Everything is measurable. It is a fact. But the values ​​used are different. Most of the products that are rolled up, which relate to fittings and kitchen products, are today measured in linear meters. To be more precise, then running meter is how many meters long. The width is not taken into account.

In one store, these stripes are in this form. But in the other there is just one wide strip of 3 meters long 10 meters. In essence, this is what we need. Since the cost is indicated in linear meters, in the first store we will pay three times more than in the second. The savings are huge!

Remember, 1 linear meter is 1 meter of the product in length. And then it doesn't matter what the width is. The price will not change.


Very often, only the number of linear meters and the price are indicated in the product information card. This means that we do not know anything about the width of the product. If you buy everything in a store or market, you can bring your own tape measure.

On the Internet, such data is often hidden. You can not order a product without making sure of its parameters. It is worth calling the store and find out its width.

When you find two identical items with different prices, do not rush to order the cheapest one. It is possible that the width of that product will not suit you.

Marking the fabric is a matter, although not simple, but accurate. With kitchens, which are also measured in linear meters, everything is much more complicated. Usually, we take into account 1 meter of standard headset. That is, simple cabinets and tables are always used for miscalculations. All additional decorative elements are negotiated separately.

If you buy a ready-made kitchen, then information about running meters is not particularly important. You already see the finished price tag and decide whether the price is right or not. But at individual orders everything needs to be carefully considered.

It is important to emphasize that one can never know in advance the exact amount. We can only judge the minimum cost of 1 linear meter of your future kitchen.

There are two popular situations in which the answers are completely different:

1. Accurate calculation. You order an ordinary kitchen, where all drawers, cabinets and tables are of standard sizes. You don't change anything. The final price may differ slightly from the planned one.

2. Completely inaccurate calculation. The kitchen is completely original. All cabinets and drawers are designed for your convenience and size of dishes and furniture. The headset fits exactly into the design of the room. The final price may be several times higher.

Why is the total going up?

It is difficult to translate linear meters. And for the sake of a new idea, you have to put up with the pricing policy. To cut costs, it is worth connecting different components. That is, it is necessary to use as many standard elements as possible, diluting them with custom ones. So you get a kitchen that fits well into the interior, and save your budget.

Do not forget that different materials and designer stuff increase the cost. One linear meter of a locker can become more expensive if you decide to install not 4, but 5 drawers in it. Each detail requires additional expenses. Carving or decorative stickers are far from cheap.

Alternative to running meter

Many shops calculate the price based on ready-made kitchens. You choose the model you like, see its price, and then change it a little, if necessary. In such cases, it is easier to evaluate a future purchase.

As a result, we see that a linear meter is a value by which many goods are measured, from fabric to kitchen. It defines the length without specifying the width. In order not to make a mistake in the purchase, you need to clarify all the points. If the Internet refuses to tell you the width, then it's not worth the risk. After all, you can just lose your money.

The square meter (sqm) is a unit of area in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to the area of ​​a square with a meter side. The area of ​​a rectangular () room is calculated as the length multiplied by the width (height).

Square meters are widely used in practice. For example, when it comes to selling an apartment of 46 sq.m, it means its floor area. When to Calculate required amount ceramic tiles for laying on the wall, you need to find out the area for laying, namely the length of the wall multiplied by the height of the room.

The concept and distinctive features of a running meter

The running meter is completely different from the square meter. It measures length, and a square meter measures area. These two units are not interconnected and it is impossible to convert meters into square meters without knowing the width of the product. For example, a piece of fabric with a length of 2 linear meters and a width of 3 meters will have an area of ​​2 * 3 = 6 square meters.

Many people are wondering how many centimeters are in linear. The answer is quite simple - a running meter is no different from a regular meter in length, i.e. it is 100 cm. But it is a kind of length without width. To determine linear meters, it is necessary to have information only about the length.

Linear meters measure the length of the product in the case when its width (or height,) does not matter, for example, a roll of fabric, carpet or baseboard. In other cases, square meters are used, for example, when measuring the amount of ceramic tiles, laminate, etc.

Linear meters often measure rolled building materials. For example, in relation to linoleum, the price is often set in linear meters. This means that regardless of its width (it can be 3 m, 4 m), the buyer will pay only for the length he needs. The fact is that the width of the product is already initially included in the cost. But it happens that the cost of linoleum is indicated in square meters X. Then it turns out that in order to buy 10 linear meters of linoleum 4 m wide, you need to pay for 40 sq.m.

For ease of calculation, the cost of furniture, such as a kitchen, is indicated in running meters. It means that regardless of the number of shelves and doors, the buyer will pay only for the length. In this case, we are talking about the standard version and standard fittings.

Often, linear meters are also used by builders when determining the cost of work. For example, for laying tiles on steps, installing skirting boards or grouting joints in ceramic tiles, the price of services depends only on the length, and not on the area of ​​work. But most construction works calculated on the basis of the area of ​​​​the room (square meters).

Choosing new furniture is always a difficult process. And when it comes to not entirely clear formulations, then this develops into a huge problem. Most often, buyers are confused. Basically, such products are sold in linear meters, and they don’t bother to explain what it is on the label, hence the difficulties for consumers.

Why measure in running meters?

Many buyers cannot understand why invent some running meters there. For example, with wardrobe, armchair, sofa, table everything is much simpler, and the price is interpreted unambiguously. The need to introduce such a measure specifically for kitchens is explained by the fact that individual elements headsets can have different prices, if they were priced separately, buyers would be even more confused.

On a note! Not always a running meter is such a good guideline, as it shows the minimum value of the cost. For each additional shelf, opening and storage system, you will have to pay extra.

Linear meter

  • A running meter is a conventional unit of measurement for any kitchen, corresponding to a piece of material and expressing the length of an object, regardless of its width. It includes a minimum set of elements, there is no decoration. The filling of cabinets is also standard.

For most manufacturers, this is:

  1. with opening doors.
  2. One shelf.
  3. One .
  4. Plank for hanging shelves.
  5. Less commonly, such an economy set includes: handles, baseboards, plinth.
  • That is, 1 linear meter is the average price of one meter in length. This value is used not only when selling, but also to calculate the cost of ordering a product.

The price never includes:

  1. panel;
  2. backlight;
  3. cornices;
  4. ;
  5. washing;
  6. wall plinth.

Features of calculation and configuration

In order to understand how much your kitchen will cost in the end, you should determine its optimal set of spaciousness and functionality.

Important! In most salons, the headset style you like is ready to be provided in different variations.

averaged standard can be called like this:

  1. Bottom (floor) cabinets. Their number should be five: under, drawers, a hob, two with doors for storing the necessary kitchen items.
  2. Corner elements in the amount of 2 pieces.
  3. Facades made of laminated surfaces, MDF tabletop.
  4. Hanging shelves. Their number is the same as that of floor cabinets in most cases.
  5. Cabinet-pencil case with compartment under .
  6. Advice! Before heading to the salon, you need to measure the dimensions of the room for which the furniture is selected. Only 2 measurements are required: skirting board length and ceiling height.

    The less non-standard solutions will be in your new kitchen the cheaper it will cost. But often the amount that is indicated per linear meter can only serve as a starting point, as it shows the lowest cost that you have to pay. At a minimum, you need to buy another sink.

    Factors affecting the price of a headset

    Of course, it is important to consider that many factors influence the price of a running meter. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Materials. The cheapest - chipboard, further MDF, the last and most expensive -. Much less often, kitchens are made of stainless steel, mainly for professional equipment of restaurants. You can also find high quality headsets. Of course, you are unlikely to find the last two options in the average store, they are mostly made to order.
  • Finishing. The most accessible are laminated facades, fiberboard covered with veneer, or varnished surfaces. Somewhat more expensive steel, lacquered glass. The most expensive facade is high varnish. This is the name of the surface covered with varnish in several layers.
  • Special mechanisms, storage systems. Devices for lifting doors, wall cabinets, swivel baskets, auto-closers etc. These elements simplify the work in the kitchen, but at the same time add to its price. In some cases, the cost doubles.
  • non-standard elements. Almost every manufacturer in the price list you can find atypical sizes of cabinets and shelves. However, remember that

The concept of "linear meter" often confuses people. Although there is nothing mysterious, and even more terrible, in this phrase. Consider several options where this concept can be applied, and learn how to calculate the required number of running meters.

A running meter is the usual length in meters, but taking into account the width of any finishing or household material (carpet, linoleum, plastic or vinyl film). Let's say you have a room 4.5 meters wide and 6.0 meters long, and you are going to lay new linoleum in this room. In the store, you need to choose a material that is suitable in quality and pattern and be sure to pay attention to the width of the rolls. Linoleum width can be 1.5 meters, 2.0 meters or 2.5 meters. Since the width of the room is 4.5 meters, in order to cover it with linoleum, you will need to put a few pieces. It can be three pieces of 1.5 each (1.5m * 3 = 4.5m) or two - one with a width of 2.0 and the second - 2.5 (2.0m + 2.5m = 4.5m).

At least three pieces of a smaller width, at least two of a larger one, should correspond in length to the length of the room (6 meters). This means that in order to cover a room with linoleum 1.5 meters wide, you need to buy 18 linear meters (6 * 3 = 18). If you decide to lay linoleum with a width of 2.0 and 2.5 meters, then you only need to buy 12 linear meters - 6 meters with a width of 2.0 and 6 meters with a width of 2.5 (6 + 6 = 12).

Any other rolled floor coverings are also sold in running meters. But to cover the floor with carpet, it is enough to buy as many linear meters as the length of the room. Carpet is usually not joined, as is done with linoleum flooring, so you need to choose the width that completely covers the floor.

By linear meters you can buy both a film for finishing greenhouses and a film for pasting any surfaces. You can calculate how much material is needed for pasting, for example, a door, in the same way as for laying linoleum. But in order to buy polyethylene for a greenhouse, you first need to draw on paper all its parts separately on a scale. Next, calculate the lengths and widths of all individual parts, and then calculate the running meters.

If you are going to buy ready-made kitchen furniture - it is also sold in running meters. You will only need to add up the lengths of all the walls along which the kitchen will be installed, and then only choose the appropriate furniture option. In the case of kitchen furniture, in addition to the standard width, the cost per linear meter will include kitchen facades, internal shelves and drawers, as well as fittings. Please note that the price per meter does not include the cost of the hob, oven and dishwasher.

Running meters are considered to be a variety of cornices and pipes - all those materials that require docking with each other. And in running meters, any fences, for example, metal fences, are considered.

In order not to make a mistake with the calculation of linear meters, it is better to come to the store with a drawn room plan. It should indicate the length and width of the room, and if it is a kitchen, then the height and location of windows and doors. Good luck with the calculation and repair!

Running meter - how much? This is an analogue of the usual meter. The linear meter is used when measuring length in situations where the indication of width or height can be neglected for one reason or another.

In construction, there is such a thing as a "linear meter". For many, this measure of length remains a mystery for a long time. We hasten to reassure you, there is nothing terrible here, except for the expression itself.

Let's try to understand this concept and learn how to correctly calculate the required number of linear meters.

Running meter. How much is this?

This measure of length measures what is twisted into a roll: linoleum, corrugated board, fabric, carpet. This concept is also used to measure the amount of material needed in construction or it means the amount of work to be done. For example, a running meter of a kitchen, a pipe, a plinth, a fence, a tile, a foundation, and so on.


How many mm in a linear meter?

As already mentioned in our article, to calculate a linear meter, the length of the material is required, since the width is already fixed and can be different. That is, in 1 meter 1000mm of the length of the product.

How many linear meters per ton of rebar?

Calculating the amount of reinforcement for the foundation in running meters. The measure of the amount of reinforcement is a ton. Therefore, you need to convert a linear meter into tons and even then look at the price. But how many meters of reinforcement are contained in a ton depends on its diameter: the thinner the reinforcement, the more meters in a ton.

Let's say you need lumber. In one square meter there can be a different number of linear meters for different materials (edge ​​board, floor board, lining). This is because the number of square meters also depends on the width of the material.

For example:

The edged board has parameters: 40x120, that is, its thickness is 40 mm, and its width is 120 mm. You need to calculate as follows:

Divide 1 square meter of edged board by 120 mm (product width), we get the value - 8.33. This is the number of linear meters.

1 sq.m. / 0.120 m = 8.33 l.m.

How much does a running meter of paint cost?

Most often, painters consider the volume of their work in square meters. That is, the length multiplied by the width of the surface.

One "linear meter" is equal to one meter?

Example - Structural Measurement

The second option for measuring the structure along the contour (outlining line) is chosen to calculate the cost of the work.

The length of the structure is measured with a tape measure.

What calculations are made in linear meters,
which ones are square?

If the amount of laminate, parquet or ceramic tiles required for flooring is calculated in square meters x, then the amount of linoleum or carpet is calculated in p / m.

The consumption of plaster, putty, primer, paint is calculated in kilograms per square meter. The consumption of wallpaper or drywall is calculated in p / m. To calculate the cost of work, calculate the cost of work per square meter.

The calculation of wallpaper for wall covering is similar to the calculation of linoleum.

On the calculator below, you can calculate the dimensions of window slopes, which are taken into account when calculating the cost of repairs and purchasing consumables.

We are all accustomed to consider the unit of measurement of distance or length - a meter. Then what is a running meter? How is it different from the usual? Yes, basically nothing. In running meters, it is customary to measure the length of any material. At the same time, its width or height is not taken into account. They are either standard, or, when measured, they do not have a significant value.

What is measured in linear meters

In running meters, you usually measure the fabric in the store. With a width of 1.5 m, a running meter will be considered a piece of fabric 1 m by 1.5 m. If you buy pipes, then, regardless of their thickness, the length of the pipe will be measured in running meters. So is the electrical cable. It doesn’t matter at all what its cross section is, whether it is thick or thin, the price for it is indicated per linear meter. The same situation is with skirting boards, linoleum, various heaters and seals, etc. And when the cost of a kitchen is calculated in running meters, what do you mean?

What is a running meter of a kitchen

In this context, the linear meter is used, rather, as a conditional value. For the convenience of calculations, it is considered that a linear meter of a kitchen is the furniture that is installed along a wall 1 m long from floor to ceiling, according to the design project. It can be tables, shelves, cabinets and other modules. Usually, the cost of the kitchen is indicated as such - per linear meter. It is so convenient to immediately calculate its approximate price by multiplying the length of the wall along which it will be located by the cost of one linear meter of the kitchen.

Each of us at least once in our lives had a chance to make repairs or purchase new furniture. And quite often, when buying certain building materials, we heard about such a unit of measurement as a running meter. Such a concept confuses almost everyone, and it is rather difficult to immediately determine how this value differs from a square meter. You cannot find out what a running meter is from a dictionary, because this concept was invented by manufacturers of goods. But in this material we will understand what this unit of measurement is.

This parameter represents the usual length of one meter for products with a certain width, such as fabric or linoleum. And it is much easier to calculate the cost of goods in linear meters than in square meters. For example, you need to buy a piece of carpet of a certain length with a width of 2.5 meters. In this case, it will not be very convenient to calculate square meters, because you will need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, and then divide it into squares. In general, to carry out rather complex mathematical calculations.

With a running meter, everything is simple and in order to find out the cost of a product, you just need to multiply this unit of measurement by the length of the segment.

The linear meter is most often used to calculate the cost of such goods:

  • textile;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet;
  • finishing film and polyethylene for greenhouses;
  • electrical cable;
  • finished furniture;
  • various cornices and pipes;
  • railings and metal fences.

Most consumers believe that only roll materials can be calculated in linear meters. And such an assumption cannot be considered absolutely wrong, because in most cases we are faced with this measure when buying similar products with a specific width. But running meters quite often calculate the cost of furniture.

Let's consider an example for clarity. The furniture manufacturer approximately calculated that to fill the kitchen with a length of three meters, taking into account all the cabinets, shelves, doors and fittings, it would be necessary to use materials worth 30 thousand rubles. This means that one meter of furniture will cost 10 thousand - this cost is the price per linear meter. And thanks to such simple mathematical calculations, the manufacturer can immediately indicate to the customer how much this or that set of standard sample will cost him.

But there is one caveat here, the cost of a running meter includes the price of the cheapest material and accessories, and sometimes the latter is generally not taken into account. So if you see a too tempting offer, then you should learn more specifically about the content of the product. After all, this technique is often used only to attract new customers.

We know about what this unit of measurement is from the school desk. And remember that a square meter is needed to measure the area of ​​various figures. And in fact, this measure is relevant for measuring any building materials and furniture. And if the width of the product practically does not affect the linear meter, then for a square this value is of great importance. For example, you need to lay linoleum in a room with a length of 3 meters and a width of 2.5. By simple mathematical calculations we find out that the cut is 2.5 * 3 = 7.5 square meters.

This unit measures:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • area of ​​flooring surfaces;
  • area of ​​facing materials;
  • area occupied by furniture.

As for furniture, this unit of measurement is especially relevant for small kitchens, where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe headset plays a very important role.

Quite often, when buying certain materials, we need to convert one unit of measure to another and vice versa. But how to do this, because a linear meter is, in fact, a unit of length, while a square meter is an area. Do not despair, because it will be much easier to do than it seems.

In order to convert a linear meter to a square meter, you will need to know the exact width of the product, which the manufacturer takes as standard. And if everything is quite simple with the calculation of linoleum or carpet - we divide one linear meter by the width of the product and get the number of square meters, then with the calculation of furniture you will have to tinker a bit.

For example, in order to find out how many "squares" are contained in a standard kitchen 5 meters long. You will need to measure the width of the floor units, not the height of the kitchen unit. Let's say it is standard 60 cm (0.6 meters). Now you need to multiply these parameters among themselves: 5 * 0.6 = 3 square meters. In this simple way, you can calculate the area occupied by the kit and measured by "squares".

The weight of reinforcement is a very important parameter for both erection and construction. various buildings(For example - ). The mass of metal elements must be taken into account when planning the construction of the building itself. It determines the rods in free and stressed zones, the distance between the bars, etc.

In addition, the cost of construction will depend on the weight of a running meter of metal stubble. It is cheaper to purchase metal rods at wholesale depots, where the price is indicated per ton. The calculation in construction is made in running meters. Therefore, it is important to be able to calculate how many meters of rod are in one ton.

1 Correspondence table for reinforcement weights for different diameters

The standard mass of reinforcement of one or another diameter is regulated by GOST 5781-82 standards. The standard calculation table looks like this:

This table is absolutely easy to use. In the first column we select the diameter of the rod in mm, which will be used, in the second column we immediately see the weight of one linear meter of a rod of this type.

Third column shows us the number of linear meters of reinforcement in one ton.

1.1 Calculation of reinforcement weight

The first and easiest way to find out how much a meter of reinforcement weighs is to use an electronic calculator for similar calculations.

To work with it, you only need to know the diameter of the rod with which we will work. All other calculation parameters are already included in the program.

Two other ways to find out how heavy is the rebar meter, is somewhat more complicated. Let's look at them in order of increasing complexity.

Since reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm and 14 mm is most often used in private construction, we will take just such rods as the basis for calculations.

1.2 An example of calculating the weight of reinforcement (video)

2 Calculation by standard weight

Calculate the amount of reinforcement, necessary for construction (provided that we have the table at hand).

  1. Draw up a building construction plan, taking into account the creation.
  2. Decide on the diameter of the rods.
  3. Calculate the amount of reinforcement used in meters.
  4. Multiply the mass of one meter of rebar desired diameter on the number of rods used.

Example: 2322 meters of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 14 mm will be used for construction. The weight of a running meter of such rods is 1.21 kg. We multiply 2322 * 1.21, we get 2809 kilograms 62 grams (grams can be neglected). For construction, we need 2 tons 809 kilograms of metal rods.

2.1 Calculation by specific gravity

This method of calculation requires certain knowledge, skills and labor. It is based on a formula for calculating mass, which uses quantities such as the volume of a figure and its specific gravity. To resort to this method of calculating the running meter of reinforcement it is worth it only if there is neither an electronic calculator nor a table with GOST standards at hand.
