Nothing relaxes like acceptance. hot tub... It is this pleasant procedure that will fill the body with beauty and health. Also in ancient world took baths with various herbs, oils and essences to tone, relax and heal body and mind. And today women all over the planet find time to soak in hot water with all kinds of cosmetic and medical additives - salt, foam, oils and other means. All of this can be bought in the store. But the most powerful effect will provide natural remedies made by hand. And this article will tell you how to make your own bath bombs.

In contact with

These wonderful balls, hissing and seething, can turn a boring bath into a royal jacuzzi. They fill the space of the bath with a magical aroma, make the skin unusually smooth and soft and lift the mood.

What do you need to make bombs?

For those who have never made this miracle remedy with their own hands, it will be useful to find out what materials and devices may be needed in order to get the so-called "pop". You will need:

When all the ingredients you need and the equipment is assembled, you can arm yourself with a good mood and start preparing a fragrant ball at home, taking care of beauty and health.

How to make a bath bomb

To imagine the process of preparing effervescent joy for the bath and choose a recipe to your liking, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recipe and understand the general principle of creating a bomb. So how do you make a bomb from salt or other ingredients? It is based on the following actions:

The finished mass is necessary tamp tightly into molds and leave for 30 minutes. Then the form can be removed, and the ball can be left to dry for another day in a dry and warm place. After the required time has elapsed, the bomb must be wrapped in plastic wrap and sent to the refrigerator until use. This is necessary so that they do not become damp, otherwise they may give a reaction.

Simple recipes for bath bombs by skin type

Below are the different recipes for homemade bath bombs.

For oily skin

You will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt (pink salt can also be used)
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 7 drops of citrus essential oil.

Mix all dry ingredients in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly, then add oils and mix again thoroughly. So that the bomb has you can give it an attractive look beautiful shade using food coloring, juice or herbal decoction. Then place the mass in a mold and dry, as indicated in the basic recipe.

For dry skin

Dry skin constantly needs nourishment and hydration, which is why several oils and vitamins are added to the recipe. So, you need to prepare:

There should be no more than 1.5 tablespoons of base oils in total.

The algorithm of actions is the same as before: first, dry ingredients are mixed, then base oils are gradually added to them, followed by essential oils. When the mass has the consistency of wet sand and will hold its shape when compressed, you need to place it in a mold and wait for it to dry. Also before sculpting in the last batch you can drop a dye, this will give the final product a bright and aesthetic look. But this is not at all necessary. For dry skin, a bath with such a bubbling ball will be a salvation.

Another option is to add dry seaweed sold at the pharmacy to the mixture. They can be placed in a mold between the layers of the main mass. That is, for example, put 1/4 of the mixture on the bottom of the mold, then 1/3 tablespoon of algae, tamp the soda mass on top again, and again on top of the algae, and so on until the form is completely filled. Such a bomb will be good for the skin and will have a beautiful and interesting view, so it can be gifted to friends.

Scented anti-stress bombs

A hot bath is synonymous with relaxation... It helps you relax and clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. The effect will increase many times, if you add a bubbling ball to the water. Below are a few recipes to help you relax. It is possible that the very process of making a bomb will seem so exciting and distract from the daily routine, and the family will only be glad of this.

Bath Bomb - A Recipe to Revitalize

You will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons crushed vitamin C
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil
  • 1 tablespoon milk powder;
  • 6 drops of rosemary and lavender essential oil.

The first step is to mix all the dry ingredients in a deep bowl. Mixing them thoroughly, and without ceasing stirring, gradually it is necessary to add oil. If the mass turns out to be too dry, you can add more oil or simply spray it with a spray bottle.

Once the mixture is ready and has the consistency of wet sand, you can start placing it in the mold. Let it dry for two hours, then remove from the mold and leave to dry on a paper sheet for a day.

To cheer you up and invigorate

The main composition is the same, as in the previous recipe, but other oils will be needed: it is better to take almond as the base one. And citrus fruits are well suited from essential: orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime.

So, it turns out that you first need to mix 4 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. citric acid. Then pour in 1 tbsp. l. almond oil, and 10 drops of citrus essential oil you like (you can also take and mix several varieties). Then everything is thoroughly mixed again, and when the mass is completely ready, you can fill out the forms. Dried in the same way as before. The bomb will be ready in a day.

DIY baby bath bombs: recipes

Who, if not a child, will be delighted with a bubbling ball in his bathroom? Therefore, in order to please your child with such fun, you can make a bomb for him too. It is recommended to use simple recipes, eliminating the addition of artificial colors, replacing them with natural juice. It is better to add natural ingredients to the mass, such as flower petals, sea salt, medicinal herbs... The bomb will be even more interesting if you add a small one inside. This will cause a new wave of delight in the child, after the ball dissolves and a small rubber fish or something else floats to the surface.

The recipe is designed to make five 100 gram bombs. You can take any form you like. So:

  • 15 tbsp soda;
  • 6 tbsp citric acid;
  • 3 tbsp each white clay and sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oils;
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil.

Soda must be sifted through a sieve into a bowl., in which all the ingredients will be mixed. Then add ground citric acid, clay and sea salt there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and oils are slowly poured into the same - first jojoba, and then lavender. When the mixture sticks well, you can put it in a mold. The bomb dries in a mold for about an hour, then you need to take it out and leave it to dry for a day. If you leave such a ball to dry near a battery or heater, it will dry much faster.

Lying in a warm bath - what could be more pleasant? Maybe a bath with a scented bomb. Buying it can be expensive, but making it yourself is quite easy and even interesting. You can make your own bomb exactly according to the recipe, or turn on creativity and create your own unique options: add different aromatic oils and components that are good for the skin: Dead Sea salts, oils, flower petals and so on.

You can find some of the ingredients for bombs right in your kitchen, but if you want something more beneficial to your skin, you will have to go to a health food store or visit a specialized body care section.

You can use your creations yourself or make a great gift for friends and family. Try to make a bomb exactly according to the recipe, and when you understand the technology, experiment with the ingredients.

Step # 1 Equipment

For a homemade bomb you will need:

  • kitchen scale
  • large mixing bowl
  • cold water spray
  • latex gloves for hand protection
  • eye protection
  • gauze dust mask
  • sieve to sift the mixture
  • bomb molds (if you haven't found a spherical mold, you can use any options for baking, for ice cubes, etc.)

Step # 2 Ingredients

  • 300 g soda
  • 150 g citric acid
  • 5-10 ml of essential or aromatic oil of your choice
  • 5 ml plain oil (it can be sunflower, olive, grape, sweet almond, jojoba oil or others, at your choice)
  • food coloring of the desired color

Smaller bombs are best because they hold up better, and larger bombs tend to fall apart.

One more thing: start small, because first you need to find the best consistency. When making bombs, everything is important, up to weather conditions - with high humidity, you need to add less water, otherwise the bomb will turn into a bubbling mass.

Step # 3 Mix the ingredients

Sift the baking soda through a sieve into a large mixing bowl to avoid clumps. Combine baking soda and citric acid in a bowl.

Step # 4 Add oil

Add aromatic and regular oils to a bowl. Most essential oils won't make the mixture sizzle, but some, mostly citrus fruits, can. If this happens, mix them as quickly as possible.

Don't mix aromatic and essential oils together - add either one or the other.

Step # 5 Separate the mixture

If you decide to make colored balls, it's time to divide the mixture into different containers in order to color it in different ways. In the photo, the mixture was divided into three parts.

Step 6 Paint

Now we start to paint the mixture. If you are using food or cosmetic color, add it drop by drop to get desired color... Stir the mixture quickly with your hands so that it does not foam.

If you are using powder dye, simply add a little to the mixture and stir until you get the color you want.

Stir until the mixture is uniform and free from stains. Mix especially carefully if you are using powder dye. It is best to "grind" the mixture between your fingers.

If the mixture becomes wetter, do not leave it, or it may settle. On the contrary, you need to get everything done as quickly as possible.

Step # 7 Add water

Add some water from the spray, then stir continuously to avoid sizzling. Be careful not to add too much water - the mixture should remain a little crumbly, but stick together if you just squeeze it in your hand.

Step 8 Fill out the form

Fill out the form with the mixture. If you are using two halves of a sphere, place the mixture in each of them and hold them together. Do not twist the halves, just press them firmly together. Wait a few minutes, then carefully remove the bonded mixture from the mold.

Step number 9 Dry

Leave the finished bombs in a dry and warm place for several hours.

Step number 10 We use or give

That's it, your fragrant homemade bath bombs are ready. Just dip them in hot water and enjoy.

Remember, the fresher the bomb, the more it will fizzle, and if you are not packing your items, it is best to store them in a dry place. You can wrap them in plastic wrap to keep them fresh for longer.

Well, if you decide to give them, just choose a beautiful packaging and a ribbon, and the gift is ready.

What could be more pleasant at the end of a busy day than a warm bath with colorful scented geysers? For those who do not like to overpay, we suggest making your own bath bombs. The main ingredients found in any kitchen are citric acid and baking soda. The rest is a matter of taste. You can make bright balls with the smell of citrus fruits, useful and relaxing bombs with essential oils, with pieces of herbs, with rose petals and any others.


Making bombs with your own hands will take about 30 minutes.

For work, you will need the following materials:

  • latex gloves;
  • large bowl;
  • the spoon;
  • measuring cup;
  • a fine spray bottle filled with water
  • molds.

For molding, you can use baby tins, candy packaging, silicone baking dishes, boxes from "Kinder".

Many needlewomen use a plastic Christmas tree toy to make ball-shaped bombs. With a hot knife, they cut it in half, fill the halves, and then press them against each other.


There are many recipes for homemade bath bombs. You can use ready-made ones or come up with your own.

The composition usually includes the following 5 components:

  1. The basis is baking soda and citric acid in a ratio of 2 to 1. On contact with water, they give a chemical reaction of neutralizing alkali, which is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. It is thanks to these components that the bath bombs bubble.
  2. Moisturizing ingredients: olive, almond, sea buckthorn, coconut oil, as well as wheat germ, shea, cocoa and macadamia oil. Any of these oils cares for the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it.
  3. Dyes. For coloring, you can use liquid and powder food coloring, ground colored sea salt.
  4. Flavors: food flavorings, cosmetic fragrances, essential oils. The latter additionally play the role of a healing component. For example, lavender and sage oils soothe, mint and citrus oils invigorate.
  5. Useful Supplements: dry cream, sea salt, clay. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and saturate it with useful elements.

How can you decorate a bomb? For decoration, use dry flowers of herbs, coffee grains, sea salt, sparkles, rose petals. Decorations are placed on the bottom of the molds or tamped into the middle of the mixture.

Nuances you need to know

Despite the simplicity of making bath bombs, many beginners fail to make them. It's all to blame for the subtleties that you need to know:

  • Don't overdo it with water! You can often hear advice to bring the powder mass to a state of wet or wet sand. it big mistake... You need to add a minimum of water, otherwise a reaction will start, after which the bomb will increase in size, disintegrate and foam badly. If water-based fragrances and oils are used, no other liquid needs to be added at all. The mass should be practically dry.
  • Stir the mixture with gloved hands. It is difficult to use a spoon to break up all the lumps and rub the dye into the dry mixture. It is done with hands much more productively and faster.
  • Take a large bowl. The composition should occupy a third of the plate, otherwise, during the mixing process, it will pour out over the edges.
  • Tamp thoroughly. It is necessary to pour the powder in small portions, pressing each well with a spoon. Then the bomb will be tight and will not fall apart when you take it out of the mold.
  • For a spherical shape, pour the mixture into heaped halves. Then press them firmly against each other. Excess powder will spill out. This is how the halves are held together most reliably. Do not use water for gluing.
  • Dry your bombs naturally. Don't leave them in the molds. This is a common mistake. So that the moisture evaporates and the shape does not deteriorate, you need to lay out the bombs on a film in a dry room. For example, in the kitchen near the stove.
  • Store them in a dry place wrapped in plastic wrap. The balls can react even to excess moisture in the air. They should never be stored in the bathroom. Place them in a dry place after wrapping cling film... In this form, they can lie and not deteriorate for months.

How to make the bomb foam profusely? To obtain a stable foam, you can add coconut sulfate (dry shampoo), Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, and Lush foam frother to the composition. You need to look for funds in specialized stores for the manufacture of cosmetics. They are added strictly according to the instructions, since they are quite harmful to the skin in case of an overdose. It is also important to wear a respirator when adding foaming agents to avoid inhalation of volatiles.

Step-by-step instruction

At home, bath bombs are made according to the same pattern. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Add citric acid, baking soda, and other dry ingredients from the recipe to a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly, breaking lumps.
  2. Now it's the turn for the liquid ingredients: oils, flavorings and dyes. Place them on top of the powder, and then stir until smooth.
  3. If the mixture is completely dry, sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle from a distance of 30–40 cm. At the same time, knead it with a spoon without stopping to avoid waterlogging and, as a result, a chemical reaction.
  4. Fill the molds with the mixture. Tamp down well. To make a sphere-shaped bomb, connect 2 semicircular shapes together.
  5. Gently remove the bomb from the mold by tapping lightly on the bottom and edges.
  6. Dry the bombs outdoors for 3-12 hours.
  7. You can take a fragrant bath!

What about the harm of bath bombs? The main ingredients, soda and lemon, are lye and acid. They can cause irritation if they come into direct contact with the skin. But in a large bath, their concentrations are negligible and cannot cause significant harm.

Fears should be raised by essential oils. They can cause an allergic reaction and should be tested before use. Drop some ether on your wrist and monitor the reaction throughout the day.

5 best recipes

We offer recipes for the most popular bath bombs. By sticking to them, you will definitely not be disappointed.

  1. Funny bombs for children. Kids love bright bombs, and especially the bubbling sparkle geysers. Mix 6 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons of citric acid, and 10–20 drops of flavoring. Of the essential oils for children, tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender, tangerine, fennel, bergamot are suitable. Divide the mixture into 3 parts and color in different colours using food coloring. Choose interesting shapes and lay the mixture in multi-colored layers. Pour about 0.5 teaspoon of glitter in the middle. Dry the bombs and then delight the child by immersing him in the world of magic and fairy tales.
  2. Hearts. These bombs will set the couple on a romantic mood right after taking a bath. Mix 200 g of baking soda and 100 g of lemon, stir. Add aphrodisiac essential oils: 5 drops each of ylang ylang, patchouli and jasmine. Add 7-10 drops of red dye. Grind the mass. Use heart shaped molds.
  3. Foaming bath bombs. To make foaming balls, you need to mix 300 g of baking soda, 150 g of citric acid, 50 g of sodium coconut sulfate, 5 g of olive or almond oil, 2.5 g of flavor.
  4. Healing bombs for headaches, fatigue, nasal congestion. Up to 200 g baking soda and 100 g of lemons, you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil, 5 drops of peppermint essential oil, 5 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of cedarwood oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, and a dye.
  5. Bath bombs that moisturize and nourish the skin. Mix 4 tbsp in a bowl. tablespoons of soda, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of citric acid, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry cream (milk), 1 tbsp. spoon of cosmetic clay, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, food coloring and flavoring. Then the mixture, if necessary, is moistened and distributed in the molds.

If you want more foam from the bomb, you need to throw it into the tub while the water is still drawing.

Homemade bath bombs are in no way inferior in quality and efficiency to purchased ones. And if you delve into the technique, then making them is as easy as kneading dough into pies. Use the given recipes or get creative and create your own unique and inimitable ball. And remember: the fresher the bomb, the more it will bubble.

Almost every girl loves to take a bath with a certain comfort, which is created by fragrant bath bombs. Many people note that they have a very soothing hiss and soften water pleasantly. This effect is achieved due to the content of soda in the composition of the product. Also, many bombs contain special aromatic oils that promote relaxation. Often they also color the water vividly, creating interesting patterns.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy such bombs in the store, because they are quite expensive. And the impact is not the same as the manufacturer describes. Therefore, if you want to get a bomb that is ideal in all characteristics for you, it is better to make it yourself. Trust me, it's not as difficult as it sounds!

What options for bombs can you make

There are several options for soothing and scented balls, which are selected according to personal preference and skin type. All bathroom bombs are divided into dry and water bombs. Each option contains certain ingredients that have a positive effect not only on relaxation, but also on improving the condition of your skin. If you are a real fan of a bath with such balls, then you can make several of them at once for every day. It's up to you to decide whether it is dry or watery, it all depends on what is more convenient for you.

What is used for cooking

If you are interested in a dry bath bomb, then you can familiarize yourself in detail with the version of its manufacture. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • citric acid (2 tbsp. l.);
  • soda (4 tbsp. l.);
  • food salt (8 tbsp. l.);
  • cosmetic oil (any to your taste, you can purchase it at the pharmacy);
  • essential oil (10-12 drops);
  • herbs, flowers (optional).

Do not forget to use gloves and a medical mask while making the ball so that you do not irritate the mucous membrane. Try to follow all precautions.

All dry ingredients you need to put in a coffee grinder and grind to a powdery consistency. Then you should add the already mixed oils to the composition. Use as little cosmetic oil as possible to keep the bomb dry. You can add herbs, flowers, or food colors to the aroma ball if desired, best mixed with oils.

The bombs should be dry, but not decaying. If the entire composition disintegrates, then you can add a little alcohol or a water spray. You need to fold the entire homogeneous mass into pre-prepared molds and close them tightly. They should freeze in a warm place where there are no drafts. It is best to leave them alone for a day.

If you like the water bath bomb more, then you need the following ingredients to make it:

  • citric acid (1 tbsp. l.);
  • table or sea salt (1 tbsp. l.);
  • baking soda (2 tbsp. l.);
  • cosmetic oil (0.5 tbsp. l.);
  • essential oil (8-10 drops).

The cooking method is completely similar to the dry version. There is only one difference - after mixing all the components, you need to sprinkle them with small water drops several times and mix as quickly as possible. Then you also tamp the entire homogeneous mass into special molds, close them and leave to harden.

The subtleties of cooking

Your bomb may explode during cooking. In this case, you need to quickly wrap it with cling film and immediately put it in the freezer. And it is better to use such a ball immediately after it has solidified. And so that after freezing it does not continue to explode, it must be taken only with dry hands.

Often these bath bombs are made as a gift. If this is your case, then you should follow these steps. It is better to wrap the fragrant ball with cling film and drip on it in some places essential oil... You can also apply all your decorating talents and decorate the bomb with a ribbon or bow. The main thing is that your gift retains all the planned impacts.

When making the aroma mixture itself, consider your personal preference. So your body may react differently to certain odors. Therefore, keep coffee beans on hand to kill the smell of oils at least for a while.

As you probably know, each oil has its own effect. Likewise, bombs can be invigorating or soothing. It is better to make several options at once for individual situations. So you can either take a soothing bath after a hard day at work, or an invigorating weekend morning.

Bath bombs can take your relaxation to the next level. You can relieve stress and enjoy a warm, pleasant-smelling and impeccably beautiful bathroom. But how safe are these bombs?

Buying bombs at Lush, The Body Shop and bubble balls at Stenders will seduce you with natural oils, pleasant scents and incredible colors. Sellers will talk about how bombs will hydrate your skin and relieve stress, but what will actually happen to your body?

Examine the ingredients for the bombs. They contain chemistry that affects hormones, and dyes get on the mucous membrane. Standard bath bombs are definitely not something that will be good for your body. Luckily, here's a recipe for home bombs to help relieve stress without harming your health.

1. Absolutely fake and toxic flavors

The fragrance added to the bombs doesn't look like a dangerous ingredient. But in fact, synthetic additives are the most toxic part of the product mix. The US National Academy of Sciences has determined that 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are refined products (). Yes indeed. Throwing a bombshell with a mango scent into the bathtub, you may end up in a spilled pool of oil without noticing it yourself. However, your skin will receive all the dangers associated with this fact. For example, the likelihood of itching and allergies.

Many of us are aware of the dangers of phthalates and other chemicals that affect hormones. They can cause serious diseases and abnormalities, therefore we do not recommend using bath products when bathing children and pregnant women (,).

Studying the composition before buying, pay attention to "fragrance", "fragrance oil", "fragrance oil blend". This is a legal way to hide the names of chemicals from buyers and manufacturers regularly use it. In total, manufacturers use 3000 toxic flavors and do not indicate their names in the composition. Such flavors can cause malfunction nervous system, respiratory diseases and are potentially carcinogenic ().

2. Food colors enter the blood

Food colors aren't just dangerous in food. A 2013 study found that skin can absorb toxic dyes, especially skin that has undergone hair removal. After getting into the skin, the dyes go directly into the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system and being filtered out by the liver, like other toxins ().

Dyes are regularly used in bath bombs. They can cause an allergic reaction. Some studies show the possibility of increasing the risk of cancer. This primarily concerns the yellow dye. ()

3. Urinary tract infection

Professionals may find that showering reduces the risk of infection (), while a bathtub with a bomb can seriously increase this risk. It has been proven that bubble baths and bombs that touch the genitals seriously increase the risk of infection. ()

4. Sequins are made from plastic

Many bath bombs contain glitter. These are the smallest particles of plastic that do not degrade. Once flushed, they will pass into the sewer system and eventually contaminate the water. They are harmful to the ecology of the planet, but if this does not bother you too much, then they are not very useful for your skin and mucous membranes either.

5. Yeast infections

First of all, this applies to women. The chemicals in bombs can disrupt the natural pH balance of women's organs and increase the risk of yeast infections. ()

Are boric acid bombs dangerous?

Some shops are promoting bombs homemade with boric acid content. The advantage of this solution is the antifungal effect of the acid. It is used to treat certain female diseases and to treat athlete's foot fungus.

Unfortunately, the ad hoc European Commission found evidence that boric acid affects hormones. Its use is prohibited in Japan and Canada ().

This is so serious that the Government of Canada has recommended that the use of acid in art (it was used to make clay) and veterinary medicine should be abandoned. The reason is the harm to the human reproductive system. ()

Recipe for safe bath bombs

You can make the best bombs on your own and without any special skills. You will need:

  1. 1 glass of baking soda
  2. 1/2 cup citric acid
  3. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  4. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar or wine vinegar
  5. 1/2 cup ground sea salt
  6. 1.5 teaspoons
  7. 1/2 teaspoon
  8. 1 tablespoon (witch hazel)
  9. 1 teaspoon beetroot powder (instead of dye)
  10. ethereal
  11. essential oil of orange

Cooking will take 10 minutes, you can discard most of the components and replace them with others.


  • Mix all dry ingredients (soda, citric acid, salt and starch) in one glass or ceramic container
  • Mix all wet ingredients (vinegar, oils) in another container
  • Mix ingredients from both containers
  • Place the mass in the mold or simply squeeze with your hands until you get a ball with a diameter of 3-5 cm
  • Let the mass dry, it will take up to 2 days
  • Use a bath bomb and enjoy health-free
  • A similar bomb can be stored for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator, closed from contact with air.


Bath bomb is a mixture of dry ingredients including oils, flavors and colors. The dry matter of the bomb dissolves completely in water, changing its composition, color and smell. The mixture may contain oils that moisturize the skin.

What is a bath bomb used for? The bomb is used for aesthetic reasons, making the bathing experience more enjoyable and interesting. Certain types of mixtures can be used to soften and moisturize the skin. Bombs can be used to reduce stress levels.

A few facts:

  1. Flavors are made from oil and are hazardous to health.
  2. Bombs can cause allergies, asthma and serious illness.
  3. Food colors enter the bloodstream and are not safe.
  4. Bombs increase the chance of infection, especially in women.
  5. Glitter spoils the environment.
  6. Boric acid can interfere with hormones and is banned in several countries.
