Now my sun is already three and a half months old, and she becomes more and more every day, although I do not notice this at all. That is why I wanted to have at least something in memory of her, what she is now.

Somehow I came across an announcement of the manufacture of compositions with clay casts of children's handles and legs. The idea, of course, I really liked - after all, to have an interlock of your favorite feet and brushes much more pleasant than just an imprint or contour drawn by a pencil around tonya sweets. But I decided not to resort to the help of outsiders, but to do everything myself - it is much more pleasant, and the baby can be afraid of foreign people.

I did it like this:

1. Becoming salty dough.

It is best to make an elastic salt dough for such a recipe:
2 cups of flour
1 glass of salt (better small)
1 tbsp. Starch / Hand Cream / Vegetable Oil
0.5 - 1 tbsp. water

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Mass should be quite thick. The dough should not crumble. If it turned out too thick - add some water, too liquid - salt with flour (you should always observe the ratio of flour and salts 2: 1).

2. When the dough becomes like this:

We tear away small pieces from him, for which we will make prints of children's legs and pens, something like this:

3. Now, bring a piece of dough to the foot of the child, and tightly shatter. We need to get as a deep imprint. Ideally, on the test, all lines available on the foot of the baby should be imprinted, but I will say right away: it is quite difficult to achieve this, in any case, in the manufacture of prints in this way.

Make a fingerprint of a handle is more difficult, especially if the child is not half a year - my baby has captured pieces of dough all the time)))

5. The two last procedures can be repeated to infinity. I made about five to seven fingerprints of each foot and each hand to be able to choose the most successful.

6. Further there are two ways. You can first bake the resulting fingerprints of children's handles and legs in the oven (about 30 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees), and you can work with a raw test. In the first case, you can use every imprint several times. In addition, if you bake the dough longer, you can save the trace itself - it also looks very good. You can make a memorable composition and with it)). However, to make casts from a raw dough easier and faster.
I tried both ways, and I liked the second more.

7. So, we take a baked or raw imprint of the children's legs or handles, and pour the plaster into it. Make it need quickly until the plaster is frozen.

We leave the cast to dry directly in the form of minutes by 15.
If you use the imprint made of baked dough, it is better to pre-lubricate it with a petroleummy or vegetable oilIn order not to damage the cast when you will take it out of the form.

8. Remove the cast, cleanse from the remains of the test (if you used raw dough) and we are dry. Sew will have long - 3-5 days.

9. Slifting gypsum casts using a knife and sandpaper. I cut your fingers, we delete everything too much, we make the surface smooth. Be careful - watch all the detkins of the lines are preserved.

Our moms won our palms and feet as a child, so that in the children's album, the memory of what we were. Already at school, we ourselves were questioned and gave each other.

Today you can make a fingerprint of the handle and the legs of the child with each fold on the skin. And your Romeo will be able to give his Juliet to a kindergarten not just a picture, but a bulk copy of his handle. There are no good photos to our century, you will not surprise anyone, the video is removed by a mobile phone, and the castlers of children's handles and legs in the 3D format is really an exclusive that it is impossible to buy, you can only order a master or make yourself.

The godparents are buying a gift certificate for this service so that an adult child remembered them with gratitude. Orders hand print masters on a stand with engraving lovers (like on the "Alley of Stars") and newlyweds. For the jubilee, you can call a specialist in the house, and organize a gift - the procedure as part of the festive program.

Now it is fashionable to collect sculpture copies of the whole family and keep them as family relics for descendants. Many ordered the exact sculptures of their hands in 3D format.

Of course, such casts came up with a long time ago, but it cost this service is expensive, and not everyone decided to carry their crumb through the whole city in the sculptor workshop. Children grow rapidly, and I want to leave an extraordinary gift in memory of the child. When your child becomes the famous, these casts will be more precious than gold. Now many masters provide this service, but it is quite possible to do with our own forces at home

Children's casts. The first way - on the sand

Tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sands in bulk in a bowl (not tamping).
  2. Caution in the center we make an impression of pen or a child's feet.
  3. Along the edges, post the selected decor for prints.
  4. Dilute alabaster to consistency sour cream (better cold waterSince it grips very quickly).
  5. Thin trickle so as not to spoil the work, pour the solution on the sand with a layer 2 - 3 cm.
  6. After 15 minutes, when the alabaster fully solidifies, carefully take it out of the form.
  7. \u003e Clean the tassel from the sand and cover paint, varnish, we apply a memorable inscription.

The materials of the castlers of children's handles and legs are very diverse. Relieved with sand, you can experiment with plasticine.

The second method is plasticine

Tools and materials

  • children's soft plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • pVA glue;
  • material for decor.

Step-by-step instruction

The method is the third - in the test

Tools and materials

  • wheat flour - 1stA.;
  • salt small - half a compartment;
  • vegetable oil or glue - 1 tbsp.;
  • paints;
  • material for decor.

Step-by-step instruction

For grandparents, this is the most desirable gift that they will store all their lives.

But the grandmother's cheerful and simple method nobody canceled - if there are hypoallergenic paints in the house, just give the child paper and paint - and you have many prints in five minutes.

If we have mastered simple ways From simple girlfriend, you can purchase a set for professionals.

Children grow very quickly, and you have to have time to catch the moments that will delight all your life!

Hello dear readers, finally I ripe for a new article!
From the last inspiration, a year and a half!
I have a lot of new things in life, the most important thing is to the light (in January 2014) my son appeared, Leonid, my second child!
Now he is already 6.5 months. And I again started the case with the cast!

How to make the cast of handles and legs with their own hands from the gypsum? Reply: "Very simple!"

In stores a bunch of sets for their manufacture, and on the Internet there are a lot of different tips how to do it!

In 2011, 3 years ago, when I did the casts of the handles and the legs of the Duck, at first I bought a ready set. Made everything according to the instructions. Divided the mixture, stuck the hand of a sleeping child in a plate, and my Danulya took and woke up and overturned all this liquid on me! While I washed, the second jar with gel dried. Total: I threw money on the wind!

Then she climbed into favorite Internet, and saw many recipes for the manufacture of children's casts from plaster.

I want to tell you the easiest and easiest way to make blinders of your favorite handles and legs, which I liked most!

For the manufacture of children's blinds you will need:

For dough:
- Half of the glass of water,
- Two tablespoons of sunflower oil,
(oil is needed so that the dough is more elastic)
- one glass of flour,
- one glass of salt
(It is better for small, salt is needed that the dough is "obedient" to better hold the form)

The volume of my glass is 150 milliliters.

For the manufacture of the castors themselves:
- Gypsum,
- Water.

Where to get the plaster for the manufacture of children's casts?

1. You can buy on the construction market.
2. You can buy any children's set for creativity, for example, a set of "brewer".
I still have such a set since 2011 :-)

First do the dough.
In a plate mix the salt and flour, we pour oil and water, mix everything.
The dough should be dense! If the dough it turned out liquid, add more flour.
We divide the dough in half, roll off his hands.
It is necessary that two small round, but thick (2-3 cm) of the pellets so that the cast is more voluminous.

Take karapuza, make footprints and handles!

For the first time with Dana, I made the right handle and left leg.
The second time with Leonid, I made the right handle and the right leg.
It is better to do as the first time, for example, left hand and right legs or vice versa.
I think so more beautiful looks!

Next, we take a one-time glass, pour water, fall asleep plaster and mix everything.
We do not specifically write the proportions of water and plaster, since I made liquid gypsum "on the eye".
The consistency should be as sour cream or kefir.

Pour liquid plaster into our children's prints, and wait.

When plaster froze, remove the dough and our casts are ready!

The usual water dough remnants are easily cleaned.

It remains to decorate them!

You can paint the cast as you like, I took pink and silver nail polish!
At first, the children's casts were pink, and then silver varnish.
That's what happened.

Further on the Internet found a beautiful frame, added the photo of the child and signed the age - printed photos!
I bought a regular photo frame, put a photo, pregnancy test, bracelet and tag from the maternity hospital!
Ready baby blinds I was glued, on double sided tape, on glass!

That's ready beautiful frame with children's casts for a long memory!

You can add first children's clothing, pacifier and much more.

For comparison, I post a photo of my first frame with cast!

Now we have at home here is such a beauty:

Children's casts can be done at any age, but to make it easier to fix them, better when they are still tiny.
The sooner you make the cast, the easier it is to attach them to the photo frame!

Successful to you creations!

P.S. : The only thing that did not understand how to remove air bubbles from the gypsum?
Little points are obtained on the cast.
Maybe you need to stir longer?!

Baby Sleeping Puff Dough

This method is considered the cheapest, but immediately should be taken into account that the material is short-lived. The dough can be cooled after a few months, and the increased humidity in the room will spoil it even faster. Of course, you can extend the life of the cast, covering it with varnish, but still it will last you only for a few years longer.

Making casts from plaster

You can perpetuate the handle and the leg of your baby in the form of a cast, using the usual gypsum, as in the photo. But this method is not perfect. For example, if your baby suffers allergies, it is impossible to apply ordinary building gypsum. In addition, the casts are obtained too cumbersome and heavy, and they simply have nowhere to give them. Nevertheless, tell me how to make it with your own hands.

First we drag the plaster with water as indicated in the instructions. We take shape (for example, a round cup or a small saucepan), cover it food film And pour the gypsum.

When the mixture starts to stick, make a print. It is better to smear the leg in advance or the baby's hand with a fat cream or sunflower oil. When the cast finally hardens, you easily remove the handle from the form.

Slots of children's handles and plastic legs

This is the most progressive way that will help make the cast of a children's handle and legs at home.

First you need to make "black" prints from salt dough. Some are recommended to produce them from plastic, but this material has pretty nasty smell and solid consistency, so it is not known how your baby will attract to them. Cartink 5

The imprint of salt dough needs to be pretty lubricated with oil. Take the plastic, frow it in a thin plate and fill all the holes so that it takes exactly the form of a children's handle or legs.

When the mixture hardens a little, it can be removed and cleaned from excessive test with a cotton wand. Cut the cast and leave cool somewhere on the windowsill.

Now there are even special sets that help make casts with their own hands. They immediately provide a container and a mixture for imprint. Therefore, if for some reason you do not trust the ways we have proposed, you can use a set and make yourself a great memory gift.

Videos how to make the shapes of the handles and legs do it yourself

Surely all parents want to preserve warm spiritual memories of childhood of their kids. But, unfortunately, even the most detailed pictures may not always convey the thriftful magical feeling, which is tested by mom with dad while touching the tiny fingers of his child. Children's handles and legs come to the rescue of sentimental parents in this case, with their own hands made.

Colorful traces

The first thing that comes to mind to perpetuate the handles and the legs of the child is to dip in the watercolor or gouache and print on plain paper or cardboard. Yes, this is not the most original wayBut it is inexpensive and fast. To keep this sheet for a long time, you can either illuminate it or put it in a beautiful subframe.

Plasticine legs

Also, a simple option to make castlers of children's handles and legs with their own hands is plasticine. The one is best suited that he himself freezes in the air, or a special mixture for modeling. Mass should be flattened in the form of a medallioner and print a handle or a feet of the baby in it. Be sure to make the hole until the plasticine is drying, so that the "home relic" can be suspended on the ribbon.

Salt dough imprint

Many of us were sculpting in childhood "salty" figures, and now, becoming parents, salt dough will help us to capture the tiny fingers of our kids. So how to make the castlers of children's handles and legs of salt dough?

We dissolve the salts of the salt in the water glass and add a glass of flour (more than the dough will not be distinguished from the hands). The mass that was turned out to be divided by 4 the same parts and rolling the rolling pin on flat swarms with a thickness of a couple of centimeters and the size of a children's handle and a leg. Dry clean palms and the feet of the kid deeply pressing each piece. If the blinder turned out to be fuzzy or do not like you, you can roll the dough again and repeat the procedure.

When the cast is ready, put the dough for 2-3 weeks to dry. After that, the dough can be painted with acrylic paints. As you can see, this method is quite painstaking, but the result will be the durable and original casts of the handles and the legs of the child from the salt dough.

Salted Test and Gypsum

Even more scrupulous and unusual way Get imprints (casts) of children's handles and legs with their own hands - hip them.

To do this, we make the dough on the recipe described above, and exactly also form prints, and the test is better to do 2 times more so that the imprint is obtained as closely as possible (2-3 cm in depth). We take plaster (the best set for creativity is best for creativity from special artistic children's stores, but it is possible to build). We dreamed it with water in the proportion of 1 cup of gypsum on a half-table of water (it is important to add water into the gypsum, and not vice versa). Add 2-3 spoons of PVA glue to the resulting cast was stronger. Very quickly all mix and pour into the form with the test.

While the mass is not frozen better to postpone all the ugly edges with a cloth, otherwise they will have to cut them, which can be damaged. We leave for a day to stick the cast of a children's handle (legs) with your own hands. Gypsum usually dries quickly, but that everything turned out quality, it is better not to touch it for several hours. After that, the finished cast can be taken from the dough. All irregularities are thrown away by sandpaper. You can decorate such prints with acrylic paint or make an interesting collage from children's photos with them. The main thing is to approach the process with a fantasy!

Sand blinds

Another way to get the cast of children's handles and legs with their own hands is to use sand instead of a dough. The principle of operation is the same. We smell the sand into the deep container, wetting it with water so that it turns into a thick mass, but did not float in the water and the child's imprint does not grow. I lower the leg or the toddle of the baby deeper (1-2 cm) so that the imprint remains, and take it out. Then we lower the gypsum into the resulting mold (the proportions are described above) and leave for several hours to frost. After that, shake off excess sand.

Sleeps from the finished set

It contained several ways to make the castlers of children's handles and legs with their own hands, but you can use ready-made sets for creativity. They allow without the use of girlfriend to create high-quality "handles" and "legs", just follow the instructions. There are 2D kits (only with prints), 3D (palm and foot in full), as well as with the ability to cast a child's hand with an adult hand, cast in the frame, on the stand, in the album, with the engraved sign and much more. The only drawback of this method is the high cost, but those who really know the sense in original and memorable things will appreciate it.

Instead of imprisonment

Create memorable things, whether it's photographs or the first home handmade, it is very important because kids grow very quickly, and we cannot save every detail in memory. In addition to such wonderful blinds, the mother's chest with small treasures can constantly replenish - tags from the hospital or photo from the first ultrasound, congratulatory cards from relatives and loved ones. Photo albums, a bag with the first strand of hair, the first clothing, the first toy, the first dummy or the first bottle, and when the kid will grow up, and the first drawings, the first fakes and many other amazing memorabilia.

Yes, and the child probably in adulthood will want to get acquainted with those things that surrounded him in childhood, and even, perhaps, quite a little bit to remember that wonderful carefree and happy time.
