For novice radio amateurs, the following lesson on making a bug may seem too complicated. The transmitter circuits are quite simple, but tuning the radio transmitter circuit can cause some difficulties. This scheme uses a minimum of details. The transmitter power is not that great, the range is about 100 meters in line of sight. But for a homemade radio bug, this is very good.

We will need

It is not at all necessary to purchase parts for the diagram. For example, you can remove the M1 electronic microphone from an old Chinese voice recorder. Capacitors and resistors can be removed from any radio receiver board. Remove the transistor VT1 C3013 from the old transistor Chinese player. The L1 coil is easy to make yourself. To do this, take a varnished copper wire (diameter 0.5 mm), wind its turn to the turn on a 3 mm mandrel and bite off the excess with pliers. Strip the nail polish off the ends. Copper wire is also fine for the antenna. Just cut off 30 cm from the wire, bend one end into a ring, the other - strip, tin. Also get a 3V battery. That’s all the parts we need.

And here is the diagram, in which only the most necessary details are left, with which we have already familiarized ourselves.

Installation of a radio bug

To assemble the circuit, you do not have to design the board yourself. Just take a small piece of double-sided foil-coated PCB 2x3 centimeters. On one side of the PCB, cut the foil into a couple of parts with a cutter (as required for the installation of parts). Then everything must be carefully tinned. As you can see, this is not so difficult if you already have a little experience in creating electronic homemade products.

On the second side, cut into two parts - larger / smaller. Most of it needs to be made to fit the battery. You will get a positive contact, and for a negative contact take a bent piece of stripped copper wire or a small rectangular piece of a spring (you can take it from a watch). Make a small cutout for the microphone on the board - this will reduce the size of the entire structure.

Now solder all the parts according to the diagram. We solder the negative contact for the battery on the other side, do not forget about the connecting wires for power. Also solder the microphone in the correct polarity.

Setting up the radio bug

So the build is over? Now the fun part: insert the battery into the bug, take any FM receiver, try to catch your voice in the speakers. If it did not work the first time, try to slightly move the turns of the coil L1, then try again. When the signal is caught, then you can already achieve the desired frequency without any problems: when the turns are shifted, the transmitter frequency decreases, when it moves apart, it increases. Just tune in to the frequency you want and enjoy the work!

A wiretap bug is a simple radio transmitter with a microphone that picks up the slightest sounds around it and transmits them through a radio wave. Thus, by leaving such a device in a suitable place, you can listen to everything that is happening around it.

You can find many applications for the bug - for example, use it as a baby monitor, wireless headphones, or simply to eavesdrop on someone's conversations (it should be borne in mind that such use is illegal). By assembling two radio transmitters, you can establish wireless communication, for example, between neighboring houses.

A large number of bugs for listening are presented on the Internet - from the simplest to the most expensive and complex ones, built on microcircuits. The diagram below is one of the most optimal: it does not require rare or expensive parts to mount the device, but the bug itself will receive a good signal transmission range (up to 500 m) and high stability of operation.

A bug for wiretapping - a diagram and necessary radioelements

The circuit includes three stages:

  1. A microphone audio signal amplifier is built on the VT1 transistor.
  2. A carrier signal generator is made on the VT2 transistor.
  3. The VT3 transistor is a high frequency amplifier, it is he who is responsible for a good transmission distance.
The transistors used are as follows:
  • VT1 - KT3130B;
  • VT2 - KT368A;
  • VT3 - KT3126B.
A dynamic or electret microphone can be used to convert sound into an electrical signal. These are sold in any radio parts store. In addition, they can be removed from the unnecessary headset of the phone, because the right microphones are used there.

Coil L1 is wound with copper wire on a mandrel with a diameter of 3 mm, 6 turns. The wire can be taken with a cross section of 0.3–0.4 mm. A conventional drill can be used as a mandrel.

L2 - choke, inductance 100 μH. It is best used ready-made. An ordinary piece of wire is suitable as an antenna, but if there is a need to achieve the maximum transmission range, it is advisable to use a wire with a length of one quarter of the wavelength at which the transmitter operates.

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The circuit and printed circuit board for making a bug for wiretapping with your own hands can be downloaded below.

Files to download:

Assembling a bug for wiretapping with your own hands - instructions and photos

The circuit is assembled on a printed circuit board with dimensions of 70x30 mm; the LUT method is used for its manufacture. There is no need to mirror the board before printing. Below are some photos of the process.

After the copper has been etched, the holes are drilled, the tracks are tinned, the parts can be soldered. Particular attention should be paid to the microphone, or rather, its polarity. One of its contacts is short-circuited to its body - this particular contact is negative, it is soldered to the negative of the circuit.
  • See also the diagram of the professional
The microphone must be sealed quickly, otherwise there is a risk of overheating it. For convenience, the power wires can be soldered directly onto the connector for the crown battery. Assembling the bug is not difficult, if you do everything gradually and do not rush, check the correctness of the sealing of each part.

Tips for setting up and test run a bug for wiretapping

For the first start, you need a milliammeter. To control the current consumption, it is connected to the break of one of the supply wires. We connect the crown and look at the readings of the device - the current should be within 10-30 mA. If it is normal, you can turn on the radio and try to find the signal of the transmitter under test.

Most often, the signal is already in the range of 80-110 MHz. If it "crawled" outside this range and the receiver cannot catch it, you should tune the L1 coil by squeezing and unclenching its turns. The transmission frequency depends on the inductance of this coil. When the signal is found, the coil can be filled with dielectric varnish or epoxy to prevent the tuning from getting lost.

It is very important to ensure that the broadcast frequency of the assembled transmitter does not overlap with the frequency of any radio station. If they crossed, then you need to change the frequency by tuning the L1 coil. No more tuning is required for the bug, you just need to adjust the broadcast frequency. Now you can test it for signal transmission range, moving further and further away from the transmitter with the pocket receiver. A properly assembled and tuned transmitter can provide a transmission range of up to 500m in open areas. It should be borne in mind that the receiving range also depends on the sensitivity of the receiver. Happy build!

A simple bug for wiretapping at a distance of 100 meters with your own hands

Below is the design of a radio transmitting device with a range of up to 100 meters. Such a bug is built according to the capacitive three-point scheme (like all other known schemes). The frequency does not float, as is the case with many eavesdropping bugs. If you stand with the receiver at a distance of 1, 10 and 50 meters from the beetle, then the frequency drift will be only 100–120 kHz - which, you see, is very small and cannot affect the quality of wiretapping.

Below is a diagram of a bug for wiretapping:

This bug can be used for targeted wiretapping of premises and even objects in motion! This became possible due to the selection of transmitter components, which makes the modulated signal sufficiently stable, and the circuit remains simple and accessible even for a novice radio amateur.

The transmitter can use low-power RF and microwave transistors. It is advisable to use transistors with a cutoff frequency of 700–1000 MHz. The domestic KT368 (which is a complete analogue of the transistor indicated in the circuit) is perfect.

To increase the sensitivity of the radio microphone, an additional microphone amplifier was used, the circuit of which was built on just one transistor.

The transistor is literally any low-power - KT3102, KT315, KT368, S9014, S9018 and others similar. Such an amplifier makes it possible to catch even a quiet whisper in a 16 sq. m. The sensitivity of the bug is about 5 meters.

Antenna - stranded wire 10–25 cm long with rubber insulation.

The coil consists of 5 turns, wound on a rim with a diameter of 3-4 mm. You can use gel pen paste as a frame. A wire with a diameter of 0.5–1.2 mm (in our case 0.8 mm) is suitable for the circuit.

You can take almost any electret microphone, the sensitivity is not very important, since the bug has an additional microphone amplifier.

  • Learn also how to make an on-chip for an electret microphone
The entire installation was done on a breadboard, because I didn't want to etch the board for a beetle, the performance of which is not yet clear. The resistors are soldered on the back of the board.

To tune to the desired frequency, a variable capacitor was used, which, after full tuning, was replaced with a constant one (capacity 18 picofarads). By rotating this capacitor, you can tune the bug to the frequency you need.

The beetle operates at frequencies of 96–99 MHz and is caught with a conventional FM receiver. With a high-quality receiver, a bug can be caught at a distance of up to 150 meters.

This is what a wiretapping bug looks like:

Video on how to make a simple bug with your own hands:

Continuing the theme of simple circuits for a radio amateur, consider how to make a simple bug for wiretapping with your own hands. A simple bug can be used not only for wiretapping, but also, for example, for listening to the room in which a small child sleeps in your absence in this room.

The bug for wiretapping is simplified to the simplest possible assembly and has a minimum of details. But along with simplicity, the bug has a transmission range of up to 100m. Below is the diagram of the bug itself:

All radio components are common and do not have to be purchased at a radio store. The microphone can be obtained from a Chinese tape recorder. Please note that the microphone has polarity, plus the microphone is connected from the top according to the diagram. Transistor C3013 can be taken from the same tape recorder or receiver. You can also use its Russian counterpart KT368. We take capacitors from the same place. Coil L1 is wound with a copper wire coated with varnish with a diameter of 0.3 ... 0.5 mm. It is wound on a cylindrical mandrel with a diameter of 3 mm, it is necessary to wind 10 turns on it. To reduce the size, it is better to buy an element. The antenna can be made from the same wire as the coil. The antenna length must be at least 30cm.

After collecting the necessary parts, you can proceed with their installation. For the assembly of parts, a 2x3cm double-sided printed circuit board is used. To obtain tracks, the board does not need to be etched; the slots can be made with a cutter. The mounted board is shown in the figure below:

Beetle board from the battery side:

Setting up a bug for wiretapping

Adjusting the bug is reduced to setting the operating frequency. First, we scroll through the FM radio and try to catch our voice. If it does not work, we move the turns of the coil apart and catch it again. When the coils are spread apart, the transmitter frequency increases. If the frequency of the transmitter matches the frequency of the radio station, it is necessary to shift it up or down.

I bring to your attention a shpiena radio microphone with an extremely low power consumption. This is perhaps the longest-playing bug I've ever collected.

Of course, low power consumption has to be paid for with a short range, but for many purposes this is quite enough.

The radio microphone confidently breaks through two reinforced concrete walls, and in open space, the range will be from 50 to 200 m (depending on the steepness of your receiver).

The bug's circuit is incredibly simple and contains only 6 radio components, not counting the battery:

Coil L1 - 4 turns with 0.5 mm wire on a Ø2 mm mandrel. Choke - 100 nH SMD. BFR93A transistor (the main thing is not to confuse it with the pnp-transistor BFR93).

and etched it in ferric chloride:

All this took about 20 minutes. Then I tinned the finished board and cut off the excess:

The most hemorrhoid thing is to connect the battery. I had an old (!!!) CR2032 lithium battery (usually found in motherboards to power the BIOS chip).

To avoid unnecessary wires, I simply glued a strip of tin from a tin can to the back of the board (this will be a negative contact):

The rest of the sheet came in handy as a positive terminal:

It is necessary that the battery is tightly inserted into the resulting slot, like this:

It remains only to solder all the details to the board according to the diagram:

I'm sure it can be made even smaller. Replace the microphone, place the parts closer together, take small watch batteries and you're done. It will be possible to shove the entire circuit, for example, into the body from the marker.

I used a wire 6 cm long as an antenna. The choke was made by winding a thin enameled wire on a piece of a toothpick (80 turns).

The microphone, of course, is too big for such a circuit, but I had no other. In general, any electret with a diameter of 3-10 mm is suitable. Usually they are taken out of any telephone or intercom receiver.

By the way, the circuit does not work without a microphone - power goes through it. It also acts as a current stabilizer.

It is important not to confuse the polarity of the microphone: the negative terminal should ring on the case (it is for this reason that I put it in heat shrinkage, so God forbid nothing shorted out).

The frequency is adjusted by compressing / stretching the turns of the coil. In my case, the bug was caught at a frequency of 424.175 MHz. The signal level at such a distance, naturally, goes off scale:

If you wind 11 turns on a 2 mm mandrel, the frequency will be approximately 150 MHz. In general, this bug works up to 1 GHz. I have not tried it further, because there is nothing to catch.

To test the range, he went outside and walked around the house. Amazingly, in the room where the bug remained, every rustle is perfectly heard.

P.S. This tiny bug worked on a semi-dead battery for almost 2 weeks! It’s scary to imagine how much it would last on a new one, because the current consumed is only 300 μA.

Continuing the theme of simple circuits for a radio amateur, we will consider how to make a simple bug for wiretapping with our own hands. A simple bug can be used not only for espionage, but also, for example, to listen to the room in which a small child sleeps. The bug for wiretapping is simplified to the simplest possible assembly and has a minimum of details. But along with the simplicity, the bug has a transmission range of up to 100 m. Below is the very scheme of the bug

... All radio components are common and do not have to be purchased at a radio store. The microphone can be obtained from a Chinese tape recorder. Please note that the microphone has polarity, plus the microphone is connected from the top according to the diagram. Transistor C3013 can be taken from the same tape recorder or receiver. You can also use its Russian analogue KT 368. We take capacitors from the same place. Coil L1 is wound with a copper wire coated with varnish with a diameter of 0.30.5 mm. It is wound on a cylindrical mandrel with a diameter of 3 mm, it is necessary to wind 10 turns on it. To reduce the size, it is better to buy an element. The antenna can be made from the same wire as the coil. The antenna must be at least 30 cm long. After collecting the necessary parts, you can proceed with their installation. For mounting parts, a 2 x 3 cm double-sided printed circuit board is used. To obtain tracks, the board does not need to be etched, the slots can be made with a cutter.

Setting up a bug for wiretapping.
Adjusting the bug is reduced to setting the operating frequency. First, we scroll through the FM radio and try to catch our voice. In the event that it does not work, we move apart the turns of the coil and catch it again. When the coils are spread apart, the transmitter frequency increases. Attention! Only if the frequency of the transmitter coincides with the frequency of the radio station, it is necessary to shift it up or down.

Mini bugs for wiretapping your wife. Software wiretapping for a mobile phone.

Mini bugs for wiretapping a mobile phone are yesterday's day. Considering the issue of using radio bugs for mobiles, one cannot ignore the issue of modern, technologically simpler and more functional software bugs that easily turn functional smartphones for android, with a semi-axis and other popular operating systems into full-fledged monitoring devices for the owner.

Wiretapping software for a mobile phone, which can be bought via the Internet on official websites, i.e. without leaving your home, is a program that secretly runs on a monitored smartphone. Such a spyware collects information about calls from a smartphone, or uses its microphone to eavesdrop on the environment. She easily tracks the movement of the subscriber and manages the address book. And that's just the basic functionality of the spyware. They are capable of much more interesting things, while an ordinary bug in the telephone for wiretapping in the form of a printed circuit board is only able to transmit a signal from a microphone over a short distance via a radio channel.

So, the spyware collects information from your smartphone and sends it to the server where your personal account is located. Thus, you can not listen to the phone's surroundings from a distance of 150 meters, as you have to do with radio bugs, but track and control the owner from anywhere in the world, always knowing with whom and what he was talking about, and where he was. Here is another such program.

Eavesdropping is not good. But there are situations when you need to know what is happening in a small child's room or in class at school. This requires a home-made wiretapping using the most relevant method of transmitting information - ordinary radio waves.

Homemade FM bug

The required accessory can be purchased at the store or ordered on the website. But a high-quality device will be expensive, and a cheap Chinese product will quickly fail. Therefore, it is more practical and cheaper to make a bug for wiretapping with your own hands.

This is quite achievable. It will take a little ingenuity and skill, as well as inexpensive components and a simple bug for wiretapping. It is not necessary to buy suitable parts in a store; old ones, soldered from electronic equipment, are quite suitable.

A very interesting miniature device for passing exams. Even a beginner can collect it. It consists of a micro-earpiece and a transmitter.

Below is a working diagram of a DIY listening bug:

1. Transmitter
2. Microphone.

Scheme of an elementary bug for listening

The advantage of this device is its miniature size. The earpiece inserted into the ear is completely invisible from the side. The range of the device is at least 100 meters

Here is a more complex circuit of a radio bug for wiretapping from a 1.5 V battery and a transmission range of at least 100 meters.

Radio beetle scheme with a range of up to 400 meters

It is necessary to pay attention to one distinguishing feature of the plan - the pulse to the antenna is supplied from the electrode of the bipolar transistor, which allows stabilizing the operating frequency of the device.

Putting together a radio bookmark

It turns out a small and easy-to-make homemade wiretapping, which is easy to hide in an inconspicuous place. However, this model has a small drawback - the antenna is 50 cm long. This is not very convenient if you want to hide the device as much as possible.

Connection of components according to a given scheme

Installing the battery

How to make a radio bug for wiretapping:

  1. cut out a rectangle measuring 53 mm by 75 mm from thin plywood or PCB. Self-made wiretapping will be based on it;
  2. we will make the coil L1 from a copper wire with a cross section of 0.3–0.5 mm, winding eight turns on a needle with a diameter of 30 mm and leaving the ends at 1.0 cm;
  3. from the same wire we will weave two two-pole terminals C2 and C3. Each one is 1.8–2 cm in size. Bend the upper ends in different directions, tin the lower ends;
  4. for the choke, take a copper wire with a cross section of 0.05-0.1 mm and tightly weld it onto a match. The wrapping height is about 6–7 mm. Cut the match to a length of 1.0 cm, make slots from above and below, in which we fix the ends of the wire;
  5. we make the antenna from a cable 50 cm long in plastic insulation, winding it with a spiral.

The microphone can be purchased at a radio store or borrowed from an unwanted cell phone. To correctly position the parts on the base, you need a wiretap circuit. Let's transfer it to plywood. According to the picture, we will make holes for the parts and insert them. On the opposite side, we solder all the parts strictly according to the scheme.

Terms of use

Let's look at how to use a wiretap bug. Since the device transmits on standard broadcast frequencies, it can be heard by any transistor or cell phone.

After assembling the device, turn on the FM radio and look for a bug signal. It can be easily distinguished from other FM sounds. A clicking sound should be heard when turning the knobs on the receiver. The loudest sound will be the signal of the radio bug. Then we tune the device to the selected range.

Well, at the end, it should be reminded that homemade wiretapping can only be used as a home toy for covert radio surveillance of an apartment, or as a baby monitor for a child. Don't break the law.

A bug in the car. What kind of wiretapping is most often installed in the car?

  • The audio control in the car can be carried out by a GSM bug. Its miniature size, the ability to disguise its appearance under familiar objects (for example, a flash card) makes it completely invisible. All the eavesdropper needs is to install a bug, purchase a SIM card, insert it into the device and make the first call. The wiretapping is automatically turned on, and the car becomes a surveillance site. An attacker can not only record conversations for a long time, but even track the location of a car.
  • Hidden voice recorders require the intervention of the eavesdropper twice - to install the equipment and to remove it. The dictaphone records all the necessary information for a certain time, after which this record must be taken away with the device. The voice recorder can also be disguised in any inconspicuous place in the car. The presence of such a recording device is more difficult to find - it practically does not produce any radio waves.
  • Videocameras are a way of not only auditory surveillance, but also visual one. The video camera is not always equipped with a microphone for picking up sounds, but it can always show who is being driven and with whom the subject of surveillance is meeting.

It would never even occur to many that a small bug can be made from an ordinary mobile phone for wiretapping at a convenient time for you.
Any phone equipped with ordinary buttons (not touchscreen) is suitable for this. The phone that was used as a test subject is a clamshell type. The phone model is similar to the Samsung A800, but only with a color display. Other suitable models are C315, Motorola 113s, Samsung A800, X100, W200, etc.
Another important detail, without which this project simply cannot be realized, is a transistor, for example, KT315. But you can use any transistor you can find. It can be removed from any equipment of any production time since the 60s.

To turn a mobile phone into an original bug, you need a board with buttons. The above-mentioned transistor must be soldered to the button, which is responsible for calling and receiving an incoming call. The emitter of this transistor must be soldered to the minus of the button, and the collector to the central terminal. The base pin is connected to a transistor that provides the display backlight signal.
You can solder as follows:
1. Take a wire and solder one end to the minus of the speaker, and connect the other to the minus from the battery.
2. The same must be done with plus, but the other end will be used when searching for a signal.
3. The signal search should be carried out on the outputs, for example, the headphone jack. During a call with a wire from the plus of the speaker, you need to ring the conclusions until you hear the ringtone.
4. The found output must be soldered to the base of the transistor. This will ensure that the handset is automatically picked up when calling this phone.

The LEDs that are located next to the buttons have been soldered out to conserve battery power. There is only a LED to indicate the health of the phone. Also, this LED will light up when making a call.

The phone is charged through a standard connector. It should not be deleted.
It is recommended to leave the standard microphone. You should not solder anything for amplification, since there is a possibility of interference from the high-frequency part.

The antenna is soldered to its own place or from some Motorola, since they have proven reliable antennas.
The headphone / headset jack has been soldered out and shorted. But, since you most likely have no experience in this matter, it is recommended to leave it.

If the phone remains in this form (board without buttons, etc.), then it is recommended to make one button to turn the phone on / off.

As a result, a rather simple and not very large eavesdropping bug turned out from an ordinary phone. A sort of good spy thing that can be hidden both in the lamp and in the system unit.

Modern mobile technology is firmly entrenched in our life, and we can no longer imagine ourselves without it. The once ordinary phone has now become a powerful source of all kinds of information that can tell a lot about its owner. It happens that you intuitively feel that a loved one is dishonest with you, but you cannot prove it - access to your smartphone is locked with a password. Suspicions torment you day and night, interfering with a normal life. In this case, our spy tricks will come to your rescue: a special spy program that will help control your smartphone and dispel your doubts.

Spyware works discreetly and anonymously: the person whose phone you control has no idea that they are being monitored.

What can you control

* Intercept SMS. Do you suspect the other half of infidelity? Is there any reason to believe that your loved one is flirting with someone behind your back? or find out the wife is cheating? It's easy to check. With the software ordered from us, you will get access to text messages that are sent from the phone you are interested in and come to it. Even if the SMS was immediately deleted, you will still see it and be able to read it without any problems.

* MMS messages. As in the case of SMS-messages, you can fully familiarize yourself with the message, as well as attached to it text, sound, videofiles and images.

* Phone calls. Do you think that your business partner is playing some kind of dishonest game behind your back and "leaking" important information to third parties? Catch him hot! Spy phone tricks - all incoming and outgoing calls are made available for your control. Who called the phone you are interested in, from which number, at which hour the call was made or received, how long it lasted - this information will not be a secret for you. You can even capture the content of a telephone conversation.

* Location of the subscriber. You can track a person's location with absolute precision. This happens thanks to GPS and communication with mobile towers of cellular operators.

* Access to multimedia content. Text files, videos, photos or audio tracks stored on the phone can be viewed by you when you need it. It is useful for parents from time to time to look through the contents of the smartphone of teenage children and check if they are addicted to what is taboo in the family.

* Internet browser history. Another useful feature for parents. You will be able to view what pages your child visits, what he downloads from the World Wide Web, what traffic he spends daily. After all, you pay for using the mobile Internet, so you have the right to know what exactly your money is spent on. In addition, spy tricks will help prevent unpleasant stories associated with the placement of personal information by a child on the Internet, which is often used by swindlers and scammers in their dark affairs.

* Fixation of inclusions / shutdowns of the device. Thus, the subscriber will no longer be able to refer to the fact that it was not possible to contact you due to the discharged battery. After all, you will know that it is not.

To be aware of what kind of information passes through the smartphone of the person you are interested in, it is enough to order a convenient spy from us, install it on the tracked phone, make basic settings and conduct surveillance, while remaining in the shadows.

The technology of remote surveillance microphones differs depending on the type of microphone. By the principle of operation, there are three categories of remote listening devices:

  1. Directional microphone;
  2. Laser microphone;
  3. Wiretapping device through the wall.

Directional microphone

A directional microphone is used for remote listening in open areas and recording telephone conversations. The main problem with directional microphones is the distance to the sound source. Already at a distance of one hundred meters, the sound will weaken so much that it is almost impossible to separate speech from interference.

There are 4 types of directional eavesdropping mechanisms:

Video Bugs for wiretapping Aliexpress

Before choosing a listening device, you need to ensure your own safety. This is due to the fact that such funds are prohibited for use. You should be as careful as possible. Installing bugs for wiretapping on clothes or other similar devices is fraught with unpleasant consequences. That is why at the moment there are more popular utilities that allow you to make your phone a bug. Due to the fact that the range of such a listening device depends on the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe operator, you can listen to conversations anywhere in the world.
