Summer is in full swing and the stuffiness in the depths of the forest is simply exhausting, from time to time you have to throw back the cape of your camouflage suit and make frequent stops. But all the same, sweat covers his eyes, and fatigue makes itself felt. The sedentary way of life in the last half a year affects.

Dropping the load to the ground, I squatted down with relief, leaning my back against the tree, and closed my eyes. I tried to relax as much as possible and feel the atmosphere around. The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees, but thanks to the trees near the ground, the wind was almost not felt and remained stagnant as in a steam room. The usual sounds of a summer forest were sometimes interrupted, at the limit of audibility, by a distant cannonade, which could be taken as the rumble of a distant thunderstorm. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. This is the rumble of artillery and more and more often you can distinguish especially loud explosions, apparently we are moving towards each other with the combat zone.

To justify my longer rest, I decided to scan the radio band. A slightly modernized portable radio scanner, complete with a PDA, is very helpful in such a situation. The picture is the same, mainly stations operate in the medium-wave and short-wave bands. There is practically nothing above a hundred megahertz. Lots of Morse code and lots of shortwave transmitters in the last five hours. Judging by the frequencies of the army. For the sake of interest, I listened to a few - mostly German speech, judging by individual phrases, spotters direct aviation, I caught Russian-language programs several times. All military content with callsigns and coded phrases. Morse code was also coded, here the computer turned out to be very handy. A simple program allowed you to immediately display a sequence of characters on the screen. So far, nothing interesting.

I caught the Moscow radio on long waves, but it was interesting to listen to it, the famous voice of Levitan was broadcasting: “From the Soviet Information Bureau. On the afternoon of July 5, fierce battles of our troops unfolded against large enemy motorized parts in the OSTROVSK, BORISOVSK, BOBRUISKY AND NOVOGRAD-VOLYNSKY directions. In the morning On July 5, in the Ostrovsky direction, our troops went on the offensive and pushed the enemy south of Ostrov, destroying 140 of his tanks and a significant part of the motorized infantry.In the POLOTSK direction, the enemy tried to force the Western Dvina River. the enemy on the southern bank of the Western Dvina ... ". To paraphrase, the only thing I was interested in was the date and the accuracy of the summary. Everything matched so far. It was the evening report of July 5, 1941. It's been two weeks since the Great Patriotic War and I, as a fragment of the future, will have to, one way or another, take a certain side and intervene in the course of events. Of course, on the condition that they don’t kill me in the first contact with the locals.

Opa, on the screen, on the graph displaying the frequency range, an additional and powerful peak appeared, a transmitter started working somewhere nearby. Let's listen to who broadcasts there - well, of course, the Germans. Apparently mobile intelligence is spinning nearby and reports to management. Here, according to the old General Staff map of the forties, a dirt road passes just five kilometers away. We'll have to take serious measures to secrecy movement. True, the German is not yet frightened and it is unlikely that I will stumble upon some kind of yagdteam, they appeared only in forty-two, in contrast to partisan movement, but special precautions must be taken, it was still not enough to run into our retreating ones and get a stupid bullet. Well now they are beaten and afraid of every bush, they will fool out of stupidity and brilliant green will not help.

Having walked another three hundred meters, I found a conspicuous place not far from a forest stream. A place for a temporary base is suitable. In a dense bush, I carefully cut the turf with a folding shovel, and dig a hole, put the excess soil in a bag and take it to the stream so as not to unmask the bookmark with freshly dug earth, I put equipment, weapons and ammunition that are not yet needed there. From above I lay a small, but very powerful exploding surprise and a request radio beacon, by a special coded command, it will start broadcasting a signal at a high frequency, by which I will find it without problems, the rest is a bummer.

Now it will be easier. Having once again checked the weapon for fidelity, he jumped so that nothing rang, quietly trying not to make noise and avoiding clearings and open spaces moved to a dirt road.

Suddenly, there was an explosion very close by, rifles clapped and a machine gun started to fire. The sound was familiar. With such a characteristic rate of fire, only the Degtyarev machine gun can hit. Recently, or rather in the distant future, our group clashed with a gang of Tatar marauders on the streets of Simferopol, so one bearded dzhigit landed an entire disk for forty-seven rounds at us, until our sniper Katerina filled it up with a "vintorez". So the sound was very familiar.

I reflexively fall to the ground and immediately crawl away to the side. What'll make a habit. I didn't get here from graduation either. I also had to fight.

Again there were several explosions. Sounds like offensive fragmentation grenades. But the sound of combat has changed. The German MG-34 rumbled and the unhurried chirring of several MP-38s joined the general sound. At one time, when he was still serving in the Marine Corps, he accompanied the fighters to participate in the reconstruction of the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol and heard enough of how characteristic this technique sounds. Apparently the ancestors stumbled upon German intelligence and were the first to react, but the armored personnel carrier could not be destroyed and now the Germans are competently crushing them with fire. Curiosity is a dangerous thing, especially in war, but we should see if I can help ours in any way.

Moreover, my weapons are not weak, there is something to help. When I went on this expedition, I equipped myself very carefully, taking into account all my military experience and my considerable capabilities. During the war, he managed to drag a lot of things into his hole, so there was plenty to choose from. One camouflage cape "Kikimora" is worth something.

As a weapon for close and fleeting fire contact, I chose the new Russian submachine gun PP-2000. I got it by chance in 2011, when, as part of the Sevastopol combined marine battalion in Novorossiysk, I had to take part in the destruction of the Turkish landing force. Russian military special forces worked with us there, they were the first to react and, accordingly, fell under the distribution of Turkish carrier-based aircraft, which covered the landing. Of course, the Turks raked off notably, especially when the Moskva RK with anti-ship missiles sank most of the squadron from the maximum distance. That's where I got a couple of such machines in the special forces version with the ability to install a silencer, a collimator sight and with six spare magazines. Another big plus is that these machine guns were developed for the 9mm Parabellum cartridge, which was actively used in the German army, so there should be no problems with ammunition.

Sergeev Stanislav Sergeevich

Are we worthy of fathers and grandfathers

Summer is in full swing and the stuffiness in the depths of the forest is simply exhausting, from time to time you have to throw back the cape of your camouflage suit and make frequent stops. But all the same, sweat covers his eyes, and fatigue makes itself felt. A sedentary lifestyle in the last half of the year affects.

Dropping the load to the ground, I squatted down with relief, leaning my back against the tree, and closed my eyes. I tried to relax as much as possible and feel the atmosphere around. The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees, but thanks to the trees near the ground, the wind was not felt at all and remained stagnant as in a steam room. The usual sounds of a summer forest were sometimes interrupted, at the limit of audibility, by a distant cannonade, which could be taken as the rumble of a distant thunderstorm. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. This is the rumble of artillery and more and more often you can distinguish especially loud explosions, apparently we are moving towards each other with the combat zone.

To justify my longer rest, I decided to scan the radio band. A slightly modernized portable radio scanner, complete with a PDA, is very helpful in such a situation. The picture is the same, mainly stations operate in the medium-wave and short-wave bands. There is practically nothing above a hundred megahertz. Lots of Morse code and lots of shortwave transmitters in the last five hours. Judging by the frequencies of the army. For the sake of interest, I listened to a few - mostly German speech, judging by individual phrases, spotters direct aviation, I caught Russian-language programs several times. All military content with callsigns and coded phrases. Morse code was also coded, here the computer turned out to be very handy. A simple program allowed you to immediately display a sequence of characters on the screen. So far, nothing interesting.

I caught the Moscow radio on long waves, but it was interesting to listen to it, the famous voice of Levitan was broadcasting: “From the Soviet Information Bureau. On the afternoon of July 5, fierce battles of our troops unfolded against large enemy motorized parts in the OSTROVSK, BORISOVSK, BOBRUISKY AND NOVOGRAD-VOLYNSKY directions. In the morning On July 5, in the Ostrovsky direction, our troops went on the offensive and pushed the enemy south of Ostrov, destroying 140 of his tanks and a significant part of the motorized infantry.In the POLOTSK direction, the enemy tried to force the Western Dvina River. the enemy on the southern bank of the Western Dvina ... ". To paraphrase, the only thing I was interested in was the date and the accuracy of the summary. Everything matched so far. It was the evening report of July 5, 1941. For two weeks now, the Great Patriotic War has been going on, and as a fragment of the future, I will have to, one way or another, take a certain side and intervene in the course of events. Of course, on the condition that they don’t kill me in the first contact with the locals.

Opa, on the screen, on the graph displaying the frequency range, an additional and powerful peak appeared, a transmitter started working somewhere nearby. Let's listen to who broadcasts there - well, of course, the Germans. Apparently mobile intelligence is spinning nearby and reports to management. Here, according to the old General Staff map of the forties, a dirt road passes just five kilometers away. We'll have to take serious measures to secrecy movement. True, the German is not yet frightened and it is unlikely that I will stumble upon some kind of Jagdkommando, they appeared only in the forty-second, as opposed to the partisan movement, but special precautions must be taken, it was still not enough to run into our retreating and get a stupid bullet. Well now they are beaten and afraid of every bush, they will fool out of stupidity and brilliant green will not help.

Having walked another three hundred meters, I found a conspicuous place not far from a forest stream. A place for a temporary base is suitable. In a dense bush, I carefully cut the turf with a folding shovel, and dig a hole, put the excess soil in a bag and take it to the stream so as not to unmask the bookmark with freshly dug earth, I put equipment, weapons and ammunition that are not yet needed there. From above I lay a small, but very powerful exploding surprise and a request radio beacon, by a special coded command, it will start broadcasting a signal at a high frequency, by which I will find it without problems, the rest is a bummer.

Now it will be easier. Having once again checked the weapon for fidelity, he jumped so that nothing rang, quietly trying not to make noise and avoiding clearings and open spaces moved to a dirt road.

Suddenly, there was an explosion very close by, rifles clapped and a machine gun started to fire. The sound was familiar. With such a characteristic rate of fire, only a Degtyarev machine gun can hit. Recently, or rather in the distant future, our group clashed with a gang of Tatar marauders on the streets of Simferopol, so one bearded dzhigit landed an entire disc for forty-seven rounds at us, until our sniper Katerina filled it up with a "vintorez". So the sound was very familiar.

I reflexively fall to the ground and immediately crawl away to the side. What'll make a habit. I didn't get to graduate here either. I also had to fight.

Again there were several explosions. Sounds like offensive fragmentation grenades. But the sound of combat has changed. The German MG-34 rumbled and the unhurried chirring of several MP-38s joined the general sound. Apparently the ancestors stumbled upon German intelligence and were the first to react, but the armored personnel carrier could not be destroyed and now the Germans are competently crushing them with fire. Curiosity is a dangerous thing, especially in war, but we should see if I can help ours in any way.

Moreover, my weapons are not weak, there is something to help. When I went on this expedition, I equipped myself very carefully, taking into account all my military experience and my considerable capabilities. During the war, he managed to drag a lot of things into his hole, so there was plenty to choose from. One camouflage cape "Kikimora" is worth something.

As a weapon for close and fleeting fire contact, I chose the new Russian submachine gun PP-2000. I got it by chance in 2011, when, as part of the Sevastopol combined marine battalion in Novorossiysk, I had to take part in the destruction of the Turkish landing force. Russian military special forces worked with us there, they were the first to react and, accordingly, fell under the distribution of Turkish carrier-based aircraft, which covered the landing. Of course, the Turks raked off notably, especially when the Moskva RK with anti-ship missiles sank most of the squadron from the maximum distance. That's where I got a couple of such machines in the special forces version with the ability to install a silencer, a collimator sight and with six spare magazines. Another big plus is that these machine guns were developed for the 9mm Parabellum cartridge, which was actively used in the German army, so there should be no problems with ammunition.

Sergeev Stanislav Sergeevich

Are we worthy of fathers and grandfathers

Summer is in full swing and the stuffiness in the depths of the forest is simply exhausting, from time to time you have to throw back the cape of your camouflage suit and make frequent stops. But all the same, sweat covers his eyes, and fatigue makes itself felt. A sedentary lifestyle in the last half of the year affects.

Dropping the load to the ground, I squatted down with relief, leaning my back against the tree, and closed my eyes. I tried to relax as much as possible and feel the atmosphere around. The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees, but thanks to the trees near the ground, the wind was not felt at all and remained stagnant as in a steam room. The usual sounds of a summer forest were sometimes interrupted, at the limit of audibility, by a distant cannonade, which could be taken as the rumble of a distant thunderstorm. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. This is the rumble of artillery and more and more often you can distinguish especially loud explosions, apparently we are moving towards each other with the combat zone.

To justify my longer rest, I decided to scan the radio band. A slightly modernized portable radio scanner, complete with a PDA, is very helpful in such a situation. The picture is the same, mainly stations operate in the medium-wave and short-wave bands. There is practically nothing above a hundred megahertz. Lots of Morse code and lots of shortwave transmitters in the last five hours. Judging by the frequencies of the army. For the sake of interest, I listened to a few - mostly German speech, judging by individual phrases, spotters direct aviation, I caught Russian-language programs several times. All military content with callsigns and coded phrases. Morse code was also coded, here the computer turned out to be very handy. A simple program allowed you to immediately display a sequence of characters on the screen. So far, nothing interesting.

I caught the Moscow radio on long waves, but it was interesting to listen to it, the famous voice of Levitan was broadcasting: “From the Soviet Information Bureau. On the afternoon of July 5, fierce battles of our troops unfolded against large enemy motorized parts in the OSTROVSK, BORISOVSK, BOBRUISKY AND NOVOGRAD-VOLYNSKY directions. In the morning On July 5, in the Ostrovsky direction, our troops went on the offensive and pushed the enemy south of Ostrov, destroying 140 of his tanks and a significant part of the motorized infantry.In the POLOTSK direction, the enemy tried to force the Western Dvina River. the enemy on the southern bank of the Western Dvina ... ". To paraphrase, the only thing I was interested in was the date and the accuracy of the summary. Everything matched so far. It was the evening report of July 5, 1941. For two weeks now, the Great Patriotic War has been going on, and as a fragment of the future, I will have to, one way or another, take a certain side and intervene in the course of events. Of course, on the condition that they don’t kill me in the first contact with the locals.

Opa, on the screen, on the graph displaying the frequency range, an additional and powerful peak appeared, a transmitter started working somewhere nearby. Let's listen to who broadcasts there - well, of course, the Germans. Apparently mobile intelligence is spinning nearby and reports to management. Here, according to the old General Staff map of the forties, a dirt road passes just five kilometers away. We'll have to take serious measures to secrecy movement. True, the German is not yet frightened and it is unlikely that I will stumble upon some kind of Jagdkommando, they appeared only in the forty-second, as opposed to the partisan movement, but special precautions must be taken, it was still not enough to run into our retreating and get a stupid bullet. Well now they are beaten and afraid of every bush, they will fool out of stupidity and brilliant green will not help.

Having walked another three hundred meters, I found a conspicuous place not far from a forest stream. A place for a temporary base is suitable. In a dense bush, I carefully cut the turf with a folding shovel, and dig a hole, put the excess soil in a bag and take it to the stream so as not to unmask the bookmark with freshly dug earth, I put equipment, weapons and ammunition that are not yet needed there. From above I lay a small, but very powerful exploding surprise and a request radio beacon, by a special coded command, it will start broadcasting a signal at a high frequency, by which I will find it without problems, the rest is a bummer.

Now it will be easier. Having once again checked the weapon for fidelity, he jumped so that nothing rang, quietly trying not to make noise and avoiding clearings and open spaces moved to a dirt road.

Everything we feared happened. Civil War, atomic bombings, nuclear winter. Several families of Russian army officers survived in a small bunker. Thanks to the cargo with secret developments that fell into their hands, they managed to break through the tunnel into the past. But at the other end of the tunnel, too, there is a war going on. Cities are being bombed again and civilians are being massacred. There is a terrible 41st year ...

A unique time travel setting links the two worlds. In one of them, the world of the future, a global nuclear war has taken place, and the remnants of civilization are trying to survive in bunkers and shelters, desperately fighting for the remnants of food and fuel. And the world of 1941, where the Great Patriotic War is going on, and the troops Nazi Germany stand at the gates of Moscow. What will people do who have lost their world, hope and gained access to the world of the past? Someone will try to be omnipotent, using the achievements of modern technology, and someone will fight on an equal footing with their ancestors against the enemy that attacked their homeland.

The Great Patriotic War is raging in the open spaces Soviet Union. The heroes of the book, our contemporaries, survivors of a nuclear war, are drawn into the maelstrom of the tragic events of 1941. The opportunity to travel through time confronts them with the problem of choice - either to remain bystanders, or to intervene and, fighting shoulder to shoulder with their ancestors, change the course of the war.

The adventures of Major Orgulov and his associates continue. The ability to travel in time gives a chance for survival to doomed people who have gone through a civil war and a global nuclear conflict. In the past, where the Great Patriotic War is going on, they encounter the heroism of the Soviet people and involuntarily fall into the thick of things: a conspiracy in the highest echelons of power in the Soviet Union, the active actions of the German secret services, the tragedy of the Red Army in 1941, the defense of the legendary Sevastopol. In addition, the heroes learn that they are not the only survivors who can travel through time...

Miraculously surviving in the flames of a global nuclear war, Sergei gets the opportunity to go into the past. But even there he finds himself in a war zone - in the heat of World War II. However, he has invaluable military experience and technologies from that other life, and they should now help him not only win this confrontation, but also, if possible, change the future.

The world after World War III. Nuclear winter, people live in bunkers and shelters, fighting for the remains of clean food and fuel. Here, slavery is the rule, and the main law is the right of the strong. In such a world, the surviving officers and soldiers of the Russian army, remaining human, managed to find their way back to 1942. There is also a war going on there, and our contemporaries, who received a breath of fresh air from the past, had to take up arms again and fight shoulder to shoulder with their ancestors for the freedom of their homeland. But by developing the technology of time travel, people gain access to 1914 and again see the war, the death of Russian people. What should they do and whose side to take? After all, they can no longer stay away.

Everything we feared happened. Civil war, atomic bombings, nuclear winter. Several families of Russian army officers survived in a small bunker. Thanks to the cargo with secret developments that fell into their hands, they managed to break through the tunnel into the past. But at the other end of the tunnel, too, there is a war going on. There is a terrible 41st year.

world of the near future. The Third World War died down, and the planet plunged into the nightmare of nuclear winter. The remnants of people are quietly dying from radiation, disease and starvation in all sorts of bunkers and shelters, fiercely feuding among themselves for the remnants of food and fuel. In Crimea, an officer of the Russian Marine Corps managed to take advantage of the developments of a secret institute, break through a tunnel into the past and intervene in the course of history. Counteroffensive near Moscow 1941–1942 in this reality, with the support of aliens from the future, led to the complete defeat of the Army Group Center, and after the death of Hitler, Germany began negotiations on the withdrawal of troops from the occupied territories of the USSR, but main character does not stop there and breaks a tunnel into the world of 1914, where the war is also going on and Russian people are dying in thousands ...

Stanislav Sergeev

Are we worthy of fathers and grandfathers

The October sun gently warmed the skin of the face. Oberleutnant Kurt Möllner enjoyed the last warmth of autumn, relaxing on a wooden bench, unbuttoning his uniform and exposing his face and chest to the warm sun. The state of pacification was periodically disturbed by cries from wooden house, where the fighters of his unit were engaged in their usual business, destroying Jews and communists, in this godforsaken village, near Kiev.

Sergeant major Josip Kendzer appeared on the threshold of the house, fastening his trousers as he went.

More than a garna is a Jewess, sir officer.

Melner winced. As a native German, he treated with contempt his subordinates, Ukrainian nationalists, soldiers of the Bukovina Kuren, the auxiliary police unit, to which he was transferred a month ago after an unsuccessful activity in Belarus.

He was still lucky, his friend, and fellow student Otto Schleer went missing, most likely became a victim of the NKVD extermination squads, like Melner himself.

Coming from an intelligent family, Kurt from childhood was fluent in several languages, including Russian, and of course, having gone into military service, he ended up in intelligence. Military fate brought him to an old friend of his father, Theodor von Hippel, who was creating a sabotage unit as part of the Abwehr. Having gone to serve as an ordinary soldier, Kurt, thanks to his qualities, was singled out and began to quickly move up the career ladder. Starting to serve in a separate company, he witnessed how it was transformed into a battalion, and then, before the start of the Russian campaign, into the Brandenburg-800 regiment.

Career was very successful, Holland, Belgium, France. Melner managed to visit everywhere with his group. But after the start of the Russian company, things did not go in the best way. Organs state security Russians managed to organize effective system counteraction to the reconnaissance and sabotage forces of the Abwehr. This was especially evident during the defense of Mogilev, where the Melner group, abandoned behind enemy lines, under the guise of NKVD fighters, was almost immediately discovered and destroyed, and the chief lieutenant himself was captured. Only the rapid offensive of the Wehrmacht allowed Kurt to avoid death, but his track record after that was spoiled. And an official investigation was launched against him.

For a while, he was suspended from work and seconded to the disposal of a special department of the Abwehr, dealing with nationalist movements in Ukraine. At the request of an old friend of his father, he was temporarily placed in command of the auxiliary police detachment until the trial of his case was completed.

But here he was disappointed. A well-trained and equipped unit became an uncontrollable flock when they entered any village and heard Russian speech. The extermination of Poles, Jews, communists and their families, they considered the right of the victors to be their right and would certainly express indignation when they were prevented from using this right. If it weren't for an unspoken instruction not to interfere with such purges, Kurt had long since stopped such entertainment, but after talking with his current leadership, he somewhat agreed with this policy of purges of the newly acquired lands of Greater Germany.

Stopping for a stay in a small village, they found someone to take out their bestial malice. Several Jewish families have already been destroyed. Young Jewish women, who were quite suitable for the needs of young and healthy men, were left alive until the morning. By evening, the secrets exposed around the village reported on the approach to the village of a small group of Russian encirclement, who were very professionally captured and disarmed. They were locked in the barn, posting guards.

Right now, Kurt was sitting and pretending that he was calm about everything that was happening, although in his heart he shuddered with disgust. Soldiers should not behave like this, their calling is to win battles, and not to destroy civilians. Even when he and his group slaughtered the Red Army in Belarus, he did not experience such feelings. This is war, and it is his duty to destroy the enemy.

Josip Kendzer looked at the new commander and smiled inwardly. Convicted before the war by a Polish court to death penalty for the rape and murder of a Polish teacher, survived only thanks to the outbreak of the war. Several aerial bombs that fell into the prison allowed him to escape in the confusion and panic that arose. Subsequently, after the capture of Poland by the Germans, he joined the organization of Ukrainian nationalists, where his conviction was regarded as part of the struggle against the Poles.

Now he stood aside and listened to his friends finish their fun with a young Jewess. She no longer screamed, did not have enough strength, but only sobbed. But nothing, they still have her little sister. The clean-spitting chief lieutenant never took part in their entertainment, showing his contempt with all his appearance. Nothing, the time will come, and we will deal with it.

But then attention was diverted by the noise of the engines. Strange cars drove up to the village. Ahead was a car painted in spotted camouflage, with a machine gun on the frame, in which sat an officer and several soldiers in the form of SS troops. Behind him were two combat squat multi-wheeled vehicles, painted in the same camouflage. For the fact that these are combat vehicles, the layout of the hull and a small turret with a heavy machine gun, or a small-caliber gun, spoke. Soldiers of the SS troops, dressed in field camouflage, freely settled down on the armor.

As a military intelligence officer, Kurt immediately identified military affiliation. They were soldiers of the SS Reich motorized division, but it is strange what they are doing here. After the losses suffered and the death of its commander, SS Oberstgruppenführer Paul Hausser, during a clash with Russian saboteurs, the division was withdrawn for reorganization and subsequently took an active part in the battle for Smolensk. In the service, Merlner never crossed paths with the personnel of this division, the long-standing enmity of intelligence and the SS affected. But this is the first time he has seen such a technique. Probably something new, especially since the SS have always been favorites and were supplied with new products in the first place.

Quickly putting himself in order, buttoning his tunic and straightening his belt with a holster, he shouted to Kendzer to rein in his soldiers, then the SS appeared. How not to run into ridicule again, and sometimes it came to fistfights. And he did not vouch for his violent army.

Not far from the house, where two Opel Blitz were parked, on which Melner's unit was moving, a car with a machine gun stopped. Armored personnel carriers competently blocked the street, one drove a little further, the second stopped behind, thus covering the street and all nearby approaches with their machine guns.
