of the module into two categories is typical of the residential equipment of the pickup:


Named a motorhome after the literal translation of the American expression pick up, which stands for how to pick up or lift. It has a design that easily fits onto the base of a truck or pickup. Easy to assemble and dismantle. RV type. It does not apply to a motorhome or a caravan, as it is represented by both options. Europeans regard it as a lift caravan, not a motorhome. In more detail, the types of mobile homes, as well as their differences are considered in

A popular type of pick up motorhome abroad is a pickup with a living compartment. Such a module is cheap and compact when compared to a heavy-duty one. This type of motorhome was born thanks to lovers of pickup cars. Installed on the car in twenty minutes with his own hand. Even one person can handle it. The design is equipped with a current generator: gas or liquid, battery, heater, air conditioner. The purpose is associated with a comfortable stay outside the city.

And the traveler's goals are different:

  • Hunting.
  • Fishing.
  • Rest at nature.
  • Caravanning.
  • Travels.
  • Scientific expeditions.

Advantages of the pickup module

In addition to being unusual and practical, the design is endowed with advantages:

Module device

Composite fabrication of residential modules for a pickup truck involves versatile materials. Fiberglass is preferred. The use of modified plastic and extra strong plastic is used in the design of prototypes or to order. The one-piece construction combines compactness with aerodynamics. Equipped with berths for four or eight people. They have a toilet on board. Equipped with a kitchenette that provides a decent level of comfort for travelers.

Modules are mounted on all brands of pickups. Although some samples are for specific machines. The prices of a residential module depend on its type. Staffing and interior decoration also affect the final cost. Economy class models sell for between $ 12,000 and $ 15,000. The price for a luxury camper is usually in excess of $ 50,000.

Residential module manufacturers and models

Each company is engaged in the manufacture of campers for several pickups of different brands:

  • Mazda.
  • Mitsubishi.
  • Nissan.
  • Ford.
  • Toyota.
  • Opel.
  • Chevrolet.

In addition, their assortment includes samples for a specific car like the Mazda XL-cab or Nissan Navara. The most famous pickup camper companies are Tischer with Nordstar from Germany. Other popular brands are Bimobil, PALOMINO, Ormocar.

Out of several dozen residential module manufacturing organizations, Palomino stands out with Lance Camper.

But most of the Russian market has been taken over by Chinese firms. And if we talk about native production, then it began to grow as the popularity of caravanning in Russia gained. These samples are cheaper, therefore they are more popular today.

Therefore, it makes sense to consider several models of different companies:

  • Gwocamper from Kairos LLC:
    • Curb weight with equipment - 0.25 tons.
    • Without it - 0.16 tons.
    • External dimensions (LxWxH) - 3.38x1.88x0.18 m.
    • Overhang - no.
    • Equipment height - 3,500 mm.
    • The center of gravity is below.
    • The color scheme is gray.
    • Coating - polymer protection.
    • The door is a hinged structure of two leaves, equipped with a lock.
    • Windows - 2 pieces 30x70 cm.
    • The material of the interior decoration is fiberglass, carpet.
    • The price is 500 thousand rubles.

Suitable for almost foreign and Russian cars. Equipped with a universal kit:

  • A table that transforms into a sleeping place.
  • Two LED light sources.
  • Kitchenette. It features a compact built-in module.
  • Four seats.
  • Two places to stay.

Additional equipment:

  • Heater.
  • Solar battery.
  • Restroom.
  • Shower cubicle.
  • Batteries.
  • Electrical equipment.
  • Capacity for water.
  • Locker.
  • Several niches and shelves.

Equipment parameters:

  • WC.
  • Air conditioning.
  • Remote controlled electric jacks.
  • Refrigerating chamber on a gas power source.
  • Gas stove with three burners.
  • Gas boiler. He is responsible for the heater and hot water supply.
  • Sleeping place by type of bed 1.6x2 m. Accommodates two adults and one child.

A roof that easily rises or falls, increasing interior space and ergonomics while riding. Module models are equipped with tinted windows, vinyl curtains that protect the room from the bright sun and provide comfort. The design provides for an additional water tank with a volume of 0.1 cubic meters. An authorized dealer in the United States of America delivers a $ 16,000 warranty camper. In the Russian Federation, a used model costs about 900 thousand rubles, and a new one up to 1,500,000 rubles.

Criterias of choice

Before buying a camper for a pickup, it is important to evaluate several parameters:

  • Design compatibility with vehicle make and model.
  • Living compartment type.
  • Staffing level.
  • Interior decoration.
  • The layout of the premises.
  • Availability of sanitary, shower, kitchen areas.
  • Number of sleeping places.
  • Installation dimensions.
  • Curb weight, or weight.
  • Manufacturer.
  • Cost.

Traveling in a motor home fully unlocks the possibilities of visiting the excellent hiking trails, inaccessible to buses, and staying there as long as you like. As for the price of camper vans for pickups, it directly depends on the model.
