Julia Enders

Charming gut. How the most powerful organ governs us

© Perevoshchikova A. A., translation into Russian, 2015

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2016

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The theses and advice given on the pages of this book have been considered and weighed by the author and the publisher, but they are not an alternative to the competent opinion of medical staff. The publishing house, its employees, as well as the author of the book do not give guarantees regarding the given data and are not liable in case of any (including material) damage.

Review of a specialist

The book gives a general but detailed idea of ​​the human digestive tract, its structure, functioning, as a whole of its various departments, and their relationships with each other. Non-standard comparisons are given: “brisk esophagus”, “skewed intestine”, etc. Explanations of digestive system dysfunctions, such as vomiting or the very “popular” constipation, are given, accompanied by recommendations on how to cope with them. Important diseases (allergies, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, lactose deficiency and fructose intolerance) are described.

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S. I. Rappoport

Dedicated to all single mothers and fathers who give a lot of love and care to their children, like our mother to me, and my sister, and Khedi.


I was born by caesarean section and fed artificially. A classic case of the 21st century is a child with a defective intestine. If at that time I had known more about the structure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, I could have predicted with 100% certainty the list of those diagnoses that I would be given in the future. It all started with lactose intolerance. But it didn't surprise me at all when, at the age of just over five, I was suddenly able to drink milk again. At some point, I got fat. In some, she lost weight. For quite a long time I felt good, until the first wound formed ...

When I was 17, for no reason, a small wound formed on my right leg. It did not heal for a long time, and a month later I had to see a doctor. The specialists could not make an accurate diagnosis and prescribed some kind of ointment. Three weeks later, the whole leg was already affected by ulcers. Soon the process spread to the other leg, arms and back, ulcerations even affected the face. Fortunately, it was winter, and people around me thought that I had herpes, and there was an abrasion on my forehead.

Doctors shrugged and all as one diagnosed neurodermatitis, some of them suggested that the cause was stress and psychological trauma. Hormonal treatment with cortisone helped, but immediately after the drug was discontinued, the condition began to worsen again. For a whole year, summer and winter, I wore pantyhose under my trousers so that the liquid from the weeping wounds did not seep through the fabric of the trousers. Then at some point I pulled myself together and turned on my own brains. Quite by chance, I found information about a very similar skin pathology. It was about a man whose first manifestations of a similar disease were noted after taking antibiotics. And I remembered that a couple of weeks before the appearance of the first ulcer, I also drank a course of antibacterial drugs!

From that moment on, I stopped considering my condition as a skin disease, but rather saw it as a consequence of intestinal disorders. Therefore, I refused dairy products and those that contained gluten, took various bacteria that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora - in general, I adhered to proper nutrition. During this period, I put the craziest experiments on myself ...

If at that time I was already a medical student and had at least some knowledge, I simply would not have got involved in half of these food adventures. I once took zinc in shock dosages for several weeks, after which I reacted sharply to smells for several months.

But with some tricks, I finally managed to get the better of his illness. It was a victory, and through the example of my body, I felt that knowledge is really power. And then I decided to enter the medical faculty. In the first semester, at one of the parties, I sat next to a young man who had a very sharp bad smell from mouth. It was a peculiar smell, unlike neither the smell of acetone typical of an age uncle in a state of constant stress, nor the sweetish-putrefactive aroma of an aunt who abuses sweets, but some other. The day after the party, I found out he was dead. The young man committed suicide. I then very often thought of this young man. Can serious changes in the intestines cause such bad smell and even affect the mental state of a person?

In the process of studying some issues, I noted that this is a new, rapidly developing direction in the scientific community. If even ten years ago it was possible to meet only single publications on this topic, today several hundred scientific studies have already been carried out on the influence of the intestines on human well-being, including mental health. This is truly one of the most popular scientific areas of our time! Famous American biochemist Rob Knight in the magazine Nature writes that this direction is as promising as the sensational research of stem cells in its time.

From that moment on, I went headlong into a topic that simply fascinated me.

While studying at the Faculty of Medicine, I noted how poorly future doctors are taught this particular section of human physiology and pathology. And with all this the intestine is a unique organ.

The gut makes up 2/3 of the immune system.

Absorption takes place in the intestine nutrients from bread or soy sausage, which are energy resources for the body to work; the intestines even synthesize about 20 of their own hormones! Many future doctors in the process of studying at medical faculties do not learn about this at all or receive only superficial knowledge on this subject. In May 2013, I was at the Gut Microflora and Health congress, which was held in Lisbon, and noted for myself that about half of the listeners were representatives of such large institutions as Harvard, Oxford, Yale University, Heidelberg University - they could afford to become pioneers in the developments in this area.

It amazes me that scientists behind closed doors discuss important developments without informing the public about it. Of course, sometimes foresight is better than hasty conclusions.

Among scientists it has long been known that people suffering from certain problems with digestion often have a violation of their own nervous system intestines. Their intestines are able to send signals to a specific area of ​​the brain, which is responsible for the formation negative emotions. A person feels depressed and cannot determine the cause of such a state. Often such patients are sent for a consultation with a psychoanalyst, but this approach, as you understand, is unproductive. This is just one example of why the new knowledge and experience gained by scientists in this field should be introduced into medical practice as quickly and widely as possible.

Dedicated to all single mothers and fathers who give a lot of love and care to their children, like our mother to me, and my sister, and Khedi.

I was born by caesarean section and fed artificially. A classic case of the 21st century is a child with a defective intestine. If at that time I had known more about the structure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, I could have predicted with 100% certainty the list of those diagnoses that I would be given in the future. It all started with lactose intolerance. But it didn't surprise me at all when, at the age of just over five, I was suddenly able to drink milk again. At some point, I got fat. In some, she lost weight. For quite a long time I felt good, until the first wound formed ...

When I was 17, for no reason, a small wound formed on my right leg. It did not heal for a long time, and a month later I had to see a doctor. The specialists could not make an accurate diagnosis and prescribed some kind of ointment. Three weeks later, the whole leg was already affected by ulcers. Soon the process spread to the other leg, arms and back, ulcerations even affected the face. Fortunately, it was winter, and people around me thought that I had herpes, and there was an abrasion on my forehead.

Doctors shrugged their shoulders and all as one diagnosed neurodermatitis Chronic skin disease of a neurogenic-allergic nature. - Approx. ed., some of them suggested that the cause was in a stressful state and psychological trauma. Hormonal treatment with cortisone helped, but immediately after the drug was discontinued, the condition began to worsen again. For a whole year, summer and winter, I wore pantyhose under my trousers so that the liquid from the weeping wounds did not seep through the fabric of the trousers. Then at some point I pulled myself together and turned on my own brains. Quite by chance, I found information about a very similar skin pathology. It was about a man whose first manifestations of a similar disease were noted after taking antibiotics. And I remembered that a couple of weeks before the appearance of the first ulcer, I also drank a course of antibacterial drugs!

From that moment on, I stopped considering my condition as a skin disease, but rather saw it as a consequence of intestinal disorders. Therefore, I refused dairy products and those that contained gluten, took various bacteria that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora - in general, adhered to proper nutrition. During this period, I put the craziest experiments on myself ...

If at that time I was already a medical student and had at least some knowledge, I simply would not have got involved in half of these food adventures. I once took zinc in shock dosages for several weeks, after which I reacted sharply to smells for several months.

But with some tricks, I finally managed to get the better of his illness. It was a victory, and through the example of my body, I felt that knowledge is really power. And then I decided to enter the medical faculty. In the first semester, at one of the parties, I sat next to a young man who had a very strong bad breath. It was a peculiar smell, unlike neither the smell of acetone typical of an age uncle in a state of constant stress, nor the sweetish-putrefactive aroma of an aunt who abuses sweets, but some other. The day after the party, I found out he was dead. The young man committed suicide. I then very often thought of this young man. Can serious changes in the intestines cause such an unpleasant odor and even affect the mental state of a person?

In the process of studying some issues, I noted that this is a new, rapidly developing direction in the scientific community. If even ten years ago it was possible to meet only single publications on this topic, today several hundred scientific studies have already been carried out on the influence of the intestines on human well-being, including mental health. This is truly one of the most popular scientific areas of our time! Famous American biochemist Rob Knight in the journal Nature International Science Magazine, founded in 1896, http://www.nature.com. The information is provided in English. writes that this direction is as promising as the sensational research of stem cells in its time.

From that moment on, I went headlong into a topic that simply fascinated me.

While studying at the Faculty of Medicine, I noted how poorly future doctors are taught this particular section of human physiology and pathology. And with all this the intestine is a unique organ.

The gut makes up 2/3 of the immune system.

It is in the intestines that the absorption of nutrients from bread or soy sausage takes place, which are energy resources for the body to work; the intestines even synthesize about 20 of their own hormones! Many future doctors in the process of studying at medical faculties do not learn about this at all or receive only superficial knowledge on this subject. In May 2013, I was at the Gut Microflora and Health congress, which was held in Lisbon, and noted for myself that about half of the listeners were representatives of such large institutions as Harvard, Oxford, Yale University, Heidelberg University - they could afford to become pioneers in the developments in this area.

It amazes me that scientists behind closed doors discuss important developments without informing the public about it. Of course, sometimes foresight is better than hasty conclusions.

Among scientists, it has long been known that people suffering from certain digestive problems often have a violation of the activity of their own intestinal nervous system. Their intestines are able to send signals to a specific area of ​​the brain that is responsible for generating negative emotions. A person feels depressed and cannot determine the cause of such a state. Often such patients are sent for a consultation with a psychoanalyst, but this approach, as you understand, is unproductive. This is just one example of why the new knowledge and experience gained by scientists in this field should be introduced into medical practice as quickly and widely as possible.

Purpose of this book- Summarize existing scientific knowledge and data that are hidden behind the doors of specialized congresses, and bring them to a wide range of readers who, meanwhile, are looking for answers to questions that have long been resolved in the world of scientists. I assume that a large number of patients suffering from intestinal disorders have long been disillusioned with mainstream medicine. However, I am not selling a miracle cure. Nor am I suggesting that a healthy gut is the panacea for every disease.

My task- in a fascinating way to tell the reader about his amazing internal organ, new scientific data about the intestines and how, having this knowledge in your arsenal, you can improve the quality of your daily life.

My studies at the Faculty of Medicine and the defense of my doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Medical Microbiology helped me a lot in assessing and sorting the information available today. Thanks to personal experience I managed to tell the reader in an accessible and interesting way about the most complex mechanisms that occur in the intestines and affect the entire human body.

My sister supported me at all stages of writing this book, urged me not to stop in the face of emerging difficulties and to bring the work to the final.

Julia Enders

Charming gut. How the most powerful organ governs us

Darm mit Charme: Alles über ein unterschätztes Organ

© by Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Berlin. Published in 2017 by Ullstein Verlag

Originally published © 2014 by Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Berlin

Umschlaggestaltung: Jill Enders

Umschlagfoto: Jill Enders

© Perevoshchikova A.A., translation into Russian, 2015

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

The theses and advice given on the pages of this book have been considered and weighed by the author and the publisher, but they are not an alternative to the competent opinion of medical staff. The publishing house, its employees, as well as the author of the book do not give guarantees regarding the given data and are not responsible in case of any (including material) damage.

Review of a specialist

The book gives a general but detailed idea of ​​the human digestive tract, its structure, functioning, as a whole of its various departments, and their relationships with each other. Non-standard comparisons are given: “brisk esophagus”, “skewed intestine”, etc. Explanations of digestive system dysfunctions such as vomiting or the very “popular” constipation are given, accompanied by recommendations on how to cope with them. Important diseases (allergies, celiac disease (gluten intolerance), lactose deficiency and fructose intolerance) are described.

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation,

Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor S.I. Rappoport

Dedicated to all single mothers and fathers who give a lot of love and care to their children, like our mother to me, and my sister, and Khedi

A small preface for updating

When in 2013 I was working on texts on the relationship between the gut and the brain, for a whole month I could not write a single word. The field was fairly new at the time - there were practically only animal studies, and thus there was more speculation than actual fact in this area. I certainly wanted to talk about what experiments and reasoning existed - but at the same time I was afraid to arouse erroneous expectations too early or tell incomplete truth. But as I sat sniffling at the table in my sister’s kitchen one gray Thursday, worrying that I wouldn’t be able to make the text precise and clear enough, at some point, in an almost commanding tone, she said to me: “Now you just write about what you yourself understood about all this - and if more specific information appears in the coming years, they can probably be added too.”

No sooner said than done.


I was born by caesarean section and fed artificially. A classic case of the 21st century is a child with a defective intestine. If at that time I knew more about the structure and work of the gastrointestinal tract, I could with 100% probability predict the list of those diagnoses that will be made to me in the future. It all started with lactose intolerance. But it didn't surprise me at all when, at the age of just over five, I was suddenly able to drink milk again. At some point, I got fat. In some, she lost weight. For quite a long time I felt good, until the first wound formed ...

When I was 17, for no reason, a small wound formed on my right leg. It did not heal for a long time, and a month later I had to see a doctor. The specialists could not make an accurate diagnosis and prescribed some kind of ointment. Three weeks later, the whole leg was already affected by ulcers. Soon the process spread to the other leg, arms and back, ulcerations even affected the face. Fortunately, it was winter, and people around me thought that I had herpes, and there was an abrasion on my forehead.

Doctors shrugged and all as one diagnosed neurodermatitis, some of them suggested that the cause was stress and psychological trauma. Hormonal treatment with cortisone helped, but immediately after the drug was discontinued, the condition began to worsen again. For a whole year, summer and winter, I wore pantyhose under my trousers so that the liquid from the weeping wounds did not seep through the fabric of the trousers. Then at some point I pulled myself together and turned on my brains. Quite by chance, I found information about a very similar skin pathology. It was about a man whose first manifestations of a similar disease were noted after taking antibiotics. And I remembered that a couple of weeks before the appearance of the first ulcer, I also drank a course of antibacterial drugs!

From that moment on, I stopped considering ulcers as a manifestation of a skin disease, but rather perceived them as a consequence of intestinal disorders. Therefore, I refused dairy products and those that contained gluten, took various bacteria that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora - in general, adhered to proper nutrition. During this period, I put the craziest experiments on myself ...

If at that time I was already a medical student and had at least some knowledge, I simply would not have got involved in half of these food adventures. Once, I took zinc in shock doses for several weeks, after which I reacted sharply to smells for several months.

But with some tricks I finally managed to get the better of his illness. It was a victory, and through the example of my body, I felt that knowledge is really power. And then I decided to enter the medical faculty. In the first semester, at one of the parties, I sat next to a young man who had a very strong bad smell coming from his mouth. It was a peculiar smell, unlike neither the smell of acetone typical of an adult uncle in a state of constant stress, nor the sweetish-putrefactive aroma of an aunt who abuses sweets, or any other. The day after the party, I found out he was dead. The young man committed suicide. I then very often thought of this young man. Can serious changes in the intestines cause such an unpleasant odor and even affect the mental state of a person?

In the process of studying some issues, I noted that this is a new, rapidly developing direction in the scientific community. If even ten years ago it was possible to meet only single publications on this topic, today several hundred scientific studies have already been carried out on the influence of the intestines on human well-being, including mental health. This is truly one of the most popular scientific areas of our time! Famous American biochemist Rob Knight in the magazine Nature writes that this direction is as promising as the sensational research of stem cells in its time.

Dear eukaryote and opisthokont (posterior flagellar)!
Yes, I'm talking to you. If you are a person, and not an animal or a mushroom, you simply must read this book for personal development. Well, to make friends with your offal, because best friends a person is his intestines in the most direct (or rather, tortuous) sense of the word.

The book is written well, clearly and with humor, and I especially liked the warm attitude, but no, what is there, the author's love for the bacteria that inhabit us. You do know that man himself is a huge accumulation of bacteria, don't you?

All representatives of the intestinal microflora weigh up to 2 kg in total, and the number of microorganisms is about 100 billion.
According to various sources, from 10–20 billion to 17 trillion microbes are formed in the intestines during the day.
Intestinal bacteria have a total of 150 times more genes than humans.

Impressive. Life flows everywhere, even in concentrated acid little cute acidophiles swarm. Thermophiles love heat, and gallophiles love seas and oceans. Someone works for our good, and someone does not, but painstaking work never stops.
Thanks to the author's love for bacteria and their work, I want to be friends with them and more often please these invisible hard workers with probiotics and prebiotics. Many processes can now be explained for themselves with the help of bacteria and their diligence, and this is very cool.

Such prosaic and sometimes obscure processes as defecation, vomiting and grumbling in the stomach become much clearer and nicer. And even such an unloved thing by many people (but deified by many postmodernists) as feces is revealed from the other side, and in fact one gram of feces contains more bacteria than the population of the earth. I will not say anything about the microflora of the navel.

Now it's easy to deal with disturbing questions like "why do you want to eat so much at night?" (Answer: it’s not the brain that wants it, it’s the intestines that send hunger signals, namely, its insatiable bacteria). From here there is a direct path to interesting topic- correction of our behavior by the intestines and its army. Here, there is a craving for certain foods at certain moments of life (for good reason!), And the loss of the habit of sweets after a long abstinence (I, I confirm this, because I hardly eat sweets and as a result I almost never want it), and interesting facts about pinworms (did you know that the female pinworm knows when we go to bed?) and the controversial Helicobacter pylori (it seems to be a harmful dirty trick, but not for the immune system).
I really liked and fascinated even the section about toxoplasma, which is inextricably linked with cats. It is elementary to become infected with it and, most likely, you already have it, but just sleeps. And if you don’t sleep, it makes you, roughly speaking, reckless, pathologically fearless and tolerant of cat urine. Now a lot of things became clear to me in my life, yes, yes. A frantic and strange desire to jump from bridges on a rope and parachuting (not yet realized), amateurish mountain climbing in a snowstorm and fog, rafting, lisping over a fluffy four-legged urine emitter. Toxoplasma rules the ball in my head, alas, alas. Or cheers. I haven't decided yet.

This is how you read it

Every second, the kidneys filter our blood like a filter in a coffee machine - and, as a rule, the kidneys are able to do their job throughout our lives. And the lungs are so intricately designed that energy is required only when inhaling. Exhale, as we know from school course happens effortlessly. If we were transparent, we could observe a continuously working mechanism, like a car mechanism, only the picture would be enlarged and in 3D mode. While someone sits and torments himself with thoughts like “no one loves me”, “no one needs me”, his heart makes a 17-thousandth beat in the last 24 hours and has every right to be offended and feel offended.

And life becomes more fun. To be or seem to be a complex person, you do not need to read philosophers and use your strength to make clever things, you are already complex. AND inner world you have a rich, literally, honest noble word.

Julia Enders

Charming gut. How the most powerful organ governs us

© Perevoshchikova A. A., translation into Russian, 2015

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2016

The theses and advice given on the pages of this book have been considered and weighed by the author and the publisher, but they are not an alternative to the competent opinion of medical staff. The publishing house, its employees, as well as the author of the book do not give guarantees regarding the given data and are not liable in case of any (including material) damage.

Review of a specialist

The book gives a general but detailed idea of ​​the human digestive tract, its structure, functioning, as a whole of its various departments, and their relationships with each other. Non-standard comparisons are given: “brisk esophagus”, “skewed intestine”, etc. Explanations of digestive system dysfunctions, such as vomiting or the very “popular” constipation, are given, accompanied by recommendations on how to cope with them. Important diseases (allergies, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, lactose deficiency and fructose intolerance) are described.

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S. I. Rappoport

Dedicated to all single mothers and fathers who give a lot of love and care to their children, like our mother to me, and my sister, and Khedi.


I was born by caesarean section and fed artificially. A classic case of the 21st century is a child with a defective intestine. If at that time I had known more about the structure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, I could have predicted with 100% certainty the list of those diagnoses that I would be given in the future. It all started with lactose intolerance. But it didn't surprise me at all when, at the age of just over five, I was suddenly able to drink milk again. At some point, I got fat. In some, she lost weight. For quite a long time I felt good, until the first wound formed ...

When I was 17, for no reason, a small wound formed on my right leg. It did not heal for a long time, and a month later I had to see a doctor. The specialists could not make an accurate diagnosis and prescribed some kind of ointment. Three weeks later, the whole leg was already affected by ulcers. Soon the process spread to the other leg, arms and back, ulcerations even affected the face. Fortunately, it was winter, and people around me thought that I had herpes, and there was an abrasion on my forehead.

Doctors shrugged their shoulders and all as one diagnosed neurodermatitis, some of them suggested that the cause was stress and psychological trauma. Hormonal treatment with cortisone helped, but immediately after the drug was discontinued, the condition began to worsen again. For a whole year, summer and winter, I wore pantyhose under my trousers so that the liquid from the weeping wounds did not seep through the fabric of the trousers. Then at some point I pulled myself together and turned on my own brains. Quite by chance, I found information about a very similar skin pathology. It was about a man whose first manifestations of a similar disease were noted after taking antibiotics. And I remembered that a couple of weeks before the appearance of the first ulcer, I also drank a course of antibacterial drugs!

From that moment on, I stopped considering my condition as a skin disease, but rather saw it as a consequence of intestinal disorders. Therefore, I refused dairy products and those that contained gluten, took various bacteria that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora - in general, adhered to proper nutrition. During this period, I put the craziest experiments on myself ...

If at that time I was already a medical student and had at least some knowledge, I simply would not have got involved in half of these food adventures. I once took zinc in shock dosages for several weeks, after which I reacted sharply to smells for several months.
