This is not to say that in the finale of this fall, the Virgins will become much happier or, on the contrary, unhappy than in the past. Major, turning events in November 2017 will not happen in your life, which, in fact, is not surprising, because few of the leading planets at this time interval will even remember the existence of representatives of your sign. To be more precise, both "guardians" and antagonists will be presented for you "piecewise", in a single quantity.

So, to support you, dear Virgos, all November will be the traditional leader of your sign. We are talking about calculating and cold-blooded Mercury, which unilaterally decides whether this or that inhabitant of our planet deserves to gain material success. Looking at you, Mercury will decide that you generally deserve some financial growth. Your patron will take care to open up space for new victories for you, but it is not yet known whether you will win these victories ... The point is that the chronic stress that overcame you in November 2017 is unlikely to become the basis for your new achievements (perhaps , on this segment you will completely abandon any kind of activity, including increasing your capital).

It's time to find out who will darken your life path at the end of this fall. The only antagonist for you at this stage will be Neptune, and, we must pay tribute, he still manages to exert enough on your usual way negative influence... What kind of trouble should you expect from this wayward planet? First and foremost, Neptune will do everything so that stress and unreasonable depression take possession of all facets of your nature. Yes, yes, you will panic because of minor difficulties and failures because of the "harmful" Neptune! The worst thing is that among the planets there will not be a single one ready to support you, and therefore, failing to get rid of depression on your own, you risk remaining in a depressed mood for long periods ...

(November 2017)


November 2017 will be an informative and calm month for you. You will not only be able to prove yourself and allow yourself a long-awaited trip, but you will also be able to please yourself with a nice gift, purchase or a new book, in which you can find answers to many questions.

In November, you will have a lot of free time for yourself. You can not only fulfill your needs, buy what you have dreamed of for so long, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. Romanticism will wake up in many Virgos, and they decide to devote their free time to creativity or start a new romance.

Despite all the obstacles, you can find out exactly what interests you and get to the bottom of the truth. The joy will be great because you will be able to understand difficult situation and find the right solution that both you like and for others will be very acceptable.

In the second half of November, communication with friends and expanding the range of interests will come to the fore. You will communicate more often with like-minded people or you will be able to translate your hobby into a source of income and enjoyable entertainment. And at work, relationships with coworkers can bring you a pleasant surprise. It promises to be unexpected and bring you a lot of joy.

Virgo Woman November 2017 Horoscope

The last month of autumn will help you find a difficult solution in personal life, which will allow you to place all the points. If earlier you lacked some facts, courage and determination to accept it, now you can find the right words and precisely plan your own actions.

To keep luck on your side, try to be active in business and do not forget about meetings with friends and hobbies. Then your actions will be right, correct and decisive and will help you succeed. Virgo women will have to take an interest in books and reading. You will not only learn a lot of new and interesting things, but you will also be able to make your life brighter and more attractive. Knowledge will not prevent you from looking at your difficult situation on the personal front from the other side, and you can accept in this case correct solution.

Plus, your charm will allow you to awaken the feelings of fans who truly love you. Several pleasant meetings with old friends, classmates, memories of the past will make your life more joyful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan things exactly, because for various reasons your plans will be disrupted. But perhaps in some situations it will be for the best.

Virgo Man: Horoscope for November 2017

In November, representatives of the sign will be able to devote more time and attention to themselves. If a lot of things and ideas did not leave time for communication, conversations, then now you will have more freedom and you can begin to implement various plans and ideas. Rest more to keep luck on your side.

You may need to take part in some household chores. In doing housework, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things and will be able to perfectly navigate difficult circumstances, even despite an unpleasant discovery.

Some representatives of the sign may face the betrayal of a loved one. To calculate your actions in such a situation, try to include logic and understand the behavior of the person you trust. It is possible that he himself did not understand what he had done, or circumstances forced him to act ugly.

At the end of November, your relationship with your loved one will improve, although you will not immediately forgive him. Perhaps, thanks to the troubles, you will see both your own mistakes and behavior from the outside. Be careful and careful in communication, but try not to show mistrust and then you will learn a lot.

Virgo November 2017 Love Horoscope

This month, the representatives of the sign will not have time for romance, even if some of them are in love relationships. A loved one may show coldness or meetings with him will break down for unknown reasons, which will not always be associated with an unwillingness to communicate with you. Be patient and take your time to make a final decision.

Perhaps the reason for all your troubles is due to the fact that you yourself are hiding something that others have long known about. Only a sincere and frank conversation will help to save the relationship.

Free representatives of the sign will not immediately start an affair. Despite the fact that many sympathies will flare up with renewed vigor, you are unlikely to want to remember the past. Do not rush to seek your happiness: perhaps now you need time and loneliness to understand what kind of person you really need, and then you will definitely draw up a plan of your actions and will make more sober requirements for the choice of your chosen one.

Stars in November promise Family Virgos a nice gift. Even the most conflicted relationships will become warmer and more predictable if you are patient and try to understand the problems of others. Then luck will be on your side, and you can correctly calculate your actions. Give the children more attention, and they will gladly tell you many secrets and little secrets.

Financial (money) horoscope for Virgo November 2017

In November, you won't have any financial problems. Money will go into your hands in an even stream and not go to various expenses and unforeseen circumstances. You can not only afford pleasure, but also something to put off for a rainy day. Do not deny yourself small weaknesses - this time, even trivial spending will be justified and reasonable, without causing a significant blow to your wallet.

Shopping for furs, gold, jewelry and valuable items will be successful, which can be good investments in the future. Try not to skimp on gifts for important people and those who are dear to you - this will contribute to your career and will help out more than once in a difficult situation.

You should not apply to microfinance organizations, take loans and go into debt, since you will not be able to pay the required amount on time. It is also better to postpone transactions with apartments, real estate, mortgages for a more favorable period.

Virgo November 2017 work and business horoscope

November will be a difficult month for representatives of the sign, who hold a responsible position or are in a leadership position. You can, unwittingly, get confused in some kind of intrigue, since someone claims to be your post or place and wants to get you fired.
Try to figure out the enemy so as not to fall into his trap, otherwise the consequences promise to be sad.

November will be a neutral month for the sign's creatives and self-employed people, unless you show your own accomplishments too explicitly. Otherwise, envious people can hurt you.

You will have a calm relationship with your boss and important people if you show prudence and can understand the motives of aggression and the hidden sides of the coin. Otherwise, communication complications, troubles and conflicts are not excluded, especially if you are active and interfere in other people's affairs.

Your communication with colleagues can be aggravated only for one reason - if you gossip. Try to say as little bad about others as possible, otherwise they will different ways harm you. Goodwill will be your helper in any difficult situation if you add a little patience and calmness to it.

Virgo Health Horoscope November 2017

This month, representatives of the sign will feel on the wave. Being energized will allow you to do many things at once, without feeling tired and uncomfortable. However, the risk of overestimating one's strength increases. Try not to get carried away with fasting and excessive physical activity, otherwise you risk not only getting injured, but also ending up in a hospital bed.

So that your health does not fail, watch the heat exchange. Try to dress so as not to freeze, but do not wrap yourself up. Spices, herbs, aromatic teas with additives that will not only cheer you up in cloudy weather, but also warm you will become your assistants in the fight for health.

Alcohol should not be abused, as you can lose attention and make many mistakes, especially in precise work. And you shouldn't get behind the wheel after a glass of wine or a can of non-alcoholic beer either, as you may lose control.

It is best to pay attention to proper nutrition, moderate exercise, dancing and socializing. Positive emotions will boost your immunity and allow you to get a boost of positive energy and good mood. And it will help not only not to get sick in cool weather, even if you don’t dress for it, but also to get rid of some chronic diseases.

After long stressful months, Virgos will feel freedom and, along with it, self-confidence. There was room for maneuver and the ability to do as he pleases.

Work, career. Virgo november 2017

In November 2017, Virgo's plans may include a trip, as well as developing ties with partners from other cities or countries. In another option, a move is possible or there will be plans associated with it. In any case, the landscape of professional life is changing and, of course, for the better. Relations with partners are becoming clearer and better, and long-standing financial claims are forever a thing of the past. Entrepreneurs and bosses will decide to expand the business and can purchase real estate for this purpose. In some cases, this will happen in another city or country. An employee can try his hand at a company with foreign or out-of-town connections. The work will be hectic, but interesting, you don't have to sit still, and frequent travel will become the background of your life.

Money. Virgo november 2017

Virgo's financial positions are stable, money will come in regularly, and their number will increase significantly. For those who are not related to business, parents or a loved one will help. A good profit is also possible from various real estate transactions.

Love, family. Virgo november 2017

In a love relationship, Virgo is a long-awaited world. In one version, you finally said yes to your feeling, and the quarrels of the past months are no longer relevant. In another case, a breakup happened, and this is also not bad at all. You can't always quarrel and make various claims to each other, life is not given for this. Moreover, a new novel is not far off. It may happen this month, and you ask yourself the question: "Is this finally a real feeling?" Most likely, yes - the stars answer you. Many Virgos will think about moving to another city or country and in November 2017 will take their first steps in this direction. Relations with children are getting better and warmer - fateful changes are taking place in the lives of adult children, and this will be reflected in the most favorable way in your life. Many will buy real estate, and most likely this will happen in another city or another country. Relations with relatives will also improve, some of the relatives are flourishing, which is pretty good.

The star arrangement guarantees success to the representatives of the zodiacal house in all their endeavors - the horoscope for November 2019 confirms. Virgo will literally rest in the warm palms of Fortune. This applies to both office workers and workers engaged in hard work with increased physical stress. Jupiter will enhance intellectual potential, and Mars will give strength and endurance.


For this period of the year, you can plan to conclude important contracts, the signing of contracts related to commercial real estate, the month will open up huge opportunities for additional earnings for all Virgos who strive for this.

Being engaged in new promising projects, do not forget to bring the previously started cases to their logical conclusion, otherwise unpleasant overlaps cannot be avoided. In general, to be successful in November 2019, Virgos will need to be collected, punctual and purposeful, and the stars will provide them with the green light in all their endeavors!


In November 2019, the Earth Pig will not tolerate unresolved problems in the family. One way or another, the representatives of the zodiacal house will have to solve all the ripe disagreements or misunderstandings, even if for this it will be necessary to quarrel. And, oddly enough, the result, and even have a benefit for the family: the relationship will get a kind of reboot.

If Virgo has planned a vacation, then it is better to spend it with your family. During this period, the representatives of the sign will need a constant feeling of a "reliable shoulder" nearby, and relatives and friends will be able to provide this.

The Virgo family is disturbed not only emotionally. As from a cornucopia, minor troubles and everyday problems will pour in: breakdown of equipment, complications with the execution of various documents, troubles for children at school or university. Most likely, in November you will spend a lot more money than you planned.

If the relationship in a married couple has exhausted itself and does not bring the same pleasure to both partners, you need to seriously think about whether you need to continue them at all. If this is about your situation, then the stars recommend having a serious conversation openly. Do not play around or try to shift the responsibility onto the shoulders of your partner. That way, you can maintain a good relationship with your ex or ex, and make sure you act wisely soon.

Virgo woman

In November 2019, many beautiful representatives of this sign will put up with extra pounds. Many Virgos have curvaceous forms and attractive breasts, but they constantly complex about their figure. Compliments from a loved one and admiring glances of others will reconcile soul and body - according to the horoscope for November 2019, Virgo woman will feel incredibly charming. It's time to update your wardrobe. Give preference to the classics. A little black dress is every woman's mast have, and Virgos will look especially stylish and flawlessly elegant with it.

Virgo man

With Virgo men in November 2019, communication will be incredibly pleasant. Their affairs are in order, and moral satisfaction with this fact will make Virgo more benevolent and calm. A few good jokes will allow Virgo to attract the attention of the opposite sex and win their sympathy.

At the end of autumn, Virgos can begin to develop in the most unpredictable direction for their loved ones - says the horoscope for November 2019. Virgo man will make loved ones bewildered. Breeding succulents or hobbies are not the strangest of their hobbies. Do not dare to laugh at Virgo: representatives of the zodiacal house will be sincerely offended by your ridicule and will remember them for a long time, so that on occasion they will return the favor a hundredfold.

Virgo child

Jupiter in November 2019 will allow little Virgo to show their intellectual potential in full force. Now is the time to think about adding extra activities to your child to further develop your child's mental abilities. Literary and mathematical circles, theater studios will gladly open their doors to young talents, and parents will more than once boast of the amazing abilities of the child. But try not to praise the baby, being proud, he will rest on the laurels of past successes, not striving to move forward.


Virgos did not have time to stock up on the necessary vitamins and minerals over the summer, and in November 2017 they will have to reap the benefits of their carelessness. Seasonal vitamin deficiency will provoke various pustular diseases, and the appearance of the skin, hair and nails of the representatives of the sign will leave much to be desired. There is only one way out - to make up for lost time - advises the horoscope for November 2019. Virgo, "reprogram" your diet by increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables. Virgos, who among all the representatives of the horoscope are distinguished by the greatest adherence to eating meat and meat products, will find it difficult to do this. But you don't need to give up meat, you just need to rotate its varieties. Instead of pork, give preference to veal, and replace chicken legs with boiled liver.

A busy work schedule will keep many Virgos in constant tension. The representatives of the zodiacal house very hard switch from the "Work" mode to the "Home" mode, and the state of chronic fatigue is growing. Spiritual techniques, meditation, religion will help you to relax, and if Virgo is a skeptic and an atheist, then reading good literature.


Horoscope for November 2019, Virgo must resolve differences in the family, a serious conversation is needed.
The Virgo woman bathes in the compliments of others. It's time to change your wardrobe.
The Virgo man will engage in an unusual occupation for himself.
Horoscope for December 2019 Virgo.

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Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Virgo November is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Horoscope for November 2017:

Virgo woman and man

In November 2017, Virgos will begin to look at life more realistically, stop exaggerating problems and begin to relate to everything that happens much easier. Avoid excessive talkativeness, because in a fit of emotion there is a risk of saying what you should not. In early November, be a little more tolerant and restrained, even if your interlocutor strongly insists on something with which you strongly disagree, just silently, smile and do not try to convince him or her. Your morale is much more valuable than satisfying your own ambitions. Show prudence and discretion in relation to your colleagues and household members in order to maintain warm friendships and not provoke a fit of resentment.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of November for Virgo

The first decade of November 2017 will be quite emotional due to the events taking place during this period. Virgos are waiting for interesting meetings, lucrative offers and unexpected acquaintances that will fill life with freshness, make it versatile and interesting. Try to control your emotions when it comes to trying to sort things out. It doesn't matter with whom, maybe with a loved one, with parents, friends or colleagues, in any case, allow your interlocutor to speak out, and remain calm at the same time. Your poise will prevail and the truth will be on your side, and the person who made some claims will simply calm down and retreat. The end of the period will be more stable emotionally, which will give you the opportunity to focus and take stock of this fall. Some questions may arise that require an urgent solution, if it seems to you that you are not able to cope with the task alone, call for help from everyone you can rely on. It is likely that the thought an outsider will be the best way out of the situation, because it is much more visible from the outside.

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Horoscope for the 2nd decade of November for Virgo

In the second decade of November 2017, Virgos will somewhat underestimate their abilities, which is why they can lose a lot of wonderful opportunities. To use your resources as efficiently as possible, try to set a goal for yourself a little more than the previous one, and so on every time, until you start to believe in yourself. For complete happiness, Virgos do not have enough fortitude, so try not to give up halfway, but go to the bitter end. Several times, overpowering yourself, you will be greatly surprised at how easily certain tasks are given and how sweet the taste of success is, with all their food Virgos will strive to achieve inner harmony and balance. Mid-November is a great time to complete unfinished business, conduct business negotiations and sign agreements and contracts. It is better to do all the paperwork in the second decade of the month, since the influence of Mercury will lead to success in this particular area of \u200b\u200bactivity. The stars advise the representatives of your zodiac sign not to tempt fate and luck, and in case of incompetence in some professional matters, take the advice of a specialist in the area of \u200b\u200binterest. This will protect you from any unforeseen circumstances and will ensure that there are no errors. It's better to pay a professional for good advice than to pay for your own mistakes later. One of the secrets to the success of wealthy people is the ability to connect with the right people and involve them in solving their problems. After all, a specialist is only good in a narrow direction, and not in a versatile specialization. There are no universal professionals who would draw up the project, calculate the salary, and lay the laminate flooring. It is better to stay first in your industry than last in all combined. The second decade of the month can please you with an offer to take a high position or an increase in wages.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of November for Virgo

"Throughout the month, representatives of the Virgo sign will work hard, which will lead to stress on the body, a health horoscope will help prevent serious diseases.

Love, family

According to the horoscope, in November Virgo will be extremely lucky in the love sphere. For lonely representatives of this zodiac sign, acquaintances will turn out to be successful under very strange and, at first glance, confusing circumstances. But the surprises inherent in this period of the year are likely to turn into a pleasant surprise for you. Do not be lazy to take advantage of the presented opportunity to get rid of loneliness. For Virgos who are in constant love relationships, it will now be important to feel that they are desirable and in demand, that they are loved and respected for who they are. Otherwise, the foundation of the relationship may be shaken and some kind of alienation will arise. Communication with relatives is also likely to be difficult. Surely many Virgos will become participants in the conflict over money and property. In turn, the horoscope advises this zodiac sign not to show commercialism and greed, but to reckon with the opinion of loved ones.

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Career, finance

In November 2018, Dev's professional field of activity will be distinguished by dynamism and productivity. You have to complete many important assignments, make business trips and consolidate the results of previous work. Particularly lucky now will be those representatives of this zodiac sign who are busy in the field of creativity. If your work is associated with a certain risk, then you can also count on success, since in November Dev's business acumen and their sense of profit will sharpen. Probably, you will still have the opportunity to gain a foothold in a certain position, and, moreover, very thoroughly and for a long time. With confidence, you can engage in this period of registration of transactions, such as registration of property for yourself. Pay attention to your financial situation. Plan your family budget carefully and try to stick to it so that expenses do not exceed your income. In general, many Virgos will be able to implement their plans and come closer to success. As the horoscope notes, things will go even better further.

Colds, which are now so dangerous, will pass by Virgos, but you should pay close attention to the digestive system. If you do not follow the diet, work and sleep, then your metabolism will be subject to disruptions. Consider this and be more careful with yourself.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Virgo: description of men and women, boys and girls

These people are not vulgar, they do not like to attract attention to themselves by action and appearance... Virgo, the characteristic of the sign is calm, they love silence. Virgos shy away from places with a bad reputation, because they adhere to high moral values. They are vulnerable, neat, clean people, with a well-honed image that radiates charm and kindness.

Virgos have many positive characteristics: flexibility of mind, consistency in actions, honesty, purposefulness, punctuality.

Characteristics of an adult Virgo

These are terrible fanatics of order and cleanliness, this applies to both order in thoughts and in the house, in both cases it is extremely important for them. His absence deprives Virgos of the strength and motivation to create, they cannot take on anything, surrounded by chaos and feel overwhelmed.

Virgo, the characteristic of the zodiac sign is discipline and hard work. It is important for them not only to cope with the task, but to make it perfect, they donate all their strength to this, forgetting about rest. For them, there are no priorities, they strive for excellence even in tiny everyday tasks.

Positive features

Virgo has such a character that she loves to live by rules and regulations. They try to keep the inner and outer world in clarity, so that everything is "put on the shelves." Virgos are more accustomed and more comfortable to live without drastic changes, they like to do everything according to an already established plan for them. People of this sign dig too much in insignificant matters, striving for perfection, taking up a lot of their time and missing out on something more significant.

By temperament, they are melancholic, calm and patient, experiencing complete satisfaction when surrounded by the same balanced people. It is difficult for them to communicate with those who love to lie, sit back, and shout out of place. Virgos do not tolerate vulgar, unrestrained people in their actions. Closed by nature, they are embarrassed to make new acquaintances and get lost, falling into large companies. They prefer to communicate with someone alone in order to fully enjoy the person and show themselves in all their glory.

Any flaw, stupid phrase, misdemeanor like being late,

For Virgo's peace of mind, it is important to be independent materially, emotionally and spiritually.

seen by Virgo will be met with a flurry of criticism. So you might think they are the most picky and boring people in the world. The inability to express their remarks gives them suffering. In their own address, they do not accept criticism, Virgo also lacks self-criticism.

They choose their life's work not out of preferences for the job itself, but based on the opportunity to become successful and rich in this position. Virgos are ready to study before deep old ageapparently, therefore, they retain mental clarity longer than others.

These are fans to wind up and complicate the situation. Outwardly, they rarely show vivid experiences, but this does not mean that they do not experience them. Access to inner peace Virgos are sometimes closed to the next of kin.

They are very consistent and prudent in money matters, they do not need too much, and before making a purchase or lending, they will weigh all the pros and cons. Virgos will never lend to those who are unlikely to return or to those who, in their opinion, are not worthy of it - a lazy person or a street beggar.

Negative traits

  • Although from the Virgo's side they look like angels, there is always excitement inside them - “Am I doing the right thing?”, They expect punishment for past mistakes, which only they themselves attach importance to. Scientifically, this condition is called hypertrophied responsibility. It is she who sometimes prevents them from feeling truly happy.
  • When it comes to finances, Virgos can use cold-blooded calculation to improve their situation;
  • They are often selfish, like to gossip and sarcasm. They do not have a good sense of humor and sometimes misinterpret other people's jokes.
  • They are real pedants in everything that sometimes goes to the extreme. Resentments are remembered for a very long time, they are able to relive the situation within themselves several times;
  • Virgos have a tendency to get involved in alcohol, drugs, gambling.

Virgo personality traits by date of birth

1st type - first decade (August 23 - September 2)

The virgins of the first decade are under the auspices of the Sun, they are harmonious, balanced, love peace and a measured lifestyle. According to the mindset - analysts, in relation to the world - materialists. Cold-blooded in appearance, they are capable of heroic deeds that no one expects from them. Such a Virgo loves everything to be logical and consistent. Those who like to live in an ideal world, who have correctly prioritized their business, become successful and rich.

2nd type - second decade (September 3 - September 11)

Virgos of the second decade were born under the influence of Venus. They are very shy and timid people, capable of loving their chosen one all their life. They often leave an eternal mark on the souls of people who knew them. If they act carefully and deliberately in their youth, then they will have great luck and happiness for life.

Virgos of this type tend to be sharp. They are very sensitive and intelligent, never conceited. These are real hard workers, they experience great joy from fish, they are drawn to new knowledge throughout their lives.

3rd type - third decade (September 12 - September 22)

Virgos of the third decade are under the influence of Mercury, they are timid and savvy, they are slow and pull with marriage. The third type is characterized by irritability and arrogance, it is easy to piss them off. They firmly refuse to exaggerate demands on them. Often they do not have enough internal strength to realize their goals, which is why they miss many chances in life.

These Virgos are very diligent and can go headlong into what they like, but often they, bogged down in their work, lose interest in everything around. They also have a strong sense of duty. On the way to solving problems, Virgo often gets stuck, paying attention and clinging to little things, while losing the very essence. They are talented and eager to touch the mysterious, but their psyche is very unstable.

Virgo woman traits

The Virgo girl is naturally modest and seemingly indecisive, but inside she already has a detailed plan to achieve her goals. She never gives up and is used to doing everything on her own. In the company she is usually quiet and inconspicuous, but in the circle of family and friends energetic and restless.

These girls can be completely different: some are quiet people who do not like noise and running around, are squeamish and hate getting dirty, while others are boys and geeks who will not live a day without new adventures. But the grown up Virgos become feminine, they like to put things in order and comfort in the house, to spend time with their family.

The girl needs to be able to be alone with her thoughts, she needs her own space, where only she will establish all the rules. From an early age, Virgos are very responsible, they help keep the household in order and monitor how others clean up.

They are not dreamers at all, they do not even like to read books with a focus on science fiction. In books, they look only for facts and scientific knowledge. But along with this, they are talented actresses and love music. From the cradle, Virgo learns the world of sounds and reaches out to it, she tries to imitate everything and catch the melody of the world around her, she begins to speak much earlier than her peers.

Virgos are reliable comrades. Of the negative qualities, vanity can be noted, but if you gently and from afar explain her wrongness, she will calmly accept it and try to fix it. In principle, in any request, you should speak calmly and softly.

This is a charming girl, crowds of fans are running after her. And, truth be told, she likes other people's admiration. She will never use young men in love to achieve her goals. And Virgo will begin to build relationships only when she is convinced that this is truly love.

Virgos are attracted by purposeful partners, intellectuals who realize themselves in work, study, and their personal endeavors. These are faithful spouses, but to make her your wife you will have to wait. They are not the kind of girls who "jump out" to get married. They need a total check of their future husband and complete confidence in him, which comes after many years of courtship. Virgos fully realize themselves in marriage, they are wonderful housewives, wives and mothers.

The Virgo child has an eternal thirst for knowledge, they strive to learn as much as possible, sometimes you need to help them in this. During school years, they are often excellent pupils, they like to study, they are ahead of their peers and sometimes even get bored in class.

Business and work

Virgos are punctual and hardworking, they do everything on time. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to work in almost all industries. They have strong views and stand up for them easily. Most Virgos, as an occupation of their whole life, choose something creative, usually in these matters they achieve colossal success.

Topic: Compliance with the description of the zodiac sign Topic: Compatibility of the zodiac signs General forum: "Horoscopes and signs of the Zodiac"

Virgo man traits

Virgo boys are real "little adults", they are judicious beyond their years, calmly react to everything, without exaggerating the significance of the situation. They are strongly attached to the people closest to them. The Virgo boy is not wasteful, but he will not be greedy, he will not offend the weak. He does not like to listen when he is reprimanded and pointed out to his shortcomings, although he himself points out the shortcomings of his peers.

For a long time he can play on his own, he is easily carried away and is focused on the chosen business. Usually Virgos agree to eat what they are offered, they rarely act up at the table. But of course, there are times when the boy suddenly gives up on his favorite meal.

They are very affectionate and gentle to their parents, no matter how busy you are during the day, you need to take time to respond to his sudden hugs, pick up the child, kiss. For them, everyday confirmation of your love is important, just like air.

The Virgo young man is not looking for noisy parties, is not interested in sudden short-term romances. He is already at this age - a reliable man, he truly values \u200b\u200brelationships and starts them consciously. He puts his soul into them, looks after himself, remembers all the dates, strives to have all the best in everyday life. A guy can give his chosen one real happiness.

September 9 zodiac sign Virgo

Zodiac sign Virgo 9th of September it is not easy, as it seems that they are forced to meet pre-inflated requirements. It seems to him that the whole problem is in the injustice and whims of the universe, although in most cases, the reason is the characterization of his difficult nature. He is inclined to choose the most difficult road, and therefore dooms himself to obstacles and all sorts of troubles.

Character traits

There is nothing to doubt that the person 9th of September spends time looking for difficulties. Zodiac sign quickly satiated with sensations and requires a new dose. It is unbearable for him to perform the same monotonous task for several years in a row, even if it brings high income. Many at the subconscious level are looking for impressions where others simply do not see them. Sometimes even the most successful person feels an inner emptiness, which pushes him to dubious activity. This is a born adventurer who cannot sit still.

Perhaps it is this romantic ardor and spark in the eyes that attracts representatives of the opposite sex to him. Moreover, very often the soulmate experiences parental feelings and tries to protect him from the adventures that he is looking for on his head. In fact, he really needs this kind of care, but he still strives for independence and may not accept such a manifestation of love in his address. If he has decided something, then it is absolutely unrealistic to dissuade him. But he is lucky, since his inner instinct and the ability to think several steps ahead save him from a fatal mistake, and he turns off before he reaches the abyss. However, there is one weakness - the habit of exaggerating the strength of the problem and seeking help in the wrong places.

He is quite capable of turning his peaceful existence into a real field with military actions. Surprisingly, this is what becomes his bridge to success. True, you have to constantly control the dark side, because it makes it difficult for him to find contact with others, although people appreciate his reliability.

Notable personalities

Today congratulations to Michelle Williams, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Anna Lutseva, Hugh Grant and Adam Sandler (actors).

What fate will bring

The combination of Mars and Mercury endows the born 9th of September a lively mind, a thirst for risky activities and adventurism. In his expressions, he is too frank, which leads to rejection by society and the attraction of more and more enemies. Zodiac sign loves to observe and notices details thanks to his attentiveness, but sometimes all his findings are presented in the form of snide remarks and nit-picking. He has a natural affinity for entrepreneurship and engineering. His business always runs like clockwork, as he comes up with the most efficient functioning process between employees. In addition, he can find himself in surgery, dentistry and in other professions where accuracy and concentration are important. Whatever you choose will become one of the best specialists... Of course, this will have a positive effect on the level of wages.

  • Lucky numbers: 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27.
  • Compatibility is tuned for 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 that have appeared.
  • He is advised to wear light-colored clothing, but that it contains elements of red, pink and crimson colors.
  • He will find his amulet in ruby, garnet, diamond, bloodstone and red minerals.

zodiac sign virgo november

Zodiac sign Virgo (august 24 - september 23)

Planets: Mercury, Proserpine

Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27

Days of the week: Wednesday, Saturday

Months: late December - early January, late April - early May, summer

Years: 2012, 2019, 2026, 2033, 2040, 2047

Days of the week: Thursday, Friday

Months: late November - early December, late February - early March, month before birthday

Years: 2011, 2015, 2018, 2022, 2025, 2029, 2032, 2036, 2039, 2043, 2046, 2050

Main mascot stones: jade, carnelian, yellow sapphire, marble

Power Objects: Copper Goblet (placed on the desktop or in the house in a conspicuous place), grasshopper, aster

Lucky colors: White, blue, purple, green

Flowers: Aster, mother-and-stepmother, red poppy

Agatha Christie, Alexander Butlerov, Alexander Menshikov, Alexander Radishchev, Arman Richelieu, Antioch Cantemir, Wolfgang Goethe, Grace Deledda, Greta Garbo, Dmitry Shostakovich, Ivan the Terrible, Isaac Levitan, Lev Tolstoy, Mikhail Kutuzov, O'Henry, Sergey Ozhegov, Sergey Botkin, Sophia Loren, Stanislav Lem, Theodore Dreiser, Tommaso Campanella, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Fenimore Cooper.

Virgo's personality is colored by the energies of two planets - Mercury and Proserpine. Mercury affects Virgo differently than Gemini. He gives a calmer and less independent character. We can say that Mercury "slows down" in Virgo by the unhurried giant Proserpina. A common trait with Gemini is brilliant intelligence.

Proserpine, in turn, is a very powerful planet that includes the whirlpool of time. She endows her children with a sense of duty, punctuality, clarity, the ability to analyze, deeply study problems, accumulate and move to a new, higher state. But in order for this transition to take place, you need to work hard, which the Virgins have been doing all their lives. The earthly element makes Virgo practical materialists who are guided by logic and common sense.

Zodiac sign Virgo (08.24 - 09.23)

Virgo zodiac sign - a symbol of purity, but it should not be taken literally; being born at the end of August and September is not in itself a guarantee of virginity. Although the sign gives birth to most bachelors and spinsters, many Virgos eventually find marital happiness.

True, marriage does not occur under the influence of a momentary outburst of fatal passion, because marriage for the Virgo zodiac sign is not the most natural state; and yet it remains only to be amazed at how successfully Virgos cope with their marital duties, being almost always unusually devoted to their family.

Virgo is very easy to recognize among others, first of all, by the fact that he or she is absolutely non-demonstrative, silent, non-verbal and always keeps aloof.

You will hardly meet these sophisticated people at a friendly party, in a bar, or just loitering around, not knowing where to stick yourself. More often than not, they can be seen working late in the library or at home. writing desk... In society, Virgos do not feel very comfortable, the crowd annoys them, they are loners by nature.

When they do have to fulfill their secular duties, they do it with their usual grace, but without much enthusiasm. They always think that parties and cocktails are a waste of time, distracting from important things. Virgos are not one of those who build castles in the air and indulge in empty dreams. During the day they are usually terribly busy and have time to do a lot of things, so in the evening they simply do not have the strength for all sorts of nonsense.

Virgos are very sincere in all their manifestations; you can, no doubt, always rely on them. Although in cases where they do not want to go somewhere or do something, they can say sick. Here the artistic abilities dormant in Virgo are manifested.

Virgos are picky and demanding in food, clothing, work, love, friends. They always look so clean that they almost shine. This is because they are much more likely to take a bath or shower. Virgos carefully monitor their health and hate laziness.

One should not strictly judge the tendency of the Virgo zodiac sign to criticize, because she criticizes herself no less than others. With her sharp mind, she notices the slightest flaws and shortcomings in work, relationships with people and in life in general. Virgo does not tolerate being late. In her opinion, this is a pointless waste of precious time that makes up life. Therefore, if you do not want to quarrel with Virgo, try to be punctual.

Their minds are so sober that they do not harbor any illusions even when they are in love. Virgos do not look at the world through rose-colored glasses and clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of both the beloved himself and the nature of their relationship with him. It does not at all follow from this that people born in late August - early September are irritable, categorical and categorical.

Most Virgos sparkle with a sharp, caustic mind (especially if you catch the ironic overtones that are constantly present in their speech) and have a rare charm inherent in people whose patron is Mercury. Sometimes you can meet a Virgo, so absorbed in her thoughts that outwardly she and her house look somewhat sloppy. But don't jump to conclusions. Virgos will quickly put things in order not only in their own thoughts, but also in their appearance and in their abode.

Although Virgos can by no means be called groundless dreamers, outwardly they often look so romantic, as if they have just descended from heaven to earth.

Despite the tendency to make comments to others, she does not tolerate this in relation to herself. If, nevertheless, circumstances force you to reproach her (in exceptional cases), try to be gentle and tact, if you do not want to ruin your relationship with Virgo.

If Virgo is annoyed by vulgarity, dullness or inattention, they become nervous, irritable, grumpy. But most of the time, thanks to a calm, balanced nature, it is very pleasant to communicate with Virgo. They are of particular benefit to the sick and suffering. The most famous sisters of mercy were born under the Virgo zodiac sign. They are always full of effective compassion and help.

If you have a headache, your friend Virgo will immediately rush to the pharmacy for medicines. If at this time you are at his house, he does not even need to run to the pharmacy. Home first aid kits Virgo are full of medicines for all occasions. Moreover, Virgos always know what components this or that medicine consists of, how it works and in what cases it should be taken.

Traveling, the Virgos carry with them a home first-aid kit, as well as the kind of soap they are used to; because in the place where they go, it may not be on sale. This is dictated by economic reasons; Virgos rarely buy a jar of cream or one bar of soap, preferring to take a whole package at once or at least a dozen, which is cheaper. Sometimes Virgos even take a thermos of drinking water with them. Do not laugh. A change in climate and water can cause an upset stomach, and Virgos know this better than anyone else.

Virgo's habits are something unshakable, established once and for all. If Virgo is used to keeping socks in the left middle drawer of the chest of drawers, then, having settled in a hotel, she will put them there. If it happens that there is only one laundry drawer, this will subject her to a moment of confusion. After some thought, she will decide that in such a desperate situation it is better to leave the socks in the suitcase, but her sleep will be restless. The next morning, going down to breakfast, Virgo will order soft-boiled eggs, warning that they must be boiled for 3 minutes. God forbid you to deceive her by trying to feed eggs that have been in boiling water for 2 minutes 45 seconds or 3 minutes 10 seconds. Virgo will immediately notice the inaccuracy and will not fail to point out to you.

Virgo is capable of tediously reprimanding you for the most insignificant offenses (which, of course, infuriates you), but at the same time, seeing that you are in a difficult situation, will immediately come to your aid.

If you are mired in meticulous work and it seems to you that you are about to go crazy, you can safely turn to Virgo for help and she, rolling up her sleeves, will rush to rescue you from trouble. You don't even have to ask her for help. She simply does not tolerate chaos and will immediately try to put everything in perfect order. It is in her somewhere on an instinctive level.

Virgo guest will be happy to help the hostess clean up the dishes after the guests. But it is she who will notice that the magazines picturesquely laid out on the coffee table cover the stains on its lacquered surface, and the pillows sketched in artistic disorder on the sofa mask the hole burned by a cigarette.

Virgos may not acknowledge certain habits if they are told about them directly. It seems as if they do not notice their shortcomings, while they see the blunders of others. In fact, this is not the case. Virgos see their omissions and mistakes so clearly and to such detail that a generalized list of them from prying lips simply cuts their ears.

Try to tell the Virgo that she is too critical, quarrelsome, too worried about her own health, nutrition, etc. I guarantee that the most violent protest will immediately fall on you. What did you say? Is she (Virgo) too critical? You just have no idea what criticality is. How could you even think of her like that? And further in the same spirit.

You can easily distinguish Virgo from many other people. Virgo simply cannot sit still. After a while, she will begin to walk around the room, move the chairs, with all her appearance showing that she has no time and she has a lot of urgent matters. At the same time, her face will keep an imperturbable, almost serene expression. The nerve charge that is present in Virgo rarely comes to the surface, but from the inside it often eats it. This is why Virgos often suffer from digestive upset.

You will not wait from Virgos, no matter how much you try, neither excessive display of emotions, nor special monetary generosity. In both, they are quite restrained.

Virgos love cats, birds and small helpless creatures. They love truth, punctuality, frugality, prudence and selectivity no less, and maybe more. They hate - slobbering sentimentality, filth, vulgarity, slovenliness and idleness. Virgos are bright individualists, practical and choosy, with a subtle perception of life, far from coarse, unbridled, animal passions. They belong to the category of those who build their own destiny with their own hands.

Virgo is very good with cold green jade and platinum; they bring her happiness. But even in a happy Virgo, there is always a certain element of loneliness, and a sense of duty never dies in her noble heart. Remember that there are many secrets hidden behind Virgo's timid, dreamy smile.

Virgos dress in their favorite colors: gray, beige, dark blue, all shades of green and boiling white.Under the external seriousness of Virgins, there is a charming aura of virginity - purity of thoughts and goals, and its symbol is hyacinth. If you have inhaled its scent, you will never forget it. It comes back to us every spring and disturbs the soul with its piercingly pure scent. Virgos have a special secret thanks to which you will never forget them.

Virgo in work, business and finance

Virgo is a responsible, executive worker; very practical organizes his entire household. Where personal initiative or independence of decisions is not required, it is irreplaceable. Women born under the sign of Virgo often become secretaries, assistants to CEOs, etc.

Likes to keep catalogs, filing cabinets, draw up documents; he himself also leads an ordered, planned life and does not like surprises very much - especially if many planets gather in the sign of Virgo.

Virgo's critical gaze will not escape any mess - neither at home nor at work.

By doing good deeds and showing generosity, Virgos rarely accept reciprocal gifts. This is explained by the fact that Virgos do not want to be obliged to anyone. They love independence. A deep-rooted fear of addiction, especially in old age, makes many Virgos too frugal, if not worse. But when Virgo is firmly confident in her economic independence, she allows herself to more freely dispose of her own funds, although here she spends money strictly according to its intended purpose and without any extravagances.

Virgos despise beggars, beggars and idlers, but without hesitation, they will come to the aid of a friend in trouble. A Virgo who thinks ten times before spending a few rubles on herself will generously offer her funds to those who really need it or whom she truly loves. Virgo will never throw money down the drain, because they do not easily get it; that's why she will not miss the opportunity to speak out sharply about lazy people or spenders.

Virgo health

Virgo is characterized by constantly hidden anxiety and nervousness. She is susceptible to all kinds of infections. She often looks worried; often becomes a physician, generally loves to take care of his own and others' health. He usually takes a bunch of medications unnecessarily, diligently diets, etc. (raw food diet, vegetarianism).

Virgos are able to withstand strenuous mental work longer than other signs of the zodiac; however, in this case, one should fear a nervous breakdown.

Although outwardly Virgos are calm and even kind of indifferent, this is nothing more than a demeanor, behind which strong emotional experiences are hidden. Virgos drive external manifestations of emotions inside, which has a bad effect on health, in particular, on digestion and nervous system... Taking on unbearable work and striving to fulfill sometimes impossible obligations, Virgos exhaust themselves greatly.

Virgos are naturally very healthy people, unless they spoil their health with nervous overwork, excessive workload or pessimism. They take care of their food and groom their body. Yet they, like other mortals, suffer from ailments such as upset stomach, headaches, chronic bowel disease, and leg ailments.

Virgos need to be serious about colds that lead to lung disease. In addition, they are susceptible to polyatritis and rheumatic pain in the joints, lower back, shoulders and arms. But in general, Virgo's constant concern for health rarely leads to serious illnesses. In any case, they know exactly what to eat and how to cook. Some Virgos go so far as to cut raw meat with rubber gloves or boil for fear of being infected with helminths. toothbrush before each use. True, such specimens are very rare. But all Virgos wash their hands thoroughly before eating.

First of all, she needs a measure in everything. Virgos respond especially well to herbs and teas. Shown is an hour or two of rest alone every day. It is better to spend your vacation in the mountains, in the village. Of the elements, calcium is shown. There may be disorders of the intestinal tract. From herbs - mint, chamomile.

Horoscopes of the astrological sign Virgo

Virgo woman - do you imagine a Virgo woman as a symbol of tenderness, humility and defenselessness? If so, then you will be disappointed. Virgo is by no means a shy nymph in a fluttering snow-white tunic, coquettishly looking at her reflection in a forest lake. Virgo man - it exists entirely and completely on a practical, materialistic level; he simply does not have time for all sorts of unearthly passions. He is certainly not the type that will chant serenades under your window, and even if you lower a rope ladder out of the window so that he can climb it, he is unlikely to use it, preferring to enter through an ordinary door.

In fact, Virgos are experienced very early, in childhood. \u003e\u003e

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