Hormonal imbalance in the female body can lead to symptoms:

  • frequent illnesses;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • headaches;
  • irritability;
  • aging of the skin;
  • lack of sex drive.

To get rid of the listed symptoms, you need to choose the right medication. To do this, you need to go through diagnostics, which includes:

  • visiting a gynecologist;
  • detailed and biochemical blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, in order to detect tumors;
  • smear for tumor markers in order to detect pathological cells;
  • a smear to determine the inflammatory processes of the genital organs and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tests to study the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • consultation with a mammologist;
  • a blood test to determine the amount of sex hormones.

The purpose of the survey is to identify contraindications to the use of hormone therapy. There are several cases when women over forty should not use hormonal drugs:

  • liver disease, high risk of internal bleeding, thrombosis, oncology;
  • age over 60 years, since there is a high risk of side effects;
  • intolerance to hormonal drugs, poor digestibility of their components;
  • menopause came over 10 years ago.

The most common therapy is with pills. They combine the 2 main hormones progesterone and estrogen. With their help
the work of all systems of the female body from the genitals to the heart and blood vessels is regulated.

Most popular drugs

To regulate the amount of the main female hormones, doctors prescribe one of the effective drugs. Examples of their names:

  1. Estrofem is an excellent drug for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. It consists of herbal ingredients. It is forbidden to take in the presence of liver and kidney diseases.
  2. Livial increases the level of parathyroid hormone. It affects the walls of blood vessels and bone tissue, a lack of hormone in a woman's body, leads to hypertension and osteoporosis. It must be taken without interruption for 5 years, then you have to take a break for six months, after which it is permissible to repeat the course of therapy. It is forbidden during pregnancy, so it is prescribed for women who have already begun menopause.
  3. Femoston belongs to the universal drugs. Sometimes it is prescribed even for men who have problems with the functioning of the prostate. It is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and bone tissue, but at the same time it causes indigestion. During therapy, a woman needs to be under constant medical supervision.
  4. Cliogest is indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis and hypertension. When using it, the risk of hepatic colic, internal bleeding and headaches increases.
  5. Climonorm is useful after removal of the uterus and ovaries, but can be used in other cases. It is not a contraceptive, it is prohibited for stomach ulcers, hepatitis and diabetes mellitus.

As you can see from the list, each drug has its own side effects, contraindications and reasons for the appointment. Therefore, the choice should be approached responsibly. A drug that has improved your friend's condition may not work for you.

What are phytoestrogens

If taking strong drugs is not needed, phytoestrogens are prescribed to the woman. These drugs appeared after studying the properties of some plants, from which hormones can be isolated in small doses. Phytoestrogens have several benefits:

  • smooth out the symptoms of menopause;
  • help to preserve the beauty of the skin: slow down the appearance of wrinkles and reduce the number of age spots;
  • stop inflammatory processes, relieve endometriosis;
  • relieve pain during menopause;
  • increase interest in sex.

One of the most famous drugs in this series is Tsi-Klim. It is recommended for women over 45 years old. It cannot be the basis of therapy, since it does not work well enough. It is recommended to drink it as a dietary supplement to prevent age-related changes. It is permissible to take this medication together with contraceptives. Contraindications are malignant tumors.

Contraceptives after 40 years

Not all women go through menopause at forty. If the cycle has retained its regularity, then there is a high probability of an unwanted pregnancy, the first signs of which are often mistaken for menopause. Childbirth in women over 40 is fraught with complications, so they are advised to protect themselves with three-phase oral contraceptives. This group of drugs, as well as drugs similar to them, include tablets such as:

  1. Regulon normalizes the menstrual cycle, is effective in treating cysts, protects against uterine fibroids.
  2. Jess has a relatively small list of side effects. It is effective for edema, as it is able to remove water from the body.
  3. Silest softens the walls of the uterus. Its action is directed directly at the oocyte.
  4. Marvelon is a multifunctional contraceptive that reduces the rate of body hair growth, improves skin condition.
  5. Femoden regulates the menstrual cycle and is indicated for women with anemia.

The selection of contraceptives also begins with a visit to the gynecologist. After 40 years, women are at high risk of developing complications. You should not buy the first contraceptive pills you like for regular use at your own risk.

Contraceptive pills: which pills are better to choose after 35-40 years?

Pregnancy at a conscious age is more often undesirable than at 25 years old, the reasons can be very different, but they begin with health problems. Statistics show that most pregnancies between the ages of 30 and 40 are terminated artificially. Abortion can cause more harm to the body, so it is very important to choose the most effective and reliable method of contraception.

In adulthood, the choice of birth control pills should be taken very seriously and carefully. Many drugs may not be suitable, and also have a number of significant contraindications. Today, the pharmaceutical market presents a wide range of various hormonal drugs for all ages and categories that will help protect against unplanned pregnancy. Let's look at the types of tablets that are acceptable for use at the age of 35-40 years.

Combined oral contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) - this category of drugs stops ovulation, thereby avoiding unplanned pregnancy. COC works on the basis of two substances:

  • artificial gestagens;
  • estrogens.

Together, they give 100% maximum effect. If we compare the following group of hormonal drugs mini-drank (see below) and combined oral contraceptivesthen application COOK will be more suitable in adulthood, but in some cases it has contraindications for use. There are 3 types of COCs:

Microdosed - a type of contraception that is perfect for women over 35 years old (before menopause) who have never given birth, with an active sex life. Hormonal pills of this subgroup are also suitable for those who have never resorted to the use of hormonal drugs, since they have a minimal list of side effects and do not affect their well-being:

  • Jess - the price is 1100-2300 rubles;
  • Dimia - they cost 740-1500 rubles, depending on the number of pieces in the package;
  • Logest - cost 770-1600 rubles;
  • Mersilon - the price is 1500-1700 rubles;
  • Lindinet - the price of 21 pills in a package is 500-560 rubles;
  • Novinet - cost 500-1200 rubles.

Low-dose - hormonal contraceptives that are suitable for young, mature, giving birth, nulliparous women and for those who have a regular sex life. Low-dose pills are most often taken if, for any reason, the use of micro-dose drugs has stopped:

  • Siluet - the price is 1650 rubles;
  • Tri-merci - 1000-1200 rubles;
  • Lindinet - 21 tablets per pack cost 500-560 rubles;
  • Minisiston - cost 450-520 rubles;
  • Regulon - cost 470-1650 rubles;
  • Rigevidon - price 320-600 rubles.

High-dose - most often this type of drug is used to treat and prevent any hormonal diseases, due to the increased dosage of hormones. As a method of contraception, it is perfect for women over 35 years old, in case of ineffectiveness of drugs with a lower dosage:

  • NonOvlon;
  • Trikvilar - cost 600-670 rubles;
  • Ovidon - cost 600 rubles;
  • Triziston;
  • Tri-regol - packing 21 pcs. tablets are sold at a price of 300-350 rubles.

COCs can be divided into several subcategories, they differ among themselves in the sequence of hormones:

  • Single-phase - substances are mixed with each other in all tablets of the cycle.
  • Biphasic - throughout the entire intake, the amount of estrogen remains unchanged.
  • Three-phase - the proportions of estrogen and gestagen are changed 3 times during a month's intake.

Operating principle COOK, acts approximately according to the following scheme:

  • There is no systematic ovulation.
  • A significant amount of mucus inside the uterus itself, making it impossible for sperm to get inside.
  • The density of the endometrium increases significantly. The chances of fertilizing an egg are reduced to 0.

All indicators are a significant obstacle to the onset of an unplanned pregnancy; in combination, all three actions completely exclude the occurrence of pregnancy.

Contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives

There are also a number of contraindications for use. COOK:

  • already onset pregnancy;
  • cardiac diseases;
  • an increased number of platelets in the blood;
  • smoking;
  • malignant tumors ();
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • age after 40 years.

Side effects

If a woman nevertheless crosses the line of contraindications and decides to take combined oral contraceptives, then as a result, a number of side effects appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • headaches;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of stability;
  • increased growth of unwanted vegetation;
  • lack of interest in intimacy.

The above points are minor side effects. More serious consequences of a course of COC intake in the presence of contraindications may be:

  • dermatological eruptions ( , etc.);
  • significant weight gain;
  • problems with pronunciation;
  • hypotonic and hypertensive attacks;
  • frequent aching pain in the chest area;
  • systematic migraines;
  • , hands;
  • thrombosis.

Mini-drank preparations

  • Laktinet - cost 730-800 rubles;
  • Microlut - cost about 1,500 rubles;
  • Charosetta - the price for a pack of 28 tablets is 1400-1500, for a pack with 84 tablets 3450-4020 rubles;
  • Exoluton - price for 28 pieces of the table. RUB 2,200-3270;
  • Micronor - the cost is 350-430 rubles.

Almost all modern hormonal preparations include the content of a natural component - an analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. This hormone does not pose a threat to health, and also does not change the hormonal background. Consequently, in these contraceptive hormonal pills, only artificial progestogen and estrogen are present. In other words, these pills are called one-way hormonal contraceptives.

More often, drugs in this category are prescribed to women after 35 years of age who have already undergone childbirth, because in this case, a woman's own estrogen is enough, and its excess can only harm. First of all, the risk of malignant neoplasms increases, because the tissues of the uterus will become several times denser. Also, with an excess of estrogen, the body will begin to produce a natural male hormone - testosterone, in which case the following negative consequences cannot be avoided:

  • an increase in vegetation on the entire surface of the body;
  • increased hair greasiness;
  • purulent eruptions.

In order to avoid these undesirable consequences, the action of the gestagen is quite enough. Its principle of action is almost the same as in combined oral contraceptives:

  • there is no ovulation;
  • difficulty in the introduction of sperm into the uterus;
  • a small percentage of anchoring the egg in the uterus.

Instead of a normalized menstrual cycle, only spotting spotting occurs. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for COCs

Birth control pills after 40 years of age are more needed than at a young age. During this period, pregnancy can be not only unplanned, but also dangerous for both the mother and the child. The risk of developing various pathologies in a child is much higher, and childbirth in a woman at the age of 40 is much more difficult than in young mothers. It is worth noting that abortion can negatively affect the health of a woman at the age of 40, so doctors highly do not recommend it.

At this age, doctors prescribe hormonal contraceptives not only to prevent unplanned pregnancy, these drugs help to avoid various diseases of the reproductive system, menstrual cramps, oncological diseases and many other problems.

Also, hormonal contraceptive pills after 40 years are prescribed for menopause or premenopausal period. Usually, gynecologists recommend contraceptive pills as a method of protecting sexual intercourse, but in the presence of diseases or significant contraindications, they select an alternative method of contraception.

Emergency contraception in adulthood

This method is used to prevent unplanned pregnancy, which is carried out immediately after unprotected intercourse. Currently, pharmacological companies also present a wide range of drugs in this industry, which can be hormonal drugs, various spirals, and non-hormonal drugs.

The medicinal effect of hormonal emergency contraception is to suppress egg production, or to prevent sperm from colliding with the egg and entering the uterus. After a woman takes such drugs, the cervical secretion is thickened, as a result of which sperm does not penetrate into the uterine walls. Ovulation does not take place and because of this, the egg does not come out, and the sperm die.

In case of penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine walls and fertilization of the egg, then under the action of the drug hypotrophy of the endometrial layer occurs, therefore, the further course of pregnancy does not occur, the embryo leaves together with the course of the menstrual cycle.

Emergency hormonal contraception shows high rates of effectiveness, approximately 95-99%. Gynecologists strongly advise against using emergency contraception for their patients in adulthood, especially after 40 years. This is associated with an increased risk of internal and external bleeding, as well as the development of other serious side effects.

Smoking and taking birth control hormonal drugs

Before prescribing hormonal drugs, the gynecologist will not only conduct a visual examination and collect all the necessary tests, but also take an interest in the presence of a bad habit - smoking. The fact is that the hormone estrogen has the property of slightly increasing blood clotting.

Smoking has a much more intense effect on the circulatory system than hormones. Accordingly, the simultaneous intake of hormonal drugs and smoking in most cases lead to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. Subsequently, this causes a heart attack, and other serious illnesses.

Nicotine, which is found in large quantities in cigarettes, increases the heart rate and greatly increases blood pressure, in combination with the hormone estrogen, this will greatly increase the load on the heart muscle, which in turn leads to the manifestation of coronary artery disease.

There are many more adverse outcomes from hormonal drug use and smoking. For example, the human papillomavirus, this disease can be asymptomatic throughout life, but if you "wake up" it with the help of nicotine and hormones, then this virus can even lead to uterine cancer.

How Do I Pick a Good Birth Control Pill in Adulthood?

You should not approach the solution of this issue on your own or according to the reviews of friends. In order to choose the contraceptive pill that suits you, you need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe the appropriate drug for you.

What does a gynecologist pay attention to when choosing hormonal pills?

First of all, the gynecologist collects an anamnesis, paying special attention to the genetic history, to the presence of diseases that occur in a chronic form, as well as to diseases that have been transferred earlier. These factors can serve as a significant contraindication to taking hormonal oral contraceptives. Next, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the woman, examining the skin, mammary glands, and also measures blood pressure and weight.

After a visual examination, the specialist will prescribe many tests for hormonal levels, the amount of sugar in the blood, ultrasound of the mammary glands and small pelvis.

A gynecological examination will also be performed, during which a smear will be taken. Perhaps the gynecologist will send for a consultation to an ophthalmologist, since in connection with prolonged use of hormonal drugs, the risk of various diseases associated with vision increases.

Before deciding which hormonal pills are best suited, the doctor individually takes into account the biological type, that is: examines the hair on the pubic bone, asks the patient about the symptoms that accompany menstruation, a violation of the cycle or its complete absence, diseases occurring in chronic form, as well as the type of mammary glands.

Benefits of taking birth control pills for women aged 35-40

A greater number of women treat contraception with distrust and apprehension, first of all, this can be associated with fear of significant weight gain. However, scientists have long proven that the opinion about weight gain is just another tales and myths.

If the drug is selected by an experienced doctor on an individual basis, then there can be no talk of any physiological changes in the body. There are a number of benefits that hormonal birth control pills have in the age of 30-40:

  • Full protection against the onset of an unplanned pregnancy;
  • Reducing the possibility of the appearance of diseases in the gynecological part, such as: various tumors, fibroids, cysts, erosion, etc.;
  • Completely exclude the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • Strengthens bone tissue, due to which fractures occur much less often, which is very important for women over 40;
  • The emergence of a favorable mood for frequent intimacy;
  • Improving everyday mood;
  • Normalization of the hormonal background of the body, due to which the skin becomes smooth, and the nail plates are significantly strengthened;
  • Delayed climax;
  • Protection against genital inflammation;
  • The cycle of menstruation is getting better and pain is eliminated during its course.

Prices for hormonal birth control pills range from the lowest to the most expensive, and there are plenty to choose from. The cheapest tablets cost 200 rubles (Exinor-F), and the most expensive ones cost about 4,000 rubles (Charosetta, Exluton).

Many cheap drugs are analogs of expensive drugs, their principle of action is the same and the price in this case does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, the difference is only in the active substance. But still, it should be remembered that neither the name nor the beautiful packaging speaks of the effectiveness of this drug, you can only build on the composition and quality of the drug that the doctor will recommend to you.


Higher education (Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. She graduated from the academy (full-time), she has a great experience of work.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Physician of functional diagnostics.

In women, in contrast to men, the body changes during life much more often and more intensively, especially with regard to hormonal transformations. In addition, stress, malnutrition, and difficult working conditions have a negative impact on women's health. This leads to vitamin deficiency, accompanied by weakness and lethargy, deterioration of the condition of the hair, nail plates, and skin. To prevent the onset of the above symptoms, women after 40 should normalize their diet, take vitamins.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice when buying multivitamins, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Good drugs have the GMP mark - an international quality standard, which means that the drug has passed medical tests and is highly effective.
  2. A quality drug cannot be cheap.
  3. The composition should contain not only vitamins, but also the most important mineral elements for the female body (iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium).

Substances important for the female body

Low immunity, problems with appearance, emotional instability - all these are signs of hypovitaminosis. For women over 40, the following vitamins are especially important.

  1. Retinol (A). A powerful antioxidant that slows down skin aging and maintains visual acuity.
  2. Calciferol (D). It is necessary for building bone tissue, normal functioning of the brain. Blocks the growth of malignant cells.
  3. Tocopherol (E). It is called the "female vitamin". Supports normal skin condition, hair structure. With a lack of substance, problems with appearance appear.
  4. Ascorbic acid (C). Strong immunostimulant. Prevents infectious pathologies.
  5. Phylloquinone (K). Provides healthy blood vessels, normalizes kidney function.
  6. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). It normalizes the emotional state, eliminates insomnia.

If young girls need to eat well enough to get the above vitamins, then women who have reached the age of 40 need much more nutrients than can be taken from food. Therefore, taking vitamin complexes becomes mandatory.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms

Women entering the menopausal stage need to be regularly examined by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other medical specialists. Food at this age should be of high quality and complete: no exotic and rigid diets are allowed. In no case should the situation be brought to the development of hypovitaminosis.

The following symptoms indicate a deficiency state:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • pain in the abdomen, indigestion;
  • hearing and vision problems;
  • baldness;
  • gum disease, dental disease;
  • frequent colds;
  • lethargy, quick fatigue, low efficiency, apathetic attitude;
  • sleepiness during the daytime, sleeplessness at night;
  • drying out and peeling of the skin, the appearance of inflammatory skin rashes;
  • the development of dermatological infectious pathologies;
  • the occurrence of stomatitis;
  • fungal infection of the genital tract;
  • memory impairment, problems concentrating.

Daily norm of vitamins

Not only vitamin deficiency is dangerous for the body, but also an excess. It is important that nutrients enter the body in optimal quantities every day.

For mature women, the daily intake of substances is as follows:

  • retinol (A) - up to 0.8 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - up to 100 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 15 mg;
  • thiamine (B 1) - 1.7 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 2 mg;
  • niacin (B 3) - 20 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) - 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) - 2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) - 1 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12) - 0.003 mg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.3 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 0.1 mg.

In high-quality women's vitamin complexes, useful compounds are in the optimal daily dose.

Vitamin-rich foods

It is better to get nutrients from food, and use vitamin preparations if necessary. And you can provide the body with vitamins with the help of products only by making the diet of high quality and varied.

The daily menu should contain foods saturated with useful substances:

  • retinol - liver, carrots, herbs, eggs, dairy products;
  • ascorbic acid - citruses, cabbage, pepper, currants;
  • calciferol - fish, liver, eggs, beef;
  • tocopherol - vegetable oils, dairy products;
  • thiamine - legumes, dairy products, yeast;
  • riboflavin - fish, cereals, eggs;
  • biotin - mushrooms, liver, nuts, dairy products, eggs;
  • phylloquinone - greens, seaweed.

The best vitamin preparations

Below are the names and descriptions of the best complex preparations and dietary supplements for women over 40 years old.

  1. ... A line of drugs is produced for patients of different ages and different levels of activity. The advantage of the complex is the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals for compatibility. The components are divided into three tablets: morning - toning the body, strengthening the heart muscle and circulatory system, daytime - providing the body with antioxidants, helping to overcome negative external factors, evening - supporting the health of bone tissue, organs of vision, hormonal system. The price is about 350 rubles.
  2. Complivit for women 45 plus. Vitamin complex with a large component composition. The tablets contain retinol, group B compounds, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium, magnesium and many other substances important for the female body. The components of the drug stimulate metabolism, get rid of extra pounds, are necessary to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body. A package with 30 tablets will cost about 300 rubles.
  3. ... The best drug for women, it contains all the substances that the body needs after 40 years. The composition contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also herbal supplements. The active ingredients increase the efficiency of the brain, strengthen the immune system, weaken the effects of stress and manifestations of menopause. The price for a pack with 30 tablets is about 1200 rubles, for a pack with 60 tablets - 1800 rubles.
  4. Ledy’s Formula Woman 40 Plus. A quality complex of vitamins from the English manufacturer PharmaMed. The composition contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, inositol, trace elements and herbal supplements. The components of the drug are important for women's health, improve the condition of the skin and hair, normalize weight, and help to tolerate climacteric changes in the body. Price - 850 rubles.
  5. Omnium from Solgar. It is impossible not to include effective American tablets in the rating of vitamins. This drug is distinguished by its quality, it contains vitamins, minerals, soybean extract, antioxidants, flavonoids, lipoic acid - the most essential substances for women. The drug is recommended to be taken so as not to age prematurely, to prevent senile diseases, and to strengthen the immune system. In pharmacies, Solgar products are rarely sold, but you can buy these vitamins in online stores. Price - up to 1800 rubles.
  6. Vitolize. The top best vitamins include these tonic and tonic tablets from the American company Forever. The drug is recommended for prolonging youth, maintaining the beauty of the skin, weakening climacteric symptoms. The composition contains vitamin D, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, group B compounds, minerals, herbal and fruit extracts. The active ingredients stabilize the hormonal and nervous state. The price is 1900 rubles.
  7. from Evalar. The Russian manufacturer offers good and inexpensive pills for patients entering the menopausal stage. The basis of dietary supplements is extracts of cimicifuga and motherwort, which weaken climacteric symptoms. It also contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, group B, L-carnitine, rutin, selenium. The drug is not hormonal, so you can drink it without fear. The active ingredients normalize the mental and emotional state, prevent vegetative-vascular pathologies in menopause. A package with 60 tablets will cost 400 rubles.

Vitamins to improve appearance after 40 years

A woman who has reached 40 years of age needs to provide the body with vitamins that normalize the condition of the skin, the structure of the hairline, and nail plates. These vitamins include:

  • A - has a protective effect on the epithelium, prevents drying out of the skin;
  • C - stimulates collagen production;
  • D - is necessary for the complete assimilation of minerals;
  • B 2 - regulates cellular respiration;
  • B 3 - supplies the hair and skin structures with oxygen;
  • B 7 - stimulates hair growth, regeneration of skin tissues;
  • F - supports the normal functioning of the skin glands.

Vitamins to strengthen immunity

The body of mature women is weakened in the spring, experiencing vitamin deficiency. The body spends most of the nutrients in winter. Therefore, in the spring months, women must definitely drink complexes that include retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, group B. These compounds normalize the structure of the skin, strengthen bones, hair and nails, stimulate metabolism, provide cells with oxygen, restore mental state, improve immunity. protect against colds.

The choice of a method of contraception for women over the age of 45, ie, in the so-called "transitional" period, is often a very difficult task due to the peculiarities of this age period associated with the inevitable processes of gradual extinction of ovarian function, the presence of a number of gynecological and extragenital diseases, the appearance of vegetative-vascular and other early symptoms of menopause. Despite the fact that during this age period fertility decreases, cases of childbirth in women over 45 are not so rare. According to statistics, in Western Europe, up to 30% of women aged 45-54 years have a regular menstrual cycle and are able to conceive. At the same time, against the background of a regular rhythm of menstruation, the frequency of ovulatory cycles reaches 70-95%, and with oligomenorrhea - up to 34%. By this age, many women are already deciding the number of children in the family; situations such as remarriage, child accidents and childbirth are rare. In most cases, the onset of pregnancy makes one think about abortion.

Abortions in premenopausal women are much more often accompanied by various complications; the frequency of the latter is two to three times higher than that in women of reproductive age. Often, after an abortion, there are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, complications associated with the presence of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, exacerbation of extragenital pathology. It has been proven that an abortion performed in the "transitional" period often provokes a severe course of climacteric syndrome and is a background for the development of hyperplastic processes in the target organs - the uterus and mammary glands.

When choosing a method of contraception in this age period, in addition to the need for reliable prevention of abortion, the question arises of how to avoid influencing metabolic processes that have undergone (or are undergoing) age-related changes against the background of a high sensitivity of the female body to exogenous influences. Prevention and treatment of the initial symptoms of climacteric syndrome and, if possible, slowing down the aging process are among the main tasks of contraception at this age.

Undoubtedly, hormonal contraceptives (HA) are the most promising in this respect, but before the advent of modern hormonal drugs, including microdose drugs and releasing systems, the use of HA was associated with a number of problems.

Over the 40-year period of its development, hormonal contraception has established itself not only as one of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy, but also as a new, promising direction of medicine. Oral contraceptives (OCs) are widely used throughout the world. In recent years, more and more new combined oral contraceptives (COCs) have been created. At the end of the 80s. OCs with a higher progesterone selectivity for progesterone receptors were synthesized - these are desogestrel, norgestemat and gestodene.

Recent studies have shown that modern micro-dosage drugs of the latest generation do not have or have a minimal metabolic effect on the female body. In view of this, they can be used by non-smokers after 40 years in the absence of risk factors associated with hypercoagulability (WHO, 1996). Such risk factors for the use of any type of hormonal contraception include, first of all, cardiovascular diseases, liver disease, heavy smoking in combination with COCs.

It should be remembered that hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated in the presence of a history of thromboembolism, cardiovascular disease, severe diabetes mellitus, and malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system.

In the absence of the listed contraindications, microdose drugs can be used quite widely. They are not only highly reliable, but also have a protective effect, including the symptoms of climacteric syndrome, which quickly stop.

The positive effects of estrogens on brain function and emotional well-being in perimenopausal women are known. In addition, numerous studies have confirmed the positive effect of oral contraceptives on cognitive processes, improving memory and mood. It was found that the estrogenic component of OC reduces the concentration of monoamine oxidase (MAO), which leads to an increase in serotonin levels, as well as brain excitability, and thereby contributes to an improvement in mood.

We have studied the efficacy and feasibility of using the micro-dose combined oral contraceptive (COC) novinet in premenopausal women.

Microdosed COC containing 20 μg ethinylestradiol and 0.150 mg desogestrel. The drug contains a third-generation progestogen, which is a derivative of levonorgestrel, desogestrel, which has high selectivity for progesterone receptors and high progestogenic activity.

A distinctive feature of the drug is the minimum content of the estrogenic component, which significantly reduces the risk of developing estrogen-dependent side effects. Under the influence of the drug, the release of FSH and LH is mainly prevented, which interferes with the ovulation process. The effect is enhanced by increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

We observed 35 somatically healthy women from 44 to 47 years old (average age 45.4 + 0.4 years) who had no contraindications to hormonal contraception. In addition to general clinical examination, we measured blood pressure (BP) and body weight, blood test for hemostasis and lipid spectrum, extended colposcopy, cytological examination of smears from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Dynamic observation of the patients was carried out every three, six and 12 months from the start of contraception use. There were no menstrual irregularities; only in six (17.1%) patients, the cycle duration was reduced to 21 days, which is apparently associated with hormonal changes in the body.

During the treatment, not a single case of pregnancy was registered, i.e., the contraceptive efficacy of the drug was 100%. Novinet had a regulating effect on the menstrual cycle, which was expressed in the establishment of a cycle duration of 25-27 days in all patients. The average duration of the menstrual cycle was 27.5 + 0.3 days. Menstrual-like reactions lasted 3.4 + 0.3 days, scanty menstrual-like discharge was observed in three (8.6%) women. Eight women had side reactions: in the form of intermenstrual bloody discharge (two cases), engorgement of the mammary glands (six cases).

All adverse reactions disappeared within the first two to three months of using COCs and did not require therapeutic measures.

Four women who experienced physical malaise (weakness), emotional discomfort (bad mood) prior to the appointment of contraception showed a significant improvement in their condition in the second month from the start of contraception. It should be noted that in four patients with premenstrual syndrome, after three months of using Novinet, a positive effect was also observed.

While taking the drug, there were no significant changes in body weight.

The baseline parameters of the blood lipid spectrum in the patients were normal before the application of Novinet. After 12 months, there was a tendency to an increase in HDL levels with antiatherogenic potential, and a decrease in LDL, with an atherogenic potential.

The studies conducted also indicated the absence of negative dynamics of changes in the blood coagulation system.

Studies of the state of the cervix using a complex of the most informative research methods did not reveal any pathological changes.

Thus, the results of this study indicate that modern micro-dosed COC novinet is a highly effective contraceptive, is well tolerated by premenopausal women, does not significantly affect blood pressure, body weight, blood lipid spectrum and hemostasis, and also allows to achieve a therapeutic effect in patients with premenstrual syndrome and women experiencing emotional discomfort due to age-related (hormonal) changes in the body.

Based on the materials of the journal "Attending Physician"

Unwanted conception in women over 40 will cause a lot of problems. Abortion at this age can lead to various complications, and pregnancy and childbirth can lead to a high risk of pathologies in the child. In our article, we will consider which contraceptives are the safest and most effective after 40 years.

The main types of contraception for women over 40:

  1. condoms - male and female,
  2. hormonal pills,
  3. intrauterine device,
  4. spermicidal agents.

At this age, birth control pills with a low hormone content and a complete lack of estrogen are suitable.

Benefits of hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

Many women treat hormonal drugs with apprehension and contempt, primarily due to the fear of gaining excess weight. They believe that it is impossible to take hormones without increasing body weight. Of course, weight gain while taking OK is just a myth.

In the event that products containing hormones are selected individually by a gynecologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the weight will in no way change. Consider what are the benefits of birth control pills after 40 years:

  1. protection against pregnancy.
  2. basically, the funds have no side effects or they occur very rarely.
  3. the normalization of the menstrual cycle occurs.
  4. an invaluable advantage for the skin: it becomes smoother and smoother, and nails stronger.
  5. reduce the risk of developing certain ailments: osteoporosis, tumor formations, ovarian cysts and fibroids.
  6. delaying the onset of menopause.

In order to avoid side effects or other troubles, it is very important to choose the right individual contraceptives after 40 years, a gynecologist will help you with this.

What contraceptives to choose after 40 years

The pharmaceutical market is replenished with new names and manufacturers of contraceptives every day. Consider drugs that are appropriate for adult women.

Mini drank

Gynecologists advise older women to give preference to contraceptives that contain a minimum amount of estrogen - mini-pills. Today they are considered the safest and most effective.

  1. Charosetta;
  2. Lactinet;
  3. Microlute;
  4. Exoluton;
  5. Micronor.


There is another effective type of means that inhibits ovulation and reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy - combined oral contraceptives. Compared to mini-pills, these contraceptive pills after 40 years have a wider range of side effects, but in the absence of contraindications, doctors recommend that women take some of the drugs in this group:

Drug nameFeature and priceA photo

Thanks to the active substance of the drug, a viscous mucus is formed, which prevents fertilization.

The cost of the drug is from 490 to 560 rubles, depending on the region.

The drug is available in tablets. It increases the production of sex hormones, as a result of which ovulation becomes impossible.

Price from 380 to 460 rubles.

Modern hormonal pills. Besides 99% protection against unwanted pregnancies. This drug with an androgenic effect improves skin condition and helps get rid of acne.

Price from 1400 to 1500 rubles.

Popular new generation contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has medicinal properties. Effective in the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

The cost is from 950 to 1400 rubles.

It inhibits the process of maturation of the egg, and makes fertilization impossible.

The average price is 400 rubles.

It is a single-phase contraceptive, most relevant for nulliparous women. The active ingredient affects the lining of the uterus, inhibiting sperm.

The cost is from 890 to 940 rubles.

It is effective in the treatment of cysts, normalizes the menstrual cycle, prevents the fertilization of the egg. Price from 340 to 480 rubles.

Emergency contraception

In addition to the pills that must be taken daily, there are so-called "SOS contraceptives". In this case, there is only one tablet in the package, which must be taken after the act of intimacy.

Please note that the name of medicinal products is indicated for informational purposes only, and is not a guide to self-prescribing a drug without consulting a doctor.

What is better to use after 40 years, spiral or birth control pills?

Doctors believe that at this age it is better to give preference to hormonal pills. As a rule, women after forty have a lack of hormones, which is necessary to maintain youth and maintain an active sex life.

Also, the advantage of hormonal pills compared to a spiral is the minimum number of side effects that occur very rarely.


As you know, any drug can cause not only benefits to the body, but also harm. Possible harm to the body is manifested if a woman has contraindications to taking hormonal drugs.

List of main contraindications:

  1. Frequent headaches.
  2. Excess weight.
  3. Frequent inflammatory diseases, especially diseases of the larynx.
  4. Chronic depression or persistent stress.
  5. Vascular disease.

Also, when taking hormonal drugs, you must refrain from taking alcoholic beverages, since alcohol reduces the effectiveness of medications.

Contraceptives for various diseases

As a rule, after 40 years, many women have some diseases and health problems. In the presence of this or that pathology, the doctor recommends giving preference to a certain type of contraceptive.

DiseaseContraceptive drugs
If there is no ovaryIn the absence of one of the ovaries, the woman's body does not receive hormones in full. To normalize the hormonal background, as well as to protect yourself from possible unwanted pregnancy, the doctor recommends taking hormonal contraceptives, which contain estrogens:
  • Novinet,
  • Diana-35.
With endometriosisBesides the high percentage of protection against pregnancy, medications treat endometriosis. Usually the gynecologist prescribes Regulon or Janine tablets. Contraceptive injections - Depo-Provera will also be effective.
With myomaIt is preferable to take combined oral contraceptives, thanks to them, the menstrual cycle is normalized and the growth of fibroids slows down. Preparations are suitable:
  • Yarina,
With menopauseHormones during menopause are necessary to maintain women's health, prolong youth and preserve sex drive. Doctors recommend for menopause:
  • Klimonorm,
  • Klymene,
  • Cyclo-progenova.
With mastopathyWhen taking hormonal drugs, the soreness of the mammary glands decreases, the incidence of mastopathy is significantly reduced. It is recommended to take:
  • Lindinet-20,
With a cyst

When choosing a contraceptive, the doctor prefers drugs that have medicinal properties. Hormonal contraceptives are the main treatment for ovarian cysts.

For the treatment and prevention of unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use single-phase or monophasic drugs, which are selected by a gynecologist depending on the size and characteristics of the cyst. In addition to pills, you can use the evra contraceptive patch.

With varicose veins

Hormonal oral pills are not prohibited in the presence of a disease such as varicose veins. However, the active substance of hormonal drugs can worsen blood clotting, as a result of which the condition of blood vessels and veins deteriorates.

To prevent this disease, when taking OK, you must visit a phlebologist more often and monitor your well-being.

  • In this case, it is recommended to take single-phase tablets.
  • In addition to OK, with varicose veins, an intrauterine device can be installed.
With diabetesWith diabetes mellitus after 40 years of gynecology, it is recommended to use intrauterine devices or low-dose pills. These include:
  • Novinet,
  • Logest.

You can also use contraceptive suppositories - Pharmatex.

Contraceptives for smokers

  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Thrombosis.

Gynecologists advise women who smoke to give preference to an intrauterine device or to use non-hormonal contraceptives.
