Recently, Irina Bilyk has been showing miracles of disguise. At first, she hid that she was married. And that she became a mother twice, she told the world only when the baby was born. It's time to find out the details of her personal life.

Passed without nervous breakdowns

Irina, your big spring tour in Ukraine has ended. Were there any surprises?

- After my concerts, people always leave cheerful and satisfied. And it's mutual! Perhaps someone was at my performance for the first time, because, alas, not all fans had the opportunity to attend a real live concert due to the full house. This time I was pleasantly surprised that the admirers of my work, who came to concerts 20 years ago, are coming again.

I am very grateful to the fans for the flowers. In our difficult time, you begin to appreciate this especially: people not only bought a ticket, but also pleased their favorite performer with flowers. And I carefully take them away from the site to the hotel. I even bring many of them with me to Kyiv and take them home, remembering my fans with warmth.

How did you schedule the tour due to the fact that you have Small child(Irina's son was born by a surrogate mother. - Approx. ed.)?

- My first condition for the organizers of the tour was to make not a continuous tour schedule, but an alternation: three days of concert activity and three - for home. So that I can return to Kyiv, feed, bathe and care for my youngest son Tabriz. Therefore, I did not get tired - I had time to rest. Usually even one concert is very exhausting, takes a lot of energy, but I managed to successfully leave 15, and everything ended well: without nervous breakdowns and serious consequences. It is not easy to work for many concerts in a row - I give myself to the audience very much.

And what is this story with a dropper, a photo of which was posted on the Web? How do you feel now?

- The day after my birthday, it seemed that all Vital energy disappeared: I could not even raise my hand or head. And in this state, she had to work out several concerts in a row. Although she resisted, but on the advice of a friend, they urgently called ambulance. The doctors literally lifted me out of bed, and by evening I was already standing on the stage.

To be honest, this happens in every round. When we go on a route, some kind of infection is sure to appear, which mows down the whole of Ukraine. And since the fans come very close, touch, take hands and even kiss me on the cheek, I can catch something too. And then, as after a performance in Kharkov, get very sick. Although the audience is not even aware of my malaise. I never pretend that I'm not well, and I work the same way - no matter how I feel.

It's that man

Did the appearance of Tabriz make you change your usual way of life?

- At first I thought that when the baby was born, I would sit at home and babysit him. I will discard thoughts about work, about trips - I will turn into such a happy home mother. No matter how! There was even more work. Since the birth of my youngest son, I have been working tirelessly: shooting, photo shoots, preparing for the tour, the tour itself, and now there are new proposals for concerts and filming. I am glad that the audience needs it, and I am very happy that it is in demand. The child accumulated my strength. I even began to go in for sports even more and thanks to this now in a form that I did not have before.

On your birthday in Odessa, your husband Aslan performed on stage with you, who flew in specially. Do you live in different countries. Tell me how it is - love at a distance?

- My fans know that I am an unusual performer, an unusual person, and everything happens to me not like ordinary people, which I am very happy about. After all, ordinary life is not for me. Our feelings from Aslan overcome any boundaries. Soon he will come to Kyiv for the christening of his son. I'm really looking forward to meeting, because we have plans for joint new concerts. Aslan- not just our dad, he is a very talented director, photographer, stylist and musician. Therefore, I am finally happy that I will soon be able to realize what we planned, even when we met.

Did it take you a long time to understand that Aslan is exactly the one with whom you want to live your whole life?

Aslan- A very brave man and a real man. In my life there were different guys, but I could not rely on any of them as much as on him. That is why she married him. He will never offend, betray, abandon or deceive. He means so much more to meMore than all my friends with whom I had relationships before.

Once you were happy with both Dima Kolyadenko and Dima Dikusar, but then you did not give birth to a second child. Did you not want to change anything in your life, or did you decide for yourself that you first need to achieve some specific goal?

“I have been thinking about another child for a long time. But it so happened that there was no such reliable and beloved person nearby. And when I saw Aslan, I realized: it is with him that I want to have a second child. I already have a son, and I dreamed that he would have a younger brother. Imagine how soon Gleb teach Tabriz play the guitar and drums, and Aslan teach his son to the sport he does every day.

I control everyone

For three years you kept it a secret that you married Aslan, although earlier you were not particularly secretive about your personal life. Why was it kept a secret for so long this time?

- Because it was during that period that social networks became widespread, and people write in them everything that comes into their heads. Everyone considers himself a star and thinks that he has the right to discuss and bring to general review personal life surrounding. Therefore, I abruptly stopped giving interviews regarding this aspect of my life. I was tired of surveillance, incomprehensible photographs, reports, sometimes bordering on deceit. I decided: if I want to tell something to the public, it should be exclusive, once or twice a year - nothing more.

You and your spouse live in different countries. Are you jealous of each other?

- No, this is exactly the option when we trust and love each other, regardless of the distance.

If Aslan had put the question like this: either you are moving in with him, or you are breaking up, would it be difficult to make a decision?

“He would never do that, because he is a real man.

Who helps you with your son? How many nannies does the baby have?

— Two. And the third, which we call the "senior nanny", controls the entire process. My mom controls her, and I control everyone - this is such a "mutual responsibility"(laughs). The kid already understands that he lives in an unusual family. We call him “our King”, we spin and spin around him and do everything to make him happy.

The perfect couple

The eldest son Gleb is finishing school this year. What is he interested in and what does he want to be in the future?

Gleb enters the university. He is fond of playing the drums, takes private lessons and already has good success in this business. Also, together with his group and friends, he is shooting a program, which I also really like. I hope one day he will interview me too(smiles). By the way, he recently admitted that he is learning the skill Katy Osadchey- asks the same tricky questions to his interlocutors and wants the program to be hot and sharp. Each person has a choice, so I do not forbid him to do what brings him pleasure.

The sons are 16 years apart. Gleb helps babysit Tabriz? Maybe with a stroller on the street walking?

- Even I don't walk with a stroller. Everyone recognizes me on the street, and this stress is for me and the child. In the summer we will move out of town so that we can spend as much time outdoors as we want.

Now you literally have a stylist. Do you consult with Aslan about your wardrobe? Do you listen to his opinion?

- We do not discuss working moments. When together, we have a wonderful time with friends, go to the cinema or theater. Work will be discussed before the autumn concerts. We have already agreed with Aslan that he will help create my images - it will be something new that the audience has not yet seen.

Why might you have disagreements?

- I spoke with my mother Aslan, who lives in Baku, so she said: “God, children, don’t swear.” We don't quarrel. I'll tell you how it is - from the moment we met, we never quarreled! I can’t even imagine why we could quarrel… We always rejoice at meetings, minutes of personal communication, because we don’t have so many of them. I think we are just the perfect couple.

So you are a happy woman? Or is something missing for complete happiness?

“Today I am happy like never before! The only thing, I would like to have more rest and fulfill my dreams of a summer vacation. But he, unfortunately, is a big question - I have a lot of work.

The son of a famous singer was born by a surrogate mother, the father of the child was the Russian stylist Aslan Akhmadov

Domestic show business was stirred up by unexpected news - Irina Bilyk gave birth to her second child! The singer herself launched the intrigue by posting a photo of the baby’s hand on her Facebook page with the caption: “I became a mother again! I'm happy". The 45-year-old artist does not provide any more details.

There is not a word about any relationship with Bilyk on the page of Aslan Akhmadov

According to some sources, the child was born on December 8 in one of the European clinics, others claim that the boy was born in Moscow. The weight of the baby is 3 kilograms 500 grams, height is 50 centimeters. The child for Bilyk was allegedly taken out by a surrogate mother. The singer has repeatedly said in an interview that she dreams of giving her son Gleb a brother or sister, or even better, two at once. It is quite possible that Irina decided to follow the example of her friend Philip Kirkorov, to whom a surrogate mother gave birth to a son and a daughter.

* It is not yet known whether the creative collaboration between Irina Bilyk and Aslan Akhmadov has grown into a family union

Neither Irina herself nor her mother Anna Yakovlevna comment on this news. Bilyk has already brought her son to Kyiv. In the house of the singer, everything necessary was prepared for him, including clothes and strollers.

The father of the child is the famous Russian stylist and director Aslan Akhmadov, who created a new image of Bilyk for an erotic photo shoot and shot two clips for the singer. He worked on the latest images of Lyudmila Gurchenko, was her close friend. In an interview with one of the Russian publications, 42-year-old Aslan confirmed the birth of his son.

* 42-year-old father of the child is a famous Russian stylist and director Aslan Akhmadov

“I am very happy, my son was born, I named him Tabriz, the stylist said. — I can't tell you more. This is my personal happiness." And on his page on social networks, Akhmadov wrote: “You can read about this as much as you like, listen to the stories of friends and relatives, you can imagine and try to try on this role, looking at someone else’s experience, but only by taking your own, just born child, you can feel this incredible feeling of immense happiness. And it fell to my lot. I became a dad! My son was born! Beautiful Akhmadov Tabriz Aslan-ogly. No words can describe how I feel right now. Welcome to our world, my dear son. May your life be happy and interesting". The Tatar name Tabriz means "heritage", "pride", "importance". By the way, there is not a word about any relationship with Bilyk on Aslan's page.

Anna Zavalskaya has always tried not to advertise her personal life.

No less conspiratorial than Irina, the singer Anna Zavalskaya also distinguished herself. The soloist of the Alibi duet announced on the Internet that she had given birth to her first child. Anna has always tried not to advertise her personal life. She met composer Dmitry Saratsky for almost four years, and on September 10, the couple modestly signed in one of the capital's registry offices, without arranging a magnificent celebration on this occasion. And now the first-born appeared in the musical family.

"I know this will cause a real public shock. Anna wrote on her social media page. — The highest level of conspiracy allowed us to keep this global change in my life until the last moment. Yes, my little "secret agent" was born. Thanks to friends, those who knew everything, but kept it secret until the last moment out of respect for our desire to protect our personal lives from premature publicity and any public statements. So far, we do not give any comments. Only thanks to the rapidly spreading rumors forced to make this post. Thank you all for your understanding and congratulations". By the way, Anna's sister Alina, together with her husband Alexander Kolodiy, is already raising a son.

This year there is a real baby boom in Ukrainian show business. Recently, the former soloist became a mother for the third time. VIA Gra» Nadezhda Meikher, the second son was presented to the husbands of the singer Slava from the NeAngely group and Alyosha. The second daughter was born by Nastya Prikhodko, the girl also appeared in the family of Masha Sobko. Replenishment in the family is expected by producer Walid Arfush and Lida Petrova, this will be their third child. They say that Tonya Matvienko will give the baby to her lover - singer Arsen Mirzoyan, whom she met on one of the vocal television projects - in a few months.

Irina Bilyk became a mother for the second time. The Ukrainian show business star announced this herself by posting a photo of a newborn baby on her Facebook page.

Irina Bilyk shared the unexpected news on Facebook, telling everyone that she had become a mother for the second time. It turns out that Aslan Akhmadov, a famous Azerbaijani stylist, who was once adored by the legend of Soviet cinema, Lyudmila Gurchenko, became the father of Bilyk's child.

Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son on December 9th. The baby was born with a height of 52 centimeters and a weight of 3620 grams. By the way, the name of the second son Bilyk is already known. The couple named the newborn baby Tabriz. If Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son and told about the happy news only to her subscribers on a closed social page, then the father of her child, Aslan Akhmadov, is more frank. He told reporters the following:

“I am very happy, my son was born, I named him Tabriz. I can’t tell you anything more, this is my personal happiness. ”

And yet, despite the mystery surrounding the second birth of Irina Bilyk, it is worth adding that Aslan Akhmadov and Bilyk are not officially married. Many show business stars said that Irina was on friendly terms with Aslanov and nothing more. Recall that 16 years ago, Irina Bilyk gave birth to her first child, giving her then lover, the son of Gleb.

Irina Bilyk pleased fans with unexpected news: the singer announced that she had become a mother for the second time. The actress shared the good news on her blog by posting a photo of the child's hand.

The second son, whom Bilyk named Tabriz Aslan oglu, was born to the singer by a surrogate mother. In the past few years, Irina has repeatedly admitted in an interview that she dreams of another baby, but the doctors forbade the singer to give birth. Therefore, the artist decided on the services of surrogate motherhood. Baby Bilyk was born on December 8 in one of the private clinics in Europe. His weight is 3.5 kg, and his height is 50 cm.

The father of the child became famous. He shared his impressions of the birth of his son on Facebook.

“You can read about this as much as you like, listen to the stories of friends and relatives, you can imagine and try to try on this role for yourself, looking at someone else's experience, but only by taking your newly born child in your arms, you can feel this incredible feeling of immense happiness. And it fell to my lot. I became a dad! My son was born! Beautiful Akhmadov Tabriz Aslan oglu! No words can express what I feel right now. I am absolutely happy! Welcome to our world, my dear son! May your life be happy and interesting!” Aslan wrote.

Recall that now Irina Bilyk is educating.

Irina Bilyk and the father of her child Aslan Akhmadov

Yes, and Aslan himself as a photo model looks just fine
