Carriers of herpesvirus are about 80% of the world's population. Usually it is in a dormant state and manifests itself when the body's defenses fail. With the formation of painful formations, people experience discomfort and begin to look for how to cauterize the herpes on the lips, so that it stops bothering faster.

First steps

The herpes simplex virus makes itself felt suddenly and is usually localized on the lips. At first, they itch in a certain place, then itching appears, the skin turns slightly red, small bubbles pop out on it. After a couple of days, they burst, the liquid that is there flows out, and wounds form. The sores are covered with a crust, which is easily injured when talking and while eating. This causes bleeding and complicates the course of the disease.

In order for a cold on the lips to heal sooner, it is required to start treatment before the bubbles form, then there is a chance to prevent their appearance and quickly get rid of the discomfort.

Iodine is ineffective for herpes. Its aggressive properties easily lead to burns on the delicate surface of the lips and aggravate the problem. It is allowed to use it after opening the bubbles for antiseptic treatment of the wound. The drug is applied pointwise in a small amount of times a day.

Folk ways

In combination with antiviral agents, it is useful to use folk methods of struggle.

If bubbles do appear, they can be cauterized with propolis tincture. It is easy to get it from the pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home.

  1. You will need to grind 100 g of propolis.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol.
  3. Cork and leave for two days, remembering to shake occasionally.
  4. Filter out.

During this time, the beekeeping product will dissolve. The tincture should be used for spot cauterization of the bubbles three times a day. A quarter of an hour after treatment, an emollient cream should be applied to the wound.

Calendula is a proven folk remedy for cold sores. At the initial stage of the disease, a decoction is effective. It is necessary to brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in 0.5 liters of boiling water, put in a water bath and simmer for 10 minutes. Insist half an hour, filter and use for washing lips 4-5 times a day.

The tincture is useful when the bubbles have burst and a wound has formed. Soak 2 spoons of flowers in 100 ml of alcohol, cover the container with a lid. After two weeks, the product is ready. It should be drained before use. The wound should be cauterized with a cotton swab dipped in tincture. Repeat the treatment every two hours for 3-4 days.

Herbal tinctures

A good folk way to dry a wound and treat herpes is herbal tinctures. Suitable:

Cooking recipe: 100 g of raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, insisted for two weeks and filtered. The medicine retains its healing properties for at least a year, so the tincture can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator. With an exacerbation of herpes, the liquid is useful as a lotion. For preventive purposes, tinctures from these herbs are drunk inside 10 drops twice a day for a month.

Hydrogen peroxide for herpes

Peroxide is a versatile antiseptic that is effective against many viruses and bacteria. It repairs damaged tissue well and heals wounds caused by herpes.

Moxibustion well cleanses the skin of dead cells and accelerates tissue healing. A cotton swab should be moistened in the product and the painful formation should be treated, moving from the edges to the center, at least three times a day. 15 minutes after applying hydrogen peroxide, it is required to lubricate the skin with an antiviral ointment or cream.

Centennial helps at the initial stage of the disease, and when bubbles have already formed on the skin. The plant contains a lot of amino acids, tannins, minerals and vitamin C, which help to eliminate the virus and quickly heal wounds.

  1. To treat a cold on the lips at home, you need aloe that is more than 3 years old.
  2. The bottom sheet must be cut, washed, divided into small parts.
  3. Extract the juice from several pieces, soak the gauze in it and gently wipe the skin on the lip, cleaning it from the keratinized particles.
  4. Cut the remains of the plant lengthwise, apply the soft side to the inflammation, fix with adhesive plaster and leave for 2-3 hours, or better - overnight.
  5. After removing the compress, cauterize the wound with calendula or propolis tincture.

Honey in combination with aloe juice helps to cure herpes well. It is required to squeeze a spoonful of juice, mix with the same amount of May honey and use the remedy four times a day, applying to the wound. It is advisable to wash off the composition with warm water only before applying a new portion.

The bactericidal and antiviral properties of garlic are actively used in folk medicine..

Other effective methods

Toothpaste for the treatment of herpes is recommended by many supporters of traditional medicine. It is believed to dry out wounds, accelerate the formation of bubbles and relieve painful symptoms. A paste containing fluorine and plant components is suitable for processing. They contribute to the disappearance of the rash.

Earwax provides quick treatment of herpes on the lips with folk remedies. Its chemical composition has antibacterial, moisturizing and healing properties. The use of sulfur removes edema, relieves inflammation, and stops itching. For processing, only fresh sulfur should be used. You need to get it out of your own ears with a cotton swab and immediately apply it to herpes formation. Relief usually comes after the first procedure. If you use sulfur three times a day, the disease ceases to bother you as soon as possible.

Vietnamese balm "Zvezdochka" is a multifunctional and effective product. It is used until the seal comes out at the first stage of the disease.

If a weeping wound has formed on the lip, the time for treatment with an asterisk is missed. At this stage, it can cause burns.

An old method for treating herpes is eggshells. It is necessary to detach the film from its inner side and carefully glue it to the sore lip. It is advisable to do the application at night.

Folk remedies are most effective at the first manifestations of herpes. Their use at the right time allows you to ease the course of the disease and in some cases prevent bubbles and weeping wounds.

According to various statistics, from 80 to 95 percent of people around the world are carriers of the herpes virus, which may never manifest itself in a person's entire life. In the case of the appearance of herpes on the lips, many associate this with stress, hypothermia, colds.

Very often, herpes on the lips appears after sunburn or when a person has been in an air-conditioned room for a long time. Yes, it provokes the appearance of herpes, which is in the body all the time and is "waiting" in the wings.

"Cold sores" always appear suddenly and at the wrong time, delivering aesthetic, psychological and physical discomfort, especially for the fairer sex. A dormant insidious virus wakes up with a decrease in immunity.

If the manifestations of herpes are episodic in nature, proceed easily, then there are many ways to quickly cure herpes on the lips. These are symptomatic drugs with a drying, disinfecting, epithelial effect.

But in 15% of the population, relapses of herpes are so frequent, sometimes every six months or even monthly, it already requires serious long-term complex therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

You should not try to treat herpes with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green solution. These funds give a drying effect, but the virus will not disappear from this moxibustion, and you can get a burn.

How to treat herpes on the lips with folk remedies:

If there is no time to run to the pharmacy, and there is no suitable medicine for herpes at home, what to do? How to quickly cure herpes on the lips? Folk remedies !!! The use of folk remedies in the treatment of certain diseases is convenient because most of the so-called "medicines" are always at home, which is called "at hand". However, their use is rather auxiliary in nature, since drugs have an antiviral effect to a greater extent. Popular alternative treatments for herpes:

  • Plain table salt and baking soda can speed up wound healing and stop inflammation from growing. You just need to apply grains of table salt and soda to the focus of inflammation several times a day.
  • Toothpaste is an interesting remedy for herpes on the lips, it dries and disinfects the affected area well. Only it should lubricate the wound at the very beginning of the disease, before the appearance of blisters.
  • Fir oil - the earlier you start to lubricate the wound with this oil, the higher the effect of its application. It is advisable to apply fir oil every 2-3 hours.
  • Tea tree oil, almond oil, sea buckthorn oil - also accelerate recovery.
  • Propolis, Propolis spray- a good remedy for herpes on the lips, if you have your own apiary or you are sure of the quality of purchased honey and propolis, besides, it is used in the absence of allergies to bee products.
  • FROM ok aloe, Kalanchoe juice, lemon juice, aspen leaf juice - you can use whatever juice you have. Simply lubricate the blisters with juice squeezed from plant leaves or lemon.
  • Garlic - effectively rub the wound with a chopped clove of garlic, and also lubricate with fresh garlic juice. To avoid unpleasant odors, it is best to do this before bed. After that, it is also recommended to lubricate the hearth with honey.
  • Herpes ointment made of honey, ash and garlic - this folk recipe is not easy to make. Burn a sheet of paper, collect the ash, mix half a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of such ash, grate 2 cloves of garlic and stir everything. Lubricate the wound with the resulting ointment 2-3 times a day.
  • Aloe - you can use not only the juice, but the plant itself. To do this, you need to cut off a piece of the appendix, peel it and apply it to the affected area, fix it with a bactericidal plaster for 20 minutes. Such a remedy promotes healing in 3 days.

Herpes, like other diseases, does not like positive, cheerful people very much! The more a person is worried, angry and upset because of any illness, the stronger his depression, the stronger the manifestations of the disease, the more often an exacerbation occurs. Herpetic manifestations are no exception.

In the fight against this ailment, self-hypnosis, Sytin's mood, affirmations, and auto-training help many women. Suggest to yourself: “My herpes has passed and there will never be a relapse”, and also that “I am beautiful, healthy, happy and will always be like this”, etc. Maybe it sounds funny, but it really helps a lot, the wound heals faster and the frequent exacerbations of herpes stop.

How is herpes on the lips spread?

It is believed that if almost the entire population is already infected with the herpes virus, then re-infection can no longer be feared. And if there is a person with herpetic eruptions next to you, you do not need to worry.

However, if a family member is sick and has profuse herpetic eruptions, precautions will not hurt. Herpes on the lips is contagious! Herpes zoster is contagious! If a person is in frequent and close contact with a sick person, he can drink after him from one glass or come into contact with an infected surface.

Contacting the infected mucous membrane of the patient, he creates favorable additional conditions for the multiplication of bacteria, can help the herpes virus to become active. It is easier to prevent any disease than to think later about how to quickly cure herpes on the lips. It is always necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and not make life easier for herpes.

Prevention of herpes:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Strengthening the immune system by physical labor in the fresh air
  • Balanced, fortified nutrition
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • If family members have herpes, use individual kitchen and bathroom utensils.

Many people wonder how to cure herpes on the lips in 1 day at home. A rash on the red border of the lips caused by the herpes simplex virus is an unpleasant manifestation of the disease. It sometimes proceeds with an increase in temperature, and bubbles, ulcers and crusts look unattractive and change the patient's appearance not for the better. This disease lasts from the moment the first signs appear (tingling, burning) to the appearance of crusts and their ripening, on average, about 1 week.

Once infected with the herpes virus, a person will be its carrier throughout his life, since this virus is embedded in the DNA of the cell and it is no longer possible to extract it from there. The disease will manifest itself in the wearer with a decrease in immunity, during colds. Very often, the herpes virus infects HIV-infected people with cancer after chemotherapy treatment.

The use of antiviral ointments

The most effective way is to start local treatment as early as possible. Herpes on the lips is easy to feel. As soon as a specific burning and tingling sensation, redness in the lip area appears, a special antiviral ointment containing acyclovir should be immediately applied to this place.

If this rule is followed, the disease does not fully proceed, the bubbles that appear are very small and look almost imperceptible. Soreness and itching at the site of the lesion are also reduced. The ointment should be applied often enough, optimally once every 4 hours; a doctor's prescription is not required to purchase it at a pharmacy. There are several types that can most quickly cure herpes.


The most famous and effective is the ointment: in addition to acyclovir, it contains an oily filler, which allows it to quickly penetrate through the red border of the lips and act on the virus.

A small amount (the size of a match head) should be applied to the affected area with a cotton swab and rubbed in circular motions. This should be done about 6 times a day, at regular intervals.


Acyclovir ointment has a quick destructive effect on the herpes virus. In order for the elements of rashes on the lip to disappear in 1 day, it must be applied in the same way as Zovirax.

Acyclovir is cheaper, but not inferior in effectiveness, it is an excellent tool to cure herpes on the lip.

Fenistil Pentsivir

Another good drug is Fenistil Pencivir ointment, which can be used both in the early stages and during the appearance of bubbles and crusts. It will significantly shorten the period of their existence and is applied in the same way as the two previous preparations.

Treatment of the formed bubbles and crusts

Sometimes circumstances develop so that herpes on the lips is in full swing, and you urgently need to get rid of sores on the lips (for example, before an important meeting). In this case, quickly curing herpes on the lip is more difficult, but possible.

To do this, you need to take any clean instrument and open the bubbles on the lips with it. For this purpose, you can use a cotton swab or a needle, after wiping it with alcohol or vodka for disinfection. The manipulation must be performed carefully, do not allow liquid from the ulcers to get to other parts of the body.

Such an excreted substance contains a very high concentration of the virus, and when it comes into contact with the skin, re-infection occurs through a microtrauma in it.

After opening all the bubbles, the site of the lesion should be treated with an antiviral agent - Zovirax or Acyclovir. You need to reapply the ointment more often - during every hour. This method helps well to get rid of sores on the lip in 1 day, but it should not be abused, because the liquid from them is very infectious, and you can get sick again or put others at risk of infection.

In the case of crusts, getting rid of them is somewhat easier. They appear already at the last stage of the disease, and under them the virus is not contained in large quantities. You need to grease them well with an oily solution, ointment or hygienic lipstick, wait 20 minutes, and then try to carefully remove them.

The red border and skin should be injured as little as possible to avoid bleeding from the crusts. After removing them, you must also smear the fresh wound surface with an ointment containing acyclovir.

For treatment in the last period are well suited:

  • troxevasin;
  • any greasy cream.

These products do not contain antiviral components, but they nourish the skin and mucous membranes, accelerating their healing. These drugs are ineffective in the early stages, but when used at the stage of the crusts, they can accelerate the process of ripening and falling off.

The use of drugs inside

The use is a good help in the fight against this disease, but only in combination with local treatment. The appearance and size of the bubbles noticeably decreases, the itching decreases, since an additional portion of the antiviral drug enters the body, this strengthens the immune forces and significantly reduces the time spent by sores on the lips.

The use of 1 tablet of Acyclovir with a joint treatment of the bubbles with ointment helps to cure herpes very quickly.

Therapy only by taking pills inside does not speed up the process, therefore, if you need to get rid of the elements on the lip in 1 day, you should combine 2 types of treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of the virus on the lips at home without resorting to the use of ointments and tablets, but using some common folk remedies. However, the effectiveness of the latter is significantly lower, and hence the rule: they need to be used much more often if you want to recover faster than in 1 day.

Any local treatment with folk methods should be supplemented with general ones. The appearance of herpes on the lips indicates a weakened immune system. In order for the disappearance of ugly sores and crusts from the lips to occur faster, it is necessary to raise the general immunity.

For this purpose, such a folk remedy as black tea with lemon is well suited. The latter contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is responsible for building blood vessels and protective cells in the human body - lymphocytes. Drink at least 4 cups of lemon tea a day. In this case, the herpes disappears quite quickly, within 1 day. Instead of lemon, you can add to tea, this will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

A less common recipe for fighting the virus is radish juice with honey. The first, like onion c, contains a large amount of phytoncides, but does not have such an unpleasant taste and smell. To prepare the juice, take a small radish, wash it, cut out 1/3 of the pulp and place 3-4 tsp in the resulting depression. honey. After 6 hours, the extracted juice with honey can be used for treatment. If herpes on the lips appears against the background of a cold, then this recipe will remove symptoms such as fever, sore throat and cough.

Herpes on the lips is a problem that can affect anyone. It is not a fatal disease, but it can cause a lot of trouble. Herpetic sores and vesicles that appear in the region of the lips sometimes cause severe itching and burning. If left untreated, herpes on the lips can cause complications and spread to other people. Therefore, the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes is relevant for many.

Herpes is often called "cold sores", although this name is not entirely accurate, since the disease has no direct connection with typical colds - influenza and acute respiratory infections. Herpes on the lips (labial herpes) is caused by the herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex) type 1 or HSV-1. Less commonly, the causative agent is genital herpes virus (herpes simplex virus type 2 or HSV-2). According to various sources, the HSV-1 virus affects 55% to 90% of the human population. This means that no one is immune from this disease. Although the severity of the course of the disease can be influenced by hereditary factors.

The herpes virus is essentially a DNA molecule surrounded by a protein coat. Once in the body, the herpes virus finds a neuron (in the case of labial herpes, this is a neuron of the trigeminal nerve ganglia) and is embedded in its DNA so that the DNA of the nerve cell itself would reproduce the virus. In this state, the virus is practically inaccessible to the body's immune forces. This means that the herpes virus in a latent form can be in the human body almost until his death. However, the virus usually does not threaten the health of its host.

Under normal conditions, the viral particles released outside the neurons are immediately destroyed by the immune system. However, in some cases, immunity can be weakened, and then viral particles can also infect other tissues, for example, the epithelium of the skin. The trigger for infection is most often acute respiratory infections and flu, that is, such diseases that are usually called colds. Thus, herpes appears on the lips only at the moment when a person has a cold. Hence the everyday name, which has labial herpes - "cold on the lips."

Other causes of a weakened immune system, sufficient to cause illness, are various immunodeficiency conditions, including AIDS, taking drugs - antidepressants and glucocorticosteroids.

But the herpes virus can activate not only due to weakening of the immune system. Herpes can also appear on the lips for the following reasons:

  • damage to the lips, eyes, or mouth;
  • trauma or surgery;
  • radiation therapy;
  • UV irradiation;
  • exposure to wind or sun.

Symptoms of a cold on the lips

Herpes on the lips is usually easily diagnosed by its symptoms. Symptoms of herpes labialis include sores and blisters in the corner of the mouth, including the lips. The bubbles are usually 1-4 mm in diameter. Lip sores are usually accompanied by gingivitis. Ulcers may not heal for weeks and are often accompanied by itching and burning. However, the manifestations of the disease can be observed not only on the lips and in the mouth. If the patient often touches his face, then through the hands the virus can move to other parts of the body, and there cause similar symptoms.

Cold sore lips treatment

Herpes on the lips greatly spoils the appearance of a person. But the point is not only in cosmetic problems, but also in the fact that the virus "cold on the lips" can spread throughout the body, causing diseases such as, for example, herpes keratitis. Also, a sick person should limit his contacts with others, because herpes is extremely contagious. Therefore, the desire to quickly get rid of the herpes virus is quite natural.

Herpes on the lips has been known to mankind for a very long time. And, nevertheless, they did not know how to treat this disease before. Only in recent decades have there been reliable means to combat it. This is not surprising, because the herpes pathogen was discovered only in the 1940s.

It should be noted right away that the complete elimination of the “cold on the lips” virus that has entered the body is impossible. Prescribing agents against the virus is intended to prevent it from multiplying in the active phase, when the virus leaves the neurons.

Transmission of the herpes virus to another person can occur through open wounds and body fluids. Transmission of the causative agent of "cold on the lips" through the skin is also possible. In the external environment, the herpes virus can persist at negative temperatures for up to 5 days, at a temperature of +50 ° C it dies within half an hour.

Means to fight the virus

The virus should be treated primarily with various drugs. At the forefront of the fight against the herpes virus are etiotropic antiviral drugs. As a rule, these are drugs containing acyclovir. Valacyclovir, famciclovir, penciclovir are among the newest antiviral drugs. But acyclovir remains the most reliable and proven remedy so far.

The principle of action of acyclovir and similar drugs is based on the fact that the substance is embedded in the DNA of the herpes virus and prevents its reproduction. Preparations containing acyclovir are available both in external form, in the form of ointments and creams, and in the form of tablets. Tablet forms of the drug are usually used when herpes has taken a severe course and the action of creams and ointments is not enough. Acyclovir preparations are available over the counter without a prescription.

Other types of herpes medicines are of secondary importance. For example, antibacterial agents prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. And the means for tissue regeneration allow the skin to return to normal faster after the exacerbation of the disease has passed. Can be used in the treatment of herpes and folk recipes. However, all folk remedies also do not affect the herpes virus itself, but only contribute to the fastest healing of tissues.

To reduce soreness with herpes, paracetamol, ibuprofen can be taken. Local anesthetics such as lidocaine can also be used.

"Cold sores" can be cured quickly, but it should be borne in mind that the speed of recovery from the acute phase of the disease depends on the stage at which treatment is started. If this occurs at the first symptoms, then treatment may take only a few hours. But if herpes on the lips is started, then it can take many weeks.

Various medicines used to combat cold sores

How to use acyclovir ointment

In case of a cold on the lips, the ointment should be applied to the affected surfaces in a thin layer for 4-5 days. At the same time, hands must be clean. After application to the skin, it is recommended to wash your hands to prevent the spread of infection. This ointment for herpes can be used by children and pregnant women, since its components do not enter the systemic circulation.

Features of the treatment of "colds on the lips" during pregnancy and lactation

Herpes is often found during pregnancy, since the immune system of a woman's body is somewhat weakened. However, pregnant and lactating women should not take antiviral pills as they can enter the baby's body. Local remedies should be preferred.

A mask must be worn when feeding a baby. Also, a mother with herpes should not kiss her baby.

Local remedies for herpes from natural ingredients

Aloe vera is a plant that has proven itself in various diseases, including herpes sores on the lips. In this case, aloe vera juice has healing properties. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to press a freshly cut piece of the plant stem to the wound to the wound and fix it with a plaster. It is recommended to keep the aloe patch overnight.

A similar procedure can be done with fir oil. The oil is applied to cotton wool and fixed with a plaster. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil is a proven remedy that heals many diseases, and not just "cold sores". It contains many organic acids, carotenoids and vitamins. All of these components greatly facilitate wound healing. The oil is most effective at the stage of herpes when the bubbles disappear on the skin and crusts form.

It is also recommended to apply tea tree essential oil, crushed mummy to the affected area. They can be used for herpes several times a day. Another remedy is a clove of garlic. It can be applied to the wounds that form after sores on the lips, 6-7 times a day, every half hour for 3 days.

Helps with herpes and squeezed Kalanchoe juice. They need to moisten a cotton swab and apply to the affected areas 5-6 times a day.

Another recipe for fighting colds on the lips includes propolis. You can use both a pharmacy tincture and prepare the medicine yourself. For this purpose it is necessary to pour 20 g of propolis with 80 g of 70% alcohol. It is necessary to infuse the solution within a week. It is recommended to lubricate the sores with propolis tincture until they disappear.

Proven remedies such as black tea, herbal toothpaste, and regular honey may also work for herpes. Toothpaste and honey can be used to lubricate the affected areas, and black tea bags can be applied to them.

In addition, lemon juice, ginseng tincture and rosehip decoction can be used to get rid of the manifestations of herpes. The last two should be taken orally.

Sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice and Kalanchoe will help with the healing of scars after the acute phase of the disease ends.

Of course, you must remember that all these remedies will be useless without medication and the use of ointments with antiviral drugs.

Diet for illness

Diet plays an important role in the fight against herpes. The purpose of dietary changes is to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. Avoid using:

  • chocolate,
  • spices,
  • nuts,
  • fatty and spicy foods,
  • alcohol,
  • tomatoes,
  • strong tea and coffee,
  • sweets.

You also need to quit smoking cigarettes.

But what products are welcomed in case of illness:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • seafood,
  • dairy,
  • lean meats
  • onion and garlic,
  • greens,
  • herbal tea.

Prevention of the disease

As noted above, if the herpes virus has entered the body once, then nothing can be "smoked" from there. Another thing is that the majority of carriers of the virus are unaware of its existence in their bodies, since their disease does not take on acute forms. Only in the case when a person's immunity is impaired does the disease manifest itself. Most often, this occurs in the spring, during the period of maximum seasonal weakening of immunity.

Thus, the main cause of the disease is the general unsatisfactory state of the body and immunity. Therefore, in order to avoid the acute phases of the disease, it is necessary to keep your body in good shape. This implies:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (acute respiratory infections, ARVI and influenza);
  • good nutrition;
  • healthy and long enough sleep;
  • minimizing hypothermia, overwork and stress;
  • engaging in physical exercise or sports.

People suffering from the active phase of the disease need to ensure that the virus is not transmitted to others.

Herpes always appears at the wrong time. Blisters usually appear around the mouth, nose, and chin. Their appearance is accompanied by itching, swelling and pain. Herpes blisters grow in size over time. When they burst, a dry crust appears.

Since herpes always appears in the visible part of the face, it is a lot of trouble from an aesthetic point of view. Many are interested in the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes. In this article, you will find several home remedies that can help you get rid of cold sores on your lips, nose, or chin quickly and effectively.

Herpes blisters are caused by herpes simplex. Initial symptoms of appearance:

Sore throat;

But such symptoms can be with many diseases, including the common cold. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict the appearance of herpes.

The appearance of herpes blisters is accompanied by burning and tingling at the site of occurrence, pain and swelling. Blisters always appear where the herpes virus is activated.

There are many medicines available to treat herpes that you can buy over the counter without a prescription. But there are many home remedies available to help you get rid of blisters and cold sores quickly.

Home remedies for herpes

Vanilla extract

The presence of alcohol in pure vanilla extract is a good antiviral agent that will help kill the virus quickly.

To do this, take natural vanilla extract and moisten a cotton swab. Apply to herpes. Do this procedure at least 4 times a day.


It is best to use ice immediately within a few hours, as soon as you feel the first signs of burning, tingling on the lip, before any more blisters appear. A cold compress with ice can reduce pain, redness, and swelling. Plus, ice will help prevent the spread of herpes.

Take some ice cubes and wrap them in a napkin. Apply to the site of possible herpes for 10-15 minutes. Apply ice every 3-4 hours. After each application, apply a thick layer of lemon balm ointment.

Corn starch

Cornstarch can neutralize the acidity of the blisters, which can help kill the virus that causes them. To do this, take cornstarch and add some water to it to make a paste. Apply this paste to cold sores on lips, nose, or chin.

Repeat this procedure until the painful sensations disappear.

Baking soda

Baking soda creates an alkaline environment in which the herpes virus cannot live and grow. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of baking soda with a tablespoon of water. Dampen cotton wool and apply to herpes. Leave it on for a few hours. Repeat the application of the baking soda solution several times to get rid of the cold sore completely.


Regular table salt can relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and redness. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of hot water. Dampen cotton wool and apply to the area affected by herpes.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has antibacterial and antiviral properties and can help get rid of cold sores quickly. In addition, it speeds up healing and reduces the soreness associated with herpes. In addition, aloe vera has moisturizing properties, which will make the skin around the inflammation soft.

Take a leaf from a plant and cut it open. Use your fingers to apply the juice (which is aloe vera gel) to the affected area. Leave it on until it dries completely by itself. Then rinse with hot water, use cotton wool and pat dry. Repeat this procedure three to four times a day.

Witch hazel oil

Witch hazel oil has powerful antioxidant properties that effectively fight the inflammation of cold sores, suppress pain, and reduce inflammation.

Although witch hazel oil is difficult to buy, it can still be ordered online.

Soak cotton wool in oil and apply to herpes.


This is one of the simplest ingredients found in every home. Garlic has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is able to speed up the healing process of herpes.

To use garlic to treat herpes, simply crush one or two cloves of garlic through a garlic press and apply this gruel to the affected area. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure two or three times a day for two days.

Keep in mind that garlic can irritate and redden your skin slightly.


Whole natural milk is another great home remedy for herpes. Milk contains calcium and immunoglobulin, which can help treat cold sores. In addition, milk contains a type of fat called monocapcin, which has antiviral properties.

Milk can also speed up the healing process of herpes.

Soak cotton wool in cold whole milk and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes. With natural milk, you can soothe pain and burning, tingling sensations at the site of blistering.

Repeat this procedure several times a day and you will soon feel relief.

For a more effective treatment, drink one glass of warm whole milk with a teaspoon of turmeric added.


Many people are unaware of the medicinal properties of yogurt in the fight against herpes. The fact is that yogurt contains a substance called lysine. Lysine helps fight the herpes virus. It plays a key role in preventing bacterial growth and activating the herpes virus.

Make a mask like this. Mix one egg, a tablespoon of honey, and a tablespoon of yogurt. Apply it with a cotton swab or disk around the affected area, including the affected area itself. Leave it on for half an hour and wash off with warm water.

There is another option for treating herpes with yogurt. Take half a cup of natural yogurt. Add a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of rose water. Mix well and apply to cold sores and surrounding skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash off.

Also, remember to drink a glass of yogurt two to three times a day to speed up healing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has natural disinfecting properties and can kill the herpes virus. In addition, peroxide dries the skin slightly. And the herpes virus multiplies well in a warm and humid environment.

Soak cotton wool in three percent hydrogen peroxide and apply to the affected area. Wait three, four minutes. Repeat this process several times a day for three days to get good lasting results.

You can prepare a paste with aspirin to treat herpes. To do this, grind two aspirin tablets into powder and add a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Then apply this paste to the affected area and let it sit for 2 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat this procedure for 1-2 days.

Melissa tea

Melissa has astringent and antibacterial properties. It also cleanses the skin, eliminates swelling.

To brew lemon balm tea, take 10-15 leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let it brew for at least five minutes.

Then take cotton wool and moisten it in the tea leaves. Blot the blistering area. Repeat the procedure several times.

Tea bags

Tea contains tannins that dry out the skin. In addition, tea contains antioxidants and vitamins, and has antiviral properties.

Brew the tea bag in a glass of boiling water for about one minute. Then squeeze lightly and apply to the cold sore. You can use any tea, black or green.

Liquorice root

Thanks to a substance called glycyrrhizin, licorice root has good anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which can help reduce swelling and redness and speed up the healing process.

To treat herpes, you can make a paste by mixing a tablespoon of chopped licorice root with a little water. Then apply this paste to the affected area. Repeat this procedure 4 times a day.

Alternatively, you can drink licorice root tea or take supplements containing licorice. Only people with high blood pressure should avoid the use of licorice root.


Oddly enough, but the usual toothpaste with which we brush our teeth every day is a very effective remedy for herpes. It dries blisters quickly and relieves pain.

Use only white toothpaste to treat herpes. Just apply a small amount of the paste to the cold sore and let it sit for one to two hours.

After rinsing the paste, apply petroleum jelly to the area to soften the skin and prevent cracks.

Most of the home remedies for herpes that you learned about in this article can be found in every home. Therefore, you can always start its treatment as soon as the first signs appear.

During herpes treatment, it is important to avoid touching the affected area with your hands. Personal hygiene measures must be followed to prevent the spread of the virus. Remember, herpes is a contagious disease. Therefore, during the onset of herpes, give yourself a separate cup, spoon and other personal hygiene items.

Avoid using lipstick, gloss, and other cosmetics during this time so as not to spread the virus further to other parts of the body.

To effectively fight herpes, you need to be persistent and regular in treatment. Then the results will not be long in coming.

