Morphological picture of methanol poisoning

bibliographic description:
Morphological picture of methanol poisoning / Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - S. 127-130.

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/ Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - S. 127-130.

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Morphological picture of methanol poisoning / Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - S. 127-130.

/ Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - S. 127-130.

Technical fluids are widely known in forensic medicine as surrogates or substitutes for alcohol, causing severe and fatal poisoning when ingested. Most of such poisoning occurs due to the ingestion of liquid for the purpose of intoxication, but perhaps instead of water, through carelessness when the liquid is sucked in through the mouth through a hose during transfusion from one container to another, etc.

Methyl alcohol - a colorless transparent liquid that does not differ in smell and taste and appearance from ethyl (wine) alcohol. Methyl alcohol poisoning is currently not common, since its use is sharply limited in sectors of the national economy. In technology, methyl alcohol is used as a solvent for the preparation of paints, pharmaceuticals, sometimes used as component antifreeze, as winter fuel for frost in a mixture with gasoline, is used in laboratory practice. Currently, there are cases of methyl alcohol poisoning associated with violation of the rules for storing and using them in the preparation of surrogates for alcoholic beverages. The high mortality rate of the population from acute poisoning with surrogates and the high incidence of alcoholic intoxication as a factor contributing to the onset of death are in direct causal relationship with the high level of alcohol consumption, mainly in the form of hard drinks. At least 25% of the consumed amount of strong alcoholic beverages is toxic falsified alcohol (from the data of the Russian Association of Public Health 1998).

Severe poisoning occurs mainly when ingested, although cases of inhalation poisoning are possible, alcohol can also enter the body by absorption through intact skin with prolonged action on a large surface of the skin. Severe poisoning can be caused by taking 7-10 ml of methanol, and the lethal dose is 30 ml. At the same time, deaths have been described after taking 5 ml and recovering after drinking 250-500 ml. Sometimes there are people in whom the reception of even relatively large doses of it does not cause any subjective manifestations of poisoning, which is associated with an individual low sensitivity to methanol. After administration, methanol quickly appears in the blood and circulates for about 3-4 days, within which, in most cases, death occurs, only in 8-9% of cases, death occurs after 3 days. Thus, the course of poisoning depends on the dose taken and the sensitivity of the body to methanol.

Victims almost constantly complain of a sharp decrease in vision, which, in severe cases, ends in blindness. Sometimes toxic encephalopathy occurs with insomnia, general anxiety, fear of death. Most often, death occurs in a state of deep coma due to respiratory paralysis.

When examining a corpse, a picture is usually determined that is characteristic of the rapid onset of death: congestive plethora of internal organs, multiple minor hemorrhages, dark liquid blood. On external examination of the corpse, there are well-defined cadaveric spots with cyanosis of the skin of the face, auricles and the mucous membrane of the lips, rapidly advancing rigor mortis with the appearance of "goose bumps", and dilated pupils. At the autopsy, a typical alcoholic or peculiar sweetish-cloying smell is felt, especially if death occurred no later than a day after poisoning. The brain and its membranes are full-blooded and edematous to one degree or another. Often there are hemorrhages in the medulla oblongata and pons.

Microscopic examination in cases of poisoning, in which large doses of methanol are determined in the blood of corpses, histological examination reveals a picture of acute death:

- in the brain tissue, in addition to hemorrhage and plethora, finding pronounced degenerative changes in neurons, especially in the brain stem regions, which are expressed in gross structural changes in the cell body and nucleus (cells of irregular shape with indistinct contours, the shell is distinguishable in places, karyorrhexis, in places wrinkling. Nissl: lysis of a tigroid, in the final granular disintegration of neurocytes);

In the lung tissue, pronounced venous plethora, emphysema, alveolar distelectasis, intra-alveolar edema;

- in the renal parenchyma, pronounced plethora of vessels of all levels and calibers, in the stroma, edema, tubular epithelium with dystrophic changes, focal necrosis of tubular epithelium;

In other organs, the mucous membranes of the digestive tract are usually full-blooded, somewhat edematous, punctate hemorrhages are sometimes found on their surface. The liver is full-blooded, the phenomenon of protein dystrophy. Dystrophic changes in the muscle fibers of the myocardium, edema of the stroma in the heart tissue.

In cases of death later than 3-4 days after poisoning, dystrophic changes in internal organs develop into pronounced necrobiosis and then into necrosis.

In the liver parenchyma - total necrosis of hepatocytes with uneven blood filling of the vascular bed.
In the lungs, there are small-point hemorrhages under the pleura, diapedetic hemorrhages under the pleura, intraalveolar hemorrhages in the lung tissue, which is often edematous.
Kidney - diffuse tubular epithelial necrosis, stromal edema.
In the tissue of the myocardium - myocytes with pronounced dystrophic changes, foci of fuchsinophilic degeneration, foci of myolysis, the stroma is loosened, edematous.
The brain is a plethora of the vascular bed, degenerative changes in neurocytes with karyolysis and the appearance of numerous shadow cells. Perivascular, pericellular edema.

Despite the nonspecific morphological picture in acute poisoning, special attention is drawn to the morphological manifestations of severe damage to the vascular system: pronounced plethora with hemorrhages in the brain, as well as in other internal organs; hemorrhages in the serous and mucous membranes. When experiencing, dystrophic and necrotic changes with the development of hepatic and renal failure come to the fore.

Cases of methanol poisoning persist due to the spread of counterfeit alcohol products, the number of fatal poisonings has increased, which retains the relevance of this type of forensic medical examination.

Methanol (carbinol, wood alcohol) - monohydric alcohol. It is a colorless liquid. The taste and smell does not differ from ethyl alcohol, which explains the frequent poisoning with methanol. Methanol is widely used in industry as a solvent.


Methyl alcohol is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, has a low ability to be absorbed through the skin. The local effect on the mucous membrane is more pronounced than that of ethanol. The narcotic effect of monohydric alcohol is less pronounced.

Excretion of methanol occurs by the lungs and kidneys (about 10% unchanged alcohol). The rest of the alcohol is metabolized in the liver to form formaldehyde and formic acid, the toxicity of which determines the severity of methyl alcohol poisoning. Methanol metabolism products inhibit the processes of oxidative phosphorylation in the retina, which leads to blindness. In addition to affecting the organ of vision, methyl alcohol also affects the central nervous system and other organs.

Since the splitting of methanol and ethanol occurs with the help of the same enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase, these two alcohols compete with each other while simultaneously entering the body. Moreover, the binding of ethyl alcohol to the enzyme occurs 5-7 times faster than methyl alcohol. therefore ethyl alcohol is an antidote for methanol poisoning.

The minimum lethal dose of methanol depends on the degree of filling of the stomach, individual sensitivity, the amount of ethanol taken at the same time and ranges from 20 to 100 ml.


Some time after the intake of methyl alcohol (the latent period is from 1 to 40 hours, on average 12-24 hours), alcoholic stunning appears and signs of damage to the gastric mucosa - nausea, vomiting. Headache and dizziness appear.

A typical sign of methyl alcohol poisoning is visual impairment, in which there is a blurred perception, flickering, nystagmus. After a few days, irreversible blindness may occur.

Metabolic acidosis gradually develops, which can persist for a long time. Tachycardia and hypotension are increasing. Body temperature can be either high or low. Breathing disorders, convulsions are observed.

Deaths from methanol poisoning are caused by respiratory paralysis, edema of the brain and lungs, vascular collapse and uremia.


If you suspect methanol poisoning, the doctor must carefully collect an anamnesis, the mandatory points of which are the prescription and the amount of alcohol that was used.

Laboratory data can help determine methanol in blood and urine. The acid-base state of the blood indicates metabolic acidosis, plasma osmolarity is increased.


The first emergency measure for methanol poisoning is to induce vomiting and gastric lavage. After that, the patient is given activated carbon.

The use of the antidote - ethanol - is possible by any means - intravenous, oral. If the patient is conscious and can consume liquid, then the dose of injected alcohol is calculated so that for every kilogram of the patient's weight, 1-2 g of 96% ethyl alcohol are required per day.

When ethanol is administered intravenously, 40% alcohol is diluted in a glucose solution in an amount of 50 ml and injected every 3 hours.

Symptomatic therapy is aimed primarily at correcting violations of the acid-base state and water-electrolyte metabolism. Elimination of metabolic acidosis is achieved by the administration of trisamine, sodium bicarbonate.

The transfer of the patient to hemodialysis is carried out according to the indications: taking about 30 ml of methyl alcohol with food, the concentration of methanol in the blood 50-100 g / 100 ml, severe acidosis, severe visual impairment.

Hello dear readers! Today I have a very important topic - the symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning and first aid for poisoning. You need to know this information because if trouble happens to you, it will be too late to look for it.

Methyl alcohol in taste and smell does not differ from drinking ethyl alcohol, but its use, even in very small doses, is almost always leads to death... Best case scenario to blindness.

Methyl-methanol-technical alcohol

If for you the definition of methyl alcohol is an empty phrase, I will tell you about its composition, properties and harmful effects on the body. In natural form, methanol is nothing more than a technical solvent. It is part of technical fluids, household chemicals, detergents.

The main trick of methanol is that it is a natural substitute that does not contain ethanol, but can have an intoxicating effect. Its critical concentration in the human body is only 100ml. The big problem is the complete identity of its characteristics with ethanol.

It is impossible to distinguish medical alcohol from technical alcohol, they are identical in taste and smell. Experts in the laboratory and at home distinguish between liquids only by experimental research.

The easiest way to make sure you're not buying a surrogate is to set fire to the liquid. Ethanol gives a blue flame, methanol green. Perhaps it was he who was previously considered the "green serpent"?

Why is methyl alcohol dangerous?

Taking as little as 100 ml of methyl alcohol is most likely to kill the person. And the lucky ones who got acquainted with methanol and the survivors are not to be envied. As a rule, poisoning is 25-100 ml. this poison leads to complete or partial loss of vision.

Let's take a look at how methanol behaves when it enters the body, and what processes it starts. Getting into the stomach, methyl alcohol is instantly absorbed, splitting into formaldehyde and formic acid. These two components are maximally toxic to humans and paralyze the work of cells even at the lowest concentration.

Traveling through the gastrointestinal tract, the toxic fluid first destroys the gastrointestinal tract, then the urinary system, gradually reaching nerve cells... Liver damage rapidly turns into acidosis (violation of the acid-base balance).

The reaction must be instant

After a stormy party or a noisy feast, within 12-18 hours, methyl alcohol begins to show its presence in the body. More precisely, not he himself, but his component formic acid, which for a given period of time accumulates in sufficient concentration in tissues and blood and is manifested by the following signs:

  • Acute headache, dizziness, loss of coordination;
  • Stomach colic, nausea, complicated by constant vomiting, abdominal cramps;
  • Arrhythmia and increased heart rate, sudden surges in blood pressure;
  • Complete or flickering loss of consciousness;
  • Aggression and inappropriate reactions;
  • Excessive salivation, shortness of breath.

These are signs of mild or primary poisoning. Medical intervention at this stage gives a favorable prognosis for recovery without restoring vision and affected cells. The probability of occurrence of deviations in the work of all systemic organs of the body is 99%, but this is better than going to the forefathers ahead of time.

The conclusion is simple: timely detection of signs of poisoning is a lucky ticket to a new life, even if not as colorful as before! It is much worse when the manifestations became obvious or intensified on the second or third day. Here, the above symptoms are connected:

  • Loss of vision;
  • Apathy and stunnedness, replaced by unconscious motor activity;
  • Cyanotic skin;
  • Complete loss of consciousness, coma;
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • Breathing disorder;
  • Aggravation of headaches and pain in the lower extremities.

This is an acute stage of intoxication (poisoning) in which, in most cases, death is inevitable. Signs appear and progress rapidly. Therefore, if on the third day the recovery did not occur, and the condition has critically worsened, we can assume that you are faced with another methyl victim.

Signs that appear on 3 or more days later also include:

  • Deep coma;
  • Obsessive hiccups and constant urge to vomit;
  • Chilled and moist skin of the body (the result of damage to the excretory system);
  • Reducing pain threshold;
  • Marbling of the skin;
  • Tachycardia (rapid heart rate).

At this stage, assistance is not effective. 80% of the victims could not recover from the defeat of the internal organs by methanol and died.

Assistance measures

The symptoms are frightening, but if you are near the victim, then it is in your power to provide first aid. You will not save him from the harmful effects of toxins, because the mechanism has already been launched, but you will make the condition as easy as possible and possibly save his life by taking the following assistance measures:

  1. Plentiful warm drink, 1-1.5 liters of water without additives and induce vomiting;
  2. Repeated gastric lavage, possibly using a gastric tube;
  3. Reception of a laxative for prompt bowel cleansing;
  4. Bed rest and insulation.

Before starting the procedures, call the single ambulance number, you cannot do without medical intervention. After hospitalization, patients with methyl poisoning are prescribed ethanol replacement therapy (the only effective antidote), B vitamins and folic acid, add other medications according to symptoms.

Although ethyl alcohol is the antidote to methyl alcohol, it should not be used alone as a medicine. Firstly, you do not know the required dose, and secondly, if the poisoning is still not methanol, then ethanol can aggravate the situation.


Special report by Vesti about poisoning with surrogate alcohol

This is where I end. I hope this information is never useful to you. Keep the feast safe.

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Good day, Pavel Dorofeev.

Methanol is a clear, toxic liquid that is mainly used in industry. This toxic substance is also called carbinol, methyl alcohol and wood alcohol. It tends to quickly accumulate in the body, while being slowly excreted from it. Even a small amount of this poisonous liquid can kill a person. Therefore, in case of poisoning, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, in addition, you need to know the first symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning.

The main causes of carbinol intoxication

If there is methyl alcohol poisoning (the reasons, signs are discussed in the article), treatment provided on time will help to avoid serious consequences. Intoxication with carbinol occurs, as a rule, with its accidental ingestion in order to achieve a state of alcoholic intoxication. Most often, this toxic liquid is mistaken for ethanol. In very rare cases, methanol is used in suicide attempts.

When wood alcohol is in the body, it quickly enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine. Metabolism of methyl alcohol occurs in the liver with the participation of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. During this process, highly toxic chemical compounds such as formaldehyde and formic acid are formed. Approximately 15% of carbinol metabolites are excreted unchanged from the human body through the lungs. The remaining substances are removed through the kidneys, which provokes their damage.

Also methanol and its decay products negatively affect the cardiovascular system, as well as the nervous one. In addition, they have a pronounced cumulative effect. When it enters the body, this poisonous liquid leads to damage to the retina, depression of the nervous system, dystrophic processes in the fibers of the optic nerve. In addition, wood alcohol provokes the formation of severe metabolic acidosis.

Dangerous dose of methanol

Even a small amount of this monoatomic substance is toxic to humans. About 5-10 ml of methyl alcohol drunk can lead to complete loss of vision, and 30 ml - to death.

Signs of carbinol intoxication

The first symptom of methyl alcohol poisoning may not appear immediately, since the poison is not oxidized too quickly. Early signs may appear only 12 hours after the meal, and in some cases - only after 2 days. But drinking too much methanol is fatal in just a few hours.

The first symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning are as follows:

  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • headache;
  • nausea and increased salivation;
  • hypertension with further a sharp decline pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • depression or aggressiveness;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • confusion of consciousness.

Stages of intoxication

When symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning occur, time cannot be stalled. Indeed, if assistance is not provided the next day, the victim will have more serious consequences, which are usually divided into the following forms:

  • Ophthalmic (ocular) stage. Colored specks begin to flicker in the eyes, which then merge into a veil. The pupils no longer respond to light, vision deteriorates and the victim becomes blind.
  • Collaptioid shape. A person who has been poisoned with methanol feels a tightness behind the breastbone, his heart rate and breathing become more frequent. Cyanosis of the lips and skin also appears, hypotension, weakness and severe sweating occur. Intermittent breathing is observed.
  • Comatose stage. The eyelids swell a lot, and a marble pattern becomes noticeable on the skin. Consciousness and almost all reflexes of the body are completely disabled. There is a disorder of cardiac activity and breathing, and their work may stop altogether.

If you do not provide first aid in a timely manner, followed by treatment in the hospital, then after 3 days a fatal outcome will occur.

Methods for detecting methyl alcohol in alcohol

The risk of poisoning with this poisonous liquid is very high, since it is practically no different from ethyl alcohol. Carbinol has the same smell, taste and clarity as other formulations that are used to make alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is imperative to know what early symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning arise in order to take action in time.

If there are doubts about the quality of the purchased alcohol, it is better to refuse to take it. You can act differently, for example, check what is contained in the composition of this liquid.

To prevent intoxication with carbinol, you should drop a little liquid into a spoon, and then set it on fire. If there are more green colors in the flame, then this alcohol contains technical alcohols. It must be remembered that its color is always blue when ethanol is burning.

In addition, ordinary potatoes will help to detect the methanol content in alcoholic beverages. This vegetable acts as an indicator. With its help, you can understand whether there are toxins in the liquid or not. To test the drink, you need to take some peeled potatoes and place them in a container of liquid.

After a while, when the chemical reaction is completed, the root vegetable may acquire a pale pink hue. With such changes, it is immediately clear that carbinol is definitely present in the composition of alcohol.

First aid

We have discussed the symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning and the stage of intoxication above. What needs to be done to avoid a fatal outcome? First of all, you need to immediately call ambulance... Before the arrival of doctors, the victim must be made a weak soda solution. He must drink it and induce vomiting in order to remove as much of the unabsorbed alcohol and its products from the body as possible. This procedure should be repeated several times.

Then the patient needs to take a laxative to enhance the elimination of wood alcohol and improve intestinal motility. Such actions are appropriate to perform only with a mild form of intoxication. If symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning appeared first, and then the person lost consciousness, then he must be laid on his stomach and his head turned to the side. This will prevent vomiting from entering the respiratory tract. It is not worth touching the victim before the doctors arrive.

It must always be remembered which signs appear if methyl alcohol poisoning occurs. First aid in such a situation should be provided immediately. The best antidote for methanol intoxication is, oddly enough, ethyl alcohol. It neutralizes the effect of this poisonous liquid on the human body.

During the interaction of these alcohols, the process of splitting and excretion of carbinol is accelerated. Based on the action of ethanol on the competitive binding of enzymes with alcohols. All this leads to a decrease in the production of formic acid in the body. The permissible amount of antidote is not more than 0.5 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Treatment and prevention

Further therapy is performed in a medical institution. Methyl alcohol poisoning (symptoms of treatment require immediate) involves the following actions. First, doctors carry out a control gastric lavage with a probe. For these purposes, sodium bicarbonate solution is usually used.

To weaken the negative effect of methanol, ethyl alcohol is prescribed orally or intravenously. First, the patient drinks no more than 50 ml of liquid, and then every hour 13 grams. To eliminate acidosis, sodium bicarbonate is used. It is consumed or given intravenously every 60 minutes.

In case of mild and moderate intoxication, forced diuresis is performed, and in severe poisoning, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis is performed. For the treatment of exotoxic shock, solutions of polyglucin, sodium bicarbonate, rheopolyglucin and hemodez are used.

Functional therapy is carried out for convulsions, cerebral edema, respiratory failure, cardiovascular failure, and low blood pressure. During treatment, various medications are prescribed, for example, "Prednisolone", "Riboxin" or "Piracetam".

To return visual functions, atropine and hydrocortisone are administered. During the recovery period, the patient is recommended to use niacin, vitamins PP and E.

Complications of methanol poisoning

The ingestion of this substance in large doses leads to negative consequences. These complications include:

  • Disruption of the heart muscle and oxygen starvation. Such disorders appear due to the transferred coma and the effect of methyl alcohol on the nervous system.
  • Compression Syndrome. Occurs when the victim is in an alcoholic coma for more than 4 hours, as a result muscle collapses. In turn, this can lead to malfunctioning of the liver, kidneys and vascular blockage.
  • Deterioration of vision. It happens to varying degrees up to its complete loss.

Wood alcohol, even in small doses, affects the performance of all organs and systems.

How to avoid methanol poisoning?

Drivers should be very careful when using wood alcohol products. It must be remembered that their vapors are also toxic, so it is better not to breathe them. It is advisable to cover your face with a mask and use rubber gloves. If, nevertheless, symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alcoholic products should be drunk only of high quality and proven. You need to buy it in specialized stores that have a trade license. You should not buy drinks from your hands to save a little, it can be life-threatening!

Methyl alcohol poisoning occurs when a poor-quality product is consumed. Surrogates are often added to low-quality industrial products.

The mechanism of action of methanol and ethanol is similar. Both drinks have a "stupefying" effect on the brain, but in addition surrogates severely damage the liver, which is responsible for the detoxification function of the body (destroys toxins).

It is impossible to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl alcohol by color and smell. The first one is medical, it is used for wiping the skin, for internal use.

Methyl alcohol is a technical option. It is added to thinners, various automotive fluids. Does not possess nutritional properties... When ingested, it causes severe conditions, accompanied by vasoconstriction, damage to the organs of vision. It is possible to save a person's life in case of methyl alcohol poisoning only through emergency detoxification in a hospital (intensive care unit, intensive care unit).

What is the difference between alcohols:

  1. The boiling point of methyl alcohol is about 65 degrees, ethyl alcohol is 78 degrees;
  2. Ethanol upon combustion forms blue color flame, methanol green;
  3. When heated copper wire is immersed in ethanol, the aroma of rotten apples will appear. The dangerous counterpart creates an unpleasant, strong "flavor".

The described experiments are rarely carried out at home, as "thirst" makes the addicted person consume any alcoholic beverages.

Consequences of poisoning

After absorption in the stomach, methyl alcohol is split into formaldehyde and formic acid. The removal of alcohol is carried out by the kidneys, therefore, the first system that is affected by intoxication is the urinary system. Even with small amounts of methyl alcohol, the chances of kidney failure are high.

In second place in case of methyl alcohol poisoning are problems with nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract. Attempts to neutralize the toxin are carried out in the liver. Chemical processing of methyl alcohol leads to the formation of formaldehyde, causing the main complication of poisoning, blindness.

Formic acid is a toxic compound that can be excreted through the lungs with damage to the main functional unit of the alveoli.

Chronic intoxication leads to multiple organ failure, which is the cause of death in the long term. Methanol does not cause specific signs, with the exception of blindness, but it can be detected only if the person's consciousness is preserved.
